Captain America and the Young Avengers

By Pikachu MOn

Published on Mar 1, 2010


DISCALIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. All the characters depicted in story belong to and are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and its subsidiaries. I am in no way related to the company and have no ownership over the characters. This is fan made work. This story depicts males in sexual situations, just so you know. Thank you.

A/N: This is going to be a series with Captain America and the Young Avengers. (who are owned by Marvel not me) Please feel free to comment and offer constructive criticisms. I want to improve as a writer. And lastly enjoy.

Captain America and the Young Avengers: Chapter 10

Tommy stretched out his arms and yawned happily. He hadn't had such a good night's rest in such a long time. The difference between a bed and a cushion were so big after all. He looked around. Captain America had already left. There was a note by the side table.

"I'm off to a mission. I'll be back at around seven. Help yourself to the kitchen. Didn't make you anything since you're a better cook than I am. Sincerely Cap."

It was written in an immaculately fine print. It almost seemed typewritten. Tommy wondered briefly if Captain America took a penmanship class to perfect his writing.

"Thanks." Tommy said to Cap even if he wasn't there. The boy smiled and proceeded to the bathroom to freshen up.

He pulled on his dick and let his piss hit the toilet bowl. The yellowish stream split into two, making it difficult for Tommy to aim well. He cursed aloud and fumbled a bit before getting it to stabilize.

It reminded him he could jack off again. Flushing the toilet, he ran to the drawer where he saw Cap take out the porn. He was in awe as he opened it. It was the biggest collection he had ever seen in his life.

Like everything in Cap's apartment, the DVD's were neatly arranged. Tommy browsed the title and realized they were in alphabetical order. He snickered at Cap's obsessive compulsiveness.

He debated for a moment whether to have a quickie session before deciding against it. The team or what's left of it was meeting up to try a new restaurant. Besides, Tommy hoped a repeat of last night's activities were in order.

Cap was amazing with his hands. The man had great technique. He was sure the older man had some other tricks up his sleeve. Tommy's only reservation was if Cap could keep up with Tommy. The man was like really ancient. But the large porn collection was evidence of Cap's sexual drive.

Tommy took a quick shower. He carefully cleaned his cock and balls, removing the dried up cum. As he washed his back, he noticed a little streaks of cum. Maybe he rolled over Cap's semen on the bed. That man shot like a geyser. Finishing up, he had a quick breakfast and quickly left.

"SPEED! Look out!" Billy Kaplan called out. He shot lighting out of his hands at the bank robber with a gun.

"They can't hit me anyway!" Tommy ran circles around the idiots whom they happened to pass by.

"Wiccan, I have located and disarmed their escape vehicle." Vision suddenly appeared behind Billy.

"Great! Stature, Speed take out the rest!" Billy called out. With, Eli, Kate and Teddy gone, Billy found himself temporary leader of the team. They made a few mistakes at first, but they managed to pull together to capture the villains.

"All done! Sir." Tommy mock saluted. The thieves were all tied up to the post.

"Wiccan, we better go. The police are here." Stature said while she was shrinking down.

"Alright." Billy's eyes glowed with a blue aura. With a crackle of energy the disappeared from the scene and found themselves in an alley behind the new restaurant.

"That was fun." Tommy said sarcastically. He hated teleporting. He could get anywhere faster than his brother after all. He quickly changed out of his uniform and into civilian clothes.

"Tommy can you be a lookout while we change. You're done anyway." Normally the team went back to HQ after a mission. But right now Kate's dad was auditing the place.

"You done yet?" Tommy asked. All the action had made him hungry. "I'm starving."

"I'm done. Go find us a place to sit." Billy glared at his twin. Tommy was too impatient sometimes.

"I'm done too." Cassie called out from behind the trashcan.

Cassie Lang, also known as Stature, had the ability to change size at will, shrinking down to microscopic levels of growing to gigantic proportions. She was the daughter of the second Antman. She joined the Young Avengers the same time Kate did.

"Let's go." Billy watched Cassie and Vision walk to the restaurant holding hands. Billy was still a little weirded out by the situation. After all, Cassie was dating a robot. Still, Billy let it go, he was after all dating an Alien.

Vision, also known as Jonas, was the remnants of Iron Lad or Kang's armor. He was activated during the fight with Kang and possessed the brain patterns of Iron Lad, the teenage Kang. The robot could do everything the old vision could and more. Vision was however still learning the ropes of being a teen.

Together they entered the restaurant and found Tommy.

Lunch was a little annoying to say the least. Cassie and Jonas, Vision in human form, were all over each other. It was too sweet and made Billy miss Teddy even more.

The twins separated with the lovers at Tommy's behest. The speedster had suggested Cassie go on a date with Jonas before she had to go vacationing with her stepfamily.

"Were they always like this?" Billy asked Tommy after they were out of earshot.

"Yes. Every single day after Cassie got over the whole robot thing." Tommy said unappreciatively.

"How come I never noticed before?"

"Because you and Teddy are way worse." Tommy said accusingly.

"We are not!" Billy defended himself. Surely he and Teddy weren't so obvious?

"No you guys are worse. You just don't think anyone notices. But everybody see you guys holding hands under the table, stealing kisses while fighting bad guys. I even caught you in the closet once."

"That was you!" Billy shrieked slightly. He quickly covered his mouth.

"Don't worry. I didn't see anything." Tommy teased.

"Shut up!" Billy stuck out his tongue at his twin.

"Nobody minds though. You can be all over each other whenever you want." Tommy grinned at his twin.

"Awwww... Thanks I think." Billy had to tell Teddy about this. Billy always thought they were so discreet with their displays of affection.

"So what are we going to do now?" Tommy asked bored at walking aimlessly around the mall.

"I uhhh, I was planning to go home after eating." Billy blushed at his admission. He was going up a size today with his dildo. He had put off trying a bigger one for a week. Actually, he hadn't gone past using anything bigger than the little vibrator he had used with Tommy.

"What why? Come on! What are you going to do at your house?" Tommy whined. He had nothing else to do the whole day.

"Nothing. I just wanted to go home that's all." Billy said. His face had grown even redder as he began to imagine inserting the dildo up his butt.

"Wait a minute. You're blushing!" Tommy pointed his finger straight at Billy's face for emphasis. "You're going to visit Teddy aren't you?"

"No I'm not. I'm just going home." Billy wanted to visit Teddy but after their disastrous attempt at getting laid, Billy decided he'd meet up with Teddy after opening his hole up.

"Then why are you blushing?" Tommy asked accusingly. He scrutinized his brother's face.

"I am not!" Billy put his palms to his face. True enough they were heating up.

"Oy!" Tommy smacked his forehead as he realized what his twin was so flustered about. "You're trying a new dildo aren't you?"

"Be quiet!" Billy rushed over to cover his twin's mouth. He placed a finger to his lips signaling the speedster to be quiet. He did not need the entire mall to know he was attempting a bigger sex toy.

"Nobody's listening anyway." Tommy pulled Billy's hand down. Billy was too paranoid sometimes. This time he whispered. "How's that going anyway?"

"I haven't tried a new size since we did it." Billy admitted.

"Okay. How many are you supposed to uhm... well you know, to get ready for Teddy?" Tommy asked. This was officially the weirdest conversation he's ever had.

"I have ten more before I'm ready for Teddy." Billy admitted.

"When is Teddy coming back anyway?" Tommy wondered. Everyone was leaving for at least a month. Only Billy and Vision didn't have summer plans like Tommy.

"In three weeks." Billy was a little worried. He was way behind schedule. At the rate he's going, he'd have to upsize every other day. His butt clenched at the thought.

"Aren't you a little behind schedule?" Tommy counted the days on his fingers.

"Yea. I'm having problems on the bigger sizes." Billy chastised himself for his lack of courage. He was doing this for Teddy and himself. He needed more guts.

"Fine. I'll help again!" Tommy declared proudly.

"Okay." Billy's first instinct was to reject the offer. But then he realized with Tommy there he could actually get the job done. He was doing this for Teddy anyway. So it wasn't technically cheating.

Tommy looked around Billy's room. It seemed a lot smaller than he remembered.

"Are you sure about this?" Billy came out of his closet with the box of sex toys. He kept it with his costume, carefully hidden from his parents.

"Yea, why not? As I said last time, it feels good anyway. Besides if it weren't for me you'd never get anywhere." Tommy laughed as he approached his brother. He took the small pink vibrator in his hand and laughed.

"That's what I've been practicing with for the whole week." Billy said as he saw Tommy holding the piece of plastic. Tommy dropped it immediately after hearing Billy. "I washed it Tommy."

"That's good. I still can't believe I had that up my butt." Tommy took hold of the small toy and felt it around his fingers.

"I remember." Billy blushed as he remembered what he did with Tommy. He took a translucent red dildo. It was segmented into round balls that got bigger as it reached the base. The balls were separated around a half-inch or more. "This is what I'm trying to reach next."

"It's not that different from this." Tommy took it from Billy's hand and examined the toy. It was a little bigger than his finger at the last ball. It was semi-rigid being able made from a rubbery material, causing it wobble when Tommy wiggled it. But overall it wasn't that impressive. It was slightly bigger than the pink vibrator.

"It's plenty big." Billy defended himself. He was still afraid of the pain.

"Whatever. I'll help you with that one. But I'll use this one." Tommy grabbed a purple dildo that was the size of roughly two of his fingers.

"That's just a size bigger than mines!" Billy yelled out. Tommy was being too smug.

"Wanna try this then?" Tommy pointed the toy at Billy. He pressed one of its buttons accidentally, causing the dildo to whir uncontrollably. Tommy let it go in surprise. The little piece of plastic vibrated across the floor, squirming around wildly. It looked alive, moving around like a small animal.

"You sure you want to try that?" Billy checked again to make sure Tommy knew what he was getting into.

"Yea, I'm sure." Tommy swallowed hard before answering Billy. He had to show his brother he had the balls to take up something that big. He needed to back up his big talk. He peeled of his shirt. "You ready bro?"

"I guess." Billy swallowed. He ogled Tommy's nice abs for a moment before taking his shirt off as well.

"So do you have any porn?" Tommy looked inside the box of toys. He was a little surprised by the anal balls that he saw. He wondered if Billy would ever use them. There was no porn inside the box.

"I only have gay porn on my laptop. I already returned the bisexual DVD you watched last time." Billy recalled how he even put on a disguise just to drop it off at the return box outside the video store. Normally Teddy was the one who borrowed it. He shape-shifted into an old man to avoid suspicion.

"That was a bisexual DVD?" Tommy asked. He really couldn't remember anything gay about that video.

"Yes it was." Billy said exasperatedly. "We were just too distracted to notice."

"Fine whatever. Just open Xtube I guess. I'll look for some videos."

"Here. Look for what you want." Billy opened his laptop and gave it Tommy.

"You're Internet is freaking fast!" Tommy exclaimed as the video loaded quickly.

Both twins sat on the bed. The computer was between them. They stared at each other, quite unsure of how to proceed next.

"Aren't you going to strip down?" Tommy asked his twin. He didn't want to be naked alone.

"You go first." Billy said he was a little shy even thought they had both been naked around each other. Tommy pulled down his pants with his underwear, letting his floppy cock free.

"Your turn." Tommy watched as Billy did the same. Billy really looked like Tommy. It was like staring into a reflection. Without thinking it through, Tommy blurted out. "Who do you think has a bigger dick?"

"We are twins. I guess we're about the same." Billy stared at his twin's cock. It seemed bigger than his but Tommy was still soft so he wasn't sure.

"Let's check." Tommy declared. He scooted closer to Billy, his dick inches away from Billy's. It grew harder.

"Okay. I think we both have to be hard." Billy murmured and then grabbed Tommy's dick. When his twin didn't pull away, Billy started stroking both their cocks with his two hands.

"That feels so good." Tommy moaned as he felt his brother's hand on his dick. He slapped away Billy's hand from Billy's dick and took t. He stroked it leisurely while Billy was stroking him.

"Tommy. I think we're hard enough." Billy looked down at both their dicks. They looked roughly the same. "I think we're just around the same size."

"You can't tell if you don't put them side by side." Tommy grabbed his dick from Billy's hand. He pressed both their cocks together. His dick poked out a little at the top. "See? I'm bigger!"

"Nu-uh." Billy moaned a bit as he felt Tommy's dick rub against his. "You're cock is just a little higher. Let me adjust."

"Fine. I guess you're right. We are the same." From base to tip, the twins' cocks were the same length and thickness. Tommy continued stroking both their dicks.

"That feels too good Tommy. You have to stop or I'm going to cum." Billy whispered to his twin, causing the boy to let go of both their cocks. "So who goes first?"

"We'll do you first. You take longer." Tommy grinned. He took the red ball-segmented dildo and began lubing it up.

"Be gentle." Billy requested. Tommy had a very devilish look in his eyes. Billy found it somewhat scary yet arousing.

"I'm not the one who's going to push it in Billy. You are." Tommy gave the lubed up toy to Billy.

"I can't Tommy. That's why I asked you to help the first time remember?" Billy argued.

"You have to learn. I can't always be here to help you. I won't start with myself until you put it inside." Tommy said determinedly. He applied lube at his twin's pink hole, careful to only skim the surface.

"I hate you." Billy glared daggers at his twin. But he knew Tommy was right. He had to learn how to do this or he would never get Teddy to fit.

"You better show some gratitude little bro. I'm already touching you're asshole." Tommy reminded Billy. He held Billy's legs up, making sure that Billy's asshole was on display and easily accessible.

"Fine fine." Billy snorted. Tommy was being sweet in his own way. Taking a deep breath, he took the dildo and aimed it at his sphincter.

Tommy watched Billy's pink asshole clench with each passing second. It had little black hairs around it. It seemed so small yet eager to accept the red anal beads. Tommy found himself getting harder watching Billy's butt hole squeeze and clench. Billy was pushing it in but was making it hit his balls instead.

"Here, let me help you with that." Tommy motioned Billy to hold his left leg up. Tommy then guided the first ball into Billy's hole. "There, now all you need to do is push."

"Is it in yet?" Billy felt the round plastic at the surface of his ass. His nerve endings were making him feel good already. This toy felt so much bigger then the pink plastic he had gotten used to for a week.

"No. It's just touching. Now push it in slowly but surely." Tommy coaxed his brother. He was holding one of Billy's legs up. His other hand was preoccupied aiming the dildo up Billy's hole.

Billy took a deep breath and pushed hard. The first ball popped in suddenly, causing Billy to cry out from the sensation. His entire body trembled as his asshole clenched down on the foreign invader.

"Take it easy bro. Don't rush it." Tommy put Billy's legs over his shoulders. He rubbed Billy's thighs in an attempt to soothe his twin.

"I think I used too much force." Billy rubbed his asshole. The first ball was completely in leaving only the tiny stem protruding from his ass.

"You ready for another one? Or do you wanna take a break first?" Tommy asked gently. He didn't want to push Billy too much. Maybe this is how Teddy felt when he and Billy were trying things. Tommy wondered again how big Teddy was.

"No I'll take a break once I get all four balls inside." Billy reached under his ass and began to push the second ball in. It slid inside his ass stretching the pink hole.

Tommy stared in amazement as Billy's hole slowly swallowed the anal ball. Billy was grunting and groaning the entire time. The mage's other hand was gripped tightly on Tommy's bicep.

"Ugh. One more down. Two to go." Billy sighed as the entire ball pushed through. He was sweating like crazy and so was Tommy. Billy could smell their musky scents in the air. He needed a shower after this.

"Alright go for it." Tommy encouraged his twin. Billy was finally getting into it, pushing himself on his own.

The mage began to push the third ball into his ass. It entered his slick hole easily, pushing past the initial barrier. Billy tried to stifle his moan as the third ball massaged the insides of his ass.

"It's in Billy." Tommy said as he watched the ball totally disappear into his brother's tight hole. There was only one ball left and Billy would have taken it all in. He looked over at his twin.

Billy's face was flushed red from arousal and exertion. His blue eyes were covered in a haze of lust. His mouth was agape and panting. The boy's chest rose and fell dramatically. Covered in sweat, Billy looked absolutely frazzled.

"Can you do the last Tommy?" Billy pleaded. He was feeling all sorts of things from the rigid balls invading his ass. It felt too different but good and he didn't have the strength to push the last one in.

"Okay. I'll push it in for you." Tommy agreed To Billy's request. His twin had tried hard enough. "You ready?"

"I guess." Billy covered his eyes with his arm. The sight of Tommy looming over him made him feel aroused. This was the position he and Teddy would usually have in Billy's dreams. It made Billy feel a little guilty.

"Alright, I'm pushing it in." Tommy declared. He began to apply force on the last ball.

"Tommy! Oh Oh. It feels so much bigger." Billy yelled out. He began whimpering and moaning loudly as the ball tried to push past his anal sphincter. His entire body started writhing in pleasure.

"Stop moving Billy! I can't aim properly." Tommy yelled at his brother in annoyance. The way Billy was moving made Tommy a little scared he might hurt his twin.

"I can't. It feels too amazing. I need something to hold onto." Billy explained timidly. He was embarrassed by the noises he was making.

"Fuck. Don't ask me where I learned how to do this. Grab onto my shoulders." Tommy let go of the dildo, removed Billy's legs from his shoulders and leaned down towards Billy. He placed his twin's hands over his neck. He placed his hands under Billy's butt. "Use your legs to hold on to my hips. Now hold on tightly."

"Okay." Billy hugged Tommy tightly. Their hard dicks were pressed against each other and it took all of Billy's strength to hold back his load. Then he felt Tommy rise, carrying him along into a sitting position. The change in movement caused the red dildo to move as well inside Billy. The mage yelped out in surprise. "Oh fuuucccck!"

"Sorry. Forgot about that." Tommy rubbed Billy's back to relax his twin. He held Billy up with one hand on the mage's butt. With the other, he held the dildo in place. "There now you can hold on to me for support while I push the rest of this inside."

"Where did you learn how to do this Tommy?" Billy rested his forehead on his brother's shoulders. For the first time, Billy began to realize how lucky he was to have found Tommy as a brother.

"Geez. I just asked you not to ask!" Tommy replied the irritation clear in his voice. "I'm pushing it in. And don't bite me please. I still have your teeth marks."

"Okay. Sorry about that. Oh! There they are." Billy saw his teeth marks on Tommy's neck. He had bitten his brother accidentally during their first time with the vibrators. His thoughts were quickly forgotten as he felt Tommy pushing the last ball in. He held onto his twin's warm body tightly, squeezing their hard dicks together.

"Do you have to hold me so tightly?" Tommy unwillingly relaxed his hold on the dildo. Billy's cock was rubbing against his and it felt too good.

"Sorry. But yea I do." Billy murmured. He heard Tommy sigh and then felt his brother resume the balls advance. Billy closed his eyes braced himself for the final entry.

"Pushing it in." Tommy ignored the feelings on his cock and pushed the last ball. As it went past the Billy's ass ring, Billy suddenly bit him again. Ignoring the pain, Tommy pushed it in all the way.

As it went in, Billy's mouth let go of Tommy's neck and he yelled out in ecstasy. He dropped his head on Tommy shoulder. "Wow. It's all in."

"You bit me!" Tommy held Billy tightly. Billy completely relied on him to sit upright.

"Sorry. I think I need a break." Billy whispered weakly. He could feel the odd shape of the balls in his ass. It was hard to describe. But his cock was dripping precum and ready to explode.

"Yea you do. I think you need time to adjust too. Hold on to me again. I'll lay you down." Tommy commanded. Billy's was getting a little too heavy and way too close for comfort. Billy's precum was making his dick slide along Billy's dangerously.

"Alright." Billy held on and felt himself being gently laid down on his bed. He closed his eyes and tried relaxing around the seemingly large toy deep in his ass.

"Finally my turn! Don't take this the wrong way, but helping you out got me all horned up." Tommy squeezed his dick hard. A huge glob of precum dripped onto his fingers. He licked it up.

"The lubes under the bed. It fell a while ago." Billy supplied as he saw his twin searching for the bottle. He watched Tommy's asshole as his twin bent over and picked the bottle up.

"Ooooh that's cold." Tommy said to no one in particular as he squirted the cool gel all over his dick. He spread the liquid all over his body and down his balls and ass.

"You should put more Tommy. Your ass looks a little dry." Billy mentioned as he watched Tommy coat himself with lubricant. "Here let me help."

"Thanks." Tommy murmured as he felt Billy's fingers rub against his rosebud. He grabbed his purple dildo and applied lube liberally.

"There, all done."

"Alright. Here I go." Tommy sat down beside Billy's head, giving his twin the perfect view of his cock, balls and ass.

"Ok." Billy watched intently as Tommy positioned the huge head in front of his entrance.

"I'm pushing." Tommy groaned as he felt the cool plastic across his hole. It was really big.

Billy swallowed deeply as the purple toy brushed against his twin. Billy clenched his own dildo with his ass muscles. It was like watching a hotter version of himself get penetrated by a dildo.

"Shit. I can't do it like this." Tommy took out his dildo. He handed it to the surprised mage. "Hold it on the bed straight up for me Bil?"

"Like this?" Billy asked as held the purple toy upright. Where was Tommy going with this?

"Yea that's good. I'll lower myself down while you hold it. I'll have more control this way." Tommy mentioned. He faced Billy and then positioned his ass over the perverse toy.

"I'm holding it steady." Billy said. His other hand was holding his erect dick, giving it an occasional squeeze.

"I'm starting." Tommy slowly lowered himself until the tool was rubbing against his asshole again. He took as deep breath and steadily continued his descent. He groaned out load as the toy opened his ass wide.

"Take it slow Tommy."

"Ahhh. Ahhh. Yea." Tommy shut his eyes and pushed himself lower down the head of the purple shaft. It was bigger than he thought it would be.

"Keep going Tommy." Billy watched in amazement as the purple head slowly disappeared into Tommy's ass. It stretched Tommy's hole as it pushed deeper into the speedster's ass. Billy was pulling on his balls.

"How far is it?" Tommy asked huskily. The dildo was hitting all sorts of places he never knew he had.

"You're halfway." Billy answered back.

"Fuuuck." Tommy lowered himself even more. He wasn't going to give up. His dick was already making a mess on Billy's bed

"Tommy! If you could only see this! It's amazing." Billy looked in awe at his brother's seemingly bottomless hole.

"How far?" Tommy ignored Billy. The dildo was pushing against his spot. He was going to lose it at this rate.

"Just one more push Tommy! You're so close." Billy coaxed Tommy more.

"Awww fuuuccck!!!" Tommy cried out as he completely sat on the dildo, taking the entire thing up his ass. He trembled as he felt his orgasm wash over his entire body.

Billy watched in amazement as Tommy's dick erupted. It pelted Billy's face with volleys of cum. Billy closed his eyes as he felt the semen hit his nose and chin.

Tommy panted and held onto the mattress for support. He was exhausted. But he had done it. He had taken the large dildo up his ass. He was tired but happy.

"Tommy! You shot all over my face!" Billy shouted in annoyance. He didn't want to admit it, but he was tempted to taste his brother's cum.

"Shut your whining. I'll get it off." Tommy lazily bent over and cupped Billy's face. He licked the cum of Billy's nose and chin. He let out a moan and then sat up straight again. "Crap. I shouldn't move so much."

Billy stared in shock. Tommy almost kissed him. Billy felt the odd sensation of Tommy's tongue gliding across his nose. He looked at his brother who acted like nothing was amiss about that kiss. It was mind-boggling.

"Oooh. I can't take this out yet. Ahhh, I'm still too sensitive." Tommy said talking to a distracted Billy. His cock had gone floppy but was dangerously close to coming alive again.

"Yea ok. We can rest for a while. My parents won't be back for a while." Billy decided to ignore the almost kiss. If Tommy felt that it was fine then it would be fine.

"I can rest for a while. You have to get started on that thing in your ass. You're rested enough." Tommy pointed out. No way was he going to have a chat while he had a dildo up his ass.

"I...I... Okay. I guess it's my turn." Billy said. "I'm letting go of yours."

"Alright." Tommy held onto his dildo to make sure it wouldn't move. His dick was already getting its second wind.

"So do I take it out?" Billy looked to Tommy for answers. What was he supposed to do?

"I guess." Tommy was a little annoyed. Billy asked him about everything. It's not like he knew about dildos and stuff. Then again, he probably knew more than Billy. "Maybe you should fuck yourself with it."

"Wh-why?" Billy asked uneasily. The vibrator just vibrated so Billy didn't have to do anything. He never thought he'd have to fuck himself on the dildo.

"Well, you want to get fucked by Teddy right?" Tommy grabbed his dildo and slowly moved closer to Billy.

"Yea I do." Billy said shyly. This was so embarrassing.

"Then you have to get used to Teddy pushing in and out." Tommy pointed out nonchalantly.

"But Teddy's was bigger than this!" Billy tried. He didn't fully understand why he was so apprehensive. But he was and he couldn't help it.

"Fine you wanna practice with a bigger dildo?" Tommy asked cockily. Billy was too much of a wuss when it comes to things like that. He wondered how far Billy and Teddy would get without him, with Teddy being soft and Billy being Billy.

"Alright alright." Billy grabbed the handle of the red dildo protruding from his ass. He began to slowly pull on it.

"Just keep going at it. I'm watching so don't slack off." Tommy said meanly as he glared at Billy. If he wasn't tough on Billy, nothing would happen.

"Uhh... It's so tight." Billy moaned as he pulled out the red dildo slowly. The round ball was pushing against his anal exit.

"Just keep pulling bro." Tommy began to clench his ass around his own dildo. It felt good to have his ass stuffed. His dick was stiffening into full hardness.

"Owwww... The first ball is coming out!" Billy shouted as he felt his ass stretch around for the second time against the round plastic.

"It's coming out I see it!" Tommy said excitedly. It looked so surreal for him to see it exiting from Billy's hole. The pink pucker closed a soon as the ball popped through.

"Oh fuck. That felt amazing." Billy said as he relaxed, letting out the breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Can you do the rest?"

"Yea alright. I'll take care of the last three little bro." Tommy grinned. He rubbed his hands on Billy's chest as a sign of reassurance.

"Thanks Tommy." Billy smiled back. The huge balls inside him were driving him nuts.

"Can you move?" In their current position it would be difficult for Tommy to pull out the little balls in Billy's ass.

"Yea I can." Billy sat up. He felt the balls hit the insides of his ass. It felt so good. He moaned a little.

"Get on all fours in front of me so I can pull easier." Tommy commanded. As Billy moved in front of Tommy, the speedster found himself wanting to touch Billy's ass. And so he did.

"Tommy?" Billy yelped in surprise on the soft hand caressing his butt cheek.

"Just wanted to check if you're still okay." Tommy covered immediately. He didn't think much of it and blamed it on hormones. He grabbed the only ball outside and tugged a bit.

"Oh fuck! Warn me a little will ya?" Billy whimpered in surprise. He wasn't ready yet.

"Sorry. I'm going to start." Tommy complied with Billy's request. He began to pull on the third ball. He watched in amazement again as he saw the red surface come out of Billy's ass.

"Augh ahhh." Billy was reduced to various whimpers of pleasure. His face was down on the mattress with his only in the air. He tried in vain to muffle his cries of pleasure.

"It popped through!" Tommy said triumphantly as he pulled out the third ball. He rubbed his hands all over the small of Billy's back. "You okay there, bro?"

"Mmmm-hmmm." Billy could feel his dick leak precum onto his bed. He definitely had to wash his sheets later. At the rate Tommy was pulling, Billy would come at any minute.

"I'm continuing." Tommy warned his twin. Once he saw Billy nod, he continued his movement. The balls were coming out faster being the smaller ones. They second ball popped through easily. He heard Billy grunt. He pulled on the last one.

"Oh my goooood!!!" Billy screamed out as he had his first orgasm without stimulating his dick. It was wild and explosive. Billy's senses were overloaded by all sorts of things. He didn't even feel himself shoot on his face as the pleasure overwhelmed him.

"Wow Billy." Tommy said after letting Billy relax for a while. The last ball was slick in his hand. Tommy was in awe as he saw the trail of Billy's cum. It had first shot across the bed and then hit Billy's face.

"Now I know how you feel." Billy murmured meekly. He held himself up with his hands.

"You were amazing Billy! Look out how far you shot!" Tommy helped his brother get up and pointed at the stain. It was at the foot of the bed.

"Wow. I don't think I've ever shot that far." Billy felt a surge of pride. He knew it was stupid but he was still happy. "My ass feels empty though."

"Here ya go. Your anal beads." Tommy handed the red dildo to his twin. He slapped Billy's back. "Good job bro."

"Wow. This was in my ass." Billy said in wonder as he looked at the slick red dildo. The vibrator looked very small compared to this. But compared to Teddy, he still had a long way.

"I bet I could shoot farther than you." Tommy said thoughtfully.

"No you can't!" Billy snapped back. Why did Tommy want to take away his thunder?

"I'll show you!" Tommy moved into position and took on Billy's place. He was on all fours with his ass sticking out.

"Fine. Let's find out who can shoot farther." Billy grinned. As much as he was annoyed, the moment Tommy went in front of him. Billy couldn't resist the temptation to fuck Tommy with a dildo.

"I've memorized your cum on the bed sheet. I can tell if mine goes farther. Can you?" Tommy challenged his twin.

"I've checked as well. I'll be able to tell. To make it fair, I'll fuck you with dildo since you fucked me. Agreed?" Billy placed his hand on Tommy's smooth ass. It was hard and muscular, probably from all the running Tommy did.

"Whatever floats your boat. I'm ready." Tommy clenched his ass around the dildo. This was freaking hot!

"No touching your dick. I'm going to pull." Billy warned. Once Tommy nodded, Billy pulled on the large purple dildo. It glided along Tommy's ass. Its shape was more consistent so it didn't give as much resistance as the balls.

"Ooooohh. That feels weird." Tommy moaned. He was determined not to fall on his face like Billy. The dildo felt good pulling out of his ass.

Billy pistoned the purple plastic toy in and out of Tommy's ass. Then he felt a bump along the base of the shaft. It was a button. He grinned evilly as he realized what it was for.

"Is that all you got Billy?" Tommy challenged his brother. The truth was that it was feeling really good by now.

"Nope. Get ready Tommy." Billy grinned. He pressed the button and the purple dildo came to life. It started wriggling like crazy in Tommy's ass.

"Oh my gooood!" Tommy fell and his head hit the pillow. The sudden movement shocked him and he was unprepared for the pleasure the vibration was giving him. Billy pushed the seemingly possessed dildo deeper. "AAAaAAhhhh!"

Billy smiled evilly as he felt his brother succumb. Tommy was too cocky and it felt good to bring him down. Billy continued driving the dildo in and out of Tommy's ass. It whirled crazily, going so far as to sometimes spin out of Billy's hand.

"Billy!" Tommy screamed out as his ass was ravaged by the dildo. "I'm gonna cum!"

Billy started fucking Tommy faster and faster with the purple dildo.

"Awwww fuck!" Tommy yelled out. He felt his orgasm sweep over him.

Billy gripped Tommy's hips steadily as his twin shot his seed all over Billy's bed. Billy mercifully shut off the dildo as Tommy was cumming. Tommy's entire body stiffened and Billy grabbed Tommy's cock, aiming it at the previous stain. He felt the organ pulse as the semen shot through.

Tommy laid his head down on the pillow. That was the most insane orgasm he'd ever had. Somehow, he always came the hardest with Billy around.

"I'm pulling it out." Billy warned his twin. After Tommy nodded, Billy pulled the slippery dildo out of Tommy's ass. The speedster grunted slightly as the purple head slipped out easily.

"My ass feel sore." Tommy rubbed his cheeks. It felt oddly empty not to have a dildo inside anymore.

"You asshole looks all stretched out." Billy commented on Tommy's hole.

"So who shot farther?" Despite his sexually satisfaction, Tommy never backed down from a challenge. He had to know if he won.

"Let me check." Billy stood up and looked at the stains. The fresher ones were roughly in line with the dried ones. Proudly he declared to his brother. "It's just the same. You didn't beat me!"

"What? Let me see!" Tommy moved slowly, his butt was still sensitive. True enough, Billy wasn't lying. "Must be because that was my second load for the day."

"Excuses." Billy stuck out his tongue at his twin. He lay down beside Tommy. "Let's rest. I'm exhausted."

"Yea. I don't want to walk for a while." Tommy placed his hands at the back of his head. "How much time do we have?"

"My parents are picking my grandmother from the airport. We have an hour before they're back." Billy sighed happily. His room smelled of cum, sweat and boys. He'd have to clean it later but now he would relax.

"That's great. I do not want to run all the way back to my place with my ass still sore." Tommy closed his eyes.

"Your place?" Billy turned his head to face Tommy. He was greeted with Tommy's white armpits. They smelled nice. Pushing those thoughts away, he continued. "I thought the clubhouse was being renovated?"

"Yea it is. I'm staying over at a friend's place! It's great there! I can do anything I want. And the dude is like rarely home." Tommy bragged to his twin. He fondly remembered the things he did with Cap.

"No kidding. Your friend is never home?" Billy clarified.

"Nope. He leaves early in the morning and tends to come home late. He just sleeps there and eats dinner with me."

"So he wouldn't notice if you had some extra stuff with you?" Billy checked to make sure.

"Yup! Wait what's this about?" Tommy glared suspiciously at his twin.

"My grandmother's coming over and I don't want her to find my box of well... you know. You could bring it with you!" Billy smiled the most innocent smile he could muster.

"What? No way!" Tommy frowned at his twin. He was not bringing a box full of sex toys to Captain America's apartment.

"C'mon! She likes cleaning my room. She's going to find it and it'll be really embarrassing." Billy pleaded with puppy dog eyes. If this were Teddy, he wouldn't even need to bat an eyelash.

"Why don't you enchant her or something?" Tommy stayed firm in his resolve. Then he wondered what would happen if Cap found the box. His mind went wild with the possibilities.

"That was the original plan but if I can avoid casting a spell on family, it would be better. Please Tommy!" Billy put his hands together and begged.

"I don't know..." Tommy wavered. It didn't sit well with him either enchanting an old lady. And the idea of Cap pushing the dildo in him was intriguing.

"You can use anything you want. I'll even let you use the stuff inside whenever you want after this is all over." Billy tried again. He really wanted to avoid using magic on people. He wasn't confident enough.

"Fine, I'll do it. But you owe me again." Tommy glared back at Billy. He smiled when he saw the happy look on Billy's face. Catching himself grinning, he turned away.

"Thanks bro." Billy closed his eyes for a bit. It was great having at twin. They lied there together until the time to clean arrived.

A/N: Ten chapters! Woohoo! To be honest, I had a little writer's block writing the whole Tommy and Cap part but that's all over now. I've finally introduced all the young avengers and the story is starting to come together.

It's sort of amazing how long this is going to be. I've never thought I'd have the guts to post at nifty. But I did and all the reviews you've given me, made it possible. Thanks for reading! Keep reviewing!

Next: Chapter 11

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