Captain America and the Young Avengers

By Pikachu MOn

Published on Jun 17, 2017


DISCLAIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. All the characters depicted in story belong to and are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and its subsidiaries. I am in no way related to the company and have no ownership over the characters. This is fan made work. This story depicts males in sexual situations, just so you know. Thank you.

Tommy was planning something. David could see it in the boy's eyes. The speedster was scheming and despite all of his best efforts, he couldn't figure out what it was. At first he though, Tommy was going to ambush him with more sex after that time with Billy and Teddy. He waited anxiously, carrying a pack of condoms of lube with him wherever he went. But weeks passed and all they had done was jerk and suck each other off. Tommy was clearly waiting for something. He just didn't know what.

They had gone to Hawaii care of Billy's teleportation powers. Instead of booking a hotel, they just dropped on an remote island, where they would set up camp. Any supplies they needed, Billy brought over. David almost thought this was a sex trip if not for the appearance of Kate, America and Cassie. With the girls around, David quickly pushed the possibility of an orgy away.

The first day they spent hiking and hunting for food. It was all very hunger games and relaxation. It was quite nice to have the entire team back together. Even the addition of Cassie, who he'd never met before seemed perfectly natural. Her calm and mildly passive personality made for good contrast to the hot headedness of America, Kate, Tommy and Billy. With Cassie, Teddy and himself, they had a better mix of personalities.

He was just looking at the silhouettes of Billy and Tommy when he suddenly found himself in a headlock.

"What are you thinking about?" America asked, tightening her grip. They had grown closer as a result of attending the same University. She sometimes asked him to be her knowledge support.

"If Billy's the demiurge, what's Tommy to you?" David blurted out. He had wanted to ask that questions ages ago. Even until now, it wasn't clear what Billy and Tommy actually were. Billy had been biologically born from the Kaplans but also contained the souls of the Scarlet Witch's children. Except the Scarlet Witch only had her children a few years ago, which meant her sons had to be alive at the same time as Billy. Adding only to the confusion is the fact that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver turned out to not be mutants instead being projects of the high evolutionary. Whether that was true or not was still up to debate. But it did casts a shadow on Billy and Tommy's identities. If Billy was going to be a cosmic greatness, was it possible that his twin was just a normal whatever he was? Wasn't celestiality tied to blood. It was a puzzle that felt like it didn't have an answer.

"Dear Lord." America released him from her hold. She clutched at her head like she had a headache. "Why do you want to know?" She answered after a long suffering sigh.

"We're always around them. I figured we should at least know what they are." David answered. He didn't mention the fact that he wanted to have sex with them on a regular basis.

"Not good enough for me to tell you." America smirked. "Come ask me again when you finally have the guts to stop hiding behind excuses." She took a giant leap and landed right in between Kate and Cassie.

David sighed.

"What was that about?" Tommy suddenly appeared beside him.

David practically jumped three feet into the air. His X-men training had taught him never to get surprised. But nothing could ever prepare him for Tommy.

"Don't do that." He yelled angrily. He then stalked off as he felt his heart clench at the sight of those hurt green eyes looking back at him.

He heard Tommy and Billy talking to each other in confusion.

They set up camp at a cave near the top of the mountain. They would gaze at the stars once night fell. For now, they would gather the food. They drew straws to find out who got to do what. America and Cassie would get the fish. Kate, Tommy and Billy would hunt for small animals and berries. Teddy and David would be in charge of setting up the fire and getting a stew going. If the others weren't successful in catching anything, they would also be the ones to open a can of beans and hot dogs.

"You guys really take camping seriously huh?" David pointed as he added more wood to their fire. "I would have thought Billy would be teleporting pizza for us by now. Or whatever expensive take out Kate eats.

"That's exactly what happened the first time the team did this." Teddy laughed in the easy way he did. It always felt warm and charming, reminding David why he crushed so hard on the big blond. "But Eli was an actual eagle scout. He made everyone swear to do it the hard way. And once Billy and Tommy learned how to make a fire, they did not want to go back. Kate was already a great hunter."

"It is nice to do this." David added. The distinct lack of cellphone beeps and twangs are everything feel more peaceful and quiet. It felt like they really were alone on this remote island.

Teddy suddenly grinned deviously. It didn't match his handsome face. He went into the tents and came out hauling a big cooler. "There is one thing Eli allowed. Especially when it was just us guys around."

David swallowed. Did this have something to do with the sex parties Tommy always claimed they had. Was it possible to need an entire cooler full of lube?

"Beer." Teddy grinned as he opened the cooler. "You just can't make beer the old fashioned way."

David flushed bright red immediately. Apparently, he was the only one thinking of sex. "Technically you can chew on some plants to get high." He added, hoping Teddy wouldn't notice his train of thought.

Teddy laughed. "We didn't have a brainiac on our last group. Now that I'm thinking about it, Billy and Jonas were the smart guys of the team. Teddy and David shared a look, and then burst out laughing. "I love Billy to hell and back but he is so impulsive sometimes. I wish he'd use his brain a little more." Despite complaining, Teddy just couldn't wipe the smile off his face whenever he was talking about his boyfriend.

"Aren't you glad you found me?" David teased. "So how many were you guys when you started out?"

"There was the original four. Nate, Eli, Billy and Me. But we just had practice sessions and like two failed missions. We were barely a team." Teddy tossed a beer towards David. They sat on the soft grass and gazed into the stars. "Nate brought us together."

"And you guys were the four temperaments."

"The what now?"

"It's like the five man band kind of classification. The four temperaments is an earlier version of that. There's the Sanguine, Melancholic, Choleric and Phlegmatic." David liked reading about team dynamics. It had always bothered him how Hellion's team had lasted longer than New X-men Squad. He'd never arrived at the answer as most of his friends had died.

"I've heard about that. So which were we?"

"You're definitely the phlegmatic one." When Teddy made a face, David quickly explained. "It just means you're the most chill out of everyone. I think out of everyone, you were the most stable and thoughtful."

Teddy hummed thoughtfully. He seemed to not agree with David's assessment.

"Eli's is definitely choleric. It's the type associated with the bossy extrovert."

"That makes complete sense." Teddy nodded.

"The last two I'm not quite sure. I would peg Billy as the melancholic one. This is the type thats a bit too introspective and anxious. That would place Nate as Sanguine, or the hot blooded one. Somehow it doesn't quite fit."

"I think you're wrong. Billy is the Sanguine one. Before the whole Scarlet Witch thing, he was so full of life. It was beautiful to watch him. No matter how bad things got, he always looked at it with positivity." Teddy said with obvious bias. The way he spoke about Billy spoke volumes of how much he adored the mage. "If anything Nate was the melancholic one, always afraid of becoming Kang."

David decided to drop the topic. The classification didn't quite fit. "Probably."

"I think the five man band fits us better. Eli was the leader. Kate was his lancer. I was the big guy." Teddy said with a flex of his bicep. David hated how he got stiff at that. "Billy was, I still can't believe it, the smart guy. Cassie was the chick."

"What about Tommy?" David wondered where his twin fit into the mix.

"He was well Tommy. As in the sixth ranger." Teddy said after a thinking about it for a moment. "For the first few weeks at least. We were always worried he was going to blow something up or become a super villain. You should have seen the place we broke him out of. Kate was the first to just completely trust him. It's probably why he liked her so much."

"When did you guys finally trust him?"

"It just happened. After the whole Kree-Skrull thing, we pretty much stuck with him. I guess when he didn't leave. He and Billy are good for each other you know." Teddy had a content smile. "He'd never admit it, but he loves Tommy more than his real brothers."

"And you love Tommy too?" David asked. He couldn't quite understand what he liked about the impulsive speedster. He just knew he did.

"Yes." Teddy said without hesitation. "Don't you?"

"I guess." David wanted to add, not in the same way as Teddy loved Billy, but he didn't want to cheapen the moment.

Teddy held out his beer for a toast. David clinked his bottle against Teddy's.

"To the twins who drive us crazy." Teddy raised his glass.

"To the twins who drive us crazy." David could definitely toast to that.

"You boys celebrating without us?" America called from above. She was hovering above them bare-chested. She held a around eight fish with one hand, and a blushing Cassie on the other.

"Boobs." Teddy said dumbly, looking at America's ample chest.

David had the decency and presence of mind to turn away.

"You get a pass for being gay. Can I get a shirt? Or not, it doesn't really bother me." America landed. David quickly stripped of his shirt and handed it to her.

"I stubbed my toe on some corals, America had to bandage it with her bando." Cassie explained quietly even though no one had asked.

"Told you Cassie. It doesn't matter if they're gay or not, men will just stare at your boobs." America nudged Cassie who still couldn't quite look at her in the eye.

Teddy muttered a quick apology, which America quickly ignored. She wasn't at all fazed by her nudity. She turned to David, causing his heart to stop. Was she mad at him? "What do we do with the fish?"

David swallowed the lump in his throat. He began to look at the fish. He was definitely thinking about what he'd say to America if she propositioned him. God it was hard being bi.

He quickly recalled Wolverine's knowledge. He hated how often he relied on the hairy Canadian's skills. The man had just lived so long amassing a huge amount of skills. It was just easy to always rely on him.

They descaled the fish and stuck a wooden pike through their mouths. He left a little seawater on them to serve as salt. Pretty soon the smelled of grilled fish filled the air. Cassie was a natural cook, able to pick up on turning the fish at just the right time. America lacked the patience, and instead flew to a tree to look out for the others. David and Teddy just continued to chill, drinking beers and talking about nothing. As far as vacations went, this was one of the best.

The peace was lasting so long so long, David was starting to get itchy. Something was bound to explode. Seconds later, Tommy's wide smile was right up in his face.

"I caught a rabbit." Tommy said excitedly. He bouncing around parading his hopefully dead rabbit around.

Kate and Billy wandered in from the bushes. Kate was holding up around three rabbits as well. Billy looked positively green, causing Teddy to run up to him.

"Kate snagged three with her bow. But then she gave it to me, and I managed to catch my own." Tommy was excitedly telling Cassie and America. "I didn't even use my super speed or anything. Hey Kate, think I could be the next Hawkeye?"

"In your dreams Tommy." Kate snorted. She walked over to David, and handed him the wild rabbits. It was clear she wanted him to take of the skinning and cooking.

"What's wrong with Billy?" David whipped out his knife and began working. Tommy and Cassie wandered over and watched him work. They were like two children mesmerized.

"He tried my bow. But instead of a rabbit, he accidentally shot a wild boar. It didn't go down with one shot. I had to break its neck." Kate said somberly. Billy looked devastated. Wolverine always told them to kill animals quickly while they hunt. Letting the animal feel pain or suffer unnecessarily was inhumane. "He'll get over it. He just needs some time. So hows the dinner coming along."

David quickly counted their food. Between Kate and America's hauls, they had enough meat for breakfast. He cooked all the food anyway. The wouldn't have enough time to dry or preserve the leftover. They would just leave the rest of the leftover for whatever lucky scavenger veered into their camp the next day.

Dinner was an easy affair. The cooked game tasted surprisingly good despite the lack of spices. Tommy was scarfing done food faster than usual. David chalked it up to the excitement of the hunt. Kate was was also eating a lot. David would have thought a rich girl like her would have problems eating wild meat. Cassie actually had the most problems sticking mostly to the fish.

They shared stories around the campfire. The beer helped loosen everyone's tongues. Billy apologized to Cassie for the whole Scarlet Witch episode, and they hugged everything out. Kate and America started arguing about boys and wound up wrestling in the woods. They came back arms around each other, laughing like the best of friends. Tommy was whizzing around making lot of jokes, often at David's expense. Billy somehow managed to stay wrapped in Teddy's arms the entire night. They interacted with everyone but were just together as a unit. David was a little jealous of how content Billy looked. It had been hours before Cassie finally headed into the girls tent. The rest of the party followed leaving Tommy and David alone by the campfire.

"You've been very pensive." Tommy pointed out. The night breeze was cool, forcing David to huddle against his blanket.

"I'm surprised you even know that word." David snorted. Getting an eye roll from Tommy.

"What are you thinking about." Tommy asked. He was only wearing his tank and shorts yet he didn't look cold at all.

"You guys have got something amazing going on here. My team and I never did things like this. Celebrating just never seemed right after so many of our friends died." It was one of the reason David left Xavier's school. There were just too many bad memories.

He got a hard punch on his shoulder. Tommy looked annoyed.

"WE..." Tommy emphasized. "... have something amazing going on here. You're part of the team whether you like it or not." Tommy sat closer to David. "You just have to move on you know. When Cassie and Jonas died, Billy just blamed himself. He missed so much of life moping around. You've just got to move on."

"I know." David bumped shoulders with Tommy. As far as speeches went, it wasn't the most eloquent but it got the job done. "I'm glad you dragged me into this." David had already given up becoming a hero after losing his powers. Tommy reminded how much it meant to help people.

"I told you, I'm a fountain of good ideas." Tommy grinned. He rested his head against David's shoulder. They sat there gazing at the stars in companionable silence. He didn't make any outward advances towards David.

In that moment, David knew he was truly happy. There was only one way to make it better.

"Hey Tommy." David whispered. He wasn't sure if the speedster was still awake. Tommy was the kind of person who slept on command. One moment he was awake and buzzing around, the next he was out like a light.

Tommy grumbled. "We should sleep in the tents." He stood up and stretched moving slowly for the very first time.

"I want to lose my virginity tonight." David whispered.

Tommy yawned. And then his entire body went rigid. He whipped his head to look at David. "Here in the grass?"

"In the tent you dumbass." The time for talking was over. He stood up and pulled Tommy in for a kiss. He pulled apart Tommy's with mouth his tongue. He took advantage of Tommy's surprise to explore the other boy's mouth completely.

"Wow." Tommy murmured after David pulled away.

"Come on." David pulled Tommy towards their shared tent. He began arranging their sleeping bags to give them enough space to tumble around. He expected Tommy to look aroused. Instead the other boy just had a confused look on his face. "What is it?"

"Why are you horny? I haven't even done anything to seduce you." Tommy pouted. He was looking at David, well like how David probably looked at Tommy all the time, like he was a puzzle he couldn't quite solve.

"Why didn't you?" David asked. He had expected to be thrown into one sexual situation into another after Tommy's first success.

Tommy shrugged, and looked at his feet. "I guess I wanted to give you some time."

"Well. I've had enough time." David answered. He didn't quite understand it himself, but he just felt the time was right. He had a real connection with Tommy. It wasn't the same as Teddy and Billy's. But it wasn't just basic friendship either. This was the logical and more importantly natural next step.

David pulled Tommy for another kiss. This time he pressed his entire body against Tommy's. He could feel the other boy's heart beat rapidly against his chest. David cupped Tommy's face, rubbing his thumb tenderly over Tommy's chin. He pulled down, opening Tommy further. The speedster was remarkably compliant, accepting each of David's advances. His hand explored more, running through Tommy's hair, squeezing his ass and pulling him tight. David finally had to pull away, gasping for air.

Tommy looked completely debauched. His hair was a mess, discordant white tangles all over his head. His lips were puffy and parted. His skin was flushed red, reaching all the way into his ears. His eyes were glazed over, looking completely blissed out. Had David done that?

"I should bring you to the outdoors more often." Tommy murmured, causing them both to laugh softly. "I never pegged you as a naturist."

"Shut up and get naked." David gave Tommy a playful shove before pulling him close for another kiss. He was starting to get addicted to the taste of Tommy. He began to wonder what the boy tasted like elsewhere.

He slipped his hands under Tommy's tank and pulled them over his head. He still wasn't used to how hard Tommy was. Touching him was like feeling up a brand new sport cars. It was all sleek defined planes of muscle. Anyone could tell he was built for speed. Even his back seem to taper into an arrow pointing downward. David's hand crawled lower, slipping into the waistband of Tommy's shorts. His finger was immediately drawn to Tommy's buttocks. Tommy's hole was sweaty. Just a little nudge and he would be inside.

David looked at him for confirmation.

Tommy eyes were closed. His head was rested on David's shoulder. Instead of nodding, he pushed body against David's fingers signaling his consent. David felt the shiver of pleasure that coursed through Tommy's body as he plunged his finger inside.

"Pants getting tight." Tommy whimpered. He squeezed David's cloth covered pecs.

"Right." David breathed headily. He felt like his hands were moving on their own as he pulled the drawstring of Tommy's shorts. Within seconds Tommy was naked, his pale dick pressed against David shorts. "Fuck you're beautiful."

"You need to get naked like ages ago." Tommy groaned. His fingers clumsily fiddled with the buttons of David's shirt.

"Not yet. I get to call all the shots this time." David ordered as he grabbed Tommy wrist. The whimper of a response he received showed him a submissive side he didn't know the speedster had. He placed Tommy's hands at his back and held them with one hand. With his free hand, he began exploring Tommy's body. "Don't move."

"Seriously?" Tommy groaned in frustration. His dick however bobbed with approval at David's command.

David let his fingers explore Tommy's smooth skin. Up close Tommy's skin wasn't as flawless as it looked. He had a lot of scars and marks on his skin. It was his badge of honor as a superhero. Only the invulnerable hero's ever got away without any bruises or scars. Even David has his share of blemishes. David kissed each and every one of Tommy's.

David paused at Tommy's nipple. HE engulfed one in his mouth, feeling the engorged nub against his tongue. While he like hearing Tommy's whimpers, sucking on the nub didn't really do much for him. He trailed his kisses down Tommy's abs, savoring each time Tommy shivered against the touch of his lips. He could feel the warmth of Tommy's muscle through his lips. It was intoxicating.

Suddenly there were hands on the sides on his head pushing him towards Tommy's cock.

"No." David took hold of Tommy's wrist and held them behind the speedster again. He wasn't going to let himself get distracted.

"Hurry up David." Tommy whined. He bucked his hips, nudging his cock towards David's face.

David would punish him for that. He stood up grabbed Tommy's tank and tied Tommy's hand behind him. Before the speedster could protest, he sucked on Tommy's left earlobe from behind. Tommy could only shudder in response.

With Tommy temporarily satisfied, David continued his exploration. He kissed his way down Tommy's well-defined back. It was like pressing his lips against a marble statue. Tommy was probably the leanest, most defined person David had ever seen. He kissed the various indent and muscles he could find.

He reached Tommy's ass. He gave them a experimental squeeze, both aroused and annoyed at how firm they were. He unbuttoned his own pants to give his erection some relief. He bit one cheek, enjoying the way Tommy's entire body stiffened in response. Tommy's natural musk was strong. And instead of feeling grossed out, David wanted more.

He parted Tommy's ass, exposing Tommy's pink hole. He rubbed his cheek against the supple flesh. The hole was just inches from his face. He darted out his tongue. Tommy arched up as if his entire body had been shot by electricity. On David's part, there was barely any taste at all. He needed more. He pressed his tongue against the rim. There wasn't much taste at all. His tongue was just meeting warm flesh. David pushed deeper and deeper, wanting to know more of Tommy.

"Please David." Tommy whimpered, causing David to wake up from his haze of lust. Tommy was now bent over on his knees, ass fully exposed and dilated. His dick was dripping precum, with one droplet extending all the way into the floor.

"Please what?" David pulled off his shirt. He was suddenly feeling very hot. He quickly undressed himself. Tommy was panting heavily, looking back at him. There wasn't any mischief in his eyes, only desperate want.

"Fuck me." Tommy pleaded. He vibrated out of his bonds and pulled apart his ass. He looked ready and willing to be fucked.

"No." David heard himself saying. He squeezed his cock to offer it some relief. He wasn't going to let himself get caught up in Tommy's rhythm.

He went on his nice and gave Tommy's ass a quick kiss. Tommy pushed against his mouth, but David resisted the temptation. He dragged his tongue lower, down Tommy's taint. He pressed his lips to the underside of Tommy's balls. They had tightened into Tommy's body. He then reached for Tommy's cock and pulled it down.

"Oh god." Tommy cried out as David licked his cockhead.

The angle was all wrong for him to suck Tommy so instead he just peppered kisses along the area. His face was getting soaked with Tommy's precum. He nudged a finger against the perineum causing a gasp of pleasure. He could feel Tommy tremble under his touches.

David moved away and turned over, lying down under the futon right. It placed his mouth in the perfect positions to take Tommy's cock in. He slowly guided Tommy's hips down, forcing the boy's cock into his mouth. The angle was odd, but it somehow made it easier for David to take more of Tommy's cock. He pushed Tommy all the way in, his nose meeting the speedster white pubes. All his senses were literally taken in by Tommy, from his natural musk, to the taste of his cum and all the way to slow vibration of pleasure coursing through his body.

"Please." Tommy begged again. David had been holding his hips in place. He could just feel Tommy's need to thrust.

He pushed Tommy's away dislodging the thick dick from his mouth. His throat felt hoarse. But he finally managed to speak out. "Fuck my throat slowly."

Tommy groaned but did as he was told. He lowered himself gently, easing his dick inch by inch into David's mouth. He pulled back once he was all the way in. David kept a hand Tommy's hip to guide the rhythm into something he could take.

"It feels so fucking good." Tommy whimpered as he flexed his hips.

David realized belatedly that he was jerking his own cock to the cadence of Tommy's hips. He stopped himself, moving his hand towards Tommy's ass instead. He pushed one finger in, immediately being engulfed by the moist heat. Despite the Tommy being loosened up, he was a tight fit, wrapping around David's finger like a vice.

Tommy stilled, cock buried deep into David's mouth as David's finger explored his ass. David knew all about the prostate. He had read up on it. He wiggled his finger trying to find it to no success. Then a flash of Emma's skills came into mind. He pressed on a previously neglected nub inside Tommy's ass.

Tommy's entire body jerked, and he plunged his cock deep into David's throat. His entire body spasmed and jerked for a second. Then a flood of cum filled David's mouth. It was sticky, bitter and salty at the same time. David timed his suction, milking Tommy until he collapsed onto their makeshift sleeping bags.

David was hard as hell but seeing Tommy completely boneless was incredibly satisfying. He extricated himself from the tangle of limbs after Tommy had fallen on him. Tommy hadn't exactly passed out but he was laying contently on the futon.

David traced a finger along the slender spine, feeling goosebumps rise. Tommy's ass was still relaxed. He leisurely inserted two fingers, getting a hum of approval from the other boy. He stroke Tommy's cheek with his free hand.

"You can fuck me now." Tommy practically purred. His eyes were still shut, in complete enjoyment of his post orgasmic bliss.

"No." David repeated. The defiance of what Tommy wanted was addicting.

"Is that your new favorite word?" Tommy opened his eyes, some of his humor coming back.

"I'm not in a rush. I like seeing you like this." David bent forward giving a Tommy a sweet closed mouth kiss. When he pulled back, Tommy had the look of a blushing school girl. "I could get used to this."

"Ass." Tommy swatted him away. There was no helping the smile on his face. He rolled on his back exposing his lithe body. A sheen of sweat made his skin glisten. David couldn't resist reaching out to touch him.

He closed the gap between their bodies, pressing his hard cock against Tommy's semi. To his surprise, they were both sticky with sweat. Any discomfort was soon forgotten as Tommy's mouth rose to meet his.

Tommy's fingers began to touch David everywhere, squeezing his arm, petting his neck and rubbing his back. It was somehow much more intimate with practically their entire bodies touching than just the blow job from before. Tommy was exploring him just as he was exploring Tommy.

Like instinct, his fingers found their way towards the other boys ass. Tommy was fully hard when David stuffed him with two fingers all the way to the knuckle.

"Is this enough?" David began sliding his fingers in and out of Tommy.

"One more. You don't seem to be rushing." Tommy sighed.

David added another finger meeting much more resistance. "Do you have any lube?" One suddenly appeared in David's hand just as he pulled out his fingers. Tommy was still blinking around. Before he could think about the implications of that, Tommy pulled him for another kiss.

He fucked the other boy with three fingers continuously until there was barely any resistance. Tommy moan's were becoming deeper in tone. It was the most erotic sound in the world.

"I'm putting it in." David whispered. He positioned his cock right at the entrance. He could feel Tommy's heat. He prodded at the tip, surprised to find it still tight.

"Go for it." Tommy said as he bit his lip. He was staring straight into David's eyes.

David sucked in a breath, and then pushed. It was so hot and so tight. He barely managed the tip in and already he felt like cumming.

Tommy suddenly grabbed his arm. "Breathe."

"I should be the one saying that." David inhaled as he pushed deeper. He could feel Tommy all around his cock. It was nothing like the tightness around his fingers. It felt like there was no space between them. It felt so good.

Tommy whimpered as David pushed in further. He raised his forearm to cover his mouth, muffling a cry of pleasure. David would have none of that. He took both Tommy hand's, intertwined their fingers, and raised it about his head. He bent down, crashing their mouths together. Tommy clenched around him, sending a jolt of pure pleasure through his body.

David rolled his hips, unable to suppress the shiver of pleasure that coursed through him.

"Wait. Hold still." Tommy turned away, exposing his neck. David took it as a chance to pepper kisses to his exposed throat. "I..."

"Yes?" David murmured not really listening. He had kissed Tommy before but never at this distance. They were so close that David couldn't see, hear, smell or feel anything else but Tommy around him. He decided he needed to taste Tommy as well, taking a bite out of his chin. It was taking all his effort not to thrust in the other boy. But he abided by Tommy's request. He wouldn't do anything that would hurt Tommy. "Does it hurt?"

"No." Tommy stuttered. He arched his body as David licked his earlobe. There was barely any space between them. Tommy's hard nipples were rubbing against David's pecs. His dick leaving a trail of wetness along David's abs.

"What is it?" David asked surprised by his own patience. He still had overpowering need to thrust and get more friction. But it was weighted down by the need to hear Tommy's needy voice. He felt intoxicated with desire.

"It's just so..." Tommy whimpered again David sucked on an earlobe. "Intimate."

David understood. This was nothing like Tommy and Billy sucking him off that day. That had been all about pleasure from his penis and body. This was a whole new level of sex. They were touching and feeling other so much there was no other thought in David's mind but Tommy.

"Is that bad?" David murmured. He gave his hips a roll, driving deeper into Tommy.

"No. It's amazing. Better even." Tommy squeezed their intwined fingers together. "Please fuck me."

David heard himself growl as he bent down to kiss Tommy. He started slow, rolling his back and then thrusting in. It didn't last long. Something primal erupted into him as natural instinct took over his body. In just a few seconds, he was pounding hard into Tommy's ass.

EVerything felt heightened to to million. He could feel Tommy clench tightly around him with every thrust. Sharp fingers scratched long lines across his back. Hard breathing synced with his own. The glide of sweat soaked skin crawled all of over him. His climax was building up, higher and higher.

David opened his eyes, wanting to ask for his position. But Tommy was already looking at him. He nodded towards David, and then clenched all around him.

All his sense seemed to tighten all at once. His body jerked and he climaxed hard. Pure white hot pleasure coursed through him as he came inside Tommy ass. He had achieved Nirvana.

David collapsed onto Tommy completely spent from that climax. His ears were ringing and his vision was blurry. He couldn't feel his body or even find his fingers. He could only feel the steady rhythm of Tommy's heartbeat. He had never felt better in his entire life.

A hand stroked his neck as David laid there in complete bliss.

Eventually David couldn't ignore the hard dick poking at his abs. Tommy apparently hadn't gotten off. Although there was a sizable amount cum strings connecting the two of them.

"It wasn't bad." David grinned at Tommy as he rolled to his side.

Tommy snorted, before pulling David into a kiss. "Best sex of your life?"

"Nothing can compare." David nodded. He couldn't wipe the stupid grin of his face or even pretend he was happy. David was in euphoria.

"I'm glad it was special for you." Tommy suddenly moved towards the top of David's body and began kissing him. It was relaxed yet passionate.

"Are you trying to get me hard again? I don't think I can fuck you again after that." David said after pulling away from the heated kiss. He was more tired after that than being chased by a dozen sentinels. No wonder Teddy and Billy were so fit.

"Who says you're fucking me? I thought we were talking about you losing your virginity?" Tommy grin was impossibly wide. A stray finger dipped into David's crack.

"Oh." David sat up on his elbows. His legs spread by themselves. Tommy's fingers there did wonders to get him hard and ready again. "I've never had anything bigger than a finger down there."

David blurted out. He eyed Tommy's cock. It looked huge compared to his tiny asshole.

"Trust me. It'll feel amazing." Tommy whispered into David's ear. He nudged his cock forward teasing David's hole.

"Alright." David nodded. He wanted to connect with Tommy more. The night was still young.

"Good boy." Tommy made them both sit up. He maneuvered David to sit on his lap, his cock nestled right under David's ass.

Tommy started kissing David lazily, one peck on the lips, another to his chin. It was followed by a hand on David's pecs. Teasing fingers pinched and flicked his nipples until they were hard nubs. Then they trailed lower to his abs, tracing the raised ridges of David' hard work.

David wasn't being passive either. Not as overwhelmed as he was before, he was also exploring Tommy's body with his fingers. His thumb was brushing across Tommy's cheeks as the boy kissed his way up David's boy. He had one hand on Tommy's cock, squeezing and testing the firmness. Tommy was very much ready for the next step. His cock felt impossibly large now that David knew it was bound for his ass.

"Relax. I promise it won't hurt one bit." Tommy reassured him. He reached for David's cock, which David belatedly realized was already fully hard. Tommy squeezed some lube into, and stroked it. "Trust me alright. When have I ever led you wrong?"

"That time you convinced me to chase after Patri-not which wound up getting you trapped somewhere in the mutliverse, of which you were saved by an unknown Deus Ex Machina." David pointed out. Tommy's ideas while interesting weren't always ideal. He still couldn't understand what had happened with the whole Patri-not thing. Even now, it felt like that whole debacle was made for him to join the team.

Tommy suddenly grabbed David's face and forced him to look at Tommy. "None of that metaphysical mumbo jumbo. I can see the gears of your brain turning. Focus on me." Tommy thrust his upwards, making his cock slide against David's pucker.

David nodded feverishly which made Tommy smile.

"You should get on all fours. It'll be much easier this way."

David did as he was told. He went on his hands and knees facing away from Tommy. Although he didn't look at his back, he just knew Tommy was examining his body critically. He felt so exposed and vulnerable.

Then he felt a soft flutter of fingertips against his ass. Tommy let his finger graze along David's pucker teasing him constantly. Tommy was alternating between soft caresses and hard nudge with his knuckles. It felt like he was applying pressure points to increase David' sexual arousal. At the end of his maneuvers, David was harder than he had ever been in his entire life.

Something cold suddenly coated his hole. And then he felt something solid push against his pucker. Theoretically, he knew it was just one of Tommy's thin fingers. But on all fours, it felt so much bigger.

The first stretch wasn't painful, but it also didn't just slip in. David could feel Tommy enter his ass smoothly, his anal walls clamping around Tommy. It wasn't unpleasant but it wasn't pleasant either. It just felt weird.

"It gets better real soon." Tommy whispered. His finger began doing weird things inside David's ass. "I'm putting in another one."

David clenched hard. Tommy began to stroke his back, coaxing him into relaxing. While his guard was done, he felt the second finger enter his ass. This time David definitely felt the stretch. Tommy moved slower this time, not pushing all the way in. Instead he was pulling in and out of David's hole alternating between one and two fingers.

It actually felt good. There were sense in his butt that David didn't realize was there. He could feel pleasure building at the pool of his stomach. He wasn't a screaming bottom yet but he knew why some guys like to get fingered.

"Good boy." Tommy kissed the base of David's neck. It felt like such a big rewards for such a small act.

"One more."

David steeled himself. He already felt so full but he trusted Tommy. He gasped at the third finger teased the rim of his asshole. He had definitely not had something that big up his ass. He bared down by instinct against the intrusion, trying to push it out. Somehow it made Tommy's fingers glide in easier.

David shuddered the moment he felt all three digits inside him. He was clenching around the them. They felt like hard wooden rods inside his ass. He just felt so filled up. And there was a burning need inside him. He wanted to be filled more.

"All the way to the knuckle." Tommy whispered into his ear. He was now stroking David's cock with his free hand.

"It's good. I think I'm ready." David breathed out. He pushed his hips back against Tommy's hands.

Tommy pulled away and for a moment David felt unbearably empty. The relief he felt as Tommy's cock pressed against his ass surprised him.

"This might hurt." Tommy murmured into David's ear. He kissed the side of his neck and stroked his cock in an effort to distract him.

David sucked in breath as he felt Tommy thick cock breach him. It was nothing like having fingers lodged up his ass. The cock was much thicker and a lot more solid. All his sense zeroed in on that one point. It was hot and thick and stretching him wide open.

"Oh god. Is in yet?" David whimpered.

"Only the head. Relax. This is all in your head. My fingers have been deeper." Tommy cooed. He had surpassingly remained patient throughout the experience. David found it disconcerting. He would press more if it weren't for the fact that there was a large invader up his ass.

"Fuccck." David drew out a long breath as Tommy pushed further inside him. He was being stretched so much. Nothing had felt invasive in his entire life. Something was literally entering his body. Only Tommy's familiar presence made it bearable. He didn't how Tommy could let other people do this to him. How he could let David fuck him.

"I'm all the way inside." Tommy said much to David's relief. "How are you feeling?"

"Like someone showed a baseball bat up my ass. Is this supposed to feel good?" David said uneasily. Some parts of his ass felt nice. But nothing seemed to be make him go nuts. It wasn't as great as when he fucked Tommy.

"It will. I just haven't started fucking you yet." Tommy said, running his hands all over David's back.

"What the hell do you call the dick up my ass?" David asked incredulous. This had to be anal sex.

"I'm just making sure you're used to me. It feels super weird right. You have to get over that part. Knowing your brain, you're focusing more on the negative more than the positive." Tommy explained like a true master.

David guessed that part was true. Now that Tommy's dick was lodged up in his ass for a while. It didn't feel as invasive as it had. He experimentally clenched around Tommy's cock. Various spot of pleasure surged inside him. It was becoming good.

"So how long does this part usually take?"

"Depends on the person. Just chill alright. I'm usually a bottom but I definitely know how to top." Tommy said cockily. He suddenly thrust his hips forwards.


Oh. David's eyes widened. Something had just happened. For a quick flash, something surged inside him. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before.

"Again." David breathed. He needed to capture the feeling again. He could already envision Tommy's stupid grin from behind him.

Tommy thrusted again, moving something deep inside David that sent sparks across his body.


"Now we go to the real sex." Tommy breathed into David's ear. He pressed his entire body on David's back, closing the gap between them.

David shuddered as he felt the full weight of Tommy on him. Tommy's breath was on his neck. Tommy's musk was filling his nostrils. And then Tommy suddenly began rolling his hips, sending waves of pleasure to David's body.

Gone was the thick invader at his ass. Now it was only Tommy, connected to David through David. Each thrust was Tommy connecting themselves closer and deeper than they had before.

"Please. Faster." David cried out. He could feel something building in the basel of his stomach.

Tommy growled into his ear. Then he pulled his cock nearly all the way out, and suddenly slammed back in. David was jolted from the sheer of pleasure. Tommy did it again. David's foe rams lost their strength, and he collapse front towards the bed. Tommy was right behind pressing against his back, relentless is his fucking.

David knew Tommy was doing something amazing to him. The cadence of his thrusting growing rapidly along with the collecting waves of energy in the pit of David's stomach. He was building towards what he knew would be the most mind-blowing orgasm in his life. Tommy's cock was just touching and unlocking places David didn't know he had.

"Tommy. I'm cumming." David cried out only realizing his orgasm as it swept through him. Tommy buried himself deep, hitting that spot that made David's eyes go black. His entire body trembled as he came hard on the bed without even touching his cock. Each burst of cum shot through him like firehose his whole essence concentrated on that point. David saw stars.

Something damp was sliding across David's stomach. His entire body felt boneless but he had never felt so relaxed in his entire life. He opened his eyes, finding himself staring at the top of his tent. He was on top of sleeping bags.

Tommy was looking at him with an impish grin. He was holding a moist towel.

"Did I faint?" David asked worriedly. It was the only logical explanation. The last thing he remembered was the most intense orgasm of his entire life.

"For a good fifteen minutes. You really should learn to get over blacking out after sex." Tommy giggled, then he bent down to peck David on the lips. "Don't worry I cleaned you up."

"Thanks." David blushed furiously. He then realized Tommy had been fucking him. "Did you cum?"

"Yes. But I pulled out after you blacked out. It's super creepy fucking someone unconscious. Just jerked myself off." Tommy shrugged.

"Hey. I can return the favor." David made a movement to sit up, and then realized he was actually sore. His ass felt like, well, felt like it had been fucked hard.

"Easy there. I think we've had enough for one night. How about a cuddle instead?" Tommy asked but didn't wait for an answer. He moved them both under the sleeping bags somehow connecting the two smilers ones into a larger one. His entire body was pressed against David. Tommy was still slightly hard but didn't seem to be eager to do anything about it. David himself was chubbing up. "Stop thinking and go to sleep. It's okay for men to fall asleep after sex. It's better than blacking out." Tommy yawned.

David nodded. He could feel the fatigue of the day to catch up to him. But somehow he felt like he was realizing something important. It was something Tommy said that started to makes sense. The idea was forming in his head.

Tommy suddenly pulled him close. "Sleep. I can hear you thinking."

David snuggled to Tommy closer earning him a sound of approval. Whatever he was thinking about could wait tomorrow.

By the time David woke up, Tommy was gone. He could already hear the hustle and bustle of the camp outside. From the sound of the wildlife, David had slept until noon. He got dressed as fast as he could which wasn't fast at all. He was still tender and sore from last night's fucking.

"David wake up. It's lunch time." Teddy called out from the outside.

David moved, hoping no one would notice his awkward waddle. It was a good kind of sore though.

Teddy and Billy were sitting beside each other, spoon already stuffing each other's faces. Kate, America and Tommy were giggling about something. Cassie was nowhere to be found.

He heard shuffling from the tent besides theirs. Cassie walked out awkwardly. Her movements were remarkably similar to his own. She shared a look with David, realization dawning on both their faces. They erupted into laughter.

Welcome to the Young Avengers.

A/N: Haven't posted in awhile. I hope the few people who are still reading this enjoy it! As usual please send me an email for criticism and comments. Also a signal boost to the new Runaways series coming out Sept 2017. Hopefully they'll relaunch Young Avengers next.

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