Campus Sucking and Fucking

By ten.xoc@buhcmottob

Published on May 27, 2008


Campus sucking and fucking part 2 By Louis DePasquale

Hey guys when I read these stories its usually with one hand on the keyboard and the other on my dick. There is nothing worse than being horny and getting nothing but story line with no sex. So in this story I am giving you the sex upfront and some story later. This is my first story in a while so please let me know what you think. Do you want me to keep going and write a part 3?

Email me at

This story is the intellectual property of Louis DePasquale. I hold the exclusive rights to this story. Now that just means this is my work. If you want to submit it to another story site that's fine as long as my name still appears as the author.

I rested my forehead against the cool tiles of the bathroom shower cause that's all I had the strength left to do. Trey's pounding pud just forced the third load from my tired balls. I need to catch my breath. Between our first round in the bedroom and round two in the shower Trey's incredible dick had been up my ass for over an hour. Normally by this point my ass would be raw hamburger begging for the pounding to end but every time I started to feel some pain he would come at my joy button from a different angle or speed and the pain would disappear and I would get lost in the pleasure of the fuck. Would you believe even though I had just come seconds earlier his dick pushing and prodding my bitch button was causing my dick to harden up all over again while his fingers plucking my nipples was not only turning my body into a quivering mass but he was also fucking every coherent thought out of my head. The fact that Trey had already chewed hickeys on both sides of my neck didn't stop him from working on a third in the middle of my back.

I slammed my ass back against his fucking pud. That eight inch marvel was doing the sweetest things to me. I heard my own voice hoarse with lust command him to fuck me harder ! In response to my demand Trey picked up his pace slamming himself deeper inside of me. He was touching places inside of me that no one else had ever touched. Rearranging my insides like he owned me. As I reached back with my right arm I pulled his ass hin closer. From above me I could hear him moaning OH Bobby baby your ass is so sweet. You make me feel so good. As he picks up the pace fucking my but nut from every possible angle I feel my balls pull up again getting ready to release another load of cum. The guys in the next dorm room could probably hear me squeal in a mixture of pleasure and pain as my balls tried in vain to shoot another load of cum. Trey had done it he drained my balls down to dust.

As I came back to my senses I realized two things first Trey was still hard and still fucking my ass and secondly all the hot water was gone. There are very few things less sexy than cold water dripping down you back. As much fun as this was it needed to come to an end. I tightened up my ass muscles and started milking his cock from the inside. It didn't take long before I heard him gasping and felt his nut shooting deep in my ass. As he collapsed on my back I managed to turn the water off to give it time to recharge. Slowly I moved to that he was leaning against the shower wall and I grabbed a towel and started to dry him off. This gave me a great view of the body I had been jerking off to for months. His smooth hairless chest, muscles that came not just from the gym but the hard farm work he did back at home. Deep blue eyes that I get lost in every time we hangout. Its been everything I could do not to let him notice just how much I wanted him.

Almost fully recovered Trey pulled me close and our height difference became obvious I was just tall enough to lean my head against his chest. Kissing the top of my head he looked down at me and said Damn boy that has got to be the best ass I have ever fucked. Your so tight and hot inside that my dick didn't want to leave. He leaned down and planted his lips against mine and gave me one of the deepest soul kisses I have ever had. As the kiss came to an end I realized that my dick was getting hard all over again. Damn this man had an effect on me. As he pulled his lips off mine he smacked me on the ass smiled and said I got to get going I got a date with Wendy tonight and you know how she hates it when I'm late.

As he stepped out of the shower I stood there in shock he was leaving my arms to go on a date with a woman; what the fuck. I looked up as he started to pull his shorts on whoa hold up I called out to him I'm confused you just spent the last hour fucking the shit out of me and now your going out with Wendy; what's the deal. He looked at me with a smile on his face that would have melted the hardest of hearts. What can I say I love sex. Guys or girls it doesn't make a difference to me as long as the person turns me on I am down for it. Wendy knows that I fuck around. She doesn't want it as much as I do so she lets me screw whoever I want. As long as I stay discrete and it doesn't get back to her she's happy.

I've been trying to get in your pants for months. Ever since I heard you getting fucked by that gymnast, what's his name um Cody or something. (So, Ok I broke my rule about no sex on campus a few times.) You mean Casey and what do you mean you heard us. Thin walls dude and you moan like a bitch when you're getting your ass plowed. (Damn I need to watch that before the whole dorm knows about me.) I have tried every excuse I can think of for you to catch me naked. I have been hinting an flirting for weeks. I was beginning to think you didn't like me. So today I said fuck it I'm just going to go ahead and make it happen and I am so glad that I did. Me to I said with a smirk. Just the thought that this hunk had been wanting me as much as I wanted him made my cheeks blush.

Like I said Bobby I got to go. Wendy with through a fit if I get to the movie late. She may not be giving it up tonight but I'm going to want some tomorrow morning. As he opened the door he looked back at me with a smile and said I hope that we can do this again very very soon. How's tomorrow night I asked with a laugh. As I heard the door close I walked over to my bed and laid down. Damn today had been so unexpected and so great. I had never been fucked so well in my life. I could still feel Trey's dick pounding inside of me. As I started to drift off to sleep something was nagging at the back of my mind. There was something I should remember. What the fuck was it? As I heard the door to my dorm room opening it hit me Jonny had seen me and Trey fucking. Damn, what was my super straight somewhat homophobic roommate going to say.

I looked up and there was Jonny standing in the doorway with a look on his face that said I was in serious trouble.

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