Captive Alek

By CJDenton

Published on Dec 31, 2011




Chapter 1


For info on my other nifty stories, visit:

I'm not sure if I was being followed, or if it mattered anymore, but I kept running. I didn't know where to head or what I was running too, but I was pretty sure if I stopped they'd kill me.

I'd spent three days in the small bedroom of the tiny apartment, one by one the others who had come with us were taken away. My brother had promised he'd come back for me, promised he'd pay off the smugglers, but their price kept going up. I'd watched out the bathroom window as the dumpster three floors below filled up with cardboard boxes that could provide a soft landing and then the last guy who had come with my group had his throat slit, right in front of me! I waited until the masked men left to go for dinner and decided to make the jump.

I rounded one last corner and found a car parked right against the bushes. There was a small spot to lay down and I collapsed on the curb.

A voice, deep and worried; a rough hand on my cheek woke me up. I struggled for a minute, but he held me firmly. "Shhh, shhh, shhh," he tried to soothe me and said a whole lot of words in a language I didn't understand, English. He lifted my head off the dirty street, brushed a few leaves from my blonde hair and held a hand on the back of my neck.

He brought me up to my feet and unlocked the car I'd been laying next to. He pushed me into the passenger seat and clicked a button on his key then went around to the driver's side and got in next to me. I backed away, pushed myself against the door and tried to open it with no luck.

"No no," he said and then a lot more English. He put his hands out towards me as if to say "Settle down." My heart was racing and I flinched as he reached towards me, but he just pulled the seatbelt down across me and fastened it.

He sped away and I shivered as his heater began to breathe life back into my frozen body. He reached over and put a hand on my shoulder, then rubbed my arm and kept talking in what sounded like questions.

“No Eeeenglees," I said, the first words I'd spoken in a few days.

"English?" he said with a smile.

"Jes, no English, thanks you," I said again, remembering to be polite.

That brought a hearty laugh and the stranger rubbed my hair.

He reminded me of my dad, tall and strong but compassionate, never would have left a boy passed out on the side of the road either. My dad who had died last year, the last family I had left besides my older brother Eryk who was somewhere out there in this cold city, trying to find a way to rescue me.

I looked out the window at the skyline, the city that had looked so beautiful the brief moments I got to see it before they loaded us into a dark moving van and then up to the cramped apartment.

The stranger went a few more blocks along a highway that ran beside the river and then he turned down into a parking garage. He pulled into a spot and then came around to open my door. He offered me a hand and then held it as he pulled me towards an elevator.

We went down a long corridor that resembled a ballet studio, high ceiling, plaster walls with mirrors and large windows capped either end. He led me down to the end, not letting go of my hand until he searched for a key and unlocked a giant door that slid into the wall.

He pulled me through to another hallway and secured the door behind us then led me down to a bathroom. He flicked a switch and one by one a row of lights came on high above us. The bathroom was larger than the room I'd spent the last three days in. A brick wall was punctured by a window that ran high along the wall, allowing light in but privacy for the stranger.

I turned around to take in a huge shower stall enclosed in glass. A small room with an open door contained a toilet and then behind me there was a long slate counter with two sinks on either end. I turned to the mirror and saw how awful I looked.

A small cut above my eye was surrounded by dried blood and filth, my blue eyes blinked back a tear as I saw the bruise on my arm where my shirt had ripped open from the fall to the dumpster. I must have looked awful to the stranger.

He stood behind me, about a foot taller than me and a foot wider than my skinny sixteen year old frame. He stared at me in the mirror and put a hand to my forehead to touch the wound. I winced and he pulled back and rubbed my shoulders soothingly.

I gave a frightened stare to him in the mirror and his face softened into pity. He put his hand to his chest and said, "Case," then put his hand to my chest and looked questioningly.

"Alek," I said, my throat hurting from the long, cold day.

"Ahhh-lick?" he repeated slowly and I nodded, smiling a little.

"Case,” I said his name and pointed behind me towards him. He nodded and smiled back at me. Case moved to a cabinet in the wall and pulled out a dark blue towel. He moved over to the shower and reached in to turn it on, tested the water with his hand and then came over to me.

He motioned towards the shower and began to lift my shirt. I pulled away from him and backed toward the counter. Case put his hands up as if to say, "ok I give up." He waved towards the shower and then went out into the hallway and pulled the door shut.

I had my first shower in a week. It wasn't until I rubbed soap over my body, saw streaks of dirt and realized how badly I smelled. I soaped, scrubbed, rinsed and repeated over every inch of my body. The apartment we'd left behind in Warsaw almost never had hot water; assuming it had water at all.

I dried off with the towel Case had left and noticed my head was still bleeding, but not much. I went to pick up my clothes, but they were filthy. I wrapped the towel around my waist and opened the bathroom door, not sure what to do. Case was leaning against the wall with a few folded things in his arms.

I held up my torn, dirty shirt. Case came in and set the bundle on the counter and then pulled out a small white box from one of the counter drawers. He stared at my chest, his eyes lingering on the bruises my captors had left on me. He reached out to touch them but I pulled away and stared down at his shoes.

He put a little white pad against my cut and it stung. I pulled back from it, but he held my arm and swiped it across my cut lightly a few times and then put a band-aid over it.

I heard the front door open and a man called Case's name. He froze as the other man, wearing hospital scrubs, rounded the corner and glared at us. The two of them argued as I held on to the towel around my waist, suddenly feeling really naked.

The other man stared at me as he argued with Case and his face slowly softened into pity. He came towards me and inspected the cut on my forehead. He took a small bag out from under the sink and pulled out a stethoscope. Case lifted me up and set me on the counter. I pulled the towel tight around me to cover my junk. The other man listened to different points on my chest and showed no fear in touching my bruises. He seemed like a doctor, so I didn't protest like I had with Case.

He shrugged at Case, said something and nodded his head. He turned and started to ask me questions.

"I... no English, thanks you," I said, the only line I knew. He laughed and patted me on the head. Case put a hand to the stranger's chest and said, "Julien."

"Julien," I repeated and nodded. Julien smiled and backed up against Case. Case put his arm around Julien and pulled him in for a kiss on the cheek. Julien leaned up and kissed Case on the lips and turned in to his embrace. My eyes widened in alarm and I slid off the counter feeling really uncomfortable.

I gripped the towel around my waist and started towards the door, but then remembered the men out there looking to finish me off. I turned back to the men and stood awkwardly. Case rolled his eyes and Julien picked up the clothes Case had put on the counter for me. He held them out and I reached for them, but then he pulled them back.

Julien waved a hand between him and Case and then put his hand to his heart. I shrugged, not really having a choice in the matter. I walked towards Julien and he handed me the clothes. They left me alone to dress in the bathroom. Case had found me a long-sleeved t-shirt that hung loosely on me and a pair of old running shorts that were frayed a bit, but had a drawstring waist so I could at least keep them on.

I came out of the bathroom and found them in a large bedroom with the door open. They were slipping out of their clothes, preparing for bed. Both of them men were larger than I am. Julien was slightly shorter than Case, but built a little heftier, muscular, tanned and covered in a light dusting of fur. Case was paler, taller, smoother, but no less masculine.

Julien approached me and secured a small, tight necklace with a small jingly bell around my neck. He made a walking motion with his fingers and then touched the bell around my neck as if to say, "We'll know if you're on the prowl." I accepted it since I really was a stranger to the two men in their home.

Case came out in a pair of boxers and showed me to the room next door. It was just as large, with a huge computer desk filled with gadgets and lights taking up one corner. A small twin bed was against another wall next to a long couch and across from a treadmill and weight bench. The bed had a soft, midnight blue comforter, two pillows and a pillow in the shape of a baseball. Case turned on a small lamp on the bedside table and pulled back the blanket for me and held up the baseball pillow.

He motioned for me to climb in and I did, settling in under the heavy, warm covers. Case pulled the covers up to my chin and put the baseball pillow on the floor. I reached for it and hugged it. He smiled, touched my cheek, then turned off the overhead lights and closed the door.

I closed my eyes and the captors were back. They followed me through narrow alleys, shouting for me to stop. I ran into a dead end and they were on me. I tried to fight them off, screaming for my brother to save me.... and then I felt arms, strong arms, lifting me up. I woke up with tear-streaked cheeks and sniffled into the stranger who held me in the dark room.

I hugged his neck and he rubbed my back. It was Julien. He rocked me back and forth a few times and then sat down on the couch with me in his lap. I felt like a kid again in my father's arms when he'd comfort me when I was sick or scared.

Julien rocked me until I quieted down and then went to lay me down in the bed again, but I held on tightly and didn't want to let go.

"No?" he asked, scooping me back up into his chest. I shook my head and he carried me off to his and Case's bed. Case was sitting up, flipping through tv channels.

They're bed was huge, it could have held many more people. Julien laid me down between them and they went back to watching their movie.

For the first time since my brother left, I felt safe. Two hulking guards on either side of me in this warm, soft bed. I turned and blinked at Case who had been eyeing me. He slipped his arm around me and brought me into his side. I laid my cheek against his chest and closed my eyes.

Gunfire coming from the TV made me jump and my eyes popped open. Case rubbed my arm and said something in English. Julien slid over from behind me and put his arm over mine across Case's stomach. Julien kissed the back of my head and quieted me. Julien slid his other arm under my side and then up my shirt. He rubbed lightly over my chest.

I looked up at Case who, at this point, was clearly not watching the movie he had on. He leaned down and kissed my forehead and then smiled at me. I raised my head and his lips found mine. His arm rubbed down my back and over my bottom.

Julien started to nibble at my ear and I felt my cock start to tent in the shorts I had on. The two muscle gods who had saved me began to work over my small teenage frame. It felt so wrong. I knew men shouldn't touch other men like that. I reasoned in my head that I desperately needed their protection, but my raging hardon couldn't deny how right this felt.

Julien backed off and lifted me up a little, my back against the pillows. He slipped my shirt off of my arms and Case started to work my nipples. Julien kissed down my tummy and over my growing package. Using his teeth he undid the tie on the shorts and slipped them down.

"Woah,” he said and backed away. Case raised his head off my chest and echoed his sentiment, "woah!"

I squirmed up on the pillows as their eyes met mine, both of them had goofy grins. I didn't always have a big cock, but somewhere between 12 and 13 it just kept growing. I'd gotten made fun of for it in gym. It was 10 centimeters soft but got to 20 (about 8 inches) at full mast. Considering my slight frame, it looked pretty unrealistic. I put my hands over it and blushed in the dark light from the flickering tv.

Case took my hands away and leaned down to kiss it. He slid back the foreskin and swirled his tongue around the tip twice and then pulled the foreskin out, stretching it with an excited grin. Julien went lower and started to suck on my nuts.

Case took my cock between his lips and swirled his tongue around the tip before sliding back the foreskin and diving down on it. I arched my back and exhaled at the flood of warmth that spread through me from the oral stimulation. His warm, wet hole eagerly swallowed as much of my thick cock as he could get.

I had a moment of reality flash as it hit me that these two hulking saviors were fighting over my cock. I laughed as my body shook from the intense feelings of my first blow job.

Julien was sucking and pulling at my balls and then kissed down between my legs. My eyes rolled back in my head as my hand instinctively went to guide Case's willing mouth further on my cock. I looked down and caught Case staring up at me with big brown eyes. He smiled around my cock as I gasped for air.

And too soon it was all over as I bucked into his mouth one last time and started to deliver on the boy cream he was desperately seeking. "Ja Saaaaa! Je Viennnnsss!" I screamed as I filled his mouth. I guess I should have warned him, but the eruption didn't phase him in the least. He sucked eagerly, pushing my cock against the back of his throat as I sent my seed deep into him.

Julien popped his head up to watch, encouraging me with words I didn't understand. He rubbed my tummy, sensitive to his touch. I wiggled and squirmed involuntarily as my cock released weeks worth of pent up juice.

As I recovered against the pillow, Case kissed up my tummy and nudged his nose against my neck. Case turned my face to his and kissed me deeply. Julien slid in on the other side of me and nibbled on the back of my neck.

Case released my lips and I turned towards Julien to give his tongue equal attention. They both leaned into me, their hard cocks touching across my nuts. Julien's lips wrestled mine a little and then Case's tongue joined his in my mouth.

I felt their hands brush my cock as they tugged and jerked at each others' tools. Julien broke away and kissed the side of my face, then went back to my ear as Case worked his tongue around my mouth. I felt my cock grow again with all the attention.

Case gripped my cock and brought our tips to touch, then stretched my foreskin over the tip of his cock and rubbed it back and forth. I'd never felt that sensation. My body started to shake a little and a deep shiver went through me. He laughed and bit softly on my chin.

Julien was jacking his cock fast and furiously as he put his nose into my armpit and inhaled deeply. He licked at it, tickling me with his tongue. I laughed and pulled away but he kept at it, intent on licking my armpits clean.

"Ahhhh fucckkk!" Julien cried out as he started to shoot cum all over my tummy. Case was running his grip between my cock and his as my foreskin covered his tip. Julien sprayed thick, hot spurts of his manseed all over me.

Case was next as he jacked our connected cocks together. He bit softly on my shoulder as his body tensed up, spraying my tip with his seed. He shivered and pulled me into him as he came. It sent me over the edge and my cock joined in to add my juice to his.

We gasped for air and shook together, our bodies firing off each others. A big salty river dripped down both our cocks until my tummy was a pool of DNA samples. Case leaned up and kissed me as he exhaled release.

The three of us laid there in sweaty, sticky release, recovering, fighting for the oxygen in the room as we came down from the first sexual encounter I'd ever had. I didn't care that it was with two dudes or in a strange land with guys I'd just met. For the first time in weeks, I felt safe, secure, protected.

Case carried me off to the shower with Julien in tow. They took turns holding me and soaping me up and then cleaning themselves. Julien set me on the counter and toweled me dry as my body began to crave sleep. We piled naked and exhausted into the bed, my head against Case's chest, Julien's arms around me; his hot breath against the back of my neck.


I woke up 13 hours later, not unheard of for a teenage boy, certainly not for one who'd been through such a traumatic week. I was alone, the covers pulled over me. One of them had brought the baseball pillow in from the other room and put it in my arms.

I wiggled out of the tangle of covers and found the shorts Case had gotten me. I slid them up and then went to piss. I found the men in the living room. Well it was really one giant room with couches, a giant tv hanging over a fireplace. The kitchen area had a huge island with six barstools around one side and a sink built in to the other. In one corner was a pool table and in another was a long, industrial looking dining table with 8 chairs. Along one side of the room was a giant wall of windows stretching twelve feet to the ceiling.

Case was at one of the couches working on a laptop and talking into a headset. He smiled at me and waived me to his side. I curled up next to him on the couch and put my head against his chest. He rubbed my back lightly while talking away on his headset.

When he finished his call, he set the laptop on the coffee table and then pulled me to my feet and led me over to the kitchen island/bar. He patted a barstool and I hopped up as he went around the kitchen making eggs and bacon and toast. My stomach suddenly reminded me I hadn't eaten anything filling in quite a few days.

He piled a plate with the food and then brought a bowl of fruit from the giant glass refrigerator that looked like something from a grocery store. He watched in amazement as I whoofed it down like I was trying to win something. He intervened, took my hand away and then patted his tummy and made a frown. He pushed his hands down in several swift motions to tell me to slow down.

Julien came in as I was finishing up. Case had gone back to his work and I slowed down and cleaned the plate and bowl. I arched my back and stretched as Julien set three large shopping bags on the counter next to me. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and ruffled my hair and then checked my bruises and cut. He nodded with a smile to indicate that I'd survive.

Julien took out three small boxes of underwear from the first bag, boxer briefs, briefs, jockstraps, all in wild colors. I'd never been raised to wear anything under my pants, but I knew the gays liked that sort of stuff. Julien tugged at my shorts and brought them to my ankles. I stepped out of them. He crouched down and sniffed at my cock, slid back the foreskin and gave it a few licks.

He took a pair of briefs decorated with super heroes and helped me step into them before sliding them up and kissing his way up my leg. Julien stuffed my cock into the tight briefs and kissed and licked at the bulge. It didn't help their tightness as my cock stirred to life.

Next, he took out a few shirts and held them up to me, then lifted my arms to try them on one by one. A lot of the shirts were very tight and revealing, showing off my small chest and tummy. Two of the shirts were see through! I could not wear that in public! Then he took out a few pairs of pants and jeans. He cupped my soft cock through the briefs, squeezing it a little too hard before handing me pants to try on. He seemed pleased with his purchases. Case watched us from the living room, smiling proudly.

He'd gotten me some workout clothes too and a few pairs of shoes. We gathered the things and he took them to the guest bedroom I'd tried to sleep in and helped me put the things away in the closet.

Julien picked out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and set them on the bed for me to get dressed. He nodded approvingly and ran his hands down my tummy to show his pleasure with how his choices had turned out.

Back in the living room, Case had finished up his work and was sitting at the huge kitchen table. He said something to Julien who pushed me towards the table. They brought a small globe off of the shelf and set it in front of me. Julien gave it a spin and then pointed at me and spread his hands as if to ask "where?"

I stopped the globe and pointed to where we were in New York. He shook his head, “no no,” he pointed at my chest and then at the globe and spread his hands again. I understood, he wanted me to show where I was from. I spun the globe over to Europa and pointed at Poland, small and round, a lifetime away. Case peeked around and then nodded, “oooh." Julien put his hand atop my head and thought.

I saw paper near a printer Case had been working with and went to grab a piece. I found a pen on the kitchen counter. I brought it over to the table and wrote my name on it.

"Alek," Case read it in a tone that said, "We already knew that."

I drew a stick figure under my name. Then I drew another. This brought quizzical looks from the men. I labeled the second figure, "Eryk."

I pointed at it, "Eryk... Eryk!" I said with urgency. They both looked at me strangely.

"Eryk?" Case said.

"Eryk," I repeated, and nodded. I didn't know how to draw that he was my brother. I drew a heart between the two stick figures. They both sighed with, "awww," but I think they were getting the message that Eryk was my boyfriend. That wasn't what I wanted them to think.

I drew two stick figures above the Alek and Eryk ones. I gave one long hair and one short spiky hair. I drew lines from them to me and then from them to Eryk. "ohhh," they nodded, a little less sweetly.

I pointed back to the globe and then to the two stick figures and then to New York. Then I put my index fingers together and then broke them apart to show we'd been separated.

I pointed to my chest and then made a running motion with my arms. They were starting to understand.

Julien put a hand over his eyes as if looking for something and then pointed toward the Eryk stick figure. I nodded wildly, then mimicked his motions.

That afternoon, we drove around in Case's car back to try and find the apartment building I'd escaped from. I couldn't remember much from when I was running, but we started from where Case found me, outside a gay club in Brooklyn. We drove down street after street but I didn't memorize much of the building as I was running for my life.

We stopped for lunch at a little place and Case ordered a pizza for us. Julien was talking to Case the whole time but I felt really left out, not understanding a word they were saying. They would tell a joke and laugh or something and then look at me sadly. I finished off a third slice and then reached for a fourth when Case stopped me. I felt sick to my stomach a few minutes later. I was catching up on weeks of not eating much.

As we piled back into the car, Julien got an excited look on his face. He turned back and started talking to me, which of course I didn't understand. He shook his head and put his hand up as though he wanted me to wait and things would be clear. He pointed down streets and Case turned the car in the direction of Julien's finger.

We pulled up to a small bakery. I realized I could read the sign! I got really excited. It advertised special breads and holiday cakes in my language.

I tried to open the door before Case came to a complete stop in front of the shop, but the doors were locked. They didn't trust me to not try to escape just yet. I bounced on the seat a few times as Case smiled at me in the rearview mirror. I pulled at the door latch unsuccessfully and Case quickly came around to let me out. I bounded up to the door of the Polish bakery but waited for Julien to open the door for me, wanting to assure them I was an obedient boy on their lead.

We waited for an obese lady to pick up her cake and then I stepped up to the guy at the front counter. I opened my mouth, but Julien pulled me against his side and struck up conversation with the man in his mid-20's with dark black hair and green eyes. His nametag said "Feliks," and he was a tall hard bodied Polish man with a dusting of two days worth of facial hair and tanned skin.

He listened politely to Julien's lengthy explanation and then poured several cups of coffee and made a plate of cookies. Case handed him several bills and Feliks tucked them into his pocket and came out from behind the counter and pointed us towards a corner booth.

Case was next up in the conversation round. I could hardly contain myself, but waited to be addressed. Finally, Julien nudged me and said, "Alek," and pointed at Feliks.

Feliks looked a little apprehensive as he addressed me, "You're searching for your lover?" he asked.

"No, no, I need to find my brother, Eryk. We came over together with the smugglers, but they demanded more money. I'm only 16, Eryk is 20. Our surname is Pawlak. They let him go to find money to pay my passage. They killed a man. I escaped out the window," I told him my whole story, except for the part about having sex with the men. That didn't need to be brought up.

"Oh!" Feliks looked more eager to help me. “I don't get involved with the smuggling ring, but I can make a few calls and see if anyone knows Eryk Pawlak. I'm... I'm so sorry." Feliks took my hand across the table. It felt warm and a little more than a friendly exchange, but I was just overwhelmed at being able to speak to and understand another person. It had been days since that happened.

I looked over at Case who had a wide grin at seeing me talk so much. Feliks stopped me to translate what I'd relayed to him and the men asked questions of me like my birthdate and family. They asked a lot of questions and Case took notes. They were shocked to hear how I'd gotten here and everything I went through. Feliks wrote out a description of Eryk for Case and Julien.

Feliks finished up by telling me to be careful, "I think these guys want a boy to control."

I told him I didn't have a whole lot of options. I didn't have any family besides my brother and I didn't know what else I could do and I was pretty fortunate to end up with guys who seemed to want to provide me safe harbour.

Feliks agreed but said I could always come to his family if I needed help. He took my hand and swallowed hard before adding, "Alek, We can help you if you need it. You'd be safe here." He hugged me before we left, slipped a folded note into my back pocket and whispered into my ear, "I'm here if you need me, beautiful boy."

He called me beautiful. His warm touch and words sent butterflies through me. He kissed me softly on the cheek. Julien ordered a to-go box of pastries and left a hundred dollar tip for Feliks. We piled into Case's car. Case reached back and fastened my seatbelt before we sped back across the bridge.

Case started playing with me in the elevator ride up to the apartment. He slid his hand up the back of my shirt and pulled me into him for a kiss. He let his hand wander down to my ass and pulled at my jeans, rubbing his hand over the fabric of my briefs. He grabbed at my cheeks roughly, then worked his hand inside my briefs.

His finger rubbed between my cheeks and found my hole. He started to probe at it and I jumped, pushed away from him. I moved to the other side of the elevator and stared at Case's chest, blushing furiously. That was one place you don't touch a boy.

Case came towards me and looked down at me. He put a hand on my face and rubbed his thumb gently across my smooth cheek. He shrugged apologetically and gave me a sheepish grin. I nodded, not sure what he meant by trying to touch my hole, but my body responded to his touch.

We got to our floor and Case lifted me up into his chest and carried me towards the door. Inside the apartment, he set me down on the kitchen island and leaned in to kiss me. His hands wandered over the back of my jeans and he started to caress my ass again. Julien wandered off to the bathroom.

Case's hands wiggled into my back pockets and that's when he broke off the kiss. His fingers fumbled around the paper, Feliks had put there. I hadn't had a chance yet to see what was in it. Case pulled it out and backed away from me a few inches as he started to unfold the paper.

He couldn't read the short note Feliks had written. It was in Polish, of course, but he did see the phone number Feliks had written. He held it up for me to see and shook his head with a scowl.

“No," he said and folded the paper back up before slipping it into his pocket. I did get to read the note before he folded it. Feliks had written, "If you want out or need help, call me anytime."

Case looked upset. He turned his head towards the hall as Julien walked out. They exchanged a few words and Case calmed a little. Julien held his hand out for the paper and Case gave it to him. He couldn't make any more sense out of the words than Case had. He sighed and folded it back up.

I reached towards him with my hand out, but he shook his head and slipped it into Case's pocket. He leaned into me and kissed my cheek then rubbed my hair.

I sat there on the counter and processed this as the two men started to kiss my neck and chest, sliding my shirt off. I wondered if they really did want to help me find Eryk and get my life back.


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