Captain America and Bucky - Strapped

By Ebon Artist

Published on Mar 24, 2023



Captain America and Bucky - Strapped

by Ebonart

(,com) Captain America and Bucky were created in 1941 by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby.

Captain America narrowed his eyes against the flash of gunfire as he barreled towards a group of ten Nazi SS men, his bright shield deflecting their bullets until he could smash into the knot of men and scatter them like tenpins. He stopped to kick one of the more persistent soldiers in the head before continuing on down the corridor. At the corridor's end, he kicked the heavy oak door off its hinges.

Winter wind blew dry powdery snow into his face as he walked out into the thin sunlight. The small castle's courtyard was deserted save for discarded guns and ammo. To his left was the drawbridge, currently up, and to his right was the single tower. Back where he'd come was a series of underground rooms leading, eventually, to a secret sally port in the valley far below. Locals had briefed Bucky and himself about it last night.

Speaking of that, where was the young scamp? He'd entered over an hour before, to scout the area.

Cap looked around again, a single slow turn to make sure he wasn't missing anything. The wind was picking up strength. Once, this had been a watch tower keeping an eye on the French. Now, Allied Intel said it was a secret laboratory for HYDRA. Cap frowned as he walked to the tower. Baron Von Strucker's evil brainchild now had its claws into most of Europe.

Cap was halfway to the tower when suddenly there was the roar and scream; one of HYDRA's new rocket-planes. Fists clenched, he watched the sleek vehicle launch from the tower interior, and vanish into the sky. Probably containing whatever scientists Strucker had had stashed here.

He broke into a run and bashed through the tower door. Most of the tower interior was gone, replaced with modern steel braces. The rocket plane had been concealed in here, and the floor was still steaming from the blastoff. He edged around to a stairway into the depths.

Halfway down the tight spiral stairs, he heard Bucky cry for help. He sprinted down the last several turns and blew through the steel fire door, shield up and ready.

The room was a lab of some kind: machinery with unguessable uses, and bookcases stacked with notes and chemicals. Dominating the room were three large steel tables. Bucky, his teenaged partner, was strapped to one, legs spread and arms at his sides. A large spider-like device, each arm tipped with scalpels, was descending towards the struggling boy!

Captain America threw his shield in a low arc; it sheered off two of the arms, hit the wall, and rebounded back into his grasp as he ran forward. He caught the bright emblem and tossed it again, taking off two more arms.

"CAP!" Bucky yelled as the four remaining arms hovered over his lean form. Two slashed down and the boy's costume top parted into quarters. Two more hovered expectedly, prepared to open the youth's belly!

Captain America threw himself across the youngster and took a scalpel slash to his back. Grunting, he rolled off the boy, and smashed the other four arms with a shield-assisted punch. He looked around for any other threats, then took a deep breath.

"Close one, Cap," Bucky said from where he was strapped to the table.

Captain America smiled at the masked fifteen years old boy and smoothed his hand over the young hero's hair. "It's okay now, Buck," Cap said as he shook his head at the close call.

"You're hurt," Bucky said suddenly, and Captain America could feel blood trickle from the slash he'd taken.

"Nothing, youngster," he said. It would be healed in minutes, thanks to the super-soldier serum still active in his body.

He looked down at Bucky and had to smile. The youth was stretched on the steel table, leather cuffs holding his arms and legs fast. Even so, he was no quitter! Bucky's lithe form struggled and bucked against the restraints. He was lean and muscled, and the slashes had opened his shirt up. He pulled aside the folds of cloth to check the boy's body. No marks, no scratches. Good.

Captain America let his crimson leather gauntlet slide over Bucky's slender smooth skin, and he hid a shuddering sigh of relief. The boy was okay. Bucky was a tough little customer; he'd been hurt several times already in the war, but he always bounced back.

He slid his gloved hand over the boy's muscular chest and smiled as he traced the defined lines of Bucky's pecs. His finger ended at one of Bucky's nipples, and he stroked the leather-clad finger over the little brown circle until it stiffened under his touch. Kid had sensitive nipples.

"Cap! This isn't.... the time!" Bucky grunted as he thrashed on the table, making the tight wiry muscles on his chest, abs, and arms stand out in relief.

"Really, son? Looks like you got captured pretty easily, here, Buck," Cap teased as he stroked his hand over the teen's smooth skinned chest, his thumb moving to play with the boy's nipple some more until Bucky gave a strangled mmpppph! sound from the intense play. "Maybe you need to stay here a bit so you learn your lesson."

"Cap!" Bucky groaned as he stopped fighting the leather straps, and glared up at his mentor and partner.

Captain America slid his hand down to the boy's stomach, flat and plated with hard muscles, and then down over his blue satin trunks to his crimson leggings. He moved his hand down Bucky's strong leg, then up the boy's inner thigh.

"Looks like you're in some distress, partner," Cap said.

"No joke, Cap! Come on, get me outta here!"

Cap ignored the masked teenager and moved his hand over the bulge the kid packed in his trunks. Up, and back across the tight garment, until he felt the smooth curve of the boy's pubic mound stir and flex against his hand.

"Cap?" Bucky said softly.

"Hmm, son, looks like you have a problem," Captain America said. He undid the boy's belt and pulled down those trunks, then parted the youth's crimson tights. He smiled at the sight of Bucky's erect penis, sleek and cut, almost six inches of red-blooded American boy. His gloved hand stroked over the hard length, then he took it gently in his fingers, his slow strokes of the length making Bucky shiver.

"Cap, please," Bucky groaned.

"Please, what?" Captain America said as he teased the young teen's cock with his fingers, examining it's sleek and smooth length. He licked his lips, then bent over the trapped boy.

Bucky's cock was silky and warm in his mouth as his lips slid over the boy's length, taking Bucky's entire penis in his mouth. He mmmmed and licked the boy's cock as he pulled back. He stood back up and almost laughed. Bucky's face was red and he was breathing hard.

"Cap! What if one of the guys comes in!?" the masked boy said, turning his head towards the only door.

"They're all still down in the forest waiting to come up through that secret door you found last night. Good job on that, by the way. That saved a lot of lives," Captain America said warmly.

"Gee, thanks, Cap! Now... get me out of here!"

"Not yet, son," Captain America said. "I think you need a good workout to remind you to not get knocked out." With that, he slipped his fingers over the boy's spit-slick penis and began to masturbate the boy.

"Cap! UgghH!" Bucky groaned, but then the lean limber boy whined and ejaculated. Cap stroked Bucky's cock while the kid shot his load and laughed softly as he watched the thin shots of cum spatter onto Bucky's smooth chest. One hit him in the face, and he spat.

Cap stroked Bucky's penis until the boy was done, then slowly touched and teased the youth's erect length while Bucky gasped and recovered from his intense orgasm. Then he bent and kissed the boy's sweet cum from Bucky's body. His mouth and tongue teased over Bucky's lean chest until the boy moaned softly from the extended play. He wound up kissing the boy deeply, slipping his cum-coated tongue into Bucky's mouth and making him swallow his thin cum.

He stood back up and wiped Bucky's mouth. The helpless boy, strapped to the table, turned his head this way and that as he struggled to writhe free of his bonds.

"You keep working on that, you'll get free," Cap said, then undid the first strap as Bucky yelled.

He freed the boy and helped him off the table, Bucky shook out of the tattered remnants of his costume, and his over gloved hand went to his still-hard cock.

"Gosh, Cap, I still..."

"Go ahead, son," Cap said, putting a hand around the boy's shoulders as the kid played with himself until he groaned and shot another load of cum onto the lab floor. He pumped out several shots, until he slumped against Captain America, spent and tired.

Cap kissed the boy's cheek. "You shoot a lot of cum, son," Captain America said.

"I sure do!" Bucky said with a smile. "Nothing like you, though. You want me to take care of you, Cap?"

Captain America shook his head as the kid's gloved hand moved over his own bulge. "Not yet, boy," Cap said as he shifted his hips, and moved his bulge against the boy's body. "I'd rather have that sweet mouth and we really don't have time for that now."

Bucky kissed him, and Captain America pulled his young partner against his broad and powerfully muscled body, holding the boy tight against his hard-muscled chest. He kissed the boy savagely, bending him back, and he briefly considered pulling Buck's pants down and fucking him right here on the lab table.

But, no, he really could hear the rest of the men had now made their way into the courtyard above. He broke the kiss, made sure Bucky didn't have cum in his hair or anything, and went back upstairs, the shirtless masked boy following him.


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