Captain America and the Young Avengers

By Pikachu MOn

Published on Jul 7, 2010


DISCALIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. All the characters depicted in story belong to and are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and its subsidiaries. I am in no way related to the company and have no ownership over the characters. This is fan made work. This story depicts males in sexual situations, just so you know. Thank you.

A/N: This is going to be a series with Captain America and the Young Avengers. (who are owned by Marvel not me) Please feel free to comment and offer constructive criticisms. I want to improve as a writer. And lastly enjoy.

Captain America and the Young Avengers: Chapter 20

Tommy wandered aimlessly around New York trying to find something interesting to do. He didn't feel like going to school. Staying at home was getting dull for him. Watching the same collection of porn the third time was enough to make even him bored.

He patrolled the city leisurely, somehow winding up in the Bronx. He got excited at the prospect of maybe kicking some criminal butt in his civies. He'd never done that before. He was sure he could do it. Kate did teach him a few slick moves.

He was slinging a few punches in the air, imagining himself beating some thug up when his super senses tingled. Actually he heard a trash bin crash. He looked at the cause of disturbance and found his chance to shine.

There was a small blond kid surrounded by big looking teenagers about his age. They didn't look like they were talking. He was about to save the kid and knock out the thugs but then remembered he was in his civies. If he wooshed by, he would probably wind up traumatizing the poor lad.

"Hey!" He decided to try and intimidate them first. Cap always did tell him not to be so hasty. He walked confidently in their direction with all the swagger he could muster. He wasn't used to it since he was more of a running guy. He actually had to practice both his sexy seductive walk and intimidating scary walk. Kate and Cassie walked in on him once. After that, he practiced behind a locked door.

"What do you want kid?" One thug with a knit cap eyed with angrily. He had one hand inside his jacket. Something Tommy took notice of.

"What are you doing to that kid?" Tommy raised his voice. His eyes narrowed as he observed the situation. Now, he wasn't so confident. It was an entirely different matter when innocents were involved. He firmly believed protecting the helpless was more important that catching the bad guys. He couldn't mess this up or the blond kid would get hurt.

"None of you business." Some other guy with a ponytail butted in. He draped his hand over the small blond kid's shoulder.

"Don't touch me." The blond kid flicked the arm away. The boy was feisty. Feisty was prone to stupid.

"Why you little?" The thug raised his hand to hit the boy when Tommy's shoe hit his hand.

"Leave the kid alone." Tommy gave the thugs a death glare. They didn't even look scared. They did however return his menacing stare.

"What's you problem huh? This ain't none of your business." The guy in the knit cap said. He snapped his fingers and about three more thugs appeared from the alleyway.

"The kid isn't any of your business either." Tommy clenched his fist. He didn't want to reveal his superhero identity this early in his career. But it was starting to look like he had no other choice.

"Dude, listen to them. Go away. I'll take care of this." The little blond boy suddenly blurted out. Everyone looked at him with surprise. There was no fear in his voice. Instead it sounded more like irritation.

"Kid, you are way in over your head." Tommy frowned as he studied the little boy's completely serious face. The thugs had started laughing their asses off.

"I hate you! Everybody treats me like I'm a fucking kid." The kid pouted and pulled on his backpack and sauntered off, completely ignoring the thugs behind him.

"Hey, we're not done with you!" The thug leader was about to grab the kid by the collar when Tommy parried the hand away.

"Run kid." Tommy managed to speed unnoticed while the idiots were laughing. Now that the kid was behind him, he could try out his kung fu skills without any worries.

"Dude, I'll take care of this. Move out of my way." The kid suddenly pushed Tommy into the arms of the thug. Luckily the idiot caught Tommy by instinct.

"Oh shit." Tommy exclaimed as he saw the kid's eyes began to glow. The kid was a mutant and he looked like he was gonna incinerate the thugs. Tommy acted quickly, he slammed his fist on the thug's crotch and followed it up with another hit to the face. The guy staggered backwards. Tommy rushed forward and covered the kid's eyes.

"Hey!" The blond kid grabbed Tommy's hands trying to pull them down.

"Stop it. You can't use your powers on them they're just human. Leave it to me. No one has to get hurt." Tommy whispered quickly. He lifted the kid and spun him around and threw him as far as he could. He turned again quickly. He'd have to beat these guys before the kid could make them go boom or something.

"Wish you didn't help the kid now huh?" The ponytail man slashed Tommy's arm with his switchblade.

Tommy wanted to reply smartly but he didn't know when the kid would get back on his feet. Ducking his head low, he entered the man's zone of defense. He deftly evaded the switchblade coming at him. Taking advantage of the opening, he punched the man's jaw with his right fist and followed up quickly with a hit to the guy's windpipe. It was a knockout just like Kate said.

He didn't revel in his success much though. There were still more thugs. He did a wide spinning back kick to spread the remaining grunts out. They predictably avoided the weak attack instead of trying to grab his leg. He maneuvered his leg behind one thug's leg and pushed the guy off balance onto the ground. He knew there was one behind him thanks to the shadow. He whirled around throwing his backhand at the mook's face. There was a crunch as his fist connected with guy's jaw. Tommy made a mental note not to spin so fast.

He peeked at the blond kid's direction, worried the boy would use whatever mysterious powers he had. In a twist of fate, the boy finally reacted to the situation like a normal kid would. He was surprised.

With the little demon spawn not trying anything funny, Tommy returned his focus to the fight at hand. A boy tried to punch him. Tommy parried it with his left had guarding his face. He punched right below the guy's bicep like Cap told him to. The effect was instantaneous. The guy yelped in agony and clutched his arm.

Tommy could see fear on the rest of the thugs. He decided one more example would be enough to scare them off. Seeing as guy hesitate to attack him, he gestured the unsettled foe to attack. The man lunged at him with a punch. Tommy grinned. The set-up was perfect.

Tommy evaded the punch easily. He could see it coming a mile away. He hooked the guy's over extended arm with his elbow and maneuvered the guy's arm backward. The resulting position left him behind the thug with his palm on the guy's back, which constricted his opponents movement. He then followed it up with a jab to the guy's shoulder with his left hand. After that, he stepped on the guy's shin, causing the thug to kneel forward. Then he put the guy in a headlock. It was a success.

He saw the move on Fight Science on TV. It was a Malaysian fighting style if he remembered correctly. He wasn't sure if he did it correctly but the flashiness and speed made up for his lack of finesse. The other guys ran with their tails behind their legs. He let his captive go, who crawled and then ran away.

Tommy dusted his hand proudly. He didn't even have to rely on his superpowers to fight thugs. Maybe, he'd be able to beat Eli in hand-to-hand some day. He was about to leave when he saw the blond boy staring at him.

"I could've taken care of them you know." The blonde kid's scowl had returned. Now seemingly more displeased than ever.

"Hey kid, it's not cool to use you powers to hurt normal people. You're setting a bad example for mutants." Tommy whispered into the kid's ear. Billy had lectured him on the whole Scarlet Witch history. He didn't really care before, but if she really was his mother, then that would make him a mutant too.

"I'm not a mutant." The kid folded his arms.

"I'm not saying you are. I'm just saying you can't just hurt people. You might do something you'll regret later. Trust me I know." Tommy cringed as he remembered blowing up his school.

"I wasn't going to kill them smart-ass. I was just going to scare them a bit." The kid replied, the exasperation in his voice evident.

"You never know. You're powers could go out of control when you're stressed or scared." Tommy had never met such an insolent brat in his entire life.

"For your information, I have full control of my powers. Plus, I wasn't at any point scared." The little blond kid turned around and walked off angrily.

"Jeez, I was just trying to help." Tommy stuck out his tongue at the kid. He decided to follow the kid home, just to make sure he was safe.

"Why are you following me?" The kid asked after two blocks of silence.

"Just making sure you get home safely." Tommy yawned a little bored. He had his hands over his head.

"I don't need protection. I could probably take you on even with your fancy moves." The boy said snidely.

"Fine, then I'm following you to protect those thugs from whatever you're going to do to them if they come for revenge." Tommy yawned again. He didn't feel like arguing. He was getting bored.

"Whatever dude." There was a little smile tugging at the boy's lips.

"So what do you do?" Tommy asked as he felt the mood lighten up.

"I go to school duh?" The blond kid answered sassily. They kept walking not looking at each other.

"No, I mean your powers." Tommy rolled his eyes. He hated attitude. Only he and Kate could pull it off while staying cute.

"I'll tell you if you tell me yours."

"Touche." Tommy laughed. At least the kid was funny. "So what do I call you?"

"My name's Alexander." The boy turned around and held out his hand.

"My name's Tommy. Nice to meet you Alexander." Tommy shook the kid's hands. He examined the boy's face closely. The kid was definitely younger than him, probably around ten or twelve. He looked sort of pretty for a kid living in the Bronx. It felt like something didn't add up.

"I make people see their worst nightmare." Alexander casually said.

"So you like, have a fear power?" Tommy couldn't imagine this little kid to have such a menacing gift.

"I guess you could say that. That's why I told you I could handle those thugs no problem. I could just scare them." Alexander said confidently.

"Wow, that is so cool." Tommy didn't know why, but he believed the kid. Personally he didn't want to know what he was afraid off so he didn't ask for a demonstration.

"What about you?" Alexander turned around and faced Tommy with his bright blue eyes.

"Who said I have powers?" Tommy answered smartly. Alexander's jaw dropped.

"But you said...You! You don't have powers?" Alexander scrunched his forehead trying to think.

"I didn't say that either." Tommy playfully added.

"What?" Alexander's cheeks began to fill up with air and he folded his arms across his chest. His eyes had a faint yellow glow in them.

"Easy, Alex. The truth is I'm a superhero, so I want to keep my identity a secret, okay?" Tommy patted the boy's head who seemed to have cooled off. It was a little worrying for Tommy to even find out what his fear would be. He wanted to avoid that.

"You're a cape." Alex said blandly. There was no hint of enthusiasm at all. It was like the kid was used to it.

"I don't wear one." It was Tommy' turn to pout. The way Alex put it made being a hero sound so lame. Wasn't it every ten-year old's dream to meet a superhero.

"Whatever. Let's get you back to my place so we can patch up your wound. It might get infected. You humans are so fragile." Alexander continued walking off.

"Us humans? " Tommy titled his head in confusion. He took his handkerchief and wrapped it around his wound. He'd have to let Billy take a look at that later. He didn't want to die from a dirty infection.

"So what are you doing here in your civies? Shouldn't you be in school?" Alexander smartly pointed out.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" Tommy scowled back. This kid was sharp.

"We got the afternoon off. It's teacher appreciation day." Alexander answered confidently. "What's your excuse?"

"Uh... Feast day of our Saint. Yea that's right." Tommy covered. He knew there were schools like that in New York. He just hoped the kid wouldn't ask.

"What school?" Alexander raised his eyebrows. His arms were folded across his chest. His look told Tommy the boy didn't buy a single word.

"St. Bartholomew." Tommy said the first name that came to mind. Chances are the kid would know just as much as he did about saints: which amounted to nothing.

"Okay." Alexander turned around and continued walking.

Tommy breathed a sigh of relief. He bluffed perfectly. Although he just lied to a ten year old, Tommy still felt on top of the world for pulling a trick like that.

"So what's a kid like you doing in the Bronx all alone?" Tommy wasn't sure of the place. He didn't visit it much. But he heard it was sort of dangerous and seedy.

"I live here." Alexander answered curtly.

"Really?" Tommy blurted out in surprise. Alexander looked like one of those aristocratic expensive little blond boys like Richie Rich or something. He even had the snotty attitude down pat. It didn't add up.

"Come on we're just two blocks away." Alexander started running.

"Wait up kid. I'm injured remember." Tommy skipped happily. He liked the kid's feistiness. The kid said he wasn't human, so he could be an alien like Teddy. Anyway, this called for an investigation. Tommy grinned to himself as he found something to occupy himself for the entire day.

He followed the kid absentmindedly. Kate had told him about investigation. He tried racking his brain for things to look out for. Billy had outlined some points in identifying dangerous superhumans. But for the life of him, Tommy couldn't remember anything.

"Are you going to come up?" Alexander asked with his face scrunched up irritated.

"Yea sure." Tommy offered a weak smile. The boy had probably already asked him twice. Tommy knew that look well. Kate and Eli gave it to him often when discussing plans.

Alexander navigated through the worn staircase with ease. There were a few holes here and there. It was definitely worn down. Tommy wondered if the place was safe.

"I'm home." Alexander opened the door and gestured for Tommy to come in. He quickly ran to his room. "I brought a friend."

"Holy shit." Tommy gasped as he saw the largest man he'd ever seen. And he'd seen a lot of decked out super humans. But this guy was just enormous. Tommy took an involuntary gulp. The large guy had reddish brown shortly cropped hair. With the addition of a somewhat scruffy beard/growth on his face, the dude looked absolutely menacing.

But it was his body that made Tommy back away instinctively. The guy was only wearing a white shirt, which hugged his large body tightly. The light fabric looked like it would rip with just a little movement. The guy's build was huge. His biceps are probably bigger than Tommy's head. Heck the guy was probably twice if not thrice Tommy's size. He was definitely taller than Captain America. Tommy shifted uneasily. Was this guy a supervillain or a superhero?

The man was reading the paper. He was leaning on the counter. He was dressed casually in a white shirt and blue jeans. He eyed Tommy warily causing the speedster to sweat profusely.

"He's too old to be your classmate boy!" The large man shouted loudly. His voice was deep and stentorian.

"I never said he was. He beat some thugs for me." Alexander came running out with a first aid kit.

"Why the hell would you need help from a scrawny kid like him?" The large man dropped his paper to look at the boy.

Tommy wanted to interject and defend himself. He was not scrawny. But he was still a little apprehensive of the man. And compared to the man, he really was puny.

"I didn't dad. He just interfered. He got cut and you know how fragile humans are." Alexander started sifting through the kit.

"Fine. Why do we even have that anyway?" The large guy walked over and looked at the first aid kit like it was an alien device.

"I needed it for school remember." Alexander got some bandages and handed it to Tommy. He was about to waste a lot of it when Tommy stopped him.

"I can do it." Tommy took over. Being the speedster of the group, Billy had suggested he learn to work as a medic. He would be really useful in rescue missions that way. He bandaged himself neatly.

"Well you can go now Tommy." Alexander not so subtly asked Tommy to leave.

"Uh sure." Tommy eyed the odd pair warily. They didn't look anything like aliens. If anything, Alexander's dad just looked dangerous.

"Boy!" The large guy shouted abruptly.

"What?" Alexander visibly jumped at the large shout.

Tommy prepared to defend himself, entering a defensive position.

"You should be more hospitable towards your guest. Is that any way to treat the one who rescued you?" The large man bellowed.

"But I didn't need his help. I could have taken them out with my powers." Alexander stomped his foot on the ground. They really did act like a father and son.

"Boy! Be grateful he fought those thugs for you. If you used your powers then those thugs would call you a mutant. And then they'd attack again or worse bring us to the authorities of this realm." The large man answered. Somehow, he suddenly had a beer bottle in his hand and drank it.

Alexander looked at his feet like any kid being told off.

"Besides, you should learn to welcome guest with glee. Where's your Greek spirit boy?" The large man laughed with a guttural sound.

"Greek? Oh shit." Tommy looked at the large man again. It couldn't be possible. He could not be standing in the same apartment as Hercules.

"Where are my manners, I am Ares, god of war." Ares held out his hand.

"You're a supervillain!" Tommy blurted out and then suddenly covered his mouth. He was about to bolt but then realized he couldn't leave Alexander.

"Fanboy huh? Well, I'm retired. You're a superhero aren't you boy? Don't lie to me. I can smell you superhumans a mile away." Ares took back his hand and glared at Tommy.

"Y-yes." Tommy stammered horribly. He knew he was too weak to take on a god, especially the god of war.

"Well relax. I'm retired. You can even ask Thor or whoever's training you. Go on, use your phone." Ares said confidently.

"It's okay sir. I think I'll just go on ahead." Tommy didn't know whether Ares was serious or not but he getting out of here was his first priority.

"Nonsense boy! Stay and have dinner. It's the least I can do for helping teach my boy a little sense. What would you like? Food from the far east or fare from the Adriatic?" Ares asked with a grand wave of his arms.

"Far east...?" Tommy said unsure. He didn't know what the hell was Ares blabbing about. But he was too scared to ask.

"Alright. Alexander, we're ordering take out from Fook Yu. Your guest wants Chinese food." Ares called out.

"Take out from Fook Yu?" Tommy scrunched his nose up. He hated that restaurant. Billy and Teddy loved their egg rolls though.

"What did you expect boy? Ambrosia? Get Pizza instead. " Ares pulled Tommy inside and closed the door.

"Hey." Tommy exclaimed as he was manhandled roughly.

"Want a beer?" Ares tossed his in the garbage can and opened the fridge.

"Okay." Tommy was a little scared but he was never one to turn down a good bottle of beer.

"If there's anything good about this time period, it's this." Ares licked his lips and drank the entire bottle.

Tommy chugged his down as well. He was still a little jittery but he wasn't so defensive anymore. Alexander acted like everything was completely normal making Tommy feel a little safer.

The night passed quickly with Ares entertaining them with stories of his various conquests while eating down a slice of greasy pizza. Tommy especially enjoyed the part when Ares fought the Avengers. He was a little apprehensive when Ares recalled how he tried crushing them. But his tone was full of merriment and there wasn't even an ounce of hatred. Plus cheese flew out of Ares' nose, when Tommy made a joke about Hercules' skirt.

"Boy, it's time for bed." Ares commanded as he looked at the clock.

"But I want to hear more." Tommy whined. Ares looked at him funny.

"He was talking to me Tommy." The small blonde said wryly.

"Oops." Tommy blushed and ducked his head in embarrassment.

"Goodnight dad." Alexander yawned and went to his room.

"Now, where were we?" Ares scratched his head.

"You were telling me about the time Hercules forgot to wear his loincloth when you battled over a greenhouse." Tommy snickered as he imagined the hero in his skirt. He had never actually met most of the people in Ares' stories but knew them by face thanks to Vision's hero lectures.

"Ah, that was truly a memorable battle. We were punching our faces to a pulp, when I started sensing feelings of embarrassment and lust instead of the usual fear from the passerby." Ares chuckled. "Hercules sensed it too. We looked down and found multitudes of people staring at us instead of running. It was perplexing."

"What happened next?" Tommy giggled. He caught himself before it got worse. Maybe the beer was getting to him.

"I jumped down and asked one of the old ladies what they found so interesting. The old lady pointed straight up towards Hercules' floppy penis." Ares laughed maniacally.

Tommy joined in as he imagined what was happening.

"I laughed so hard causing everybody to laugh as well. Poor Hercules ran back home as he realized what was happening. That truly was one of my most memorable victories over my half-brother." Ares snickered as he wiped a tear of his eye.

"I can't believe that happened." Tommy laughed till his stomach hurt. When he managed to calm himself, he saw Ares pulling of his shirt.

The man had huge pecs and even bigger nipples. They looked to be the size of quarters. But Tommy wasn't so sure because of the large amount of hair on Ares' chest. Tommy took another gulp of his second beer. He was beginning to feel the all too familiar sensation in his loins.

"Boy, would you know how to fix the damn air-conditioner?" Ares took a bottle of water from the fridge and poured it all over his face. The dark hairs on his chest stayed upright despite the cascading water.

"Nope." Tommy swallowed again. Ares' place was really hot. Tommy just hadn't notice earlier since he was already sweating like crazy from fear.

"Stupid invention. How about you boy? Tell me some of your tales." Ares dropped his jeans and shucked them into a corner. He was left tight white briefs that hugged his ass. He was sweaty, causing the fabric to turn translucent and stick to his ass. Ares magnificent butt was covered in dark hairs. Tommy never saw such a hairy ass in his life.

Tommy however had to gasp as Ares turned around to face him. The white briefs were just as soaked in front. It clung tightly to Ares' massive flaccid cock, which pointed downwards. Covered in dark hairs, Tommy couldn't see Ares' balls. It made all his focus turn to Ares's enormous cock. Why did every fucking superhero have to be well hung?

"Boy? Do you not have any tales of the sort?" Ares grinned as he caught Tommy staring.

"No tales. Sorry." Tommy looked away. He squirmed in the couch as he realized he had been caught staring.

"Well then. Let me tell you the next part of the story with Hercules. With Alexander asleep, I can tell the whole truth." Ares sat beside Tommy. His naked thigh brushed against Tommy's pants.

"There's another part." Tommy stuttered. He knew Ares was watching him. He knew what the man wanted. He had paid attention at least on that part of Greek history. The only question was, did he want to do it with Ares, god of war?

"I followed Hercules to a warehouse. I found him lifting his skirt and trying to find a way to hide his floppy cock." Ares placed his hand discreetly on Tommy's thighs. It started with slow stroking movements.

"What happened next?" Tommy continued on. He needed more time to think this over. He had never done anything with a much older man with the exception of Steve. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to. But then again, Ares was really really hot.

"I approached him and tore of his skirt. I laughed at his naked foolishness. He of course retaliated and tore of my breastplate. We wrestled lightly, focusing more on pinning the other down for ten seconds." Ares' grin grew wider. His cock grew considerably through his see-through underwear.

"Why would you want to do that?" Tommy already had an idea as to where the story was going. He was also coming to a decision about what to do with Ares.

"We use to play a game when we were younger. Whoever gets pinned down has to do something the victor wants. It was usually the same price no matter the winner." Ares licked his lips. His hand rose higher, being just inches away from Tommy's throbbing erection.

"Who won?" Tommy swallowed.

"Ah yes. That day truly was a victory for me. I managed to sit on his face after a hard struggle, claiming victory. I claimed my price on the cold steel floor that day." Ares groped his cock with his free hand. He squeezed the long tube making sure Tommy saw it in its full glory.

"What did you make him do?" Tommy murmured. He was breathing heavily. Ares had just squeezed his thigh and Tommy didn't move away.

"I, as your people would say, fucked the Prince of Power. And let me tell you his howls of pleasure reverberated around the entire city." Ares in one swift motion had placed Tommy on his back. He had the boy's hands pinned over his head. He was right on top of Tommy.

"Ares." Tommy swallowed. He knew this was a bad idea. He should have ran instead of making a decision. Even if he did decided to sleep with Ares, he did not want to be raped by the huge man.

"I've decided on a prize for you boy." Ares said huskily. He bent his head lower, breathing on Tommy's neck.

"What prize?" Tommy shivered as Ares' breath tickled his neck. He could feel Ares' strong hands hold him down. He had no chance of escape.

"The prize for helping Alexander out." Ares' continued huskily. He inhaled deeply, taking in Tommy's scent.

"Oh." Tommy said stupidly. He didn't think getting raped was a prize.

"I'll let you decide how far things go tonight. Whether something will happen or not." Ares stood up, freeing Tommy.

"What?" Tommy sat up in shock. The words not registering clearly on his mind.

"As a prize, I will not have my way with you. Instead, you get to decide what to do. I see desire in your eyes boy. Don't pretend there isn't." Ares grinned. His eyes watching Tommy like a predator on its prey.

"That's my prize?" Tommy asked incredulously.

"Yes. If I were my father, I would have long taken you into my arms and ravaged your body for looking at me so lustfully. But you are my guest and as a testament to my restraint, I shall treat you respectfully." Ares had a sarcastic undertone in his voice. The god was clearly amused.

"You will do anything and only the thing I ask?" Tommy checked to be sure.

"Yes. But you must make your decision now. I will not wait. I have work in the morning." Ares smiled, never once losing his confidence.

"Okay." Tommy looked down at his feet. He wasn't going to get raped, which was a good thing.

"Now then Young Avenger, what is it you wish us to do?" Ares curved lips straightened into a thin line for the first time. If it wasn't for Tommy's guts, he would have run out by now.

"I want you to fuck me. Without killing me." Tommy looked Ares straight in the eye. Now that he established Ares wasn't dangerous, he wanted to know what it was like to get fucked by a different man. He added the last part just to make sure he was alive at the end of this adventure. Ares was after all, a god in ways more then one.

"Good answer boy." Ares' smile grew wide. He released Tommy's hands. He slipped his large hand under Tommy's shirt, grazing the boy's hard abs.

"Wait." Tommy blurted out suddenly. Ares' hands were thick and rough. It sent chills up his spine as he felt the first time.

"What is it boy?" Ares' growled. He moved his face right in front of Tommy's, their eyes locking on to each other's immediately.

"I..uhm." Tommy swallowed, more than a little afraid. Ares' dark brown eyes felt like they were staring straight into Tommy's soul.

"Spit it out boy." Ares' said brashly. His lips had formed a thin line. Tommy could feel the man's patience wear thin.

"Shouldn't we move to your bedroom? What if Alexander catches us?" Tommy stammered. He didn't realize it, but he had placed his hands on Ares' shoulders.

"If Alexander comes in, he will see what it is to become a man. I am not a patient man." Ares said huskily. He pulled Tommy's shirt up forcibly.

"Oww." Tommy pouted as his hands were pulled up against his will. Ares was very intimidating. Suddenly he felt Ares' hot breath on his chest.

Ares wasted no time. Once Tommy's shirt was on the floor, he started licking the boy's smooth tight body. He started from Tommy's chest and then traveled to the perky pink nipples before licking the well-defined ridges of Tommy's abs.

Tommy whimpered as the wet tongue touched his sensitive spots. He didn't expect Ares to be so intimate a partner. The man was good. Tommy had to close his eyes from the pleasure.

"You have a fine body boy. I did not expect to find such fine musculature on one so young." Ares whispered suddenly on Tommy's ear. His beard grazed Tommy's cheek.

"Thanks." Tommy answered shyly. Ares was surprising him on so many levels. Another surprise came in when the gruff man suddenly kissed him, hard.

Ares was everything but tender. The man's warm tongue was immediately trying to pull Tommy's lips apart. It pushed past Tommy's initial resistance, exploring the mouth eagerly. It wrestled Tommy's tongue, actively tasting the youth.

Tommy succumbed to the pleasure, realizing it was futile to resist. He wrapped his hands all over Ares' head. It was hard and rough, exactly like the man. He could feel the man's beard scratch his chin as they kissed passionately.

"Lift your buttocks." While Tommy was distracted, Ares was busily unbuttoning Tommy's pants.

Tommy complied breathlessly. He was panting heavily from the heated kiss. He looked at Ares was watching him lustily. The man's gaze was on Tommy's low-waist blue briefs.

"You Americans make everything sexier." Ares chuckled. He nuzzled Tommy's cheek before kissing him again. He pressed their packages together, groaning as his hard cock grinded against Tommy's.

Tommy decided Ares, despite being gruff and savage, was way too talkative during sex. He pulled the large man down onto his mouth. He wrapped his hands around Ares' muscular neck.

He felt Ares' rough hands slip into the waistband of his briefs. The large hands groped his butt squeezing them. He heard Ares grunt in approval at the firmness of Tommy's butt.

Tommy moved his hands lower. He wanted to explore the rock hard muscles he had been admiring the entire night. He moved from Ares' neck down to his back. He trailed his hands all over the wide expanse, feeling each and every hard sweaty muscle. It was endless.

Ares left Tommy's left and kissed his way along Tommy's jaw. He nipped Tommy's earlobe.

Tommy squirmed as he felt the hot breath tickle the inside of his ear. The gruff beard also grazed the side of his ears. Somehow, Tommy felt like he was in the arms of wild rabid wolf.

"You're tickling me." Tommy whispered. It was hard to focus when he was stuck between giggling and panting.

Ares ignored him or didn't listen. His hands left Tommy's ass and went to the teen's sides. He started tickling Tommy, causing the boy to thrash wildly.

"Hey!" Tommy stifled his laughter awkwardly. Ares had definitely heard him. His crotch pushed against Ares' hard package. Tommy would have groaned at the hot contact if he weren't giggling so oddly.

"Better boy? You're to stiff." Ares stopped and whispered huskily.

"What do you mean?" Tommy pouted after he had calmed down.

"I have not touched a boy in decades and even I know when they are distracted." Ares looked straight into Tommy's eyes.

"Oh." Tommy swallowed.

"Make no mistake, by the end of tonight, I will ravish you. The only difference will be whether you enjoy it or not." Ares tone was neither playful nor threatening.

"I'm just a little afraid you're going to eat me." Tommy answered quickly. Ares was so feral and dangerous, Tommy had to admit he was still a little scared.

"Eat you? I will definitely have you tonight." Ares deep voice bellowed in laughter. It was a rich deep baritone that shook Tommy with each note.

Tommy smiled awkwardly.

"Come here boy." Ares took Tommy's chin with his hand. He pulled Tommy close for a tender kiss. Their lips pressed together softly.

Tommy then felt Ares take his hand and guide it to the god's massive chest. His hand recoiled as he felt the rough hairs at his fingertips. Ares slowly pulled it close to his chest. Tommy felt Ares heart beat rhythmically. It was slow, calm and steady.

"Right now, I am just a man just like you." Ares said uncharacteristically softly. Ares kept Tommy's hand there until Tommy started relaxing. For the first time that night, Tommy's heart slowed down.

"Where did you learn that?" Tommy blushed. The feeling of Ares heart was amazing.

"I have seduced many boys with much more finesse." Ares grinned evilly.

"You tricked me." Tommy heard himself laughing. What did he expect from a Greek god. He wrapped his arms around Ares' neck and took the lead for the first time.

Ares grabbed Tommy's butt and lifted him up. He kicked his door down and entered his room.

Tommy made a mental note to check his weight later. Every single person he had sex with seemed to be able to lift him like a feather. Ares was only using one hand. Tommy tried kissing Ares into distraction but the man's arm didn't falter.

Ares laid Tommy on the bed gently. He then went to the closet and began looking for something.

Tommy took the break to collect himself. He was breathing heavily. Ares was a very good kisser. He felt his neck as he felt an odd heat on his skin. He realized they were hickeys as he felt the small indents. Ares was so wild. Tommy sat up and looked Ares back.

The large god of war was bent over. He was rummaging through a very dilapidated closet earnestly looking for something. This allowed Tommy to freely admire Ares' body without distraction for the first time that night.

Tommy didn't know when he started enjoying the male body but he wasn't going to miss a perfect opportunity to satisfy his newfound curiosity.

Ares' thighs were enormous. Even without flexing them, each muscle was prominent through the dense hair. They were so thick they almost looked like tree trunks. Tommy was however more preoccupied with Ares' ass. Somehow, during their intense make out, Tommy had pulled Ares' underwear under his ass. It gave Tommy the perfect view of the two hairy mounds. Each globe was perfectly round and covered in a thick layer of fur.

Before he realized it, Tommy was on his knees, his face just inches away from the meaty flesh. He stopped his hands from touching it. Ares hadn't realized he was there. Taking a leap of faith, Tommy took the mounds in his hands. The touch was electrifying. Although they were round, once Tommy squeezed, he could feel the taut muscles hidden beneath the flesh. It was hard. It reminded Tommy of perfect butts of the Greek sculptures.

"You like that boy?" Ares growled startling Tommy. He flexed his ass, causing it the muscles to bulge out. "Go on, touch it."

Tommy placed his hands against the hard glutes. They were so tight. He pulled them apart exposing the brown asshole. Like everything else, it was smothered with hair. He could smell a rank odor emanate from the hole.

"Come on boy. What else are you going to do?" Ares goaded Tommy. He nodded at Tommy.

The speedster didn't need any more approval. He pulled Ares' hard ass apart and dove in. A powerful rank odor quickly filled his nostrils. It was mind-blowing. Ares' scent was wild and untamed like him. It held a strong musty flavor that Tommy could only describe as savage.

"Yes, stick your tongue deep." Ares groaned in pleasure. He pushed the back of Tommy's head into hole.

Tommy stuck out his tongue, touching Ares anus. One taste was all Tommy needed. He started pushing the tight hole open. His tongue pushed in easily. Tommy sucked on the brown pucker. He wiggled his tongue around exploring the insides of a god.

His hands wandered around the god's midsection. Eventually they come out at the front. Tommy found the large meaty tube he had forgotten. To his surprise, it wasn't fully hard yet. Tommy pulled his head out of the furry ass.

Ares turned around and grinned at the boy on his knees.

Tommy stood up and gave Ares a quick kiss. He then went lower and felt the man's hard chest. The thick hairs were hard and rough in stark contrast to Captain America's soft and light chest hairs. Tommy didn't know which he liked better. His hands continued to roam the expansive space before finally settling on Ares' hard nipples. He took the nub into his mouth and flicked it.

Ares growled in pleasure. He placed his hand on Tommy's shoulder and pushed the boy on his knees.

Tommy grabbed Ares' gluts and squeezed them. He rubbed his face against the see through soaked briefs. The large cock in front of him was hot against his cheek. He mouthed the long tube, tasting a little sweat along the way.

"Arghh..." Ares suddenly cried out. He ripped his white briefs causing his cock to bounce free. It slapped Tommy's face before stabilizing into a half erect state.

Tommy licked his lips. Although a little startled, he wanted the large cock. He opened his mouth and swallowed the soft head. The organ slowly began to expand in his mouth. While it wasn't that hard, he could get most of it inside.

"Oh yeah." Ares groaned. He started stroking Tommy's head, matching his rhythm with his own breathing.

Tommy pulled away and started licking along the length of the shaft. It was amazing how the cock grew in size dramatically. In no time, it was standing erect pointing to the ceiling.

"You are no neophyte boy. Only a few men and women dare take my mighty phallus in their mouths." Ares moaned as Tommy slowly engulfed his large tool.

Tommy smiled to himself. Ares was huge by all accounts. He wasn't sure if Cap was bigger but the experience with the All American Hero taught him to easily take Ares. He swirled his tongue over the throbbing cock head. It delivered a copious amount of precum, which leaked out of Tommy's mouth.

"By Olympus, how are you taking it all? Ugh!" Ares growled. His grasp on Tommy was tighter. The boy had taken to deep-throating him.

Tommy took the entire length in his mouth. The large organ stretched his throat wide. It felt so good sucking down such a huge piece. He started humming as the cock head entered his throat. Ares squirmed under his technique, moaning curses in Greek.

"Where did you, ugh." Ares grabbed Tommy by the ears. He then started to pull his cock in and pout of the speedster. He tried slowing down but his speed was picking up fast as he fucked Tommy's throat raw.

"Fuck." Tommy pulled out. There was a spit trail that connected his mouth to Ares' cock. He needed time to breath. He stroked the large cock with two hands and looked up at Ares.

The minute their eyes met, Tommy found himself being lifted by his armpits. Ares moved quickly. Tommy's face was immediately buried in Ares' hairy chest. He felt an arm snake around his waist. Instinctively he wrapped his legs around Ares body. The next thing Tommy knew: he was on his back resting on the bed. Ares was towering over him with a flask in hand.

"What's that?" Tommy watched wide-eyed as a clear sparkling fluid descended from the container into his body. It felt cold.

"Something only the god's have." Ares threw the flash behind him and began rubbing the clear liquid all over Tommy's body. It made the boy's skin shine with silky sheen.

"Oh fuck what's happening?" Tommy groaned as his body began to tingle. The Olympian lubricant was making his whole body surge with feeling. It felt like fire prickling his skin and then like a cold breath blowing gently. It caused Tommy to squirm under Ares' touches.

"Yes boy, enjoy it. Only the very best lovers get a glimpse of ambrosia." Ares then took Tommy's throbbing dick into his mouth.

Tommy cried out in pleasure as Ares' sucking was intensified by the magical oil. He grabbed the man's head for support. It felt so good.

"Your juices are sweet like honey. Fitting for a body so fine and sleek." Ares caressed Tommy's body tracing his fingers across Tommy's slender form. He the continued sucking on Tommy's cock.

Tommy thrashed even further as he felt Ares slip a finger inside his ass. He clenched his butt muscles tightly, squeezing the large digit. The oil had lubricated his ass but had somehow made him clench tighter.

"So tight. It almost feels like you're a virgin." Ares licked his lips. He dragged his tongue from Tommy's dick all they way to his cute nipples. The god of war flicked them briefly playing with hardened nubs.

Tommy arched his back as Ares pinched his sensitive nipples. The man's talented fingers were wonders on both his ass and nipples. Tommy closed his eyes from the immense pleasure. All the sensations were being heightened to superhuman levels.

Then Ares' lips descended on Tommy's own. The feel of warm moist lips sent Tommy head into overdrive. He wrapped his arms around the back of Ares' head, pulling the man into a deep kiss. His tongue found Ares' own. He kissed the rugged man until he was breathless.

"Boy, you do not realize what you have unleashed upon yourself." Ares said huskily. His rock hard cock bounced angrily. He pressed his finger on Tommy's prostate, making the boy tremble under his finger. He pulled out and aimed his cock at Tommy's tight entrance.

"Argh!" Tommy yelped out as Ares thrust in him. The oil had done its job. Tommy felt the large blunt head push apart his insides. The Olympian lubricant not only heightened the pleasure but it also numbed the pain. Tommy groaned as Ares buried his huge cock into Tommy's ass.

"By the twelve Olympians I swear, I have never fucked a boy so tight." Ares growled into the night. He thrust his cock fast and hard at Tommy's small hole stretching it wide.

Tommy grabbed the headboard behind him as Ares pounded furiously into his ass. The man was merciless. It felt so rough and so good. Tommy tried to control it but it was too overwhelming. With a loud cry, his dick pulsed and he orgasmed.

Tommy felt Ares plunge deep into his body as his ass muscles clenched around Ares' savage cock. His entire body arched forward as the volleys of cum left his dick. He saw stars as he had his most intense orgasm. Spent, he dropped back on the bed with Ares' still hard cock deep inside.

He panted heavily. His mind was beginning to clear up. He began to wonder why Ares had stopped. He knew the god hadn't even finished. He looked up at the fierce brown eyes for an answer.

"I had expected you to climax the minute I put your penis in my mouth. Most boys cannot control themselves with a taste of Ambrosia. But you my boy managed to hold on." Ares grinned proudly. He caressed Tommy's cheek with the back of his hand. "I will give you a moment's respite less I break your beautiful body."

"Okay." Tommy murmured. At least Ares was aroused. Tommy had noticed the god of war to be very vocal during sex. He felt the large god move. The break was shorter than he expected.

"I can wait no longer. I will have my way with you until the night is done." Ares said lasciviously. He grabbed Tommy's ankles and spread them apart. He groaned as he pulled his cock out and slammed it back in.

Despite having just cummed, Tommy was feeling his erection returning. Ares huge cock was grazing along his sensitive prostate hitting the spot. Coupled with Ares' loud grunts and his fierce thrusting, Tommy was fully erect in no time.

"I see you are enjoying this as much as I do. Your ass is truly a wonder." Ares moaned as sweat dropped from his forehead.

"Aww fuck." Tommy threw his head back in pleasure. He could feel Ares large balls slap against his ass. It felt like the huge cock was trying to split him apart. It felt so good.

Ares bent forward and kissed Tommy on the lips. His hips continued to mercilessly pound Tommy's ass. His pace grew faster when Tommy moaned into their lip lock.

Suddenly Ares pulled his cock out of Tommy's ass in one quick motion. Tommy groaned at the sudden feeling of emptiness. His asshole quivered at the unfilled void.

Ares flipped Tommy on his knees. He then buried his cock back into the willing boy. The god of war growled as he plowed Tommy's ass with his raging phallus.

"Ares!" Tommy screamed as he was completely filled. The man's endowment was hitting everything inside him.

"Yes boy. Take it deep." Ares slapped Tommy's ass. His hips moved furiously, pounding the boy's lean body.

Tommy was feeling his second orgasm being pumped out of him, and by the way Ares was moving, the man wasn't even close. Tommy couldn't allow that.

"Cum for me boy. Don't resist the god of war. You are so tight" Ares pulled his cock out further, making longer thrusts into Tommy's ass.

Tommy was running out of time. Throwing all caution to the wind, he started vibrating his entire body. He was determined to bring Ares to orgasm with him.

"What in great Zeus' name! Fuck." Ares yelled loudly as Tommy started buzzing in front of him.

Tommy grinned devilishly as he heard Ares groan in pleasure. Suddenly the large man hunkered over him. He felt Ares' chest hair graze his smooth back. The full contact of his hair on Tommy' skin made Tommy shiver in pleasure.

Tommy vibrated faster and Ares fucked harder. Tommy could feel the cum start to rise from his balls. The way Ares was fucking his prostate ensured he wouldn't last long. He tried holding off just a bit longer.

Tommy's gamble paid off. He suddenly felt large hairy arms wrap around his body. Ares plunged his large cock deep into Tommy's ass. With a loud guttural growl, Tommy felt the enormous cock pulse and then fill his ass with cum.

The deluge of semen in his ass drove Tommy over the edge. His entire body stiffened as his cock shot its second load that night. His ass clenched involuntarily milking Ares' already pulsing cock.

Tommy dropped on the bed as his orgasm subsided. Ares came down with him. Breathing hard, Tommy couldn't help but be proud at having the god of war at his mercy. Even though his ass was feeling tender and his body sore, it was worth it.

"Fuck boy, what did you do to me?" Ares whispered into Tommy's ear. His still hard cock bounced inside Tommy, catching the boy's attention.

"I made you cum." Tommy moaned proudly. Ares was leisurely sliding his ever-hard cock in and out of Tommy's very sensitive ass.

"I know but how? I've never lost control with a mortal before." Ares suddenly pulled his finger off of Tommy's crotch. The speedster didn't even realize the god of war had placed his hand there until he removed it.

"That's my little secret." Tommy murmured slyly. It was starting to get increasingly difficult to maintain his coyness as Ares continued to fuck him slowly. The man hadn't even gone soft.

"Then I'll just have to find out." Ares said with a powerful thrust. His large body rose of Tommy's.

"Don't you ever get tired?" Tommy groaned. Even though Tommy was at his physical limits, being with Ares felt so good he couldn't deny the god. He could feel the larger men staring down at his body with lusty eyes. He turned his head to face the powerful god.

"Let me tell you a little secret. Greek gods do not need a recovery period to indulge in carnal pleasures." Ares laughed. He licked Tommy's cum off his fingers. "Tasty, just the way I like it."

"Oh my god." Tommy moaned. Ares looked absolutely ravenous. Tommy felt himself tremble at the sight of the monster of a man wanting to fuck him. It was exciting.

"Exactly." Ares grunted as he impaled Tommy with his divine cock.

Tommy woke up the next morning. The first thing he realized was how relaxed he felt. He wasn't sore at all. In fact, he felt absolutely great. He clenched his asshole. It was tight and not loose. A surprising fact considering Ares must have at least fucked him six times last night, never once leaving his asshole unoccupied. He was more sore after sessions with Cap.

Ares had more than lived up to Tommy's expectations. Ares had probably fucked an entire week's worth of cum out of Tommy. The all too familiar pain in his side when he over masturbated was making its presence known. He didn't know anybody could have so much sex in one night.

Was it all a dream? The semen leaking down his ass was proof of what happened last night. As relaxed as he felt, he was all sticky. He sat up and saw the slumbering god beside him. Even asleep, Ares looked feral.

Tommy scanned Ares glorious body. The statues did him no justice. Ares was far more superior than any marble carving. So superior in fact, that Tommy couldn't resist touching the sleeping figure.

He knew the man was already awake. If Ares wanted to act asleep, he wouldn't stop him. Tommy twirled the rough chest hair with his fingertips. He had never seen someone with such a fine coat. He didn't realize how sexy body hair could be.

Eventually his eyes settled on Ares flaccid cock. He realized he wasn't truly fully able to enjoy the massive organ last night. Between the heavenly oil and Ares' impatience, Tommy wasn't able to fully examine the large appendage. He would have to rectify the situation.

He stretched forward, placing his face in front of Ares' cock. He held the meaty tube in his hands. Even flaccid, it was heavy. He moved it away so he could place his nose on Ares' bare flesh. He inhaled the god of war's scent. It was just as powerful if not a little more musty than before.

And then he saw the large balls Ares' possessed. Tommy realized he had completely ignored the precious organs last night. He rolled them in his fingers. Surprisingly, Ares suddenly moved at the touch. But the man's eyes remained closed.

Tommy smiled. The god didn't want to disturb his exploration. Tommy took one round testicle in his mouth. He could taste Ares' musky sweat. It was divine. He rolled the hefty ball with his tongue.

"That's it boy. Play with my balls." Ares placed his hand on Tommy's head.

Tommy almost groaned in disappointment. Ares was going to vocalize again. Deciding to ignore the god, Tommy took the other ball into his mouth. He was fascinated with the various hairs covering the sack.

He heard Ares say something with his overly proper-sounding English. He blocked it out. Finishing with Ares' testicles, Tommy went to Ares floppy cock. It was exciting seeing it at a half its full size. With Cap and Eli, the penis was always erect.

Tommy played with soft tube, marveling at its softness. He gave the soft head a lick. It had dried semen all over it. He took the entire thing in his mouth, bathing it in his spit.

Ares was stroking Tommy's head leisurely. The man was continuing to spout nonsense. Tommy didn't bother listening. Soon he felt the soft mass in his mouth begin to harden. He spat it out and slowly started to jack it off.

Tommy squeezed the growing shaft, marveling at its new rigidity. It was so annoying how everyone he met was so well endowed. The fact was now staring him at the face. To be honest, Tommy liked that fact.

He took the swollen head into his mouth. Although his lips were stretched, there was just something so exciting about having such a strong piece in his mouth. Tommy slowly started swallowing more and more of the large cock. It was like an achievement to be able to take the superhuman dimensions of the enormous phallus.

Ares grunted his approval of Tommy's actions. It was obvious the man was enjoying Tommy. He grunted poetic and dirty words of praise.

Tommy began bobbing his head up and down the long shaft. He would bring the experienced god to orgasm without cumming himself. He started hurrying. Ares was starting to explore his body. Soon the large man would want to fuck him and Tommy was defenseless against the huge cock. He needed to get one load out of Ares.

But Ares had built up his endurance over the years. He rubbed Tommy's body leisurely. His hands finally rested on Tommy's ass.

Tommy deep-throated the god. But his efforts were futile. He felt Ares' fingers prod the outside of his anus. Tommy spit out the cock and moaned in pleasure. His asshole was still slick with the god's seed. One touch of Ares fingertip was all Tommy needed to remember how filled his asshole was.

Ares slowly started spreading Tommy's ass apart. The pink hole quivered as it was exposed to the cold air.

Tommy shivered, as he couldn't prevent a dollop of Ares' cum escape from his ass. The warn drop trailed down the valley between Tommy's ass cheeks and onto his balls.

"I knew no mere boy could contain my godly seed." Ares chuckled. He slapped Tommy's ass hard. The butt cheek turned red in the shape of Ares' hand.

"Will you shut up?" Tommy said irately. He didn't need to hear the insanely sexy gruff voice. It was already so hard to keep from melting into Ares' arms. Fine, he admitted it. Ares did not only have a ridiculously ripped body, the man also possessed the sexiest rough voice Tommy's ever heard.

"As you wish." Ares grinned. He then licked the escaped cum drop from Tommy's balls. He ran his tongue all the way up to Tommy's ass. There, he stuck the warm appendage deep into Tommy's anus.

"Oh god!" Tommy arched his back in pleasure. The tongue was wildly cleaning his asshole. It moved so rapidly, touching everything. He could feel the semen being sucked away.

Ares slowly pushed in one finger into the winking hole. Tommy's entire body stiffened at the sudden invasion. He stopped sucking on Ares' cock and held his breath as the divine digit pushed his insides. With a flick of his finger, Ares made Tommy moan in pleasure.

"Fuck me Ares." Tommy blurted out. He pushed his ass back against Ares finger, forcing the digit to graze his pleasure spot.

"Aren't we a little demanding boy? I want you to beg." Ares said playfully. He pulled his finger out of Tommy's ass. He circled the puckered hole teasingly.

"I wont beg. I'd rather fuck myself." Tommy bent over and stuck his own finger up his ass. He would never let Ares have the satisfaction of claiming victory.

"By the gods, you're an obstinate one aren't you. Get over here." Ares grabbed Tommy's ass and placed the boy over his cock. He held the long shaft at its base. It stood up rigidly.

"Oh god, it filling me up." Tommy groaned. It felt like he was being stretched all over again from scratch. He hated how Ares was rubbing off on him.

"Exactly boy. I am your god." Ares chuckled He rubbed Tommy's thigh, coaxing the boy to take more of his cock.

"Shut up." Tommy retorted. He closed his eyes as he felt his ass hit Ares' balls. He took the whole thing.

"Insolent child! I will punish you for your disrespect." Ares grabbed Tommy's hip and started undulating his hips. He fucked the boy hard.

"Fuck me you stupid bear." Tommy yelled loudly as he bobbed up and down the large cock. Eventually he lost balance and fell forward.

Ares wrapped his arms around Tommy and kissed the boy savagely. He continued relentless pounding on the boy's slick asshole.

Tommy couldn't control himself. With a loud muffled cry, his entire body spasmed as he came. His erupted as it was squeezed between his and Ares' abs. The shot reached his chin and dribbled out to cover Ares' abs.

"Oh yes boy. Squeeze my Olympian phallus. You are so tight. I'm cumming!" Ares growled hoarsely as Tommy clamped down on his cock. He plunged deep into Tommy's ass, filling it with his seed.

Surprisingly, Ares didn't continue fucking Tommy. They just lay there comfortably. Tommy was almost about to fall asleep on the large bear of a men.

"As much as I'd like to stay like this, I have work boy." Ares rubbed Tommy's back and then pushed him off.

"What? I though you were a retired supervillain?" Tommy felt his body tense up. Did he just sleep with the enemy?

"I have given fighting your heroes and meddling in your affairs years ago." Ares answered as he stood up. Tommy wondered as he looked at Ares ass, how somebody could get a butt so bubbly yet muscular at the same time.

"Then what job?" Tommy continued to ogle the god. It was a little funny to imagine the god of war acting so domesticated. He laughed as he pictured Ares trying to stuff his large hairy chest into a pristine white polo.

"I work at construction." Ares answered quickly. He stuffed his package into tight little briefs that somehow made everything seem bigger. Tommy never liked briefs. They were so old looking. But when Are or Captain America wore them, they looked so sexy.

"As a foreman?" Tommy giggled as he imagined Ares shouting Greek curses at the unsuspecting laborers. Somehow, it fit the Greek God.

"No as a simple laborer." Ares hoisted his back up. He looked completely ready for work.

"No way." Tommy's jaw dropped. Ares, god of war, would never stoop so low as to the manual labor.

"I do not have time to convince you boy. I might get fired for being late." Ares licked Tommy's face which was covered in cum.

"How much do you make?" Tommy laughed as he realized Ares was telling the truth.

"About $44/hour. You can stay as long as you like boy. In fact I would not mind if I find you in my bed tonight." Ares suggested. The glint in his eyes made Tommy's ass quiver.

"I have to go to school." Tommy lied. He needed to get home. He realized he hadn't told Cap anything about staying at a friend's place. He wondered if Steve would even notice his absence.

"Lock the door when you leave. I cannot afford to have anything stolen." Ares winked.

"Anything else?" Tommy dropped down on Ares' pillow. He felt his ass leak semen. He should really take a bath.

"I enjoyed last night. You're welcome to visit anytime you want." Ares grinned and left.

Tommy just grinned back.

A/N: Ares and Tommy! I actually have no idea how this can possibly work. I saw some fanart with Tommy and Ares so I decided to give it a shot. Ares makes a really hunky bear. I enjoyed writing Tommy being sarcastic and witty at this part. Next chapter will either be about Eli, I've been ignoring him, or a threesome. Hope you continue reading.

Next: Chapter 21

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