Captain America and the Young Avengers

By Pikachu MOn

Published on Dec 1, 2012


DISCLAIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. All the characters depicted in story belong to and are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and its subsidiaries. I am in no way related to the company and have no ownership over the characters. This is fan made work. This story depicts males in sexual situations, just so you know. Thank you.

A/N: This is going to be a series with Captain America and the Young Avengers. (who are owned by Marvel not me) Please feel free to comment and offer constructive criticisms. I want to improve as a writer. And lastly enjoy.

Cap breathed hard. This was his toughest mission to date. He had to take down all of the Young Avengers.

They were around the block, waiting to ambush him. This was a no-holds barred fight. They could use all their powers, putting him at a distinct disadvantage. All he had was his shield.

The clouds were dark and heavy. Wiccan was waiting for the perfect time to strike. Cap walked slowly across the alley, his senses waiting for any signs of movement. And then it tingled. Cap ducked to the right, lightning struck his previous position s second ago. He saw Billy floating near the roof aiming another bolt.

Cap ran straight up the metal fire escape. Cap threw his shield at the boy. It absorbed the thunderbolt Billy sent his way. The mage created a quick barrier sending his ricocheting back.

Cap caught it easily as he landed on the roof. He immediately used it to block a salvo of arrows from Kate. She was on the building next to him. He knew where two of them were. He needed to find the other five.

Billy started blasting more lightning. Cap started running towards Kate. She just stood in her position, firing arrows at him. She wasn't doing a very good job, spending too much arrows and not hitting. Cap jumped over to Kate's building when he realized it was a trick. It was Teddy not Kate firing arrows. Now where was Kate?

He quickly shielded his legs. One millisecond later he felt five hit him. Kate was waiting for him on the fire escape. Her arrows unbalanced his landing, causing him to roll-away from his shield.

He immediately saw Hulkling legs tower over him. He narrowly sidestepped away. Hulkling smashing the roof where he stood. He did a twist kick to push the gigantic teen away. Off in the distance, he could see Vision steal his shield and disappear into the building. They were smart, not underestimating him in the slightest.

Hulking went on to attack him. Cap narrowly avoided the raging teen. He had never fought the green giant when the boy was at full strength. One swing and he would be sent flying.

Billy floated overhead making sure Cap couldn't put too much distance between him and Teddy. The mage was careful not to hit his teammate only sending bolts that were far away from Teddy.

Cap would never be able to knock Teddy out in strength. He decided it would be better to disarm the boy via other means.

He avoided Teddy's punches, grabbing the boy's neck. He swung around Teddy's entire body, building momentum. And then he pulled the boy downwards. He had the boy is choke grip. He was under Teddy, using the boy's massive body to defend against any lightning bolts and arrows. Teddy tried breaking free but was slowly losing consciousness at the lack of air.

"One down." Cap breathed to himself as Teddy was about to fade away.

"Not so fast." It was Cassie. Suddenly the girl grew right in between them. Cap had to let go before Cassie squashed him.

"You kids should just give up." Cap narrowed his eyes. The truth was that they had the upper hand. But Cap had a trump card

"We're winning Cap. You can't stop us, not without your shield." Cassie was standing at seven feet tall, heavy enough to pack a punch but light enough to be quick.

"I can't but in five minutes the other Avengers will be here." Cap declared. The others would have to act quickly to subdue him.

In that instant, he jumped away from a laser beam that fired from below. He ran towards Cassie. And then he felt his face being slammed by heavy punch. It was Tommy. He recovered quickly enough to evade a three pronged attack by Billy, Kate and Vision.

Hulkling grabbed him by the neck and quickly tried slamming him against the ground. Cap pulled the boy's finger's apart, causing Teddy to drop him. Cassie threw a punch to stop him from attacking Teddy.

He parried her. After blocking a few blows, he found an opening. Then he felt Eli hit his side. He rolled away minimizing the damage. Four minutes left.

He looked around him. Kate, Billy and Vision were standing around him in a triangle, waiting for the correct time to blast him. Eli, Teddy and Cassie were slowly closing in on him. Teddy was poised to attack while Eli and Cassie were defensive. Tommy was nowhere to be found.

It was a tense stand-off. One minute passed and then he felt the torrent of lightning and laser chasing him as he ran towards the three teens.

And the he felt the wind being knocked out of him. Tommy had just punched across face. In one second, felt Teddy prepared to smash him. He quickly rolled away only to feel Eli's leg on his stomach sending him flying to the edge of the roof. He pushed his legs against the edge to propel him towards a very surprised Eli. He could hear the cackle of lightning behind him.

He swept Cassie's leg beneath her and then spun behind Eli. Luckily the boy still had his shield. Eli was about to punch Cap when Cap's head knocked straight into his. Cap took Eli's shield. Teddy tried punching Cap. He wound punching the heavy adamantium laced shield. There was a resounding crack across the room. Teddy clutched his arm in pain. Three minutes left.

Cap quickly grabbed Cassie and flung her across the roof. Predictably Vision flew in to catch he. Cap threw Eli's shield at Billy who defended himself. He ran towards Kate.

Kate shot a salvo of arrows into the air and then jumped to attack Cap, as he punched them away. They were trading blows when Cap heard the distinct whoosh of wind that accompanied Tommy. He was prepared this time. Hitting the boy hard as he sped by. Two minutes left.

He easily subdued a surprised Kate, taking her bow and arrow. He shot an electric arrow at Vision and Cassie as they landed safely on the roof. Billy saw everything and started glowing. He was going to take everyone out. One minute left.

Cap rushed to the explosive mage wondering if he would make it. He felt his fist connect with Billy face. The blue light was gone. He had won. Now he would have to carry all the disarmed teens back to headquarters.

"My face. Did you have to hit me so hard Cap?" Billy whined as he applied ice to his cheek. He used his magic to bring the swelling down. Cap managed to bring all of them back to the Young Avengers warehouse thanks to Teddy's quick recovery.

"Sorry kiddo, no other way to make sure you wouldn't explode on us." Cap laughed. He watched as the Young Avengers tended their injuries, mostly their pride.

"My head is still ringing. You have a hard head Cap." Eli walked woozily across the room.

"If I didn't take you out with one hit, you guys would have captured me." Cap explained. Thankfully his experience managed to defeat the sheer power and potential the team had.

"Can we never do a full power training exercise again? I think we're going to wind up bruised and broken before fighting the real villains." Cassie tried combing her hair down. It was flying everywhere thanks to the excess static.

"I can't believe we still lost to Cap. I told you, you shouldn't have brought your shield. There was no other way he could have taken Teddy out." Kate was arguing battle tactics with Eli.

"It was your bow and arrow that disarmed Cassie and Vision. If you didn't give it to him we could still have won." Eli replied defiantly.

"Come on guys. You would have won. I was just lucky." Cap tried soothing the angry leaders.

"And you. You cheated. We were winning until you threatened us with more Avengers." Eli defended his solid battle plan.

"Eli, it was a no holds barred contest. My greatest power isn't throwing a shield, it's leading the avengers." Cap laughed. Kate and Eli were becoming good strategists.

"He's right Eli. Our plan was just too slow. We need to capture Cap faster." Kate folded her arms. She sized Cap up, obviously thinking of a new way to defeat him.

"Fine. Next time Cap. We'll definitely beat you." Eli smiled. He punched his hands together.

"I vote next time be a month from now. All in favor?" Tommy raised his hand.

Everyone but Kate and Eli shouted with an affirmative.

"Weenie." Eli looked at his teammates with disapproval.

"Pussies." Kate shook her head.

"Yay. Let's watch the Avengers movie. Tony gave me the uncut version." Tommy ignored the sore leaders and led the group to the living room.

"Hey Cap, wait a sec." Kate called him out.

"Still sore about the Avengers threat? There was no other way for me to win Kate. Your team is made up of the most advanced robot in the world, a giant girl who grew up with the Avengers, a Skrull-Kree prince, his mini reality-warping boyfriend, a very explosive speedster, a junior version supersoldier and you, Kate Bishop. It's practically a miracle I won." Cap smiled.

"You spent too much time with Tommy. You're starting to sound like him. And no, I am not sore about the losing. You're practically older than all of us combined. Give us a few years, and then I'll beat you." Kate smirked at Cap.

"I am not older than all of you. I was technically frozen for decades." Cap crunched the number quickly in his head. He was probably older than four of them combined.

"Anyways, I just wanted to thank you for looking out for us this like you promised. I can see the leaps and bounds were making as a team thanks to you." Kate smiled genuinely at Cap.

"Don't worry Kate. I'm enjoying every minute of it." Cap couldn't tell her he wanted more time with the team, especially with the four boys.

"Well, you're always welcome to drop in on us. You could be an honorary Young-at-heart Avenger. " Kate snickered as she sauntered off to join the rest.

"Let's eat Sharwarma!" Tommy exclaimed as the final scene finished.

"I think I know where they shot that scene." Teddy squealed excitedly, his inner-fanboy finally released.

"Let me just check with myÉ crap. I'm late for dinner with Blake and my Mom." Cassie hastily grabbed all her things.

"Have fun Cassie." Vision waved at her. For once, the teenage robot didn't follow Cassie like a puppy. It was clear Vision wanted to try Shawarma.

"Very funny. It's your introduction dinner." Cassie pulled him and quickly said goodbye to everyone.

"Shawarma?" Tommy looked at the rest of his teammates.

"If Teddy's going, I'm good." Billy whispered something in Teddy's ear causing him to giggle.

"I have nothing better to do." Eli played coy. He looked at Kate expectantly.

"Sorry boys, I have an early flight tomorrow. I still need to pack my bags." Kate smiled at Billy.

"You do know you're the only one who uses me as a magical cab." Billy threw his hands in the air. Despite his whining he grabbed Kate's hand and prepared to teleport.

"Come on, you like trying on my dresses." Kate shouted to everyone as she disappeared in a flash of blue light along with Billy.

"Ewwww." Tommy looked at a very red Teddy.

"Hey, she's kidding. I think." Teddy looked away from everyone. "What about you Cap?" Eli diverted his expectations towards Cap.

"Definitely." Cap involuntarily swallowed. This was the opportunity he was waiting for, him alone with the four teens. It had been two weeks since anything had happened between him and the kids. He almost thought they were losing interest.

"I'm back. And for the record, I do not try on Kate's dresses." Billy said immediately.

"You're a little defensive aren't you?" Tommy did a quick spin around the mage, looking for evidence.

"Come on guys. I'm hungry." Eli led his team away.

Cap walked behind the teenagers. Teddy was leading the way talking animatedly with Teddy. It was something about a new juggle combo for chainsaw. Tommy was two steps ahead telling them to walk faster. Billy walked beside Cap.

"So what's up?" Cap tried breaking the silence. He never really had to talk to Billy before. It made him nervous. He didn't want to seem uncool.

"The sky. That fat pigeon. The moon." Billy babbled as he tried answering Cap's question. The boy was just as flustered as he was. They both laughed a little.

"Still nervous around me?" Cap tried smoothing the weird tension. They had almost laughed it off.

"A little. You are still the Captain America." Billy reasoned. He still couldn't look at Cap directly. When he was with the other Young Avengers, it was somehow easier to joke around with Cap.

"Come on, you already sucked my cock. No need to feel awkward Billy." Cap put a hand on Billy's shoulder. He regretted the moment it slipped out. But the entire night, all he could think about was sex with the boys.

"I'm sorry about that again. I really didn't mean to assault you." Billy turned a full shade of red.

"Don't worry. I enjoyed it very much." Cap dropped the hint. He desperately wanted Billy's mouth wrapped around his cock.

"Cap. What do you want?" Eli called out before Billy could respond.

Cap left the very flustered Billy. He quickly picked something off the menu. Maybe tonight wasn't his night.

"What are you so bummed about?" Tommy poked Cap on the cheek. The other three were still busy choosing their orders.

"Just missed you that's all." Cap kissed the top of Tommy's head. Nobody was looking anyway. Tommy had started living with Teddy two weeks ago. Cap desperately missed the boy.

"You sure it's not this you missed?" Tommy inconspicuously rubbed his ass against the front of Cap's pants.

"That too." Cap grinned. Tommy made everything so easy. Cap checked the other three Young Avengers, they were all still debating their Shawarma choices.

"So what have you been up to? Is the apartment still clean?" Tommy still kept rubbing his ass up and down the front of Cap's pants.

"People might see us Tommy." Cap breathed huskily. At this point he really didn't care. He just wanted to make sure Tommy knew what he was doing.

"No they won't. I'm using my superspeed." Tommy grinned.

"Let's eat this back a the clubhouse. This place is dingy." Eli announced the first part. He whispered the second to Cap.

"Sure." Cap murmured. He tried adjusting his fully hard cock. He was so horny already, just a little grinding could get him all riled up.

"What were you and Tommy talking about?" Eli asked suspiciously.

"How much I want to fuck you right now." Cap squeezed Eli's ass.

"Cap." Eli jumped away immediately. The boy looked around quickly making sure no one saw them.

"What?" Cap played innocent. Eli's red face just made Cap want the boy more.

"Not here. People might see." Eli quickly sauntered off. Cap saw the boy adjust himself quickly before joining the other Young Avengers.

Cap sighed to himself. Despite his proactive attitude, it just didn't seem like anything was going to happen tonight.

The entire team ate happily at the clubhouse. The young team was chatting excitedly about the Avengers movie. Cap on the other hand was bored. He thought he would at least get some action tonight. He was so horny already.

"I'll clean up. You guys go load the extra clip." Teddy started grabbing all the used plates and napkins.

"I'll help out Teddy." Cap volunteered. He really didn't see what was so great about watching an Avengers adventure. He lived it everyday. Honestly he was more excited about hanging with the Young Avengers than the real Avengers.

"So how are things Cap?" Teddy asked as he unwrapped the garbage can.

"Same old, same old. You? You still have trouble with Billy?" Cap tried one last time to push the conversation towards sex.

"No. He is handling me quite well." Teddy blushed a profuse red.

"Were you able to talk about your fantasy?" Cap continued to press. As cute as the Young Avengers were when they blushed, the shy bit was starting to get old. Cap wanted Teddy on his knees sucking his cock.

"Talk and more actually. It was so hot Cap." Teddy reached down and squeezed himself.

"Tell me about it." Cap purposely went nearer. He wanted Teddy to see his erection.

Suddenly they heard a crash in the living room. Teddy immediately rushed away. Cap let out a groan. He was so damn close. Plus his significance sense wasn't tingling, there was no need to rush in. It was most likely an accident and not a supervillain.

Sure enough, Tommy and Eli were wrestling each other. The loud crash was the TV crashing on its face.

"Guys what happened here?" Teddy asked worriedly. He was beside Billy in an instant.

"Tommy and Eli started arguing, don't remember what it was about. Anyway the TV fell. What do we do now?" Billy looked around.

"Let's settle this argument. Tommy said Cap used my shield to win. I think it was Kate's arrows. Cap?" Eli glared at Cap.

"It was a lot of things Eli." Cap tried calming Eli down. He wanted to fuck the teens not beat them to a pulp.

"Since the TV is broken anyway, I propose we hold another training session, us four against Cap. Eli and Cap won't bring their shields. That way we're sure to win." Tommy declared despite Billy and Teddy's groaning.

"I'm good but no powers this time. I don't want to have to run around rooftops. But no time limit either." Cap conceded. He needed to blow off some excess energy.

"We're going to beat you Cap. I swear." Eli pointed at Cap.

An hour later, Cap was still waiting for the boys to make good on their promise. Billy came charging at Cap. Cap easily threw him into the sky.

"Come one guys? Is that all you got?" Cap rolled his shoulders. All the Young Avengers were lying down on his feet. It was good workout tossing and punching the kids. He had to admit it was nice fighting them.

"Again." Eli was the first to push himself up. He took off his sweat-soaked shirt and used it to wipe his body.

"We've been at this enough already Eli. Give it up." Cap followed suit and wiped his on sweat with his shirt. He had blown off enough steam at being blue-balled. He was pushing the teens a bit hard.

"One last Cap. We'll definitely get you." Teddy tossed his own shirt as well. The boy was surprisingly pumped at attacking Cap.

"Really guys?" Cap looked at the twins. Billy usually said no after a while.

"One last Cap. If you win we get to do whatever you want." Billy did a quick shake off his body, preparing for battle again.

"Fine. Let's do this boys." Cap wasn't really that tired. He was after all a supersoldier.

Eli went charging ahead, trying to tackle Cap. Cap let the boy grab his stomach. And then he lifted Eli into suplex drop. That would be sure to knock the wind out of Eli's.

"Got you." Tommy said yelled. He grabbed onto Cap's right leg.

"Not so fast Tommy." Cap was about to push Tommy off, when Eli grabbed his arms.

Billy took hold of Cap's left leg and Teddy sat on top of Cap's abs. The blond placed his hands squarely on the side of Cap's arms making sure they were locked in Eli's grasp.

"Got you." Eli breathed heavily. He was pulling Cap's arms over Cap's head.

"It seems you guys have." Cap laughed. He had let his guard down. He tested his mobility. The teens had him firmly captured.

"Told you we could do it." Eli announced proudly. Sweat dripped from his forehead all the way to Cap's face.

"Well, I'm proud of you guys. After wearing out this old man, you finally beat me in a fight." Cap surrendered easily. The Young Avengers earned it.

"So what's our prize?" Tommy asked excitedly.

"Bragging rights?" Cap couldn't really think of anything to offer the teenagers. They were already Avengers.

"How about your ass?" Eli rubbed the front of his shorts against Cap's forehead.

"What?" Cap felt Eli's erection. He looked at the other teens.

"It think that's a fine idea after all we went through." Billy reached out to squeeze Cap's butt.

"What do you think Cap?" Tommy grinned. One of his hands squirmed their way inside Cap's workout shorts.

"Why not? I think you boys deserved it." Cap grinned. The horny bastards were thinking of sex all along.

"No funny business Cap. We're gonna let you go now." Teddy slowly stood from Cap.

"You won fair and square. I'm all yours." Cap felt all the other release him.

"Why don't you get on your knees?" Tommy suggested. He squeezed his package, making sure Cap knew exactly what he meant.

"Call us master too." Billy added.

"Of course master." Cap played their game. He had never been submissive in any of his relationships before. It was a little exciting. He grabbed Tommy and Billy's butts and pulled them closer to him.

"Shit, Cap you're really doing this aren't you?" Tommy whipped out his dick from his shorts. It was inches away from Cap's face.

"What would you like me to do Master?" Cap placed his face under Tommy's dick.

"Fuck." Tommy slapped his dick on Cap's face.

"Cap is really doing this." Billy took his dick out as well. He slapped Cap's face.

"You like that don't you?" Tommy asked as the two teen dicks slapped the all-American hero.

"Yes master." Cap was having more fun than he intended.

"Suck it." Tommy guided his dick into Cap's mouth.

Cap swallowed Tommy's entire length. He savored the boy's smell as his nose touched Tommy's white pubes. He missed Tommy so much.

Billy nudged Cap's cheek with his dick. Cap released Tommy's dick from his mouth and swallowed Billy's. He had been thinking about the mage for so long. Tasting the boy's dick for the first time didn't disappoint. Billy was shivering under Cap's mouth.

"Was that good?" Cap asked after Billy's dick popped out. He took hold of both cocks and rubbed the heads together. He lapped at the precum oozing from the piss slits. Billy and Tommy could barely stand up.

"Are you forgetting something?" Eli took out his heavy black cock and slapped Cap with it.

"Sorry master." Cap eagerly swallowed Eli's larger meet. He felt it push past his throat. In no time Eli was fucking Cap's throat. The boy was no match for Cap's mouth.

Cap alternated between the three boys, swallowing one cock and the jerking off the other two. The three teens were all under his control, pushing their hips against his face. Cap then realized one very sizeable cock was missing.

"Come one Teddy. It think we can fit you in here." Cap took Teddy's hefty member. He licked it all around first, lubricating the heavy monster. He had never swallowed anything so large. He wiped Billy and Tommy's precum all over Teddy's cock.

"Is he really going to take that monster?" Eli wondered out loud.

"Impossible. It took me weeks before I could swallow it whole." Billy added.

"This is way too hot." Tommy slapped his dick across Cap's face. He never thought Cap would bee on his knees servicing them.

"Shut up guys. Let the man have his chance." Teddy rubbed the head of his cock against Cap's lips. Slowly he began to push it inside.

Cap swallowed the large cock. Teddy wasted no time in getting it into Cap's throat. He fought his gag reflex as it entered. It was so large. But Cap wanted more. He pushed all the way until he was at Teddy's pubes.

"Oh god Cap. That feels so good." Teddy put his hands on Cap's head began fucking his hero's throat.

"Geezus, Teddy. You're gonna destroy Cap's throat." Tommy pushed his dick against Cap's cheeks. It was so hot seeing Cap accepting all their dicks.

"I can still talk Tommy. I think Cap'll be fine. Teddy won't be if he doesn't learn to share." Billy nudged his boyfriend. It's not everyday his idol superhero would suck his cock.

"Don't fight boys. There' enough of me for everyone." Cap grinned he grabbed all the dicks he could and started sucking.

Each dick was different in their own ways. Cap was savoring them all. Teddy had the largest cock by far. It felt heavy and packed. Eli's had a smaller tip. It was the thickest at the middle. Tommy's dick had this slight upward curve that made it hard to swallow. Billy's dick shot straight from his body. The head flared out considerably giving Cap the space to lick under the helmet.

"Cap I can't hold it." Eli moaned as Cap was sucking him hard. A second later he grabbed Cap's head and thrust his cock deep into his hero. His cock pulsed as he shot his load down Cap's throat.

"Fuck Cap's drinking it all in." Tommy couldn't help himself. He jerked his cock and squirted all over Cap's face.

"I'm coming too." Billy seeing Cap covered in cum was too much. Cap was rubbing his cockhead against Teddy's. He orgasmed a second later, covering Cap's cheek with his sperm. Teddy aimed his cock at Cap's face. He blasted his load all over his hero, his semen trickling down towards Cap's chest.

"That was intense." Eli dropped on the floor as Cap released his floppy cock.

"I think I did a good job." Cap licked his lips tasting all of the boys. He didn't really like the taste of cum but he'd make an exception for the Young Avengers.

"That was freaking amazing Cap." Tommy exclaimed. He dropped down and kissed Cap hard on the lips.

Cap savored the boy's mouth. He shared Eli's cum with Tommy. He ran his hands through the boy's soft white locks. He missed Tommy so much.

The boy started pressing his teen dick against Cap's large erection. Cap's hand found their way to Tommy's ass. He squeezed the toned gluts in his hands. It felt so right.

"Hey. We haven't gotten our prize yet Cap." Billy pulled Tommy off Cap.

"Stand up Cap." Teddy pulled his hero up.

Eli started kissing Cap. He ran his tongue all over Cap's mouth. Teddy felt up Cap's large pecs. He squeezed at Cap's nipples. Billy was preoccupied with Cap' muscular arms. He ran his tongue all over Cap's pits and biceps.

"I thought the prize was my ass boys? You guys are nowhere near there." Cap pointed out after Eli started nipping down his neck. He could feel his cock pulse with excitement. The four hottest teens he knew were worshipping his body. It felt so good.

"We're getting there. Let us enjoy the whole package first." Tommy took Cap's hefty member in his hand. He took in all the way in his throat in one gulp.

"You guys are making it look so easy to do that." Cap groaned. Besides Tommy, Bucky and Eli, none of his other lovers swallowed him with such ease. What was it about teenage boys that made them so cock crazy?

"It is easy Cap." Billy pushed Tommy and did the same. He grinned after a trail of precum stuck to his lip, connecting his mouth to the head of Cap's cock.

"Let me try." Teddy couldn't get the large head past his throat. He spit the large head out.

"Amateur." Eli glared at Teddy. He took all of Cap's cock with ease.

"I don't get to practice like you guys." Teddy protested. He pushed Eli away and started sucking on just the head.

"Ease up boys. I want my load up one of your asses." Cap groaned. Teddy was swirling his tongue over Cap's sensitive cock head. The boy's tongue was continually playing with his piss slit. Tommy and Billy were sucking at the exposed sides of his cock. Eli was licking the underside of his member rapidly. The feel of four different tongues working his cock was overwhelming.

"As I recall, we get to play with your ass Cap." Teddy went behind Cap and inhaled Cap's scent.

"Oh fuck not your tongue." Cap let out a loud cry of pleasure as he felt Teddy's prehensile tongue invade his asshole.

Cap was reduced to whimpers and groans of pleasure as his senses were overloaded by the Young Avengers. Eli started deep throating him, aggressively fucking his throat on Cap's cock. Each of the twins took one ball each and rolled it their mouths. Cap didn't know whether to thrust into Eli, to thrust against Tommy or to Billy and to thrust Teddy's tongue on his ass.

"Guys. Ease up. I'm gonna cum." Cap announced but he could tell the boys wouldn't listen. He gripped Eli's head pushed his cock deep into the boy's throat. With a loud cry he deposited his seed. He pulled off Eli after two shots and aimed the rest at Tommy and Billy, marking them with his sperm. His entire body trembled as the boys continued sucking on his over sensitive dick and ass. His leg gave way and he collapsed on the ground.

"Looks like we beat you again Cap." Tommy grinned. He was stroking his already hard dick.

"I might really be getting old. It seems like I can't keep up with you youngsters." Cap laughed. That was probably the best orgasm in his life. He could still feel his entire body tingling.

"And we still haven't gotten to your ass." Billy whined. He grabbed Tommy's dick and started stroking it.

"Teddy already had his way with it. But since all of you boys do want it." Cap went on all fours and raised his ass for the Young Avengers to see. He rarely bottomed, but he would make an exception for the team.

"Fuck. I've never seen such a perfect ass in my life." Tommy knelt down and touched Cap's ass.

Soon all the Young Avengers followed suit. Cap could feel Eli's rough hands along with Billy's smooth ones all over his ass. And then he felt a finger enter.

"Slowly guys." Cap whispered in bated breath. He hadn't had anyone touching down there in a long while.

"Sorry Cap." Eli, the culprit, was eagerly exploring Cap's insides. His finger moved slowly around Cap's tight hole.

"Let's see if he can take another one." Tommy pushed his own slick finger inside. His knuckle rubbed against Eli's. He felt Cap's warm insides.

"Fuck you kids are driving me crazy." Cap murmured. He had never had two people finger him at the same time. He let out a long groan as he felt a third join in his ass.

"Cap's ass is like mine before Teddy fucked me." Billy exclaimed as he wiggled his finger against Tommy's and Eli's.

They all laughed at Billy's comment. Cap quickly stopped himself as each vibration reminded him about the three fingers inside him.

"Guys. I can't handle it any more. Please fuck me." Cap groaned. In all his life he had never wanted to feel a dick up his ass except now with Young Avengers.

"Out of my way." Eli pulled away Tommy and Billy's fingers. He lined up his cock against Cap's hole.

"No way. I get to go first." Tommy pushed Eli down. The two started wrestling over the right to Cap's ass. Teddy decided to take advantage of the situation and aimed his cock at Cap's ass. He rubbed his swollen cock head against Cap's sphincter.

"Oh fuck. That's you isn't it Teddy." Cap groaned. He could feel the alien's large cock pressing against his ass.

"No way is Teddy going first. He'll stretch Cap wide open." Billy pointed Teddy's monster away from Cap.

"I will not." Teddy pouted. He tried repositioning his cock but Billy held it tight.

"See Eli. I have to go first. I'm smaller than you." Tommy pushed Eli down. He was about to fuck Cap but Billy beat him to it.

"Oh god. It is so tight and warm." Billy groaned as he inserted his dick slowly into Cap's warm muscular ass.

"There are goosebumps all over Cap's back." Teddy traced his finger all across Cap's spine.

Billy started thrusting into Cap's ass. The other three were stroking their cocks watching Captain America get fucked.

"Harder Billy." Cap pushed his ass back into the boy. He could tell Billy wasn't very experienced in fucking.

"You look so hot fucking Cap." Teddy encouraged his lover. He cupped Billy's chin and pulled him in for a kiss.

"My turn Billy. Go play with Teddy." Tommy stuck a finger inside Billy's ass.

"Teddy. Fuck me." Billy whimpered. Cap felt awesome but he wanted Teddy's cock inside him. He pulled out of Cap and crawled on top of Teddy. He locked his legs around Teddy's waist. His ass was right above Teddy's hard cock.

"You don't know how long I've waited for this Cap." Tommy groaned as he inhaled Cap's asshole. He buried his nose into the furry hole.

"Holy mother of god. What the fuck is that?" Billy suddenly screamed, catching everyone's attention.

"Sorry Billy. That was me." Eli replied meekly. He had started licking Billy's asshole.

"Oh sorry. I thought Teddy's cock grew a tongue." Billy let out a sigh of relief. He continued to kiss Teddy, running his hands all over his lover's face.

Eli moved from Billy's ass to sucking on Teddy's large cock. He stuck a finger into Billy's ass making the couple moan under his touches.

"Move a bit Billy. I want to see Eli sucking my cock." Teddy held Billy by the armpits and pushed him out slightly. Eli had engulfed Teddy's entire member. The proud leader had Billy's balls resting on his forehead.

"That is hot and weird-looking at the same time." Billy giggled. Eli's bald head felt different rubbing against his balls.

"I want to see you when I fuck you Cap." Tommy whispered to his hero as he rubbed his teen dick against Cap's well-coated hole.

"You are so sexy Tommy." Cap laid on his back and pulled his ass apart. His furry pucker winked at Tommy.

"Oh my god." Tommy breathed as he entered Cap's ass. It was just as Billy described. Cap was so tight and warm. Tommy took hold of Cap's legs and began to fiercely fuck Cap.

Meanwhile, Billy was being sandwiched by Teddy in front and Eli at the back. Eli was sucking on an earlobe while Teddy was nipping at Billy's throat. The mage moaned as Eli squeezed his dick. Billy could feel the two large cock swordfight for the right to enter his ass. The fat cockheads were both pressing against his pucker.

"Somebody fuck me." Billy groaned.

"Let me Teddy." Eli didn't wait for Teddy's consent. The blond alien was known to be protective. He aimed his cock at Billy's hole and slowly pulled the boy down over his cock.

"He's so thick." Billy murmured. He turned his head and kissed Eli hard.

"You're stretching him so much." Teddy knelt down and watched close-up how Eli pounded his boyfriend. Despite his jealousy Teddy, was still hard as a rock. He was mesmerized at Eli's thick black cock disappearing into Billy's small anus.

"Cap. I can't hold on." Tommy groaned. He bent over to connect his lips with Cap. With each thrust his own body slid against Cap, muscle to muscle, skin to skin.

"Give it to me baby." Cap placed his hands on Tommy's ass and pushed the boy's dick deep into his asshole.

Tommy let out a series of grunts as he blasted Cap's insides with his sperm. He could feel Cap stiffen under him as he filled the man with his seed. Tommy collapsed on top of Cap, his softened dick popping out of Cap's ass.

"I didn't get you to cum." Tommy whispered against Cap's chest. He could feel Cap's cock ooze pre-cum against his stomach.

"I just came all over your face Tommy. Trust me. I enjoyed it a lot." Cap pulled Tommy in for a kiss. His hands began exploring the speedster's well-defined frame. His finger immediately radiated towards Tommy's asshole.

"Okay. I think you should go to Teddy. He looks left out." Tommy moaned. He was a little worn out from cumming twice in such a short time. He needed to rest for a bit. Cap gave him a quick kiss and went to Teddy.

Teddy placed his tongue on Eli's shaft as it pumped in and out of Billy's hole. The mage was being bounced by Eli on the thick cock like he was paperweight. Billy was apparently enjoying the hard fuck. His dick, fully hard was bobbing up and down.

"Need some cock of your own Teddy?" Cap took Tommy's advice. He pressed his cock against Teddy's lips.

"Yes." Teddy grabbed Cap by the root and took the head into his mouth.

"You need some more practice in handling a cock. Open up your mouth." Cap placed his fingers on Teddy's chin, goading the boy to open wider.

"It's just so big Cap." Teddy whined as Cap's cock tried to push against his throat.

"Let me show you how it's done." Cap dropped on the floor on top of Teddy and took Teddy's cock into his mouth. He rubbed the large cockhead against his lips and then slowly took the monster in. He paused slowly as he felt it reach the front of his throat. Slowly he began to push it inside.

"That feels so good." Teddy squeezed Cap's hard steel hard cock, the sensation of Cap's throat wrapping around his cock felt so good. He wanted Cap to feel the same.

"That's it son, take it slow. Yeah I can feel you. Take your time." Cap rubbed the back of Teddy's head relaxing the boy. Teddy looked so adorable with an enormous cock in his mouth. It took all of Cap's self-restraint not to force-fuck the jock's virgin throat.

Teddy slowly opened his throat to accept Cap's large girth. Once it passed, he could feel his body adapt against Cap's intrusion. Inch by inch, he swallowed more and more until he was in Cap's pubes.

"Good work son." Cap shivered. He began fucking Teddy's tight throat. The boy was remarkably slick, allowing his cock to slide with ease. Cap returned the favor and soon they both started fucking each other's face.

Eli and Billy had stopped fucking. They watched as the two blond giants sucked each other on a 69 position. Eli dropped Billy down on all fours. He left his cock inside Billy, not thrusting to stave off his orgasm. Billy started licking Teddy's ass.

"Oh Cap." Teddy spit out Cap's cock. It continued to thrust against the side of his face.

"That's not me Teddy." Cap grinned and started fucking his face on Teddy's cock. His eyes met Billy's as the mage tongued his boyfriend's ass.

Teddy was reduced to whimper and moans. Both Cap and Billy were aggressively ravaging his sense.

"Let me fuck you Teddy. I'll make you feel even better." Cap released Teddy's cock and whispered into the boy's ear. He slid his cock against Teddy's, letting the boy feels his massive size.

"You're too big." Teddy murmurred. Cap's hand were massaging his nipples and stroking his cock.

"We'll take care of you Teddy." Cap motioned for Billy to come closer. He fed to of his fingers to Billy's mouth. Billy suckled on them eagerly, bathing them in spit. Cap pulled them out and positioned them on Teddy's ass. He slowly traced small circles around Teddy's pucker.

"That would be so hot. We can get fucked together." Billy bit on Teddy's earlobe. His rubbed his boyfriend's hard nipples.

"Okay." Teddy could never say no to Billy. And Cap was too sexy to resist. He pulled his legs upward, giving Cap access to his asshole.

Cap and Billy both began suckling on Teddy's pucker.

"Why don't you prepare him for me Billy?" Cap had a great idea he wanted to try out.

"Go for it Billy." Eli pulled his cock out of Billy's ass. He knelt on Cap's enormous cock and began sucking it.

"Can't get enough?" Cap laughed at Eli's eagerness. The boy just nodded in affirmation.

"You ready Ted?" Billy asked after kissing boyfriend.

"For you always. For Cap not so much." Teddy laughed uneasily. "So freaking cheesy! Fuck him already." Tommy yelled as he came closer. He was slightly stroking his hardening dick.

"Pushing it in." Billy warned his lover as he slowly entered Teddy. The larger male sucked in a deep breath.

"You know putting Billy and Teddy together is never a good idea. They'll completely ignore you." Tommy rubbed Eli's head as the patriot sucked on Cap's large cock head.

"Don't worry about it Tommy. No one can ignore me." Cap was very sure of that. He pulled his cock out of Eli's mouth and fed Eli Tommy's dick instead.

Billy was slowly thrusting into Teddy. His rhythm was smooth and slow. With each thrust Cap could see the mage's bubble butt bounce. The two boys had completely gone off into their own world. Billy was kissing Teddy passionately as he fucked his boyfriend.

"Watch this Tommy." Cap took his cock from Eli's hand and proceeded to slap Billy's ass. He positioned his cock head against he boy's slick hole. Billy immediately stopped thrusting.

"What?" Teddy murmured dreamily, wondering why Billy stopped fucking him so suddenly.

"I'm what happened." Cap slowly eased into Billy, causing Billy to go balls deep into Teddy.

"Fuck Cap, what are you doing to him?" Teddy asked defensively. His arms immediately encircled Billy's body. He felt goosebumps rise all over Billy's back.

"Fuck Teddy. You have to try this. This feel so awesome." Billy moaned into his boyfriend's mouth. He was extra-hard knowing that soon both he and Teddy would be fucked together.

"You are still so tight Billy. You are one lucky man Teddy." Cap pushed all the way into Billy. He could feel the mage's ass clamp down on his virile cock. Billy was well worth the wait. Cap started thrusting slowly.

"That's so good Cap." Billy moaned softly as Cap rubbed along his insides. His dick was deep into Teddy's pulsing with each of Cap's thrusts. His mind was going blank from the pleasure.

"Fuck me too Cap." Teddy whispered quietly. Billy's ecstasy made Teddy jealous. He wanted to feel what Billy felt. Billy's hard thrust was like a teaser for Cap's cock. "Let me show Teddy what he's been missing. Go on all fours Teddy." Cap pulled out of Billy and pulled the boy of Teddy. Both cocks dislodged from the assholes with a loud pop.

"Be gentle Cap." Teddy followed Cap's instructions. He had felt second-hand how fierce Cap's fucking was. He was both excited and a little worried.

"Don't worry son. Tell me when it hurts." Cap slowly pushed his fat cock head into Teddy's hole. Unlike Billy, Teddy's ass provided a lot of resistance.

"Let us help you there Cap." Tommy jumped in with Eli. They started licking at Cap's cock as it entered their teammate. Their spit served as lubed easing the huge invader in.

"Oh fuuucccck. That's so big." Teddy breathed out in a mix of a yell and a moan. The sensation was so different from what he expected.

"Take it all in son." Cap grunted as he forced more of his cock into the blond teen. He had finally fucked all the Young Avengers. And it felt fucking awesome.

"Cap's all the way in." Eli murmured. He was stroking Tommy's hard dick as he watched the scene.

"That looks so freaking hot." Tommy grinned at scene. He gained a lot of satisfaction knowing Teddy was getting fucked.

"Ready Teddy?" Cap asked. He felt Teddy clench around his massive cock.

"Go." Teddy braced himself. His own cock was rock hard despite the fear of being fucked.

Cap slowly pulled his cock out. And then he pushed it back in. He took all his self-control to take it slow, letting the boy adjust to his size.

"I'm so full." Teddy whimpered as Cap steadily increased his pace. Cap drove his fat cock all the way inside the blond teen, reducing Teddy into whimpers.

"Fuck me too Eli." Billy went on all fours in front of Teddy. He grabbed Teddy's face and started kissing his boyfriend as he was fucked by Captain America. Eli eased his cock into Billy's hole.

"It feels so good Billy." Teddy murmured into his lover's mouth. Cap thrust so fast and hard into him, it was so amazing.

"You make me feel like that everyday Teddy." Billy moaned into Teddy's mouth.

"See! Even when getting fucked by other men, they're so sappy." Tommy threw his hands in the air in exasperation.

"I can't hold it anymore. I'm cumming." Eli suddenly yelled. He pulled out of Billy's ass and came all over the mage's back.

"You want to cum too Teddy?" Cap grinned as he felt Teddy tighten around his ass.

"Yes Cap. Please." Teddy whimpered. Cap's cock was reaching places he didn't know existed inside him.

"Let's make you're boyfriend watch you cum as another man fucks you." Cap whispered lustily into Teddy's ears. He saw the deep hunger Billy had in his eyes. Cap pulled Teddy upwards and sat down. He bounced Teddy on his fat cock.

"That is hot." Tommy licked his lips. He started stroking Billy as the watched Teddy bounce up and down Cap's massive cock. Teddy's own monster was bobbing and weaving heavily with each thrust.

"Fuck Teddy. Come for me baby." Billy groaned. Teddy's muscular body was flushed red as Cap was vigorously fucking him. Billy bent down and licked Teddy's cock

"I'm coming." Teddy moaned as he felt his boyfriend's hand on his cock. His entire body trembled as the massive orgasm overcame him.

"Fucking jesus." Cap groaned as Teddy's ass clamped hard on his cock. Teddy literally squeezed Cap into orgasm.

"Look at all the fucking cum spilling out." Tommy exclaimed. Teddy was shooting like cannon blasting Billy's hand and squirting all over the floor. His body trembled with each volley of cum that left his dick.

"Cap you're filling him up." Billy saw Cap's cock pulse inside Teddy's ass. After a few strokes he saw semen start to leak out and spill out of Teddy's hole. With Cap thrusting hard, cum was spurting out of Teddy's ass.

"Oh fuck." Teddy eased himself of Cap and laid on the floor. The aftershocks of the orgasm still on him.

"Damn boy. You milked my cock good." Cap was breathing hard. His cock had softened drastically. He had completely spent his load. He could feel the last bits of drip down from his heavy cock.

With the fog of lust slowly lifting, Cap surveyed his surroundings. Teddy looked completely satisfied lying down on the floor. Both his ass and cock were covered in cum. Eli was sitting upright looking just as spent. The boy's body glistened with sweat. His meaty cockhead was still oozing some precum. And then he saw why Eli was raring to go again. The twins were making out.

Tommy and Billy hadn't cum yet. They were obviously still very horny. Their lithe body's pressed against each other as they kissed ravenously. Their hard dicks rubbed against their hard abs. Tommy was rubbing his hand all over Billy's ass, squeezing them and pulling them apart.

"They're doing the damn twin thing." Eli groaned. His cock had returned to his full hardness.

"Is it so wrong that it's so hot?" Teddy tried looking away. But his own cock betrayed his thoughts.

"Don't you boys every get tired?" Cap groaned. Tommy and Billy looked so hot. He was tired but he just couldn't resist the allure of the twins. He went up to them and joined in their hot kisses.

"You should rest a bit old man." Tommy squeezed Cap's still over sensitive member. Cap staggered back at the sensation.

"You're going to need all the strength to take on both of us." Billy pushed him away. He went back to kissing Tommy.

"Come back to us when you're a at full strength." Tommy grinned. He pushed Billy down to start sucking his stiff cock. The mage parted Tommy's cheeks and slowly inserted his fingers inside the speedster's willing hole. Tommy threw his head back in pleasure.

"My turn dear brother." Billy pulled off and laid on the ground. Tommy knelt down, and began trailing kisses along his twin's torso.

"You're getting fat." Tommy mumbled as he suckled on one of Billy's nipples. His finger traced Billy's treasure trail all the way the mage's dick. He grabbed both their dicks and started rubbing vigorously.

Cap had never recovered so fast from an orgasm in his life. He approached Billy and Tommy and placed his hand over their smooth butts laying on top of each other. He dove in Tommy's ass and sucked on the boy's hole. Tommy had yet to be fucked tonight. Cap could feel his cock throbbing in anticipation.

"You sure you're ready? Fuck you're ready." Tommy corrected himself as he felt Cap's large cockhead prod his asshole. The heat from Cap's erection was more than enough proof of Cap's desire.

"What about me Cap?" Billy rubbed his dick against Tommy's own. He forced their bodies to start squirming in a mass sexy flesh.

"I can't fucking decide." Cap groaned his cock moved up and down teasing both boys' holes. He would push into one and then move unto another. His second head was no better at choosing than his brain.

"Maybe I should just fuck you Bill? Cap seems to have anxiety issues." Tommy murmured playfully. He cupped Billy's chin and then started licking the boy's cheek.

"Cap seems to be spent. It can't be helped. I agree except, I'm going to fuck you." Billy suddenly grabbed Tommy's ass and inserted some fingers. That triggered a wrestle for which twin would stuff the other.

"Let's see who wins." Teddy called out to Cap who was about to pounce on the teens.

"I'm betting Tommy'll be on top." Eli stroked his massive cock leisurely.

"Billy's going to fuck Tommy for sure. What are we betting?" Teddy licked his lips already knowing the answer.

"Fucking rights." Eli grinned. He grabbed Teddy's cock and started stroking the Alien hybrid.

"Gotcha." After rolling around, Tommy finally managed to pin Billy down.

"Wrong dear brother." Billy slid down quickly sliding his dick along Tommy's ass. It popped right under Tommy. Without waiting Billy slowly started pushing it against Tommy's hole.

"Oh yeah." Tommy groaned after they Billy pushed his dick inside the speedster.

"I win." Teddy announced proudly, folding his arms and pushing his cock out.

"Hey Tommy's on top." Eli bargained. He approached Teddy making sure their hard cocks touched.

"Shut up and suck me." Teddy grabbed Eli for a rough kiss, surprising the boy. He then pushed Eli down who greedily began sucking on the monster that was Teddy.

Cap didn't know which couple to approach first. The twins were sweatily fucking in one corner. The sight of Tommy bouncing on Billy's dick was titillating. He wanted to fuck Billy and then Tommy in so many combinations. But seeing Teddy dominate Eli with fucking cock was so hot. He wanted to see if Eli's sexy lips could take both his and Teddy's large cocks. And damn him, he wanted to fuck Eli and Teddy too.

"You like my big cock don't you?" Teddy pulled his monster out of Eli's stretched lips and slapped the boy with the hefty weight.

"Yea. Teddy please give it to me." Eli moaned. He started sucking on Teddy's balls. Unlike Cap's they were smooth and hairless.

"Since you fucked my boyfriend, it's only right I get to fuck you." Teddy pushed Eli off his cock. He made the boy stand on all fours.

"Geezus what is that?" Eli tried muffling his screams as Teddy began tonguing his asshole.

"Shut him up for me will you Cap?" Teddy pulled away from Eli's ass. He stuck in two fingers in the Eli's butt loosening up the boy.

"You want this bug cock in your mouth son." Cap walked over to Eli. The thought of Teddy and himself fucking Eli on both ends was too much.

"Yes Cap feed me your cock." Eli whimpered as Teddy added a third finger.

"What about Teddy's cock?" Cap and Teddy's eyes met. Their big cock throbbed at attention.

"I want both cocks inside me." Eli yelled. With that declaration made, Cap stuffed the boy's face and Teddy plunged deep inside.

"Fuck him hard Teddy." Cap groaned. He had grabbed the back of Eli's head and began forcing the boy on his member. Although a little rough, Eli responded eagerly.

"He's so tight Cap. He likes us fucking him." Teddy grinned and thrusted hard, pushing Eli forward.

"Fuck yea." Cap threw his head back. He didn't even need to move much, Teddy's movement were forcing Eli to swallow more and more of Cap's cock.

"What about us Cap?" Billy had pulled of Tommy's ass. He ran his hands all over Cap's sweaty body.

"I thought you were going to fuck us?" Tommy was on Cap's other side, licking Cap's chest.

"I decided to go with boy who really wanted my cock." Cap said snarkily. His hands however started massaging both twin's smooth butts.

"Cap please fuck me." Billy whispered while nipping at Cap's earlobe. His other guided Cap's finger to his asshole.

"I've wanted this for so long." Tommy whispered on his other side. He pressed his hard teen dick into Cap's thigh. He began sucking on Cap's sweaty armpits

"I'll give to whoever wants it more." Cap pulled out of Eli's mouth. Both twins went on their knees and began sucking his cock.

Tommy and Billy started kissing all over Cap's cock. Neither of two would allow the other to deep throat Cap.

"I want both you on top of each other. It's time to teach what a proper fuck feels like." Cap commanded them. Soon they twins were back in their original position, face to face and cock to cock. Cap slid his cock in between the twin's dick.

"Please Cap don't make me wait." Tommy murmurred, feeling Cap's heat from his swollen member was just too much.

"I thought you said I was too old for you kids." Cap thrust his hips reminding the boys of what they were missing.

"We were wrong just please fuck me." Billy whimpered. Tommy kissed him hard, shutting him up.

"I guess you boys learned your lesson." Cap began rimming Tommy in preparation. He then thrust two fingers into Billy. Once both boys were ready, Cap made his choice.

He pushed his cock inside Billy first, making the boy stiffen immediately. Tommy didn't miss a beat.

"CapÉ" The speedster whined and wiggled his ass.

"You had your chance earlier, now you'll have to wait." Cap bent over, his chest pressing against Tommy's back. He thrust hard into Billy making sure Tommy felt it.

Cap fucked Billy hard. The boy was so receptive. He could feel Billy squeezing him inside. It felt so good. He bit Tommy's back in pleasure.

"Not fair." Tommy murmured. Billy's dick was so hard pressing against Tommy's. He wanted Cap's cock.

"Cap, I can't take any more." Billy suddenly bit into Tommy's shoulder as he clenched tightly around the enormous invader inside of him. But Cap was relentless, plunging in and out of Billy with abandon. Billy exploded into orgasm against Tommy's dick, splattering both their chest.

"Fuckers." Tommy groaned as both Cap and Billy bit into his shoulder. Tommy wanted to cum so badly he had to bite another person.

"Ready?" Cap whispered into Tommy's ear. It took all his control not orgasm inside Billy.

"Please." Tommy groaned.

"What do you think boys? Should I give him what he wants?" Cap asked the other remaining members. He didn't notice but Teddy had cum all over Eli's back while the Eli had splattered the floor. All of the other boys were watching Tommy and Cap.

"Fuck him hard." Billy squirmed out of Tommy and went over to Teddy.

"Fuck his brains out." Eli sighed breathlessly, completely satisfied from his own hard fuck.

"Fuck that horny bastard." Teddy grinned as Billy snuggled into his arms.

"You hear that?" Cap whispered. He prodded at Tommy's entrance with his cock.

"Yes." Tommy hissed, pushing back against Cap.

"You know what I'll do to you?" Cap pulled his hips just inches away making sure Tommy could just about feel him.

"Please hurry." Tommy groaned. He could usually take some teasing but not after so much stimulation.

"Hurry what?" Cap bit into Tommy's earlobe. He inhaled the boy's intoxicating musk as he prepared for the last fuck of the night.

"Hurry and fuck me Steve." Tommy blurted out needy.

That was all Cap needed and he thrust hard into Tommy. He began fucking the boy in long strokes. His ball slapping Tommy's smooth ass with each thrust. With the eyes of all the young avengers on him and the entire nights sensations coming back Cap couldn't last long.

Tommy came first, shooting cum all over his chest. Cap thrust deep into the boy as Tommy's ass tightened around him. Cap deposited his seed deep with Tommy, his cock being milked completely.

Exhausted he dropped down on top of Tommy. He felt the speedster's labored breathing under him. His body was in complete contact with the boy's own. Despite knowing he was squishing the lean boy, Cap didn't want to move. He took in as much of Tommy as he could.

"You're heavy." Tommy murmured after recovering from his orgasmic daze.

"Too bad." Cap decided he didn't want to move after all.

"Well this was fun." Tommy grinned at Cap. He pressed his cum covered chest against Cap's.

"Making a mess are we?" Cap pushed himself off the boy. He looked around. The entire training area was covered in sweat and cum. Anyone who stepped in would instantly know an orgy just happened.

"Most of that is probably yours you know." Tommy stood up and looked around the pools of cum on the floor.

"I don't think. Most of my cum is up someone's ass." Cap grinned as he stuck a finger inside Tommy. His finger was covered in slick white semen as he pulled it out.

"Oh god, this is what death by sex probably feels like." Tommy shivered. His spent dick was hardening painfully.

"That's enough boys. It's getting late." Cap declared. He had to get these boys home soon. If he didn't he might just fuck them well into the next day.

"What about clean-up?" Eli walked up to Cap. Besides the cum on his lips, there were some streak down his legs. Eli never looked sexier.

"I think we should take a shower first." Billy snuggled into Teddy's chest as they stood up.

"We stink." Teddy lifted his armpits to sniff it. Billy took the chance and began sniffing it as well. Both their cocks began to lengthen.

"Aren't you boys tired yet?" Cap felt his own cock lengthen. The idea of a shower usually made sense. But the thought of showering with the boys gave him more ideas than just cleaning up.

"Maybe. Maybe not." Tommy smiled devilishly. He ran his hands all over his smooth runner's body.

"You haven't fucked me yet." Eli grinned and kissed Cap. He then went straight to the showers, flexing his bubble butt to Cap.

"I haven't fucked you yet Billy." Teddy kissed his lover.

"Yea I missed your smell." Billy blushed.

"Let's get cleaned up. I want to be the last person on you." Teddy grinned. He pulled Billy up and carried him bridal style.

"Still so sappy." Tommy stuck out his tongue.

"This better?" Teddy slung Billy over his shoulder and slapped the mage's ass and then kissed it.

"A bit." Tommy laughed as Teddy brought his feisty twin to the showers.

"Fuck, you kids make me so horny." Cap sighed. He had never had such sex marathon in his entire life.

"Aren't you glad I made this all possible?" Tommy grinned at his hero.

"Well if I die from sex, it's your fault." Cap grinned. His cock was raring to go again.

"You coming Cap?" Tommy gave Cap a quick kiss on the lips.

"Oh I'm definitely coming." Cap smiled as he followed his young lovers to the showers.

A/N: The end! After long delays and large gaps in between, I finally finished the Captain America and the Young Avengers! Thanks to all my readers, if you're still out there. I hope you enjoy this very smutty last chapter. For my next story, I'll probably write something with more plot. Hope you had a blast (wink wink) with this story.

Next: Chapter 31

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