Candlelight At Last

By ultf113

Published on Feb 17, 2001



Candlelight At Last

By The Ultimate Femme

Not copyrighted

-++ ++-

Wet Dream 53

The dreamer walks through the maze of lockers and benches. Hot water hisses and echoes from the showers. He wears the standard high school gym outfit--yellow T-shirt and black shorts. It is impossible to find a way out of the locker room. With a strong erection, he climbs five levels of stairs and strides along a metal mesh catwalk high above the largest basketball court. Girls and boys, mixed on each team, fight for every point.

He opens a hatch in the ceiling and finds himself walking to the swimming pool. The calm water reflects the wall of translucent yellow plastic panels. Glen, the most beautiful guy in school, stands naked on a low diving board. The room darkens as a spotlight shines on Glen. The dreamer collapses in the face of such beauty as Glen twists his waist to face him. Glen jumps and bounces toward the dreamer, filling the tiled room with the diving board's distinctive echo. He worries about Glen's off-course dive for a moment. The gloriously powerful diver arcs closer in slow motion. His body, his frame, his physique draws nearer, ever nearer.

The dreamer makes eye contact with Glen, who purses his lips in return. Immediately the dreamer's cock explodes with a fire hose of come. His ass is on fire and his legs are totally rigid with orgasmic heat. His come sprays into Glen's sculpted chest, ever nearing. Glen closes his eyes. Dream come flies and splats lower on the flying Adonis.

He adores the endless rush of come pumping through the center of his dick. The floor is slippery with his love. They are inches apart as Glen reaches his muscular arms around the dreamer's small shoulders. He comes harder into Glen's black bush of pubic hair. Dick to dick, at last they touch. Glen is warm. They roll and slide along infinite tile in a close embrace.

His climax subsides. They are naked in center court. The basketball teams look on as he kisses Glen from on top. He rises, weak, as strings of come connect the separating lovers chest to chest. The taste is in his mouth. His soft dick feels so good pressed against Glen.

-++ ++-

"Another one", thinks Trey. On his left side, he lies still for a moment in the soft, warm bed. He has a lovely smile of satisfaction. His dick is soft and pressed between his legs. He can feel his ejaculation cooling and flowing down into the bedding. He doesn't care about the mess. Dim light shines from the top edge of his window. The clock says 5:42 in bright green numbers. Trey breathes and rolls on his back. He can feel the warm blankets lightly resting on his naked body. He is 20, and lives in a newly built college apartment.

With a click, he turns on the 40 watt lamp clamped to his headboard. He pulls the covers down below his penis. With both hands, his fingers draw back his loose foreskin. He spreads his cold come up from his thighs and onto his belly. His body warms up the sticky fluid as he spreads it thinner and thinner on his smooth torso. He breathes and his beautiful chest rises, glistening in the warm light.

The come dries into a white scaly film. He rises and a horizontal band of golden sunlight crosses the center of his back. Trey opens the blind slightly, and he enjoys the sight of his tanned chest in the stripes of gold light. It is a wonderful moment. As he turns and walks toward his bathroom, he does not see how the light caresses his delightful back, ass, and long, graceful legs. The exquisite moment passes.

Trey showers off the come flakes. He enjoys the warm rush of peeing, letting the golden heat run down his left leg. He rinses completely, then dries off. He gently touches the towel to his hair as he steps to the sink and mirror. Trey combs his buzzed brown hair back, and little droplets spray onto the mirror. The sound of his chrome hair dryer joins the vent fan and dripping shower head in the tiny, bright room. He closes his light grey eyes to protect them from the delicious heat.

His daringly short hair stands upright. It is a beautifully simple "style", perfectly suited to his lean face and thin body. He runs his right hand back from his forehead to the nape of his neck, enjoying the delicate, velvety softness of his "macho, aggressive" haircut.

-++ ++-

It is 10:40 A.M. Trey, wearing hiking boots, black jeans, a long- sleeved white shirt buttoned at the collar with no tie, and a dark purple ski jacket with black accents on the shoulders and pockets, walks with the campus crowd. Fog-breathing girls laugh and talk in the cold air of late winter. Brown grass shows between old piles of snow. The wind carries no odor. The dozens of students surrounding him privately possess special hopes, perspectives, and passionate sexuality. Trey walks alone to his next class. Advanced theatrical lighting.

-++ ++-

Dry Dream 8

It feels totally natural to be buttfucking a guy in the family dining room. His lover's back arches as he pushes in deeper. Mmmmm, this is good. He loves feeling those perfect buns touch his groin. Fucking, loving... his identical twin. His hard cock slides in and back, in and back, fucking inside his slippery Rose.

His arms stiffen as his fingers press tightly into is twin's hips. He fucks faster now. His twin starts spiraling his ass. He matches the move. God, his body looks so beautiful in the bright, overcast daylight. Dining chairs cast soft shadows across his supple skin. The glossy white vinyl tile with the elegant light grey curlicue squares is spotlessly clean.

His dad, in a business suit, comes down the stairs and into the living room. Suddenly caught, exposed, he wakes.

-++ ++-

Mike, his homosexuality repressed by good societal training, doesn't want to think about the dream. Wearing underwear and pajamas, he lies in the hard dorm bunk. His dick is so hard. He can feel his throbbing shaft and hot head straining against his tight Hanes size 30's. He is 18 and drifting through life on autopilot. It is 2:27 A.M. Wind rattles the cheap, poorly maintained sliding window. Mike's fat roommate Dan drunkenly sleeps in the top bunk.

Mike has to piss, but his dick is too hard. He gets out of bed and fumbles in the dark for his robe. The harsh light from the parking lot makes a crisp blue-white shard on the cracked and yellowed ceiling. He makes his way to the communal bathroom. He does not love himself.

He sits in the stall, surrounded by silence. His red dick won't soften. The toilet paper holder squeaks as he unrolls a yard of tissue. He stands up to masturbate. He really has to piss now. His full bladder is uncomfortable, but the pressure inside feels good sexually. He thinks about the petite girl with short brown hair and no makeup who said "Hi" to him last week. He has a good orgasm, and catches the come with the wad of tissue, but the pleasure spreads no farther than two inches from his prostate gland. Seven minutes pass as he sits on the toilet and waits for the changeover. Mmmmm, pissing feels wonderful for him. He feels a rush of tingling and a slight shudder as he finishes. He dabs off his penis.

Two weeks pass. The buttfucking dream memory is fully intact, but never consciously accessed.

-++ ++-

Wet Dream 1

Mike is wandering in a vast shopping mall. Cavernous halls lead to "anchor" department stores. The central atrium has 7 levels, connected by glass-sided escalators. Everything is polished and bright. He sees flowers and white plaster male mannequins through the neon-reflecting shop windows. He finds it easy to "run" by touching his foot down every 75 feet or so. He makes a right turn in mid-air.

Attractive women in business outfits carry iridescent shopping bags. Some of the women are just dressed-up men. It is a dream, so Mike accepts it. There is a red carpeted stage and a hundred red padded chairs on the ground floor. Mike flies and watches the white ceiling with tiny scattered sparkles blur past. He circles down and lands on the stage. The seats are empty.

His twin comes out from the curtain and looks into Mike's eyes.

"Are you gay?", he asks in a friendly voice.

Mike taps his left foot and ascends 40 feet.

"Yes", he clearly thinks to himself. He feels no shame or embarrassment. He can fly.

The ceiling explodes into chunks and powder. The black sky is impossibly full of stars.

An exotically patterned bubble of bright pink light and subtle lavender plasma forms around him. The rubble bounces off. He suddenly holds his naked twin. Face to face with his true self, they stare with wonder into each other's eyes. True, good erections begin. The excitement is profound. They embrace. Mike kisses, pressing hard. He feels his twin's fingers start to press into the back of his ribs. Spinning slowly in his own universe of bliss, Mike feels Warmth begin to build. Magically, it comes. Excruciatingly intense waves rip him apart inside. Tingling, spraying, exploding, Mike feels visionary flashes of homosexual sex in every position. He loves it. He is free. He has been released.

-++ ++-

It is Friday night. Mike remembers every detail of his dream. He happens to walk past the theater building. A small crowd is entering. It is a gay-themed play called "Stay Near". There are obvious gay couples, old and young, attending. Mike knows no straight guy he knows would be caught dead here tonight. He feels safe, and decides to get a ticket.

The stage has red carpet and the chairs have red padding. Mike knows he is in the right place. Nothing bad could happen to him here. It is just a play.

The first scene happens in a cafe, with five guys, including Trey, talking about what they desire in the ideal relationship. The dialogue is well written, perceptive, and leavened with well timed laugh lines. Mike enjoys and identifies with the most masculine character. He notices how beautiful Trey is. Trey's brief role, displaying honest self-acceptance, is very appealing to Mike.

The love story unfolds beautifully over the next hour. Mike can't get his mind off Trey though. The subject matter the lead actors explore is fascinating. Mike learns love can be simple.

The last scene ends. The cast comes out to bow. Trey, having made a good impression, gets healthy applause when the director announces his name. Mike applauds and smiles. Trey is so adorable! The audience leaves the theater and Mike resumes his campus life with no repercussions.

-++ ++-

Mike spots Trey walking along the woodchip trail by the pond. Spring is here. The leaves are beginning to unfurl and the odor of wet earth wafts on the delicate breeze.

"I loved you in the play," says Mike, immediately thinking the word "loved" was too strong.

"Thanks," says Trey, looking down and smiling. Mike is the first member of the public to compliment him about it.

"What did you think of the lighting?", Trey asks.

"Uh, it was good. That was the first play I've been to, so I'm no expert."

"First play?"

"Yeah." Mike finds it easy to talk with Trey. Trey is pretty certain Mike is gay, but he wants to know more. Trey notices how masculine Mike is--he loves that. Trey is a bottom, and longs in his heart of hearts to be swept away in candlelit passion by a true hunk of a man. Mike is young, but definitely has hunk potential.

"You want to go with me to another play sometime?", asks Trey.

Mike stops. He is full of tension, confusion, and the blossoming naturalness of being at one with his true self. He takes a deep breath and looks Trey in the eye. He slowly closes his eyes, smiles, and says,

"I would loooove to."

"Good. What's your name?"

"Mike," Mike says, laughing a little. "It's just... I've got to tell you. I've spent years lying to myself. I am so new at all this. I just saw you and wanted to compliment--"

"You're doing fine," Trey says. "In fact, I'm tired of guys putting the moves on me like they're experts at it. Tell you what. Let's just see a play, have dinner, and see what happens. No pressure."


Trey and Mike walk along the woodchip trail. Bees are out and active. Sunlight pours through the branches and falls on patches of waving daffodils.

They keep walking together.



"I think you're so beautiful."

Trey smiles and glances to Mike. He pauses.

"I don't know what to say. Thanks for noticing."

"I hope whatever happens," says Mike, "we will always be nice to each other."

"Mmmm. I've always thought, why is romance so complicated?", says Trey. "If two people like each other, and want to be together, the love should take care of itself." Trey detects that Mike isn't consumed with neediness. He can feel Mike isn't going to use him. They arrange an innocent date.

-++ ++-

The play is hilarious. Mike feels completely at ease in the theater world. Trey loves that Mike picks up on all the humor. The date goes well. Mike is a bit shy as Trey introduces him to his friends. No one asks probing questions or makes sexual remarks. Their date is accepted and Mike feels good about his gay future. Trey can't wait for dinner.

They eat at a gay-friendly restaurant. Trey's heart revels in the freedom to be himself. Mike finds Trey more and more attractive as the evening wears on. They enjoy fine cuisine and talk about what they want from life. Trey mentions candle light passion. Mike smiles when he thinks about it.

"That can be arranged," Mike says.

They have hit it off. Trey is attracted to Mike's good looks and enchanting shyness. Mike loves how natural Trey is--naturally gay, not excessively womanly or effeminate. Just gay, a state unique unto itself.

The time comes for Mike to drop off Trey at his apartment.

"Nice building," says Mike.

"Isn't it? I was lucky to get one of the first leases." Trey walks up one of the front steps.

Mike reaches to put his hand atop Trey's forearm. He gently caresses him.

"I had a lovely time," Mike says.

Trey breathes in, feeling magical.

"Me too." Mike steps up. The night is warm. Dew glistens on the boulevard of grass beneath the elegant streetlight. Trey's penis is growing with every heartbeat. Mike surprises Trey by stepping back, then kissing the top of his hand. Trey almost dies at his romantic gesture.

Naturally, they draw close and kiss. Each lover closes his eyes and savors the moment. Time stops and true love is born.

"When can I see you again?", asks Mike.

"Right now, in my room," thinks Trey. His cock is 80% hard, and feels wonderful bulging in his pants.

"Ummmm," Trey says. "Just call me. I never want to lose you."

"Yes, love. Good night."

-++ ++-

Trey's phone rings.

"Hello?", Trey says, hoping it is Mike.

"Can I see you again?", says Mike. Trey smiles. It has only been 10 minutes since they said good night!

"Get over here," says Trey.

"Right," says Mike. They hang up simultaneously. Trey is delirious as he freshens up. He quickly makes the bed, brushes his teeth, uses mouthwash, and... lights five candles. Tall white candles he had been saving for 6 months. His wrist is pleasantly swishy as he finishes lighting the candles and quickly waves the match out.

He opens the cardboard package of Trojan Lubricated condoms and tears off two packets. He places them on the nightstand. He ditches the functional but ugly 40 watt headboard lamp. Mike arrives.

The door closes and the lovers hug tightly. Mike offers a large vanilla scented candle to Trey, who smiles and kisses Mike on the cheek for his thoughtfulness. Trey sets it up and dips a tall candle to its wick to light it.

"I love you so much," says Trey.

"I feel like we were meant to be together", says Mike.

Trey sits on the bed. Mike comes over. They embrace and kiss, alternately hard and soft, forceful and delicate. Trey guides Mike tenderly into a new world as they explore each other's tongues for the first time. Mike is completely aroused. Trey moves down, nonverbally signaling Mike to strip him.

With trembling hands, Mike unbuttons Trey's shirt, then untucks it from his pants. Trey lies back on the grey and black gridded comforter. Mike undoes Trey's belt. He unbuttons him. Unzips. Trey's chest looks gorgeous in the candlelight.

It is an awkward moment, but Mike quickly gets Trey's boots and socks off. Trey smiles at the humor of it. He had never fantasized about a guy doing that!

Mike pulls down Trey's pants and white boxers. Wearing only the unbuttoned shirt, Trey embraces Mike, kissing him passionately as his free dick springs against Mike's crotch. Trey keeps kissing as he undoes Mike's grey tie. They both work on Mike's buttons. He is shirtless, and Trey loves how strong Mike's chest and shoulders look. Trey becomes nude.

Trey kneels on the floor to get Mike's shoes and socks off. Now Mike smiles at this unavoidable, unromantic, yet perfect moment. Mike unbelts and slips out of his pants and Hanes underwear. His penis rises free. The lovers devour each other, closely hugging, hungrily exploring each other's bodies with their hands. Mike is on top. Trey is in heaven, sliding his hands from Mike's spine, to his butt, to his legs, and back again. Mike, his 6 1/2 inch cock harder than he ever thought possible, finds his soul taking flight with this shared full-body contact. The six candles make wonderful shadows of Mike and Trey on the bare wall next to the bed. The gay men luxuriate in the complex scents they give off. The vanilla candle burns calmly.

Trey needs to get laid. He hold Mike for a long time, then gets one of the condom wrappers. He tears it open, and Mike watches as Trey rolls it down his cock. Trey kisses Mike's head, then kisses his way up his torso.

"Fuck me.", says Trey.

Trey kisses Mike again, then stands up. He arranges three pillows at the edge of the bed, then lies down, his ass presented to Mike and the candlelight. Mike has never seen any sight so beautiful. Trey raises his legs and lets his ankles rest on Mike's shoulders. Mike caresses Trey's legs and presses the bottom of his dick in the skin between Trey's scrotum and anus. Trey loves it. He can feel the base of Mike's condom touching his wrinkled sphincter. He can feel his warm balls pressing into his spread crack.

Mike moves back a bit and uses his hand to guide his cock into position. Trey opens himself wide and closes his eyes. Mike applies pressure, cock to ass. Inward. Inward. Mike plays a little with just his head inside Trey, popping in and out to enjoy the sensation of Trey's squeeze. Trey behold's Mike's wonderful body silhouetted in the candlelit room. Trey's calves tighten and his toes curl as Mike makes his first deep plunge.

Mike is completely loving this. This isn't merely gay sex. This is just sex, pure and simple. Mmmmmm! Trey is so beautiful. His 5 3/4 inch cock looks adorable, standing so tall, waving and making circles as the lovers sway. Mike touches his fingers to Trey's soft pubic hair for the first time. He feels a wave of pure peace come over him. Total intimacy. Total love.

Trey is at the height of his passion. Getting buttfucked is the best feeling. His eyes shake as he blinks and flutters his lashes. The bed moves to the rhythm. Mike never wants this to end, but he must go faster. He rides the wave of climax and feels it crash inside. Mike ejaculates into Trey's tight, hot ass. He keeps thrusting. He fully enjoys the spectacular simplicity of it all. Trey clenches tight. Mike feels himself burn and dissolve into rising smoke.

Mike pulls slowly out of Trey's youthful body. He catches his breath. Little bits of shit cling to the rubber and add their scent to the room. Mike leans in and kisses Trey again and again.

"I truly love you, Trey."

"Michael, you are the best," says Trey.

Trey helps Mike take off the rubber, then dabs him with a towel. They have no shame or disgust at the used condom. It fulfilled a mystical purpose for them, and has a beauty of its own. Into the trash can it went anyway.

Trey hugs and kisses Mike as they stand in the gentle light. He loves the feeling of Mike's springy chest and nipple hair against his smooth chest.

"Hold me", says Trey, turning around. He holds the towel.

Mike, losing his energy, holds Trey from behind. Trey, eyes closed, loving the warm connection with Mike's body, starts masturbating his uncircumcised dick. He is so wired for pleasure it only takes 25 seconds. Trey comes, enjoying the simultaneous sensations of come shooting and the slight soreness in his ass from their incredible fuck. Trey trembles as he jets away his load.

Mike turns Trey around and the towel is dropped. They smile, knowing they have something special together. They soulfully kiss and hug, then Mike retires to bed. Trey caresses him, then attends to blowing out the candles. They spend the night in a natural series of loving embraces. Moment by moment. Loving embraces.

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