Captain America and the Bloody Kiss

By Ebon Artist

Published on Feb 28, 2023



Captain America and the Bloody Kiss

by Ebonart (,com)

Captain America and Bucky were created in 1941 by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby.

Captain America wrestled with his young teen partner Bucky as they tumbled and rolled on the gym mat. They routinely practiced boxing and wrestling, as well as some more exotic forms of martial combat like Judo. Both masked heroes had tons of energy to burn, and this was a good way to do it while also reinforcing skills they needed in the field.

This secret training room in the depths of Falsworth Manor was the perfect spot to get away from Invaders business as well as prying eyes. Slowly the training session became something else, until at last Cap pinned Bucky's writhing lean form under him and he forced a kiss from the fifteen-year-old boy.

Cap groaned back in his throat as he felt the boy's yielding mouth under his, and his erect cock, trapped now in his uniform, pressed to Bucky's shirtfront. He fucked his bulge against the boy, pulling his shirt out of his trunks and moving his satin trunks against the squirming laughing teen's muscled stomach.

"Cap!" Bucky laughed. "You're... cheating..." the young rascal said as he arched his back and moved his limber and smooth body against Cap's steel-muscled form.

"I am, what are you going to do about it!?" Captain America laughed, and he reached to slidE his gloved hand into the teen's trunks. He closed his strong fingers on Bucky's rigid cock and stroked the boy's hard shaft.

"No fair!" Bucky grunted, and fought against the powerful man, but Steve held him pinned with one hand on his chest while the other molested him.

Bucky closed his eyes behind his mask as he suddenly ejaculated in Cap's gloved fist. "Ah! Ah! Ahh!" he moaned as he thrust his slender cut penis into the man's glove. Spent, Bucky fell back onto the mat. He turned his head and sighed softly as he felt Steve's mouth on his stomach and this his cock, licking and kissing the cum from his sweaty, muscled young body.

Captain America helped his partner to his feet, then both of them went to the showers. Bucky squirmed some more; Cap insisted on washing his trim form like he was still a little kid, but the man enjoyed it so that Bucky let him. Bucky closed his eyes and had to admit that Steve's large strong hands smoothing slick soap over his wiry frame felt very, very good.

Once they were done, they folded up their costumes and went upstairs as Steve Rogers and young master James Buchanan Barnes.

Bucky was having a time getting used to the house. It was huge! He'd never imagined living in such a massive house, but now... he was in England, and living in the home of an actual Lord.

Lord James Montgomery Falsworth met them on the way to the breakfast room. (An entire room just for breakfast! Bucky could barely believe it). Lord Falsworth was grey-haired but still sturdy for a man his age. Steve told him that Lord James had been a costumed hero in World War One named Union Jack. He was kind and friendly, and James liked the man a lot. Of course, dealing with Lord James meant dealing with his creepy-ass brother John. John was lean as a staved cat, with foolish-looking buck teeth and a bored look about him. His eyes, though, never left Bucky.

Steve shook hands with Lord James and had a friendly smile for John.

"Ah, Rogers!" John Falsworth said. "James and I were about to enjoy some breakfast. Care to join us?"

"Of course, if it's no trouble, Lord James?"

"Never, old man!" Lord James said.

The four turned and headed for the breakfast room. John contrived to drape his thin hand on Bucky's shoulder. Thin and soft as the man looked, his grip was like steel on Bucky's shoulder, tight enough to hurt.

"Your lad is a sturdy one, Rogers," John Falsworth said.

"Well, we keep in trim," Steve said easily. Bucky smiled. Lord James knew they were Captain America and Bucky, but this twit was clueless. He'd descended on the house only last week, after being away for years hunting in Africa and South America. There was no way he knew that in the meantime the manor had become the de facto base for The Invaders.

John removed his hand as they moved to the massive table. Farrington, the head butler, had seen that the table was filled with all sorts of food. Thankfully, to Bucky's eyes, American-style eggs, bacon, and toast was there along with the baked beans, pork cracklings, fried tomatoes, and mushrooms.

Lord James heaped his plate, as did Steve and Bucky. John picked at his food, moving the bits around on his plate until it looked like he'd eaten. Bucky supposed the man was just being polite in joining them at all.

Bucky had to smile at all the ways that Lord James and Steve had to talk around the events of the day, with John present. At last, John excused himself as being tired, and left the room.

"I swear, Jack, your brother..." Steve said, shaking his head.

"Well, John has had a hard go of it these last few years. He caught some kind of skin disease when he was in India, and it's plagued him for some years now," Lord James said as he put knife and fork to work taking apart some sausages.

Bucky couldn't help feeling sorry for the man, then, and maybe a little ashamed of his judgement. He stayed quiet.

"Well, that's some bad news, there. Straight to the point, though, does he plan to be here long?"

James sighed and put down his fork. "He's family, Steve, and he's my only brother. He's been away so long, and now with the war on.... I worry for him. He may not look it now, but he was a daredevil adventurer when he was a lad. I worry he'll go off on some damnfool thing..."

"Very inconvenient, though," Steve said after washing down his eggs with some tea.

"It is that. Churchill wants to meet with Captain America and Bucky tonight about the new offensive. And the rest of The Invaders as well."

"I don't think Namor will be there," Steve said.

"Good if he's not," James snorted. "He's a loose cannon, Steve."

"Good in a fight, though," Bucky said.

"You're right about that, youngster," Steve said. "But as long as the Torch and Toro are there, we'll be good."

Bucky smiled at the idea of his buddy Toro showing up at the meeting. The young fire-brand was sidekick to the Human Torch and Bucky's best friend aside from Cap.

The meeting broke up soon after they were done with breakfast, and Steve went into London on some business. Lord James holed up in his office, giving Bucky the run of the place.


Bucky roamed and played on the vast grounds of Falsworth Manor all day, and only returned to the main house for lunch. After that, he wandered the huge manor, marveling at the tapestries, statues, and remnants of ancient days until he came to the side wing library. There, John Falsworth sat in the windowless room, reading.

Bucky turned to leave, but John cleared his throat. "Buck? Come here," the man said.

Bucky started to go but suddenly he felt he needed to hear what the man would say. He was sick, Lord James said. Maybe he needed something. Bucky turned and approached the man. John sat in a dark corner where he could not be seen from the door; otherwise Bucky wouldn't have even entered.

Bucky walked over, and as he approached, he had to admit that the man didn't look well. His skin was looked both unwholesomely soft and dry stretched on his bony face. His fingers were like bundles of sticks, so thin that Bucky was scared he'd break something whenever he shook the man's hand. As he walked up, James took off his monocle and turned it so the lamplight glittered off it into his eyes.

Something about that... he stopped and stared as John played the light from his monocle across Bucky's eye for several seconds before he placed it in his jacket pocket.

"Yes," James said. "Come closer. Yes. Closer. Good boy." His voice was soft and his tone gentle. "Such a pretty lad."

"Hey," Bucky started to complain. Where did this yahoo get off calling him pretty? The rest of his angry report died in his throat. He stepped closer, right in front of John's slender crow-like form.

John reached out, and brushed Bucky's cheek with his fingertips. Bucky started to stumble backwards, go away, but his feet were rooted in place.

"Stay, boy," came John's voice, somehow deeper and more compelling. Bucky could not look away from the man's dark eyes.

"Such a pretty boy. Back in the war against the Kaiser, I would have bedded a half-dozen likely boys like you in a weekend," John laughed. His nimble fingers reached out and undid Bucky's shirt buttons until he'd worked the top three free. Bucky's tight white undershirt showed, pale against his ruddy skin.

John reached and stroked his fingers over Bucky's cheek and then his neck. He let the pads of his finger rest on Bucky's artery, feeling the pulse of the young boy's heart, then moved his hand down to open Bucky's shirt some more. The scent of the youth came to him, rich and sensuous.

Bucky stood as still as a statue. Calm, placid, and willing. His eyes were half-closed as he listened to John's gentle voice, soft as falling snow.

John reached and undid Bucky's belt, then undid his trousers. His nimble spider-like fingers reached, searched, and then with a smile he pulled Bucky's soft cock free of its confines. He rolled the soft sleek member between his cold fingers, drinking in the warmth from the boy's cut penis.

John licked his thin lips as he moved his fingers lower and fondled the boy's hairless balls, then returned to the thickening length of the youth's pretty cock.

"Such a big boy," John breathed. He teased and played with Bucky's cock until the fifteen-year-old boy's penis was rigid and throbbing with need. The deft fingers stroked along Bucky's five and a half inches, especially tracing the smooth veins. A pearl of precum appeared at the tip of the young boy's cock, and John gently stroked it free, then brought the drop to his lips. He ahhhed at the taste of Bucky's precum, and then his hand moved quick as a snake to catch a second drop before it fell. This one, he urged between Bucky's lips, and the pretty boy opened his mouth to suck his precum from the man's finger.

"Good boy. Listen to me now, Bucky. You're going to come to me every afternoon like this. And I want to hear everything about your meetings with Churchill and his staff, the ones you'll attend with your partner, Captain America. Look deep into my eyes, Bucky. Obey. You cannot resist me. Obey."

Bucky could not help himself. All he could do was nod. Those eyes! Suddenly so large and so deep, and that voice, stroking him like a silk sheet. The man's touch on his penis, wrapping his throbbing sexual need in his cold fingers and stroking, teasing....

Bucky whined, and shot his load onto the carpet. John laughed as he stroked the boy's throbbing penis, masturbating him into his climax, and then urging him into another one minutes later. Bucky stood, legs apart and fist clenched, cumming and gasping.

John watched the boy's struggles and release with awe. So much better and finer than the boy whores that Hitler had provided him with for years.

When Bucky's cock had shot it's last, he drew the boy closer. He reached into his own mouth, and with a sharp click removed his false dental work. His teeth showed clean and straight. Bucky's eyes widened. Two of the teeth, the canines, were sharp and pointed, like a cat's fangs. They gleamed. Bucky could not tear his gaze away from them.

John Falsworth then leaned forward and sank his fangs into Bucky's neck. Warm hot blood burst forth into his mouth and he shook with the desire to take it all. But no. He could not. He could not risk being found out. He took a long draw from the boy, then licked the wound closed in the manner of his kind.

Bucky was pale and shivering when he was done, and he dressed the boy again. He touched his fingertip to the point of his canine and watched a beard of black blood well up. He touched that bead to Bucky's mouth and made the youth suckle it down.

"Now, we are bound, my pretty little bantam. You will speak nothing of this to anyone. You belong to me, Bucky, and you will obey when I call," John whispered to the teenaged boy.

"Y-yes, master," Bucky said. "I will obey. I will come when you call."

"Tomorrow. My boy. And I promise I will kiss you again."

"Yes, master," Bucky said as he left the library. Ten minutes later, he awoke in one of the large chairs on the terrace. He shook his head. He must have fallen asleep.


At the meeting that night, Bucky stood back with Toro. They had both learned to stay quiet and observe the other men in the room, looking for any clues Captain America and the Human Torch might miss. The older men mostly ignored them, for all that they were superheroes as well and had risked their lives dozens of times.

It was hard to concentrate, though. Toro's `costume' was a simple pair of trunks and a pair of boots. True, he spent most of his time covered in fire, but when he was like this.... He was as lean, muscled, and sleek as Bucky himself and Bucky was more and more finding Toro's hard body appealing. He lay awake wondering what it would be like to kiss him.

He'd seen Toro's cock when they'd showered and a couple times when they'd gone skinny-dipping. He was nicely made, and his hard body was very appealing. He was Bucky's own age, but more carefree and careless. I guess that's what it's like, having actual super powers, he thought. Bucky was acutely aware that he was the only member of The Invaders to be a perfectly normal human being, and sometimes it was ... weird.

He was feeling tired, though, and oddly weak. Must be the weird British food, he thought. I need to get around some steak and potatoes, asap! Maybe Cap will go for a decent place to eat tonight!


The next day, Bucky found himself in the side wing library once more. The windowless room was shadowed, save for the one dim light where John Falsworth sat. Bucky walked in, and John closed his book.

"Do you have something for me, Bucky?" John said, his voice like a soft kiss.

"Yes, master," Bucky said, and he related the details of the military meeting, including troops strengths, code words, operation names, and the real names of two operatives in the Nazi High Command.

John listened to the youth and smiled broadly when he was done. He opened Bucky's pants and drew the boy's hard cock forth, his fingers smoothly stroking the sleek length. Bucky sobbed in his need, and John allowed the boy to cum. He caught the youth's boy-milk in his hand this time and licked it from his skin. The life force in it was almost as sustaining as blood, and much less obvious to take. He slid from the chair and suckled the boy's cock until the virile youth shot his load again. John groaned, desperate to drink the boy's seemingly endless fountain of rich, thick, creamy seed.

He could tap the boy's cock again, but he needed to weaken Bucky enough that his control was absolute. He drew Bucky close, and opened his shirt once more. He bared his fangs and plunged them into the boy's neck. This time held the boy's body to his for several seconds, savoring Bucky's strong form quivering against him as he drained the boy's life. Soon, he'd have enough information for der Fuehrer, and then he could kill both Captain America and Bucky. No. Wait. Maybe he should turn the boy. He could do with a pretty aide like James Barnes.

He finished and let Bucky's body slump against him. He was so tempted to kill the boy now and wait three days for him to rise as a vampire, then let him kill Captain America, but no. He was not yet strong enough to mind control that verdammt interfering Captain America! He needed more blood! He stood and placed Bucky in his chair. The boy would sleep until dinner. Soon the sun would be down, and he could leave the estate in search of prey.


Steve Rogers pulled Bucky against him in the huge bed they shared. The lean youth's form fitted to his powerful muscled body like a glove, and he let the boy kiss him slowly, gently. His hard, thick cock pressed to Bucky's flat stomach, and left a thick trail of warm precum on the lad's soft skin as he moved his length against those tight, hard muscles. Bucky shifted his body, and Steve hissed with need as his penis slid between Bucky's silky smooth and soft-skinned thighs.

Bucky's cock stroked against his own skin, and he laughed softly as Bucky whimpered.

"Can't wait, partner?" Steve joked, and kissed his young fuckbuddy. He turned Bucky on his stomach and pulled his long legs apart. He bent, and his mouth and tongue stroked over Bucky's eager little pucker. He heard the sharp sigh from his young buddy, and Bucky gasped "Steve!"

Steve sat up and turned Bucky over onto his back. Steve's massive cock reached almost to the boy's pectoral muscles.

"You ok, son?" he said. He put a finger under Bucky's chin to stroke him there. Bucky liked that a lot.

"I'm fine, Steve. I'm really tired. Can you just hold me, tonight?"

"Of course, sport," Steve said. He shifted in the bed and pulled Bucky so the boy's head lay on his broad chest. He stroked that lean young form, his hand ending on that tight, firm little ass. His big hand cupped and kneaded the hard little mounds of muscle there.

"Need you, Steve," Bucky sighed. He moved up Steve's body and straddled him, then leaned in to kiss him.

Steve embraced the fifteen-year-old boy and kissed him back. They lay like that, making out for several seconds, until Bucky stretched and shifted. His lips ended up on Steve's neck. The boy kissed him there, licked him, then... took a fold of skin between his teeth and bit down.

"Ow, scamp, what brought that on?" Steve grunted as Bucky sucked at the bruised flesh. He pressed Bucky's head gently into his neck, smiling as the boy bit him again. He'd have marks in the morning. Thank goodness for high-collared shirts. The boy bit him a third time, then settled in to kiss and mouth his aching skin.

"Good boy," Steve whispered, as he felt Bucky calm down and fall asleep in his arms. The kid had been right; he must be exhausted to fall asleep this early. He shifted in the bed and cradled his young partner to his chest all night.


The morning saw an urgent telegram for Lord James. He'd been called to address Parliament. James dressed, and Steve and Bucky accompanied him up to London. John stayed behind, of course. Once they were all away, John descended to the family crypt. There lay one of his coffins, placed there many years ago by his minions among Lord James' household staff.

Being around and about during the day was tiring. Without the super-science treatments Hitler had arranged, he would not have even been able to do that. With them, his ruse was much easier to employ. But it was costly. He lay down, surrounded by tons of his native soil, and let the restorative power of the earth seep into his body over the course of the day. He would need all his strength to face Captain America and face him he must. And soon.


"Bucky, we're going to mask up after dinner, so eat quickly," Steve said as they came back to the Manor that night.

Bucky grinned and punched his fist into his other hand. "Hot dog! What's up?!"

Steve grinned and ruffled Bucky's hair. "We're going to drop behind German lines and take out a missile factory they've set up just a couple miles from shore. Then who knows what mischief we might cause Der Fueher, huh?"

Bucky grinned as they walked in through one of the side doors, almost bouncing in his eagerness to get in costume.

In the hallway, John Falsworth stood, monocle in hand, looking towards the side library. "Oh, Rogers. Good to see you, old chap. Say, would you do me a tremendous favor?"

Steve slowed and nodded. "Um, sure, John. We're in a hurry, though. We have tickets to a show in London so we need to eat and then catch an early train."

"Sorry, old bean, the show's been cancelled," John said, smiling unpleasantly. He twisted the monocle, flashing light across Steve's eyes.

Steve blinked and rubbed his eyes. "What are you on about?"

"Cap!" Bucky said, pointing towards the library.

Steve looked. In one chair sat Lord James, the front of his shirt covered in blood. In another chair slumped the head butler, also drenched in blood.

"Sorry to start dinner without you both," John laughed. He held out his hand, his dark eyes meeting Steve Roger's gaze. Met it, and held it, until Steve took a step forward. "But I needed the extra strength."

Steve gasped in horror, then turned to lunge at John Falsworth. He couldn't move, though. All he could do was stare into those wide, dark eyes, and let them take away his fear and rage. He stood in the hallway as John walked closer, eyes locked and hand held out.

"You belong to me, Captain America," John hissed. He reached up and tore out the dental costume, revealing his fangs.

"Boy! Relieve Captain America of his shield!"

Bucky walked up to Steve and undid the man's shirt. He pulled it open, revealing the Captain America uniform underneath. He worked the shirt off Steve's unresisting shoulders, revealing the shield strapped to the man's back. He unbuckled the shield and tossed it behind him.

"Bucky... what...?" Steve managed to say.

"I must obey my master, Steve," Bucky said, his voice slow and slurred.

John Falsworth stared into Captain America's eyes, and felt his mind strain. Never had his hypnotic powers been stretched so far. Never had he encountered a will like this except in the fabled Count Dracula, the being who had turned him into a vampire decades ago.

If he had been able to sweat, John Falsworth would have done so as he strained to keep the man under control. Slowly, slowly, he forced Captain America closer. John grinned, and his fangs glinted.

Steve was handsome beyond measure, powerful, broad, and blond. John could feel the power in the man from here. He walked forward to meet him, eager to taste his blood.

Captain America didn't resist. At six foot two, he topped John's lean slender form by only a couple of inches but outweighed him by almost a hundred and fifty pounds of pure iron-hard muscle. As Cap stood there, John slid stick-like arms around the man's neck, then leaned up to kiss his neck. The cold lips found the soft skin, the hot, hard pulse of blood under skin.

John Falsworth sank his fangs deeply into Captain America's neck, opening the carotid artery, forcing a fountain of fresh super-serum-charged blood down his throat. Falsworth moaned in his long-denied need as he suckled the blood from the superhero, feeling the hot life fill his body with strength and power he'd never known! He clung to the statue-still man, sucking at his neck like a leech, growling in his desire and thirst. Thirst that would never be sated.

Soon, in minutes - seconds! - Captain America would fall. And then in three days he would rise again as a vampire slave under his control! Hitler's control. Of course. Under Hitler's control.

After that, then... the boy.

What he had not anticipated was the effect that Captain America's blood would have on him. He could feel himself changing, becoming immensely stronger and more powerful by the second! Of course! Whatever the Yanks had done to the man was carried in his blood! John Falsworth almost laughed, as he sucked more of the pumping life into his body.

He could feel Steve Rodger's heart slowing, now. Slowing. The heart beginning to fail. Yes. Death was seconds away. He would follow Captain America down into death and then raise him back up. The Blood Reich would begin!

Suddenly, there was nothing but pain. His world was on fire. He tore his mouth from Captain America's neck, and staggered back from the pale man.

John Falsworth looked down to see the sharp point of a broken flagstaff had been thrust through his heart. A stake. Through his heart. He fell to his knees. He gurgled. He turned, to see Bucky thrust the flagpole deeper.

Then, he died. Again.


At dawn of the next day, the bodies of Lord James Falsworth, the butler, and three other household staff were burned in a secret ceremony to prevent them from rising as vampires. The skeletal body of John Falsworth, still bisected by the flagpole, was taken by MI6. As a long-time Nazi spy, he might have valuable information. His coffin, wrapped in garlic and sealed shut with a cross, was loaded onto a non-descript truck and hauled back to London. Once back there, the stake would be removed, and he would be put to the question. It was agreed that the rules of war did not apply to the undead.

Every day, Bucky begged to be allowed to give blood, and every day the army surgeons refused him; he'd lost too much, himself. Even with the super-soldier serum, it took Steve Rogers three weeks to convalesce.

One night a week after being brought to the hospital, Steve Rogers awoke to find Bucky had crawled into bed with him and was draped against his chest. He pulled the boy tight against him, kissed his forehead, and went back to sleep.


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