Captain America and the Young Avengers

By Pikachu MOn

Published on Oct 4, 2010


DISCALIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. All the characters depicted in story belong to and are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and its subsidiaries. I am in no way related to the company and have no ownership over the characters. This is fan made work. This story depicts males in sexual situations, just so you know. Thank you.

A/N: This is going to be a series with Captain America and the Young Avengers. (who are owned by Marvel not me) Please feel free to comment and offer constructive criticisms. I want to improve as a writer. And lastly enjoy.

Captain America and the Young Avengers: Chapter 26

Steve Rogers sighed as he pulled his shirt over his head. He looked at the mirror inside his locker. What the hell was he doing?

For two weeks he had been holding training sessions for the Young Avengers. That in itself was good. But his reasons for doing so were all wrong.

He tried telling himself he was doing it to help the kids. But the truth was, he wanted more time to spend with Billy and Teddy.

Each time they sparred, he couldn't stop himself from watching their sinewy bodies from moving. He caught himself staring at Billy's ass on more than one occasion.

He ogled Tommy and Eli too since they were there. But he didn't feel bad about it since he was already having sex with both of them. He even winked at Eli once as he caught the leader staring.

Billy and Teddy however were not sleeping with him. They had each other. It felt wrong to be lusting after them, especially since they were just teenagers. He had already fucked three teenage boys in his lifetime. Sure, it had always been consensual but to hope to add two more in his list within one year? There might something wrong with him.

Unfortunately he couldn't stop. He knew Billy and Teddy were sexually active. He even knew for a fact that they were sleeping together at least thrice a week.

"Hey Steve. You know those Young Avengers aren't so young after all." Tony had approached him a few weeks ago. The billionaire had a wide smile on his face.

"What do you mean?" Cap looked at his friend quizzically.

"Teddy Altman is staying at Avenger's Tower right? So I pay for all his laundry and cleaning bills." Stark raised both his eyebrows suggestively.

"What are you implying?" Cap studied Tony's face curiously.

"I'm not implying anything. I'm stating for a fact that Teddy Altman is sleeping with someone everyday. His sheets have to be cleaned as often as my sheets." Tony snickered.

Cap only laughed uncomfortably after that comment. After that incident, the thought of Billy and Teddy wouldn't leave his mind. Each time he fucked Tommy, he wondered if fucking Billy would be the same. And Teddy's large cock on Billy's face made Cap as hard as a rock.

He pulled out his semi-engorged penis and began stroking it. Images of Teddy and Billy's naked and aroused bodies filled his head.

And then he remembered he was at the Young Avengers head quarters. He groaned angrily. He pulled down his pants and tossed it in the locker.

Once he was under the shower, he let the cold spray cool him off.

He was training the team today. All of them left earlier since it was a school night. Cap volunteered to lock up since he wanted more time to use their gym. It had an old school punching bag, and not the high-tech ones Stark has that tell you you're doing everything wrong.

He took longer than he expected. The punching bag had a few holes in it by the time Cap finished venting out his frustration. He'd have to get the kids a new one.

It helped too that he could smell the boys distinctly in their locker room. Everyone's odor had mixed and since Kate left the cleaning the room to the boys. It always smelled like sweat. He spent extra time in the locker-room for that reason.

Cap had taken showers with the guys before. He recalled how Billy would try to hide his reaction in vain. Teddy would play slap ass with Eli. Tommy would purposely brush against Cap's arm.

Steve sighed again. He really had it bad for these boys. He hummed a tune while he shampooed his hair. He rinsed the bubbles off before he noticed a presence behind him.

"Billy?" He said in surprise as he whipped his face to see the brunette mage standing with just his jeans on.

"Cap." Billy swallowed as he took in Cap's entire naked body.

"What are you doing here? I thought you left." Cap turned his head around and washed the rest of the suds away. He closed his eyes and willed whatever erection he had away.

"I have a date with Teddy a few blocks from here. I thought I'd shower first." Billy mumbled. He looked away when Cap faced him again.

"Okay. I'm just finishing up." Cap started soaping up his body. He rubbed his hands all over his pecs. He saw Billy watching him intently. Without the others there, Billy didn't even try not to stare.

"This feels so real." Billy removed his watch and started pulling down his pants. He left them on the floor much to Cap's surprise.

"Do you need any help washing up?" Billy suddenly asked. He took Cap's bar of soap and waited.

"Okay. Sure. You can wash my back." Steve said a little dumbly. He didn't expect Billy to be so helpful. He just agreed on instinct. Soon he felt the boy's hand roam his back. It felt good to be honest.

"Where's Teddy?" Steve asked to stave off the silence. He tried not to notice Billy's proud erection. The boy ignored it so Cap did as well

"He's uhm. You got me there didn't you? Fine, he's at school." Billy laughed.

Cap just nodded. Sometimes, he didn't really get what the teens were saying. It was so hard to keep up with their vernacular. It was just easier to nod.

"All done. Anything else?" Billy had a wide smile on his face.

"I can take care of the rest." Cap realized Billy was acting weird. For one thing the boy wasn't with Teddy. He also wasn't saying anything sarcastic.

"I can help with other places too." Billy's hand was suddenly on Cap's chest. The boy slowly traced his fingers along the mounds of muscles before settling on Cap's nipples.

"What are you doing?" Cap grabbed Billy's wrists and pushed them away. Something felt different.

"I'm washing you." Billy smiled and pushed his hands back onto Cap's muscular frame. He ran his hands everywhere spreading the soapy studs.

"Are you alright Billy?" Cap studied the boy carefully. Billy didn't look like he was possessed. The boy was acting normal. But there was something nagging at the back of Cap's head.

"You have a great body. How do you know he really looks like this?" Billy whispered. The boy was exploring Cap's ridged abs.

"What do you mean?" Cap stifled a gasp as Billy pinched his nipple.

"Oops, I slipped. Sorry." Billy suddenly knelt down.

Cap almost pushed him away before he realized Billy was just washing his feet.

"Why are you doing this?" Cap finally asked. His body was enjoying the attention but his mind was a mess trying to figure things out. He wasn't thinking straight thanks to Billy being naked right beside him.

"Because I want to thank you for all you've done for us. You just looked so tired recently." Billy looked up to meet Cap's eyes.

Steve nodded his assent. For the first time that night, Billy was making a rough semblance of sense. He couldn't say no to those deep blue eyes.

Billy made Cap lift his foot. The boy's smooth hand washed the rough calluses that had formed long ago in Cap's feet. He left out a contented sigh as Billy massaged his sole.

After taking care of the other foot, Billy started washing the large calves. For some reason, Cap could only watch as Billy's hands scrubbed his body. He was already feeling some stirring in his soft cock. He knew he should stop the boy but he couldn't.

"Thanks for the body scrub Billy." Cap finally said as he felt the boy's fingers stray far to close to his cock.

"I'll take care of that for you too." Billy looked up to meet him. He licked his lips suggestively.

"Billy, I don't think..." Cap's train of thought was cut as Billy grabbed his cock.

"Do you know that the only way to clean a cock properly is when it's fully erect. That way the dirt won't hide in the un-stretched skin." Billy started stroking Cap's long floppy cock.

"Billy." Cap tried again. He focused on not getting an erection. The Billy he knew was too shy for this. The boy must be under a spell or a bioweapon. He was about to pull free when he felt smooth hands grab his balls.

"A man's testicles are also a place where dirt can collect. I'll rub them vigorously for you." Billy said ecstatically. He pressed his thumb in between Cap's balls.

"Billy, I'm getting aroused." Cap tried warning Billy. He placed his hands on Billy's head, making sure they boy wouldn't bring his face closer.

"Then I should take care of that too right?" Billy brushed off Cap's hold on his head. He brought his face close to Cap's miraculously still soft cock.

"What about Teddy?" Cap tried reasoning with Billy. Somehow, he didn't think Teddy would like it if Billy was doing this.

"You know, you're starting to make me feel really guilty about this." Billy pouted playfully not understanding the severity of Cap's tone.

Before Cap could answer back, Billy took the head of his soft cock into his mouth. Cap shivered as he tried ignoring the sloppy wet appendage covering his member.

"But we agreed to this. Okay back to character. I'm sure Teddy wouldn't mind." Billy licked his lips. He lifted Cap's cock and suckled on one of his balls.

"I never agreed to." Cap backed against the wall as his knees threatened to buckle. In the back of his head, a voice was telling him to just push Billy away and figure things out. Unfortunately, the smaller head that was very close to Billy had taken over.

"Fuck, you even smell like Captain America." Billy groaned. He buried his nose in Steve' pubes.

Billy left Cap's balls and continued to suck on Cap's floppy cock. He stroked the base trying to get more hardness out of Cap.

"Why aren't you hard yet?" Billy was clearly irritated. He jerked Cap's dick faster.

"We shouldn't be doing this." Cap managed to murmur. His resistance was slowly failing as more and more blood flood to his massive organ. Despite his reluctance, Billy was just too sexy to ignore.

"Well, I won't give up." Billy announced. He placed two fingers into his mouth and sucked them. He grabbed Cap's cock and slapped it at its face.

"Fuck." Cap groaned as Billy swallowed his entire length. He let out a muffled cry as the boy's finger entered his ass.

Billy wasn't able to locate his prostate, helping Cap collect himself. Enough was enough, he couldn't let this continue. If he allowed Billy to touch him there, he would probably fuck the boy silly. He was about to push Billy off when the boy looked up at him.

"I've wanted your cock for so long." Billy whimpered. And then he found Cap's spot.

In an instant, Cap went from soft to rock hard. His heavy meat towered over Billy's veins. The thick organ throbbed angrily at Billy's face.

"Fuck, I think you just made it longer." Billy shook his head in awe. He stroked the shaft for a few seconds. And then he took the entire length in his mouth.

"Ugh." Cap moaned as he felt his cock hit the back of Billy's throat. He heard Billy gag and pull away from his cock.

"It's huge. Let me try again." Billy wiped his mouth and then proceeded to take Cap's entire length down his throat.

Once he got accustomed to the size, Billy began to bob his head up and down the long shaft. The mage's fingers slowly slipped back to Cap's ass, toying with the tight bud.

Cap grabbed Billy head with the intent of pushing him off, instead all he managed to do was hold on. Cap gave up trying to resist. Billy was determined to suck his cock. Who was he to deny the boy that privilege? He grabbed Billy's head and was about to fuck Billy's face completely when he saw himself standing in front of him with a shocked look on his face.

"What the fuck?" Cap said the first thing that came to his mind. There was another Steve Rogers watching him Billy suck his massive tool.

"Holy shit." The other Captain America suddenly shouted. The loud sound caught Billy's attention, making the boy see two hunky American heroes standing before him.

"Teddy?" Billy looked between the two men simultaneously.

"Oh shit." The other Captain America slowly started to change shape, in his place was Teddy Altman.

"Oh my god." Billy started to back away from Cap. His eyes were wide in shock and he began to shake.

It was like time stood still as the three of them stared at each other. Steve couldn't move as he looked into Teddy's shocked blue eyes and Billy's frightened ones. His mind was reeling with possibilities, explanation and anything else that he could think of to make sense of the situation.

"What the hell just happened?" Steve finally asked the two boys who were watching him warily. Nobody had uttered a word for a good five minutes. He didn't mean for his voice to sound angry but even he had to flinch when he heard himself.

"Cap. I'm sorry." Teddy immediately strode over to Billy. His hands encircled the boy protectively.

"I'm not angry. I'm just confused. Will you please explain to me what happened?" Cap corrected himself as he saw their reaction.

"Teddy and I were playing out a fantasy." Billy said meekly.

"Fantasy?" Cap looked at them curiously. The cogwheels in his head turned slowly as he began to unravel what was happening.

"It was my fantasy of having sex with Captain America." Billy's face was completely red. He buried his cheeks in Teddy's large arms.

"I was supposed to come earlier but I got held back at school. When I got here, Billy was on his knees already, doing you know." Teddy turned away as he the full weight of his word reached him.

"Then why did Billy?" Cap couldn't spit out the words either.

"I thought you were Teddy. He was supposed to shapeshift into you. I figured he wanted to surprise me and keep the fantasy as realistic as possible." Billy explained slowly.

"But I told you not to." Cap started replaying the events in his mind. Each weird things Billy had said now made perfect sense when put into that context.

"I thought Teddy was just playing the part. I never thought that you would be still here after four hours." Billy looked down at his feet.

"That's why you were so adamant to suck me off." Cap scratched his head. He should have realized it sooner. And even if he hadn't, he shouldn't have allowed Billy to continue. He felt guilty.

"Cap, we're really sorry. It was an honest mistake." Billy bit his lip.

"It's alright it happens. I guess." Cap answered back with a half-smile.

"Really?" Teddy looked surprised.

"Okay not really. That has never happened to me before." Cap laughed awkwardly. Billy and Teddy joined in too trying to lighten the mood.

"This is awkward." Billy looked at his feet and avoided looking at Cap's face.

"I guess I'll finish up so you guys can continue your fantasy." Cap looked at the two lovers. They looked so sexy.

"You don't mind that we're using your face?" Teddy suddenly blurted out. Billy slapped him on the side.

"It's a little creepy I have to admit. But it's not like I can stop if you really wanted to." Cap laughed. He really wanted to get out and jerk off in his house.

"We won't do it if you don't want us too." Billy said.

"It's fine really. I would take advantage of Teddy's shapeshifting powers too." Cap said the first thing that came to mind.

"Thanks Cap. Can we do anything to say we're sorry?" Teddy asked remorsefully.

"The last time Billy did that, I got blue balls." Steve added jokingly. He got his towel and began drying his hair.

The boys were quiet for a while, making Cap wonder if he had said too much. He heard them whispering a little. He turned around fully expecting them to be gone. Instead he found himself face to face with Teddy.

"We thought it over. We think we should help you with that. It was our fault really." Teddy looked Cap straight in the eyes.

"I was kidding guys. You don't have to do this." Cap raised his hands defensively. The last thing he needed was to feel guilty for forcing the boys into sex.

"It's my fault really. Let me make it up to you." Billy suddenly knelt down. Teddy followed suit.

"Guys, I don't want to force into anything you don't want to do." Cap backed away. He could see two sets a blue eyes looking right at him. His cock was hard in no time.

"It's alright Cap. We want to do this." Teddy licked his lips.

"Why settle for a copy when I can have the real thing." Billy added. He placed his hand on Cap's inner thigh.

"Are you sure?" Steve swallowed deeply. He didn't want to resist anymore. Fuck being the responsible adult.

"I've wanted to try this since I first saw you naked." Teddy ran his hand over Cap's calf all the way to cup his muscular butt.

"And I've been dreaming of you since Teddy told me all about it." Billy grinned. His face moved closer to Cap's cock. Both boys still didn't touch him.

"I sort of noticed you staring at me when we shower." Cap chuckled. He hesitantly placed a hand on both boys' shoulders.

"Told you, you were being obvious." Teddy elbowed Billy at the side.

"Sorry." Billy turned a pretty shade of red.

"Why don't you get a closer look now. That way you won't need to sneak glances and get caught." With that comment, Cap knew he gave them all the approval they needed to suck his cock.

"I'll show you Billy Kaplan always finishes his job." Billy kissed the tip of Cap's cock. He flicked tongue slowly taking the bead of precum of the head.

"I want a taste." Teddy took hold of the back of Billy's head and pulled him in for a kiss. His tongue went straight into Billy's mouth, looking for Cap's taste.

Steve stared at the two boys making out in front of him. They were completely immersed in each other. It was so different from the way Tommy and Eli acted. Those two fought over the privilege to pleasure Cap. These two forgot about him.

He debated whether to leave the boys alone or remind them of their duty. He was about to leave when Billy's hand grazed his thigh. The touch sent chills up Cap's spine. He wanted them and they wanted him. That's all that mattered.

He slapped Teddy's face with his heavy cock. It had the desired effect of separating the boy's faces a little. He pushed his cock in between the boys' soft lips. He felt Teddy's warm tongue react first.

Teddy broke away from Billy's mouth. His tongue slowly covered the thick shaft of Steve's cock. He slid it all the way to the tip. He engulfed the head and flicked his tongue against the tip.

Billy began to work on the root. He kissed the sides and nuzzled Cap's blonde pubic hairs. His nose was rubbing along Cap's shaft and balls.

Cap rubbed the back Teddy's head encouragingly. He ran his fingers over Teddy's soft blonde locks. The boy took more and more of his cock inside. It was so erotic how Teddy's mouth stretched to take in his thick shaft.

Billy rose higher. The boy followed the nearly invisible treasure trail upwards. He began to lick his way up to Cap's solid abs. He mouthed each well defined ridged causing Cap to laugh slightly.

"That tickles." Cap whispered. He pushed Teddy closer and closer to his pubes. Billy turned to face Teddy and his cock as well. Cap got the feeling that Billy was curious as to how far Teddy could take Cap's massive cock.

Teddy stopped moving close just as Cap felt him reach the back of the boy's throat. He heard Teddy gag but the boy didn't pull away. It seemed like the Alien prince was debating whether to push forward or not. He was still far from completely swallowing Cap's entire length.

After a few minutes he pulled out. He licked his lips and stroked Cap's cock.

"It's too long." Teddy murmured. He licked the underside collecting the little trail precum that had leaked out.

"I'll show you how it's done." Billy went back and kissed Teddy quickly on the lips. He then took hold of Cap's cock.

Cap pushed in slowly. He would savor the moment. Billy's mouth parted as Cap slowly brushed the tip against the mage's lips. He pushed more and more in, forcing Billy to open his mouth wider.

"Take it in. Let's see if you can handle me hard." Cap messed with Billy's hair. Teddy was watching intently. The boy's eyes were always focused on Billy.

Billy muttered something with the cock in his mind. Cap couldn't hear but he understood the boy was facing up to the challenge. Billy definitely knew how to service big cocks. He had no difficulty at all in using his tongue despite being full of man meat. Cap couldn't help but let out a groan. He felt himself being sucked deeper and deeper into the warm moist cavern of Billy's mouth.

Cap watched and excitedly as there was only a few inches left. Both Tommy and Eli had difficulty taking him in the first time. He would find out if Billy would be able to beat that tradition.

Billy didn't miss a beat. Cap felt himself go past the tight throat and all the way to the end. Steadily, Billy took more in until his nose was touching Cap's pubes.

"So hot." Teddy murmured under his breath. He kissed Billy's Adam's apple trying to feel the large head of Cap's cock.

"Fuck yea." Cap threw his head back in ecstasy. He could feel Billy's tight throat wrap around his cock. The boy was humming, sending vibrations in his member. He could even feel the faint flicks of Teddy's tongue. It felt so good.

Cap held the lockers as Billy slowly removed himself from Cap's cock. The sensation of Billy's mouth grazing over his cock was almost too much. When he finally looked, he saw a very satisfied mage staring at him.

"I told you I could do it." Billy tapped the slit of Cap's dick with his index finger. He got a string precum and stuck it in his mouth.

"You've had lots of practice." Cap pointed out. Teddy was fully aroused. He looked to be just as big if not bigger than Steve. No wonder Billy didn't have any trouble at all.

"You're a lot longer Cap." Billy defended his claim.

"We should find out for sure. What do you say Teddy?" Cap grabbed his cock and wagged it at the other blonde.

"I've always wondered if I was bigger." Teddy said thoughtfully. He stood up and fisted his cock

"This, I have to see up close." Billy took both cocks rubbed their heads together.

"Fuck Billy." Teddy yelped at the sudden motion. He placed his hands on Cap's shoulders to balance himself.

"Careful there son. You might get white-washed in no time." Cap warned. The image was enticing but Steve wanted a to prolong the experience.

Billy stuck out his tongue in defiance. And then he licked the two heads before letting go.

"Ready Teddy?" Cap looked straight into the boys' blue eyes.

"Yea." Teddy held his cock flat horizontally. He held Cap's cock right above his. The two blondes scooted towards each other until one of the cocks touched the other person.

"What's the verdict Billy?" Cap asked as he felt them stop. From his vantage point it seemed like they were of equal length.

"Your cock is longer Cap by a few millimiters." Billy announced after looking scrutinizing the two shafts.

"Your huge Cap." Teddy said in a congratulatory voice.

"Damn Teddy, you're going to be even longer than me. You're so young, you have so much more space left to grow." Cap felt a little flattered he was still bigger. But he could only imagine how large Teddy would be at full length.

"Hold your horse dongs people. Teddy is thicker than Captain America by a few millimeters." Billy announced proudly.

"Good luck handling all that Billy." Cap shook his head in disbelief. He wondered if Teddy was cheating. But the thought quickly left his mind. Teddy was the most honest Young Avenger sans Vision in the team. The boy was flushed red. It was endearing.

Cap couldn't resist and kissed Teddy on the lips. He felt the boy tense up at first and then yield towards his tongue. He could feel the heat of Teddy's embarrassment on his cheeks. His hands found their way behind Teddy's neck. And then Cap realized Teddy had a boyfriend. He pulled away instantly.

He looked at Billy who had an unreadable expression. Teddy looked just as shocked as he did. The boy had two fingers on his lips. The red blush intensified even further.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize it." Cap apologized. The two boys' might have agreed to suck him but that didn't equate to kissing them.

"Was it a bad kiss?" Billy suddenly asked.

"No it was a..." Cap struggled to find the words.

"Great one." Teddy sighed contentedly.

"Then why are you apologizing?" Billy grinned. He stood up and winked at Cap. And then he proceeded to make out with his boyfriend.

Cap smiled to himself as Billy made a full effort to kiss Teddy senseless. The boy was just as competitive as his twin.

"I'm apologizing because I didn't kiss you too." Steve said cockily. He pulled Billy away by the wrist and off Teddy's arms. In one motion, his arms were wrapped around Billy's waist. The boy's hard cock was pressing up at his thigh.

Billy's blue eyes were lusty and needy. It looked good on Billy. Cap pressed his lip against the boy's moist ones. He slowly spread them apart like he did Teddy. After wrestling with the mage's tongue, he felt the boy moan. Cap grinned as he realized the boy tasted just like Teddy.

"Now you know why I made that face." Teddy's arms wrapped around Billy's waist. He propped his chin on Billy's chin and nuzzled the boy's shoulders.

"We have to learn how to do that." Billy said after releasing a breath. His arm snaked around Teddy's neck pulling the larger boy close.

"I've trained you boys in everything else. How hard could it be to learn kissing?" Cap smirked. He licked the side of Billy's face. His kissed the side of Billy's mouth.

"Very very hard." Billy murmured as he pressed his stiff member against Cap's thigh. He sucked on Teddy's lower lip.

Cap would have laughed if he weren't so busy nibbling at Billy's ear. Upon closer inspection of the mage's neck, he found there were a lot of concealed hickeys. A quick glance to his left confirmed why.

The two boys were getting caught up in their own world again. Billy was whimpering as Teddy suckled on the boy's pleasure points in his neck and upper chest. The boys were completely familiar with each others bodies.

Teddy's hands were roaming around Billy's body, stroking the boy's flat sexy stomach. Billy wasn't just receiving either. His hand was stroking the back of Teddy's neck, coaxing his lover for more.

Cap decided to join in. He went behind the two lovers. He didn't even bother being stealthy; the lovers were so completely engrossed in themselves. He almost felt bothered that they weren't paying him any attention. But the he realized it was probably because they felt so comfortable around him.

He breathed on Teddy's ear making the boy stop and shiver. He ran his lips lightly against Teddy's pale neck. Once he reached the ear, he nipped at the soft earlobe. Teddy moaned in pleasure.

Billy realized something was happening and turned around. His eyes grew wide as he saw Cap's figure tower behind Teddy's. He quickly recovered from shock. He placed his hands on Cap's ass and pushed their crotches together.

Cap raised his eyebrow at Billy. The boy was seriously kinky. He saw a side of Tommy he didn't see in Billy before. His hands wandered over to Teddy's chest. He pulled and squeezed the large pecs, feeling the powerful muscle underneath. His fingers found Teddy's hard nipples. They were larger than Eli's and Cap couldn't resist pulling on them.

Billy placed his hand on the back of Teddy's head. He kissed his lover hard. He grabbed Teddy's cock and placed it in between his thighs. He squeezed them tightly

Teddy yelled out in pleasure. He arched his back and huffed his chest at Cap and Billy's expert touches.

"How are you feeling Teddy?" Cap whispered to the boy's ear.

"Like I went to heaven." Teddy sighed happily.

"I haven't even showed you half of it." Cap laughed.

"You're wrong Cap." Teddy's lips suddenly formed into a smile.

"What?" Steve raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

"We haven't even shoewed you half of it." Teddy's expression turned into a full grin. He planted a quick wet kiss on Cap, catching the older man off guard. Teddy pulled away just as fast.

Cap was about to reach out to Teddy when he felt a warm mouth on his cock. Billy had just taken his hard member into his mouth.

"We're going to show you heaven." Teddy whispered behind Cap. He pressed his large cock against Cap's butt cheeks. Before Cap could reply, Teddy went down on his knees and spread Cap's ass open.

"Boys?" Cap bit his lip as Billy swallowed his entire length. Cap didn't even notice Billy gagging as he took in everything. The boy held in place for a few seconds before pulling away.

Billy left the head in his mouth. His tongue bathed the engorged head, swirling his tongue over the tip. It drove Cap wild.

But he soon realized the boy's weren't finished. Teddy's hand slowly reached out to take Cap's balls in his hands. He fondled the large orbs, rolling them in his hand. In no time at all, Cap's ball began to tighten around his body.

"Are you ready?" Teddy announced but didn't wait for Cap's reply. He dove in deep into the man's ass.

"Ohh fuck!" Cap yelled as he felt Teddy's wet appendage push past his ass ring. The boy's tongue was so alive inside his ass. He had forgotten how good Teddy was with his tongue.

Billy however wasn't about to give up. He took in more of Cap's cock and began to bob his head up and down the long shaft. Cap didn't know whether to push forward into Billy's waiting mouth or to push back against Teddy's inhumanely talented tongue.

Cap struggled to stand under the assault of the two boy's. Both their techniques were amazing but what made everything even more unbearably pleasurable was the fact that Billy and Teddy were in sync. There was a distinct pattern in the way they did it. Cap didn't bother thinking it over. He just tried to stand up and enjoy the amazing experience.

"I'm getting close. I want to cum on both your faces" Steve groaned. He wanted to warn the two boys. Steve wanted to give them the load they were working so hard for.

"Fuck yeah." Teddy pulled out his tongue but quickly replaced it with his finger. He went beside Billy and suckled on Cap's tight balls. He touched Cap's prostate, fingering the man to climax.

"Here it comes." Cap felt the first shudder through his body. He struggled to keep his eyes open. He wanted to see the boys marked by his semen. Cap squeezed his cock at the base and thrust his hips forward. Billy and Teddy pulled away and flicked their tongues at the tip of his cock.

With loud cry, Steve climaxed. His cock pulsed as the first salvo of cum shot through his heavy cock. It flew right onto Billy and Teddy's lips. Cap grunted as he covered the boy's faces with his cum. White streaks of semen flew onto their faces. He grunted as he shot possibly the biggest load of his life.

Spent, he felt his knees buckling as he sank down to sit on the cold hard floor. He squeezed out any remaining cum onto to the floor. It had created a miniscule pool.

Steve breathed hard, his chest rising and falling rapidly. It felt so amazing to release all that pent up energy and cum. He ran his hands over his body, completely sated. He looked at Billy and Teddy.

The two boys were grinning like idiots. They were completely white-washed with his cum. Cap was sure he saw Billy squinting before Teddy kissed the cum away from his eyelids.

"That's a lot of cum Cap." Teddy placed his finger on his face, trying to clean himself up.

"It looks good on you." Cap chuckled.

"Told you we were good." Billy took Teddy's finger into his mouth. He sucked on it and sneaked a suggestive glance towards Cap.

"I believe you now son. That load was all because of you guys." Cap admitted happily.

"I can't believe there's so much of it." Teddy said as he found some more on Billy's face. He had been trying to get them out of his lover's hair.

"Says the man who drenches me regularly." Billy stuck out his tongue, which Teddy then took into his mouth. It caused the boys to start kissing each other passionately again.

"You boys should be careful. You're gonna rile my engines if you keep doing that." Cap squeezed his already hardening package.

"What if we want to get you riled up?" Billy looked at Cap. The tip of his tongue slipped out of his lips suggestively.

"Then I'd have to take care of you boys first. I don't think its fair if only I get off." Cap stood up and walked over to them. He cupped their sticky faces, making them look at him.

"What are you planning Cap." Teddy smiled expectantly.

"I'll leave that as a surprise." Cap smiled. He kissed Teddy softly, tasting the boy's mouth without rushing. He felt their smooth hands roam over his body. Billy had taken hold of his nipples, making them hard.

"I like surprises too." Billy whispered onto Cap's ear. He pressed his hard dick onto Cap's thigh.

"There's enough of me for everyone." Cap faced Billy and gave him the same treatment. He was about to squeeze Billy's ass when his phone rang.

"Or not." Billy murmured as broke away from the kiss. The ring tone was the one for emergencies.

"Fuck." Cap cursed under his breath. Why did he have to save the world now of all times?

"I guess the city needs you more." Teddy smiled a little sadly.

"You guys should know I really want to be here." Steve said as a consolation both to himself and the Young Avengers.

"We can tell." Billy grabbed Cap's hard member.

"Don't worry about us Cap. We'll take care of each other." Teddy took Billy's waist and pulled the boy close to his chest.

"And then call us if you need back-up." Billy grinned.

"I'll try to fix things as fact as I can." Cap pulled up his underwear. He had a little trouble stuffing his blood-filled member into the pouch of his jockstrap.

"It's fine Cap. We're superheroes too you know. We know about sacrifices." Teddy grabbed Cap's cock and stuffed it down the pouch.

"Of course choosing between two cute boys and saving the world, it really is a no-brainer." Billy giggled. He kissed Teddy on the lips.

"Are you helping me leave or trying to seduce me." Cap laughed. He pulled on his shirt while Billy tied his boots.

"We're doing both." Teddy grinned. He handed Cap his might shield.

"All set. Again guys I'm sorry for leaving you like this." Cap pulled his cowl over his head. He took one last look at the two boys. Their hard dicks were still pointing upwards. As of that moment, Cap had never been more jealous of two teenage boys.

"Go already." Billy shooed Cap away.

"I'll make it up to you. Your first threesome shouldn't have been so rushed and cut short." Cap told them.

"It's not out first threesome." Billy smiled cryptically.

A/n: Yay, I like this how this chapter turned out to be honest. The confusion part with Billy and Cap at the start was a bit messy but I like how everything started to flow from there.

Next: Chapter 27

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