
By moc.liamtoh@72yobsirhC

Published on Mar 6, 2001



CANAAN by Chrisboy27

Going back to college was not an easy choice for me. After high school, I had attended classes for a semester and a half, but quickly withdrawn because I did not know what I wanted to do with my life. So, last January, when I sat down in my freshman level English class, at twenty-two, I practically felt like an old man. A bit nervous about what the class might be like, I settled at a table in the back row of the room. A few people, all in their late teens and early twenties were scattered about the room; everyone remained quiet. I had brought a novel to read, in case of a social emergency- I figured this qualified. Shortly after I opened my book to mind my own business and read, a very handsome young man sat down next to me. "Is this freshman college writing?" I looked up. My breath left me momentarily at the sight of this gorgeous god beside me. I immediately felt reassured about my decision to pursue a higher education. "Yes," I managed to answer this guy. I hoped he didn't sense my reaction to him. I did flips inside. "Ok, just making sure I'm in the right class. My name is Canaan, by the way man," he smiled and offered his hand. I accepted, feeling the softness of his hand under a firm grip. "I'm Chris, nice to meet you," I smiled back, pleased to have made an acquaintance so quickly. He turned his attention to a printed copy of class schedules, so I took the opportunity to survey him. He was wearing a tight fitted, navy blue sweater, khaki pants with pockets on the front, a brown leather belt with a huge silver buckle, and I could smell Cool Water cologne.

I was in heaven with this guy. Then I looked at the floor and saw his Doc Martin's. I was in my glory. Since I have a thing for hot guys and sometimes their feet, I imagined what his must look like. I guessed him to be a size ten. I was still formulating fantasies of Canaan when the instructor walked in, introduced herself, and read over the syllabus for the course. She assigned us partners for our first essay: an interview with a classmate. Canaan asked me to be his partner, so I quickly accepted. We spent the next twenty minutes chatting about our lives, getting to know each other, and talking about some of our other classes. It turned out we had History together as well. As the class came to a close, Canaan and I decided we would need to meet someplace out of class to conduct a more formal interview. I was ecstatic to have an excuse to have to be with this guy outside of class. "Well, let's see...I guess we could meet at my apartment when you're free," Canaan's blue-green eyes made me practically melt. "I work pretty much all week after classes, but I'm free on weekends, but I'm sure you're busy. I'm sure you have a girlfriend or something, so I'd hate to interrupt your spare time with schoolwork," I was kind of testing the waters to see what his reaction was, but also being considerate. I knew schoolwork was usually the last thing on my mind on a Friday or Saturday night.

"No man, I don't have a girlfriend, and I don't care when we meet. The weekend is fine. Maybe we can grab some beer or something and make it a guys night," Canaan smiled again and I saw a bit of a glow in his eye. There was no way he was hitting on me though. He wasn't that way.

"Allright, well this Friday would be cool. Let me leave you my number and you can call me and we can set up," I quickly, but neatly, jotted down my number on a notebook page and handed it to Canaan. I left class ready to have an orgasm.

I waited all week to hear from Canaan, and he called me on Wednesday night when I was getting ready to get in the shower. His voice sounded unrealistically sexy over the phone as well. I listened to him give me directions to his apartment, and my penis got hard. I let my towel fall to the floor, and I rubbed myself lightly while he went on. "Chris--Chris are you there man," Canaan was laughing. I had gotten so caught up in hearing him talk that I had not heard what he was saying. "You sound like you're fucking jacking off you're breathing into the phone so hard," Canaan laughed, he had no idea how right he was with that remark. "'re crazy man. I'm just running around trying to clean up a little bit," I tried to recover even at the risk of sounding that stupid. "So you were saying be there Friday around eight?" "No I was saying come over now. I'm not doing anything and I made a big dinner. I can't eat it all by myself anyway," Canaan was inviting me over to his place early, and I had missed it. I walked over to the mirror. I needed to shave, but I kind of like having a bit of stubble, so I decided not to. Already picking out something to wear, I told Canaan I would be right over. Fifteen minutes later, I was on the way over to my dream man's place. I was listening to the radio in the car and almost missed my turn because I was feeling so nervous. I decided to stop at the drive-thru liquor store to pick up something to calm me down and maybe set a lighter mood for Canaan. I bought a bottle of Jose` Cuervo and some Miller Lite. I was ready to go. I chugged some tequila as I pulled into the apartment complex. Normally I do not drink very much at all, but tonight I was ready to get ripped (and maybe in more ways than one). Finding Canaan's apartment was easy. He had given me very good directions. I locked my car, grabbed my goodies and headed upstairs to his door, feeling slightly less inhibited than I had only moments ago. Before I could even knock, the door opened and there he was. His goatee, his blue eyes, his scent, his perfect lips, his sculpted body, his pure masculinity- his aura of innocent sensuality. "Hi Chris," Canaan offered his hands to help me with the beer, "glad you made it." Then he reached over and grabbed my shoulder and kissed me on the lips.

I really was not prepared for that, but I figured it must be some sort of German greeting, since he told me he was originally from Germany. His goatee touching my face lingered after he backed away and turned toward the kitchen.

The slightly delicate wetness from his lips stayed on mine after he started putting beer in the refrigerator. Maybe it was the tequila, or maybe it was an emotional high, but I was pretty worked up at the thought of having just kissed the hottest guy I had ever met in my life. "Well are you gonna come in or stand in the fucking doorway all night man," Canaan re-entered the hallway coming back toward me. He looked so adorable in his white t-shirt and sweatpants. He could make anything look damn good, I supposed. I also noticed Canaan wasn't wearing any socks. He had no idea what he was doing to me. "Come in to the living room and sit down, relax," Canaan grabbed my hand and walked me to the couch. The apartment was really nicely furnished. He lived by himself. Canaan sat me on the couch and took the tequila. Opening the pint-sized bottle, he took a swig and winked at me. Screwing the cap back on, he knelt on the floor beside me. "Now don't act so tense and so nervous Chris. There really is nothing to be afraid of," he grinned at me and I smiled. He unlaced my tennis shoes and pulled them off. He rubbed my feet and winked. "You just need to relax. Let's watch a movie I rented," he got up and put in a tape. He grabbed two beers from the kitchen and joined me on the couch. Before the previews were even on, we were making out hot and heavy. I felt like I was in high school again. Canaan knew exactly how to kiss and touch and make me feel exactly right. His mouth was all over mine probing. Our tongues were enjoying one another, exploring new territory. He tasted fresh, clean, with just a slight coolness of the beer he had just taken a drink of. Feeling him over me, passionately kissing was enough to keep me more than satisfied all night long.


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