Captain America and the Young Avengers

By Pikachu MOn

Published on Apr 4, 2010


DISCALIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. All the characters depicted in story belong to and are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and its subsidiaries. I am in no way related to the company and have no ownership over the characters. This is fan made work. This story depicts males in sexual situations, just so you know. Thank you.

A/N: This is going to be a series with Captain America and the Young Avengers. (who are owned by Marvel not me) Please feel free to comment and offer constructive criticisms. I want to improve as a writer. And lastly enjoy.

Captain America and the Young Avengers: Chapter 14

"Steve, we're here." Iron Man said from the pilot's chair on the Avenger's jet.

"Sorry, Tony I fell asleep." Cap rubbed his tired eyes. He didn't sleep so well last night with Tommy's ass hugging his rock hard erection all night.

"You sure you don't want me to land the jet down. I could do it stealth mode. Nobody would have to know." Stark offered looking at Captain America's worn-out expression.

"It's fine. I can drop by parachute. I don't want you late for the convention in Geneva." Cap declined. He grabbed his duffel bag and was putting on his parachute.

"Are you sure? You look a tired. Maybe you should skip this? I'm sure they wouldn't mind." Stark said gently. "I can get Pepper to find Luke to do this. He loves this kind of stuff."

"No, I'm good. This is one of the few things I enjoy about being a superhero. Besides I already promised one of the kids I'd be back this year." Steve stood on standby by the drop off door. "I'm good."

"Just take care of yourself alright?" Stark said worriedly. He flipped one of the switches. "Pepper will pick you up in a few days. Opening the hatch."

"Later Tony." Steve jumped off the Avengers jet in mid-air. He sort of liked the freefalls from so high. It was calming in it's own way. He angled his body correctly to get to the rendezvous point. He could always think clearly when falling from a high altitude. And right now, all he could think about was Tommy. He had wanted to spend the day with Tommy but he had forgotten about his obligation to the summer camp. Thinking about the speedster the whole week, he didn't check his schedule. Had he known he would have to leave Tommy for four days, he would have fucked the boy senseless already.

He was getting close to the ground. He'd evaluate more later. Thinking about his reply to Tommy's question would do him no good right now. Pulling his strap, the parachute opened softening his landing. Descending slowly from the air, he saw an attendant waiting for him.

"Captain America! It truly is an honor and I mean how rude of me my name is John I mean you didn't need to know that and I'm so sorry I'm talking so fast but it is like wow. Captain America." The very flustered attendant tried saying.

"It's alright. No need to be so anxious." Cap pulled off his parachute. He started packing it up.

"Thank you for doing this Captain America. All the children are excited to see you. You're all they've been talking about for days." The attendant blushed sheepishly.

"Let me just pack up the parachute then we can get moving." Cap said to the guy. By now, he was already used to blubbering attendants. He had a feeling the camp head like sending newbies to greet him.


"So how many kids this year?" Cap asked the attendant. Every summer as Captain America, he would visit this particular orphanage to help out and teach the kids. It was a goodwill project to help these kids out. This was a mission Cap always took no matter how busy he was.

"Less than last year sir!" John, the attendant saluted. "Awareness for our orphanage really rose up last year thanks to you.

"That's good." Cap liked to know he helped get these kids into good families.

"Its Captain America!" A young girlish voice suddenly shrieked.

"You better move away John. This could get messy." Cap smiled and warned the young newbie. Every year it was the same thing, the kids would always run to him and tackle him. He could already feel their footsteps reverberate through the ground.

"Cap!" "Its really him!" "He's here."

The fastest were always the boys. The first tackled his leg, the second followed shortly after hitting his knee. Occasionally there were some high jumpers that hit him across his chest. In just a few seconds, he became covered in laughing children. Some climbed on his shoulders while the others tried to hang from his arms. They always hung around to see if he would fall from their weight and force. He never did.

"Children stop that!" The main caretaker would always shout after getting the kids to go down. "I'm sorry Captain America. Kids really."

"I don't mind maam. Children will be children." Cap smiled.

"Yay Cap's here! Can you teach how to throw your shield?" One of the younger boys asked out loud. Cap had never seen him before but some of the older children probably mentioned it to the boy.

"Oh no dear. Captain America just got here. He must be very tired." The caretaker patted the boy's head.

"It's fine. I'll do it now. Just get someone to put this in my mind room." He handed his duffel bag to the caretaker and ran towards the field beckoning the children to follow.

Once he got to the field, he saw around five high school kids teaching some boys how to play football. The kids and the teens immediately stopped playing once they realized he was there. Then it happened again. The kids from the football team started running towards him trying to tackle him.

"Hey easy easy!" Cap laughed along as he found himself surrounded for a second time. The teens were more timid and walked slowly towards him. They were whispering cautiously and eyeing him warily. All except one, Theodore Altman, also known as Hulkling of the Young Avengers.

He observed the boy closely without being suspicious. Teddy had inherited Captain Marvel's all American good looks despite being an alien. The boy seemed to have gotten more muscular as well from what Cap could tell from Teddy's tight shirt. He could imagine Teddy with Billy doing all sorts of nasty things. Cap quickly pushed the thoughts out of his head. He shouldn't be thinking about sex right now. It would just frustrate him.

Captain America found out from one of the kids that the five high school students were from a football summer camp nearby. They were conducting a football workshop for the kids while Cap was there.

Teddy kept up appearances well, pretending to be in awe of Captain America, showing no signs of recognition. Steve decided to talk to the boy later when they were alone. It seemed rude not to try and say hi. Plus he was curious about Teddy and Billy. Did his advice help?

The three days flew by quickly spent playing with the kids. The activities consisted mostly of sports since he helped out with football workshop, some disc throwing with plastic Frisbees and some silly art class where the children were teaching him instead. He didn't get a chance to talk to Teddy at all during the three days.

After saying goodbye to the children and some closing ceremonies, Cap went off to climb the mountain nearby. It was how he ended these trips to the orphanage. His last day would be spent out in the wilderness. It was extremely relaxing compared to the constant noise and rambunctious children. He loved the orphans but staying too long was too tiring for him. He needed the small break. Nature could always provide that.

He began the arduous trek upwards. It was an impossible hike upwards since there were no set paths and the slope was very steep for any normal man. But for Cap, this was like walking through a park. Once he was high enough, he took off all his clothes and stuffed them in his duffel bag. Nobody came to this mountain because there really wasn't anything to see. He liked the forest air around his naked body. It felt wonderful.

As he climbed up, his thoughts invariably returned to Tommy and that perfectly fuckable ass waiting for him. His cock began to fill up with blood slowly hardening. It made climbing up more difficult but Cap managed.

Only now did he really think about what Tommy asked him. The boy really surprised him that time suddenly blurting out something like that. He though he had control over the entire situation and then Tommy had to say something like that. It totally caught him off guard. He cringed as he remembered his response.

A blank stare and rapid blinking. He felt like a deer caught in the headlights. He probably looked like one too. Tommy as usual didn't wait for Cap's answer and went back to sleep snuggling in Cap's arms. Before he could respond, the boy was already asleep. And in the morning his phone rang reminding him of his commitment.

Cap chastised himself for freezing up. It was inexcusable for him to freeze up in any situation. For most cases, shock like that would get him killed for not reacting in time. For better or worse, freezing up in this case only cost him the chance to fuck Tommy.

For the nth time since living the boy, Cap realized how truly unpredictable the boy was. There were so many questions going around his head. Could Tommy have known everything all along? Or did he just react towards Cap's advances? But all of that didn't matter if the boy thought Cap wouldn't want to fuck him.

Cap yelled out in frustration as he recalled the note he left for Tommy. It read: Have a mission with kids in an orphanage, won't be back for four days. Take care of the house for me. Steve.

It was completely impersonal and made no mention of answering Tommy's question. Cap could only imagine what the boy was thinking. What if he thought Cap didn't want to fuck him? What of Tommy ran away? Cap scratched his head in frustration.

Tommy had given the one opportunity to secure the boy's virginity for himself and he let it go. Like some stupid teenager, he let the opportunity slip him by.

Then another thought came to across his mind. What if Tommy was only testing him? What if the boy wasn't really interested and tricking Cap? Then Steve realized that wouldn't be a good thing either. It would mean Tommy wouldn't want to be fucked.

Cap punched a hole in some random tree in his anger. He burnt of more steam by throwing some rocks into a river. He calmed down after realizing he could do nothing right now. Continuing his trek upwards, he sighed at his own libido.

He used to have a system to control his excess energy. Once a week of jacking of and that was it. Then he had Eli sucking his cock every week. And now he was thinking of ways to bed Tommy. This wasn't good for him as a person. He didn't think he would be able to go back to his hand if Tommy moved out.

And then he remembered Eli. How would he treat Eli the same when the boy came home? More importantly would Eli be the same? The boy loved his strong cock but a lot of things could happen in the summer. The boy might've found a girlfriend and not go visit Cap anymore.

With Tommy and Eli out of his life, he would be left back with his hand. Would he be able to do it? The thought of not having his boys around made his cock deflate and his heart lurch. He realized he wouldn't miss the sex half as much as he would miss having the boys around him.

His thoughts were pulled away as he heard a loud scream resound through the forest. It sounded like a bear or at the very least something massive growling. There were no such large animals in this mountain.

Walking stealthily he followed the source of the sound. He was already thinking of the possibilities of an enemy offensive, but it seemed unlikely. He would have heard or at least noticed if a jet dropped off a monster. Then again, it could have been time-released foe.

But there was no motive for releasing a monster here. There was absolutely nothing of interest unless the target was him. He was sure only a select number of people knew he was here.

Proceeding cautiously, he realized whatever made the sound was on a clearing tapering to a cliff edge behind the trees. Climbing up quietly, looked out at his possible foe.

It was the Hulk or rather the Hulkling. The tuft of blond hair gave the boy away. Cap didn't realize Teddy had anger issues. He decided to observe longer just in case Teddy was fighting somebody.

The boy was facing away from the mountains seemingly looking at the scenic view. He was in his enormous green and scaly form with metal plates. As Cap checked Teddy out, he realized the boy was absolutely naked like him.

His eyes widened in surprise as he saw the muscular green ass of the Hulkling. It was interesting to say the least. It was different from the Hulk's ass, which he had seen occasionally. After all those ridiculous purple shorts couldn't live against tank bullets. While the Hulk's butt was basically a mass of green-colored muscles, Teddy's looked hard and scaly like the rest of his body. It made Steve extremely curious to see what Teddy's cock looked like.

Then he remembered Tommy's words. Teddy was supposedly very well-endowed. Cap began to think of ways to get a better view. He chastised himself for being such a pervert. But he didn't stop himself. Something about these Young Avengers always made him think with his cock instead of his head.

"Oh yes Billy!" Teddy screamed out. From behind, Cap could tell the alien hybrid was jerking off with two hands. Teddy suddenly shouted angrily.

The boy turned to his left and lifted a log laying innocently on the groun and threw it off the cliff with a loud huff. Definitely anger issues. Then without warning, Teddy sprouted wings and jumped off.

Cap sat on his tree dumbfounded by the events. From what he knew, Teddy was usually nice not angry. The boy did seem frustrated though. Maybe Billy wasn't putting out.

A few minutes later, Teddy flew back with the log in his arms. He gently laid it back in its original place. The boy ruffled his hair angrily before sighing and sitting down on the log.

Teddy's new sitting position gave Cap the perfect view of the alien's body. It was remarkable in it's own way. Teddy was much bigger than he was as Hulkling. Cap wondered briefly what it would be like if Billy and Teddy would do it when Teddy was Hulkling. He didn't know whether to cringe or get aroused at the size difference. His cock however started flowing with blood.

Teddy opened his legs letting his floppy green cock breathe. He started stroking it, causing it to engorge and grow larger. Teddy started moaning something Cap couldn't hear. Cap started stroking his cock as well, matching his rhythm to Teddy's. At full size, it seemed like Cap still had the advantage.

Then Teddy stopped. He placed his hands n his lap and closed his eyes. Cap watched intently at the boy's extremely odd actions. He didn't notice at first, but after a while he saw Teddy's cock shrinking despite still being fully hard. It was a very weird scene.

Seemingly satisfied with his smaller cock, Teddy began stroking again to Cap's frustration. The boy started sweating heavily as he stroked his cock. The erect organ soon began growing in size. Cap looked at Teddy's expression. It looked like the boy was in pain. Did Teddy have an erection problems?

When Steve looked back, Teddy's cock was back to its full size. Teddy saw it as well and stood up angrily. And grabbed the log and flung out the cliff with a strong swing, which sent a gust of air in Cap's direction. It almost knocked him out the tree if not for his firm grip.

Teddy hand flew outwards stretching far like Reed Richards. After a while it retracted carrying the piece of wood. Teddy laid it on the ground and again and sat down. The boy was clearly very frustrated. Cap was about to leave when Teddy stood up and started stroking his cock again.

Steve decided to stay and watch. Maybe he could help the boy once he understood Teddy's dilemma.

Teddy stroked his cock until it was at full size. And then he would close his eyes and shrink his cock down. Afterwards he would start stroking again until his cock grew into its full size. It at this point that Teddy would shout in frustration and take his anger out on the log which he always retrieved afterwards. Teddy did this a total of ten times.

Even after that, Steve still didn't understand what the problem was. The boy didn't have difficulty getting an erection. In fact he had a very intimidating green erection. Maybe it was a bizarre alien ritual. Or maybe Teddy's mixed genetics left him confused about his body. Whatever reason Cap came up with didn't seem to add up. He was starting to empathize with the boy's frustration even if he didn't know what caused it.

Steve decided he would help Teddy. The boy looked confused and irritated. He quietly dropped down on the grounds. Then, he took out his small black hiking shorts and sneakers and put them on. It would be hard to explain to Teddy if he suddenly appeared without clothes.

Purposely stepping on a brittle branch, the crack made a very audible sound.

The boy whipped his head around quickly. Teddy assumed a battle stance raising both his fists. Cap didn't need to feign surprise when he saw Teddy. Not only did the boy not have an erection, he was also fully clothed. Steve was a loss for words.

"Cap?" Teddy visibly relaxed his stance. The boy let out a sigh of relief. Then he flashed his megawatt smile. "What are you doing out here?"

"Hey Teddy. I like taking hikes after visiting the orphanage." Cap explained. He raised his duffel bag and pointed at it.

"Do a lot of people climb here?" Teddy's eyes suddenly widened in surprise.

"No. It's much too hard for normal people to go up this mountain. I'm trained and a Supersoldier so I can hike without a problem." Steve reassured Teddy. The boy had probably chosen this place to avoid detection. "Why did you ask? Are you hiding something?"

"No. It's just that I flew up here. I couldn't make the hike so I flew. I was worried someone might have seen me if there was a hiking path I didn't notice." Teddy replied coolly.

"Oh I see." Cap tried to mask his disappointment. He thought he could catch Teddy red-handed.

"How did you find me Cap?" Teddy eye's thoroughly checked Captain America out. The boy was still considerably wary of Cap.

"I heard some loud growls and thrashing so I came to check. Turns out it was just you. It was you wasn't it?" Cap raised his eyebrows. He was determined to crack Teddy.

"Yes, sorry about that." Teddy relaxed and loosened his stiff shoulders.

"What were you doing here anyway?" Steve tried one last time.

"I just wanted some shape-shifting practice. I'm trying to improve my non-human transformations. I'm still having a hard time turning into animals. I'm not sure I can do it actually. I can't even get their growls right." Teddy answered sheepishly. He showed no signs of what he was doing earlier. There wasn't even a hint of frustration.

"Oh all right." Cap sighed. Teddy had all his bases covered. Giving up, he decided to chat up the boy. At the very least he could find it the progress between him and Billy. "So how are you?"

"I'm good." Teddy smiled easily. "Football camp is a little tiring but playing with those kids can really knock you out. I don't know where they keep all their energy."

"I know what you mean. I love those kids but man can they wear you out." Cap laughed along with Teddy. "It's why I always take a hike afterwards. The nature relaxes me."

"Yes. It's a lot easier to think out here in the woods." Teddy agreed, stretching out both his arms. He took a deep breath to savor the serene atmosphere.

"How long have you been here? Don't you have to return to camp?" Steve approached Teddy. He was curious to see the boy up close. Whenever he was with Teddy, the boy was always hulked out.

"Around two hours. There's no practice on Sundays. We're given the entire day off to go out into town. I told my friends I'd take a hike."

"So do you need any help in shape-shifting?" Cap tried asking. He didn't know how else to talk to the boy.

"I guess I do. Do you have any experience with shape shifters?" Teddy looked at Cap with apprehension.

"To be honest I don't really know how to help. But I have fought the Skrulls before. They don't generally transform into animals in the heat of battle. But I do remember Richards, Mr. Fantastic just so you know, mention the Skrulls turning into cows. So I think you can change into animals." Cap concluded. "What can you do so far?"

"I can sprout wings, make armor and create blades. But I can't seem to change my form from a humanoid one. I can stretch too but not grow large or shrink down like Cassie." Teddy counted the possibilities with his fingers.

"I think that's pretty good already. How about voices? Can you copy my voice?" Cap enunciated the words slowly, giving Teddy the opportunity to listen.

"Even the voice." Teddy grinned and slowly transformed into a mirror image of Steve Rogers. Even Teddy's clothes disappeared, leaving the copy of Cap in the exact same state of wearing small hiking shorts.

"That's amazing." Cap clapped his hands. Steve looked over at his copy. It felt unnerving yet exciting at the same time to be seeing himself up close. He lifted his arm and flexed his bicep. Teddy clone did the same. Steve watched in wonder as the veins on Teddy's bicep reflected his own.

"Cool huh?" Teddy clone grinned happily. It looked awkward when he had Cap's face on.

"You're very good at this. You look exactly like me." Cap walked around Teddy, looking the boy over. He let his eyes linger on his/Teddy's ass a little longer. Then he realized something. "What happened to you clothes?"

"Oh. I wasn't wearing any." Teddy blushed a slightly at his own admission. "They sort of get in the way when I practice shape-shifting."

"So you're naked right now?" Steve clarified. He scrutinized Teddy carefully, looking for traces of the boy's claim. But no matter how hard he tried; he couldn't tell that Teddy was actually naked.

"I guess you could say that." Teddy's face grew even redder.

Steve let out a hearty laugh. It was so odd seeing his face blush cutely. It was his face yet at the same time someone else's expressions.

"What's so funny?" Teddy pouted slightly.

"I'm sorry. It's just weird seeing my face blush. I haven't blushed in ages." Steve admitted happily. It was refreshing to see such youthful embarrassment on his otherwise jaded face.

"I see." Teddy started to laugh as well. The alien then started making goofy faces with Cap's face causing Cap to erupt into wilder peals of laughter.

"I haven't' seen myself have so much fun ever." Steve joked. Both of them had sat down on the grass after laughing so much.

"This is so freaking weird." Teddy added amusedly.

"Hey Teddy. How can you do that if you're actually naked?" Steve pointed at the pant leg of Teddy's shorts after calming down. It was loosed and Steve could see up to Teddy's mid thigh.

"I actually don't want to think about that. It's a little too weird." Teddy scratched his head. "I'm not sure but as long a part of it stays attached then it's fine. It's just like my wings I suppose."

Then something wet pelted Steve's face. He looked up in surprise. It had begun to drizzle.

"I think we should get moving. It looks like it's going to rain hard." Cap observed as he looked at the darkening clouds. Rain in the summer was rare but still possible. His trip two years ago got him caught in a rainstorm. "I know a cave where we can camp out for a bit."

"Sounds good. Let me get my clothes." Teddy changed back into his teenage body, shape shifting in front on Cap. He left himself topless with a pair of running shorts. The moment he reached out for his clothes, the rain fell down.

"It's started. Hurry before we get soaked." Cap called out. He began thinking of the way to his cave.

Teddy reached for his sneakers behind the bushes, struggling to put them on. He grabbed his bag and tapped Captain America on the shoulder. "I'm good to go!"

"Follow my lead." Cap rushed through the greenery, taking the shortest route possible. He could feel the cool rain pelt his body as he ran through the heavenly drops. It felt amazing to run so free without any enemies in pursuit. The way the drops hit his bare chest felt good.

Looking back occasionally, he was impressed Teddy could keep up with him easily. The boy was always within sight and earshot, never straying too far off. Teddy looked cute when he was soaking wet.

"We're almost near." Cap shouted through the dense sound of the drops hitting the trees. He saw Teddy give a nod. Steve quickened his pace. It wasn't good for anyone to stay out in the rain for too long. In addition, the wet ground would make things harder and more dangerous for them to traverse.

"Is that it?" Teddy suddenly flew in front of Cap, before landing smoothly. He pointed towards a cave eagerly.

"Yea. That's the cave." Cap smiled to himself as he realized the boy could have left him anytime. He was sure Teddy could actually go home. To think he was slowing himself down in consideration for Teddy.

"Who knew it would rain this hard in the summer?" Teddy shook his head trying to get the rain off his blond locks. He dropped his backpack on the ground. And pulled off his soggy shoes. "Ugh. They're caked in mud."

"Crap, mine are too." Cap checked his own hiking shoes. He sat down on a rock and pulled them off. He was peeling his socks off when he noticed Teddy staring at him blatantly.

"Uhm Cap." Teddy murmured inaudibly. He pointed his finger towards Cap's. The boy was beet red.

"What is it?" Cap stood up and turned around. He was prepared to punch whatever monster as behind him. Nothing was there. He turned to face Teddy who was still blushing. He sat down on the rock again. "There's nothing behind me Teddy."

"It wasn't that." Teddy replied timidly. He looked at Cap and then turned his eyes away quickly, his blush suddenly reigniting. "It's uhm your..."

"My what?" Cap looked at his chest. Maybe he had gotten a scratch from a branch. He looked but he couldn't see anything. "What is it Teddy?"

"I can see you uhm..." Teddy tried saying but stopped. He took a deep breath before continuing. "I can see your penis through yours shorts."

"What?" Cap almost laughed at the way Teddy said the words. The boy was as red as a tomato right now. Cap bent forward and looked under his shorts. Teddy was right. He could see the head of his cock through the leg of his shorts. "You are right."

"Uhm. Aren't you going to do anything about it?" Teddy asked shyly. He held his backpack in front of him.

"You're right." Cap laughed heartily at Teddy's embarrassment. He stood up. He began to unbutton the front of his shorts when Teddy suddenly stopped him.

"Stop! Wh-what are you doing?" Teddy shouted, making Cap freeze in his tracks. He was holding his bag tightly in front of him.

"I'm stripping down son." Cap said clearly. He raised his eyebrows at Teddy's bewildered expression.

"Why?" The boy's voice was shaky. His grip on his backpack tightened.

"It's bad to wear wet clothes. Even though I'm a Super Soldier, I can still get sick." Cap explained. He wasn't entirely sure why the boy suddenly seemed so fidgety. "You should take yours off too."

"Oh ok." Teddy immediately turned around and faced the cave's wall. Thunder struck, its sound resounding through out the cave.

"What are you doing?" Steve pulled down his shorts down completely. He set them on a rock. He watched Teddy cautiously. The boy was still clutching the bag in front of him like it was something important.

"I'm giving you privacy so you can change." Teddy said shakily. "I don't need to change because I'm already dry."

"Teddy, I don't have anything to change into. The rain soaked all my clothes. My bag isn't water proof." Steve answered with a laugh in his voice. The boy had problems with nudity!

"What?" Teddy managed to spurt out. He held the bag closer to him.

"I'm sorry is me being naked bothering you? Do you want me to look for a different cave?" Cap asked kindly. He didn't know why Teddy was being so uncomfortable. He was sure the boy had at least seen Billy naked before.

"No. You don't have to leave. I'll just face here." Teddy answered immediately.

"I can't let you face the wall the whole time." Cap replied. He got up his shoes and picked up his socks. "I know of another cave nearby. I'll just wait there. You seem really uncomfortable."

"No! You don't need to. This is so embarrassing." Teddy mumbled the last part to himself. He slowly turned around and face Steve. His face immediately turned red as he saw Cap's naked form.

"You sure Teddy? You still seem bothered." Cap observed. The boy's shoulders were all stiff. Steve sat down again and put the shorts in on his laps. "Does this help?"

"Not really. I'm so sorry Cap! I'm gay." Teddy said in one burst. He held his backpack closer to his body.

"I know you're gay. You're dating Billy. I don't see the problem here." Cap frowned. What did Teddy think of Cap? He wasn't the type of person to judge others. He was the symbol of freedom and liberty after all.

"It's just that seeing you naked is making me hard." Teddy said out loud. He dropped his backpack on the ground. The front of his shorts revealed a large tent. It bulged obscenely across his black running shorts.

Cap tried to stop himself but it was too much. He started laughing uncontrollably. Soon he could hear the boy laughing as well. He wiped his eyes and saw Teddy had visibly relaxed.

"Teddy, it's fine to have a erection. Really, it's not that embarrassing." Steve snickered a bit. "It's completely natural for boy's your age. I even have them sometimes."

"It's not random. It's cause you're really hot." Teddy defended himself and then blushed once he realized what he said. "I'm sorry. I'm such a pervert."

"It's fine. I'm actually flattered." Cap grinned. These Young Avengers were really something. He began to think of things he could do with Teddy. His floppy dick began to fill out slightly.

"Really? You're not mad or anything?" Teddy asked again just to make sure.

"No, I'm not mad. I'm actually proud kids like you still think I'm hot." Steve laughed wholeheartedly.

"Anyone would have a crush on you. Billy and I actually think Eli has a huge crush on you!" Teddy laughed along with Cap. His tent was still visible.

Cap laughed nervously when he heard the last part. He decided to change the topic before he revealed something unnecessary. "Let's make a fire so we can dry out our clothes. It looks like it might rain a little longer."

"Right." Teddy nodded. He looked around and saw pieces of wood inside the cave. He began setting them up.

"I left those there last year. Just in case it rains. Set them up while I look for my lighter."

"Gotcha." Teddy bent down and started arranging the little sticks. He broke the larger ones apart with ease.

Cap couldn't help checking Teddy out. The boy's back was really sexy. He could see the muscles move as the boy split the hard branch in two. He could see a little off the top of Teddy's ass. The boy's shorts hung a bit low.

"All done." Teddy suddenly turned his head, to face Cap. Since Cap was standing up, Teddy found himself staring at Cap's limp cock. He quickly looked away as he realized he was staring. "Sorry."

"I told you I don't mind. Guys check each other out the all the time. I don't need to tell you all the heroes I've seen naked." Cap joked, setting Teddy at ease. He handed the lighter to Teddy.

"Thanks." Teddy flicked the lighter lighting up one branch. He added it to the woods he set. Slowly but surely, the fire spread, illuminating the dark cave.

"Let's set our clothes so they would dry." Cap made a makeshift rack with the extra pieces. He hung all his clothes on the rack, removing even the wet ones in his bag. Teddy gave him all the clothes in his backpack. Steve stretched out his hand towards Teddy asking for the boy's shorts.

"These aren't clothes." The boy smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry forgot." Cap shook his head. It was still mind boggling to think Teddy was always naked. He decided to ask. "So are you always naked or something?"

"I'm not actually. I'm not used to shape shifting my clothes. Normally I still wear clothes. Even my costume is separate from me. "Teddy said scratching his head. I was just practicing a while ago. You caught me by surprise so I gave myself some clothes."

"Your shape shifting right?" Cap nodded in understanding. The boy had good response time to be able to shift himself clothes instantly. "If you want, you could give yourself more clothes right now, if it helps you feel more comfortable. I don't mind being the only one naked."

"It's alright. To be honest, it feels a little weird to be wearing clothes when you're naked in front of me." Teddy blushed again. "It really feels weird for me to shape shift clothes."

"Why don't you change back to your natural from? If it's tiring you out, you should change back. Don't worry, I don't mind seeing you have a hard-on. I've seen a lot of dicks in my life being in the military. Soft, hard, big or small, I've seen them all." Cap reminded Teddy too make him feel comfortable. In all honesty, he wanted to compare with boy.

"Okay I will." Teddy stood up and slowly began shape shifting. In a moment, he was completely naked. His cock was proudly standing erect. Teddy's face matched his cock in its redness. "Sorry."

"Son, you don't have anything to be sorry for with a cock like that." Cap grinned widely. Up close, Teddy's enormous organ was a sight to behold. He couldn't tell if he was bigger. "Really Teddy, you don't have to keep apologizing."

"It just feels funny ogling you like this." Teddy laughed uneasily. He placed his hands over his cock, trying in vain to cover it. "It feels awkward having an erection in front of a totally naked man."

"Don't tell me you've never been naked in front of Billy?" Cap asked incredulously. He decided to try and bait the boy. He wanted to see how far he could push the boy.

"I have! Its just that I've never been naked in front of an adult before." Teddy defended himself. He didn't want to look like he had no experience.

"What's the difference anyway?" Cap reached around his balls to scratch them casually. He saw Teddy's eyes follow his hands.

"For one thing Billy had an erection too." Teddy laughed nervously. He opened his palms trying to cover more of his dick. He managed to hide the top half.

"Would you like to see me get an erection too? Would that help?" Cap gave his meat a noticeable squeeze. He saw Teddy's cock jerk a little.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Teddy faced away immediately. He looked really nervous. His face was flushed red and sweat was pouring down from his forehead.

"If it helps you feel comfortable I don't mind." Cap's smile grew even wider. Teddy was completely refreshing compared to Tommy and Eli.

With Eli, the boy was completely wrapped around his finger. He could do anything he wanted with Eli. With just a few hints and suggestions, the boy would pleasure him in every possible way.

Tommy on the other hand was a wild child. No matter how hard he tried he could never predict what the boy was going to do next. The boy always surprised him with a certain kind of wit.

Teddy was on a completely different level. Despite having more experience, he was completely innocent when it came to Cap. The boy's resistance was amazing just like his cock.

Steve quickly pushed the thoughts out of his head. He was beginning to analyze these boys like they were conquests. He wasn't supposed to want to bed them all. But he did. Teddy finally said something to snap him out of his musings.

"Okay." Teddy bit his lips in anxiety. His gorgeous blue eyes were glued to Cap's crotch.

"Alright then." Steve didn't need much help in getting his cock up. Seeing Teddy's blatant desire and lusty form was enough to get him all hot and bothered.

"Wow." Teddy's eyes widened in surprise as he watched Cap's erection reach its full potential. "Its huge."

"Thanks." Cap gave his cock a quick shake. It bounced right back up hitting his abs.

"How'd you get it up so fast? You didn't even need to think about anything." Teddy asked immediately. He was always having difficulty with his erections. They always popped up when he didn't need them too.

"It's a skill you need to master." Cap laughed as he emphasized the words. He stood up causing his cock to bounce slightly. He gave it a good hard squeeze. "You'll eventually learn how. It just takes practice."

"Why is it so important?" Teddy raised his eyebrows in surprise. He tried looking at Cap's face but couldn't take his eyes away from the large cock in front of him.

"You do not want an erection when you're fighting super villains." Cap started stroking his cock lightly, making sure it looked like he was doing it unconsciously. "It's the reason why the femme fatales dress like sluts."

"Really." Teddy scoffed a bit. "That seems unlikely."

"Don't believe me? Come on then." Steve grinned. He had his opening. "Try tackling me."

"I'm sorry." Teddy immediately recanted. He waved his hand frantically.

"No just give it a shot. I'm not mad. It's just easier when you have first hand experience." Cap goaded Teddy.

"You can't be serious." Teddy shook his head but decided to stop arguing with Cap. He crouched down and spread his arms. He would do this right and impress Cap. He waited for an opening and when he found it, charged forward.

He grabbed Cap by the stomach. His arms clamped down tightly around Cap's waist, trapping him securely. Teddy's face hit Cap's hard abs. He could feel the hard ridges of the man's well-defined abs. Once he looked down, he saw the huge head of Cap's cock staring at him. It looked even more enormous up close.

"Gotcha." Cap grabbed Teddy's chest with one hand and squeezed Teddy's cock with other. The boy immediately stiffened and loosened his grip. Cap dropped down on the ground. He used his legs to pin Teddy's body in the place he wanted it. After a few quick maneuvers, he had Teddy's waist trapped in his legs.

"Crap." Teddy tried to punch Cap since he could still move his arms. Cap grabbed both his hands. They were now locked in position, struggling against each other.

"We're in a stalemate right? And by all accounts you should win this one. You're a lot stronger than me. But if you have an erection, I can do this." Steve pulled himself closer against Teddy's body, grinding both their massive cocks together. Teddy's hands immediately weakened.

Cap freed his right hand instantly. He grabbed Teddy's hands and positioned it. In three seconds, he was choking Teddy.

Teddy tried moving his arms but they were locked in position. He tried lifting cap with his legs but each time, Cap would rub against him and he would lose strength. He felt himself losing strength quickly.

"Good enough." Cap released his hold on Teddy. He went behind Teddy and started rubbing the boy's back. "Breath in slow breaths. Try to get a rhythm going."

"I see you point." Teddy said after coughing a bit.

"That's why they always wear skimpy thongs and push-ups bras. It's also why the grunts always die quickly. They get erections and the women use it to their advantage." Cap laughed. "That's why it's imperative to be able to turn it on and off."

"Damn I wish I could do that." Teddy sat down on one of the rocks. He spread his legs apart giving room for his large balls. He gave his cock a good squeeze. "It's so embarrassing sometimes when I get one. I have to shape shift it away. It's really uncomfortable."

"It's all in your head Teddy." Cap smiled and sat down beside Teddy. He patted the boy's back. "Just practice and you'll get the hang of it."

"I am practicing!" Teddy answered and looked at Cap. The boy's eyes were scrutinizing Cap carefully. Finally as if convinced by something, Teddy finally spoke up. "You know a while ago I said I was practicing shape shifting?"

"Yes. I may be old but I don't have Alzheimer's." Cap chuckled lightly. His legs brushed against Teddy's slightly.

"I was only telling you half of it." Teddy closed his eyes briefly and took a deep breath before he continued. "I was actually practicing shrinking my dick."

"Okay. I'll believe you. Why?" Cap grabbed his own massive cock for emphasis. "Why would you want to shrink this?"

"It's just that Billy wants to go the next level." Teddy murmured a little. "You know do it and stuff."

"And you don't?" Steve answered poignantly.

"Of course I do. Wherever I go all I think about is him." Teddy's raised his hands in frustration. It was written all over Teddy's face how hard he had fallen for Billy. "It so hard to think of anything else. I can feel myself losing control."

"So what's the problem?" Steve rubbed Teddy's shoulders in consolation.

"I'm afraid I might hurt him. I've been around other guys to know that I'm more than above average in size." Teddy rubbed his temples.

"You are big but what makes you so sure you'd hurt Billy. That boy is sturdier than you think. You guys have fought Skrulls after all. I'm sure he can take it." Cap smiled knowingly.

"My first time was with this girl. My best friend introduced me to her. Not only was she very experienced but she had also been very promiscuous taking my friend before taking me." Teddy shook his head at the awful memory. "After I had sex with her, she didn't come to school for a week due to pain."

"Teddy." Cap rubbed the boy's back. No wonder the poor boy was so hesitant. "You were probably young back then and couldn't control yourself. I'm sure you weren't very gentle the first time. You probably started pounding once you got in."

"I guess. I don't really remember much." Teddy admitted to himself. All the good parts were long overshadowed by the bad parts.

"You just have to be gentle with Billy. Give your boyfriend more credit. He's a lot sturdier than you think." Cap forced himself to too smile too much. He was imaging Billy taking up the huge dildo up his ass. Billy could definitely take it.

"But Billy's a guy. His ass wasn't meant to be entered. I'll rip him apart." Teddy angrily answered back. Cap was making it sound too simple when it wasn't. "You don't understand. Guys aren't like girls. I've checked online."

"Teddy, I've messed around with my fair share of guys. They may be different but sometimes they're even stronger." Cap watched as Teddy's eyes almost bulged out of his face. The boy's lips were quivering open.

"You've messed around with guys?" Teddy said accusingly. If he didn't stop himself, he was sure, he would have pointed at Cap rudely.

"Yes I have." Steve rolled his eyes. It was the same reaction with Tommy except Teddy was much more surprised.

"As in slept with them?" Teddy asked again. It didn't sink in yet. The Captain America had sex with men.

"Yes. And just in case the vernacular's different, I'll make it even clearer. I've fucked men and been fucked by men. That should clear things up." Cap said triumphantly. He studied Teddy's funny expression.

"So you're gay?" Teddy forehead had creased, creating a multitude of wrinkles.

"I don't like using labels but if I had to I'd say I'm bisexual. I've had longer relationships with women after all." Steve wasn't a huge fan of labeling. It was just another cause of division.

"Wow." Teddy said finally after a long period of time. He began murmuring to himself. "I never though that you would be, I mean, would have done things with guys. And not just sex but a relationship too."

Steve cringed at Teddy's last realization. He had let that one slip by. He had to be more careful next time. "So are we clear now?"

"Yes. Definitely." Teddy straightened up immediately. He looked at Cap. This time his eyes were scanning Cap with renewed curiosity.

The silence that followed was extremely awkward. Teddy was still processing all the information. Cap on the other hand was a loss for words. HE didn't know how to bring the topic up again.

"So you think Billy can take me?" Teddy finally said after the long pause. "He really wants it and I'm already at my limits."

"He's seen you naked I suppose. I'm sure he knows what he's getting into." Cap answered confidently. Billy was definitely prepared.

"I just have to be gentle." Teddy studied those words as they rolled of his lips.

"You don't need to shrink your dick." Cap couldn't help teasing Teddy.

"It could've helped." Teddy frowned, not picking up the humor. "I can get to shrink down but once I think of Billy's ass rubbing along my dick, it just gets bigger all over again."

Teddy started stroking his cock as he imagined Billy. Cap couldn't help himself and started stroking inconspicuously as well. Images of Billy and Tommy being fucked by their massive tools flashed in his mind.

"Teddy, if you're not ready yet then you should wait. You're first time... it is your first time right, at least with Billy?" Steve cut his own thoughts. He had to make sure Teddy was having sex for the right reasons. As the adult, he had the responsibility to guide the boy not just fuck them senseless.

"Yes it's our first time." Teddy blushed a little.

"Then make sure you make it special. Don't rush into things. At the rate you're going now, you're going to ruin it for yourself by over thinking things." Steve warned carefully. "As is it now, you are too wound up about this. You need to relax and get lost in the moment a little."

"You think?" Teddy was a little uncertain. Everything Cap had said seemed true.

"Just relax a bit all right. Sex isn't supposed to be hard." Steve gave Teddy a strong pat in the back. He cupped his balls and squeezed them. "It one of the best things in life."

"Okay." Teddy flashed his signature smile. He let out a breath and stood up. He stretched his arms far and turned to face Cap. "I think you're right."

"Of course I am." Steve said smugly. "Do you want any more advice?"

"Sure." Teddy agreed eagerly.

"Before you put this in," Cap waved his hard cock at Teddy. "you should finger Billy first. Help him relax."

"I fingered him before but the pain was so bad his dick went down." Teddy frowned as he remembered their failed attempt.

"That's normal. It really feels odd the first time your ass gets fingered. It'll feel good after a while." Cap raised his finger and started wiggling it. "The trick to make your partner feel good and forget the pain is to hit his prostrate as early as possible."

Teddy nodded dumbly, urging Cap to go on. If he had a notebook, he would have taken notes.

"Once you touch his prostrate, the pain will be overshadowed by the pleasure he feels."

"Where's the prostrate though?" Teddy started copying Cap's finger motions.

"It's hard to explain. Find you own so you can get an idea where Billy's is." Cap decided to take a chance. He sucked on his finger, lubing it up. Maybe if Cap took the first step, Teddy would follow.

"Why are you sucking your finger?" Teddy said even though he knew the answer already. He watched in amazement as Cap's finger slowly disappeared into his ass. Billy would never believe Teddy if he told him he saw Captain America fingering his own ass.

Cap moaned out loud as he stimulated his own prostrate. One of these days, he'd have to take care of that itch. Maybe Teddy was the man for the job. Steve eyed Teddy's throbbing cock greedily. "I'm fingering my ass. You should try it."

"Okay." Teddy sucked in his own finger as well. Slowly, he pushed them inside his ass. He squirmed them around, moaning at sensations in his anus.

"That's it. Keep going." Cap murmured perversely. He was fingering his own prostate while jerking his now leaking cock. Teddy's eyes were completely closed, focused on the task at hand. Cap totally let his inhibitions go, adding another finger inside his muscular butt.

"I can't find it." Teddy said with heavy frustration tinting his voice.

"I'll look for it." Cap said eagerly. Maybe Teddy would be Cap's first Young Avenger.

"I'm sorry Cap. I mean I really appreciate all your doing for me but I can't let you finger me. I'm saving my ass, I mean myself for Billy." Teddy said shakily. His resolve was firm but it was still hard to resist Captain America. "I haven't even cummed since I was with Billy a month ago. I'm saving everything up for him."

"I understand Teddy." Despite knowing he wouldn't get anywhere with the boy, Cap couldn't help feel good about helping Teddy. The blond alien was just so sweet saving himself up for Billy. It was both admirable and impressive.

"How about you play with my ass?" Cap offered to the boy. He wanted to help Teddy in any way he could. Besides something told him, the faster Teddy got it on with Billy, the earlier he could fuck Billy's ass.

"I... guess Billy wouldn't mind." Teddy paused for a long while and thought it over. "I am doing it for him."

"Good. Get your finger nice and slick." Cap lied down on the ground and raised his legs up. He pulled his ass cheeks apart, exposing his asshole. "Yea suck it good."

"What do I do now?" Teddy spit out his finger. He gave his cock a hard squeeze before using it to hold up Cap's leg.

"Usually it's best to start by eating out my asshole." Cap suggested lightly. He wasn't sure if Teddy was going to go for it.

"Okay." Teddy kneeled down, putting his face level with the pink pucker. He could see the long fine wisps of blond hair surrounding Cap's ass.

"Why don't you give it a whiff. Rubbing your nose against the asshole will definitely make Billy feel good. It'll also help him get used to the sensations." Cap pushed his butt out, eager to feel Teddy.

"I'm going in." Teddy murmured before rubbing his pushing his nostrils deep into Cap's crack. Cap's scent was just as intoxicating as he imagined it to be. He pried apart Cap's ass cheeks with his hands, squeezing the muscular gluts. He drove his nose deeper inhaling Cap's hefty scent.

"Yea Teddy. That feels fucking good. Take it all in. That's how a real man smells like." Cap urged the boy to go deeper. "You like that huh? Try tasting it."

Teddy stuck out his tongue and gently touched Cap's ass hole with the tip. Cap tasted strongly. It was hard and heavy just like his smell. Teddy dove in deeper wanting more.

"That's it Teddy. Eat my ass out." Cap grabbed Teddy's head and pushed him deeper into his ass. The boy was definitely talented with his tongue. It was driving Steve's senses wild. Cap grabbed his cock and started stroking out. "Keep this up Teddy and you'll make me shoot."

"Did I get your prostrate?" Teddy suddenly pulled away. He swallowed in surprise as he saw Cap laid out before him. His hero's sweaty and hairy body was exposed right in front of him. Cap's gaping asshole was winking at him inviting to eat it out. Teddy licked his lips in anticipation.

"Your close Teddy. But you didn't get it yet. For that you need your finger." Cap said in a murmur. He was slightly annoyed that Teddy stopped so abruptly.

"I have a better idea." Teddy grinned proudly to himself. He went down into Cap's ass again, this time not hesitating to plunge his tongue deep into Cap's hole.

"Yea that's it Teddy. That's the way." Cap was thoroughly enjoying himself. He had forgotten how good it was to get his ass eaten out. And then he suddenly felt it. He looked at Teddy in surprise. The boy wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. But something wet hit that sweet spot again. Cap couldn't help but growl in pleasure. "Arghh... Oh that's the spot."

"This one?" Teddy pulled away briefly before diving back in. He started licking the little nut he found with his tongue. He felt Cap tremble each time his tongue grazed that spot.

"Fuck Teddy! That's it." Cap moaned in appreciation. He didn't understand how the boy did it with his tongue but he was too preoccupied with feeling good to think about. "I'm so close!"

Teddy continued to ravage Cap's ass with abandon. If he could make Captain America squirm like this then everything would be great with Billy. Then he started to think about Billy. What would Billy think if he knew Teddy was eating Cap out?

Suddenly a phone rang. Teddy pulled away from Steve reluctantly and went for his bag. "Sorry Cap."

"It's all right." Cap huffed in annoyance. It might be important. As a superhero he knew that much. He sat up and looked over Teddy bent over. The boy had a fine muscular ass. Steve wanted to eat that ass out and then fuck it.

"It's not my phone Cap." Teddy said in surprise. He turned to face Cap. He ogled the man's amazing blond furry chest. It looked so raw and virile. Unconsciously he began rubbing his own.

"Really?" Cap shook his duffel bag and checked his phone. It was a message from Stark. His pick-up was a little early due to scheduling conflicts. Cap groaned as he realized what it meant.

"What is it Cap?" Teddy asked in worry. He noticed Cap's enormous erection deflate quickly. If it didn't mean the end of his training, he would have enjoyed seeing the large member grow and shrink.

"I have to go. My pick up is here." Cap said irritated. "I guess we can continue this some other time?"

"Okay. Thanks for everything Cap." Teddy smiled sadly. His cock went down too.

"At least now you know where the prostrate is. Make Billy feel good." Cap tried livening up the mood. He then remembered the odd sensation assaulting his prostrate earlier. "By the way, how did you do that?"

"I made my tongue grow longer." Teddy answered proudly already knowing what Cap wanted to ask.

"Wow. That is some technique. I definitely have to try that again." Cap said in surprise. He couldn't even begin to imagine how kinky it was to have sex with a shapeshifter. It was extremely intriguing.

"Cap, I'm not sure we can do it again." Teddy said interrupting Cap's thought. He played with his hands not knowing how to continue. "I feel like I'm cheating Billy if I continue with you."

"What?" Cap turned and faced Teddy in surprise.

"It's just that now that I think about it, it feels like cheating if I'm doing this with you." Teddy admitted. "I mean I really enjoyed doing it to you, it's just that..."

"It's okay Teddy. I understand. I don't mind." Cap gave Teddy a convincing smile. In all honesty, he didn't think Billy was all that conservative with his love life, given the fact the mage was playing with Tommy. He was sure he could get in on the action eventually. "I'm just glad that I could be helpful to you."

"Really Cap?" Teddy's face lit up immediately. Without warning he ran towards Cap to give his hero a hug.

Cap felt the boy wrap his arms around Cap's body. He hugged the boy back. Their naked sweaty bodies rubbed against each other. Cap could feel Teddy's hardening cock push against his own stiffening member. "Hey Teddy."

"Sorry about that." Teddy pulled away smiling sheepishly. "I guess you have to go huh?"

Cap's phone suddenly rang again. "I guess so. Will you be okay here?"

"I can find my way back on my own." Teddy grinned. He started putting his clothes back.

"This was fun. Good luck with Billy. And don't forget, enjoy the experience." Cap put on all his clothes. "I'm off. See you next time."

"Bye Cap!" Teddy started going down the mountain.

Cap went up to the peak quickly. He wanted to get home and fuck Tommy as soon as possible. He resisted the urge to have a quick jerk-off at the forest knowing Tommy was waiting for him. He'd just fill the boy's ass with a week's load of cum. He could already feel the cum collect in his balls. It was going to be a big one, fitting for any boy's devirginization.

He entered the jet quickly and went straight home. He almost ran back to his apartment in anticipation. He reached his door and with a deep breath, he opened it. His eyes grew wide at the sight of two naked boys in his couch.

"What the hell is happening in here?"

Next: Chapter 15

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