Campus Conquest

By Campus Conquest

Published on Jul 25, 2002


Warning: if you are underage, or do not approve of male-to-male sex then do not proceed. All rights reserved. No unauthorised reproduction of the content without prior approval of the author. The following is a fictional story. All comments appreciated, and all e-mails will be replied to. Author e-mail address:

Campus Conquest: Part 5 The Swimming Meet

The days had flown by, and suddenly it was the afternoon of the inter-school swimming meet that I had been training so hard for, when I originally met Sven. Sven had wished me luck the day before and coach was confident that I was going to do well. The swimming meet was held at the private university swimming pool which was reserved for swimming competition of this nature. The university students and coaches were part of the organising committee and helped ensure that everything ran smoothly. The other students were invited to watch and support us school kids, and were out in full force as the swim meet was at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, so students (and parents) were allowed to drink on university property.

I quickly got changed into my crotch hugging speedo, only sparing a few glances at the other guys whilst they changed, so that I could warm up sufficiently to swim an outstanding first race. My first race was pretty early on in the competition, and as I stretched and tried to loosen my body muscles I noticed quite a few people, both guys and gals, watching me and admiring my physique in the scantly glad speedo that didn't leave much to the imagination. I was wondering if this afternoon might prove more interesting then I had originally anticipated...

To cut a long story of my swimming that afternoon short, I was in my third racing event, which was the 800m medley, having come first in the 100m freestyle, and second in the 200m freestyle. The starting position was in the pool for the first two lengths of backstroke. As the gun fired, and I kicked off the wall and flung myself backwards, I must have kicked off too hard as I noticed a slight pull in my groin muscle, by my right leg. I was determined to do well, and continued to swim the remaining lengths of breaststroke, butterfly and lastly freestyle. By the last 50m, the pain in my groin muscle was more than a mere discomfort, it had become unbearably painful. I was still in the lead, but by the last 25m I had to slow down as the blinding pain in my groin was too much. Everybody could see that I was battling. I managed to finish in fourth place, with my coach squatting at the starting block, voicing his concern. When the whistle blew for us to get out the pool, my coach had to practically pull me out. I had overstrained my pulled groin muscle and it was evident that I wouldn't be able to swim in any of the immediate races. The student paramedics were on call for any injuries, and with their support, I was helped towards the change room's massage rooms, which were used in my cases when competitors had injured themselves.

A student physiotherapist gave me a brief examination, asking me where it hurt and I replied dutifully. I was concentrating on my groin muscle, and I quickly realised that if I sat still, the pain seemed to dull down to a more bearable level. With this new found knowledge, I sat still and observed my coach consulting with the student physiotherapist in hushed tones, both of them glancing occasionally at me when they spoke.

The student must have been in his fourth or fifth year at university, and one of the most handsome guys I had ever seen. I was surprised that I hadn't realised it earlier, but obviously I must have been consumed by the pain in my groin, which had now died down to dull throb as I sat still. He was about 6ft tall, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist, a typical swimmer's build like myself. He was well tanned which I guessed was a result of his swimming exercise. One the regulations at the university was that all physiotherapy students should be active in at least one, or more, sports, and this was encouraged by all the lecturers and coaches. After a few minutes, my coach replied that he had to check on the other swimmers from my school and would check in again on us in about 30 minutes. He added that I should relax and let Steve try and do the best that he could for me considering the current circumstances that I was in. I quickly nodded agreement as I found myself alone with one of the best specimens of the human male that I had ever seen.

Steve instructed me to lay down on my back on the massage table, as he went to his black briefcase and retrieved a tube of Deep Heat. He advised that the Deep Heat cream would loosen my groin muscle and prevent it from knotting before he was able to use his hands on it. When I was younger, on a school camping trip, we had targeted one of the bullies and crept into the tent he was sleeping in, and applied Deep Heat to the bullies crotch, and laughed as he woke screaming and crying, running into the adjacent freezing lake to try and remove the lotion. So, I wasn't shocked when Steve asked me to spread my legs to prevent the Deep Heat from going where it wasn't supposed to.

With the image in my mind of that bully crying and screaming like a little baby as a result of the lotion, I quickly spread my legs only to have my vision blurred as a result of the blinding pain that shot through my groin. Steve winced in sympathy, and advised me to take it carefully and move slowly. As Steve applied the Deep Heat on my groin, he chatted continuously about his student life, and I was surprised at how I quickly forgot about my muscle pain.

His voice was very deep and smooth, with a slightly foreign accident. As he continued to apply the lotion, he told me that he was 23, and originally from Seville, in Spain, but had been at the university for 4 years and was fluent in English, although he still retained some of his Spanish accent. I was intrigued.

When he had finished applying the Deep Heat, he washed his hands (if you think Deep Heat on the balls is painful, wait until you get some in your eye!) and asked me about myself. I was glad for the opportunity to focus on something other then the typical burning hot, and then icy cool feeling that Deep Heat got its name from. I told him about myself, about my schooling, and my interest in studying a Science degree at the university the following year. I also mentioned my passion for swimming, and voiced my concern about how I hoped that this injury wouldn't put me out of the season, since this was my last year in school, and my last chance to try and obtain a sports scholarship from the university. Steve reassured me that the injury wasn't permanent and that if I was lucky, I might even be able to resume swimming later on in the competition that afternoon. After about 10 minutes of idle chit chat, Steve asked if my groin was feeling normal and if the Deep Heat had worn off. I told him that it had as I tested my leg to see how much better it was feeling. The pain was still there, although by now it had died down to a mild discomfort level, and Steve insisted that I needed a physiotherapy massage on the groin muscle before I attempted to stand up. I quickly unwrapped the towel that I had been given earlier from around my shoulders, and spread it out on the massage bed, before laying down on my back again.

Steve took a warm cloth and thoroughly wiped the area where the Deep Heat had been applied, making sure that none of it remained, so that it couldn't rub off onto other parts of my body. I relaxed as I laid there on my back, with only my speedo on, and Steve started to slowly massage my groin muscle.

I was in heaven! Not only was the pain diminishing, but I was getting turned on by Steve working so close to my groin. Every so often he would brush his had against the bulge in my speedo, never slowing in his massage, making me sure that it was accidental and that he was completely unaware of the effect that he was having on me.

He asked me if it felt better, and, not trusting myself to speak, I nodded my head in the affirmative. As Steve continued his massaging, his hand seemed to brush against the bulge in my speedo more frequently. Unable to control my body, I felt the blood start to rush towards my crotch and my dick started to get bigger! If Steve continued his massage, he would soon be faced with my raging hard on, barely constrained by my speedo, staring him in the face!

I closed my eyes, and slightly opened my mouth, as I focused on the pleasure that Steve was giving me. By now, the bulge in my speedo must have been obvious. I felt Steve's hand brush against my growing hard on, and a groan escaped from my lips before I could close my mouth. Steve must have heard it, but if he did, he didn't acknowledge me, but continued to massage my groin.

My breathing was getting deeper, and I knew that if I opened my eyes, I would see my speedo tented by my rock hard cock. I gasped in surprise as I felt something wet and warm envelope the head of my dick, and opened my eyes to see Steve's mouth sucking on the tent of my Speedos!

I reached down towards him, and gently caressed his head and encouraged him as he continued to lick and suck on my speedo. His hands were now all over my body. His one hand was exploring the inside of my thigh, whilst his other hand was exploring my well defined stomach. His hands continued their exploration towards the waist of my costume and I raised my hips in anticipation.

He slowly pulled my speedo down from my hips, pulling my dick down towards my feet, until it was released from my costume with an audible slap as it hit my stomach. The head of my dick was moist and shiny from the precum and tongue bath that Steve had just given me. He stared at my dick for a few moments, exploring it with his eyes, before bending over and taking my cock into his mouth as he started to explore it with his tongue.

He continued to suck my cock, as his hands worked their way between my legs, gently fondling my balls before working their way towards my anus. I gasped in delight as his fingers circled my anus before gently probing it with his fingers. I let out a sigh of disappointment when Steve removed his head from my dick, and waited in anticipation for what was about to come. Steve spread my legs and lifted my ass, before leaning forward and licking my anus! I couldn't believe that I was being rimmed by a complete stranger, and yet I was enjoying it so much!

Steve continued to eat out my ass, and jerk me off with one of his free hands, and I started to groan loudly in pleasure. His tongue was going deeper and deeper into my ass, and I had my legs spread out as far as I could. I realised that the pain in my groin was completely gone and that I was only feeling sexual pleasure now. I felt Steve remove his tongue from my ass, but it was quickly replaced first by one, and then two fingers.

I was in ecstasy as Steve continued to finger fuck me and I started to ride his fingers. I looked up to see Steve leaning towards me, and spread my lips in anticipation for his kiss. As his tongue entered my mouth, I groaned and started exploring his mouth with my own tongue. I could still taste myself in his mouth, a mixture of manly sweat and chlorine from the pool. It was a new taste, and I couldn't get enough of it, as we fiercely kissed each other, my lips starting to become tender from the pressure he was applying. I was startled to find that I was more turned on by this than anything else he had done!

He stopped kissing me and breathing heavily, whispered into my ear that he wanted to fuck me quick and hard. I was extremely turned on by his sudden roughness as my imagination ran wild, thinking about the ass pounding that I was soon to receive. Letting going of my dick, but keeping his two fingers in my welcome ass, he leaned over and retrieved a condom from his briefcase. As he put the condom on himself, he added a third finger in my anus, and I arched my back and cried out in pleasure.

When he was ready, he removed his three fingers from my ass, and I marvelled at how empty I felt inside. I wanted his dick inside me, to fill me, but more importantly, and surprising to myself, I wanted him to fuck me hard! Steve pulled my legs towards the end of the massage bed, a lifted them on top of his shoulders, as he readied his dick against my ass. I could feel the head of his cock pressing against my anus. More than anything, I wanted him inside me, and I wanted that now!

I didn't have to wait long. With his hips positioned correctly, he grabbed me by the waist, and in one quick motion, pulled me towards him! I felt his cock enter my ass, and it stretched to welcome first his head, and then his shaft, until I felt his pelvis against my shaved balls. He must have been at least 8 inches, but I found the pain was turning me on, more than I had ever imagined possible! Without letting my ass get used to his long cock, he pulled out completely, before ramming its entire length into my ass again. He could see I was in ecstasy by the audible groans escaping my mouth, and my eyes closed as I focused on the brutal fuck that he had started.

He continued to fuck my ass roughly, fucking me harder and more powerful than I have ever been fucked before in my life! This was the best fuck in my life, and he knew it. Steve was turned on by the idea of fucking an 18 year old scholar, and by the fact that I was really enjoying the roughness with which he fucked me. His balls slapped against my ass as he fucked me, and I knew that my ass must be red from the assault of his powerful body. He started to jerk me off in time with his fucking, and just as rough. His hand pulled my hips off the table from the force with which he jerked my cock upwards, before pushing his hand into my shaved crotch, pulling my foreskin backwards until I cried out in pain, but the pain was over masked by then intense pleasure of his rough treatment.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to last long and gasped that I was about to cum. Steve was panting now, and his eyes were closed as his own orgasm started to approach. Steve gave one final jerk of my cock, pushing his hand back along my cock as far as possible. As he pulled my foreskin backwards, and exposed the head of my cock as much as possible, more than he had ever done before, my rock hard cock was forced to bend towards him! He held his hand there as I started to cum. My first shot landed on his chest, and the second, third, fourth and fifth shots covered his stomach with my cum.

At the same time as he jerked my cock back, Steve thrust his hips into me and held them there. His cock was buried right up to its base in my ass, which was now in spasms from my own orgasm. I felt Steve's body shudder as his orgasm ran through him and he groaned in pure animal sexual ecstasy. We remained in that position, until the orgasms had washed over us. Gently, Steve released my battered cock, as he withdrew his now spent cock from my ass. I felt empty inside and ached to have him back in me again.

We got dressed in silence, which didn't take much time considering I was only wearing a Speedo. As we had finished dressing, coach knocked on the door and walked into the massage room. Steve and myself shared a sign of relief that we had finished when we did, and coach didn't walk in on us fucking like wild animals. Coach asked me how my groin muscle felt, and I replied that it felt as good as new, and that I was ready to continue in my races, although I did suggest that I come back to Steve for a check up once the competition was over, and have another massage just in case, before heading home. Steve winked at me and replied that he thought it would be a good idea just to make sure that there was no long term damage.

Coach was extremely pleased that I was able to swim in the remainder of the competition and was quick to agree to the follow up massage by Steve. I smiled inwardly as I thought about the evening of wild passionate sex with Steve that lay ahead. Coach took me around the shoulders and guided me out of the massage room. As I turned around and said goodbye to Steve, I saw myself in the mirror. Luckily the Speedo I was wearing hid my red ass, although the backs of my thighs were bright red from the rough fuck that I received. It was nowhere near bruising, but I knew I would have to think of an excuse for my fellow team mates to try and explain why my thighs were so red. I chuckled to myself as I wondered what else would be red after my second massage with Steve, which was only 90 minutes away.

To be continued??? Please e-mail to let me know if I should continue this story or not. This is my first series of porn stories; so all feedback appreciated. I have other stories in the nifty archives, please ask if you are interested in the links. All e-mails replied to as well. (",)

Next: Chapter 6

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