Captain America and the Young Avengers

By Pikachu MOn

Published on Jun 5, 2010


DISCALIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. All the characters depicted in story belong to and are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and its subsidiaries. I am in no way related to the company and have no ownership over the characters. This is fan made work. This story depicts males in sexual situations, just so you know. Thank you.

A/N: This is going to be a series with Captain America and the Young Avengers. (who are owned by Marvel not me) Please feel free to comment and offer constructive criticisms. I want to improve as a writer. And lastly enjoy.

Captain America and the Young Avengers: Chapter 18

Tommy woke up with a start. He groaned as he opened his eyes. His entire body was sore. He usually felt like this right after a huge crisis. He didn't want to move. He just wanted to lie down on his hard and warm bed.

Hard and warm? He blinked twice as he saw huge pecs right in front of his face. Then he felt his ass throb around something large and hard. He groaned. It was the morning after being fucked by Captain America.

He squeezed his ass. He shivered as his body tightened around Cap's cock. He groaned as he realized it was still as hard as a rock. Cap was still asleep. His cock however felt very much awake.

Tommy was somewhat annoyed realizing how good Steve was making him feel, even if the man was asleep. He dropped his head on Cap's chest. Steve was sleeping soundly, his heart beating in slow rhythm.

Tommy closed his eyes. It was nice listening quietly. Maybe he could fall asleep again. Then Cap's cock jerked suddenly, making Tommy squeal in surprise. He groaned as pleasure surged through his body. So much for sleeping.


Tommy whipped his head to the source of the sound. Only then did he remember Eli. His leader was slowly stirring to wakefulness. Eli was sleeping in his stomach, leaving his hard butt for Tommy to see. There was a white drop of cum leaking down on Eli's ass. It held a stark contrast to Eli's smooth dark skin.

"Awww fuck." Eli pushed himself up. Tommy could tell the boy was feeling just as sore as he was. Eli visibly shivered as the pearly drop fell from his ass.

Tommy quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. The mere thought of having to explain to Eli why he had Cap's enormous cock in his ass was just too much of an awkward scene.

"Cap" Eli lifted his head and looked around woozily. Tommy heard him approach and then nothing. Suddenly Cap's cock jerked again and Tommy couldn't help himself from moaning.

Tommy turned his head to look at Cap's large cock. Eli was licking the exposed root just inches away from Tommy's ass. It was no wonder the cock kept throbbing.

"Fuck, Eli stop that!" Tommy bellowed. The way Cap's cock jerked made him go crazy with pleasure. He couldn't pretend to be asleep at that rate.

"So you were awake." Eli smiled snidely. He gave Cap's cock another lick just to elicit a moan from Tommy.

"Fine you caught me, now stop that. You're going to wake Cap." Tommy answered in defeat.

"Or make you cum. Your loud moaning is going to wake him before I ever could." Eli folded his arms and glared at Tommy.

"Still you fault." Tommy stuck out his tongue, even though he was facing away from Eli. He was already as hard as a rock with just a few jerks of Cap's cock.

"Whatever. Get off of him." Eli pushed Tommy off.

"Hey be gentle. It feels funny when you do that." Tommy replied angrily. He did not want to cum yet. He wanted to save it for later with Steve.

"Hurry up. You hogged him all night. It's my turn now." Eli rushed Tommy revealing his true intentions.

"Stop whining and help me here." Tommy ceded to Eli's request. He needed a break anyway.

"I'll hold Cap's cock in place. Fuck, how'd we fit this in our butts?" Eli sidetracked as he wrapped his fingers around the bas of the huge organ. His fingers couldn't meet.

"Eli, focus!" Tommy berated his leader. He didn't need a vocal reminder of Cap's size; he was feeling it inside him enough.

"Sorry. I'll hold it in place while you pull out." Eli said apologetically. He watched in fascination as Tommy slowly pulled himself off the menacing member.

"Fuck this feels so amazing." Tommy whispered in pleasurable agony as Cap's rigid shaft slid against the walls of his stretched ass.

"You're out." Eli announced as Cap's cock left Tommy's ass with an audible pop. Eli licked his lips as he saw a drop of Cap's semen almost escape Tommy's ass. The speedster clenched his ass before it slipped out.

"Fuck. What did you do with Cap's load?" Tommy whispered. He didn't really think about it before. But now that Cap's cock wasn't there to plug his ass, nothing was preventing the cum from leaking out.

"It-its still inside." Eli stuttered as he realized he had been clenching the whole time. He didn't want to let Cap's cum fall to the floor. It didn't seem appropriate.

"So what do we do?" Tommy asked. He stood up and got off the bed. He was still clenching his ass, making sure nothing leaked out. It felt so odd being filled with semen.

"I can't let it go to waste. Stand over me." Eli commanded.

"What?" Tommy covered his dick and balls instinctively. He looked in surprise as Eli lay down on the floor.

"Stand over and let the cum fall. I'll catch it with my mouth so it doesn't go to waste." Eli explained. He didn't know why it was so important for him not to waste Cap's cum.

"Fuck this is crazy." Tommy stood over Eli's face. He saw the whole scene in the mirror. It looked so fucking perverse.

"Squat down lower. You might miss." Eli ogled Tommy's asshole. It looked so small Eli almost wouldn't believe Cap got his thick cock up there if he didn't see it.

"This so gross." Tommy whined as he squatted down lower. It looked like he was taking a dump on Eli's face. Despite the somewhat disgusting scene, Tommy dick was rock hard.

"Okay, I'm ready." Eli looked at Tommy's hole with fascination. He had never ever been attracted to Tommy before. But the speedster's hole was drawing him in. He almost wanted suck the semen out himself.

"This is so wrong." Tommy bemoaned. He grabbed his balls and dicks and lowered his ass even further, leaving his hole just inches away from Eli's face.

"Just get on with it." Eli ordered irately. He craned his neck up to decrease the distance. He could already smell Cap's semen and Tommy' ass.

"There, I'm unclenching." Tommy shivered as some of the cum leaked out. He tried pulling his ass apart.

"You have to squeeze it out." Eli told the speedster after receiving only a few drops. He wanted more. He was growing impatient.

"Fuck, there it goes." Tommy squeezed out. He groaned as he felt his body expel Steve's cum. He closed his eyes and shivered as the warm sticky liquid left his ass.

Eli watched the white glob of cum emerge from Tommy's ass. It dropped slowly allowing Eli to catch it with his mouth. Before he could swallow, more blobs of cum emerged from Tommy's ass forcing Eli to leave his mouth hanging open to accept the free falling sperm.

"I think that's it." Tommy shivered unintentionally. He stood off Eli and looked at him with curiosity. Eli's mouth had traces of cum which were promptly licked away. Despite the fact that the semen came from Tommy's ass, Tommy couldn't help stroke his dick at the sight of Eli swallowing it.

"Mmmm..." Eli played with huge load in his mouth first. It was definitely Cap's semen. The volume and texture were eerily similar as if he had taken the load directly from Cap's cock. The taste however was a little dirtier or so it seemed to Eli. He didn't know if he liked the seemingly rank flavor.

"How was it?" Tommy asked intently. Seeing Eli lick his lips and swallow made Tommy want to try as well. He just wasn't sure if he could. He didn't know how to ask for it either.

"I don't know." Eli said honestly. The experience sort of weirded him out as he thought the whole thing through. Nevertheless, his cock was still steel hard and demanded him to stroke it.

"You have to tell me more." Tommy shouted angrily. 'I don't know' didn't tell Tommy anything.

"I don't know okay. I can't describe it." Eli answered back with the same ferocity. He looked straight into Tommy's bright green eyes.

"You have to give me something to work with! How was it? What did it taste like?" Tommy asked exasperatedly. He needed something to work with. The whole thing was so inappropriate and wild. Tommy would not be satisfied by an 'I don't know'. Suddenly Eli did the unthinkable.

Eli kissed Tommy. Tommy eye's widened in shock. He couldn't respond, so much so that Eli's tongue parted the speedster's lips without any resistance, allowing him to enter Tommy's mouth. Tommy closed his eyes as Eli's tongue explored his mouth. He stopped trying to think and just let things happen. They kissed passionately with Tommy soon returning some of the action until Eli suddenly pulled away.

Tommy turned away immediately once he realized what had just happened. Eli kissed him on the lips. This was all too overwhelming for him. He just kissed, no sucked face with the bossiest teen in the world, a kiss that was just between them, with no Captain America involved. It sort f made sense to kiss Steve, but Eli was a whole different ordeal. Tommy could feel his heart threaten to beat out of his chest. This was so wrong on so many levels.

"That's how it tastes like." Eli murmured timidly. He was just as frazzled as Tommy, offering the explanation as justification. He didn't know what possessed him to kiss Tommy. He didn't even like the speedster personally. He didn't hate Tommy but saying he liked Tommy even as a friend was a stretch.

"What?" Tommy looked at Eli. The boy was just as red as Tommy felt his face was. Clearly, they had been both affected by the kiss.

"You wanted to know how it tasted like so I let you have a taste." Eli repeated again. He himself wasn't so sure but it was the only explanation he could offer. It seemed to justify the kiss.

"Okay." Tommy answered back. It sort of made sense. He accepted the claim and pushed all the other thoughts to the back of his head.

"We never did that. We clear?" Eli murmured inaudibly.

"Okay." Tommy answered back just as timidly.

"Okay then." Eli looked away.

Silence filled the air for a while, with both teens not knowing what to do.

"Your turn." Tommy suddenly said.

"What?" Eli turned and face Tommy.

"Your turn." Tommy repeated again. Not understanding Eli's confusion.

"My turn for what?" Eli asked again. He was sort of happy he was feeling annoyed again at Tommy's antics.

"You know, getting rid of Cap's load in your ass." Tommy looked away and blushed again. He did not want to say that out loud.

"Oh, okay." Eli stood up, holding his hard cock in his hands.

"Position yourself properly." Tommy lay down on the hard floor. Eli was right on top of him.

"Ready?" Eli asked. He could already feel some of the cum ready to leak out.

"Go ahead." Tommy answered. He was completely caught by surprise as a huge blob of cum fell on his face. It splattered over his eyes. Thankfully he closed them before it seeped in. He didn't expect it to fall so suddenly.

Eli groaned as all the cum Cap deposited in his ass leaked out. He squatted lower trying to bridge the distance between his butt and Tommy's face.

Tommy frantically tried capturing the large blobs with his face, trying to make sure it doesn't fall to the floor. He wasn't prepared for the large volume. He swallowed what he could and caught the spill over with his hands. He could barely taste the cum when another glob would appear from Eli's ass.

"Suck it straight out of his ass."

Tommy complied with the suggestion and grabbed Eli's hips with his hands. He brought his face into Eli's brown leaking hole and sucked the cum right out. He lapped up the semen excitedly with his tongue, prodding Eli's asshole with gusto.

"Oh fuck Tommy." Eli groaned at the speedster's tongue. He grabbed Tommy's hair and pushed the boy deeper into his own ass.

Tommy didn't mind Eli's hand on his head. In fact it encouraged him. He hungrily sucked the cum out of Eli's ass.

And then suddenly, both of them realized where the voice came from. Tommy reacted faster, pulling away from Eli's ass. He turned to face the bed, where the command originated.

"Cap!" Tommy exclaimed in surprise. He bumped his head on Eli's ass causing both of the boys to fall on their butts.

"You're awake!" Eli echoed. By instinct he covered up his large slick cock.

"If you boys needed cum, you should have gone straight to the source." Cap stood up and wagged his erect monster at the two teens.

Steve had been watching the boys since Tommy pulled off his cock. Nobody could sleep through having such a tight ass around their cock. He had feigned sleep wanting to see what the boys would do. Eli's plea to be next made Cap wonder just what the black teen would do for his cock.

Then suddenly the boys started to talk about Steve's cum. It made Cap's balls churn as he realized what they were planning to do. The minute Tommy stood over Eli and began squatting down, Steve wanted to jump right there with them. But he resisted, his curiosity gaining the upper hand. The boys were so involved in their perverse act they didn't notice Steve who was very visibly stroking his large cock. Cap almost lost his load right then and there as he saw the first glob of his cum drop from Tommy's ass into Eli's mouth. It was all so fucking hot. He had to pinch back his orgasm.

After holding down that orgasm, Steve's resolve was tested again as the two boys started kissing each other passionately. He wanted to jump in and take the boys for himself. Nevertheless he persevered and just watched them intently. He had to let them explore after all.

Finally after Tommy's face was being pelted with his cum, Cap couldn't help but intervene. The boys were so cum hungry for his seed, he had to give it to them. He had waited long enough, he ordered Tommy to rim Eli's ass.

"So boys do you want it or not?" Cap coked his hip. Both teens were looking at him dumbfounded. He was getting impatient. Cap grabbed his cock with both his hands and started fisting it. "I guess I'll have to take care of it myself."

The reaction was immediate. In a flash, Tommy was on his knees with Cap's large cock flat out on his face. He grabbed the large monster and slapped the heavy meat across his cheeks, groaning as it left red marks on his skin.

Eli was a bit slower but soon knelt beside Tommy. He pushed his face deep into Cap's crotch. The boy was deeply inhaling Cap's manly aroma.

"Yes, that's it." Cap moaned appreciatively as the boy's mouths worked his cock. Eli started kissing the sides of the long shaft while Tommy was busy working his tongue over the sensitive head.

"Fuck I love your big cock." Eli said out loud after briefly pulling away. He moved right beside Tommy making both their tongues flick at Cap's head.

"There's a drop of precum for you hungry little boys. Lick it up good." Cap urged them on.

Tommy moved lower and started sucking on Cap's cum-filled balls. He took the stretchy sack in his mouth, coating it with his spit.

Eli took the head of Cap's cock whole. Instead of swallowing the large tool, Eli let it stay in his mouth. He flicked the engorged head with his tongue, making sure to cover each and every part.

"Oh yea." Cap responded enthusiastically. He slowly began to rock his hips, letting the teens know he was going to face fuck them soon.

Eli pulled away and started kissing the sides of Cap's shaft. Tommy followed suit. Cap thrust his hips through their mouths. He pushed forward and pulled back making his cock slide along the boys' moist lips. Soon the boys started kissing each other, locking their lips together.

"You guys are so fucking good at this." Cap moaned amusedly. Tommy and Eli were making a makeshift hole with their mouths. It felt good but Cap was nearing the edge. He needed more. "I'm going to fuck your throats now."

Tommy pulled off and opened his mouth, awaiting the large cock. Cap wasted no time and stuffed his huge shaft down Tommy's hole. Cap then pulled out and fucked Eli's mouth with same fervor. He alternated between the two boys, stuffing their faces with his mammoth cock. With each thrust he got deeper and deeper. Until finally both boys were deep-throating him. He alternated between them fucking their faces beside each other.

"Who wants a taste? I feel a big drop coming." Cap pulled out of Tommy's face and slapped both their faces with his big cock.

"Give it to me." Eli moaned. He was furiously jacking his own dick. He swallowed Cap's dick and milked the long shaft with his mouth. He squeezed out a sizable drop. The large cock feel from his mouth with a loud pop.

"Hey." Tommy punched Eli on the shoulder.

"You snooze you lose." Eli gloated happily. He licked Cap's piss slit for emphasis. He felt the large man shiver.

"Don't worry boys, there's more where that came from. " Cap chuckled. He motioned for both of them to stand up. "Bend over."

Both boys eagerly followed the order. In a minute Cap stuck his finger in both their asses. His large digit slipped in easily. He explored their asses eagerly, trying to feel for traces of his thick cum.

"Oooh fuck Cap. Stop moving around so much." Tommy moaned. He was surprised to find his ass clamp tightly around Cap's finger. He sort of expected himself to be looser after the wild fuck the previous night.

"It feels so good." Eli moaned happily. He pushed his butt into Cap's finger wanting more.

Cap pulled out finger and put two in each of their asses. Tommy threw his head back, arching his sexy back. Eli groaned loudly and dropped his head forward. The natural leader pushed his ass back to meet Cap's hard fingers.

Steve started pulling his fingers apart slightly. He hadn't planned on fucking the boys so soon, but they were just to sexy to resist. With their constant moaning, he couldn't help himself from wanting to fuck them.

He pulled his fingers out of their butts. He the stuck them in his mouth, reveling in the boys' individual flavors. They were completely clean of his cum.

"Fuck that's hot." Tommy turned around and watched Cap suck his own fingers. Tommy stroked his cock eagerly.

Eli stroked his own cock. He licked his own precum that collected in is hand.

Cap wanted to fuck both boy again but decided against it. He could tell the teens were still sore from last night. He'd let them rest for now. "On your knees boys. I'll give you what you've been wanting all morning."

"Yes!" Eli exclaimed. He kneeled in front of Cap and took one of Cap's balls in his mouth. Eli rolled it around his tongue. The ball was hard and tight, evidence of Cap's impending orgasm.

Tommy appeared right beside him. The speedster took a whiff of Cap's musky odor. It always got him extra hard as the scent filled his nose. He sucked the other ball into his mouth.

Steve moaned happily. He had never had such eager young lovers worshipping him like this. His steel hard monster was leaking precum on the youths lusty faces. He slapped his cock on their face. He loved the way his heavy meat fapped against their skin.

Eli popped the ball out of his mouth. He swallowed the entirety of Cap's cock into his mouth. He groaned as the large head stretched his throat. His guttural growl made his throat vibrate causing, Cap to moan from the sensation.

"I'm going to cum boys." Cap warned them. He pulled his cock out of Eli's tight throat. The boy looked up at him expectantly. He jerked his cock, coaxing his orgasm.

"Give it to us Cap." Tommy moaned. He opened his mouth wide. He was rapidly stroking his cock with one hand and rubbing Cap's tight ass with other.

"Here it comes!" Cap growled as he felt his orgasm arriving. His cock pulsed and his entire body stiffened. He clamped down hard on the base of his cock. The sight of Eli and Tommy's mouth set him off. He shot at both their faces, pelting them with seed.

Eli resisted the urge to jerk back as he felt the warm cum hit his face. He closed his eyes as he felt the powerful shots on his skin. He managed to swallow a few globs of cum that flew into his mouth. He couldn't help himself and started shooting as well. His own climax accompanied Cap's. So much so that he couldn't tell whether it was Cap's cum hitting his face or his own.

Tommy climaxed around the same time. He shot his load all over his body. He cried out causing his mouth to be hit with some of Cap's cum.

"Mmmm..." Cap moved closer to both boys and squeezed his cock from the base to the tip, pushing out any cum left in his cock. The boys were absolutely coated in his cum. They looked so sexy. Cap was already getting a second wind, his cock never truly going soft.

Tommy didn't realize what he was about to do. His post orgasmic glow influencing most of his decision. But once he saw Eli's coated face, he couldn't help himself and started licking Eli's face.

The surprised Patriot accepted it until he too got into the action and started sucking Tommy's face.

"Let me get in on that." Cap grinned and lifted the two up. He joined their passionate kissing, sucking some of his own cum into his own mouth. Unlike the boys however he didn't swallow. Instead he transferred it to whichever teen he kissed next. It was so hot seeing them swallow his load.

He then traveled lower to Eli's abs first, sucking on the traces of cum. Eventually he reached Eli's floppy cock. There was a little pearl of cum threatening to drop. He took the soft organ in his mouth and sucked it. Eli moaned loudly and hunched forward. His cock was still oversensitive form his orgasm. Cap smiled and then moved on to Tommy. He kissed his way up cleaning all the traces of cum. He then fed it to the willing boy.

"What a way to wake up." Cap smiled widely as the two teens stopped kissing each other. Tommy was blushing furiously, his beet red face in stark contrast to his pale white hair. Eli on the other hand had a look of absolute contentment. The boy was clearly on a sexual high.

"That was great Cap." Tommy gave Cap a quick peck on the cheek. He liked feeling Cap's hard body against his own.

"Let's get you boys cleaned up. You still have a day ahead of you." Cap kissed the top of their heads. With his cock soft, Cap realized he needed to clean up. His entire body smelled strongly of sweat and semen. It was sexy at home with the boys but he couldn't go outside smelling like that.

"Do we have to? Can we just stay here the whole day?" Tommy blinked innocently. Even if he was sore, Cap's finger had left Tommy wanting more. What better way to spend an entire day than to do it in bed with Captain America?

"Yea Cap. I just got back. Can't we stay together just for today." Eli pleaded. He didn't last very long last night. Maybe now, he could take it better.

"Come on boys, we all know I have to go out and save the world. You guys shouldn't be spending your weekend cooped up with some dirty old man. Come on, in you go." Steve slapped their cute butts as he pushed them into the bathroom.

"We're taking a bath together?" Eli asked surprised.

"Just to make sure you boys don't start playing with each other while I'm cleaning up." Cap grinned at them. He admired their smooth young bodies.

"You just want to be sure you get to join in too." Tommy said playfully. He whispered something to Eli, causing the other boy to light up immediately.

"What was that about?" Cap folded his arms across his chest. The teen had a mischievous look on their faces. He liked it.

"I just explained to Eli what you really meant by taking a shower together." Tommy said cryptically. He then handed Eli a toothbrush. Both started brushing, trying to end the conversation.

"Just to make things clear, there will be no jerking, sucking or fucking in the shower." Cap realized the precarious situation he had put himself in. He needed to check up on his SHIELD missions. As much as he wanted to fool around more, he had already been gone for a week. He was sure to be backed up.

The boys groaned in disappointment. Eli glared at Tommy who just shoulders just dropped in defeat.

Cap let it go and grabbed his toothbrush and started cleaning up as well. The sink was small, forcing them al to squeeze together. Cap liked how his body would bump against Tommy and Eli. They would make jabs at each, trying to gain control of the territory. They even had a spit contest to see who could spit first.

"You boys go ahead. I just have to take a piss." Cap stood in front of the toilet and grabbed his cock.

"I need to take one too." Eli stood beside Cap and let his stream fly. He blocked Tommy from taking a place near he toilet. He smiled snidely at his comrade.

"I'll help you aim Cap." Tommy suddenly said and grabbed Cap's cock. He stuck out his tongue at Eli.

"Awww yeah." Cap groaned as he started pissing. He laughed at the boys' competitiveness. It did feel good to have someone else hold his cock while he was pissing. It was a very intriguing experience.

"Wow Cap it feels like a horse pissing. I can feel it through your cock." Tommy said loudly, making sure Eli was listening. He aimed Cap's cock, crossing the streams of piss.

Eli frowned but didn't say anything. He finished first and shook the last drops out of his dick. When Cap wasn't looking, he stuck out his tongue at Tommy.

"That was great. Now go on inside." Cap flushed the toilet and slapped their asses again.

"Stop that." Tommy complained whimsically.

"Would you rather have my cock slap your ass instead?" Cap entered the shower with the two boys. Their bodies were touching all over since the space was so small. Steve felt his cock start to fluff up.

"I'd rather have you cock inside my ass." Eli interjected slyly. He playfully blinked his eyes.

"Don't tempt me son. I might take you up on that offer." Cap growled. He grabbed Eli by the waist and pushed the boy onto his growing cock. His tool slid along Eli's ass crack. Afterwards, he started tickling the boy's sides.

"Cap!" Eli squealed as he tried to suppress his laughter. He was caught between being extremely aroused from the large tool in his asscrack and laughing from Cap's clever little fingers.

"Don't even think about it Tommy." Cap turned to face the boy about to tackle him. He grabbed the shampoo and squirted some on his hand. "I'll shampoo you and Eli's shampoo me."

"Awww. Well you plan makes sense. Eli doesn't need shampoo. He's bald" Tommy snickered at his own joke.

"I am not bald. I shave regularly." Eli defended himself. Just because his head was shiny doesn't mean he couldn't grow hair.

Before Tommy could make a comeback, Cap rubbed shampoo all over the boy's hair. It was very soft, running through Cap's fingers. Tommy looked so cute with bubbles in his hair. His expression matched that of a kitten being washed.

"I'll rinse him." Eli announced. He made his way through the front, rubbing his body against the other two in the process. Eventually he managed to get the telephone shower. He then turned the water to high and sprayed Tommy's head.

"Hey!" Tommy managed to say before he was doused with water.

"Eli. Play nice." Cap made Eli put the telephone shower back. He then sat down to let the boys wash his hair. They eagerly scrubbed his scalp. He stopped them before they could turn it into a contest.

"Alright who wants to first?" Cap grabbed the soap. Both boys didn't say anything. Cap frowned at them.

"Fine. Wash me first." Eli conceded sullenly.

"Alright. I'll wash you back while Tommy'll take care of your front." Cap passed the soap to Tommy. He started kneading Eli's muscular shoulders.

"That feels good Cap." Eli moaned appreciatively. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the various touches along his skin.

With Eli's eyes closed, Tommy felt somehow braver. He washed Eli's chest, feeling the large mound of muscle. He began to unabashedly flick Eli's nipples. They hardened into little nubs which Tommy started pinching.

Eli moaned happily between Tommy and Cap's touches. He felt Cap's hard cock rub along the crack of his ass. He shivered as he recalled it entering his body.

After Tommy had lost all excuse to keep cleaning Eli's upper body, he found himself going lower. To his surprise and amusement, Eli was rock hard. Tommy gleefully soaped up his hands and then grasped Eli's cock.

"Hey no jacking Eli off Tommy." Cap cautioned as he noticed Eli's breath go faster. A little peek to the front confirmed his suspicions.

"I'm not jacking him off Cap. I'm cleaning his cock." Tommy said innocently. "Aren't I Eli?"

"Ugh." Eli groaned as Tommy rubbed faster.

"Tommy, that's enough cleaning." Cap couldn't help his lips from turning up. Leave it to Tommy to find a loophole in his orders. One Cap realized he wanted to exploit himself.

"But Eli keeps leaking more. I have to keep washing cuz his cum keeps spreading all over." Tommy replied smartly. He touched his fingertip to Eli's piss slit and pulled a long strong of cum to emphasize his point.

"I guess you're right." Cap laughed. How could he argue with such a boy? He started groping Eli's tight buns. He massaged them vigorously, feeling the boy's solid muscles. Eli put on some weight during the summer making his ass bubblier. It made Cap want to smack it. He did and it bounced.

"Hey." Eli whimpered more than complained. He pushed his back against Cap. The large cock throbbed between his ass cheeks. Why was Cap torturing him so?

Tommy released his hold on Eli's hard cock. The speedster then started fondling Eli's balls. They had tightened considerably into Eli's body. Tommy pulled on them causing Eli to moan.

"Tommy, what are you doing to Eli?" Cap asked teasingly. He wanted to know whether it was him or Tommy making the junior super soldier moan.

"I'm just washing his balls. Can't forget that. They got all sweaty after all." Tommy grinned. He was enjoying playing with Eli together with Cap.

"I see." Cap pulled apart Eli's ass and positioned his cock head right by Eli's opening. He wanted the one to make the boy moan.

"Oh yes Cap." Eli felt the warm head of Cap's cock right by the entrance of his hole. He tried pushing his ass onto Cap's cock but the man's hands on his hips held him firmly in place.

"Hey no fucking!" Tommy cried in outrage. He wanted to catch Cap in the act. Maybe then they could stay home and fuck all day.

"I'm not fucking him." Cap rotated his hips, teasing Eli's hole with his hot tool. The head rubbed all over Eli's anus.

"Yes you are!" Tommy tiptoed and peered over Eli's shoulder.

"I'm using my special cleaning tool. The blunt head makes it easy for me to clean his ass more efficiently see?" Cap pushed a little causing Eli's hole to open slightly. The tip of Cap's cock touching Eli's small anus.

"Fine." Tommy ceded. It was funny to see Cap use Tommy's tactics.

"How are you feeling Eli?" Cap asked gently. He winked at Tommy, who didn't understand yet.

"I feel so amazing." Eli moaned out.

"You must be really clean now huh?" Cap whispered again. This time he saw Tommy nod. Cap worked his cock around the surface of Eli's anus, teasing the hole by circling his cock tip around it. Tommy started too stroke Eli's shaft faster.

"Yes clean. Oh so good." Eli murmured.

"Alright then we're done with you." Cap announced and then pulled away along with Tommy from any contact with Eli's body.

"Wha-what?" Eli turned to face Cap dumbfounded.

"We're done washing you." Cap said non-chalant. He could see Tommy smirking behind Eli.

"Bu-but." Eli grasped his cock. He was so aroused already.

"Time to clean up Eli." Tommy playfully slapped Eli's ass. He handed the stunned boy the soap.

"Wash my back Eli." Cap offered. Even though Eli was so cute being blue-balled, Cap couldn't afford to fuck either of the boys. Once he started he knew he wouldn't be able to stop.

"Okay." Eli sighed. He wash Cap's back eagerly, feeling each hard muscle. Somehow at the back of his mind, he already knew nothing else would happen in the shower. He would just make the most out of it and feel Cap's hard muscles. He'd have to take revenge on Tommy later though.

They finished showering without further incident, besides a few excessive petting. Cap was always quick to remind them of their responsibilities.

Steve got out first. The boys were squirting water at each other, Eli using the showerhead and Tommy reflecting the pray back with his speedy hands. Cap couldn't help but smile. The boys looked like they were having so much fun.

"I'm done here guys. I'll go get you towels." Cap hung his towel on the rack and was about to get fresh ones when Eli stopped him.

"We'll just use yours." Eli grabbed the towel before Cap could respond. He began drying off.

"You sure Eli?" Cap raised his eyebrow. After all they'd been through, he didn't want Eli to be shy about borrowing his towels. And then he saw the boy sniff the towel under the pretense of wiping his face. Cap shook his head. Eli was absolutely crazy. It was hot.

"I'm sure." Eli took another whiff as Cap turned to face Tommy. Eli continued wiping himself.

"How about you Tommy?" Cap asked. He wondered if Tommy was just as horny as Eli.

"No, I'll use yours. I don't want to do more laundry." Tommy said naturally. He snatched the towel from Eli.

Cap wondered if Tommy was telling the truth. Unlike Eli, Tommy was far more sly. It had always been hard to try and decipher his intentions.

"I wasn't done with that yet!" Eli held tightly to the towel, preventing Tommy from grabbing it.

"You take too long. You don't even have any hair!" Tommy rubbed his hands all over Eli's head.

Cap watched them with amusement. Tommy had resorted to drying Eli's off himself. The speedster was groping Eli's crotch through the towel. The normally confident leader was squealing and covering himself up like a defenseless girl under Tommy's quick movements. At that point Cap knew he couldn't live without Eli or Tommy anymore. They were a part of his life now.

"You should stop fooling around now. Save your energy. When I get back I'll make it up to you guys real good." Cap said suggestively. Both teens stopped dead in their tracks. Their faces immediately turned red. It achieved the desired effect and the boys soon got cleaned up properly. Cap left to get changed with a smile on his face.

"You think he's really going to keep his promise?" Tommy told Eli once Cap was out of earshot.

"I think so. He is Captain America after all." Eli replied. His already softened cock got hard again just thinking about it.

"That's true." Tommy laughed.

"Tommy we have a meeting today at the park..." Eli didn't know how to say the rest of his intent.

"Don't worry boss, I'll come an hour after you. And this didn't happen between us." Tommy finished Eli's sentence. He didn't know why Eli even brought it up. They all knew they could tell no one.

"Good. I'll go ahead now. And..." Eli walked past Tommy.

"What else did I forget?" Tommy frowned. He didn't need any more instruction from Eli.

"Make it thirty minutes." Eli flashed Tommy a smile before leaving the bathroom.

Tommy smiled back and then frowned. He had just smiled at Eli. He shivered.

By the time he finished styling his hair, both Cap and Eli were gone. Being bored and somewhat of a neat freak, super speed gave him a lot of time to clean and rearrange, he decided to clean up.

He smirked as he picked up the bed sheets. They were so rank, smelling like sweat and semen. He could sniff Cap's strong odor emanating from the sheets. Of course he could smell Eli's too but Cap's was much more dominant. Tommy decided to leave it there. He liked Cap's scent.

Without nothing to do in the bed area, Tommy decided to pick up the clothes on the floor. He quickly got all of his clothes and Eli's, folded them and put them in the laundry basket.

He picked up Cap's worn briefs. Tommy wondered if he should even sniff them. He wanted to, but the act made him feel so depraved. It was also a little perverted. But then again he did squat over Eli's face. He held the soft fabric up to his nose. The experience could only be described as disappointing. Having Cap with him, nothing compared to the real thing.

As he was cleaning the room, he suddenly remembered the sex toys Billy had left him. He checked on them, making sure they were in a safe place. He looked at them longingly. He had so much fun with those. It was a little sad he had to give them back to Billy. He wouldn't be able to play with Billy any more either since Teddy was back. He shrugged the feeling off. He had Cap anyway so it wasn't too bad.

Tommy sighed and then continued cleaning everything else up. He had just wasted five minutes. He decided to go ahead, he'd just wait out somewhere hidden. Maybe he could even spy on some of his teammates. Gleefully Tommy ran off. He came back in a few minutes, realizing he had forgotten to put on clothes. He then went ahead to the park.

"Teddy." Billy squealed. He had his back pressed against the wall. Teddy was kissing his neck, nipping at Billy's sensitive spot.

Tommy stopped right behind a trashcan in front of them. He was sure they didn't see him. Tommy snickered. He knew Billy was a little pervert but he never expected his brother to be doing it with Teddy on an alley just a few meters from where the team would meet up.

"What is it Billy?" Teddy asked innocently. His body pressed up against Billy's.

Tommy looked at Teddy. The boy had worn a thin white v-neck shirt that clung to his skin, showing of his big muscles and basic blue jeans. Tommy wondered when Teddy had gotten so bold. The alien did seem to have put on some muscle during summer. Then again it could just be shapeshifting. Billy was wearing a red turtleneck, which Teddy was pulling down, and some black slacks. Tommy stifled a snicker once he saw all the hickeys on his twin's neck. It looked like Billy got what he wanted after all. "Teddy, what if someone sees us?" Billy whined. He was complaining but his face was all smiles.

"It's more of a matter of someone hearing us." Teddy added before biting Billy's earlobe.

Tommy almost gagged. They were as usual so very sweet. He knew he shouldn't but he was already planning on how to surprise them and at which point he should interrupt. He wanted to make turn beet red.

"What are you doing?" A soft familiar voice asked Tommy.

"I'm spying on Teddy making out. I'm waiting for the perfect moment to catch them in... Ka-mmhph!?" Tommy almost shouted out but Kate covered his mouth with her hand.

Billy heard a sound and turned his head. All he saw was a trashcan. Before he could think of it any further, Teddy kissed him on the lips, the only place the blonde avoided since they started making out in the alley. Of course, he promptly forgot about the possible disturbance.

"You can put me down Tommy." Kate snickered as Tommy carried her off and sped away.

"Oops sorry. You sort off surprised me." Tommy put her down. A quick scan of his surroundings showed he had ran at least ten blocks away in just a few seconds. They were in some dingy alley. Thankfully no one was there.

"I guessed as much. Now can you put me done?" Kate repeated again.

"Oops sorry." He gently let her stand on her feet. He almost grabbed her again as she wobbled.

"Sorry. Your speed is making me a bit dizzy." Kate placed her back against the wall.

"Shit, I'm sorry Kate and I panicked. Do I need to get you a doctor?" Tommy asked worriedly. He didn't check himself this time. He didn't know how fast he was running. The Vision already warned him not to speed when carrying passengers.

"No I'm fine. You just caught me off guard." Kate waved Tommy's concern off with her smile. In a few seconds, she was back to her old self. A hair flip confirmed Tommy's assessment.

"Whew. You scared me there." Tommy smiled. Kate looked pretty as usual. She had her long black hair pulled from her face with a cloth headband. She was wearing a purple sun dress that flew with the breeze. His eyes were glued to her legs to see if the wind would blow any higher. It was so close.

"Tommy?" Kate quirked her lips. Tommy was such a boy. At least he didn't make a pass while he carried her.

"Hmmm?" Tommy grumbled and then looked to see Kate with her arms folded up. He apologized after realizing he got caught. "Sorry."

"So what were you doing back there, hiding under a trash can?" Kate asked, placing her hips on her eyebrows. She was almost sure Tommy was doing something mischievous.

"Nothing. I dropped a coin and then..." Tommy acted innocent.

"Tommy..." Kate said with an edge in her voice. She placed her hands on her hips.

"Fine, fine. I was spying on Billy and Teddy." Tommy backed away from Kate's intense stare. She was so scary sometimes and hot too.

"Why what were they doing?" Kate lifted her eyebrow.

"What else would they be doing? They were making out." Tommy snickered.

"It must have went well then." Kate murmured to herself. She felt herself blush as she imagined Billy and Teddy's first time. She shook her head immediately, shaking away the thoughts. She looked down trying to hide her blush for Tommy.

"What went well?" Tommy tried peeking at Kate's face.

"Stop trying to change the subject. Why were you spying on them? Aren't you sick of seeing them suck face?" Kate countered before Tommy could catch her. Tommy's surprised expression told her her ploy worked.

"I was going to surprise them at the crucial moment and leave the flustered. I've always wanted to see if Teddy could turn a complete shade of red." Tommy snickered.

"What a great brother you are." Kate shook her head and laughed along.

"It's what I do best." Tommy said proudly.

"You should ease up on them. Just for now." Kate smiled at Tommy. She wanted Billy to have his moment.

"Why? Do you know something that happened?" Tommy looked at Kate's face carefully. Did she know about Billy losing his virginity? Was that what she meant when she murmured successful?

"No, did something happen?" Kate eyed Tommy's with the same care.

"No, nothing." Tommy replied. He was almost sure Kate knew. He wondered when Billy lost his. Tommy prayed he lost his first, he was after all older.

With an unspoken agreement, they dropped the topic.

"So how's Cap?" Kate resumed the conversation. She had been wondering all along how Tommy was doing with Super Soldier.

"Oh its great. Cap's teaching me a lot of things." Tommy decided to risk the innuendo. He was feeling playful since morning.

"Great. I was worried about you." Kate admitted. She was afraid Cap would punish the boy or discipline him too much.

"You'll be happy to know I'm having fun staying with Cap. He's pretty cool for an old guy." Tommy beamed. He wanted to thank Kate for arranging the whole thing but he didn't want to seem to grateful so he decided to let her know how well he was doing.

"You do seem more cheery." Kate observed. "Well let's get back. My phone's vibrating, I'm sure it Cassie."

"Ten block trip in two seconds coming up." Tommy grabbed her and they whizzed off.

As Kate predicted, Cassie was on her cell phone calling someone. Tommy stopped right behind Cassie. The blond girl had grown her longer over the summer. She looked a little bit older and more mature.

"Hey Cassie." Kate tapped her friend's shoulder.

"Kate!" The young blonde immediately went in for a hug. "How was Europe?"

"I'll tell you all about it later. How's Vision?"

"He's cool. We're having a date-date next weekend. He's been researching... uh human customs." Cassie blushed.

"Hi Cassie." Tommy waved at the air in front of him. Cassie had completely ignored him.

"Sorry Tommy. Hi Tommy." Cassie smiled sheepishly.

"Oh look here comes the lovers." Tommy waved ecstatically at the couple. Billy looked a bit red but Teddy showed no signs of making out.

"Hello Tommy." Vision suddenly appeared behind Tommy, catching the boy in surprise. He immediately ran behind Kate.

"I thought you wanted people to greet you?" Kate snickered. Tommy stuck out his tongue.

"Hey guys. Are we late?" Billy asked looking around.

"Eli's the last one." Cassie answered. She blushed when she locked eyes with Vision on his human form.

"I'm here. Sorry I'm late. Anything new Vision?" Eli said breathlessly.

"I sense an increased level of male pheromones and testosterone indicative of sexu...." Vision was saying when Tommy immediately put a hand on his mouth.

"What?" Cassie looked at Tommy questioningly.

"I think I taught Viz here a bad word. Can't let you hear it." Tommy excused. He did not need the entire team to know he was having sex, they might trace it to Cap. He looked around, everybody except Cassie had already heard enough to understand what Vision was going to say. Tommy sighed. A least Cassie didn't know.

"C'mon guys let's go in the restaurant." Eli lead the way. He wanted to get away before Cassie could ask some more questions. For once, he was thankful for Tommy.

"That was close Tommy." Kate whispered to the speedster.

"Yea. I think everyone heard it though." Tommy sighed. He had just lost his chance with Kate.

"Yea I don't Cassie needs to know Billy and Teddy are doing each other in that way." Kate whispered again.

"Yea, Billy and Teddy. Right." Tommy breathed a sigh of relief. Kate didn't suspect him at all.

"Teddy." Billy nudged his boyfriend as they walked behind the group.

"What?" Teddy said irritated. They couldn't get that far in the alley way because Billy thought he heard something. Teddy was left with blue balls.

"The Vision almost blurted out our secret." Billy said in hushed tones. There was a clear panic in his voice.

"I'll talk to Vision later. Relax nobody would now unless they knew what we did." Teddy said decisively. The only question Teddy had was why did Tommy stop Vision. The speedster shouldn't know anything about them.

"Kate knew. Did you see how she was winking at us when we arrived." Billy shivered. The thought of Kate and Cassie gossiping about Billy's love life was unnerving.

"She already knows anyway, there's nothing we can do about that. At least Eli and Cassie didn't catch on. I'm more worried about Tommy. How come he stopped the Vision from talking." Teddy frowned and looked at the speedster cheerily walking ahead.

"About that, I have to tell you something Teddy." Billy stopped and looked at his feet. It was the moment of truth. He wondered if Teddy would dump him.

"You told him?" Teddy looked in surprise. They didn't spend a single moment apart since morning, how could Billy have told Tommy.

"Not exactly." Billy fidgeted. He didn't know at all how Teddy would react to him and Tommy sharing a dildo and jerking each other off.

"We can talk about this later Billy. The guys are waiting." Teddy said kindly. He felt a lurch in his heart though when Billy wouldn't look him in the eye.

"Okay." Billy murmured.

"Hey Billy." Teddy whispered after just before they enter the restaurant.

"Hmmm?" Billy looked up to find Teddy's deep blue eyes staring at him. He swallowed. Teddy was looking at him intently.

"No matter what you did, I'll always love you. Okay?" Teddy kissed Billy lightly before going inside.

"Okay." Billy smiled. Maybe everything would be fine after all.

Next: Chapter 19

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