Can I touch it

By Happy Penelope

Published on Apr 9, 2001



Hey everybody, this story is on some major crack, so please keep an open mind while reading it.

Feedback:Only if you promise not to tell me how weird I am.LOL.

Dedication:Aaron, honey this is for you, just because you make fun of my fetish.

Disclaimer:This is definitely not true. I made this whole story up in my warped imagination. The fetish is really mine, but I let JC borrow it for this story.LOL.

********************************************************* Justin getting tired of being stared at, turned to JC in exasperation. "Why are you staring at me?"

JC still staring at Justin, replies innocently, "I'm not."

Justin laughing pushes JC gently, "Yes you are, and it's freaky. Stop it."

JC shrugged and turned back to the movie they were watching.

Justin felt JC's eyes on him again. He couldn't figure out what was up with JC. He was acting strange. Stranger than usual. He just kept staring at Justin's face.

"Josh, you're doing it again. Is my face that fascinating?"

JC put both hands on Justin's face, turning it back and forth. Just looking as if he were studying a piece of art. "No, not your whole face. Just your nose. You have a beautiful nose."

Justin laughed, pulling his face out of JC's hands. "What? You are seriously messed up dude. What are you on?"

"I'm not on anything. You have a great nose. Some people have small noses some people have huge noses. Yours is perfect. It's got great shape and character." JC said, reaching out to run a finger along Justin's nose.

Justin swatted JC's hand away from his nose. "My nose has character? You are fucking weird beyond belief. Where did this fascination with noses come from?" He asked, half afraid of the answer.

JC shrugged, still staring at Justin's nose. "I don't know, I guess it's always been there. I've just never found such a perfect one before. "

Justin moved farther down on the sofa, trying to evade the hand reaching out to touch his nose again. "Will you stop it. You're freaking me out. You've seen my nose millions of times. Why did you just now notice it?"

JC moved down the sofa closer to Justin. "I don't know. I guess I just really looked at it. I mean you've always just been Justin my best friend. But now I just can't stop wanting your nose. Can I touch it?"

Justin jumped from the sofa. "No, you can't touch it. I'm going to bed. I just hope by morning that you're back to normal."

JC watched Justin head up the stairs to his room. "He said I can't touch it. I wonder if he'll let me lick it."

Justin trudged down the stairs still half asleep. Joey, Lance and Chris were already eating breakfast. Justin greeted his friends and then went about getting his own food.

"Is JC still sleeping?" Lance asked, as Justin seated himself.

Justin shrugged, "I guess, his door was still closed. Did he seem strange to you guys yesterday?"

"No stranger than usual. I mean come on Justin, JC is strange." Joey laughingly replied.

"He's not strange. He's just different. But different is good. He wouldn't be Josh if he wasn't different." Justin defended his best friend.

"Yeah right, different is good. His clothes get any weirder, and they're gonna do like they did with Elvis. Only with JC, they won't show him from the head down. That boy's got some freaky ass clothes." Chris said, with a mouthful of food.

"Shut up, Chris. I think Josh's clothes are fine. You just know that you can 't pull them off." Justin retorted.

Everyone continued to eat in silence, until JC appeared yawning in the doorway.

"Morning guys." JC said half yawning.

Everyone greeted JC as he sat down with his coffee.

"So what are we doing today?" JC asked.

"We haven't really decided yet. Anybody got any ideas?" Lance asked.

Everyone began discussing plans for the day, when Justin noticed JC staring. Justin groaned and placed a hand over his nose, hoping that if JC couldn't see it he'd stop staring.

"What's wrong Justin?" Joey asked, hearing the groan and seeing Justin cover his nose.

Justin moved his hand away from his face, while turning to Joey. "Nothing Joey, just a little bit of sinus pain." He lied.

"Well maybe you should take something." Joey suggested.

"I'm afraid, this pain isn't going away." Justin said glaring at JC, who continued to stare.

Justin kicked JC under the table. " Stop staring!" He hissed quietly.

JC leaned over in his seat. "Can I touch it?" He whispered.

"No, you can't touch it! Jesus Josh, this is getting fucking ridiculous." Justin yelled in frustration.

Joey, Lance, and Chris all turned to look at Justin and JC.

"What did you just say Justin?" Joey asked, trying not to laugh.

"JC, are you trying to molest Justin?" Chris snickered.

Lance watched JC and Justin in silent observation.

"Josh you need to stop this now. People are going to think you need a shrink. You're fucking messed up." Justin said ignoring his other friends.

"Can I lick it?" JC asked, totally ignoring Justin's reprimand.

Justin groaned burying his face in his arms on the table.

"Ok I've gotta hear this. What the hell is going on?" Chris asked.

JC turned to his friends and asked, "Isn't Justin's nose beautiful?"

Chris choked mid swallow and had milk coming out of his nose. Lance looked on in fascination. "His nose?" Joey asked, in astonishment.

"See Josh, they all think you're insane." Justin said, looking pointedly at JC.

"Who cares. So can I lick it?" JC said, unconcerned.

Chris was laughing so hard he was snorting. Joey laughed quietly, trying no to upset Justin. Lance turned away so they couldn't see him grinning.

"For the last time Josh, the answer is no. Jesus licking my nose is as bad as wanting to kiss me. Oh god, don't tell me you wanna kiss me." Justin scooted away from JC, practically sitting in Joey's lap.

"I will, if you want me to. Do you want me to kiss you Justin?" JC smiled seductively.

"Umm, I'm gonna go watch television in the other room." Lance said, obviously wanting to get away from JC and Justin.

Joey moved to follow Lance. "Yeah me too. Come on Chris, you said you wanted to see that show." He said, pulling Chris up from the table.

"What show?" Chris asked, reluctantly getting up.

"You know that show you wanted to see." Joey said dragging Chris along.

"Oh yeah, that show." Chris finally caught on.

"Hey, I think I wanna see that show too." Justin said rising from his chair.

"No you don't Justin. You wouldn't like it. It's not that interesting." Joey shot back over his shoulder.

"Great, they abandoned me." Justin sighed, plopping down on a chair.

"That's ok J, I'm still here." JC said, sliding over next to Justin.

Justin turned to look at JC, "I know that's what scares me."

"Come on Justin; just let me do it one time. Please." JC pleaded.

"Do what? Touch it, lick it or kiss me?" Justin asked warily.

JC smiled, leaning closer to Justin. "Any one, or all of the above."

Justin swallowed hard and then said, "Umm, I guess you can kiss me if you want, but don't touch my nose. That's just too weird."

JC moved his face slowly forward to meet Justin's. His mouth creeping closer toward Justin's. Justin leaning into JC. He'd never thought of kissing a guy before, but he had to admit that JC had great lips. He loved the little gap between JC's two front teeth. That was Justin's last thought as their lips met. Justin felt as if his lips were on fire. JC's mouth was so hot. JC brought one hand up to lightly caress Justin's cheek, the other he entwined in the curls at the back of Justin's head. JC's tongue snaked out to touch Justin's lips. Justin's lips opened at their own volition, inviting JC in. JC's tongue was wet, hot, silk, and tasted like nothing Justin had ever experienced before. Justin moaned in ecstasy as their tongue's danced. Justin's arms wrapped around JC's back, pulling him closer, as JC's tongue continued to plunder Justin's mouth. JC pulled away as Justin's hand slid up his shirt to caress his back.

"What, why'd you stop?" Justin asked breathlessly.

"Well you just didn't seem too keen on kissing me, I figured that I'd stop before you got too uncomfortable." JC grinned.

"You call this comfortable?" Justin asked, bringing JC's hand down to the hard bulge between his legs.

"Hmm, maybe I could make you a little more comfortable." JC whispered, next to Justin's ear, while lightly stroking his hardness.

"Oh god yes, please." Justin groaned.

"I'll do anything you want J, but you gotta let me lick it." JC grinned evilly.

"If I say no, does that mean you're gonna just leave me like this?" Justin asked, in disbelief.

"Well ya know, you scratch my itch and I'll scratch yours." JC purred.

Joey, Lance, and Chris all assumed from the moaning and various other sexual sounds coming from the kitchen that Justin had distracted JC in some other way. They soon learned, that if ever JC and Justin were in a room together and Justin says "Hey Josh, you wanna lick my nose?" that they'd better run or they'd end up with front row seats to a live porn show.


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