Captain America and the Young Avengers

By Pikachu MOn

Published on Jul 25, 2010


DISCALIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. All the characters depicted in story belong to and are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and its subsidiaries. I am in no way related to the company and have no ownership over the characters. This is fan made work. This story depicts males in sexual situations, just so you know. Thank you.

A/N: This is going to be a series with Captain America and the Young Avengers. (who are owned by Marvel not me) Please feel free to comment and offer constructive criticisms. I want to improve as a writer. And lastly enjoy.

Captain America and the Young Avengers: Chapter 21

"Crack," Eli's fist connected with one of the Owl's goons.

"Go easy on them Patriot." Luke Cage laughed as he knocked the heads of two mooks together.

"A few bruises should do them some good," Eli said cheekily.

"Iron Fist get the Owl! Daredevil'll kill us if we let him escape." Luke shouted.

"On it." Iron Fist, also known as the millionare Danny Rand executed a few graceful flips before latching on to the back of the villain of the day.

"All done here. Bout you Patriot?" Luke dusted his hands off.

"Just finishing up." Eli smiled proudly.

Luke Cage had asked him, Patriot, if he wanted to join the duo fro a day's stint in Hell's Kitchen. Daredevil was off somewhere so Luke and Danny we're going to keep watch for a bit. Eli jumped on the opportunity. After all, it wasn't everyday he could do a team-up. It was a sign of recognition when members of the Avengers asked for team-up.

Eli dan't expected his first team-up to be so exciting. The day started out hot and boring. But after stopping by Cheesecake Factory for lunch, the trio got wind of something happening at the docks.

The Owl was smuggling weapons for something big. Everything after that happened exactly in comic book fashion. The swooped in and beat the bad guys, cracking a quip or two. At some point, there was even a chase sequence, one where Eli had to drive. Thankfully, Luke and Danny didn't ask whether Eli had a license.

"Earth to Patriot, you're mook's going to break free if you tie him like that." Iron Fist called out.

"My bad, got a little distracted." Eli tightened his rope.

"Don't sweat it kid. Let's go back to my place. We're starting to smell like fish." Luke scrunched his nose.

They left just as the police arrived. It was on their way back that Eli realized how much he had taken Billy's teleportation powers for granted. The three of them had to jump through the rooftops to get to Luke's place. Normally Luke and Danny would take a bus, but Eli hadn't brought any civilian clothes to change into. So they winded having through run and jump all the way to Luke's apartment. To make matters worst, the sun was merciless. They got more tired getting to Luke's place than fighting the bad guys.

"Sorry about this Luke, Danny." Eli apologized as they finally entered Luke's apartment. Both he and the large man dropped on the floor as they reached the living room.

"I think I burned all the Chicken Madeira I ate." Luke sort of laughed and groaned at the same time.

"Come on guys. It wasn't that tiring." Danny pulled out his mask. He was sweaty but nowhere near the levels of Eli and Luke. He wasn't even panting.

"You're a freakin shaolin kung fu thing. We're just not used to this." Luke complained lightheartedly.

"You're just turning into a lazy old married man. Pretty soon you're gonna get one of those daddy bellies." Danny joked. Luke gave him a cold glare. Danny just smirked back. He took of his shirt and tossed it to the floor.

"Won't Jessica get mad at us if we're sweating all over the floor?" Eli asked politely. He was forming a small pool of sweat. Not to mention, his face left an oily smudge on the surface.

"Nah, heck I'm the one who cleans anyway. Sweat all you want Eli." Luke sat up and pulled his shirt off. "Besides, you're gonna help me clean up."

"Chores?" Eli whined comically. Suddenly Luke threw his shirt at Eli's face.

"Stop whining you brat. I'll buy us pizza. Or more accurately, Danny will." Luke laughed.

"Ewww, sweaty shirt." Eli actually took a moment to sniff the sweat soaked shirt. It was very rare for him to given sweaty clothes. He usually stole Cap's things. Luke smelled awesome. He followed the duo's lead and stripped as well. "Where's Jessica anyway?"

"Baby shower in Vegas." Luke sat on the couch and started fanning himself with his hand.

"That's what she told Luke. It's actually a lady's night out." Danny whispered to Eli. "It's the reason why Luke here is acting like such a slob."

"Hey! Well it is true. Ain't nothing better than hanging around in just your underwear." Luke cheered. He shucked his jeans, leaving him only in his blue boxers.

"True that bro." Danny stood up and pulled of his skintight pants. He was only a wearing a white loincloth underneath. It looked so out of place with his all American looks.

"Cool." Eli murmured. He looked away before anyone caught him staring.

"Let's play some Chainsaw. I heard from Spiderman you play a mean game." Luke said excitedly.

"Awesome." Eli decided against stripping down. He was only wearing a jock. Despite everyone else being practically naked, Eli didn't feel comfortable showing his butt.

"Hey Luke want a beer?" Danny asked from the fridge.

"Thanks man. Chainsaw, chainsaw, chainsaw!" Luke shouted out.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you." Eli threw down his controller as his Hulk was torn to pieces.

"Good game buddy." Luke made a high five.

"I almost got you." Eli was about to high five when Luke's hand evaded.

"Tricked you!" Luke chuckled. He took a cold beer from Danny and started drinking it. "Thanks man."

"What about you Eli?" Danny was offered him the can.

"Sure." Eli stammered. He had never drunken before but he wasn't about to let the opportunity to slide.

"Dude, Eli's underage." Luke snatched the can from Eli.

Eli looked down. It was sort of a downer to be the only one not drinking.

"Just kidding kiddo. Just don't tell anyone." Luke tossed the can back.

"Thanks." Eli popped it open. He drank the cold liquid. It was like fire in his throat. It was nasty. He didn't show it though.

"So Luke, you think Matt's stripping for Jessica?" Danny grinned. "He did ask us to cover for him. I think it's too much of a coincidence." Luke stood up and threw the can like a basketball. His back muscles rippled. He really had a broad back, much wider than Cap's.

"Pizza's here." Danny stood up and went to the door. Eli almost choked on his beer as he saw the back of Danny's underwear. The cloth only covered his ass crack. It left his butt cheeks exposed. It was a fine butt.

The pizza boy was visibly shocked as Danny answered the door in just his loincloth. Eli looked at Luke who had noticed as well. They both started laughing when Danny turned around and the pizza boy's face went pale.

"What is it?" Danny looked at them funnily.

"Nothing." Luke snickered.

"So you think Matt will do something like that?" Danny asked. He sat down in front of the coffee table.

"I just don't believe in coincidences." Luke said before putting a slice of pizza in his mouth. Eli saw the head of Luke's cock through his boxers. It looked big.

"Who's Matt?" Eli blurted out as he realized he was staring.

Luke and Danny looked at each for a while, as if deciding something important. Finally they nodded in agreement.

"Matt, as in Matthew Murdock, the blind lawyer." Luke answered. His hands reached down to casually scratch his balls.

"I heard of him. He's the blind guy who was accused of being Daredevil right? There's no way it's him." Eli's eyes widened as the realization hit him.

"Yup, good ol Matt is Daredevil." Danny laughed at Eli's expression.

"But isn't he blind? He's not blind is he?" Eli asked excitedly. It wasn't so much Daredevil that intrigued Eli. It was the fact that Luke and Danny trusted him enough to share the secret identity of a superhero he's never met.

"He's blind. His other senses just got supped up. And yea, he really is amazing once you see him in action and realize he can't see anything." Luke laughed. Eli peeked up Luke's boxers and saw the brown head of Luke's cock.

"It's funny considering all the women Matt ever sleeps with are freaking hot. Oh and he has some ninja training too. Gives him the extra edge he needs." Danny explained.

Eli quickly shook the dirty thoughts forming in his head. "Why would he be stripping for Jessica?"

"Oh that." Danny and Luke started doubling over in laughter. Luke was so uncontrollable he fell off the couch. With one leg up, Eli could see more of Luke's flaccid cock. It was uncut.

Eli watched as the two men laughed like they were drunk. Luke's solid abs rippled while his soft cock and balls bounced with him. Danny was bent over giving Eli the perfect view of his ass. Feeling hot and bothered, Eli decided to shuck off his pants. He knew it was a pointless thing to do but between the beer buzz and constant laughter, he didn't care. The two men were so busy laughing, Eli was sure they wouldn't notice.

"It's just a joke we came up with. It's pretty awesome to imagine straight laced Matt gyrate his hips." Danny explained before laughing. He chugged down another can of beer.

"All the girls love him. Jess would've requested him as her last night as a single woman. She always went goo goo eyes whenever he was near. I think it's the red hair." Luke stared into space sternly. There was a hint of jealousy. And then he started laughing.

"You know, for a blind guy, all of Matt's girls are lookers, like I mean supermodels." Danny exaggerated. He started making hourglass figures in the air while whistling.

"Okay." Eli nodded dumbly. He finally finished his first beer. He wasn't really getting it but being around Luke and Danny made him like a man. Plus the way they were eating pizza and drinking beer in just their underwear help keep the mood consistent.

"So if you ever have a girlfriend, don't ever let them near Matt." Luke said before he fell of the couch. One of his legs was propped up on the sofa. Eli just needed to crane his neck a little higher and he was sure he could see Luke's family jewels.

"Dude, you're so wasted." Danny laughed.

"I am not. I just had three beers. I'm just crazy tired from running so much." Luke rubbed his shoulders. "Why don't you give me one of your rejuvenating chi treatments. Those are awesome."

"Dude not in front of Eli!" Danny whined.

Eli's ears perked up. He was sort of daydreaming as Luke and Danny talked about Matt. He blushed as he realized he had been fantasizing about the red-headed devil stripping on a pole.

Luke's eyes widened and he suddenly tackled Danny onto the floor. He caught the blond in a headlock and gave him a good noogie to the head. "I wasn't talking about that you little pervert!"

"Ow ow. Oh you were talking about the real chi thing." Danny snickered. But he then quickly turned the tables on Luke.

The two grown men started wrestling on the floor. They knocked over the coffee table and spilled some beer. Eli was watching them intently. It was exciting him, seeing the sweaty bodies roughhouse with each other.

Danny managed to pull Luke's boxers under his butt. Luke's butt cheeks were hard and shiny like two perfectly round rocks.

"Hey no fair!" Luke tried grabbing at Danny's loincloth. The martial artist however managed to evade deftly, unfortunately it lead to him getting hit in the balls instead.

"Foul!" Danny cried. He ran to the wall and used it to bounce off and jump behind Luke. He jumped on the hero's back trying to put the larger man in a headlock. Luke threw him off and tried grabbing him.

"What am I too young for?" Eli finally asked. He joined in on the action. It seemed like a lot of fun. He hooked his arms behind Luke Cage and placed the larger man in a headlock.

"Sweet Christmas." Luke cursed as he tried to break free.

"Good job Eli. Hold him still. I'll punish him for being such a pervert." Danny said excitedly. In a few moments, he was kneeling in front of Luke Cage.

"You're the one who suggested it!" Luke struggled to break free.

"Well, we'll see the evidence right here." Danny winked at Eli and the yanked Luke's boxers down. Luke's large endowment swung down freely.

"I'm gonna get you for this." Luke yelled angrily. His struggles made his flaccid cock swing even more.

"Oops, my bad. Guess I'm the only pervert here." Danny laughed nervously as Luke gave him an angry glare.

"Hey Eli. Why don't you help me out here? I think Danny deserves to be punished." Luke stopped struggling.

"My bad." Danny started backing away.

"I think you're right Luke." Eli answered back conspiratorially. He wondered where this was going to lead. Plus, he had to release Luke. His own cock had grown hard in his jockstrap. Luke would have felt it digging into his ass.

"Don't hurt me!" Danny jumped over the couch and started running around the apartment. He managed to evade Eli and Luke for a good five minutes before the cramp space forced him in between the two heroes.

Luke caught Danny's leg causing him to fall to the ground. Eli the put the martial artist's head in a leg lock.

"Now Eli, what kind of punishment should we give Danny here? Luke grinned and tapped his face thoughtfully.

"I think we should slap him for being naughty." Eli tried saying strictly but he couldn't help but snicker.

"I concur." Luke then gave Danny a good slap to the ass.

"Ouch." Danny squealed. His head rubbed against the pouch of Eli's jock.

"This should drive those evil thoughts from your head." Luke changed his accent to a more formal one.

"Be gone evil spirit." Eli added.

"We shall spank away the perversion, brother Eli." Luke added. Danny's ass was getting red. "I think the child has been punished enough."

"Yes the evil seems to have been driven away." Eli said lazily. His legs were just getting tired. "But I think we should remove his cloth, to see if the horniness has truly been exorcised."

"What a good idea. This is what you get for a while ago." Luke said giving up his character. He pulled on the white loincloth, causing Danny to yelp.

"Ohh, wedgie." Eli winced as he remembered how things happened in his high school locker rooms. In fact, Luke and Danny were exactly like some of his high school friends when they had something to drink.

"Sorry. And there we go. Success." Luke raised the white cloth up in triumph.

"Peace okay. My balls have taken enough of a beating today." Danny shakily stood up.

Eli suddenly realized how he had two very naked superheroes standing in front of him. Luke was enormous compared to Danny. The large black man towered over his partner easily. In addition, he was also generously endowed. The long soft black tube looked to be at least as thick as a beer can. It was also uncut. Something Eli had never seen before.

Iron Fist's dragon tattoo quickly got Eli's attention. The black ink stood in dark contrast to Danny's pale skin. Although Eli had seen it before, it was a different experience when Danny was naked. He followed the tail with his eyes, leading to the man's perfectly defined abs, which showed more prominently as it tapered down. Danny's own dick was average compared to Luke. Eli then realized Danny was completely smooth.

"Hey Luke, I think the pervert has been watching us all along." Danny said, elbowing his partner.

"Yea Danny, I think we've been played for fools." Luke smiled wildly.

"Oh crap." Eli realized they were talking about him. He turned around quickly and prepared to escape. But like a moments before, the numbers were against him.

In no time, he got caught in Luke Cage's bear hug. His face was smothered by the man's large chest. His cheek rubbed against Luke's large brown nipples.

Eli struggled valiantly, but Luke was a lot stronger. In addition he liked the man's big arms around him. He opened his mouth instinctively as he saw felt Luke's nipple harden. Just as he was about to take it in, he felt a hand on his ass.

"Hey Luke, look!" Danny stuttered. "The kid was already wearing a jockstrap. He's practically only wearing half an underwear."

"Dude, you're drunk." Luke laughed in response to Danny's quip.

"You should see his ass Luke. It's like a body builders. It's so hard." Danny laughed as he slapped Eli's buttocks. There was a loud smack.

"I heard that. Let me get a feel." Luke snickered. He slowly lowered his hands and squeezed the two gluts together. "They are hard. You're packing Eli."

Eli groaned in response. He was already so hard. His erection was pushing against the pouch of his jock painfully.

"Hold him. I think Eli needs to follow our dress code." Luke laughed. Danny complied pulling Eli backwards.

"What have we got?" Danny asked.

"Guys stop." Eli pleaded. His face was already completely red. The two heroes were going to see his erection.

"Sweet Christmas. I think this kid is bigger than you." Luke laughed. He squeezed Eli's pouch in his large hand. "But he's definitely no match for me."

"We'll see. But we'll never find out if you don't strip him." Danny said irately.

"One two three." Luke hooked his fingers against the white waistband. In one quick motion he pulled down Eli's jock down to his knees.

"Crap." Eli groaned as his aching member was finally freed.

"He's hard." Luke announced. He grabbed Eli's cock and gave it a good squeeze before letting it go.

"Ooh let me feel." Danny loosened his hold and then gave it a good squeeze as well. "Crap, I think I might actually lose in the size department."

Eli groaned. Finally free, he bent forward trying to cover his prominent erection. Despite his embarrassment, his cock was still throbbing proudly.

"Damn, it must be good to be a teenager. I remember when I sprung boners just like you." Luke laughed, he patted Eli on the shoulder.

"You okay, Eli?" Danny asked. "You haven't' said anything in a while."

"Sweet Christmas, did we overdo it?" Luke looked at Eli worriedly. "I think we got a little carried away Danny."

"No it's fine. I'm just a little embarrassed." Eli said meekly.

"Nothing to be embarrassed bout kid. And with your uhm thing, you've got nothing to worry about." Danny laughed.

"So what was the perverted thing you were talking about?" Eli blurted out. Both Luke and Danny didn't look as aroused as he was. If Eli didn't try something, he would be left with blue balls.

"You're too young for that." Luke laughed awkwardly. Eli could tell it was a different laugh. He heard Luke laugh like a crazy drunk the entire night. He could already tell the difference.

"Come on, at least tell me? You got me all horny already." Eli pleaded.

"Danny?" Luke looked at his buddy.

"Fine, Eli can keep a secret anyway." Danny grinned.

"Me and Danny help each other out sometimes when we can't get any." Luke scratched his head. He looked very uncomfortable.

"As in jack each other off?" Eli provided. He wanted things to go further. He already noticed Danny's dick jump a bit.

"Yea and little more." Danny mumbled to himself. It was loud enough for Eli to hear with his super hearing.

"More?" Eli asked. He grabbed his cock and stroked it lightly. "Like what?"

"We shouldn't be talking about this Eli. You're underage." Danny slapped his hand on his forehead.

"We're not doing anything. And I watch porn from the net. Come on we're just talking." Eli reasoned. He could already see movement on Luke's end as well.

"One more question and that's it. Sometimes, we used to suck each other off when we weren't dating." Luke answered. He shared a look between Danny that didn't convince Eli at all.

"Okay my last question." Eli decided he wouldn't push his luck. Both adults were fidgeting. "Can we watch some porn? I don't I'll be able to get home like this."

"Sweet Christmas." Luke slapped his forehead. But his lips had curved into a smile. "We have cold beer and pizza anyway. You're a grown boy. You probably jack off all the time. Why the hell not."

"Awesome!" Eli said enthusiastically. He immediately sat in the middle of the couch. He didn't want miss out just in case something else happened.

"I feel like a teenager all over again." Danny laughed as he sat down beside Eli. He stroked his till soft cock.

"Alright, I don't remember what's in here but it should be good." Luke held up a blank CD and then placed it in the player. He tossed some lube to Danny.

"I've never watched porn on such a big TV before." Eli admitted. He saw Danny applying the lube on his dick.

"It's freaking awesome, especially if the movie's in HD. You want some?" Danny gave the tube to Eli.

"Thanks." He applied it his cock and then handed it to Luke. Unlike Cap's couch, Luke's was a lot bigger. They all sat comfortably. They weren't too far apart that Eli wouldn't be able to reach over, but they weren't too near that their thighs would hit each other.

"So you ever do this before?" Luke asked, as applied the lube on his cock.

"Sort of, not really." Eli blushed as he recalled trying it with Cap and ending up sucking his hero's massive tool. It made him leak a drop precum.

"Someone's excited." Danny joked. His own dick was getting bigger but nowhere near hard.

"What do you mean by that?" Luke asked.

"Well, it was suppose to start like this, but I ended sucking my friend off." Eli admitted shyly. He reminded himself not to say Cap's name though.

"You sucked him?" Danny's voice was completely surprised.

"A lot of times. We did a lot of other things too." Eli said. He was sure his message was clear enough.

"Did he force you?" Luke said seriously. There was a look of concern and confusion on his face.

"You think anyone can force into something I don't want?" Eli said cheekily. "I wanted to try it and then I found out I liked it. I still like girls though."

"The movie's starting." Danny said out loud. It was obvious he was changing the topic forcibly.

"I don't remember this one." Luke mentioned after the credits started loading.

"You're porn collection, not mine." Danny laughed.

Eli would glance over a few times to both Danny and Luke. They still weren't hard and Eli was beginning to worry nothing might happen. All of them were lightly stroking their dicks but the tension was definitely in the air. Even Eli lost most of his hardness.

The movie was typical. There was a blond girl being felt up by another blond guy. It was about a married couple or something. Then suddenly a large black man appeared. Things started to get interesting from that point on.

"I don't remember seeing this." Luke said uneasily as things got a little more complicated. The black guy was starting to feel up the woman. But the blond guy intervened. In exchange, the black guy started feeling up the blond guy instead. "Ever."

"I've seen a site like this before. It's bisexual porn. One guy wants to fuck the wife but ends up having to go through the husband first. It's like a fad or something." Eli blurted out as things became clearer. His cock proceeded to full mast once he realized there was going to be some guy on guy action.

"I've heard of those too. You're such a perve Luke." Danny laughed. His own dick was finally hard.

"I don't remember downloading this." Luke said defensively. He started fidgeting in his seat.

"Well this is some hot porn." Eli answered. He fisted his cock to full mast. It started to feel like something might actually happen, at least with Danny.

Danny was stroking his hard dick just like Eli. He spread his legs and started playing with his balls.

"Let me get that for you." Eli said eagerly. Danny had brushed against him and Eli took it as a sign. He grabbed the martial artist's dick and started stroking it.

"I forgot how good this feels. Let me return the favor." Danny grabbed Eli's cock and started stroking it. "Damn you're big. I think you can give Luke a run for his money."

"Yes." Eli moaned. Danny had a good grip causing Eli to hold onto Luke and Danny's thighs for support. He squeezed them as Danny fisted his cock.

"Still got a lot to learn kid. Why don't we show Eli a thing or two Luke?" The blond martial artist said mischievously. He scooted closer to Eli and fondled Eli's balls.

Eli moaned again in pleasure. Danny was really good with his hands. Eli had to close his eyes in ecstasy.

"I don't think I should be doing this." Luke said uneasily. But he still didn't move away.

"Well, I'm crazy horny Luke. Unlike you, I haven't had any for months." Danny licked his lips. He sighed in contentment when he felt Eli grab his dick again.

"I haven't been doing it with Jess since her last trimester." Luke answered back.

"How about you Eli?" Danny whispered into the boy's ear.

"I...I please don't stop." Eli moaned.

"That's all I need to hear." Danny whispered huskily into the teen's ear. He then bit on the earlobe causing Eli to shiver.

"I can't do this." Luke suddenly stood up.

"What's wrong?" Eli asked worriedly. "Is it me? You don't like me do you?"

"No it's not Eli. I'm sorry. It's just." Luke scratched his head.

"Did I cross a line?" Eli asked again. He was starting to regret trying to seduce Luke.

"No it's not you. It's me. I'm sort of married." Luke answered back seriously.

"Oh." Was all Eli could answer.

"It's the reason why me and Luke stopped playing around." Danny explained.

"I feel like I'm cheating on Jess if I fuck either of you." Luke scratched his head.

"Then don't. We're just jacking off together like we're buddies." Eli offered. He really wanted to play with Luke's large uncut cock. He never touched one before.

"I don't think I'll be able to control myself. No offense Eli but feeling up you ass just makes me want to, you know" Luke groaned.

"You do have a fine ass Eli." Danny slipped his hand and cupped Eli's muscular ass cheek.

"Thanks." Eli stammered.

"Luke, think this over buddy. You could treat this as your last bachelor party. It's up to you. But I'm not giving up this chance. I have an itch that needs to be scratched. And I think I just found the right tool for the job." Danny licked the side of Eli's ear and then grabbed the boy's cock.

"Danny." Luke said apologetically.

"It's not your fault Luke. You got married. I would have done the same thing." Danny squeezed Eli's cock again. "Don't worry about us old people Eli. Just let me show you a good time."

"Okay." Eli found himself on all fours on top of the couch. Danny was right on top of him, stroking his cock. He could feel the older man's dick press against the crevice of his ass.

"You're body is so packed Eli." Danny whispered. He started gyrating his hips making his cock slide up and down the outside of Eli's hole.

"Danny." Eli groaned. He knew Luke was still watching them. The black superhero hadn't moved from his position. But then again, Eli didn't see Luke's cock harden either. Eli promptly forgot about Luke as he felt a warm mouth encircle his cock.

Danny sucked the bloated head eagerly. He pulled the cock from under Eli's balls. The hard member was straining at the awkward position.

Eli groaned loudly as Danny sucked him. It was a very new feeling. He didn't even know his cock could bend that way. It felt even harder than normal. Danny suddenly stopped.

"I want to try." Eli blurted out. He turned over and found the martial artist lying on the couch.

"Go on Eli." Danny held his dick at the base.

Eli took the whole thing in his mouth. It was easy considering he had practiced on Captain America. Danny wasn't small as far as Eli could tell; he just wasn't unrealistically proportioned. Eli liked having the extra space for his tongue to work with. For once, he could explore the cock in his mouth.

"Oh fuck, you're good at this." Danny groaned. He threw his head back and massaged Eli's baldhead.

Eli took Danny all the way in. He felt the martial artist respond positively. Eli then realized Danny was completely hairless. Eli's nose hit Danny's abs. There were no traces of any blond hairs. Eli began to bob his head up and down Danny's shaft.

"Play with my balls Eli." Danny stroked the back of Eli's head.

Eli slowly pulled out of Danny's dick and then started licking the tight balls. They too were shaved smooth. It was nice to not have hair in his mouth. Taking the nuts into his mouth, he made another discovery. Danny was fingering himself.

"What?" Danny asked as Eli suddenly stopped.

"You have a finger in your ass." Eli lifted Danny's legs and confirmed what he saw.

"Yea, you'll have to replace that with your dick later." Danny licked his lips.

"I've never fucked anyone before." Eli blushed. Oddly enough, the thought of topping never entered Eli's mind.

"Well there's a first for everything." Danny whispered slyly. "Let's get you all ready."

Danny lied on his side and reached for Eli's cock. He took the straining member into his mouth.

Eli returned the favor. It felt so good to have his dick sucked while sucking on another dick. Eli would have to do this more often.

Eli had to groan out loud and stop sucking when he felt Danny's tight throat envelop the head of his cock. If that wasn't enough, Danny started to slip a finger inside Eli's anus. The little digit wriggled inside him. It knew where it was going and headed straight for Eli's pleasure spot. He started bucking his hips into Danny's mouth and fucking himself on the Danny's finger.

"Don't stop." Eli yelled in pleasure.

"Sweet Christmas, you're not gong to make this easier for me are you?" Luke suddenly interrupted.

"You could always join us." Danny said after spitting out Eli's hard cock.

"Maybe just a blowjob. That wouldn't be cheating would it?" It was obvious to anyone; Luke's defenses were breaking down.

"Not in my book." Eli jumped at the chance to play with Luke. Danny was already on his knees rubbing the man's large thighs.

"Come here Eli. I saw how much you wanted to play with this little monster." Danny held Luke's flaccid cock up to Eli's face. It was fluffed up but still soft.

"I've never sucked an uncut cock before." Eli admitted. He took the soft base in his hands. It was heavy.

"It tastes real good." Danny whispered before sucking in one of Luke's balls.

"Better hurry Eli. I'm gonna get hard soon. This is so hot." Luke lifted his arms above his head.

Eli didn't wait any longer he took the soft flesh into his mouth. He played with it, rolling it around. It was like large piece of jelly inside.

"Try playing with the foreskin Eli." Danny suggested.

Eli stuck his tongue down the piss slit. Luke grumbled loudly. He bit down on the excess skin with his lips and started pulling. It was amazing how the skin stretched.

"You're all such perverts." Luke groaned as he watched Eli and Danny play with his cock.

"There's so much of it." Eli released it. He slowly started jacking off Luke's cock. He could feel the blood flow, engorging the once soft penis.

Luke pulled the excess skin back. He breathed a sigh of relief once the head was finally exposed.

"It's enormous." Eli mumbled. He was about to take it in when Danny beat him to the punch.

The blond martial artist eagerly bobbed his head up and down Luke's shaft. Eli could hear the all too familiar sounds of the large cock entering a tight throat. Luke soon began pumping his cock into Danny's mouth.

Eli could only stroke his own hard prick while watching. He was a little jealous of Danny. Suddenly he noticed Danny's hands reach around and spread his ass cheeks. Eli understood immediately. He went behind Danny's smooth butt. He felt it up first making Danny moan. Then he spread the man's cheeks apart.

Danny's asshole was cute and pink. It quivered as Eli touched it lightly with his finger. Seeing Danny hold his own cheeks apart, Eli buried his face in Danny' ass and began licking.

"That's the way to go Eli. Don't fuck something you won't eat first." Luke growled as he continued pumping his cock into Danny's throat.

Eli mumbled in agreement. He stuck his tongue down Danny's sphincter eagerly. It was a tight fit. Eli used a lot of spit. He only realized now that he was going to fuck someone for the first time. It made his cock throb painfully.

"Whatever you're doing Eli, keep it in. Danny's throat is so tight I can tell he's enjoying it."

Suddenly Eli heard a loud pop. Danny suddenly moved away. The man moved swiftly. He took something from the drawer and then was right in front Eli.

"Damn kid, you're no slouch. That was some awesome rimming. I can't take it anymore. I need this in my ass." Danny reached over and grabbed Eli's cock.

"Okay." Eli answered back shyly. The next thing he knew, Danny was taking him inside his mouth again. Then Eli started feeling something tight envelop his cock. It wasn't a tongue; it was something more form fitting. The thing started wrapping around his cock making Eli hunch over from the sensation. "What are you doing? Is this some kung fu trick. Ohh fuck."

"That's no trick Eli." Luke laughed. He walked over to them with his cock just inches away from Eli's face.

"Take a look kid." Danny said as he lifted himself from Eli cock.

After calming down, Eli looked at his member. His eyes widened in surprise as he suddenly realized his dick had become a yellow color. He blinked twice more before it hit him. Danny had just placed a condom on his cock.

"Had the same look on my face the first time he did that. Crazy isn't it." Luke chuckled. He patted Eli's shoulder, snapping the boy out of his shock.

"Come on Eli. Time's a wasting." Danny was on the couch. He gestured Eli to come closer.

"I've never done this before." Eli fidgeted as he approached.

"Don't worry Eli, with a cock like that, it's nearly impossible for you to mess up." Danny went on all fours and held open his butt.

Eli touched Danny's smooth buttocks. They looked so inviting.

"Slap your dick on his ass. Try and get a feel of things." Luke was right behind Eli. He took the boy's cock and began to smack it against Danny's ass. "Try it."

Eli nodded and took hold of his own member. He could feel Luke's hands on his hips and the man's cock just inches away from his ass. Still, there was a supple ass in front of him, one that he couldn't ignore. He started hitting the white flesh with his hard cock.

After a while, Danny began pushing against him, lifting his ass high. Eli took this as a sign. He placed the head of his cock against the small entrance of Danny's hole. Slowly, he began to glide up and down the crevice of Danny's butt cheeks. The long shaft of his cock was rubbing against Danny's anus.

"You're a natural." Danny groaned. He eagerly met Eli's thrusts, trying to get more contact from the cock.

"Good job Eli. I don't think Danny will miss me much." Luke whispered. He pressed his own cock onto Eli's ass.

"Luke." Eli moaned as he felt the hard tool slide along his own asshole. Danny pushed against him, squeezing his cock between his abs. Eli whimpered from the intense sensation.

"Now you just put it in." Luke pulled away. He left Eli and went over to front of the couch where Danny was facing.

"I'm putting it in." Eli warned. He pressed the head of his cock against Danny's hole. There was a lot of resistance. It didn't feel like it was going to open up.

"Just keep pushing." Danny encouraged.

"It won't go in." Eli grabbed on the man's hips. It was so tight. He didn't think the head could even fit.

"Push." Danny suddenly yelled causing Eli to thrust. Danny groaned out as part of Eli's cock buried itself deep into his ass. "Oh fuck"

"So tight." Eli growled. He could feel Danny's insides squeezing his cock. It was like a mouth except way tighter. He suddenly felt Danny cough, sending shockwaves though Eli's cock. It was nothing like a mouth.

"How am I?" Danny said hoarsely.

"Oh fuck. Shit. It feels so fucking amazing. Ah. Don't move." Eli warned. He placed his had on Danny's back for support. It felt like Danny's ass was trying to squeeze his semen out of him.

"Just give it a go once you're ready. You're doing great Eli." Danny said huskily. He gave Eli a few good squeezes.

"You're face is so sexy right now." Luke cupped Danny's face.

"What are you thinking about?" Danny asked warily yet playfully.

"I think since you already sucked my cock, it shouldn't hurt to let you do it again." Luke grabbed his fat cock by the base and began beating Danny's cheeks with it. "What do you think Eli?"

"This is so hot." Eli blurted out. He squeezed Danny's ass with his hands.

"What about you Danny." Luke pointed the head of his cock just inches away from Danny's mouth.

Danny stuck out his tongue as an answer. The martial artist took the large black member and began sucking on it like a giant lollipop.

"Fuck this is too hot." Eli slowly began to push his cock inside Danny's ass. He could feel Danny's inner walls stretch around his member to accommodate the large intrusion. He buried it all the way to the hilt.

"You're bigger than I though Eli. Fuck I feel so full." Danny moaned before putting the cock back inside his mouth.

"That's a fine ass ain't it Eli." Luke rubbed Danny's face. "I can tell you're doing a fine job. Danny here can't even suck my dick properly."

Eli blushed but the praise made his cock harder. He slowly began to pull his dick and then pushed it back in. He heard Danny moan when he did that. He did it again. This time Danny pushed back against him.

"Fuck me." Danny whimpered. He pushed his ass all the way back to swallow Eli's entire cock.

That was all Eli needed. Something broke free and suddenly Eli was thrusting his cock in and out of Danny's ass. He fucked the martial artist with abandon. Danny's ass was sucking him in and Eli had to thrust back. He kept pushing in deeper and harder than the last thrust. He could feel his cum-filed balls slap hard against Danny's ass.

"Oh god, fuck me hard." Danny had to spit out Luke's cock. He buried his face in the arm of the sofa and moaned incoherently.

"Sweet Christmas. Was I ever so eager?" Luke chuckled. The other two didn't hear him at all. He was stroking his cock to the hot scene.

"Fuck. You're so tight Danny." Eli growled as he continued to pummel Danny's ass. Now he understood why Captain America liked to fuck so much. The experience was mind-boggling.

"I need a piece of that action." Luke offered his cock to Danny. The martial artist took it in eagerly. Luke began fucking Danny' mouth, matching Eli's own thrusts.

"Fuck." Eli groaned as he realized Danny was being fucked both ways. He wondered how that would feel like. He felt himself getting close. He didn't understand how Cap could fuck him for so long.

"Come here." Luke took the back of Eli's neck and pulled him in for passionate kiss. Luke's tongue battled Eli as they continued to fuck Danny.

That was all it took for Eli to reach his explosive orgasm. He groaned into Luke's mouth as his entire body stiffened. He buried his cock deep into Danny's ass. The next things he saw were stars as the immense pleasure overwhelmed his body. He felt himself shoot so many times he couldn't count anymore.

The next moment he opened his eyes, he was on top of Danny, panting heavily.

"How are ya?" Luke asked with a wide grin on his face. His massive cock was still hard and pointing just below Eli's face.

Eli opened his mouth but no words came out.

"Intense huh?" Danny chuckled. "I felt it too."

Eli groaned as his soft cock slipped out Danny's ass. He felt the condom sag forward and threaten to fall off. The head was filled with his milky white fluid. Eli couldn't help but stare at it.

"You gotta take that out once you use it." Luke laughed and pointed on Eli's cock.

"Right." Eli continued staring. He wondered how they did it. He didn't want to seem like a complete idiot when it came to sex but then again he didn't want to look like an idiot and spill all over the floor.

"Let me get that for you." Luke suddenly grabbed the base of Eli's cock and squeezed the condom around it. Carefully he pulled it off. Afterwards he tied a quick knot.

"Wow." Eli murmured as he saw the all cum he shot out. He never realized how much he cummed. He never saw it collected so neatly, until now.

"That's a lot of jizz." Danny snickered. "More than you Cage."

"Kid's a virgin, he's bound to explode. Besides, it's not the quantity, it's the quality that counts." Luke answered back.

"Sorry." Eli realized he didn't get Danny to cum. Cap never left him high and dry. The blond martial artist was sitting on the bench with his cock sticking up, hard as ever.

"Eli, you were awesome." Danny pulled Eli into his laps. He seated the boy right above his cock. "My ass will be sore for days."

"That means you were one hell of a fuck." Luke supplied and folded his arms.

"Well, I think I know how to make it better." Eli blushed. He wiggled his ass, running his anus along Danny's precum soaked shaft. He humped his hips, making sure Danny knew what he had in mind.

"That's an offer, I'm glad to take." Danny grinned. He motioned Eli, to put his leg on the backrest of the sofa.

"Like this?" Eli asked cautiously. Danny's tongue entering his asshole told him he was doing the right thing.

"You taste so clean. And your ass is so tight." Danny mumbled before sticking his face deep into Eli's buttocks.

"Let me try." Luke interjected.

And just like that, Eli suddenly felt four hands groping his ass and two tongues rimming him good. His cock grew hard in not time. Something that did not go unnoticed. Soon, someone was stroking his dick and sucking his balls. Another was feeling his ass and reaming and fingering his hole. After a few minutes of pure ecstasy, Eli heard the sound of plastic ripping.

"You ready?" Danny called out.

"Okay." Eli slowly lowered himself down. Danny's hands on his hips were guiding him. He felt the head of Danny's cock hit his asshole.

"Lower yourself down. I'll let you control the pace." Danny whispered softly. He rubbed his hands on Eli's back.

Eli realized they were being gentle with him. He quickly impaled himself fully on Danny's hard cock. It was bigger than he expected but nothing he couldn't handle.

"Oh fuck." Danny groaned as his cock was squeezed completely by Eli's ass. "You waste no time do you?"

"Nope." Eli answered. He slowly moved his hips forward dragging Danny's dick with him. He was determined to make Danny cum. He knew he was a good bottom. Plus it felt awesome too.

"How's our boy Danny?" Luke pressed his cock against Eli's ass.

"You'd love his ass. God." Danny growled. He began to thrust into Eli's ass and lift the boy.

"Let me take care of it." Eli placed his hand of Danny's chest. He slowly lifted his hips and started fucking himself.

"You've done this a lot." Danny threw his head back in pleasure.

Eli didn't answer. He was focused on making his partner feel good. Danny responded to Eli when he squeezed his ass.

But Danny was no passive lover. Eli humped himself on Danny's cock, the blond decided to play with Eli's nipples. He sucked hard on the brown little nubs making Eli squeal with pleasure.

"This is so hot." Luke went over to where Danny and Eli's faces where. He offered his cock, which Danny took into his mouth. "You two are on fire. "

Eli tried licking Luke's cock as he bounced. It was harder than he thought. But he couldn't help but try. Danny looked so sexy with Luke's big black cock in his mouth.

The large black cock pistoned between both Eli and Danny's mouths. Eli continued to fuck himself on Danny's cock.

"Fuck this. I need a piece of that ass." Luke suddenly declared. He got down from the couch and suddenly lifted Danny's legs.

"Shit." Eli cursed as he almost toppled over. He felt Danny's hands hold him in place.

"God, I've missed this ass. Let's show Danny time of his life eh?" Luke told Eli.

"Yea." Eli nodded, not really understanding what was happening. Suddenly he heard Danny yell loudly. The martial artist also suddenly shot up, driving his cock deep into Eli.

"Fuck. You're just as tight as ever." Luke groaned. He placed a hand on Eli's shoulders.

That's when Eli realized what Luke meant. Luke Cage was fucking Danny while Danny was fucking Eli. It was wild. Eli started bouncing up and down faster. He tried matching the powerful thrust he felt Luke make through Danny.

"Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Fuck me." Danny whimpered as he was being fucked from both ends.

Luke's hand snaked around Eli's waist and grabbed hold of the teen's cock. He started stroking it making Eli murmur hoarsely.

"Luke, get off me." Danny suddenly interrupted their rhythm. "I want give Eli a proper fuck."

"Fine. But I get to fuck later." Luke whimpered like a child.

"What?" Eli was bewildered. No one asked him about anything. He felt Danny's hand grab onto him tightly. Seconds later, he was lying down on his side on the sofa. Danny had placed his left over his shoulder.

"I'll show you how to fuck." Danny grinned. He then plunged his cock all the way into Eli's ass.

Eli gasped as Danny hit the spot right inside him. Danny moved rapidly, thrusting in and out. The man's cock was hitting all the right places and then some.

Luke was stroking his cock right in front of Eli's face. He took off the condom haphazardly, stretching the poor material. He tossed it aside and fisted his cock eagerly. Normally Eli would try to take it in his mouth but he was too busy getting fucked.

Danny continued pounding away. Eli closed his eyes as he felt his orgasm coming. He barely saw Danny bend over to kiss Luke on the lips.

"I'm getting close." Luke breathed huskily. He was jerking his massive cock.

"I want to see you come all over Eli's face." Danny said. "I think, he'll want it."

"You want me to shoot all over you?" Luke asked by slapping his heavy member on Eli's face.

"Yes, yes, ye-es." Eli hissed. Danny was relentless. Eli could feel his balls tighten up for the second time that night.

"Fuck Luke. I'm gonna cum." Danny groaned out.

"Yea let's do it." Luke replied. He closed his eyes and started grunting. After a few cries, he aimed his cock at Eli's face. The large black cock pulsed and then shot a powerful jet of semen. Luke yelled throughout the process as he whitewashed Eli's face.

Eli moaned as well as he felt his cock shoot. He ass tightened around Danny's and he felt the man's cock pulsing inside him. Danny bent over and started grunting as well. Eli writhed as he felt Danny's powerful orgasm sent shockwaves through his cock into Eli's ass.

They lay there like that for a while. Luke was sitting on the floor. He was panting heavily. His cock was totally limp and was leaking a tiny puddle on cum. Eli was resting his head on the soft sofa. He could taste some of Luke's cum on his face. The rest dribbled out. He shivered as he felt Danny remove his cock. Danny stood up and took off the condom. Afterwards he joined Luke on the floor. He rubbed Eli's thighs gently.

"That was awesome." Eli blurted out.

"Thanks." Danny smiled.

"You guys better get ready cause this is my last time as a single man. I plan to use it to the fullest." Luke declared. He was still panting, but his cock was slowly but surely getting hard.

"I need a break." Eli groaned. His side was hurting and his ass was sore. Luke looked at Danny expectantly.

"Oh fuck it. What are best friends for?" Danny sighed and went to one of the couches. He slowly began to stroke his hard cock.

"You're awesome man." Luke walked over and began to kiss Danny on the mouth. Eli watched as their hard cocks rubbed against each other.

Despite Luke's claim of being straight, he was very tender with Danny. Eli would ask later, and find out that Luke was raised to be a gentleman, even with his lover. For now, Eli watched as the best friend's hands started to explore each other's bodies. They slowly grinded against each other, following a slow, sensual rhythm.

"Always eat whatever you fuck." Luke announced as he pulled away. He went on his knees and began to stick his tongue down Danny's ass.

"Oohh. I can't believe you're still doing it after someone else fucked me." Danny groaned.

"Well, I plan to fuck that someone else." Luke grinned towards Eli as he stood up.

"What am I the appetizer?" Danny stuck out his tongue playfully. His body stiffened as Luke's large cock positioned itself at his entrance.

"Nope, Eli's just the dessert." Luke bent down and kissed Danny. He then inserted his cock.

"Fuck." Danny took a deep breath as he slowly took in Luke's large cock.

"Watch me Eli. You might learn a few things." Luke said confidently. He took hold of Danny's ankles and lifted them high above his shoulders. He then started thrusting deep into his best friend.

Danny whimpered, causing Eli to crawl forward and watch the action at a closer distance. Eli was fully immersed in watching the scene unfold in front of him. He realized he had never watched people have sex before, in person at least. After that one time with Tommy and Cap, they never did it together again.

He watched fascinated, as Luke's big black cock pushed in and out of Danny's pale skin. The contrast was exciting. Danny looked like he was enjoying it too. His cock had a string of precum that connected his dick to his abs. It didn't break despite the fervent bouncing of Danny's dick.

Eli decided to get in on the action, He took the head of Danny's dick into his mouth. He flicked his tongue across the tip making Danny shiver.

"Whatever your doing kid, keep it up. Danny's never been so tight before." Luke pounded away. Danny just groaned in response.

Eli deep throated Danny. He just had to stay in place. Luke's thrusts were enough to push Danny's cock in and out of his mouth. After feeling sore, he spat the hard cock out and began to suckle on Danny's balls. He felt them tighten as he rolled them in his tongue. From this distance, he could see Luke's cock pounding away,

"Too much. Oh god." Danny groaned. He used his arms to cover his eyes.

"Sweet Christmas. Let me see that sexy face of yours. I love it when you blush." Luke snickered as he continued pummeling Danny's ass.

"Can I try again?" Eli asked. He wanted to redeem himself for earlier.

"Be my guest." Luke pulled out abruptly, causing Danny to yelp out. The martial artist was about to complain but Eli positioned his cock.

Eli pushed it in slowly. Danny still felt tight even though Luke had just thoroughly pummeled his ass. Eli grunted as he felt the slick walls wrap around his dick.

"Go in easy Eli. Try to find the places where Danny responds." Luke rubbed the small of Eli's back.

"Like this?" Eli gave a huge thrust and Danny whimpered.

"Yea, like that." Luke said proudly. His hand was very conspicuously cupping Eli's ass.

"Yea, you're right. I can feel him tightening up." Eli grunted as he pushed in again.

"Kid, now you look for other spots. Half the fun is finding them." Luke whispered into Eli's ear. His finger slipped between the crack of Eli's butt.

Eli tried changing things up. He wasn't doing a very good job. All he wanted to do was to continue pounding away with abandon.

"Well, if your don't have technique, you can make up for it with..." Luke cut off himself off.

"With what?" Eli asked eagerly. He wanted to make Danny cum, he really did. But he couldn't think straight. Eli junior wanted to get back inside the hot and tight cave it found.

"Enthusiasm." Luke grinned.

"Oh fuck." That was all Eli needed to hear. He took Danny's legs in his hands and moved them out of the way. He fucked Danny with all the energy he could muster.

"Aww fuck. You're like the energizer bunny." Danny whimpered.

Eli ignored the comment. He continued pounding away. It felt so good. He didn't even notice how Luke's fingers were touching his anus.

"Look at Danny's face. That's how you know you're giving a good fuck." Luke said huskily.

Danny had a very noticeable blush on his cheeks. His mouth was hanging open. The normally goofy man was panting heavily. His eyes were completely glazed over with lust.

"Want to make everything even better?" Luke asked seductively.

"Okay." Eli answered stupidly. He felt something behind him, but promptly forgot as Danny groaned loudly.

"Damn, I've been wanting this since I first saw it." Luke whispered. He pushed his the head of his fat cock into Eli's brown asshole.

"Ohh fuck." Eli yelled out. He buried himself inside Danny trying to get as far away from the steel rod pressing against his ass. He ran out of space. The hard shaft slowly pushed inside and Eli realized it was actually Luke's cock.

"Sweet Christmas." Luke grunted as Eli clenched his ass trying to push Luke out.

"A little warning would have been nice." Eli groaned. He saw Danny grinning at him.

"Rude isn't he?" Danny grinned a bit before moaning as Eli's own cock was pushed further thanks to Luke's thrusts.

"I asked ya first." Luke wrapped his arms around Eli's chest. He played with the teen's nipples.

"Mmm..." Eli groaned incoherently. Luke was completely buried against his ass. The man's large endowment was pressing against that sweet spot that Cap always hit. Luke was definitely a match for Captain America.

"Don't forget about me." Danny squeezed Eli's cock, reminding the boy of his presence.

"Aww fuck. I think I'm going to die from pleasure." Eli groaned. He tied focusing. But it was too much. There was too much going at the same time. His body was on fire.

"Just enjoy the ride. Try to learn something if you can." Luke whispered hoarsely. "This is what enthusiasm can look like."

Eli mind went into overdrive as Luke started pounding away with monstrous penis. It felt like a jackhammer inside his butt. Adding to that was his own dick pistoning in and out of Danny's ass. There was so much heat everywhere, Eli felt like he was going to explode any minute.

"Don't worry kid I'll make this last for both of you." Luke said proudly as if reading Eli's mind.

Eli felt his legs turn to jelly as he was fucked and fucking the two heroes he just teamed up with. He fell forward, finding himself face to face with Danny. Luke's cock unceremoniously popped out of Eli's ass.

"Oh fuck." Eli groaned. He felt Danny's arms encircle his body.

"Ready for more?" Luke asked. He placed his hand on Eli's smooth ass.

"Give it to him Luke. Give it to both of us." Danny moaned huskily. His lowered down and spread Eli's well-used ass cheeks.

"I want the boy to ask for it." Luke said cheekily. He rubbed the head of his cock against Eli's asshole.

"Fuck me Damnit." Eli cursed as he felt the emptiness in his ass.

"If you put it that way." Luke drove his cock all the way in.

The next few moments were surreal for Eli. He couldn't think straight at all. All he knew was Cage was fucking him hard and that he was fucking Danny just as hard. Soon he felt his orgasm coming. Suddenly, Danny squeezed hard on his cock. And that was all it took for Eli to climax. The sudden burst of sensation was so wild. It felt like everything was exploding from his cock, to his body and all the way to his ass. He felt three cocks throb and pulse. It was like wave after wave of climaxes washed over him.

"Hey Eli. Wake up." It was Luke' voice. Luke had a pizza in his mouth.

"What?" Eli scratched his eyes. He was lying down on the sofa.

"You okay kid?" Danny was right in front of his face. The martial artist was still wearing his loincloth. He looked completely normal.

"Yea sorry, must have blacked out." Eli realized he was still wearing his jockstrap. He was all sweaty.

"I remember my first time." Luke said wistfully. He chugged down another beer. "You did good Eli."

"What?" Eli clutched his head. Luke was wearing his boxers.

"It was your first time, wasn't it? Danny snickered. "It's so easy to tell."

"Yea." Eli blushed. Did he just black out from the alcohol?

"It's getting late. You want to stay the night or do you have to go home?" Danny asked.

"I'll call my grandma." Eli asked. "Where's the bathroom. I have to pee."

"Right across the hall." Luke pointed. He scratched his balls.

Eli stood up shakily. He walked as steadily as he could. He washed his face and looked in the mirror. Was everything just a dream?

He pulled off his jockstrap and checked his ass. There was no cum leaking out. It was sweaty though. But they did run like 20 blocks.

It felt so real though. He could remember everything until Luke started fucking him. But then maybe it was a dream. It was after all his first time drinking. When he woke up, they were all dressed.

Well, it was one hell of dream. Eli grabbed his cock and pointed at the toilet. He really did have to pee. Fuck, that was one awesome dream.

As he flushed the toilet, he something yellow in the garbage can nearby. They were condoms. He picked the cum-filled latex one by one. There was five of them. Eli ran back to the living room. Luke was sitting on the chair stroking his cock.

"Ready for round two?"

Next: Chapter 22

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