Can't Get Enough

By Ted Davidson

Published on Oct 2, 2023



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I Can Never Get Enough

I walked in through my dorm room door, threw my coat, and backpack to the corner, then started the daily ritual of sitting in front of my computer, and beating my cock into submission.

Ever since leaving my parents house, and leaving for college, I have loved every moment because I was now free! No more sneaking around after school, hoping that my parents wouldn't be home early from work to catch me cranking my meat to "People Magazine". It gets to be pretty hard to visualize all of the celebs nude but normally got the job done.

I flipped open my laptop, and navigated to my favorite site, Pornhub. Usually one of the first videos in line will do, which in this case the very first video was of some chick getting a fat cock rammed up her ass, and by the looks of it, she was loving it. I unzipped my pants, and flopped my normal size cock over my jeans, and began stroking. It did not take long before I felt the rush. I quickly pulled a sock from my foot, then proceeded to blast off, then throwing it to the linoleum floor, temporarily gluing it there.

My problem that I have is that this wont be the last time tonight. I'm clearly addicted to getting off, and I'm noticing that it is getting harder, and harder to get me to that point, so I have been starting to go deeper into some kinks. My next session was to a girl taking a yellow shower from some guy.

"Squish" another sock to the floor.

Next that night was to a video of a petite girl getting bigger, and bigger toys up her ass until you were basically seeing through her mouth.

"Squish" another soldier down

I knew the last one for the night was going to be the hardest. I continued to look through the depraved, then stumbled on a thumb nail of a massive cock clearly in an ass, but above the hole was a cock instead of pussy. I looked both ways (don't know why) then clicked the link. It started with a smaller frame guy with not a strand of hair on his body. He was already on his back, cock limp, ass open for what I imagined was the cock from the thumbnail. Before I knew it, this long meaty cock was teasing the entrance to this sissy's ass, then pushed in with one good stroke. The boy began to moan, and ask for more. The guy on top obliged, and started to rock his world.

I look down, and notice that my cock was already pulsing, a drop of pre-cum emerging from the head of my dick. I was turned on. Scratch that, I was horny as fuck!

"Squish" then followed by another "Squish". I came so hard that time that it required two socks, and I still had to go rinse the rest of the cum from my hand. I had to have cum a shot glass worth of jizz. Did I just cum to two dudes fucking?

The next day I came back from classes an hour earlier than normal. The mental picture of that little sissy getting his ass destroyed had me at half chub through every class. I immediately dropped my pants, and boxers to the floor, and flipped over to Pornhub, this time though, I went directly to gay porn.

The amount of videos that appeared shocked me, I was not ready I guess for what I was about to see. Every way imaginable, guys were fucking each other. My head was in a tail spin, I was so turned on that my heart was hammering in my chest. I was like a kid in a candy store that was told he could have whatever he wants! So I took all that I could. I ended up stopping at four soaked sock before I called it a night, but something caught my eye. I know these sights are full of ads that try to promise "Hot guys in your area want to fuck now!" or "Come fuck my dad while I watch!". Normally I keep scrolling and pay them no mind but this time, it was different. The picture on the ad was of a building that I walk by every day on my way to class. It was a square, indiscriminate, brick building that looked to be used for some utility reason. I decided to click on the ad, and just a black screen with a gray box appeared.

"If you are over 18, and love fucking, please enter."

I clicked the "Enter" button, then the black screen disappeared, followed by a white screen that just gave a date a time.

Please show up at the pictured building and the listed time and date.

That date was tomorrow, Saturday, at nine at night. My heart continued to pound in my chest, but I decided to close my laptop. My curiosity was getting the better of me, what happened in that square building? Do you just go in, and then you get to just fuck chicks? It was hard to guess, but I knew that I was for sure not going there, it was definitely a trap to sell me into some sex ring or something right? I continued to decide against it, then just went to bed.

I woke up the following day around noon, first things first is, I'm still fucking horny. I fire up Pornhub once again for a little release. There it is again. The ad with the brick building is there again, but taking up the whole right side of the page. My heart begins to hammer again. My mind is going in every direction.

"Fuck it, I'm going." I said out loud. Deciding that it I'm going to be fucking some bitches, I better not cum, wouldn't want them to miss out.

The rest of that day consisted of me anxiously tapping my feet on the floor as I watched YouTube, waiting for the time to roll around. At about eight, I grabbed my jacket, and set out into the night.

The brick building was only a couple blocks away. I walked with fury down the pavement, my excitement growing my the minute. When I finally arrived I couldn't seem to find the door, the building was just one solid square, until I saw a hatch that looked like it lead to the basement. I pulled up the doors, and found a small flight of stairs. I descended the stairs, and closed the heavy steel doors behind me. At the end of the corridor was a single red door that had a sign the read:

"Knock Twice"

I followed the direction, and the door swung open, revealing a large cinder block room with a bed in the middle. The room was empty of people except for myself. On the bed in the middle of the room the was an envelope. I tore it open and pulled out the letter. It read:

To our guest,

I see that you have found our ad intriguing or you would not be here. The deal is, you may leave now if you wish, but after you agree, you will have to remain in the building for the duration of the "party". Once you agree to stay, you will also be agreeing to anything that will be asked of you. You will not be harmed, and you will leave safely after we have concluded the "party". If you agree to these terms, and feel like finding out what we are able to offer, please sign at the bottom of the letter, the deposit the letter in the box hanging next to the door you entered through. Once deposited, you will strip your clothes, then deposit them in the same box as the letter. You will remain nude through the duration. I look forward to seeing all of you in person.



I read the letter twice just to make sure that I was reading it correctly. I was not allowed to leave after I sign this paper, and shove it in that box?

"Fuck it" I said, and signed the paper.

I walked over to the box that was hanging next to the door. It looked to just be a single locker that had another sign on the door.

"After depositing items, lock door with provided pad lock."

I opened the little door, then deposited the letter. Next, I pulled my shirt over my head, then dropped my pants and under wear in one quick motion. I put all of my clothes inside the locker, shut it, then clicked the lock.

It was freezing in this room, my tiny frame was more tense than ever, and I made my way back over to the bed with both hands in my arm pits to keep them warm. My cock might be described as smaller than normal, but now it looked like I was all balls, and no shaft. I stood there shivering, looking around the room, waiting for whatever was going to happen.

"Clang!" the sound echoed through the barren room. A door at the back opened, with nothing but darkness. I tried to focus my eyes, hoping I would see past the wall of black into the room.

"Hello?" I said, hoping for a response.

Then all of a sudden, a single file line of completely naked men wearing white masks to no doubt hide their identity. I counted as they walked in, and ended with three. They came to the single bed in the middle of the room, and stood shoulder to shoulder, not saying a word, and just staring at me.

"Come over here, and wet down our cocks." the first man said.

"Wha-what?" I stuttered.

"I will not ask you again, our cocks ready to be sucked, and you will be sucking every one of ours." the man said, raising his voice slightly.

I took one more look over the naked men and noticed they varied in age considerably. Some looked to be barely in their twenties, then ranging up to probably sixty. All of them were decently fit, and their cocks were far bigger than mine.

"Snap" the first man snapped his fingers, then pointed to the floor in front of him.

I trotted over to him, trying to keep him from asking again. I knelt down in front of him, and his cock was now eye level with me. I hung with decent weight, drooping towards the ground. This man was one of the older ones.

"Put the cock in your mouth." he said, clearly getting agitated.

"Yes sir" I said, grabbing his meaty cock, and feeling the weight to be pleasant in hand. I stuck out my tongue, and started by licking the tip of his cock, moistening, and slicking it, tasting that he had clearly just taken a piss only minutes ago, the salty after taste lingered in my mouth. His cock was now growing in my hand, and becoming more, and more rigid.

"Stop teasing me boy, and suck my cock. We are not here for games." the man said, grabbing my hair, and forcefully tilting my head so I was looking at his masked face.

"Yes sir" I said, opening my mouth to allow his cock into my throat. I could barely fit half in before I began to choke and gag. I pulled back so the tip was back on my tongue the eased it back into my throat. The man grabbed the back of my head with one hand, then forced his cock past what my throat was able to handle, and I could feel his balls resting on my chin.

"Oh fuck yeah, eat that dick" he said holding me down on his hard cock. I started to struggle for air, gagging uncontrollably. He released the back of my head long enough for me to get one lung full of air, then shoved it completely down my throat again. My gag reflex still working overtime, and continued to try and call it quits, but I soon worked past that. He released my head again, and I was able to pull his cock completely from my mouth, and get some gasping breaths.

"Move that pretty mouth over here." Man two said. He was already stroking his cock, preparing to shove it in my mouth. When I was in front of him he released his grip from his cock, and it stood straight out, pointing right at my mouth.

"Open your mouth, and keep your hands to your side." Man two said, using a hand to push my chin down, gesturing to open my mouth. I did as he told, and he wasted no time grabbing the sides of my head with both hands, and began skull fucking me. The tip of his cock was stabbing the back of my throat with every forceful thrust of his hips. His balls were slapping my chin, and I started to gag once again.

"Fuck yeah, you like when I fuck your dirty whore mouth like that?" man two said, briefly stopping his assault, looking for a response.

"Yes sir. Please will you fuck my mouth some more?" I responded

"Well if you say so." he grabbed the back of my head this time, and forced his member in as far as he could, held it there for about five seconds, then released. I pulled his member from my mouth, letting the spit roll down my chin, and onto my chest, glistening me.

"I think you have had enough mouth fucking, haven't you son?" man number three said, while I was gasping, trying to swallow some of the spit that was pooling in my mouth. "Why don't you come on over here, and you can take it easy."

I slid on my knees over to man number three, he was the oldest by far, my guess is that he was closing in on seventy, now that I got a closer look.

"Tell you what, I will leave my cock out of this, but I'm going to get up on that bed there on all fours, and you are going to lick my ass back there. You like that idea?" man three said, hands on hips, looking down at me. I nodded in response. "Good, that's great." I wasn't sure if it sounded like a good idea. Suck a cock? Sure, but to eat this old man's ass? I wasn't sold yet.

Man number three walked over to the bed, and crawled on up with what looked like some trouble, clearly not young. He assumed the position, and reached back with one hand, spreading his cheeks so I could see what my meal looked like.

"Now don't just lick at it like you are a dog, licking the bottom of his bowl. Get in there, I want to feel that thing wiggling around inside." he chuckled, and so did the other men.

I climbed up on the bed, and got my face inches away from his waiting hole. For being his age it actually looked like it was a tight hole, and well kept. He clearly likes to keep it shaved, but it's an ass in the end, and I could clearly smell it. I pushed his hand away so that I could spread both with my hands, fully exposing his hole. I stuck out my tongue, and drug it up and down his crack, wetting the entire length.

"Boy, I can't tell you how good that feels right now." he said, arching his back with pleasure.

I continued my licking, only stopping by his puckered hole to make a few circles, then making my way down the rest of his crack.

"You remember what I said right?"

"Yes sir" I replied, trying to avoid shoving my tongue up his ass, but knowing it had to happen. On my next pass, I stopped at his entrance, and pushed the tip of my tongue through his wrinkled hole. I could feel him start to relax as the tension on my tongue released, and I could fit all of my tongue deep inside him. The taste was not what I expected, but for some reason, I was getting turned on. I picked up the enthusiasm a bit, and really started to tongue this old man's shit hole.

"Shit boy, shit that feels good." the man said, arching his back, then relaxing again. Without notice, he pulled his hips away from my invading tongue, releasing it from the grip of his opening. "You are going to have to stop boy, I'm not ready to cum yet." The old man said rolling over onto his back.

"Get on your back" Man number one said, stepping over to the side, the old man had scooted off the side.

"What are you going to do to me?" I said, trying to sound concerned, but really, I was excited.

"Don't ask questions. Get on your back, and bring your legs to your chest." the man said, lubing up his cock from some unknown source.

I did as he told, pulling my knees to my chest. Man number one pulled himself onto the bed, and positioned himself so that he was looking down at me, missionary style. I started to feel a slight cold sensation on my ass hole, then something solid penetrate me without warning.

"Ah, ouch." I whimpered.

"Don't you move away from me boy." the man said. "I'm going to get this lube up inside you, you will thank me later."

I settle back down, and let him shove what I gathered was his middle finger, back into my ass. The feeling was a little bit like a burning, and a little like I was about to shit, but it evolved into a nice full feeling, I could only imagine what his cock was going to feel like.

I didn't have to imagine for long because after he removed his finger, he quickly replaced it with his fat meaty cock. The stretch of his dick felt like he was going to rip me in half, and I started to flinch, hoping that this too would evolve into pleasure. He bottomed out his cock into my ass, and held it there, allowing me to slightly get used to the size, but for only a moment, because he went into full hammer mode, slamming into me as roughly as he could.

"Oh fuck, stop, it hurts!" I screamed.

"You remember the rules boy." never slowing his pounding. "Play with that pathetic cock, might make it feel better."

I did, and what surprised me was that it was rock hard. I started to pump it, and to my surprise, the pain began to fade, then an overwhelming wave of pleasure rushed over me.

"Yeah, fuck me, keep fucking me. Fuck me harder." I yelled.

The man responded my doing as I said, he fucked me like he might break me in half. He grabbed my bony hips, and slammed me onto his dick, stabbing my bowels harder and harder.

Man two stepped in, and tapped the man fucking me on the shoulder. He stopped his hammering, then withdrew his cock from my hole. I knew that my hole was gaping like that girl the other night in that video.

"Get up." Man two said, taking my place where I was laying. "Now ride me."

I did as he said and sat on his throbbing long dick. I sat down without and hesitation, and felt his cock poking around my belly button. Man one got onto the bed, and pushed me so that I was laying onto man two's chest.

"You think there is enough room in there for me?"

I bit my lower lip, and looked him deep in the eyes, and nodded. "I knew you were the right slut for us tonight." he said, kneeling between the other man's legs, and lining his cock up with my already stuffed hole. I felt him trying to find the right spot, and when he did, he thrust it inside of me with one good push.

"FUCK!" I yelled, knowing that I had to have ripped open. Both men just held there until I stopped tensing on their cocks. Once they felt me relax, they both started pistoning in, and out of my maxed out hole.

"Holy fuck, your cocks feel so fucking good." I moaned, spreading my cheeks as wide as I could.

Both were now picking up their pace, and I knew what their intentions were at that point. Both of them were going to over fill me with as much cum as they could.

"Oh fuck, fuck, I'm cumming. Fuck" man one said grabbing my thighs, and drilling his cock in a deep as he could.

"Holy shit, I'm cumming too, fuck, fuck!" man two said, letting me settle down onto his spear.

Both men's cocks started to pulse, and I could feel shot, after shot of warm goo coating my bowels. Man one's cock started to soften but it continued to leak cum inside of me. After he knew that he was done cumming he slowly withdrew his cock.

"Don't you let a single drop out of that ass." he said moving off the bed.

Man two pulled me from his cock, sliding it out slow so that I could feel every inch one more time.

"Not a fucking drop." man two said.

I rolled off of him so that my tired ass was pointing up towards the ceiling.

"You didn't forget about me did you?" the old man said running his hand over my sweaty back. "I'm a little different than them though. Why don't you just lay back down, and I will ride you?" he said, smacking my hairless ass playfully.

I turned my head to him with a smile, and nodded. I rolled back over to my back, and the old man straddled me, lifting his cock, and balls with one hand, and guiding my cock to his perfect hole. When my rod found it's target, it slid in with ease.

"I really like a good fucking boy, you think you can fuck this old man good? Remember though, you better keep that cum in that ass of yours, not a drop." he said resting his old hands on my chest.

"I think I can manage that." I said grabbing him by his hips, and starting guiding his body in my dick.

I looked up at his eyes, and you could tell that this man was having the time of his life, he loved fucking me, and I loved fucking him. He was moving on my cock like we have been doing this for year. I took my eyes from him for a moment to look around, and both of the other guys were missing, they had already left. So now it was just me, and this gorgeous old man, not just fucking now, but actually making love.

"Oh shit boy, I think I might actually cum. You are fucking my ass so good." He said moaning past his mask.

"I'm cumming too!" I hollered.

"Cum with me boy, cum inside me. I want to feel you cum in me." the old man said, stopping his hips, while I blasted off inside of him. His cock also started to erupt with cum, painting my stomach and chest with his sticky spunk.

"That was the best sex I have had in a long time." the old man said, pivoting forward, and letting my cock slide out of his ass.

"Who are you? I don't want this to be the only time I see you." I said through labored breaths.

The old man sat forward and removed his mask.

"Dean Richardson?!?" I exclaimed.

"Yes, it's me. Please don't say anything to anyone." he said, standing up from the bed.

"But I have so many questions!"

"And I have so many answers. Why don't we meet up again soon? Maybe I could fill you in a little with what this all was, and you can fill me up a little with that cock again? He said, rubbing my chest one more time.

"I would love that, but how do I get a hold of you?"

He walked to the red door that was open, then walked back with a small card in his hand. "Why don't you give me a shout sometime?" he said, handing me his business card.

"I would love that" I said accepting the card gratefully.

"The combination to the locker at the door is on the back of the card. By the way, what is your name?"

"Ryan" I said flipping the card over, his had grabbed my chin and tilted my head towards him.

"Ryan, I like that name." he said, before planting a kiss on my wet lips. "Make sure you call me." he said once more before walking towards the open door.

I was on my way home, and could not help but look at the card over and over, still feeling butterflies for what just happened with Dean Richardson. This man was so gentle, and I felt at home in his presence. I will for sure be calling him as soon as I get home, and take care of this cum that is still sloshing around inside me. Still didn't spill a drop.

Thank you for reading my stories! If you liked this one, I also have a book that I released on Kindle titled "Snowed In With My Best Friend" by Ted Davidson. Please check it out, and thank you for all the support!

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