Campus orientation for high school teachers

Published on Aug 8, 2022



Campus orientation for HS teachers cajuncock

If you've gotten this far you know the deal. This is a work of gay fiction for adults. If that offends you, or if you are still confused stop, find a dictionary, and look up the word "FICTION". The story contains sexual activities among men of legal age. If you enjoy this type of story please donate to the site to keep it going. It provides a useful, often satisfying resource for our community. Comments: cajunboi868@gmail

A bunch of high school teachers had been invited to spend the weekend at State University as an incentive. It was an all male group on this particular weekend. We would spend the 2 nights in the dorms with a junior room mate. During that time we'd see the campus life from the inside. It was a well scripted visit starting with a faculty reception on Friday when we'd meet out hosts, the juniors. Mine was a history major, Tom. He was a tall, gangly boy, 20 with long, dark blond hair and striking blue eyes. After the reception and dinner, we were free until the morning. Tom asked me about my hobbies. I told him that I liked to swim at the local YMCA. He suggested that since it was nude swim night for the men at the campus pool we might spend some time relaxing there. I agreed so off we went. I recognized some of the faculty in the pool. They all seemed very fit. Tom joked that only the best dared show up naked. We stored our things in his locker and headed to the pool. Many of the male students I'd seen earlier were there enjoying the freedom of swimming naked. They horsed around with Tom as I watched their perfect bodies. One guy swam up to me hanging on the edge to talk. He asked if I had tried the sauna yet. I told him no and he called out to Tom to tell him where we were off to. He laughed, telling us to be careful of the goulds.

We showered before heading to the basement and the sauna. My new companion, Rob, grabbed some towels before we entered the steam filled sauna. There were a few other men inside, most naked laying on the wooden benches. Some scrambled as we entered. Rob moved us away to the side in the steamy room. Soon the action that our arrival had interrupted resumed. I noticed younger boys move to the occupied benches leaning over or kneeling over naked men. I could not see but could hear the sound of slurping, a sound not unfamiliar to me. I looked over at Rob who only smiled whispering "Just like the Turkish saunas of old." I felt his hand move to my lap and my now stiff cock. I lay back against the bench behind me as Rob dismissed all hesitation bent over to swallow my heavy cock to the root. I moaned, reaching over to hold his head in place.

Rob was an expert, probably having much practice at the task. I inhaled as my ccok exploded into his hungry gullet. He continued until he was sure to have taken the last drop of my gift. I opened my eyes to see others standing watching us, their hard cocks in hand. Rob stood, bowed to the group and pulled me out with him. We showered while he explained that he'd always had a crush on one of his high school teachers. He thanked me asking if I thought Tom would enjoy a similar treatment. I told him that I'd just met the boy so didn't know. Rob smirked saying "By morning we'd both know."

I returned to the pool to find Tom huddled talking to a group of students. We agreed to head back to the dorm for the night since I'd have an early start the next day. We showered in the open, common showers. We were the only ones there at the time. We both returned to his room naked with our towels over our shoulders. Tom told me that he slept in the nude since the dorm seemed to always be overheated for his taste. I thought that was an excuse but decided to go along.

We sat on the twin beds talking about college life for a while. As we talked Tom casually tossed his cock around. This caused me to get hard, something that I saw no use hiding in this situation. Finally, we turned off the lights and said goodnight. It was not long before I heard Tom quietly get up and crawl to my bed. I'd managed to toss off the covers in an attempt to get comfortable. My naked body was fully exposed to him. I soon felt his hot breath on my skin as he moved over my naked body. First, I felt him lightly blow across my exposed crotch. Then the lip of his tongue licked the head of my cock. I shifted towards the warmth of his mouth with a slight moan. This seemed to encourage him more. He moved up to kiss my nipple causing me to moan louder. I reached out for his head whispering "You know all you had to do was ask. You are a very attractive young man, one I would not deny anything." He shot up as I opened my eyes to see his shocked face. I stroked the side of his face and pulled him down for a deep kiss.

Tom wrapped his arms around my body holding me tight and sobbing softly. I rubbed his back to assure him that he was safe with me. I felt his stiffness against my hip as we cuddled. He reached to grab my cock as his tears stopped to be replaced by soft moans. I asked him "How long have you known that you were attracted to men?" He whimpered "Since high school, but there was no one to talk to about it." Then I asked "Have you done anything since you entered university?" He leaned up to say "No, but I've wanted an older man to show me how, not some college boy who might just want to get off." I held him tight to my body as both our passions took over. I asked "So what do you want to try first? There are so many things we can do. Some will be painful at first. Others will bring you more pleasure than you could imagine." He kissed me saying "I want you to make love to me first. I want some of you inside me. I also want to share some of myself inside you." I smiled knowing that tonight I would begin a new education for him, one that would open his view of life forever. We might not get a lot of sleep but in the morning his new education would only be starting.

I rolled him over on his back as I reached in my shave kit for lube. I first began with a deep kiss making him moan with a new lust. I moved between his legs, opening them wide as I lubed his virgin hole. I moved up his body to offer him a taste of my cock before plundering his treasured place. He moaned as the tip of my thick 7 inch tool prodded at his opening. He froze as the first inches pushed past that first barrier. I covered his mouth with another deep kiss. Inch then another inch entered before I paused to let him get used to the invader. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders holding me. Slowly, very slowly the other inches filled the virgin tunnel. I looked as the tears were replaced by smiles. He moaned out "Please don't stop, ever. I want to remember this for the rest of my life." I whispered "Believe me you will always remember this night."

He pushed back on my cock until my balls bounced against his ass. This was my signal to let my lust take over. For the next 20 minutes I repeatedly brought him to the edge. Each time he begged me I only said "Not yet, my love, not yet." Finally, I could not hold off and plunged into his innermost space filling him with my seed. As pulse after pulse filled him, I said "Now you must give me your love. Filling me with your youthful love juice."

He wasted no time moving me to my back and plunging fully to the root. Being his first time, he did not last long. But I knew with the quick recovery time of youth he would soon learn to fully satisfy my needs.

In the morning at breakfast, Rob sat down with us. He looked at me, then at Tom smiling, before he whispered "That's all I need to know. Welcome Tom to the world of men. And thank you for the start of his new education."

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