Captured by Moro Rebels

By JJ Cruz

Published on Feb 24, 2006


This story is the author's property, and may not be reproduced in any form, digital or otherwise, without his permission. If you wish to use this story, kindly email first me, then we'll talk.

All actors are 18 or older. And succeeding chapters will feature sexual activities, non-consensual and otherwise, between the characters featured below.

All characters in this series are real only in author's imagination. Some social and cultural milieus herein are based on my knowledge of my country, the Philippines. They have been embellished along the way in order to make a point. And no, this is not a memoir. I don't want to get Freyed. Enjoy!

Captured by Moro Rebels -- Part 2

I gazed up at the brilliant waves of tangerine streaks that bathed the afternoon sky. Few scattered wisps of cirrus clouds rode its path. The wind was already beginning to pick up speed blowing through the golden-colored cogon grass around me making it ripple outwards. I then realized that in the next hour or so, darkness will fall over the whole jungle of Cotabato blanketing it in obscurity.

How I wished I was back at home reclining in my bed eating a bowl of spicy ramen and a cold glass of Sprite while watching the news.

Then, I heard the 18-year old Abdullah yelling from the trail, "You! Kid! You better stay there. We're gonna pray for a sec, so don't get any ideas like escaping again, you hear? If we see that you moved so much as a foot, it's more than a slap you'll gonna get! YOU HEAR?!?" He waved his rifle at me threateningly and began to rummage his rucksack for his mat.

If I were to compare Abdullah and their leader, Ali, I have to say that Abdullah was much more predictable than Ali. Ali on the outside looked non-violent but when I got his goat a while ago, he was simply turned into a fire breathing monster. I hope I'm wrong though.

The nine of them proceeded to bring out their mats and lay prostrate in prayerful solemnity chanting verses to Allah as if they didn't just kill the whole town back there. I saw that Ali, being their leader, was also their group's muezzin. Mmmm... He really does have a firm round ass. Ahh.. What the hell was I thinking?!?

It was probably a good ten minutes before they finished the whole routine. Once I saw them walking towards the depression, I felt my chest tighten. It was like a very bad deja vu that I felt something really hurtful will happen a few moments from now. I held my head down and simply looked at my mud caked leather shoes, not wanting to attract more harassment from these men.

One of them approached me first. I looked up and saw this one was fairer than the rest of the lot. He was my height, probably several years younger, with short black hair, clean shaven, and boyish looking if not for the twin parallel scars etched on his right cheeks. He has the eyes of an actor -the lashes on his were thick and inviting. In a rough kind of way, he's really cute.

He was wearing the same tight olive-green shirt that Ali was wearing. Maybe he's another returnee who went back into rebelling against the government? He has nice strong shoulders, hardened pecs and a very nice definition- not an ounce of fat. Though, I have to say that Ali has more muscle bulk than this one.

He smiled at me, not malignantly, just enigmatic. It's this smile that makes me want to be his friend.

He slowly grabbed my chin and brought his face closer. I gulped. I noticed that his body was only a few centimeters apart from touching mine. Ohhh man.. I don't want his thighs brushing against my groin.

He leaned closer and spoke breathily near my ear. "Ali indeed made a good choice in picking you. I can see that we'll have lots of time together, you and I! Heheheheh!"

I was too nervous to react. I'm not sure whether this guy was just pulling my leg or will suddenly bitch-slap me like a psycho. I gave him a weak smile.

He leaned back while examining my bruised cheeks. "I guess you won't be going home for a long while, doctor. Not while we're alive, you know. You must realize that we can't have you going back into town and tell them how we look like. You see, we don't take prisoners at all, you being the exception," he winked, and continued "...we simply finish them all off, women and children included. The lucky ones that did evade our bullets ended up being dead. Their bodies washed up by the tide or rotted in the rice paddies, after we went back for them, that is. We have connections and sympathizers in each town, and..."

"That's ENOUGH Rustum!!," Ali barked loudly.

Rustum took his hands off me and stood stiffly in front of the fast approaching Ali.

"I think the worm does not need to know how we operate in these parts! Heheheheh! What's important is for him to know that his mouth and ass are the only things that keep him alive!" Ali sneered in my direction.

Just a mouth and an ass, huh? I was hurt. My lips quivered a bit and said softly, "What about ransom?"

The eyes of both men widened and huge peals of laughter followed as if I've said the funniest joke.

Ali in a cracked voice said, "RANSOM?!?!? Are you insane, worm? For an educated doctor like you, I can't believe you're that naive! Only the Abu Sayyaf does that kind of shit! We're a guerilla unit, not a bandit group! We kill for the independence of our Moro homeland! You stupid lowlander cannot comprehend such an idea! Why? Because you're a mere government lackey, that's why!" He marched towards me and gave me a rather strong slap.

"Oooooooooowoowoow!! Sorry... so sorry...I didn't mean...", I cried. The pain from his slap was doubly painful after he gave my face the ol' one-two earlier. I fought back the tears that welled in my eyes.

"That's for insulting us you stupid worm! Never imply that we do this for money!! Bring that up again and you'll be sorry..." He cut off his loud diatribe and paused when he saw my shoulders shaking. He glanced at Rustum and rolled his eyes.

Ali looked at me and softened his tone. "And besides worm, we have all we need right here!" He walked forward and with his left hand, he grabbed my right ass and mashed it aggressively. His hand rubbed and stroked and pinched and patted the mound of my ass. I could tell this rebel has calloused palms with the way he dug into my butt. He even had the nerve to slide his fingers into my cleft moving it back and forth while applying pressure near my hole.

I shuddered at this unwanted but desired intrusion. I was too scared to move even when I wanted to jump and run. I let him grab my ass. My shoulders were still shaking out of fear, humiliation, anger and frustration. I kept thinking, "Why can't he just talk to me normally? Why does he have the need to hurt me each time?" During that time, I felt like kicking his gut so hard, then dry fuck him on the spot. My fingers were clenching into a fist.

"Hahahahah! Nice and soft! Mmmmm. Rustum, you simply must have a piece of this ass! This has to be better than any slut I've bedded with. I haven't fucked a hole since last month!"

I glanced at Rustum who was still smiling at Ali and I saw his eyes darted towards mine. I could sense that behind those lashes he pitied me. At least one of these men actually pitied me! But I can't have my hopes on him yet, but I cross my fingers that I'm right.

As Ali continued his molestation, I began to feel dirty- dirty like a slut, like a commodity whose only purpose in life was to be consumed, bartered and thrown away. I wanted to punch his smug face.

"Boss, let's go and start the fire. Abdullah and Achmed are already setting up the camp," Rustom said. It seemed Ali was so mesmerized by what he's doing that it took him a few more seconds just to react. "Boss, you ok?"

"Huh? Sure! Let's go." Ali said quickly. I guess he realized he was being such a pervert that he elbowed my right flank before strutting towards Rustum. "We're going to camp worm! You better follow us, or"

"else.." I finished his sentence in a soft voice, barely audible, my hands massaging my tender right flank. How I hate his guts. He wanted to take me, but why was he being so mean to me? I thought that if one wants to have sex with another, the least you can do is not to make the other feel lower than shit. Hmmm. Then an idea struck me: Perhaps Ali gets off hurting people! All the verbal abuse and physical slaps can be his way of getting aroused. He must have been...

"Hmmph! You're getting cocky worm! We may have to straighten that out...later!" Ali cocked his head and with sudden jerk, he spat a huge wad of saliva in my direction. Some even landed on my shoes. "Rustum, let's go! Worm, you have 30 seconds to arrive at camp!"

Rustum began walking towards the depression. My eyes must have been imagining things for I saw a slight grin escaping from Rustum's lips.

I let out a huge sigh. I wish I was back at home with my predictable life- not like today where I couldn't even gauge if what I am doing will kill me. I moved towards the camp and saw the sky was already deep orange with purple hues invading its territory.

When I arrived near the depression, all the other rebels were setting up the camp. Abdullah and Achmed were feeding the blazing fire with dry branches and grass, Abu was washing the rice for cooking, and a couple of them, were pitching a makeshift tent. The others were preparing their food as well: dried fish, leftover rice from yesterday's camp, and plastic bottles of water. I guess they were confident that no army battalion shall find them here.

As I stepped into the area where the grass stalks were flattened, all heads, Ali's included, turned in my direction. I felt I intruded into something. Yesterday's camp wasn't like this. Well, back then, I was tied up and tossed into a corner while they feasted and got drunk. Now, it seemed they wanted to stab me right there. I don't know what Ali discussed with them back at the trail, but I had a bad bad feeling that it wasn't to my liking.

"Worm!" Ali spoke like I was his best friend- dripping with sugary sarcasm. "Come over here! I believe you haven't met our youngest member! He's dying to meet you ever since you stepped off from the trail! Come! Come!"

I was apprehensive at his sudden change of attitude. He was like a fox! But I was more scared with what he'll do to me if I didn't obey so I walked slowly to his side.

Ali smiled when he addressed the boy on his right, "Yusuf! Here's Dr. Worm! Didn't you tell me a while ago that you have something to show the good doctor?" The kid smiled back, showing his white teeth and dimpled cheeks. Here's a boy, probably 16 or 17, with a short mop of hair that needed a good trim and a very dark skin over-baked by the sun. He was thin but hardly malnourished.

Still smiling, Yusuf approached me, his hands brandishing his rifle never letting it go. He was shorter than I was, maybe 5'5" or 5'6." His chinky black eyes sized me up from top to bottom, his brows knotted in vengeful anger. I was thinking, "What the hell's wrong with this kid? What's his problem?"

As soon as the thought left me, his smile widened and the little leech struck me in the stomach with the butt of his rifle. I was shocked with the spontaneity and the sharp pain that pierced my abdomen. I stumbled backwards clutching my sore stomach and ended up in a fetal position.

Ali and the rest of the ragtag crew erupted in wild cheers and laughter- so much like the bettors in a cockfight. Yusuf laid down his rifle and stepped forward. The boy lunged at me straddling my chest. I tried to struggle free but my arms were pinned by his butt. My wrists rested near his balls where I could feel them rubbing through his pants. Oh man! This kid got huge balls! He raised his scrawny arms and in a flash, he landed stroke after stroke of hard fists into my already beaten face and shoulders. Tears flowed from my eyes. The pain! Oh, the pain was beyond description. Each hit became more intense than the first. He didn't stop abusing me until blood oozed out my nose.

When he saw this, Yusuf bared his teeth and said "Oh Yeah worm! I really like your face this way! This is for my father!" He then began to give me head-splitting slaps on the right cheek, then on my left, then on my head. Cheers from the audience was egging this kid to go on.

"STTOOOOP!!! Please! STOP!", I cried. "Huhuhuhu... please... no more... I'll do anything... please... stop... anything..." Yusuf stopped slapping, surprised that I was able to shout at all.

Yusuf sneered and was about to take another aim when Ali grabbed his arm. Ali said in a calm but steely voice, "That's enough Yusuf! You have made you point. I'm sure you're dad is doubly happy with what you have done. Now go!" The cheers died down as fast as it erupted.

Yusuf lowered his eyes on me and spat his saliva on my face. Ali lifted the boy out and sat on my stomach. "Oh, yes you stupid worm, you'll do anything we say! And there's nothing you can do about it! So, don't give me another cocky bullshit if you don't want that Chinese face of yours beaten again! Understand?" I looked over his shirt and saw that his brown nipples were aroused poking through the fabric. My eyes strayed downwards and saw that in his pants, Ali was straining a hardon! He was aroused! His eyes met mine and said "What?! You want more? Hey you over there..."

I cut him before he could call another one. "Please Ali, I'm sorry. I won't disobey you from now on. I'll do a-anything... I'm s-s-sorry..." I gritted my teeth. My voice cracked as I was overwhelmed by the self-humiliation that I was doing in front of these men. Never have I begged before in my life, I think it's demeaning and takes away the human value one gives for himself. Without that, life becomes either empty or unbearable.

Tears began to fall in rapid succession and snot mixed with blood oozed out from my nose. "Huhuhuhu... I'm s-s-sorry... Please... no more... hurts so much... please... I can't... anymore..."

Ali grinned at me as if he just won in a cockfight. "I'll take that as an oath, worm! Prepare to fulfill that oath or else..." He bounced once more on my stomach knocking the wind out of me before standing up and brushing off the dust and leaves on his uniform. He barked to his men," Help him stand up!" then he left.

The others were riveted on their places not wanting to be the one to help me. It took another 30 seconds before I felt a gentle hand lifting my shoulders. It was Rustum! "Here doc, let me help you."

I avoided Rustum's eyes, still humiliated, but when I looked at the globes behind those thick lashes again, I saw pity and affection- the same ones a good friend would give you if you were hurt. I gingerly stood up and saw that my shirt was kind of dirtied with leaves and soil. Rustum patted off the leaves from my back and his hand traveled down to my ass patting it unnecessarily. I think he saw me blush. Then, he patted a bit more firmly there, more like massaging it.

"Ahhh... I'm fine Rustum. Thanks. I think I'm alright now."

He took his hands off and laid a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry. I'll talk to Ali about this. He's not that bad really. He's a great fighter and a good friend once you really get to know him. He has his sights on you, and so has everyone else's. We all think you're hot!"

"That's so unbelievable. You're just making that up to make me feel better."

"No, I'm not. It's the truth."

"But why does he want to hurt me so much... I did nothing... I..." I was lost for words. I felt my throat constricting as tears were beginning to form again.

"You know, he's not somebody who can express his feelings well. He likes you. He told me that yesterday during dinner. But when his ego starts rearing it ugly head, then you better watch out! He sometimes loses it and becomes someone who enjoys hurting people, especially when he's excited! That's the way it is. I can only suggest you find ways to get into his good side if I were you."

"Oh, I see. I'll try." Smiling a bit now.

"It's ok. I know today was quite difficult for you. Just be thankful he didn't try to aim you with his gun. I know Ali. He's quite strict when it comes to authority. He hates people who trick him or question his leadership. Obey him when he calls you, ok?"

"But w-why?"

"Long story, doc. What's important here is that he calls the shots, so, it's wise to do what he says."

"What about that kid, Yusuf? Why he..."

"Oh, that. Yusuf is one of our bravest fighters. He's very strong-willed and stubborn at times. You think he's puny? No. His strength comes from within- a fury that even Ali doesn't have. You see, his father was one of our troops and during the raid in Limpang Sumpik, Yusuf saw how the soldiers killed his dad. It was not a pretty sight I tell you."

"And what does that have to do with me?"

"Actually, nothing. But you see, Yusuf has developed a sense of mistrust against city-dwelling Christians like you. You represent the government and you ARE the only one alive to live the tale. In a nutshell, you are the only one alive he can get his hands onto!"

"I think that's stupid! I mean, I'm a health worker, not a soldier! I heal people, not shoot defenseless folks! Ummm...The soldiers in Yusuf's case, were they that brutal?"

"Hmmm...How shall I put it? You see, Yusuf was with his father when Gen. Descaril's troops attacked our camp. It's was probably midnight when it happened. Both were in their hut situated far from the gate. As soon as the first shots were fired, Yusuf's dad, Amir, scrambled to hide. He let Yusuf go first while he grabbed some of their most important possessions. Yusuf went on to hide among the bushes and waited for his father to come. But Amir was not so lucky. The soldiers were able to capture him before he left the hut. After several shots- Bam! Bam! Bam!- Yusuf knew his father was killed inside."

Rustum paused and stared at the orange glow of the campfire in the distance. "Many of those who stayed at Limpang Sumpik that night were massacred. Everyone was caught by surprise! They weren't able to put up a fair fight against the soldiers. Even some of the wives and daughters who visited of our comrades were slain too. No one was spared."

"My God! Why don't they just capture them alive and place behind bars, instead of massacring everyone in sight?!"

Rustum's eyes glinted and his voice hardened. "Hmmph! You doctors who live in the cities know nothing about the real situation in the countryside! You work on your clinics, go home and have dinner and go to work again! Like robots, never asking, always trusting! I know you're a bit naive when it comes to the reality of things here in Cotabato...umm, what's your name? We didn't catch it back then."

"Lucius, Lus for short!", I mumbled.

"You see Lus, those that you see in the TV or read in the papers are far from the real situation. The grim truth is always beyond the public's radar. Here, only the strongest can rule. And in Cotabato, that strongest element is the military! They can do almost anything here with impunity. They harass Muslim farmers for 'protection' fees, they steal our chickens and pigs, and they even rape our women threatening them with charges of rebellion. No complaints. No courts. No police. No media. No problem! Only us rebels to challenge their corrupt authority! So, if they go and kill all of us in Limpang Sumpik, no human rights dog will come over and protest. Why? The military controls all access. And they'll just say that we resisted arrest. And the whole Philippines will swallow their bullshit."

"Rustum, is that why you and Ali are fighting the military?"

"Yes and no. Each of us here has his own reason to fight. You know Yusuf's. But the bigger picture is this: we want to put up our own land free from the corrupt government and the military. It's going to be an Islamic state where the Sharia laws will become the strongest element."

"Ah... ok, now I'm getting scared."

"Don't be. You're just collateral damage. You don't have a stake in all of this." Rustum softened his tone as he warmly smiled at me. He patted me in my butt and said, "Let's go Lus, I'll take you to the campfire. It's just over there."

"Th-thanks Rustum. Th-thanks for being a friend."

"Heheheheh." He let out a soft laugh as he dug his hand deeper into my ass and stroked it and said, "Oh yeah, you'll have much to thank me for!"

Aaargh! Why him too?? Why can't they talk to me normally without making me feel like fresh meat? Shit. I can't antagonize Rustum now! He's my only friend so far!

My body was stiff as a post not wanting to let Rustum know that I was uncomfortable with is ministration. "Rustum, please... hope you won't get it the wrong way... ah... you see, I'm not used to..."

"WHAT??" He shouted at my ears, the bitterness in his voice escaping. He glared at me giving me that incredulous look. "NOW you're telling ME that YOU'RE not comfortable with me touching you here?? Especially you were silent when Ali grabbed you???" Now, both of his hands were fiercely exploring my twin globes like they were a woman's breast! He continued, "Sorry kid, you have to learn how to improvise the situation! Either you let us, or we'll waste you! I really thought you had already learned that by now, you know."

My voice again cracked, "N-no! S-sorry Rustum! S-ssorry!! I don't want to lose you as a friend. You're the only one who's been good to me. Please, I a-apologize. I'm learning... I'm learning! Please don't hate me! I'll... I'll..." I looked at him and saw only his lust-filled eyes.

"Good. Unpredictability is always a key to survival in life. Remember that Lus!"

He sidled his fit body to my back and wrapped his arms around my chest. Rustum roamed his hands on my white pecs, feeling my hardened nipples with his callous fingers, pinching them. His hands rubbed my shoulders and my neck, going up and down my throat. He pushed forward his pelvis towards mine until I can feel his hardened tool pressing in the cleft of my ass. I could feel that it was so engorged that it has to be very thick. His body was warm and I can feel his heart beating as he pressed his chest into me. His breathing became short heavy gasps with "hah...hah...hah...hah... I want your body Lus." My breath was already hot and wanting. I was pressing against his member prodding it to enter my cavern.

"Hah... uhhh... uhhh... uhhh... ahhh... ummm... ung...Rustum..." Shit. I was not like this. Why can't I control myself?? How can something so wrong feel so goooood?! Lord, please help me! Ohhh.. I'm losing it...

My dick tented in my pants and was ready to fire. Rustum moved his groin back and forth into my butt grinding his hard-on forward. His tongue was plowing a trail of saliva in my nape and into the angle of my neck. His right hand snaked down to my six-packs and began to fidget with my pants. At that point, I was ready to blow my wad.

"HEY YOU TWO!!!" The loud harsh voice came from behind us.

"Abdullah!!" Rustum quickly got off my back and turned towards the voyeur. It was already dusk, so I wasn't able to see the face immediately but Rustum recognized the voice.

"Ali sent me to fetch the both of you! My, my! So the worm was already playing, eh?" Abdullah clucked his tongue. "And this early already??" His voice was dripping with sarcasm, but I detect a hint of envy. "How does the worm taste, Rustum?"

"Ahh... you know. But it was not like that at all!"

"I bet!" Abdullah then barked at me. "YOU! Worm! Come here! You want another kick?!" When he said the word 'kick', I practically ran towards the guy. The moment I stopped in front of him, he slapped my face. It stung but not as quite as the one Yusuf gave me.

He took off his shirt and unbuckled his pants revealing a well-oiled man machine. I immediately drank in his masculine beauty. His skin, bronzed by the sun, looked like soft leather. All corners were claimed for by bulging well-placed muscles. His nipples erect just like those Tom of Finland pin-ups.

"You really are into this shit, aren't you?" Abdullah said it like a fox would. "Hmmm... You want your guys a bit meatier, eh?" He took my left hand and guided it over his dark bulging pecs. "Feel this, worm", he said. I let my palm glide over the taut muscular mounds and brushed the knob-like nipples that were pointing out in anticipation of my touch.

My mouth was watering as I stared at those dark mounds of pure man-flesh. My mind was telling me "ahhh...lick it don't have to be shy...What do you have to lose?...Nothing!...Your dignity? You don't have one, loser!...You're already in deep might as well enjoy the ride...ehehehe" My dignity was being hijacked by my need to cum. As much as I did try to close my eyes, I couldn't do it, I merely drank and drank the heady brown meat in front.

"Hah...hah...umm...mmmm...yeah worm, feel my chest. I know you want it! Go on, don't be shy!," Abdullah breathily croaked. His voice dwindled into soft guttural moans and heaves.

I took my hand off, but his muscular fingers grabbed both my wrists and forced it upon his brown muscular chest, then down to his defined six-packs where I felt the sweat-covered brown skin of each muscle contract with pleasure. As my hands were guided downwards, I felt his umbilicus and that hairy trail below it. I pressed in more and I was able to smell the sweat and the musk that permeated his body. My nose was intoxicated by the heady scent. The skin was warm, taut and lickable; without a blemish or a scar. His body hair trailing down was curly and soft and I was excited that he'll guide me to the source.

I left out a small moan. "Ughhh...mmm..." My hardon was throbbing and leaking with precum. And my mouth was practically drooling with the sensory overload.

At that point, Rustum slid behind me and with his expert muscular hands he unbuttoned my shirt and went on to ravish my chest. He pinched my cherry nipples and mashed my defined pecs feeling each crevice and fold. I felt his tongue again flicking on my ear, biting the lobe and trailing it over my nape, sucking and sucking it like a baby in heat. His hands then crawled into my abdomen and to my pants where he found my zipper.

"Ohh... Ughh... Uhm... Lus, are you virgin?", Rustum said.

I gave out a breathy "uuuhh...Yeahhhh...mmm...!"

Abdullah lustily cooed, "Well, shit! Ughhh... We have ourselves a cherry!" He yanked my hands towards him where I felt him guiding me towards his pubes. My hands were trying to unlock his pants.

"Ohhh... Yeah... ahhhh... Ali had a hunch he's a cherry, and he expects to go first on his mouth and ass...", Rustum mumbled.

"Don't worry...yeah...ahhh... his hands are all I need right now."

As soon my fingers unlocked his pants, Abdullah literally pushed down my hands into his briefs. I felt the thick curly pubes filling the underwear and underneath it, I was shocked to feel a strange reptilian animal hiding, throbbing and salivating, thick and engorged, ready to pounce on the intruder.

"Hahhh.. yeahh... go on stupid, don't make me slap you again. Grab my dick...ohhh... yeah... massage it... hold it..." groaned the rebel in front.

I felt his snake drooling with clear liquid lubriciously coating its throbbing head. I fished out his dick and to my surprise, it was more like an anaconda! Abdullah's dick was obscenely fat at 7- or 8-inches long; the shaft was thicker than the head with reticulated veins snaking the entire length. The head was bell-shaped, pudgy and mean-looking especially with its aroused crimson color. And his dick was dribbling with droplets of clear precum.

Looking at it, I wanted to slide my tongue on his shaft but my hands were on a different track. My fingers curled themselves on his thickness. It felt like thick India rubber, like a fireman's hose when it's full of water. I began masturbating it sliding my hands up and down the shaft, his precum coating my hands as well.

I used all the techniques I could think of just so Abdullah can cum as fast as he could say "Ahhhhh!". I twisted it, tightened my hands, rubbed his snake vigorously, squeezing the dripping knob, and even strangulating its base. All I got was him moaning, "more... ahhh... fuck... more... yeah... urhhh... harder...oh yeah... ahhh...!" The unwashed musk of his dick became overpowering sending me into nirvana.

I left a gasp when I noticed that his dick has these hard pellets surgically embedded beneath the foreskin. Abdullah was uncut so these implants made his dick more erotic with all the hard bumps rubbing against the thick shaft.

"mmmmm...Yeah Lus, I know you want it. Uhhh... ummmm... go on...", Rustum said. His tongue was sucking the skin of my neck like a leech, and his hands were inside my briefs kneading and massaging my dick. "Ohhh... yeah...ahhhh... you have a nice one Lus... don't fight the feeling kid...uhhh..."

Rustum's pelvis gyrated against my ass, fabric against bulging fabric, and my butt was unconsciously grinding back into his dick inviting it to enter. I could feel the largeness of Rustum's snake, it must be as thick as Abdullah's.

Without warning he took his hands off my briefs and shuck away his dark pants and underwear. He grabbed again my dick, squeezed it tightly, while his other hand latched onto my hips guiding his dick against my cleft. I can feel his dick dripping with precum too, it was sliding against the mounds of my ass slicking it with his body fluid.

With one hard push, Rustum moaned, "Uuurgh!! The hot rebel slid his plump veiny tool into my perineum. I gasped with the brief intrusion as I felt his hard dick sliding in and out of my thighs. I tried clamping it in between but this just made him thrust against it again and again. My thighs felt the pulsing sensation from Rustum's surging dick sending me cold shivers of pleasure. His thick rod even poked the underside of my balls hitting it, clawing it and pushing it forward wetting my nuts with dickdrool.

While his left hand was digging into my hips, his right was busy stroking my 6" uncut shaft clenching it tightly and massaging it from the base up to the tip. I felt his finger rimming my piss-slit round and round coaxing my dick to salivate more. His calloused hand was enough to send me cumming. He rubbed fast then slow then fast again; my piss-slit was spewing precum drop after drop coating the entire shaft.

"Haaaahhh... uuuugh... Rust..hum... no... hhooohhh... I can't hold it any longer...uhhhh... ahhhh..." I moaned and sighed like forever. Rustum, hearing me, sucked harder on my neck, his teeth brushing my skin and biting it. His dick was ready to cum as he thrusted harder into me with his head hitting my balls, his groin slapping rapidly against my ass. Slap-slap-slap-slap! His curly pubes tickled my wet tender skin. "Uhhhh... Lus... I'm gonna cum! Ohhh..."

Abdullah said, "Uhhh... hurry worm...ohhh... stroke it... stroke it... harder, bitch... ahhhh..." My hands were frantically stroking his wet throbbing shaft up and down, up and down. I was already squeezing his hot rubber meat pumping precum by the bucket. His glistening bronze chest was heaving and breathing hard, his abs contracted making it bulge further. I then felt his hot dick thickened slightly.

"Aaaahhh... here it comes...oh yeah! Urrghhhh..." Abdullah moaned loudly as spurt after spurt of white creamy lava spewed forth from his bell-like dickhead. "Ugghh..." His thick cum splattered on my hands with thick webs clinging to my fingers.

Rustum tightened his grip around my member giving it a final stroke. I groaned "Ahhh... please... ohhhh...hahhhhh...too much urhhh..." I saw my dick tremble and I felt my climax gushing out of my dick shooting cum after cum with thick strings of white fluid flying onto my pants and some to the grass below.

Rustum cooed, "Yeah Lus... that's it... ahhh... ahh... can't hold it...can't hold it...AAgghh!!!! Ughh!!!!" He pulled back his dick and pressed it against my hole and his thickened knob spurted buckets and buckets of hot lubricious cum that filled my cleft with his white lava. "Mmmm... ah.. yeah... there's more where that came from... ahhh..." he moaned. He started to dry-fuck my butt with his dick sloshing with all his cum much like a Bavarian-filled donut.

I was about to wipe the cum off my hands when Abdullah growled, "Don't you dare wipe that off, boy! LICK IT!!" I just stared blankly at him but as decisive Abdullah is, he took my cum-filled hands to my mouth and forced fed me. Rustum, who still was horny, placed his fingers on my lips and pried my mouth open. "Come on Lus, this won't hurt."

I panicked. I thought "How perverse this is! No! I won't!" I struggled and squirmed but to no avail. Rustum laced his sweat-covered hairy feet around mine to keep me from thrashing and Abdullah stepped forward and started to aim his foot for my dick. He said, "If you don't stay still and let us, you can kiss goodbye to your balls, worm."

My eyes widened and I felt my jaw slackened. Rustum's fingers entered my mouth and opened it wide, while Abdullah forced my fingers inside where my tongue met his cum. It tasted salty, gelatinous and a bit revolting. Abdullah made sure my fingers took it all inside coating my entire palate with white gooey spooge. Sensing that I had relaxed, Rustum took his left hand and scooped out his remaining cum from my butt and started to feed me with it. It was revolting like I was tasting salty bleach in jelly form. I groaned, "Ughhh... mmmmph... mmm..nooo...phlis...nooohh...mmmm."

"Yeah, worm. Yum yum! Take it all. The early you eat it, the faster you get use to it." Abdullah quipped. I sensed a smirk forming in his face. He let my hands go and went on to pick up his shirt. "Hurry you two. Ali's waiting!" He buckled up again and before leaving us behind, he stepped in front of me and said "You'll do fine here worm. Just do as we say, and you'll be ok unless you enjoy getting you ass kicked! Hahahaha!"

Abdullah placed his hand on my cheeks and gave it a light tap. He turned and began walking towards the campfire. I looked at his cropped hair and saw not an 18 year old but a mature rebel who's ready to take what he wants, with force if necessary.

I looked back and Rustum was already buttoning his pants and getting to leave too. I hurriedly donned on my briefs and wiped off the cum that splattered on my pants. I flexed my neck and felt a bit sore from all the sucking Rustum gave me. I massaging my shoulders hoping the pain would subside.

"Let's go." Rustum said. We started going back to the place where the others were starting to eat dinner.

"Mmmm... Rustum, don't hate me ok... I was sorry... you see, that was my first time to have any... um... experience with someone else. I didn't know how to react... and... and..."

Rustum stopped and looked at me with a face whose expression was either saying "Yeah right!" or "Oh, really?" I can't truly guess his thoughts at that moment.

"Really!! I... ah... was just taken aback, you know...I'm sorry, next time... um... ahh..." I was lost for words as to what I'd reason next, but it was a good thing that Rustum was very understanding.

"Don't worry about it Lus. It won't kill you. Just chalk it up to experience! More will come, you know. Be strong! You need to understand that we're all sexually aggressive men here, you see, from all the fighting and hiking. We just don't have an outlet. That's all."

"Why don't you guys get a village girl or someone?"

"We tried that once, but she got scared after being used several rounds by all of us non-stop, filling her every hole... heh-heh-heh!" He winked, and said,"Ahem!...then, she begged Ali to let her go..."

"Did Ali do it?"

"Yes, after she wailed to high heavens invoking her Christian God and promised not to tell a single soul about us. We had to!" Rustum chuckled. "Well, she did make good on her promise not to tell a single soul because the next day, the villagers found her corpse floating downstream. Hahahahahah"

"But... but... Rustum, Why not do it amongst yourselves?"

Rustum gave out a long driven sigh. He glanced at the dark heavens above searching for an answer. "It's not that easy, Lus. Many months ago, we had two comrades who did it amongst themselves, Osama and Jojbus. They fucked each other in their hut at camp after every dinner when we were all already asleep. At first we were OK with it 'cuz it didn't interfere with our operations. But after some time, things got a bit awry. Petty jealousies grew driving a wedge between them and ultimately blotched some of our operations. The tipping point was when Osama raped an unwilling Jojbus who after being used blew his partner's head to pieces with an Uzi. We had no choice but to do away with Jojbus."

"Meaning you executed him?"

"You could say that. Right after the incident, Ali forbade us to have sex with anyone in the group. We just masturbate but it's not the same!"

"Is that why Ali kidnapped me? To have ME as the group's surrogate slut? Is that it??" I looked at my companion with disgust but only saw blankness, like a curtain drawn to hide an inevitable but sad conclusion.

I just grumbled, "I see." I guess, he was feeling sorry for me for being forced into this situation, but his silence was unnerving.

Rustum shifted his gaze towards the distant campfire. He said, "Let's hurry. We don't want Ali to be waiting." He moved quickly trampling over the grass with his combat boots. I followed a few paces behind still disturbed (and perhaps excited?) at the thought that I was to become a cumbucket for these rough brown fleshmeats. I felt a quick pulse stirring in my groin. Shit. This is all fucked up!!

The crunching sound of the cogon grass underfoot relaxed me a bit. After several meters, we arrived at the other edge of the depression where a campfire was flickering listlessly with the wind. Around it were several shadows of men eating. I saw Ali digging into his rice and fish that was plated on top of a cut banana leaf. The others like Achmed and Abu were eating from cut banana leaves too. I guess necessity is indeed the mother of inventions! Others on the other hand were gorged on a pile of rice, some sliced raw tomatoes and salt. My stomach was salivating at the sight.

Ali saw us approaching. "Rustum, where were you? I couldn't believe you took your time coming here! Come, we've started without you."

"Ah Boss... oh that... I needed to straighten out some problems with the doctor... you know, problems that we might face in the future...", answered a flushed Rustum.

"Problems?? Really! Like what?" I saw the eyebrows of Ali furrowed. His mouth moved deliberately, calculating every syllable. Some rice still sticking on his lips was left ignored. My gut feel tells me something's wrong.

"Oh, you know, like escaping again." I glanced sideways to Rustum and I spotted several sweatbeads snaking down his temple. Oh shit!! I don't like the looks of this!

Ali's right brow curved upwards. Everyone else was quietly eating their food but I can sense their ears were straining to catch every inflection in Ali's voice.

"Well, that's good comrade! I'm so glad to hear that! Come! Sit!" His voice was cold as steel. A forced smile pasted on his mouth.

"Hey you Abdullah! You no-good, stupid mongrel! Get the fuck going and give Rustum his food, you worthless piece of ass!" He even gave the poor guy a kick to the ankle.

My eyes widened and my jaw slackened when I saw Abdullah's face. His cheeks were puffy, his eyes dark-rimmed, a couple of bruises at the neck and there was even a bit of caked blood jutting out his nostrils. What the HELL happened? He looked subdued and beaten, far from the man whose cum I ate an hour ago.

Abdullah stumbled over to the small pot of rice that was warming by the fire and scooped some of it on top of a banana leaf where he topped it off with few pieces of dried fish from a nearby canister. He hung his head low never looking up, never uttering a single sound.

He gave Rustum his plate and began to get mine too.

"YOU FUCKING SHIT! Did I tell YOU to get FOOD for the WORM???" Ali's voice rang through the jungle. "YOU WANT ME TO BASH YOUR FACE AGAIN, ABDULLAH??!!" An octave higher this time.

Rustum's hands were shaking a bit trying to hold still the banana leaf. He was riveted on the spot while Abdullah sauntered off to a far corner.

It was Rustum who spoke first. "Ummm... Boss... are you ok?? What did Abdullah do to you?"

"Come and eat, comrade!! We have lots to talk about!" said Ali with eyes drilling into Rustum.

Rustum slowly walked over to Ali and sat by his side. As soon Rustum settled in, Ali suddenly hang his arm around his friend's neck and said, "Rustum, in your honest opinion, do you think the worm here is still a virgin or a slut?" His biceps were flexing as he clamped on Rustum's neck.

"Ahhh... Most probably still a virgin, Boss. You yourself said that you'll have first dibs at his ass and mouth!"

"I think so too. And I will. Don't you worry my friend. You can be the one to fuck him next after I rape his ass..." Ali's grip was getting tighter around Rustum's neck like a vise. "And I would really hate it if I find out that the worm was lying, right?"

"Of course...", said Rustum.

"What would you think will happen If I see, say, Achmed over there, manhandled MY worm?", Ali said coyly.

"You'd get mad Boss. Let's finish eating we can take a... a... rest?" Rustum was getting fidgety with this, cuz I think he knows well where this is heading.

"Of course. We all need of rest, comrade!" Ali smiled but his voice remained chilly. Without warning, Ali tightened his grip on Rustum's neck, cutting off the blood supply to the brain (just like how a carotid massage would disable someone!) Ali's teeth clenched as he applied all the force he can muster in one go. With his other free hand, he quickly placed his thumb and index finger at Rustum's neck at the level of the Adam's apple, and he pressed deeply on the poor man's skin.

Rustum didn't have the time to react. He suddenly felt a dark cloud enveloped around him and within a couple of seconds, he was unconscious. Ali loosened his grip and with a sudden anger, he punched Rustum in the stomach but no twitch or wince was seen on the victim's face. Ali brushed off the food that was scattered on the ground. "Hmmmph! What a waste! Just like you", he thought. He leaned over the beaten guy just to make sure he was still dead to the world. He placed his hand on Rustum's cheeks and caressed it lightly and murmured "I would have done you in a sec if you had only said yes." He gave a quick slap and turned his head to me.

Ali's eyes smoldered with fury as stared into me, boring a hole in my head. With a smirk, he sized me up his eyes traveling from top to bottom. His brows furrowed. Ali wiped his mouth with his bare hands and while still gazing into my eyes, he gave a snort. "Hmmph! A virgin huh? We'll see about that!"

Shit! I was paralyzed in my place. My jaw dropped open and my knees were shaking. Cold sweat was beading down on my forehead. I couldn't make a single step away because my mind was still flabbergasted at the unbelievable spectacle of Rustum's fall from favor and mostly because I realized that I am trapped in his camp for the rest of the freaking evening! Where would I run? To the jungle? Ali must have known that I won't bolt out into the vast darkness of night. The cunning fox!

I gulped as I saw a growing semi-hardon bulging on a sitting Ali. I definitely do not like the look of this!

"NUR!! Get some twine and tie the worm's hands and feet NOW!", barked Ali. Nur, who was still finishing is food, abruptly placed his leaf down and scampered into a nearby rucksack and fished out several feet of abaca rope. The big hairy man marched towards me and with a glint in his eyes and a growing hard-on packing his tight pants, he suddenly leaped in front landing on my stomach. His quick hands managed to grab my evading wrists and roped it tightly, tighter than the one before. After he secured the knot, he jumped on my abdomen and switched to the flailing feet, his bulging crotch grinding into my stiffening groin. With his two muscular arms, he rapidly looped the twine around my flailing ankles with many twists and turns making it impossible for me to move. I can't believe that in less than a minute, I was trussed up like a pig!

I began to panic! My heart was racing and cold sweat started enveloping me! My mind was blurring fast! I screamed at the top my lungs, "AAAAAAGGHHHHHH!!! HHHEEEEELLLLPPPP!!! HHHEEEEEEEEELLLPPP!! SSSSOMMMEEBBODDDYYYYY!!!!"

In a loud cold maniacal voice, Ali roared louder, "YOU WORTHLESS WORM! YOU'LL BE PUNISHED UNTIL YOU SHIT BLOOD! YOU STUPID DICK!!" He stood up and strode towards me. He gave a quick kick on my stomach sending currents of sharp reticulating pain all around. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!"

My mind was losing it fast! My panic started to overtake my sanity. "AAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!! HHHHEEEEELLLLPPP!!!," I wailed.

Another kick, this time harder, and another stomp at my left flank sent me cowering in a fetal position. Tears began to well up on my eyes and my vision blurred. No voice escaped my dry mouth. "Hah-hah-hah-hah..."

Ali shouted, "Achmed!!! Bring me your knife!!!" Achmed, not wanting to end up like Abdullah, jumped up and gave Ali his hunting knife.

Ali gave me a stronger kick, this time in the chest. The pain was indescribable, the sensation hitting my lungs and heart. Yet, no voice escaped my gasping mouth. "Hah-hah-hah-Aaarg!"

I was bathed in cold sweat. My eyes cleared a bit and I saw Ali brandishing a hunting knife near my pants. Oh God!! I'm gonna DIE!!!

Ali growled, "Stay Still faggot if you don't want your small dick chopped off!!" His left hand tried to make my flailing legs still. He called Achmed and Nur to keep me immobile. I felt strong calloused hands gripping my head, my shoulders and both my arms with fat fingers digging deeply into my flesh.

Ali got down and cut open the buttons of my pants. He slid it down to my ankles and carefully sliced the leg holes so as not to graze my pale glistening skin. I saw Ali smirked. And his dick was straining his dark pants lewdly outlining the animal within. His eyes were filled with lust as he drank in my muscular legs, his eyes flitting here and there. He moved closer to my thick bulge and with his fingers, he yanked down my grey boxer-briefs. With a quick flick of a knife, my briefs were irreparably shredded into three pieces leaving my bare white skin to glisten with sweat against the heat of the fire.

The three of them gasped when they saw my dick sticking out. Do they always think that Chinese men have small penises? Well, it was high time that they should find out that I was not essentially small in that department!

Ali's hand grabbed my growing fat six inches of white Asian meat. He rubbed it just for a bit, feeling at awe at such a sight. His fingers coursed the pulsing veins that snaked through the entire length of my thick shaft. Precum was already oozing from my throbbing dickhead. With his middle finger, he inserted into the hood of my foreskin rubbing my piss-slit.

I let out a slight moan. "Uugh! Nooo..." Ali, suddenly thrown off from reverie, gave me a lewd smirk and so did the other two. I saw him swallow his pool of saliva- shit! The guy was salivating!! And his glistening brown skin was so erotic. His nipples tenting in his shirt! Shit.

Ali got up and they switched places with the two rebels. Nur held both my legs while Achmed grabbed my bound wrists. Ali hurriedly cut off the buttons from my polo shirt which exposed my pale sweating pecs and abs with my hard brown nipples sticking upwards into the night.

Another gasp escaped from the three like a pack of wolves discovering a cache of meat. Ali, already covered with lust and sweat, slowly lowered his head down and licked my right nipple, his tongue wet with saliva swirled round my knob-like areola. He sucked my nipple like a teat.

"Pleease... hahh..." I whimpered. My eyes saw their smirks shifting with the light of the fire.

Suddenly, without warning, Nur and Achmed took their hands off me while Ali stood up and planted his boot firmly on my stomach. Ali's pouch was ready to burst its seams, a wet spot rapidly forming at the base. His smirk was betrayed by the lustful fury in his voice:

"Hah-hah... NOW YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT", he shouted his foot pressing on my abs. "YOU'LL TASTE MY WRATH!! PREPARE TO SUBMIT!!"

I thought, "What the fuck?? Wrath? Submit?" This is worse than the initiation I endured in college!

Ali, with his brown pecs and nipples bulging through his olive shirt, took his belt off and coiled it around his right hand. OH SHIT!! Ali licked his lips and stood by my side. His eyes were that of a rapist, a madman, and an executioner- wild with lust and a desire to kill.

The others, even Abdullah, waited in bated breath at the first strike. Their hands snaked down to their bulging crotches rubbing them in anticipation. In the corner of my eye, I saw the burly Nur massaging his balls, a wet spot forming at the front. Oh man! The rebels were especially horny tonight because Ali must have planned for them this night right from the start.

"Mr. Ali... please... don't do it... please...not this way... I beg you...not this... PLEASE!!!... OH NO!! NOOOOOOoooooo!!!" My mouth was quivering in fear, my head thrashing about. My body, already covered with sweat, glistened with the orange glow of the campfire. The site of Ali's fat black leather belt being readied to strike was truly a frightening sight. My eyes widened and my bruised face must have looked like a fear-stricken deer against the surging headlights! FUUUCK!!!

Away from the camp, the jungle of Cotabato was devoid of light. Only the cicadas and the crickets were giving it a life in an otherwise sleepy area. As the wind died down, the trees slept and the grasses drooped from exhaustion. Suddenly, a shrill piercing cry shattered the silence, a pained sound of some animal being tortured filled the air. A deer being killed slowly.


Night has begun.

Thank you so much for all the email you've sent guys. Keep them coming! Your messages are encouraging me to continue the series. Let me know your thoughts about the story. Send me some of your ideas as to what you wish to happen next, and we'll see. Some have suggested various ways of humiliating Lucius, and I shall include them in the next chapter. Cross your fingers (and dick!) on what will happen on part3.

Email me at

  • on a side note, these are some of the Muslim names and their meanings that I liberally used in the story:

Ali (Leader) -- excellent, noble (yeah right!)

Abdullah -- servant of God

Abu -- Contraction from Abu Bakr, the prophet's companion

Achmed -- Praiseworthy

Rustum - from the Persian classic hero story, "Sohrab and Rustum"

Yusuf -- Arabic for Joseph

Nur -- light

Osama -- lion

Jojbus -- can you take a guess???

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