Captain America and the Young Avengers

By Pikachu MOn

Published on Jan 18, 2010


DISCALIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. All the characters depicted in story belong to and are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and its subsidiaries. I am in no way related to the company and have no ownership over the characters. This is fan made work. This story depicts males in sexual situations, just so you know. Thank you.

A/N: This is going to be a series with Captain America and the Young Avengers. (who are owned by Marvel not me) Please feel free to comment and offer constructive criticisms. I want to improve as a writer. And lastly enjoy.

Captain America and the Young Avengers: Chapter 3

It was exactly one week since Captain America had met up with Eli. It had taken them the entire night to help the people. Eli went home after, leaving Cap to go back to his apartment alone. He began recalling that night all by himself.

The moment he reached the door, Cap stripped off his costume off and took hold of his throbbing cock. It had been bothering him throughout the rescue operation. Wolverine had even looked at him strangely with a devious smile on his face. Cap was sure the feral man could smell sex on him. Having not showered for the entire day, even Cap would admit how musky he smelled.

But Eli's scent usurped his own, reminding Cap of all that had transpired during the night. He started stroking from the base of his cock all the way to the top. He rolled his large nuts in his hands, massaging them gently. Images of Eli's mouth stretched over his enormous cock egging him to continue.

And then he saw it. Eli's cum soaked clothes on top of the breakfast counter. Releasing his pulsating member, he walked over and picked up the damp underwear. He lifted it to his nose and inhaled deeply.

The smell of Eli's cum was even fresher and stronger. He let out his tongue and licked it the garment. He could taste the boy even after all this time.

Sitting down on the couch, Cap titled his head back and covered his face with Eli's boxers. He then lowered his hand onto his left nipple, rubbing the hard nub. His other hand, reached down to grab his cock. He squeezed it hard and then loosened his grip. Without stroking, he kept up this motion, feeling the blood pump through the thick veins.

This wasn't a good sign. He had already had two spectacular loads tonight; he should have been sated by now. But his throbbing member said otherwise. Squeezing his nipples hard, he let out a loud groan of pleasure. He began to stroke his cock up and down. The scent coming from the underwear further enforced the erotic images dancing in his head. He pumped his cock harder and harder, grasping it with two hands. His balls bounced and slapped his thighs as he vigorously stroked himself to climax. Reaching the point of return, he let out a loud cry of pleasure as coated his torso with cum.

He sat there dazed and somewhat satisfied. Pulling the underwear off his face Cap used it to wipe the semen of his body. He chewed on the fabric tasting his own semen. Exhausted, Cap left it on the coffee table and went to bed.

After that night, Cap thought things would return to normal. But it didn't. For the entire week he was distracted. His thoughts always returned to his cock. He tried jerking off more, but it wasn't nearly as satisfying anymore.

During a practice session the following strange conversations and peculiar events transpired:

"Steve! Are you alright?" Tony Stark also known as Iron Man scooped Steve up and saved him from being shot by a dummy robot.

"Sorry Tony. I've had a lot to think about lately." Cap stated lightly. He was a bit distracted so he wasn't sure if Tony actually squeezed his butt.

"Well be careful. As much as I like watching your ass, I can't look out for it the whole time." Tony mockingly said. Again Cap wasn't sure, but somehow he had an image of Tony winking when he said that behind the metal mask.

Once on the ground, Cap hurled his shield, decapitating a few dummies. He heard a metal being ripped to shreds behind and smelled wet dog.

"Thanks Logan." Cap said without looking. He backed up against the shorter man and entered a battle position.

"She must be one hell of a looker." Logan snidely said. He prepared his claws, waiting for the enemies to approach.

"Wha...what?" Cap flustered. Was he being that obvious?

"Must be a man then huh? Never knew you swung that way."

"Logan!" Cap didn't need to discuss this with Logan of all people.

"Hey I don't mind. Sometimes ye just need something a little rougher. I can smell you like I can smell a dog in heat." Wolverine had a certain twinge of laughter in his voice.

"We're not talking about this Wolverine." Logan was teasing him about sex. Wonderful.

"Just saying bub. You're too distracted lately and you're going to get maimed sooner or later. You want my advice?" Logan tore a leaping droid into bits.

"No." Cap smashed his shield against one of the robot dummies.

"Fuck the guy already and get this outta your system." Logan continued on without missing a beat.

"I'm not doing anything of the sort Logan."

"Just telling you to watch your back Cap." Wolverine stood straight. The simulation was over.

"I'm heading to the showers." Cap rushed off. He did not need Logan telling him to fuck a teenage boy. Plus, Logan might be able to put two and two together.

"Sweet Christmas." Luke Cage shouted as his soap slipped of his fingers. He bent down exposing his muscular ass to Cap.

"Oh shit." Cap ogled the well-defined gluts and he couldn't help himself from getting a little hard. Eli's build was smaller but similar to Cage's. Cap never noticed Luke's enticing physique before. Now he couldn't take his eyes off it.

"You say something Cap?" Luke turned around. He saw Cap's stiffening erection. "Sweet Christmas! You got a monster hanging between your legs."

"Uh you too." Cap managed uncomfortably. He entered the open shower beside Luke Cage. The man never once commented on Cap's size before. He could see Luke harden.

"So how big do you get?" Luke started fondling his cock causing it to grow.

"Uh... A little less than a foot I think." Cap said sheepishly. Something was odd about Luke. Cap couldn't put his finger on it. But his cock was fully hard and responded well.

"Hmmm..." In an abrupt movement Luke took both cocks in his hands and pushed them against each other. The difference was small. Cap being longer but Luke being thicker.

"What are you doing Luke?" Cap mumbled as the contact gave him Goosebumps.

"Oh sorry Cap. The missus is just a little too pregnant and I was wondering if you have any advice." Luke said pulling away, his cock deflating.

"Jessica? On what?" Cap asked confused. Cage was obviously uninterested in Cap. That much was clear.

"Seeing as how you're like me in the dick department. I was wondering if you have any techniques to make it easier for her since she's pregnant and all. Your experience with normal girls could help. She's a little tender and not so invulnerable these days." Luke explained, completely unfazed at touching Cap naked.

Cap just stood there with his mouth agape. Luke Cage was asking for sex advice. This week was just bizarre.

"Cap." Luke called out after a few minutes of silence.

"Be gentle I guess." Cap rushed to finish. This was not at all in his field of expertise.

"Yea thought so. I like it rough though. Oh well." Luke murmured to himself.

Cap ran out and went home as soon as he was dressed. The last thing he needed was for the Sentry to make a pass at him.

Cap shivered as he recalled that training day. Whether it was his imagination or something truly disturbing, Cap did not want to dwell on it any longer.

Opening his porn drawer, he fished out Eli's old clothes. He had taken the liberty of washing them, effectively removing the smell. He didn't want to be tempted any more. He felt a twinge of regret, realizing he no longer had anything tangible to remember that night by.

He wondered if Eli would come over to get his clothes. He hoped the boy would. Cap wouldn't try anything; he had decided that night that if a repetition of that night's events happened again, it would only happen if the boy started it. It was totally unrealistic for Cap to try and claim that he would not succumb to temptation if given the opportunity. So instead he decided on this compromise. This way, he wouldn't really do anything the boy didn't want. This was Cap's rationale.

Unfortunately, Eli didn't seem to have any intention of returning. Cap had waited faithfully at his apartment during the whole week just in case Eli might visit. He didn't. Cap decided that it was for the better this way. Of course that thought was a lie.

Picking up the boxer, he sniffed it. No more smell. Cap sighed. He had to go back to relying on his hand again.

The doorbell rang.

Cap rushed to the mirror and checked himself out. Wearing a blue polo and beige khaki's, he looked nice. Taking a deep breath, he answered the door.

"Hello sir. Would you be interested in buying..." The salesman was cutoff as he flew through the air and out the window. Except that only happened in Cap's thoughts. "Internet software to ensure that your children aren't watching porn and other obscene websites?"

"No children." Cap slammed the door. Stupid salesman, getting him worked up for nothing.

The doorbell rang again. Viciously opening the door, Cap glowed with malicious intent. He was going to throw the damn salesman out and tell Shield it was an accident.

"Hey Cap." Eli waved weakly. He shrunk back once he noticed Cap's murderous aura.

"Eli?" Cap brightened immediately. "Come on in."

"Thanks." Eli was wearing a white muscle shirt and really tight blue jeans. Cap couldn't stop himself from staring at Eli's butt as the boy walked in.

"So what brings you here?" Cap said coolly. He waited for any signs that Eli might give off.

"I just wanted to pick up my clothes." Eli said turning to face Cap. Their eyes met and Eli looked away downwards. He was clearly embarrassed.

"Oh. Let me get them." Cap was disappointed. He had hoped Eli would say something like: I want to jerk off again together. He handed them to Eli in a neat pile with the underwear on top.

"You washed them?" Eli's voice had a twinge of surprise and disappointment interlaced together.

"Yea, They got a bit soiled last week." Cap said, not being able to think of a better word without implying something.

"I see." Eli answered mysteriously.

"Is there anything wrong Eli?" The boy reacted weirdly and Cap couldn't place it.

"I liked it the way it was that night." Eli murmured inaudibly.

"I'm sorry Eli. Can you repeat that?" What did he say? Did he want to try again?

"Nothing Cap." Eli diverted.

"Is there anything else you needed?" Cap sighed. The boy probably wasn't interested.

"I forgot to get the papers for checking myself. Can I get a copy?" Eli answered, a new eagerness clear in his voice.

"Okay." Cap lifted and eyebrow unconsciously. Eli was acting differently. "Here you go. I can also send you a soft copy so you don't waste paper."

"Thanks Cap." There was an awkward silence. Eli was fidgeting and Cap didn't know what to say.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" Eli suddenly blurted out.

"No. Why?" Cap was silently praying this was what he thought it to be.

"Because you're dressed so nicely, I thought maybe you had a date."

"No I don't have one. I meant why did you ask whether I was doing anything." Cap tried playing it cool but his voice rose considerably higher.

"I...I... just wanted to check some things about the forms. I forgot to do some of them." Eli said unconvincingly.

"Okay sure." Cap couldn't help smiling. Trained to read his opponents lies and deception, Cap could easily tell Eli wasn't telling the truth. This meant only one thing: sex. Cap decided to have a little fun with the boy.

"Thanks Cap."

"Why don't we start by getting another form? You can take that one home. They're some copies on the lowest drawer in the cabinet." Eli went to get them in the bedroom. Cap followed suit. Eli bent down to get it revealing his buttcrack as his jeans were low. No underwear, Cap was definitely sure Eli was feeling the same things as Cap. What a fine ass.

"Got them Cap."

"Alright. Strip." Cap said, using his command voice.

"What?" Eli was taken by surprise. He blushed red immediately.

"Strip. I'll help you do your measurements today, so you'll remember them better. Strip." Cap tried not grinning but the corners of his mouth just kept turning up.

Eli gulped but began to lift his arms, which bared his abs slightly, teasing Cap with a glimpse. Soon Eli completely removed his shirt.

"Do you have any problems with the upper body?" Cap asked, still using his authoritarian tone.

"No sir!" Eli responded unconsciously. Cap liked the sir rolling of Eli's lips.

"Well then begin!" Cap was enjoying himself. He began to wonder how far he could push the boy.

"Yes sir!" Eli voice quivered a bit but he started measuring himself.

Cap sat on the bed and enjoyed the little show Eli was unknowingly giving him. Every once in a while he would tell Eli to flex or lift his arms, just to see the boy turn red while enjoying the view; he always had a perfect excuse though.

"I'm done." Eli was considerably flustered.

"You haven't done your nipples." Cap pointed out. He had wondered why the boy skipped it.

"I... don't know how to do that part sir." Eli added the sir after hearing Cap use that tone. He didn't know why he added it though. Eli purposely left that part out because touching his nipples made him feel good. Cap would be able to see him pitch a tent especially since he didn't have underwear on. His initial plan was for them to do this together and hoped that it would lead to something more. He didn't think it would only be him on display.

"So what do you want to do about it?" Cap asked. If Eli asked Cap to do it on Eli's body, then that would remove any doubt of what Eli truly wanted to happen.

"Maybe you could do it on me so I can remember?" Eli said shyly. He wanted to feel Cap massage his nipples. It didn't seem to Eli that Cap would invite him to jerk off again.

"I could demonstrate it better on myself and you can watch." Cap hoped his gambit would work. But if he wanted to make sure that Eli wanted the physical contact, Eli would need to ask for it.

"No! I think I would remember better if you did it to me." Eli said quickly. He at the very least wanted Cap to touch him again, something to remind him that last week wasn't a dream.

"If that's what you want." Cap smile turned positively devilish. Eli had said exactly what Cap needed to hear.

"Yes, that's what I want!" Eli said accidentally.

"Here, do it like this." Cap stood up and went behind Eli. He placed his arms on Eli's abs, feigning ignorance while feeling them up. He slowly rubbed the boy's chest, acting like he was looking for the nipples. The boy was completely smooth, having no trace of hair anywhere in his chest or stomach. Eli moaned a little. "Does this feel bad me touching you? Do you want to stop?"

"No, don't stop. It feels good." Eli gasped as Cap rubbed his nipples.

"You have to get them hard and perky first. Rub them slowly like this." Cap whispered huskily on the boy's ear. He pinched hard on Eli's nipples, making the boy gasp. He then started flicking them until they became hard.

"Cap..." Eli moaned. This was better than anything he expected. He had closed his eyes at the sensations he was receiving. Cap was so close to him; he could feel Cap's body heat transferring to him. His cock was rock hard but he didn't care.

"Then you do this." Cap whispered huskily again. He was sure the boy was no longer paying attention. He would have to punish the boy for that.

Eli had his eyes closed. He was focusing on the feelings on his nipples. After a few minutes though, he realized Cap had stopped. Opening his eyes, he saw Cap sitting on the bed, looking at him with mischief in his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Cap asked. The boy blushed red in absolute embarrassment. "Continue on with the lower body. You can leave your underwear on."

"What? Oh sorry Cap. I didn't wear underwear today." Eli answered both embarrassed and confused. He had a huge tent in front of his pants.

"Well then I guess we're done for today." Cap feigned, he wanted to tease Eli more.

"Wait." Eli called out. He unbuttoned his pants slowly.

Cap watched the boy slowly. He realized Eli was completely hairless where his pubes should be. The boy must shave himself regularly. Thinking about it, Cap realized he had never seen any hair on Eli's body. The thought made Cap's cock tingle.

Eli sort of slowed down as his cock hindered the removal of his pants. He turned around displaying his ass for Cap. Finally he managed to pull his pants all the way down. Cap licked his lips as he saw Eli's smooth bubble butt.

"Why don't you turn around so I can see if your doing things right."

Eli turned around, his hands covering his balls and the base of his rigid dick. His cock however was sticking out and had a bead of precum on top.

"It seems you're a little happy to see me." Cap teased. Having enough fun now, he wanted to put the boy at ease now. Walking over to Eli, he rubbed the boy's back. "Nothing to be ashamed of Eli. Even I get boners as you can remember."

"Can I touch yours Cap?" Eli looked up at Cap, taking full advantage of the opportunity given to him.

"Of course son. You can do anything you want. I'm here to help you remember." Cap smiled genuinely.

Eli didn't need any more encouragement. He grabbed the front of Cap's khaki's and fondled the huge package. His left hand slipped under Cap's top. He felt Cap's hard abs, running his hand through the rigid eight-pack. Rising higher, Cap lifted his arms, allowing Eli to take Cap's shirt off.

Eli removed his hand from Cap's crotch and moved them towards Cap's chest. He placed his head under Cap's armpits. Kissing the fine blind hairs, Eli inhaled Cap's masculine scent and savored his musky taste.

"You like that don't you?" Cap flexed his chest and lifted his arms higher.

Eli didn't respond. He was too busy worshipping the body of his hero. He began moving his mouth towards Cap's chest. Stopping at the nipple, he began sucking on the little nub. The fine hairs on the man's chest tickled Eli's face. Cap reached down and held the back of Eli's head, rubbing it in encouragement. Eli continued his descent, reaching Cap's abs and finally the front of Cap's pants.

"Go on open it." Cap murmured softly.

Eli unbuckled Cap's belt and pulled Cap's down. Cap was wearing tight white briefs. Opening his mouth, Eli mouthed the huge bulge through the white cotton. Cap let out a moan of pleasure, which encouraged Eli more. The boy began to suck harder and roll his tongue all over the cloth-covered cock.

"Stop Eli." Cap breathed heavily. Eli stood up confused when Cap suddenly grabbed Eli's dick and knelt down.

"What are you doing?" Eli was interrupted by his own groan as Cap started jerking Eli's cock. Cap's other hand began rolling Eli's nuts. Cap stroked Eli hard and fast, making the boy buck his hips. Eli opened his eyes and saw that in front of him was a mirror. His reflection showed Cap's tight brief-covered ass knelt down in front of him.

Cap looked up and saw the boy looking at something, turning around he saw the mirror. He stood up and went behind the boy. Before Eli could say anything, Cap grabbed the boy's pulsating organ.

"You like seeing yourself being jacked off by another man?" Cap whispered into Eli's ear. His breath tickled Eli's neck.

"Yee-yes." Eli couldn't keep his eyes of the mirror. He was watching himself being fondled by the Captain America.

Cap's hand slowly began pumping Eli's rock hard cock. He swabbed his index finger against the boy's tip and then put the drip of sperm in his mouth. With his free hand, Cap massaged the boy's chest and nipples. He could feel Eli respond to his ministrations. The boy began pushing closer against Cap, eager for more contact.

The tip of Cap's cock poked out from the waistband of his briefs. His cock was being squeezed between Eli's muscular butt cheeks. Cap didn't bother resisting, instead he ground his cloth-covered cock over the valley between the boy's ass. His cock leaked precum all over.

"I'm getting close Cap." Eli moaned weakly. The hair on Cap's chest brushed against his back with each thrust of Cap. He could feel Cap's precum slide down his ass and drip into his asshole. He placed his hands awkwardly on Cap's buttocks and pushed him closer to his own body. Cap's hand were squeezing him so tightly and pumping so hard. He was going to cum soon.

"Yea, show me how you shoot boy." Cap began licking the side of Eli's neck. He thrust his cock up and down the valley of Eli's ass. He squeezed the boy's hard cock hard and pumped faster and faster.

"I'm cumming!" Eli screamed loudly as he finally released his seed onto the world. He felt Cap gripped tightly as the first volley hit his reflection right on its face.

Cap felt the boy's cock pulsate as the first wave of cum shot out. The boy trembled in Cap's arm as shot after shot of cum left the boy's body. Cap watched in perverted glee at the sight of the boy climaxing. Eli finally finished and sank against Cap, barely able to stand.

Cap relished the feel of the spent boy in his arms. The boy was completely dependent on him to stay upright and pressed hard against the front of his precum soaked briefs. He looked at the mirror white-washed with semen and the floor sprinkled with the same. Eli didn't have as much volume as he did, he noted.

"That was the best orgasm I've ever had!" Eli said after a few minutes, the throbbing of Cap's cock against his backside waking him from his stupor.

"I can see that from the mess you made son." Cap squeezed Eli's cock again, coercing out a small drop of cum and moan from the boy. "You'll have to help me clean that up."

"I'll help you somewhere else first." Eli answered lustfully. He bent down, pushing his ass against Cap's cock. He then knelt down in front of the man.

"You want this boy?" Cap said as he grabbed the root of his monstrous sausage.

"Yes sir!" Eli flicked his tongue at the tip, tasting Cap's arousal.

"Can you handle it?" Cap said, pushing his package against the boy's face, rubbing precum all over.

"Yes sir." Eli finally pulled down the waistband and freed the huge monster. Tucking the band under Cap's balls, He grabbed the huge tube with his hand. Moving it away, he placed his nose against Cap's light blond pubic bush and inhaled the manly aroma.

"You like that boy?" Cap said slapping his dick across Eli's face. He loved the sound it was making as it bounced of the youth's features.

"Yes sir!" Eli tried to catch the huge cock, but Cap kept moving it out of the way. Finally, Eli caught it in his hands and began licking the sensitive tip. He cleaned it of the precum that had begun to collect.

"Hmmmm... good job. Now clean the rest of it." Cap commanded huskily. He enjoyed the power he had over the young lad.

Eli began to kiss and lap up at the sides. He worked his way down, making sure each and every inch was worshipped properly. Once he reached the root, he went back to the top. He opened his mouth wide and swallowed the huge cockhead.

"Fuck yeah!" Cap moaned out. Eli was swallowing him whole. The boy managed to get three-fourths of Cap in. Cap encouraged the boy to go deeper by massaging the back of Eli's head.

Eli gagged as the huge cock hit the back of his throat. Cap wasn't pushing but Eli wanted more. He wanted to inhale Cap's scent from the source and suck him at the same time. He pulled away to relief the pressure.

"No need to take it all in Eli." Cap said reassuringly. He could sense what the boy was trying, but being sucked was enough for Cap.

"I want to try." Eli said with determination. He placed his two hand on Cap's butt and held onto to them for support. He began to swallow the entire monster again.

Cap held on the boy's head, as he watched inch after inch of his huge cock disappear into Eli's stretched but willing mouth. Cap felt Eli's tongue begin to swirl around his member. The warm moist cavern of Eli's mouth caused Cap immeasurable pleasure.

After a while, Eli began to push against his own throat, forcing the cock deeper. With a loud pop, it passed through.

"Oh fuck!" Eli throat was an extremely tight fit. Cap looked down and saw Eli's mouth completely covering his enormous organ. The boy adjusted against Cap's huge member.

After a while, Cap could feel Eli relax. Taking that as his cue, he began to thrust in and out of Eli's mouth. Cap groaned loudly. Eli had the tightest mouth he had ever felt.

The boy kneaded Cap's ass, encouraging Cap to piston faster and harder. Cap didn't restrain himself, he began to face-fuck the teen with full-force.

"I'm getting close Eli!" Cap pushed in as deep as he could. "Tell me where you want it? Down your throat or all over your body?"

Eli murmured something inaudible, causing his throat to vibrate.

"Fuck Eli! I'm giving it to you both ways!" He started cumming in Eli's throat, depositing three loads before the boy started pulling away. Popping out of Eli's mouth Cap sprayed his seed all over the boy's face. Cap watched Eli as the boy's face was hit with each successive cumshot. Cap had marked the boy as his.

"Damn son, where did you learn how to do that?" Cap dropped on the bed. He had to admit, that orgasm was the most satisfying he had in the entire year.

"I've never done that before, well not until last week anyway." Eli admitted, answering automatically. He was just enjoying the taste and feel of Cap's cum inside and all over him.

"That was a rhetoric." Cap laughed heartily. "I think we better get cleaned up now. We both reek of cum."

"Just wait. I'll wash after I finish cleaning up." Eli winked and scooped up the cum of his face and placed it in his mouth.

"Don't hog it all." Cap swiped the rest and placed it on his finger. He sucked a bit off and then gave the rest to Eli.

"Mmmmm... Tasty." Eli said sucking Cap's thick fingers.

"Alright you go ahead, I'll clean up the floor first." Cap got his shirt and began wiping the mess off.

"Oh okay." Eli answered disappointedly. He had wanted to shower with Cap.

"Don't worry. I'll catch up with you." Cap realized Eli's disappointment and decided to hell with it. He had already fucked the boy's mouth. What harm would there be to shower with him too.

Cap decided he wouldn't think twice anymore about his relationship with Eli. It felt good and no one was getting hurt. He would stop when the boy wanted to stop. And after the shower, he would have a talk with Eli, just to lay everything all out.

"Are you coming?" Eli called out from the bathroom. The shower was already running.

"Alright." Cap stood still and admired the boy's sinewy and strong figure as he entered the bathroom. Eli seemed like a statue carved out of stone. His muscles glistened under the water.

"You gonna look or are you gonna join in?" Eli teased. His confidence soared when Cap praised him. He was feeling cocky.

Cap blushed red as he was caught red-handed. He entered the small stall with the boy, their bodies brushing against each other. He saw Eli's youthful cock stiffen as his own swept against it.

"I'll wash you Cap." Eli didn't wait for a response. He got the bar of soap and lathered his hands. He ran them over Cap's massive pecs, starting from the neck and stopping at the nipples. He massaged the taut muscles, smoothening out the suds. He flicked the hard nipples, giving them a squeeze to elicit a groan from Cap.

"Haven't had enough yet boy?" Cap murmured. Eli was obviously trying to get him all hot and bothered again. It was working, very well in fact.

"Just doing my part to make sure Captain America isn't distracted." Eli worked his hands lower, carefully cleaning Cap's abs and belly button. He grabbed Cap soft but slowly swelling cock. He stroked it lightly before moving on to the huge nuts. Rolling them between his fingers, he made sure they were completely covered in soap. "Turn around. I'll work your back while you work your legs."

Cap followed the order and began to wash his legs. He could feel Eli's warm hands rub his shoulders. The boy gave him a full-body backrub. It helped Cap relax, his stress melting away. The boy was good at this. "Have you ever done this before?"

"Yea. My grandmother taught it to me to help grandpa relax. I'll show you more next time. Let's finish showering; I'm getting pruny." Eli laughed. He took hold of Cap's muscular gluts and squeezed them hard. After Cap jumped a bit, he flicked his finger against Cap's asshole causing Cap to jump again. "All done."

"Your turn." Cap would have to show Eli what happened when you teased Captain America. Eli turned around, showing Cap his enormous throbbing prick. Cap ignored and began to rub Eli's baldhead.

"Hey!" Eli hated it when people touched his head. But Cap took his mind of it by flicking Eli's nipples. He rubbed his hands all over the boy's chest and abs, feeling the young muscle underneath.

After finishing up Eli's upper body, Cap tugged Eli's engorged cock. He stroked it back and forth. "Why do you shave Eli?"

"I like how it looks." Eli admitted without thinking. Cap's hand on his cock always had that effect on him. Then the hand left. Eli was about to complain when he felt the strong hands fondle his balls.

"Turn around boy!" Cap worked Eli's back while Eli washed his legs. He kneaded Eli's butt cheeks before sliding his finger in the crook of Eli's ass. He teased the little pucker.

Eli liked the feeling so he pushed back against Cap. He began grinding his hips against Cap's.

Cap removed his hands from Eli's ass and reached around to grabbed Eli's cock. His own member had hardened fully and was throbbing painfully against Eli's thigh. "Move your leg a bit Eli."

"Okay." Eli didn't know what Cap was up to. Then he felt Cap's cock rub against him awkwardly before it finally popped through under Eli's balls. It size allowing it to be only slightly smaller when compared to Eli's cock despite being under his balls. He grabbed what he could and teased the head with his fingers.

"Yea! That feels good." Cap started stroking Eli's cock. He then used his free hand to squeeze the boy's nipple. Then he thrust his cock in between Eli's thighs.

Eli gripped against the huge cock as tight as he possibly could. Cap was thrusting into his thighs right under his balls. He couldn't concentrate on jacking Cap's cock. Holding on to the wall, he braced himself against Cap's hard thrusts. Everything Cap's was doing to him felt so good, from the nipple play, the hand on his dick and Cap's cock thrusting through him and brushing against his balls.

Cap settled into a fast rhythm. Eli's thighs weren't as good as pussy or ass, but Eli's muscular legs had their own charm. He wouldn't be able to hold out for long. And from the way Eli was responding to his thrust: the boy was backing against him with each push, Eli was near as well.

"Cap I'm so close." Eli said huskily. He couldn't take it anymore. He shouted loudly as his orgasm ravaged his senses. He saw his erection in Cap's hand shoot spunk all over the bathroom wall.

"Oh fuck! I'm coming too." Once Cap felt the boy's cock shoot, his own went off. He watched his cock under Eli's as both fired their own volleys of cum like two cannons alternating fire. The wall in front of them was covered with slick sticky cum. Cap dropped his body on Eli's, exhausted from his second climax in one night.

"Wow." Eli said after a few minutes.

"It's getting late. Let's dry off so you don't have to come home too late." Cap closed the shower. He didn't pull off the boy just yet. He liked the warmth of another body too much.

"Can I stay the night Cap? I already asked permission from my grandma?" Eli wanted to stay as long as possible. Even now under Cap's enormous weight, he liked the feeling of Cap's hairy body on top of his.

"Yes. You planned all of this didn't you?" Cap asked happy but incredulous.

"Not really... but I was hoping to stay the night again." Eli blushed.

Cap separated from Eli and toweled himself dry. He also toweled the boy dry. He laughed as he rubbed the boy's head. "Do you mind me sleeping naked?"

"Absolutely not! I'll sleep naked too." Eli replied quickly, after which his face colored red.

"I'll just dry my hair and then we'll sleep. We've had a long day or should I say night." Cap chuckled lightly. Eli went off after giving a yawn. Cap could hear the boy preparing the bed.

Cap looked at himself in the mirror. He had to admit, he hadn't looked as relaxed as this in a long time. He felt so happy and good.

"Eli?" Cap called out as he left the bathroom and entered the bedroom. No answer. He looked at his bed and Eli was lying down. The boy had fallen asleep. Cap looked at boy sleeping soundly. He was obviously tired. Cap gave Eli a light peck before settling in behind Eli. Pulling a blanket over himself and pulling Eli into his arms, he drifted of into sleep.

A/n: Just to be clear, the last scene in the shower is intercrural sex. I just wasn't sure I described it right. Thanks for reading! I enjoy reading your reviews! :)

Next: Chapter 4

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