Captain America and the Young Avengers

By Pikachu MOn

Published on Jan 16, 2012


DISCLAIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. All the characters depicted in story belong to and are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and its subsidiaries. I am in no way related to the company and have no ownership over the characters. This is fan made work. This story depicts males in sexual situations, just so you know. Thank you.

A/N: This is going to be a series with Captain America and the Young Avengers. (who are owned by Marvel not me) Please feel free to comment and offer constructive criticisms. I want to improve as a writer. And lastly enjoy.

A/N: Gasp! This took a long while to finish. I admit I got a bad case of writer's block, especially for the sex. Anyways, half of this chapter has no sex in it. The sex starts after they start entering the showers so skip to that if you want to read the orgy. The no sex part was me exploring the team dynamics and playing fight choreographer. Hope you enjoy it.

Captain America and the Young Avengers: Chapter 29

Teddy awoke with a start. His dream had him being hit with a slushy from Kurt Hummel in Glee. He groggily scratched his eyes out. The idea of Eli singing show tunes was slowly being erased from his mind. For that, he was thankful.

He rubbed his chest and realized why the slushy felt so real. Billy had been drooling again and excessively. Teddy hated waking up sticky. This was one part of their morning ritual he'd gladly do without. He stretched his arms to grab the tissues by his bedside. He dabbed the offensive liquid of his chest and the little streaks at Billy's mouth. The mage was still blissfully sleeping.

And that's when Teddy realized it. He finally found something he didn't like about Billy. It was interesting to say the least. He felt a little proud that they had finally reached the point where not everything was perfect.

He dabbed at the sides of Billy's mouth again. He let his finger trace over his lover's lips. He didn't know what Billy was thinking, but Teddy knew he wanted to marry Billy. He was sure everyone would say he was crazy. They were probably right. But Teddy knew deep down, Billy was all he would need for the rest of his life.

"What are you doing?" Billy groaned angrily. Teddy had left the tissue in front of Billy's mouth too long.

"Nothing just looking at your face." Teddy took the tissue and tossed it in the trash.

"You're probably thinking of sappy things again aren't you?" Billy pushed himself off Teddy's chest. He looked at his lover knowingly.

"Couldn't help it." Teddy blushed. He pulled Billy in for a kiss.

"Ewwww. Morning breath." Billy stuck out his tongue.

"Complains the drooling one. Why do you taste like that?" Teddy smacked his tongue around trying to get rid of the flavor.

"We need to buy better toothpaste, the ones with overnight protection. Until then, I vote no smooching in the morning." Billy crinkled his nose. He was about to stand and when Teddy grabbed his arm.

"I propose an amendment. No kissing on the face." Teddy kissed the back of Billy's hand.

"I concur." Billy shivered as Teddy slowly kissed his way up Billy's arm.

"See this isn't so bad." Teddy murmured as he nuzzled Billy's neck.

"Except now I have to take a shower. Your morning breath is all over me." Billy giggled.

"I need one anyway. You spent the whole night watering my non-existent chest hair." Teddy swiped some stray drool and showed it to Billy.

"Me first." Billy jumped out of Teddy's grip and walked towards the bathroom.

Teddy watched Billy's bare bottom peek out of his shirt. They had made a habit of sleeping in only one pair of pajamas. Teddy would get the bottom and Billy would get the top. It was Teddy's kink.

"Are you coming?" Billy dropped his shirt purposefully on the bathroom entrance

"I thought you wanted to go first?" Teddy asked in surprise. He was thinking all sorts of nasty things about Billy's ass.

"I just wanted to see you ogle me. It's so easy to catch you watching me from the mirror. You're such a pervert." Billy snickered.

"And you're an exhibitionist." Teddy joined Billy in the shower. He kissed Billy under the spray of water.

Surprisingly, they didn't have sex in the shower, just a lot of touching. Since it was Saturday, they decided to meet with the other Young Avengers. They were talking about Teddy's dream as they approached their headquarters.

"Speaking of Eli, what was it you wanted to say about him? It was right after we had that intense circle jerk." Billy put his finger thoughtfully.

"When we were all about to cum, I sort of slipped a finger into Eli's ass." Teddy blushed a little.

"No way? May be he was too deep into it." Billy suggested, although something still didn't add up. Billy had such a rough time with getting things up his ass. Eli being supposedly straight should have even more trouble.

"That's not even the weirdest part. Tommy slipped a finger into Eli with mine still inside." Despite the improbability of it all, Teddy was certain it had happened.

"I think Tommy's plotting something. You know its weird how Tommy seemed very confident he could get Eli to join us in the circle jerk. Eli's usually so straight-laced." Billy decided Teddy needed to know how mischievous Tommy could be.

"Yea that was weird. You think something's going on between the two of them?" Teddy tried picturing Tommy and Eli holding hands. It looked more natural for the two to wrestle each other to the ground.

"No. I wouldn't say dating. But I think them fooling around is a possibility. After all they are teenaged guys." Billy snickered. He spoke from experience when he said the last statement.

"That makes more sense." Teddy cut the conversations short as the approached the base.

"Hey you guys! Cap's here to visit." Cassie greeted them cheerily.

Billy quickly noticed that everyone was in their workout gear. Cassie was wearing a red tank top with black jogging pants. Kate was in her default purple razor back and black short shorts. How she made purple look good was a mystery even to Billy.

Eli had a tight Nike body armour black shirt with red basketball shorts. And Tommy was wearing a bicycler/singlet thingy that looked really cool. Billy wondered where the zipper was. And Vision was naked as usual, sort of.

Cap was in a plain grey hoodie and pants ensemble. It made him look like a coach and trainer.

"Hey Cap!" Teddy and Billy both said excitedly at the same time.

"Hey guys." Cap looked at them weirdly.

"Yea they do that a lot these days." Eli explained to Cap.

"It gets even weirder when they finish each others sentences." Kate supplied as she entered the room.

"Even I don't do that with Billy and I'm his twin." Tommy whizzed by, causing everyone but the couple to laugh at their expense.

"We do not." They said in unison. Everyone blanked and then began to laugh again.

"So what's Cap doing here?" Teddy asked after the laughter died down.

"I'm free so I thought we'd do a little hand to hand combat. I've been training you guys while you use your powers, so now I was thinking we could train without powers." Cap explained.

Billy could only grumble in response. He grabbed his sleeveless black shirt and put on his yellow running shorts. Teddy was in a wife-beater and tight black shorts. Billy would need to have a private word with him later in bed.

"I'm exempt of course. So this time, it'll be me versus Cap, team battle." Kate giggled. She cracked her knuckles for emphasis.

"Oh dear lord." Billy whined. He hated hand to hand. And he knew he was going to get pummeled.

"Come on Billy, I'll make sure you get to punch Tommy in the face." Kate offered.

"That's never going to happen. Tommy can't shut down his fast reflexes." Billy whined again. The speedster didn't need to use super-speed to win in physical combat. His naturally quick reaction time meant he could evade pretty much everyone.

"Don't be sour Billy. I'll go easy on you." Tommy grinned.

"Kate, I don't want to fight Tommy. He'll be so annoying." Billy whined. Tommy would frustrate him to no end.

"Let's break it down guys. Kate you get to chose." Cap wondered if Kate could actually beat him in a team fight. She knew the team better than he did. In some ways at least, Cap thought as he looked at Tommy.

"Alright, I want Billy, Cassie and Tommy." Kate smiled deviously. Eli looked like an abandoned boy. She grabbed her team and huddled them close.

"Cassie, you take on Captain America, despite everything he'll hesitate to hit you. You're still very much the little girl in Avenger's HQ to him." Kate looked at Cap. She would win this match.

"That's so mean." Cassie giggled.

"Tommy, you and Billy stick together. Your main target is Eli. Tommy you annoy him."

"I'm a pro at that." Tommy saluted.

"Why do I have to stay with him?" Billy wanted to fight with Teddy. He could get Teddy to fake fighting,

"Because Eli won't fight properly if he's worried about a surprise attack from you." Kate clarified.

"What about Teddy and Jonas." Cassie supplied.

"I'll take Vision, I don't know how good he is in combat. Teddy's a slow fighter. His strength and invulnerability have made him predictable. Alright, if anyone finishes early, Teddy, Eli, Vision and then Cap. Got it? Let's win this thing." Kate punched her fist in the air.

"Yea!" They all shouted. Billy was particularly excited. He would show his team he could do hand to hand.

Cap and Eli stayed in the center while Teddy and Vision ran at the other two sides.

Kate immediately rushed into Vision. She did a cartwheel then dropkick into his front. He evaded quickly.

"Bend down Billy!" Tommy yelled suddenly.

Billy crouched down in surprise. He saw Eli a few paces in front of him. And then he felt Tommy use his back like a springboard. Tommy's feet connected with Eli's chest sending the boy flying backward. Tommy landed right in front of Billy.

"Move! We have to separate them." Tommy stood up and rushed towards Eli.

Cassie was already throwing punches in front of Cap. Billy could make out Cap's voice giving Cassie a few tips while he parried easily.

"Hey Billy, I'm you opponent." Teddy readied his stance.

"Your mistake honey." Billy rushed towards Teddy.

Teddy readied to defend himself. Billy stopped right in front of him and rolled to Teddy's side. He rushed past his boyfriend and went straight to Tommy and Eli.

"Sorry Ted." Billy left the bewildered Teddy and charged at Eli. He lunged forward to grab Eli's waist.

As expected, Eli evaded away. Unfortunately, Tommy was paying attention, grabbing the Eli into an arm lock.

"Eli's out." Billy declared as he made a light punch directed at their leader's chest. It was their rule in sparring. Any decisive blow would be choreographed and declared for safety reasons.

"Vision's out." Kate called out.

Billy was about to celebrate when he saw a kick going to his stomach. Thankfully, he blocked it with his hands. He however flew a few spaces back.

"Watch the strength Teddy." Billy raised his fist defensively against his face.

"Yea you might hurt your boyfriend." Tommy stood beside Billy. He assumed a similar stance.

"Sorry Billy. I'll hurt Tommy instead." Teddy was weighing his options carefully. Tommy was too fast for him but he had a hard time throwing a punch at Billy.

"Why are you beside me? Shouldn't we pincer him?" Billy grumbled to Tommy. Why was Tommy being stupid?

"Run to Captain America." Tommy immediately ran towards Captain America.

Billy did the same despite Kate's instruction. He'd let Tommy deal with her if they lose. Just when Billy thought Tommy was thinking like a crazy person, he saw Kate on top of Teddy. He didn't watch and followed Tommy.

"Wait for me." Kate whispered to the twins as her body was circling Teddy's to the ground. She was doing what the Black Widow did in the Iron Man movie.

"Teddy's out." Tommy declared without looking at Kate.

"Cassie's out." Cap cracked his neck. He got too caught up teaching Cassie about her openings. He didn't realize his team was being wiped out already.

"Surround him. Rush tactics Tommy. Billy feints and evasion. Try not to be grabbed." Kate patted the twins on their shoulders. They surrounded Cap in a Triangle. They stared at each other for a while. It was the classic standoff.

Kate and Tommy both rushed Cap from one side. He did a wide arc kick. Tommy rolled away. Kate jumped and did a flying kick. Cap blocked it with one arm.

Tommy did a low kick that connected with Cap's leg. Tommy felt like his leg his a tree trunk, Cap didn't even notice. He managed to evade Cap's knee strike. He was still on the ground.

"Stay down." Billy yelled and jumped on Tommy's back. He managed to jump on Cap's shoulders, thanks to Kate distracting his arms. Billy captured Cap's head between his thighs. Unfortunately he didn't know what to do next, so he squeezed and grabbed Cap's hair.

Kate was about to deliver the supposed decisive punch when Cap suddenly dropped backwards. Billy jumped on instinct.

"Regroup." Kate shouted. She pulled both twins and skipped away from Cap.

"We got lucky." She murmured under her breath. Cap was good.

"How do we do this. We need a better plan." Tommy breathed hard. He looked at Cap who stood up immediately.

"I think Billy has the right idea. When he kicks grab his legs, when he punches take his arms. Billy gives the final blow." Kate pushed Billy back as Cap rushed towards them.

"Wait for an opening." Tommy evaded Cap's punch.

"Fuck me." Billy tried following the battle. Kate was flinging punches as she avoided Cap's arms. Tommy was defending, and trying to get Cap into a lock. He was narrowly avoiding Cap's hits.

And then Cap managed to push Kate away. He did an uppercut towards Tommy's direction, which caused the speedster to duck. Unfortunately Cap was expecting, and dropped down did a one hand sweep kick with both his legs. Tommy managed to jump away but Cap's leg still connected causing him to land on all fours. Cap was going to deliver the decisive blow.

"Stay down Tommy." Billy shouted as he approached Cap.

Cap stopped his attack midway and braced his arms.

"Sorry." Billy stopped abruptly in front of Cap.

"Gotcha." Kate placed Cap into a headlock. Tommy held one of Cap's legs.

"Yaah!" Billy shouted as he rushed to deliver his decisive punch. The next thing he knew he was flying a few feet in the air. Cap had kicked him with his free leg. And then spun around on the leg that Tommy was holding. Tommy evaded the kick to his head while Kate got flung away by his intensity.

"Shit." Billy bit his lip. They were so close. He immediately ran back as Cap charged towards him. His only hope was for Kate and Tommy to catch up to Cap. He could hear Cap right behind him. He lunged forward.

"Hold up." Cap grabbed his leg.

"Behind you." Billy squealed as he did a turn kick. Cap blocked it with his other hand.

Thankfully, Kate had arrived. She jumped right on Cap's shoulders.

"Neck-Brea-!" Kate was about to twist Cap's head off when he threw he forward, straight into Billy. He heard Tommy ramming straight into Cap's outstretched arm.

"Tommy decisive blow. Kate and Billy out." Cap yelled out. Kate's head was underneath his foot. And Billy was struggling with Cap's hand around his neck. His feet were dangling from the air.

"I can't break free." Billy sighed. Cap's grip wasn't tight, just enough to hold him properly. Unfortunately it was tight enough that Billy couldn't pry free with his hands.

"So close." Kate murmured as she stood up.

"Just a little more Kate." Cap smiled at her as he lowered Billy onto the ground.

"I guess I still have a few things to learn old man." Kate flipped her hair casually. She was issuing a challenge. Cap simply raised an eyebrow in response.

"You should have picked me." Eli pulled Kate to the side.

"My team, my choice." Kate brushed him off.

"Please tell me we won." Tommy opened his eyes as he woke from the ground.

"Sorry Tommy. I didn't know you'd be that fast." Cap whirled his right arm. There was a red mark where Tommy's body had hit.

"My turn to pick a team." Eli declared. Tommy and Billy both groaned. Teddy and Kate both punched their fists in anticipation.

"Let's take a break first son." Cap placed a hand on Eli's shoulder.

"I already called pizza. Five minutes." Cassie called out.

"Okay." Eli conceded.

"Twins hold up." Kate placed her arms around Billy and Tommy.

"Ewwwww." Billy frowned.

"What?" Kate looked at Tommy for explanation. The speedster just shrugged.

"You called us twins. Me and Tommy are now officially groupable." Billy stuck his tongue out in disgust.

"Fine, Billy, Tommy let's strategize." Kate rolled her eyes.

"I must admit. A lot better than twins." Tommy nodded thoughtfully.

"Billy, we have to work on your close range evasion footwork. You're our energy projection guy. There' no point in you learning hand-to-hand as well as everybody. You should focus on flexibility and agility. In any case you're depowered, run for help. Nice job on the feint by the way. We could have won with that." Kate sighed.

"Uh thanks." Billy wasn't sure if Kate was complimenting his running skills or calling them crappy.

"Tommy. You suck. You'll always be fighting close combat, you should have been able to land hits on Cap. No matter how fast you are, if your stuck hitting the enemy's defense, you're worthless." Kate was a lot harsher on Tommy. Billy cringed at her criticism.

"Sorry." Tommy grumbled. He looked away from Kate.

"Tommy. You're good already. I just want you to be better. Got it?" Kate took Tommy's chin and made him face her.

"Okay." Tommy blushed slightly as their faces were so close.

Billy rolled his eyes. Kate had all of them eating out of the palm of her hand. It was a little unfair to be honest.

"Next time, we can with this." Kate grinned.

"Here Billy." Teddy handed Billy a slice of pepperoni.

"Thanks." Billy sat on the couch arm right beside Teddy.

"Good jobs, you guys almost took me out. If it was the whole team, I don't think I would have won." Cap smiled proudly.

"Still, It's amazing how you turned the tides so quickly against Kate and the twins." Cassie said as she punched at the air.

"Ugh." Billy grumbled as he heard Cassie.

"What is it?" Teddy looked up at Billy.

"I hate being referred to as the Ôtwins'." Billy whispered. Everyone else was talking animatedly about the battle.

"Hey Billy. Don't worry. I'll never make that mistake." Teddy reached his arms to cup Billy's cheek.

"Thanks Ted." Billy grinned. He felt Teddy pull him off the couch arm and into Teddy's laps. Billy's lips touched Teddy's.

Billy stayed on Teddy's lap. He was half-heartedly listening to the conversation. Teddy was whispering sweet and naughty things in his ear. He let out a squeak as he felt something poke underneath him. When he looked up, Teddy just gave him a smile. One he couldn't resist. Billy rose to give Teddy a peck on the lips.

"Seriously. Do you have to make out while we discuss battle tactics?" Tommy shouted pointing everyone's attention right at them.

"Tommy." Billy's temper was rising a bit. Tommy really was a pro at ruining moments.

"See Cap. Creepy couple stuff." Eli waved his arms towards Billy and Teddy.

"I think that's proof that we're ready for the next round. Your pick Eli." Cap defused the situation. Billy was about to blast Tommy with lightning bolts.

"I want. Teddy, Vision and Cassie." Eli smirked at Kate. She narrowed her eyes at him. The entire team just watched the electricity fly between the two.

"Alright. Positions everybody." Cap cleared his throat.

"Cap. You have seniority. How do we play this?" Kate looked at the veteran expectantly.

"You're call. I want to see you in action." Cap gave the figurative ball.

"Alright. Cap and I will stick together. Our first target is Eli. He won't be able to handle the two of us no matter how good he is." Kate sneaked a venomous look at Eli who returned the same glare.

"Kate! You can't expect me and Tommy to handle the other three? Tommy's good but not that good." Billy asked alarmed at her plan.

"You stick to evading and let Tommy handle the rest. Whatever happens, stick to your pair. Cap and I will focus on Eli and whoever else is with him. You guys watch each other's back. Let's go." Kate sent the twins to the left.

"Has she lost her mind? We can't take on three people? What if Eli targets us?" Billy bit his thumbnail.

"She's right. Eli probably has his own plans. This way no matter what happens we win. No one can defeat a Kate and Cap combo." Tommy cracked his neck. Billy could see Tommy was determined to win their fight.

"Okay." Billy psyched himself up. Kate thought he would just be a distraction. He would prove her wrong.

Tommy and Billy moved first. They ran towards Cassie and Vision. Eli and Teddy had charged towards Kate and Cap.

"Let's split this Tommy. I'll take Cassie." Billy announced. Eli obviously planned this one on one. He would play his game.

"That fine with you?" Tommy winked at her.

"That's the plan." Cassie said confidently.

Billy gave her a right jab, which she deflected quickly. He followed with a wide left swing. She managed to grab his arm and twist it. With his back facing her, she kicked him forward. He collided with Tommy.

"Sorry." Billy murmured. They were back-to-back.

"Not so confident now Billy?" Cassie laughed.

"Swing me." Billy whispered. Cassie and Vision had them in pincer. They were closing in slowly.

"Fine." Tommy watched Vision's movement carefully. The robot had technique but very little experience. Tommy's own fights in the cafeteria taught him something after all.

"Teddy down." Cap yelled.

"Now." Billy shouted. He grabbed both of Tommy's arms. The speedster raised his knee. Billy stepped on it and jumped. Tommy swung the mage like a giant axe. Vision ducked and rolled out of the way. Cassie used her hand to block Billy's leg. Unfortunately for her, Tommy let Billy go, causing him to fly towards Cassie at his full weight.

They rolled on the ground as she was knocked on her back. Billy scrambled quickly. He was on top of Cassie and put a fist at her throat. She couldn't react fast enough as the wind was knocked out of her.

"Decisive blow. Cassie." Billy declared in between breaths. He was panting heavily. He knew he should move to help Tommy but the shock of being swung around and winning was a shock to him.

"Vision down." Tommy yelled as he stood over the Vision. He wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Tommy, we have to help Kate." Billy immediately stood up. He pulled Tommy's arm who didn't seem to move.

"Why? They've got it under control." Tommy pointed to the battle.

Eli was frantically fighting with Kate. His punches were quick and fast. All Kate could was avoid and put as much distance between them. Eli definitely had the upper hand. Kate was only defending.

"Kate's losing!" Billy said worriedly. He had dragged Tommy towards Cap.

"No she isn't." Tommy raised his hands to hold the back of his head.

"But she's not attacking." Billy pointed out. Then again, Kate did seem to look completely at ease.

"She's tiring him out. He's putting full force between each of those punches. She's just evading." Cap explained.

"Besides even if she was, it wouldn't matter. Her plan was solid. Cap's still here to take out Eli." Tommy laughed easily.

Suddenly, Kate grabbed Eli's arm and flipped him towards the ground. She stepped on his chest and kneeled down. With one quick jab at his chest, she finished the game.

"Eli out." Kate smiled proudly.

"We won Tommy!" Billy said happily. He was actually on the winning team twice in hand-to-hand.

"We wouldn't have lost anyway. We had Cap." Tommy shook his head and walked towards the couch area. There was a small smirk on his face.

Kate offered her hand to Eli. He laughed and pulled her down with him.

Billy looked at Kate and Eli laughing together. Eli definitely wasn't gay. Still that didn't mean he wasn't a hormonal teenage boy. And teenage boys have their needs. Billy began racking his brain for zany schemes.

The entire afternoon had been spent training. At the end of the day, Eli and Cap were still wrestling each other. Teddy and Billy watched the smaller super soldier try to beat the bigger one. Tommy had tired and tried teaching Vision about the birds and the bees. He was miserably failing. The girls started showering ahead.

"You boys still aren't done?" Kate walked in all dolled up. She had a turquoise wrap dress and killer heels. Her hair was done in a sophisticated up do.

"Where are you going?" Billy managed after his jaw dropped. If he wasn't gay, he would definitely get a crush on her.

"A date?" Tommy whizzed in front of Kate immediately.

"Kate?" Eli quickly forgot about Cap. His face was very similar to Tommy's.

"I wish. My parents are having a charity dinner. One I am very late to. Billy do you mind?" Kate pushed Tommy away and ignored Eli's stare. She handed an address to Billy.

"I should charge for my services." Billy rolled his eyes. Everyone was using him as transportation.

"See you guys next week." Kate put her arms around Billy's shoulder.

"Be right back Teddy." Billy waved goodbye.

"I'll only steal him for a bit." Kate winked at Teddy before disappearing into a flash of light.

Billy popped in Kate's room. He spent a few minutes admiring how the other half lived. Kate almost got him to try one of her gowns. Thankfully, her parents came calling and he poofed back to HQ.

"Anything new?" Billy asked even if he didn't know where Teddy was yet.

"Not much." Teddy approached Billy from behind. He wrapped his arms around Billy.

"Why are you topless?" Billy whispered. He could feel the sweat from Teddy's chest stick to his back.

"The girls are gone. So Cap and Eli decided to shed their shirts. I just copied them." Teddy started nuzzling Billy's neck.

"Please cut it out. I'm still here you know." Tommy appeared suddenly. His arms were folded angrily.

"How was your talk with Vision?" Billy realized at some point that ignoring Tommy didn't really help. Sometimes it was better just to humor the speedster.

"I pity Cassie. The Vision has never had an erection. I don't even know how they'll do it." Tommy shook his head in pity.

"Where is he anyway?" Billy looked around. Maybe he could do some damage control.

"He left to escort Cassie home." Teddy propped his chin on Billy's shoulders.

"You think they're talking about it?" Billy tried imagining Cassie answering Vision's about sex. It didn't add up.

"You cheated Cap! You grabbed my shorts!" Eli yelled, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Son. Fight's aren't always going to be fair." Cap just snickered. He was only wearing tight blue trunks that seemed thinner than silk.

"Fine. The same trick won't work on me twice." Eli pulled down his shorts, leaving him only in his black jockstrap.

"What's that about?" Billy looked to Teddy who just shrugged. He could clearly see Cap's muscular ass under his light blue trunks.

"Eli's been trying to pin Cap down. He's been having close calls the entire afternoon." Tommy explained. His eyes glued to Cap's ass.

"The view's nice huh?" Billy elbowed his conspicuous twin. He raised his eyebrows knowingly. The thin material of Cap's underwear showed every fluid motion of Cap's butt.

"Hey. If you can't appreciate a fine ass, there must be something wrong with you." Tommy answered unabashed. He managed to see the outline of Cap's cockhead.

"They're getting hot and heavy." Teddy pointed out. Eli's almost naked body was in full contact with Cap's. Naked limbs and sweaty torso were flailing all over the practice mat.

"You're enjoying this too much Teddy." Billy tried sounding jealous. He could feel Teddy's prominent erection digging at his leg.

"Don't mind you boyfriend, he's just as happy as you are." Tommy grabbed the front of Billy's shorts.

"Tommy! What if Cap sees that?" Teddy spanked Tommy's hand quickly.

"Now wouldn't that be interesting." Tommy smiled to himself.

"Alright guys. Hit the showers. It's getting late. Try again next time, Eli." Cap announced as if on cue.

"You go ahead Teddy. I have a little situation." Billy blushed. He couldn't risk standing up just yet.

"Don't take too long." Teddy stood up with no difficulty. He was after all a shapeshifter.

Billy watched Cap walk towards the showers. Memories of the man's heavy cock in his mouth excited him. Maybe he and Teddy should invite Cap for some casual get together. He could already see outline of Cap's large cock head against the man's sweat soaked underwear.

Tommy was right behind Cap. He waved his index finger at Billy. He was mouthing Ônaughty naughty.'

Billy blushed at being caught red-handed. He followed in once he was sure his erection was not so visible. Trying to be discreet, Billy checked everyone out as he stripped down.

Teddy was looking so very delicious in his white boxer briefs. He was untying his shoes on the bench, allowing Billy to ogle his butt. He could see Teddy's perfect ass cheeks through the almost see through fabric.

Eli was arguing with Tommy over something. Sweat was dripping down from his bronzed torso. He had the tightest butt in the world. Billy wondered what it would be like between those muscular cheeks.

Tommy had unzipped his suit thing. The outfit was hanging dangerously low. And despite seeing his twin completely naked before, Billy couldn't help finding himself waiting in anticipation for the almost second skin to peel off.

Remembering Cap was with them, he tore his eyes away from Tommy. Cap was squeezing water out of his bottle and onto his body. The cold liquid sprayed against his powerful chest. It trickled down sensually over his solid pecs and then to his hard abs. Billy licked his lip as he followed the seemingly sinful droplets of water. It trailed all the way into his very obvious package. Cap's soaked and flimsy underwear clung to his soft penis like a second skin. It left absolutely nothing to the imagination.

"Fuck!" Billy shouted loudly as he felt something wet smack him right in his ass.

A second later he heard everyone else shout their expletives. A quick glance at the end of the locker room confirmed his suspicions. Tommy was twirling a wet towel on his hand.

"My hand must have slipped." Tommy said deviously. He suddenly whizzed by again, giving everyone a second slap.

"Tommy." Eli growled. He lunged at the speedster only to receive another a slap on the butt. His bronze ass was beginning to turn red.

"IwantTommytostop." Billy raised his arms to cast the spell. Unfortunately the speedster was too fast. The towels stung his butt as it connected. Teddy wasn't doing any better.

"That's enough." Cap suddenly grabbed the almost invisible Tommy. The boy was flung into the air and then he was suddenly on Cap's lap.

"What the?" Tommy said woozily. Cap held him steady across his lap.

"Now boys, what should I do with Tommy?" Cap looked at the other teens.

"Give him a taste of his own medicine." Eli grabbed the towel on the floor. He aimed it at Tommy but hit Cap at the leg instead.

"Oops sorry." Eli dropped the wet towel instantly.

"Loser." Tommy snickered.

"I think I should deliver Tommy's punishment." Cap gritted his teeth as his skin started to turn red and then heal just as quickly.

"Punish him like the bad little boy he is." Billy giggled. With Tommy sprawled over Cap's lap, he couldn't get the image out of his head.

"Not a bad idea Billy." Cap grinned. He lifted his hand and let it smack against Tommy's bare ass.

"Fuck! That stings." Tommy's entire body stiffened.

"How many should I give him guys?" Steve asked his fellow victims.

"He slapped me twice so I guess eight whacks should cover all of us." Teddy said as he rubbed his red butt.

"No fair. Awww fuck." Tommy winced as Cap's hand made contact with his ass.

"You slapped everyone son, its only fair you get slapped just as much as they do." Cap laughed easily. Teasing Tommy was not something he could do often.

"But that'll kill my ass!" Tommy tried defending himself.

"Eli, Billy and Teddy, line up please and turn around. Let's show Tommy just how much damage he did." Cap ordered the three teens watching the spectacle.

Eli was a little unsure, especially since everyone was already naked. Nevertheless, an order from Captain America had to be followed. He lined up dutifully standing beside Teddy and turned around.

"See Tommy, just after two slaps, you made their assess red." Cap licked his lips at the sight of those tight young butts facing him. Billy had the perfect bubble butt that just wanted to be ravaged. Teddy's butt was made up of huge mounds that were begging to licked. Cap was already imaging Eli's muscular dimpled ass riding his thick cock.

"Then stick with two slaps." Tommy tried before Cap's hand connected with his ass again.

"Had enough son? I'll spare you six slaps if you apologize." Cap declared. He didn't believe in corporal punishment. And he was beginning to chub at the feel of Tommy's naked body on his lap.

"No way." Tommy stubbornly struggled.

"Fine, have it your way." Cap slapped Tommy's ass again. He let his hand linger a second longer than necessary to rub the reddening cheek.

"I want to have a turn! I'll use my hand though." Eli announced cheekily. He jumped at the chance to punish Tommy.

"I like that idea." Billy happily quipped.

"I second the motion." Teddy added helpfully.

"Aww shit." Tommy winced as Eli smacked his ass.

"Fuck that felt so good. Can I get an extra slap? Please?" Eli begged Billy and Teddy.

"No can do. I plan to savor getting revenge on Tommy." Billy smiled cheekily.

"Well. Better make this count." Eli raised his hand and slapped Tommy's ass again.

"Fuck. Are you guys trying to kill me? My ass freaking hurts already." Tommy exaggerated. Eli didn't hit as hard as he thought.

"What do you boys think? Is that enough? His ass is really red." Cap felt a little guilty for catching Tommy. He rubbed Tommy's hot ass.

"Fine. One slap for me and then another for Teddy. And then we'll call it even." Billy bargained pleadingly.

"Go ahead Billy." Cap got distracted as he realized Tommy's hard dick was poking against his thigh. The boy was definitely kinky.

"This is for all the times you wouldn't stop talking, the times you caught me and Teddy. " Billy caressed Tommy ass, calculating the proper angle to hit the proverbial pain in the ass.

"Just get on with it." Tommy's voice was cracky. Billy's hand felt so good rubbing his sore ass. He could feel his precum make a mess on Cap's leg.

Billy just replied with a smirk and slapped Tommy's ass. He could see Tommy's precum trail downwards on Cap's leg.

"One to go." Tommy murmured. His ass was red hot, and despite that his dick was as hard as it had ever been.

"My turn. Let me check things out first." Teddy crouched down behind Tommy's ass. He spread the boy's cheek, inspecting Tommy.

"What are you doing?" Tommy groaned. The cold air of Teddy's breath was in sharp contrast to the warmth of his ass's redness.

"Just wanted to gauge how much you could take." Teddy answered. Billy was right about Tommy. The speedster was very excited. In fact they all were. He gave Tommy a light slap.

"That's it then Tommy. Time to get up." Cap was in a complete daze as everyone was slapping Tommy. In his mind, he was busy thinking of all the naughty things that could happen right there in the lockerroom. He had no doubt that something could happen with all four boys.

"Can I lie here for a while. My ass is sore." Tommy said irately. He didn't want everyone to see his still hard erection.

"Stand up and let me check you out. " Cap unceremoniously pushed Tommy off his laps.

"Crap." Tommy scrambled on his feet. His dick was pointing upwards. And much to his surprise so was everybody else's.

"You are a little red, but I don't think there's too much damage. A kiss should make things all better." Cap decided to make his move. Eli was already drooling precum while Teddy and Billy were stroking each other. He just needed to give them a sign that he wanted to play.

"Fuck." Tommy groaned. With everyone watching him and Cap kissing his ass, he almost couldn't hold it in.

Then they all heard Cap's locker vibrate. The implication was unmistakable. He needed to go.

"Fuck." Cap cursed loudly not bothering to hide his frustration. He pulled his locker door off completely and grabbed his phone. It was a SHIELD priority mission, one that couldn't wait.

"Can we help?" Eli asked a little scared. Cap was visibly angry.

"Not for this mission. Sorry guys, I have to go. Billy?" Cap was fully dressed in just a few minutes.

"Where?" Billy responded a little slowly. He thought for sure tonight would be the night he would fuck with both Cap and Eli.

"SHIELD helicarrier." Cap grumbled. In a flash he was gone.

The four teens stood there, unsure of what to do after Cap left. The awkwardness of what had just happened dawned on all of them. And pretty soon even their hard dicks deflated. Eli was the first to break the silence.

"I'm going ahead to shower." He grabbed his towel and basically sprinted towards the shower area.

"Let's shower too" Teddy fumbled a bit and then grabbed his toiletries.

"I'll put some aloe on Tommy's ass first." Billy motioned for Teddy to go ahead.

"You brought aloe?" Tommy looked at his twin gratefully for the first time.

"Not right now, but I can poof some up." Billy rolled his eyes. He threw his towel over the bench and motioned for Tommy to lie down.

"What would I do without you powers? Teddy is one lucky man." Tommy grinned happily. He saw the faint flash of blue light as he laid down stomach first on the bench.

"Aren't you going to thank me?" Billy rolled his eyes at his twin's smugness. He poured some aloe on his hand and then onto Tommy's ass. He prayed Tommy wouldn't notice anything unusual.

"Stop rushing me. I was just about to. Thank you dear twin brother for rubbing aloe all over my sore ass. You are the silver lining in the mess that was my spanking. There? Happy?" Tommy let out a sigh of relief as the cool viscous liquid coated his ass.

"I happened to have enjoyed your spanking. I don't think it was all bad," Billy laughed. He placed his hand on Tommy's very red butt cheeks. The speedster elicited a slight moan of approval, urging Billy to continue. The speedster didn't suspect anything.

"I can still feel your joy. It stings like crazy." Tommy rolled his eyes. Billy's hands were very good at massaging his ass. His dick was getting hard.

"At least I'm giving you a massage right? I didn't leave you hanging." Billy kneaded Tommy's hard buns. Occasionally, he would pull apart the taut ass cheeks and see how wide he could stretch Tommy's asshole without the speedster noticing. So far, Tommy was completely oblivious to his plan.

"It's not like you're not enjoying the massage. Touching my ass is a privilege you know." Tommy clenched his buttcheeks, allowing Billy to feel the hard muscles.

"Well then I must be something special, since I've fucked you so many times." Billy whispered. He slipped a finger all the way into Tommy's vulnerable hole.

"Oh fuck. Warn me next time will you?" Tommy said with a trace of annoyance. Billy's finger felt too good for him to be angry.

"Fine. I'm going to sit on your thighs so I don't strain my back giving you a massage ok?" Billy didn't wait for permission. He straddled his twin, his hard cock just inches away from Tommy's ass.

"Billy, what are you plotting? I'm not stupid you know." Tommy demanded from his twin. He would still go with the scheme but he at least wanted to know what was happening.

"I thought we could move things forward." Billy began kneading Tommy's back.

"Go on. I'm listening." Tommy could feel his twin leaning closer.

"I know we all got frustrated with what happened with Captain America. We both thought something was going to happen." Billy leaned in to whisper at Tommy's ear. He pressed his dick towards Tommy's hole.

"HmmmmÉ Yes but that's not going to happen anymore. Cap left." Tommy said with dejection. The spanking was an embarrassment to Tommy but the minute he felt Cap's erection digging into his belly, he thought it would be worth it. He had been trying to come up with a plan for weeks to get everyone together with no success.

"Yes but there are still four of us here. And we're more than enough to have a little fun." Billy slid the length of his dick along Tommy's asshole.

"Alright I'm in. So how do we get anything to happen?" Tommy relented. He was running out of ideas on how to gather all of them. Maybe Billy could solve the problem.

"It's actually happening right now." Billy laughed as he inserted his dick into Tommy's ass.

"Fuck Billy." Tommy let out a low murmur. He didn't think Billy's dick would enter so easily.

"The aloe I was using is actually lube. I'm sorry I couldn't resist." Billy traced his finger along Tommy's spine causing the speedster to arch his back. Predictably, Billy felt his twin clench around him.

"Not that I'm complaining, but I still don't get the plan." Tommy murmured softly. A dick in his ass always impaired his thought processes. He pushed back against his twin, easing more cock into his ass.

"We just fuck here and let Teddy and Eli walk in on us. Simple isn't it?" Billy grabbed Tommy's hips and began thrusting.

"Simple. Effective. I definitely like it." Tommy pushed himself on the bench slightly, allowing Billy a better position to fuck him harder.

"So how's Eli in bed? There's no other person I can think of that he would play around with besides you. I know something's there." Billy said with a powerful thrust inside Tommy. He didn't mean to accuse but Tommy felt too good.

"Find out yourself. Oh yes that's the spot." Tommy groaned happily. The fuck was a slow leisurely one. Billy didn't like to rush unlike Tommy's other lovers. It allowed the speedster to feel every sensation longer.

Billy stopped talking and just continued fucking Tommy. They both took it slow since they were waiting for their teammates to arrive. Billy nipped at Tommy's neck as he plunged his dick into Tommy's well-lubed ass.

"What the fuck is going on?" Eli shouted as he saw the twins fucking on the bench. The towel was wrapped around his waist.

"Showtime." Billy whispered to Tommy.

"Don't stop Billy." Tommy moaned exaggeratedly. He winked at the flabbergasted Eli.

"What's going on? Oh." Teddy ran towards a very surprised Eli.

"What are you guys doing?" Eli stuttered as Tommy and Billy continued uninterrupted. His own dick was betraying him quickly.

"We're fucking Eli. I didn't know you were that na've." Tommy provoked the very hard leader.

"What about Billy and Teddy?" Eli suddenly realized Teddy was there. He was a bout to cover Teddy's eyes and then stopped.

"Hey honey, you remember you twin fantasy? I got it all set up for you." Billy called out seductively. He thrust into Tommy's ass.

Eli's jaw literally dropped at the blatant sex happening in front of him.

"Fuck I'm close Tommy." Billy whispered to his twin. He could feel the cum rising from his balls.

"Go ahead. Give them a show." Tommy squeezed his ass sending Billy over the edge.

Billy grabbed at Tommy's sides and arched his back, pushing his dick deep into Tommy's ass. Billy's entire body spasmed as he cummed inside his twin. Teddy and Eli just watched with their mouths hanging open.

"That was amazing Tommy." Billy kissed his twin lightly and pulled his softening dick out. There was a string of semen connecting Billy's dick to Tommy's ass.

"I haven't cummed yet." Tommy licked his lips. He rotated his body, showing off his very hard erection.

"Care to finish the job Teddy?" Billy called out to Teddy invitingly.

"O-Ok." Teddy followed his boyfriend. He knew better than to meddle in whatever plan the twins had concocted.

Billy pulled in his lover for a kiss. He took Teddy's hand and placed it on Tommy's hips. Eli had a sprung a very noticeable tent in his towel.

"Don't stop Billy." Tommy moaned a little too earnestly.

"I think Teddy wants to try." Billy pulled out slowly. He took Teddy's heavy cock and placed it right over Tommy's asshole.

"Oh god." Teddy threw his head back as he thrust the length of his cock over Tommy's asshole. Billy's cum stuck to the massive organ making it slick.

Billy saw Eli take in a huge breath. The towel had been dislodged by Eli's very hard dick. Eli caught it and tried covering his very prominent erection.

"Awww fuck, that's' too big for me. Let's get it wet first Billy." Tommy sat up and then kneeled in front of Teddy.

"Just like you fantasy Teddy." Billy whispered into his boyfriend's ear. He knelt down beside Tommy and grabbed Teddy's cock.

"Fuck me." Teddy felt a drop of precum escape his throbbing cockhead. Tommy and Billy were looking at him so needily.

"Tasty." Billy sucked the drop of Teddy's cock head.

Teddy moaned loudly as the twins began to ravage his cock. Billy was swirling his tongue over the head while Tommy was busy licking all over at the sides. With Eli watching, Teddy couldn't help but moan loudly at the erotic sensation.

Tommy saw their leader drop his towel. The large black cock was throbbing angrily. Both Eli's cock and mouth were drooling at the sight before him. Tommy nudged Teddy at least ten times before the larger boy even felt the movement.

"Fuck, you have to try this Eli." Teddy asked the leader after realizing what Tommy wanted. His heart was beating against his chest as he waited for Eli's reaction.

"Alright." Eli said after a beat. What hot-blooded teen could resist an invitation like that?

"You're gonna love this." Teddy stepped back a bit allowing Eli to take Teddy's previous spot. . "Just enjoy the ride." Tommy licked the head of Eli's cock making the boy shiver.

"I've never sucked on a black cock before." Billy murmured as he studied the dark skin before him. Billy couldn't help himself getting extra excited at the prospect of something interracial.

"Geezus." Eli spasmed in sheer excitement. He barely held it in. The sight of Billy and Tommy looking at his cock like it was a god was too much.

"I know it's freaking hot." Teddy placed his hand at the small of Eli's back and whispered to their leader. He felt Eli's shiver at his touch.

"Awwww fuck meeeeee." Eli yelled loudly after feeling Tommy and Billy's mouth over his cock. He couldn't hold it anymore once he felt Teddy fat cock rub against his asshole. It was too much.

Eli arched his entire body as he came after a few seconds of touching. He could feel Billy's mouth on his cock as it pulsed with each shot. Squeezing Teddy's thick tube behind him made Eli's orgasm more explosive.

"Shit." Tommy giggled at he felt Eli shoot. He didn't expect the boy to come so fast.

"Another fucking firehose." Billy murmured as felt each burst pelt him on the face. All of the bloody Avengers were like supermen when it came to sex. There was so much cum.

"Tasty." Tommy grinned as he licked the tip of Eli's over sensitive cockhead.

"Oh fuck." Eli collapsed exhaustedly into Teddy's body. He felt his blond friend hold him steadily. Teddy's body, chest and arms were warm and large making Eli's senses tingle again. Teddy's hard cock had poke through under his balls, pushing them upward.

"One cock down, another to go." Tommy grinned easily. He went from Eli's limp cock down to Teddy's hard one. He swirled his tongue over the excited cockhead.

"Let's see how it tastes with some cream." Billy giggled at his own cheesiness. He cleaned Eli's cock and Tommy's face and then deposited the cum all over Teddy's massive cock.

"Oh fuck. " Eli pushed his back against Teddy's trying to expose more of Teddy's cock. It was so hot seeing it smothered with his own cum.

Tommy and Billy were sucking on the engorged head eagerly. Billy titled his head lower so he could suck the underside of the heavy cock. Tommy tried swallowing the entire head but his nose was blocked by Eli's growing dick.

"Take his balls." Eli's sudden suggestion got curious looks from the twins. Nevertheless they complied.

Billy took in Teddy's right balls while Tommy took in the other. They rolled it between their mouth pulling and kissing the balls together. Teddy let out a low groan once Eli grabbed his cock and began jerking it. The young supersoldier was excitedly watching the twins suck on Teddy's heavy low hangers.

"It seems someone has gotten their second wind." Billy let his tongue slide all the from the root to the head. Instead he took all of Eli's somewhat soft cock and crammed it into his mouth.

"Oh fuck Billy. I'm gonna get hard in your mouth." Eli warned the very horny mage. He could feel his cock unravel against the tight mouth.

Tommy then swallowed Teddy's entire cock before the blond could get jealous. He slid the large member all the way into his throat.

"Fuck!" Teddy squeezed Eli's entire body as his body lurched forward.

"Where did our dicks go?" Eli murmured as he looked at Billy's mouth right at his body. Tommy's face was also buried in Teddy's pubes.

"Let's switch." Billy whispered to Tommy. His own dick was steel hard at the kinkiness of the orgy.

Tommy started licking Eli's cock. He lapped at the sides letting Eli cool off for a bit. He didn't want their very eager leader to be spent before actually fucking.

"Finally." Teddy grabbed Billy head once the mage started sucking his cock. Teddy wasn't very fond of the sight of Billy sucking Eli's cock. It was hot as hell to watch but Teddy was still very much jealous.

Billy, oblivious to Teddy, sucked eagerly on his boyfriend's balls. He rolled the fleshy sac in his mouth, coaxing them for a hefty load. Billy wanted the money shot.

"Please fuck me." Tommy grabbed both dicks in his face and swatted them together. He was tired of servicing his horse-hung friends. He wanted the attention now. He stood up and lied down on the bench. He lifted his feet and spread his ass.

Billy followed suit escaping Teddy's grasp. He started licking Tommy's ass full of his own cum. After Tommy moaned, he motioned for his boyfriend to come closer.

"Damn." Teddy breathed out as Billy sucked his cock, swirling his lubricated tongue all over. He released the cum covered pulsing piece of meat and then guided it towards Tommy's willing hole.

"Wait!" Eli suddenly shouted, causing everyone to look at him.

"Yes?" Tommy said expectantly.

"Let me try before Teddy splits you open." Eli looked down at his feet. Despite his shyness, he boldly came forward.

"Let me lube you up first." Billy grinned. He sucked Teddy's cock taking all the cum, and then let fall from his mouth on top of Eli's own hard cock. After one quick suck to cover Eli's black monster completely, he slapped Eli's ass, giving him the go ahead.

"Seriously Billy, you are so freaky sometimes." Teddy said after swallowing. Billy had somehow turned into this insatiable, filthy and somehow irresistible sex kitten. Teddy couldn't help himself from pulling boyfriend up from his knees.

"I've always wanted to direct my own porn movie." Billy smiled before Teddy smashed their lips together. The blond hybrid pulled their bodies close against each other.

"Ignore them Eli. Fuck me please." Tommy nudged the drooling patriot. It was just like Teddy and Billy to still be sweet and sappy in the middle of a hardcore orgy.

"It's so tight and sticky." Eli shivered as Tommy's moist cavern expanded to accommodate his cum-covered cock. Billy's sloppy seconds gave Tommy's ass an entirely new feeling, one that encouraged Eli to thrust hard.

"Oh geezus." Tommy whimpered. Eli had gone straight to plowing his ass hard. There was no foreplay, it was hard fast and rough. Tommy couldn't help but groan.

"Tommy sure is noisy." Teddy whined, getting disturbed from his make-out session with Billy.

"I'll fix that honey." Billy moved away from Teddy and went towards Tommy's mouth. He had a wide grin on his face.

"I can't." Tommy whimpered as Eli kept pounding on him.

"Suck it." Billy slapped his dick on Tommy's face and fed it to the willing boy.

"Yea let's fuck him from both ends Billy." Eli slowed his pace down. He wanted this to last longer. Tommy submissive was something very appealing to him.

"That's it. I knew you could do it." Billy pushed his hips forward getting more into Tommy's mouth. The speedster wasn't doing a very good job but it seeing his twin filled from both ends was more than enough for Billy.

"Take it." Eli pumped hard into the mostly annoying speedster. Seeing him filled on both ends, excited Eli.

Teddy slowly jacked his cock as he watched Eli pull out slowly and then push in fast. It was driving Tommy crazy. Each long pull would get a long groan from the speedster. Each quick push would make Tommy's dick jerk with a precum. And that's when Teddy knew what he would do.

"Fuck, I can't take this." Tommy arched his body as Teddy swallowed his hard cock. Billy's hard dick in his face, Eli's hard cock in his ass and Teddy hot mouth on his own hard cock was too much.

"You've turned him useless you know." Billy slapped his dick on Tommy's pleasure contorted face. He straddled the bench and reached out to kiss Teddy over Tommy's dick.

"This is some hot shit." Eli pushed deep within Tommy. Teddy sucking Tommy's cock while kissing Billy who was on top of Tommy with his entire body sprawled out was hot. It was like porn except Eli was part of it. He reached out to Billy's ass. It was after all right in front of him. He wondered if the mage would be like Tommy.

Billy lifted his head from Tommy dick at the sudden intrusion in his ass. Eli's fingers knew where to go and what to touch. He grinded his hips along Tommy's chest and against Eli's fingers.

"You're next Billy." Eli licked his lips at the prospect of fucking someone else.

Teddy suddenly grabbed Eli's ass muscular dimpled ass cheeks and stuck his tongue deep within.

Eli hunched over, plunging his cock balls deep into Tommy ass. Teddy's tongue was like a wild animal licking all around his pleasure spots. Teddy was rabid and ferocious.

"What happened?" Tommy squeezed Eli's huge cock inside him. Eli had suddenly stopped thrusting just as Tommy was about to reach the edge.

"My boyfriend got territorial." Billy sighed in mix of annoyance and pleasure at Teddy's possessiveness. The blond hybrid made sure Eli wouldn't be able to use those fingers at all. Teddy's aggressiveness had caused Eli to accidentally pull his cock from Tommy's ass causing the speedster to whine.

"Billy, I'm so close. Let me cum already." Tommy begged and then started licking his twin's ass.

"Teddy." Billy whimpered pleadingly. In a flash, he could feel Teddy's cock push against his hole.

"I'm here Billy." Teddy pressed his fat cockhead against Billy's small pucker. He locked eyes with Eli. And as if some message passed between them, they both plunged into their partners at the same time.

Billy groaned as Teddy fucked him with wild abandon, matching Eli's thrust for wild thrust. He could see Eli's black cock thrust into Tommy's ass in tandem with Teddy's own. With Tommy's cock waving in his face, Billy took it in his mouth by instinct.

Teddy groaned as he pushed into his lover. Billy had never been this tight before. He could feel his boyfriend's muffled moans of pleasure through his entire body. Teddy was getting heady from the raw sex they emanated. He had never felt this hard in his life.

Eli knew he was getting close. He had been holding off for as long as he could but everything was about to be released. Just before his climax, he grabbed Teddy by the neck and smashed their lips together.

Eli's entire body quaked with pleasure from his lips to his stomach, from his balls to his cock. He pushed deep into Tommy, sending a volley of cum into the speedster's ass with each pulse of his cock.

Tommy's muffled cries came next as he filled Billy's mouth with his seed. He felt Billy's entire body clench above him. Warm cum flooded Tommy's mouth as Billy climaxed next. The surprise of Eli's tongue in his mouth as well as Billy sudden clamping down to his ass, pushed Teddy over the edge.

Eli dropped on the floor exhausted. His slimy cock drooled cum on the floor completely soft. Teddy still had his cock lodged up Billy's ass. He was still in a state of shock. Billy murmured contentedly. Although his brain wasn't working properly yet, he knew he made this happen.

"That was awesome." Tommy laughed out loud. Everyone soon joined in. There was cum in his lips and some on his ass.

"Was that an orgy?" Billy laughed. He gave himself a mental pat at the back.

"I think its just a foursome." Teddy helped his lover off the bench. He gave Billy a quick kiss, cleaning Tommy's cum off his lover's mouth.

"Whatever that was, it was hot." Tommy sat up and looked at his teammates.

Teddy was caressing Billy's body softly. The larger boy made no pretense. He was reminding everyone Billy was his. His monster cock was still very much full, losing none of its size only its hardness. The head dripped with cum.

Billy was kissing Teddy's nipple, wiping some of Tommy's cum on to the alien's hard nubs. There was a steady leak of precum trailing down out of Billy's ass. Teddy scooped it up and sucked it into his mouth.

Eli was on the floor, his entire body glistening with sweat. Somehow, post-coitus Eli was somehow even hotter than plain naked Eli.

"You guys ready for round two?" Tommy smiled as he surveyed his already hardening team.

"Before that, I have a little proposition." Billy grinned deviously. Cap would be putty into their hand by the time they were done with him.

A/N: There are a lot of unsafe sex practices in this chapter, Billy being the most guilty instigator. This is a fantasy. In real life always use condoms and good judgment! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter

Next: Chapter 30

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