Captain America and the Young Avengers

By Pikachu MOn

Published on Jul 29, 2011


DISCLAIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. All the characters depicted in story belong to and are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and its subsidiaries. I am in no way related to the company and have no ownership over the characters. This is fan made work. This story depicts males in sexual situations, just so you know. Thank you.

A/N: This is going to be a series with Captain America and the Young Avengers. (who are owned by Marvel not me) Please feel free to comment and offer constructive criticisms. I want to improve as a writer. And lastly enjoy.

Captain America and the Young Avengers: Chapter 28

"Am I a slut?" Tommy asked Captain America. He was lying down on his stomach, wearing only tight white briefs with blue trimmings.

"What?" Cap stuttered in disbelief. He was about to pull off his shirt when the boy asked the question.

"So?" Tommy looked up expectantly. He propped his face up on his arms to get a better look at Cap's face.

"Why are you suddenly asking me that Tommy?" Cap scratched his blond head. He had rushed home from his training session just so he could fuck Tommy a little longer today. He was pumped for sex, and not an ethical question from Tommy.

"I just feel slutty lately." Tommy rolled to his back and looked up at Cap.

"Slutty how?" Cap sat down beside Tommy's head. He didn't bother changing the topic. Once Tommy got an idea on his mind, he wouldn't stop until it was satisfied.

"I've been having sex practically every day." Tommy placed his head on Cap's lap.

"People do that. That's not so bad. It's like how I was at your age, I masturbated every day." Cap stretched the truth a little. Kids were more exposed to sex these days anyway. Plus, Tommy's face was precariously close to his crotch.

"I don't think kids my age are sleeping with four five people regularly." Tommy looked up at Cap. He glance briefly the bulge in Cap's pants and then ignored it.

"Four to five?" Cap could only think of himself and Eli. Who were the other three?

"See? I'm so slutty, sometimes I lose count." Tommy closed his eyes. The guilt of planning all the sexcapades were getting to him. What was the point in what he was doing?

"Define a slut for me Tommy." Cap stroked the boy's hair. Steve had never seen Tommy so honest and vulnerable before. He had always assumed the boy was always a natural sex kitten.

"I don't know. Somebody who has sex with everyone." Tommy answered with disinterest. He thought out of all the people in the world Cap would have the right answers for him to hear.

"You're not having sex with everyone are you?" Cap tried. He really wasn't capable of sex pep talk. This was one of the few moments in his life that Cap wanted to take action instead of talking it out first.

"Not everyone, but still a lot of people." Tommy sighed. Maybe something was wrong with him.

"And why do you have sex with these people?" Cap was beginning to form an idea in his head. Tommy was more than just a sex partner for Steve. His job was to make the boy realize that.

"I don't know. Cause it feels good."

"Do you still have sex with Ares?" Cap knew it was a gamble but it was one he'd have to take.

"No. Only that one time. What's your point?" Tommy scrunched his forehead. What did that fling have to do with anything?

"Was Ares a bad lover?" Cap knew he was close. Tommy didn't understand but he was confident the boy would get see it soon.

"No he was great." Tommy sat up and faced Cap. He really had no clue where this conversation was going.

"So what's the difference? Why are you having sex with me regularly and not with Ares." Cap looked straight into Tommy's eyes. In truth, he wanted to know,

"You're different. You're Captain America. I like you." Tommy looked down as he felt his face flush as his admission.

"There Tommy you see? We're not just having sex for fun. It's more than that." Cap cupped Tommy's face, making the speedster look at him.

"Okay." Tommy swallowed deeply.

"It's probably the same with all you lovers. You probably have a relationship with them. I'm sure you like all of them one way or another, even Eli." Cap grinned.

"Who knew a big lug like you could be so smart." Tommy flashed a smile. Cap was right. It was more than just sex with him and the Young Avengers. Sex was just the easiest part to see.

"Feel better?" Cap laughed as Tommy made his comment. Sullen Tommy was so unnerving.

"Thanks Cap." Tommy gave Steve a big hug. He buried his face into the man's wide shoulders. He was so glad he met Captain America.

"Anytime son." Cap wrapped hugged Tommy back.

"So what now?" Tommy pulled away after a few minutes.

"I'm going to take a shower. I'm sweaty as a pig." Cap decided it was best not to jump on Tommy after such serious conversation. He'd still have the boy in his arms tomorrow anyway. He stood up and walked to the bathroom.

"Hey. You're not getting away that easily." Tommy wrapped his boy around Cap's back. He pressed his hard dick against Cap to let the other man know his intentions.

"Tommy?" Cap asked in his surprise. He turned to face the boy.

"I want to show you my appreciation." Tommy grabbed Cap's face in his hands and pulled him in for a deep kiss.

Steve felt his early horniness return. He opened his mouth letting the younger boy in. Tommy was aggressive. The shy vulnerable boy was gone. He grabbed Cap's shirt and pulled him towards the bed.

Tommy managed to lie down while still having Cap's mouth on his. He pressed his hard dick against the bulge in Cap's pants. He pulled Steve's blue shirt open, dislodging a few buttons.

"Tommy." Cap breathed huskily after pulling away. He was standing at the foot of the bed. Tommy's legs were clamped around his waist, forcing their erections to press against each other. The boy was looking at him sexily.

"You're making me so hot for you." Tommy whimpered. He hooked his fingers underneath the waistband of his briefs and slowly pulled them down.

"Fuck..." Cap groaned. He lifted Tommy's legs and pulled the boy's underwear off. Tommy's dick was rock hard. Cap was about to pull his shirt off when Tommy stopped him.

"Leave it on Cap." Tommy kissed Cap. His hands were running all over Cap's hard abs. He began to unbuckle Cap's belt.

Steve didn't bother asking. He just kept kissing Tommy. He slowly lifted the boy up. He started nipping at the boy's chin.

Tommy was busily opening Cap's pants. He had managed to reveal Cap's bulging white briefs when Cap suddenly lifted his body. Tommy hastily grabbed Steve's blond head for balance.

Cap placed Tommy's legs on his shoulders. He grabbed the boy's hard dick and sucked it eagerly. With one hand supporting Tommy upright, the other was free to caress Tommy's ass. He slowly traced the rim of Tommy's hole.

"Fucking super strength." Tommy whined. Up in the air, he was at the complete mercy of Captain America.

"How long since you've had a cock up your ass?" Cap licked the tip of Tommy's dick. His finger pushed against the boy's tight hole. Cap wondered who else fucked Tommy.

"Three days." Tommy whimpered. He pushed his ass against Cap's finger. He wanted it so bad.

"You naughty little boy." Steve had trouble sticking his finger in. Without lube, Tommy's ass was providing too much resistance.

"Oh fuck!" Tommy grabbed the ceiling above him. Cap had lifted him again, this time, the man's target was his ass.

Cap hungrily ate Tommy's asshole. The boy smelled like soap, probably just finished taking a shower when Cap came home.

"Cap! There has to be a better way of doing this." Tommy yelled. He hated heights and not being able to do anything.

"Fine. Onto the bed then." Cap laughed. It wasn't his best idea. His neck was getting cramped from the awkward position. He brought Tommy down and placed the boy onto the bed.

"Not my favorite position." Tommy snaked his arms around Cap's neck. He began to kiss Cap softly. It felt nice to take things slow.

"Noted." Steve grinned. Tommy began to nip his chin, with one obvious goal in mind.

Tommy rubbed his cheek against Cap's face. He could feel the light bristles tickle his face. He was exploring down Cap's torso when he felt Cap's finger around his ass. Unable to wait, he skipped everything and wait straight for Steve's pouch.

"Yea... take it out Tommy." Steve rubbed the boy's back encouragingly. He had been waiting for this.

Tommy fished out the heavy cock. He tucked Cap's underwear against his balls, exposing only Cap's sexiest bits. He took in Cap's balls first. He wanted a thick load in his ass.

"Ah Tommy." Cap was about to pull his underwear all the way down when Tommy grabbed his butt. The waistband was pushing against his balls.

"Leave it there." Tommy said before taking Cap's huge cock into his mouth. He swallowed the entire length pushing his face all the way to Cap's pubes.

"You boys are so good at this." Cap held Tommy's head in place. Deep-throats used to be a rare pleasure fro Cap. Now it was a staple. He bucked his hips as he felt Tommy's throat vibrate.

Tommy pulled away. And stroked the massive cock. He wanted to see Cap's reaction.

"Fuck." Cap looked down. Tommy had a spit trail connecting his face to Steve's large cock. It looked so hot. He pushed his dick back onto the boy's lips.

Tommy slowly parted his mouth, allowing the cock head to enter. He didn't take his eyes of Steve, who was looking at him just as intently. He lathered the huge meat with his spit, coating it liberally. His ass was twitching. He wanted to be fucked.

"Let me get the lube Tommy. I can't hold back anymore." Cap tried pulling away. He usually had so much more resistance. But right now, all he wanted was to unload inside the boy's sweet tight ass.

"No time Steve. Fuck me please." Tommy let go of Cap's cock and laid down on his back. He lifted his legs and pulled apart his ass cheeks.

Cap didn't want to disappoint the boy. He dove in, getting his tongue deep into Tommy's hole. Tommy still needed loosening up.

"Please. I want it." Tommy whimpered. He grabbed his own dick and started stroking it.

"Fuck. This might hurt." Cap grabbed his cock and aimed the large head into Tommy's asshole. He pushed slowly into Tommy. He could feel the boy's ass open slowly against his cock.

"Fuck." Tommy yelled loudly. Steve's cock was spreading him apart. It hurt so good, he didn't know whether he wanted Cap to go faster or slower.

"So tight. Are you alright?" Cap groaned. He bent his body over Tommy's. He placed his lips over the boy's own.

"Yea it feels amazing." Tommy moaned into Cap's mouth.

"Well, we're only halfway through Tommy." Cap warned. He kissed the boy's face hoping it would help him relax.

"What? Oh fuck!" Tommy groaned in mixed ecstasy. He could feel more of Cap's cock pushing into him. Without the lube, there was so much friction. He felt so full.

"All in." Cap breathed hard. Tommy was so tight. He could feel the sweat from his forehead trickle down his face. It took him all his strength not to fuck the boy raw.

"I'm ready go slow." Tommy whispered.

Cap grunted as he pulled out a little. Tommy's ass felt like a vise. It was grasping him so hard. He felt Tommy clench against him as he pushed back in.

Tommy's eyes were closed from exertion. His hands were gripping the sheets tightly. Cap slowly took Tommy's hands causing the boy to look at him.

"Ssh, it'll start to feel a whole lot better." Cap sucked Tommy's finger into his mouth. He sucked o the digit as he began to pull out of Tommy.

"Aaahh." Tommy groaned. The familiar pleasure was slowly creeping up on him. Something was removing the friction.

"My precum's loosened you up. I'm going in full swing son." Cap warned. Now that he knew Tommy could take it. He wouldn't hold back.

Tommy grabbed hold of Cap's back as the large man bent over and really began to drive his cock in. Cap's thrusts were long hard and fast. Tommy could feel his entire body being savaged by the waves of pleasure from Cap's assault. His prostrate was driven to overdrive at Cap's stimulation.

Then he felt something drip onto his face. Cap's sweat trickled down towards him. He captured the man's lips with his own. He could smell Cap's musky aroma. Tommy's dick was so hard. It was rubbing against Steve' abs as they fucked.

"Cap. I'm coming." Tommy gripped Cap's body tightly. He asshole squeezed hard almost pushing Cap's cock out. But Cap drove it all the way into hilt causing Tommy spasm around the huge organ. He felt his dick burst into orgasm.

Cap grunted with abandon as Tommy milked his cock into explosion. He grabbed the boy tightly as his own orgasm swept over him. His cock pulsed against the boy's clenching anal walls. He felt volley after volley of his cum shoot out and splatter all over Tommy's insides and his dick.

He collapsed on top of the boy, making rubbing Tommy's cum all over the boy. His cock was firmly planted into the boy's ass.

"Tommy?" Cap asked after few minutes of respite. That felt like the biggest load in his entire life.

"Yea." Tommy whimpered. He jerked as his asshole clenched around Cap's semi-hard cock.

Cap closed his eyes. He felt like he could fall asleep like this. Being with Tommy felt safe.

"Hey Cap." Tommy's voice broke the silence.

"Hmmm?" Cap didn't bother moving.

"If I was planning to participate in an orgy, that still wouldn't make me a slut right?"

"I guess." Cap answered sleepily.

"So if I were to be in one, would you join me?" Tommy trailed on.

"What?" Cap pushed himself up. He looked straight into Tommy's eyes.

"Hypothetically I mean. I'm just curious. I've only ever been in threesomes." Tommy explained. He shifted awkwardly against Cap's gaze.

"Why would you want me to join?" Cap rolled on his back. Tommy had such weird questions.

"Because I care about you. And I'd want you there with me."

"Then maybe. I've never had one either." Cap shifted to his side, effectively ending the conversation. What was Tommy up to?

A/N: Chapter 28! Only two more two go. Updates are gonna be far and few between. To be precise, I'll only have two more chapters. Sorry to all my readers but life caught up with me. I'll finish this someday.

Next: Chapter 29

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