Captain America and the Young Avengers

By Pikachu MOn

Published on Feb 7, 2010


DISCALIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. All the characters depicted in story belong to and are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and its subsidiaries. I am in no way related to the company and have no ownership over the characters. This is fan made work. This story depicts males in sexual situations, just so you know. Thank you.

A/N: This is going to be a series with Captain America and the Young Avengers. (who are owned by Marvel not me) Please feel free to comment and offer constructive criticisms. I want to improve as a writer. And lastly enjoy.

Captain America and the Young Avengers: Chapter 7

It was cold and empty. Billy couldn't see anything past his own self. There was a thick white mist that enveloped everything else. This had to be a dream.

The question was what kind of dream? He dearly hoped it wasn't a nightmare. Billy hated having nightmares especially those about the Scarlet Witch. He always remembered them the following morning.

He walked forward, traversing through the mist. There was absolutely nothing he could see. It was deathly quiet. So far so good. No monsters, dead people or unicorns. It didn't seem like a nightmare. It also didn't seem like a memory. As far as he knew he'd never been here before.

Then he realized without a doubt it wasn't. He saw him. Even from the distance he could see Teddy's hulking figure. Teddy in his dreams was always a good thing.

He could feel his legs running fast towards the figure. He didn't resist the urge. Getting closer, he realized Teddy was facing away. Billy opened his mouth and tried shouting his lover's name. No sound came out. Okay this was not a good sign.

He ran as fast as he could. Teddy was getting nearer, a good sign it wasn't a chasing nightmare. As he approached, he saw the bare flesh of Teddy's back. Not stopping, Billy's eyes wandered down. Teddy was naked!

Could this be a wet dream? Billy pushed even harder. If it was Billy needed to have it. He missed Teddy so much.

Just as he approached his boyfriend, Teddy turned around and opened his arms. Without hesitation, Billy leapt into them.

It was really Teddy. The feel of the strong chest, the warmth of his body, even the distinct musky scent were all uniquely Teddy's. He held the bigger boy tightly in his arms. Pushing his ear towards warm chest, he listened carefully. It was the same beating when they were together sleeping in Teddy's bed. Billy decided he liked this dream.

Then Teddy's hands cupped Billy's chin, pulling the young mage into a deep kiss. Billy knew this was going to be one of the best dreams he ever had.

He grabbed the side of Teddy's head, pushing their mouths deeper into each other. Billy would memorize this dream as much as he could. He wanted to remember it when he woke up.

Teddy then moved down trailing kisses along Billy's collarbone. He whimpered in pleasure. This was definitely a good dream. His lover moved lower, nipping at his chest. Billy only now realized he was naked the entire time. Then suddenly, Teddy pulled away.

Before Billy could object, his eyes met with Teddy's. Billy found himself lost in the blue orbs, the exact same way he drowned in them the first time they met. But this time, there was something very different, something more familiar, and something Billy felt as well.

It was total desire, more personal than lust and approaching something else entirely. Before Billy could explore his thoughts further, Teddy kissed him hard again, their tongues dancing around each other. The blonde's hands explored Billy's body. It roamed across his chest, moving sensually down his stomach.

Billy sighed as he felt Teddy's huge hand cup his already tightened balls. His eyes closed as Teddy squeezed his dick. The hands soon left his genitals and started roaming around his chest. They flicking the hard nubs of his nipples and then squeezing them.

"I love you." Billy heard Teddy whisper in his ear. The blonde bit his ear lobe and pulled Billy into his arms. Somehow Teddy was behind Billy, holding the mage tightly against his chest. Billy could feel Teddy's chest rise and fall. Teddy's breath tickling his neck.

"" Billy tried to say out loud. But no voice escaped his lips. Nevertheless Teddy continued on. The large hands pulled Billy's jaw around for another kiss, this one lasting the longest. Soon the hand returned to Billy's dick. He squeezed the pulsing arousal, causing Billy to bend over just to avoid climax.

"I'm going to love you Billy Kaplan." Teddy whispered huskily into Billy's ear. The large hands guided Billy's hips and turned him around. They cupped Billy's ass and lifted him. Then they slowly eased Billy into the air. It felt like a bed, but Billy knew there was none.

He lied on his back. He was anxious. It was really happening now. He looked up at his lover.

Teddy looked like a Greek god in full glory. His body was sculpted, the perfect proportion of muscle. His entire figure coated with a layer of sweat, showing his excitement and emanating the intoxicating scent. His eyes were glazed with overwhelming desire. His large cock was pointing straight at Billy.

It looked even bigger than before. Billy closed his eyes. Teddy looked enormous and Billy wasn't sure he could handle it. Maybe Teddy was right and they would never be able to do it.

Then he felt Teddy's mouth approach his and together they kissed. Teddy's hands found his sides, rubbing his shoulder in reassurance. And then Billy finally felt it. The large blunt head was rubbing the surface of his rosebud.

Billy took in a deep breath, bracing himself for the worst. He clenched his face in anticipation. The bulb pushed through, passing the tight surface of his hole. His ass muscles tightened in response. There wasn't any pain.

Surprisingly, he could feel the foreign object entering him slowly but without considerable resistance. Teddy was fitting him like a glove. Teddy wasn't so big after all. The invader actually seemed a little small. It felt a little stationary and cold.

Soon, the feeling became familiar, all too familiar. It felt like something he had already experienced in real life. He couldn't place it. But the sensation was already there. Whatever was entering him, it wasn't Teddy. It began to vibrate.

Billy opened his eyes and found himself face to face with his own reflection. Unwittingly, he kissed back, exploring each other's mouths with the tongues. His hand rose and pulled the other's neck closer. It wasn't Teddy. It wasn't a reflection either.

It was Tommy! Billy pulled away and looked to his side. What had happened to Teddy? He was standing there watching them. His face covered by his hair, his expression unreadable.

Billy tried pushing Tommy away but instead found himself bucking his hips against Tommy's. He had no control over his own body. They were grinding against each other, their pulsing cocks sliding along each other's lengths. He could feel the vibrator push along his prostrate sending him screaming into fits of pleasure.

"I loved you."

Billy's eyes flung open. Frantically, he searched for his lover. He tried escaping from his connection with Tommy, but his own body wasn't listening. It betrayed him and bucked against Tommy sending waves of pleasure towards Billy's senses. Then he saw Teddy.

The blonde boy had begun to turn his back towards him. Teddy slowly walked away. Billy tried screaming his name, but no sounds came out. Billy struggled deep within his mind but his body did not follow. It was trapped in that loop of disconnected pleasure.

Teddy slowly disappeared into the mist. Billy continued struggling in his mind to call out. But his body remained focused and was approaching climax. Teddy disappeared and Billy felt himself overwhelmed by his orgasm. He screamed out in painful ecstasy, the only sound that finally escaped his lips.

Billy flung open his eyes. It was a dream. Or was it a nightmare? Billy sat straight up. He remembered everything so vividly. Teddy's body, Tommy's face, his own orgasm. Teddy!

His thoughts were chaotic. So many things flooded his mind. He didn't understand half the thoughts he was processing. He was trying to remember the dream. Teddy. He had to find Teddy.

Billy jumped out of bed frantically searching for some clothes. He needed to find Teddy now. If he had to do it half-naked then he would. Then he saw the clock. It was three in the morning. Teddy would be asleep.

He took out his phone beside him. There was a text from Teddy at twelve thirty. It read: 'I miss you already. Love you'.

Billy calmed himself down, holding back the tears that began to well up in his eyes. He didn't know how they got there or why they were even there in the first place. He was a bag of full raw emotion.

He sat down. What was that dream all about. He felt something trickle down his face. Taking it in his hand, he stared at it. It was semen his own. He looked at himself. Somehow through the night, he had managed to slip down his boxers, only covering half his dick and butt.

Billy had a wet dream. He looked in the mirror and saw the streaks of cum in his body and some strays in his face.

What had just happened? He had the perfect dream with Teddy until it transformed into something Billy couldn't understand. Teddy was supposed to be fucking him. How could it have been replaced with the dildo and Tommy?

Taking a deep breath, Billy laid his head on his pillow. He closed his eyes and tried going back to sleep. He was tired and irrational. He didn't want to think of such disturbing thoughts right now. Half of him hoped he wouldn't dream that again. But another half wanted to relive it. Hopefully the second time around, he would understand. In a few minutes, Billy entered the realm of sleep.

It was approaching noon when Billy finally woke up again. Thankfully, he didn't have the same dream. Somehow, his sleep was a peaceful slumber.

He could still remember everything single detail vividly. It felt like watching a movie, except the characters were himself and Teddy. He was able to scrutinize each and every detail, from the facial expressions right down to the soft moaning.

His stomach growled. As much as he wanted to explore and understand what the dream had meant, Billy realized he hadn't eaten all day. He was too hungry to think straight. Lunch first then he would sort everything out.

He could smell an oriental aroma. There were hints of soy sauce and vinegar in the air. Mom must be cooking Chinese food.

"Finally you're awake hon." Billy's mom called out, hearing Billy's footsteps. "I know it's a lazy Sunday, but your whole day just disappeared."

"Sorry mom, had a horrible dream." Billy didn't bother lying. Mrs. Kaplan was like a human polygraph. She could sniff out any lie when just by watching a person's movements. If she listened to the words, she would already find out the truth.

"Want to talk about it dear?" Mrs. Kaplan asked as she began taking out plates from the cupboard.

"Not really." Billy answered honestly. If there was one good thing about having a psychiatrist for a mom, is that she would always let you talk at your own pace. That's how Billy still managed to keep secrets and a little privacy.

"Okay honey. You want some rice?" The woman smiled softly. She gave Billy a kiss on the forehead.

"Sure. Where's dad?" Billy took a spoonful of some odd-looking fish slices.

"They're at the ball game. I'm bringing them a packed lunch. You coming?" She broke apart her chopsticks.

"No thanks. I have to catch up on homework." Chinese food tasted so weird when his mom cooked it.

"It's not Chinese dear. It's Japanese cuisine. You're eating sushi." She corrected her ignorant son.

"But the fish isn't wrapped in rice?" Maybe his mom was mind reader after all. He always suspected she was telepath of some sort.

"It's sashimi dear. I'm going to pack them into rice balls later. Something you're going to help me with." Mrs. Kaplan used her mom voice.

"Okay!" Maybe he could pack Teddy some and visit him this afternoon. One teleportation spell and voila, picnic date with nature.

"Don't worry Billy, it's really easy to make." She cleaned up her bowl and took Billy's as well. "Go get an apron. It might be a little messy."

Mrs. Kaplan taught Billy the basic steps in making the rice balls. Billy learned quickly. He had to. His mom wasn't very patient or a good teacher.

"I almost forgot. Teddy called a while ago but you were asleep." She said casually as she smashed rice together.

"What? What time?" Billy almost dropped the one he was making.

"At around ten." She watched her son's reactions slowly. Something seemed off.

"What did he want?" Billy looked away. Crap, his mother was watching his facial features. She would find out there was something wrong with him and Teddy.

"Just wanted to check up on you dear. Were you expecting the call?" Teddy sounded a little uncertain a while ago but she attributed that to Teddy being uneasy around her. But now it looked like something was going on.

"No. You should have woken me up." Billy answered. He missed his chance to talk to Teddy.

"I asked him but he said never mind. He didn't want to wake you up. Such a sweet boy really." She watched her son. This was a little interesting. Of course she wouldn't pry it out of him. But what mother wasn't curious about their son's love life.

"Yea he is." Billy knew that look in his mother's eye. She was intrigued. When that happened, he would be under her scrutiny twenty-four seven. She wouldn't ask or force it out of him. Instead she would play detective on his face, finding out anyway. Taking a deep breath, he headed her off. "What do dreams mean?"

"There are many kinds of dreams honey. They could mean a lot of different things. You have to be more specific." Billy was asking for advice, which meant: 'don't try finding out. I'll tell you instead'. Oh well, she could always play detective with her husband's Valentine present.

"It was a dream about Teddy." Billy swallowed. He just hoped he could pull this off right. If his mother found out they were fighting, sort of, about having sex, he was sure she would want to have the talk again. Something he did not want to repeat. He would just ask about the dream, hopefully diverting her interest.

"Go on." She packed all the rice balls and motioned for them to move to the couch.

"It started out great. We were together and it was great." Billy tried leaving out the details without sounding suspicious. Lies were easily uncovered but the truth could be just as deceptive. It all depended on wordplay.

"Then he said he loved me. I tried answering back, but nothing came out of my mouth." This part was very disturbing to Billy in retrospect. Why couldn't he say it? He was sure he loved Teddy.

"How did Teddy react?" She said detachedly, not giving out any signs of approval or disapproval.

"We continued doing what we did. He didn't react. So what do you think?" Billy asked. His mom picked up something and he needed to know what she figured out.

"I think you should think about what that means Billy."

"Tell me! I'm not one of your patients. Give it to me straight." Billy pleaded. He needed to know why he had such a horrible dream.

"Well first of all, I'm sure you haven't told me everything yet. So it could mean something different. Second, dream interpretation can vary from person to person. It's not a very definitive science. It boils down to culture more than anything else."

"Mom! Just tell me please! What do you think?" He hated it when she turned all professional-like on him.

"I think you're guilty about something you did. The rest I'll leave up to you decipher. And no matter what honey, we love you." She reassured him, kissing him on the head.

"Thanks mom." She was amazing. And she was right.

"Anytime dear. I'm going ahead to meet up with your dad and brothers. You sure you'll be alright alone?" She asked as she packed away.

"I think I'll visit Teddy in Football camp." Billy smiled; he took some of the rice balls and started packing too.

"Okay honey, just be home by eleven dear okay." Mrs. Kaplan reminded him. It still amazed her how her son could teleport anywhere he wanted. She already planned their vacation in Hollywood.

"Sure mom." He kissed his mother goodbye and went up to get ready.

His mom was right. The dream was all about guilt. Billy had been unfaithful to Teddy. He didn't actually cheat but he did experiment sexually with someone else. Even if that someone else was his brother, sort of, not really, it still wasn't fair to Teddy.

He would go the football camp and confess to Teddy. He was sure Teddy would forgive him. It was an honest mistake brought about my teen hormones and adolescent frustration. He had to do it now before he hurt Teddy even more. He was ready to receive any punishment Teddy would give for his infidelity.

The image of Teddy walking away flashed across his mind. What if Teddy wouldn't forgive him?

Billy pushed away those thoughts. If Teddy wouldn't forgive him, then Billy wouldn't stop saying sorry until Teddy did. He was the one who made a mistake, he would make things right.

Steeling his resolve, he made a pact to himself to go to Teddy today. He practiced everything he needed to say in front of his boyfriend's picture. The photo looked back at him with deep blue eyes. Billy could not lose those blue eyes. He would fight for them if he had to.

After a few minutes of self-psyching up, Billy found another dilemma. Should he call first or surprise Teddy?

Before he could worry and chose, his phone rang. It was Teddy. He answered immediately. "Hello."

"Billy! You're finally awake!" The voice on the receiver chirped happily.

"It's really you. Yea I'm awake. I had a long night." Billy sat down his bed. For some reason his heart felt so relieved to hear Teddy's voice. It seemed like a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders.

"Of course it's me. I miss you already." The voice teased with easy playfulness.

"It's only been three days." Billy reminded Teddy, even though he was extremely happy that Teddy called.

"Whatever. I know you're gazing longingly at my photo right now. You miss me just as much." There was tone of mischief and complete confidence in the statement.

"What no! I'm not!" Billy looked away from the picture he was using to match the voice he was hearing. It wasn't enough at all. Billy wanted to see the real thing

"Of course you are. I'm looking at your picture too."

"What? I mean okay fine. I was looking at your picture." Billy blushed red.

"I wish I was there to see you blushing right now!" Billy could hear Teddy laugh through the phone.

"Haha. So how's football?" Billy asked.

"Tiring. They train you like crazy. I would've called as soon as I got here but they made us go straight to practice."

"Awww. My poor Teddy, don't worry I'll make it all better when you come back." Billy teased.

"Hey Bill, I was thinking that we need to talk." The tone of the voice changed perceptively

"What? about what?" Billy felt something stir at the pit of his stomach. Was Teddy going to dump him? Did he find out?

"About you know. And how I left you and avoided the subject you wanted to talk about."

"Oh that. Yes. We definitely need to talk about that." Billy answered back, breathing a sigh of relief. He had to tell Teddy to make things right.

"While I was on the bus, I started thinking. It was completely unfair of me to ignore you and run off here without talking it over." The voice wavered slightly.

"It's okay. I guess I pushed to fast and too hard for you. I didn't think about what you wanted." Billy added cautiously.

"Can you come over? I don't want to do it over the phone."

"I was actually going to call to see if I can." Billy admitted.

"I'll be available around four-ish. Just come find me I guess?"

"Yup. I'll be there." He was going to tell Teddy. He was going to tell Teddy. He was going to tell Teddy.

"Wait I have to go. Coach is calling. Love you."

"Love you more!" Billy said before he heard a chuckle and the phone disconnect.

He looked at his watch: it was around one. Three hours until he has to confess.

Time moved slowly for Billy. He rehearsed his lines over and over again. He redid the rice balls three times. He had to change his outfit four times cause he sweated through them. The anxiety seemed to compound as the clock ticked closer and closer to four.

Finally it was time. Billy took the basket and then double-checked everything to make sure he forgot nothing. Taking a deep breath, he cast his spell.

One moment he was in his room, the next he was out in the park. It was quiet place. Billy didn't hear anyone at all. The only sound came from the trees rustling and birds chirping.

Using he magic, he waded through some foliage in search for Teddy. He could feel himself get closer. And then he saw the clearing.

It was beautiful. Billy found himself staring at the natural and simple wonder nature had to offer. The green grass swayed slowly to the rhythm of the other foliage. He spotted two squirrels running across the small field. There was a picturesque lake in the middle with shimmering blue waters. Everything was surrounded by trees providing the entire area a feeling of privacy.

But what really caught Billy's attention was the boy standing on the miniature wooden dock on the lake. The boy stared back at him with deep blue eyes. It was Teddy.

Their eyes met and it seemed like time stopped, holding them in place. Before Billy had realized it, he was running towards Teddy. He knew it was unreasonable but somehow he couldn't stop.

Unfortunately, the same impulse afflicted them both. In their haste, they winded up tackling each other. Teddy's bigger build gave him the advantage, causing him to fall on top of Billy.

"Are you okay?" Teddy was cut off as Billy smashed their lips together. Billy forced his tongue down Teddy's throat. The blonde responded and they continued making out until Billy pulled away for air.

"Hello." Billy face was flushed red. He could feel the heat escaping through his cheeks. That was such a hot kiss.

"Hello." Teddy answered back. He scrutinized Billy's blushing face. His boyfriend's eyes had a dreamy gaze to them. The lips were a bit puffy from Teddy sucking on them. He couldn't help himself; he kissed Billy again.

They continued making out until they needed air again.

"Hello again." Billy whimpered after the kiss.

"Here let me help you get up." Teddy stood up pulling up the other boy. Once Billy was on his feet, Teddy pulled him into a tight hug.

Billy wrapped his arms around Teddy, pressing his head against Teddy's chest. This was where he was supposed to be, in Teddy's arms.

Teddy rested his head on top of Billy's. He took in the mage's scent, taking in as much as he could. He never realized how much he loved it, until he missed it at football camp. He memorized the smell and the feel of Billy in his arms.

They pulled away when they heard a something scampering beside them. Teddy instinctively increased his muscle mass, ready to pound on any enemy. Billy prepared a spell of lightning in his head just in case. It was a raccoon.

"Isn't it adorable?" Teddy cooed at the little mammal. For such a big person, he was such a softie.

"What's it doing?" Billy observed, as the raccoon was clawing at an object. It was his bag! "Teddy that's my bag!"

"What?" Teddy looked in confusion at his boyfriend. The raccoon got spooked and ran off.

"The food I made was there." Billy sighed.

"Why don't you just poof it back?" Teddy thought about chasing the raccoon but he wanted to stay with Billy more.

"Hmmm. I'll do that once I get home. I don't want to do it here." He wasn't sure how long the spell would take. He wanted to spend time with Teddy.

"Alright. Let's sit here. The views nicer." Teddy approached the lakeside and sat down facing the setting sun.

"It is nice." Billy sat down and rested his head on Teddy's shoulder.

"While I was on the bus on my way here, I thought of a lot of things." Teddy put his arm over Billy, pulling the mage closer.

"Things like?" Billy wondered what Teddy had to say. He would let Teddy go first and tell him about Tommy later.

"On how I didn't give it a try." Teddy's voice trailed of softly.

"What are you saying Teddy?" Billy looked into his boyfriend's eyes.

"I'm saying, I want to try having sex with you. I thought you were thinking only about the pleasure. So I was afraid I was going to hurt you. I forgot about the love part. I want to show you how much I really love you." Teddy kissed Billy before the boy could respond.

Their positions changed as Teddy pushed and went on top. He kissed his partner speechless before kissing his way down the smooth neck. His hands began to skillfully unbutton Billy's shirt, exposing the flat chest. He moved his mouth down to Billy's nipples, teasing them with his teeth.

Billy arched his back at the enormous pleasure Teddy gave him. One part of his mind screamed at him to take control and talk to Teddy. The other part, the one that won, told him to sit back and enjoy. Teddy may never want to try this ever again.

Teddy continued on. The week-long abstinence from Billy he inflicted on himself overriding any control he had left. He quickly followed Billy's small treasure trail and unbuckled Billy's pants. He took Billy's hard cock in his mouth.

"Oh shit Teddy!" They had never gone this fast before. Billy didn't know how to react. He whimpered and trembled as Teddy worked that miraculous tongue all over his dick. "I'm going to come Teddy!"

Teddy pulled way immediately. He looked at Billy who was bucking his hips in the air. The brunette was completely naked and panting. Billy's dick was slick with Teddy's spit and glistened in the sun.

"Sorry Bill." Teddy said as he realized how excited he was.

"No that was amazing. I just have one complaint." Billy managed to say straightly with a hint of playfulness despite his state of sexual high.

"What's that?" Teddy inched his face closer to Billy's, watching the other's boy's mouth moving to form the words.

"Why am I the only one naked?" Billy asked huskily. He bit Teddy's earlobe the moment it was within range.

"I think we can fix that." Teddy pulled his shirt over his head while Billy unzipped Teddy's pants.

"See? This is so much better." Billy felt the hard mounds of muscle that was Teddy's chest. He explored his hand over them, feeling Teddy's heart beat fast.

"I can even make it better." Teddy stood up and walked a foot away. He started slowly gyrating his hips, dancing for Billy.

"Oh wow." Billy swallowed deeply. Teddy was moving his hips from side to side, slowly slipping off the unzipped pants. The blonde turned around giving Billy the perfect view for his underwear-clad ass.

He walked sensually towards Billy. Pushing his package towards Billy's face, he said. "Open it. It's for you."

Billy pulled down the tight fitting boxer briefs and threw them away. Teddy stood before him, the mighty cock pointing to the sky. From Billy's angle it looked even bigger.

"Are you ready?" Teddy asked. His cock throbbed at Billy's impending answer.

"Yes." Billy lied down on the cold and wet wooden dock. He pulled Teddy towards him. Their dicks brushed against each other. They stared into each other's eyes, feeling each point of contact between their bodies.

"So... how do we do this?" Teddy asked tenderly. He was supporting himself over Billy. He resisted the urge to kiss Billy senseless. He needed to know how to do this right.

"Do what?" Billy asked honestly. His brain had stopped working properly the moment he found himself looking at those deep blue eyes.

"How do I finger you?" Teddy said after swallowing away his anxiety. They were so close that Teddy could feel Billy's breath escape his mouth and tickle Teddy's lips.

"I'm not sure. Do you have lube?" Billy asked meekly. They were finally doing it. His dick was pulsing in anticipation.

"No... So we don't do it?" Teddy almost let out a sigh of relief. As much as he wanted to fuck Billy already he wasn't sure he could take seeing his boyfriend get hurt even the slightest.

"No! I think you can use spit." Billy said. If he let Teddy go, they were never going to do it.

"Okay." Teddy kissed Billy lightly and then traveled his way down the brunette's body. He trailed kissed over the perky nipples and the engraved abs. After following Billy's treasure trail, he stopped.

"What is it Ted?" Billy asked as he sensed the other boy's hesitation.

"I want a quick taste first." Teddy said playfully as took the pulsing dick in his mouth. Billy arched his back in surprise, pushing his cock deeper into Teddy's willing mouth. The blonde swirled his tongue over the long tube in his mouth. His tongue went wild trying to savor each and every taste Billy's cock had.

"Teddy!" Billy tried pushing Teddy's head away. It only encouraged the other boy. Billy's mind was going crazy as he was subjected to Teddy's extremely flexible tongue.

"Just a taste." Teddy finally pulled away leaving Billy panting like a dog in heat. He licked the tightened balls, cleaning them of their musky swear. He grabbed Billy's ankles and lifted them high, giving the perfect view of Billy's ass. "Are you ready?"

"Yes." Instinctively, Billy clenched his ass. He had tried having a vibrator up his butt, which felt good. Billy hoped having Teddy's fingers wouldn't be so different.

Teddy lowered his head and came to eye-level with Billy's pink hole. He sniffed it first, rubbing it with his nose. Billy tensed up but relaxed soon afterwards. Then, Teddy placed his lips against the little hole.

"Teddy!" Billy shivered as he felt the contact where nobody usually touches.

Teddy started to lick Billy's tight anus. He pushed his tongue deep into it sending the mage into fits of pleasure. Teddy darted his tongue in and out of the tight hole. He plunged as far as he could and then pulled all the way out. Billy was gripping him tightly.

"Teddy! I'm so close." Billy screamed out. He could feel his cock throb faster and faster.

"Okay." Teddy pulled away and gazed at slick pucker. It didn't look any bigger than it had been a while ago. He looked at Billy's face and knew he wouldn't be able to disappoint his lover. He would finger Billy today.

"Come here Teddy." Billy said huskily. His body was still splayed on the ground as Teddy walked over to Billy's face. He grabbed Teddy's cock and pulled downwards causing the blonde to bend down. It looked like Teddy was straddling Billy's chest.

"What are you doing?" Teddy managed to complete his sentence before Billy engulfed his cock. Teddy pulled back in pleasure and almost pulled out completely but Billy's suction was strong.

Billy sucked on the large cock using his tongue to tease the purple cock head resting inside his mouth. He reached for Teddy's ass and held on to them tightly. Using them as his support, he began to pull Teddy deeper into his mouth.

"Fuck!" Teddy began to buck his hips slowly. He pushed in and out of Billy's soft wet mouth. Billy was so good at this. Then the mage pulled out.

"Just wanted a taste." Billy said slyly. He began licking up the sides of the member. He went up and down like he was licking the droplets of a melting Popsicle. Teddy's cock leaked large amounts of precum, giving Billy a lot to lick.

"Yea that feels good." Teddy groaned out loud. Billy then grabbed his right hand and pulled it towards him. Billy began to suck Teddy's finger, swallowing each and every digit individually and soaking them in spit. Teddy looked in awe and complete arousal as he watched his boyfriend suck his other appendages.

"Now you can finger me." Billy murmured mischievously as the finger left his mouth. He could see Teddy swallow hard as the bigger boy went back down on his ass. Billy raised his legs while Teddy pulled apart his ass cheeks.

"I'm putting my index in first." Teddy had the most control over that one. He pressed against the slick hole. Billy stifled a whimper. Teddy pushed further finally getting past the surface. He had about his entire nail in before he looked up to see Billy.

Billy had shut his eyes and moaned considerably. The finger felt so much bigger than his dildo.

"Are you still okay?" Teddy asked worriedly. He left his finger in the same place. Billy was panting heavily and not in a good way. Teddy had already lost his erection from anxiety.

"Go." Billy whispered almost inaudibly.

"I'm pushing." Teddy pushed slowly. Billy let out small cry but quickly covered it. Teddy stopped again.

"Just keep pushing Teddy!" Billy screamed. It seemed like slow torture the way Teddy was doing it. The finger felt so large and foreign. It was beginning to feel very uncomfortable.

Teddy swallowed hard and then continued. He pushed his finger deeper. He was now past his minor knuckles.

Billy let out cry as he felt the finger push deeper into his insides. It was painful and Billy was unprepared. He tried stopping it knowing the pleasure was near but he couldn't.

Teddy watched Billy moan in a different way, one that seemed to be a little painful. Billy's face was all scrunched tightly and his jaw clenched. His entire body was tense and stiff. Then Teddy saw it. Billy's cock had totally deflated and there was a tear at the corner of Billy's eye.

"I'm pulling out." Teddy said determined. Billy was getting hurt. Sex wasn't worth it.

"Te...teddy." Billy tried to say but he couldn't speak as the awkward foreign pain prevented him. Other things had hurt more but this was just different. He couldn't stop Teddy from pulling all the way out.

"Billy, are you all right?" Teddy rushed over to Billy, cupping the boy's face in his hands after he completely removed his finger. He kissed Billy's forehead and held the mage close.

"I'm fine. You shouldn't have pulled out." Billy said unconvinced by his own words. Teddy just pulled him closer.

"I don't think we're ready yet Bill. We shouldn't rush this." Teddy preempted his boyfriend. Teddy realized during the bus trip how unrealistic it was not to ever have sex with Billy. If he wanted to protect his boyfriend from himself, he would just have to delay having sex until he could get his powers under full control. He would do it with Billy once he could shrink himself and maintain that a smaller size while fucking.

"Okay." Billy agreed without any argument. Maybe Teddy was right and Billy was rushing things.

Teddy kissed Billy on the lips.

"Next time we should try somewhere there's a bed." Billy said, regaining his sense of humor. He now only realized how hard the wooden planks were.

"Yea. We'll try next time." Teddy's thoughts were rushing through excuses on how to delay it. He sat up and then pulled his boyfriend into his arms. Billy sat on Teddy's laps and was resting his head on Teddy's chest. Despite not succeeding, both boys were well tired.

Teddy's cell phone rang. Billy created a bolt of electricity in his hands and zapped the offending piece of technology, leaving a burnt patch in its stead.

"I just want to stay quiet like this for a little while longer." Billy murmured as he pressed his face against Teddy's warm chest.

"Okay." Teddy closed his eyes. He was just about to smash his phone before Billy beat him to it.

"I'll buy you a new one." Billy said interrupting the silence.

"Ssssh it's okay. Quiet, remember?" Teddy chastised sweetly with a kiss.

The phone rang again.

"Fuck! Did I miss?" Billy looked over Teddy's shoulder and sure enough the phone was vibrating and ringing beside a burnt patch of grass.

Teddy growled at the phone and flipped it open. His voice dripped with annoyance as he answered. "Hello."

Billy let out a sigh. The fates seemed to conspire against him today. He didn't bother trying to listen to the other person on the line. Instead, his devilish side had and idea.

He slipped off Teddy and went down on all fours. Teddy let him slide away easily, distracted by his phone. Billy ran his hands over Teddy's thighs, coaxing them to open. Once he got them open, he grabbed Teddy's cock and began licking it.

Teddy almost dropped his phone the moment Billy's tongue made contact. His damn football buddies were looking for him. He could barely make a good excuse to get away for the afternoon. Billy sucking him would not help that at all.

Billy grinned though the cock across his lips. Teddy was obviously having difficulty answering properly. Billy liked having that effect. Taking it up a notch, he engulfed Teddy in his mouth.

"What the... Bi... I mean yea sure bye!" Teddy snapped his phone shut and finally released the loud moan of ecstasy. He lurched forward putting more his cock into Billy's mouth.

Billy held the cock in his mouth. Then he slowly slid his head back and forth the length of it. He used his hand to massage Teddy's balls. Billy wanted a big load from Teddy.

"Fuck!" Teddy pushed his hips forward, driving his monster deeper into Billy's mouth. His boyfriend couldn't go all the way yet. But Billy was coming very close.

"Give it to me." Billy pulled away and stroked Teddy's cock. He put it back in his mouth and sucked it as deep as he could.

"I'm coming!" Teddy shouted as he orgasmed in Billy's mouth. He could feel himself shoot all his pent-up semen down Billy's throat. His cock pulsed violently, filling Billy up. He could see Billy's cheeks get full but his lover didn't let a single drop escape.

"So who was it?" Billy asked innocently as he pulled away. He swallowed each and every drop of Teddy. He sat straight up and mustered the most angelic face he could do.

"Just some dudes. We better hurry, they're looking for me." Teddy replied flatly.

"Why didn't you tell them you were busy?" Billy asked. Teddy couldn't leave yet.

"That was what I was trying to do but someone was a little too eager." Teddy mockingly blamed Billy.

"Ooops." Billy stuck out his tongue and bonked his head playfully. "Ho much time do we have?"

"At least fifteen minutes." Teddy dove at Billy, kissing the boy senseless.

Then they heard people calling out Teddy's name.

"Fuck!" Teddy wanted to yell out loud but then he would be giving out their position earlier.

"Give me a break." Billy started putting on his clothes haphazardly.

Teddy was fully clothed in an instant. "Catch you next time?"

"Okay." Billy didn't even bother putting his shirt on anymore.

"Love you." Teddy kissed Billy. The footsteps were coming closer.

"Love you too." Billy returned the kiss and the slowly evaporated into blue sparks.

Teddy opened his eyes. Billy had teleported away. He could taste his own cum from Billy's lips. He sighed unhappily. They always seemed to be cut short.

After a few minutes, the bushes on the edge of clearing moved and Teddy's teammates came out.

"Hey guys!" Teddy called out. He wondered when he would get to spend time with Billy again.

A/N: Dream sequence! Yay! Sorry for the not having a full sex scene in this chapter. I couldn't fit a real one into the story at this point. So I decided to try a dream sequence. Hope it turned out okay. Poor Billy and Teddy. It seems like every two steps forward, they take a step back. They should have gotten real lube! I'm such a tease X.x . I decided to continue with Billy first before Cap's part. Most people wanted to see this first. Next chapter, Captain America finally returns! Hope you enjoy reading! Feel free to comment!

Next: Chapter 8

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