Campus Bottom

By William Williamson

Published on Nov 14, 2018



"Good job." he said as he grabbed his clothes and started to walk out. "You're a great addition to the team." As he left, he didn't bother to shut my door. I could hear more people gathering in the kitchen. I looked at the clock and it wasn't even 9:00am. Sweet.

I wanted to go clean up but was also worried about the herd of men outside my door. It was slightly embarrassing and besides, I was still just in my new jock and hat. But I had to act quick because a gallon of Chase was starting to leak out of my overfull hole. I threw on my sweatpants and walked out of the room shirtless. As soon as I got into view, the assembly in the kitchen burst into applause, cheers and congratulations.

"Nice job, boy!"

"Fuck yeah, welcome!"

"You sound sexy when you fuck, kid."

"He's a hot little cum dump isn't he?"

All the men were talking at once as they clapped me into my new home. I blushed and waived like I was on a parade float but kept moving. Helluva way to meet the team! They were all grinning ear to ear and I could see one of them elbow Chase, who's smirk was permanent. As I crossed the kitchen I noticed Adam was there, too. Shirtless and in sweatpants, arms crossed. His chest was chiseled from stone with totally smooth, bronze skin. His arms were masculine and defined with thick forearms under a light layer of golden fur. His blonde hair was messy perfection. He caught my eye immediately because he wasn't clapping like the rest. He was just staring right at me, like he had at the cafe before. He was the only still one still amongst all the clamor. It was so sexy, everyone else just seemed to fad away. For the briefest of moments we regarded each other like a wolf and it's prey.

I broke eye contact first as I continued across the room. The other players, some of whom I recognized from around campus, cheered me all the way down the hall as I made it into the bathroom. I could hear the applause die down as I cleaned up, emptied out and got the shower ready. When the water was hot enough I jumped in, just letting the warm cascade wash the dried cum and mansweat off of me. I felt fresh but not ready to get out so I languished a little bit, really letting the heat and steam loosen up my muscles from from being used so thoroughly. It felt nice to take my time and fully wake up. When I was done getting ready for my day, I dried off and headed back to my room. By now the kitchen had cleared out and the house seemed quiet, but you could still hear some heavy feet walking around upstairs.

It was exciting getting more comfortable living in the house. I was no longer being intimidated by the guys, which was relaxing and rare. The vibes felt very positive and welcoming and if all I had to do in exchange is let these big dicked athletes fill my hole with their cum, this was going to be a match made in heaven. I changed into a tight fitting shirt and some very short cotton shorts, and checked myself out in the mirror. Yep, I looked like a picture perfect bottom slut, which was the exact uniform I wanted on my first day of work. I bent over and looked again. Yep. My ass looked very fuckable. I didn't know what was going to happen next but I had a not so small feeling that Chase and his brother weren't going to be my only customers today. I quickly stripped the shorts off and prelubed my hole. I didn't want to mess with prep work if my services were needed.

I finished unpacking and went into the kitchen to get a drink. As I was looking around for glasses I heard a huge roar from the floor above me, followed by loud stamping feet. It caught me off guard and I almost dropped the glass. As I finished my water, it happened again, a little louder. I was curious what was getting the guys upstairs so riled up, and to be honest I was starting to get horny again. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to show my outfit off a little? It seemed like my needs and the guy's needs were pretty aligned, so I could feel my inhibitions slipping. I put my glass in the sink and headed toward the second floor. As I started upstairs for my first time, I looked at all the pictures lining the wall of the stairs. Team photos from years past, smiling men with broad shoulders and goofy smiles in mat board circles. I reached the top of the stairs to see a long hallway that stretched back to the end of the house with a mirrored sets of doors on each side. I could more clearly hear chatter at the end of the hall where one of the doors was mostly open.

I made my way down, past what could only be the players bedrooms, until I made it to the last door on the left and looked in. I saw a large open room, with early afternoon sunlight streaming in through blinds. In the center of the room was a large screen TV playing a football game. Sitting across from the tv on a large, comfy couch was Brad the curly, brown haired baseball player that I'd met in the cafe with Adam and Chase. Sitting next to him was a totally shreded, ebony god with short and well manicured edges. In a chair next to them, also glued to the TV, was Mark, my ginger welcoming committee of one. All three of them were in loose fitting tank tops and boxer briefs, and I felt my cock start to firm up which was obvious in my tiny shorts.

On the TV was the last 3 min of what appeared to be a very exciting game. I had followed a bit of high school football and knew the game fairly well, having fucked a couple of players back home. I didn't barge in during the action, but waited patiently in the door for a timeout before making my presence known. When it happened I cleared my throat and in my most masculine voice said "Hey guys, mind if I watch the end of the game with you?". All the men turned and looked at me and immediately smiled.

"Of course not!" Mark said "Come on in."

"There's room on the couch if you wanna sit down." Brad said, shifting in his seat.

I made my way over the couch casually. As I sat down on the left, next to Brad's tree trunk legs, a midnight black hand reached across from the far right.

"Hey man, I'm Tyler. Nice to meet you." The studly musclebody said. As I shook his hand, mine was lost inside his humongous paw.

"Hey Tyler, you...look like a running back." I blurted out, with a little too much adoration in my voice. All the other men laughed.

"Haha, yeah. That I am. Good guess, I guess." Tyler said as he half smiled, and his boyish eyes turned up. He looked so suave and so sexy. But the tension broke when the game came back on. Beers were cracked, and I was included. I crushed a couple pretty quickly and immediately started feeling my buzz. I looked around the room to see 2 sets of bunk beds flanking the north and south walls, with the TV and sofa between. Behind the sofa was a long table with school stuff on it. For a room used by athletic men, it was mostly clean and decently organized. Though, I couldn't help but notice, it did have that unmistakable scent of dude. Somewhere between sweat and cum, lightly masked by Axe body spray. It was intoxicating.

I quickly learned what team everybody was rooting for and joined in the fun, cheering and booing with the men of my house. By the time I was on my third brew, the game had ended and my buzz was going very strong, what little inhibitions I had left were fully out the door. I had turned to face my friends, leaving my back against the arm of the chair with one foot on the floor and the other crossed in front of me. My shin was touching Brad's massive leg and I could feel the heat of his body. He didn't move his leg away. I felt totally comfortable around Mark, Tyler and Brad. They were really making me feel like a peer, something the high school footballers who would use my ass never did. Picking up the remote, Brad flipped to the guide channel and searched for something to put on while a commercial droned in the corner of the screen.

"Oooh, check it out!" Brad said, finally picking something on TV. The screen flashed and suddenly a beach full of bikini clad women were playing volley ball. A large chyron on the bottom of the screen said "College Women's Volley Ball Championship"

"Now THIS is what I'm talking about!" Tyler said, adjusting his legs a little wider. The guys cracked fresh beers and I downed the rest of mine. The room got very quiet as the three athletes watched the fit women run and dive in the sand. I stopped watching what was on TV because the real show was unfolding in front of me. As the three half drunk men watched their new favorite program, I could start to see the outline of their cocks appear through the tightness of their briefs. The air started to feel heavy, the mood shifted. I started to drop my masculine pretense. Brad now shifted adjust his legs wider, pushing his thigh more into my leg. Reaching down, he squeezed his cock that was starting to stretch his underwear fabric harder. He released a heavy breath. I could see a wet spot start to form on Tyler's crotch, his monster now fully hard. Nobody was making any attempt to hide or be shy. I figured I shouldn't either, so I tossed my beer in the recycling and leaned forward toward Brad.

Brad didn't react or take his eyes off the screen as I reached out, stabilized myself with my left hand on Brad's thigh and reached under his tank with my right. I rested my right hand on the middle of his tight, washboard abs and felt a nice, soft lair of fur. I looked up at Brad for explicit permission but he continued to focus on the TV. The square of his jaw looked hot from this angle. I started to run my palm up and down his chest, slowly. I wanted to take my time and get to know each of these player's bodies, needs and sexual rhythms. Brad was stacked and I was getting so horny my hole was starting to twitch with hopeful anticipation. As I ran my hand up to feel Brad's nipples and pecs, he suddenly moved forward, throwing me slightly off balance. For a split second, I thought Brad was going to reject my advances but in one skilled move he stripped off his tank top and threw it behind him. He leaned back on the couch, spreading his muscled arms over the back and relaxed into my touch.

He still never acknowledged me, directly. That only made the whole thing harder. Leaving my right hand on his chest for balance, I moved my left to his now fully hard cock and started squeezing. Still ignoring me, Brad turned to Tyler and smiled.

"I love not having to ask. The good ones just fucking know, ya know?"

"Oh yeah. I definitely know." Tyler responded, grabbing his cock again. Juice oozed out onto his shorts. As I bent over to eat Brad's cock, I could see Mark fishing his dick out of his boxers. I slid down from the sofa and nestled between Brads legs, licking around his now exposed cock on my way down. It tasted perfect. Salty and sweet with beer sweat. I licked around the large, swollen head. Then I drug my wet, expert tongue down the shaft and finally, around my lips. When everything was wet enough I inhaled the massive tool taking all 8" inches into my throat on my first way down. I suckled on the head when I came back up, loudly slurping. I continued to dutifully deepthroat this baseball player while his black and ginger friends slowly watched and stroked. As my cock sucking went on, Brad started moving my head with his hands, my hair was his handles. Ss his breathing got slightly heavier I realized he was in control of pace now, totally. I could tell he was both enjoying himself and nowhere near done with my mouth.

"Ok man, enough's enough." Tyler announced. "If you're only using that end, you gotta scoot over and let me at that ass." Brad, still ignoring me, shifted over to the far end of the sofa, where I had been sitting. He guided my head by my hair, to keep his cock in me the whole time. I was so excited, that while Brad directed my head, I managed to scoot my back half up onto the sofa. My body was now knees down, ass up with a baseball players cock firmly lodged in my throat and leaking precum like a faucet. I was too focused on pleasing Brad to notice Tyler tearing off my short shorts.

"Goddamn! This slut is lubed up and ready to go!" Tyler announced as he started sliding his huge, thick cock between my ass cheeks, teasing my pucker.

"I told you," I could hear Mark say "He's a great fuck. Loosen up that pussy for me, Ty. I have next."

"On it" Tyler said as he popped his massive head into my tight, young rosebud. For an instant, I released Brad's cock to gasp as Tyler slid several thick, hard inches into me. As I was adjusting to Ty's massive cock I felt a sharp sting against my face and realized Brad has just slapped me. In most normal social situations I would have freaked out, but here in this room it made the sex better. It wasn't a hard slap, he wasn't trying hurt me and he definitely could if he wanted to. He just wanted to get my attention, assert his dominance. It was the caring slap of an Alpha letting my know I made a mistake.

"Did I say you could stop sucking?" He asked, addressing me for the first time.

"No, sir." I said, breaking eye contact and engulfing his cock again.

"Unhhh that's better, slut." Brad said as I returned him to his relaxed state of pleasure. My hand made my way up his chest, and as Ty finished sinking his manhood into me I grabbed hold of Brad.

"Yeah, Ty. You got him, look at his little hand!"

"Oh fuck yeah," Tyler responded, staring to masterfully piston in and out of me, ever so slowly picking up the pace. "This little whore loooves my fat cock."

I had never felt this type of satisfaction. Taking cock in both ends while my next fuck got hard watching me submit. I could feel the warmth of Tyler's body behind me. I pushed back on Brads chest to lean into Ty's fuck and started moaning. Tyler nailed my prostate with his dick and I felt the head swell when he finished his thrust. I was crazy for this fuck. It was phenomenal. It was all I could do to stay on Brad's cock, but I couldn't take the insane patience of Ty's slow fuck anymore. Beside, I was ready for another slap. I pulled off of Brad's cock for only a second to yell "FASTER" before I felt the sting of Brad's hand on my face and dove back into his crotch, bringing my hand back down his rock hard torso. I used my free, right hand to reach back and run my fingertips along the "V" that connected Ty's abs to his legs. My toes curled and Ty took my request to heart, now fucking me 3 times as fast as he was before.

"Yeah Ty. Fill him up. Do it dude." I vaguely heard Mark say as Tyler picked up the pace even more. I could tell I was about to get my first load from this footballer.

"Ok, bitch. Take my seed. I need you right now." Tyler ordered as he slammed into my ass 3 final, epic times and dumped a pretty substantial stream of cum in me. When he came down from his orgasm, he slid out of my ass and I gasped at the loss of his meat. That was met with my third, sexy punishment from Brad's hand and I returned to sucking with a smile. Just as I recovered from Tyler's pull out, I felt Mark's familiar tool shove into my now slick hole. His white, callous hands gripping my waste. I was ready for another slap so I pulled off Brad's cock one last time to say "FUCK ME, DADDY!" This time, I felt two stings as Brad slapped my face and Mark slapped my ass.

"Fuck yeah Mark. This bitch likes being told what's up. Do it some more, man." Ty said as he collected his boxers.

"You like that?" Mark said as he spanked me harder. "You like my hand on you like that, boy? Don't you, boy?"

"Mmmmhmmm" I moaned, not releasing Brad's member.

"Fuck you loosened him up good, Ty. He's fucking ready." Mark called after Ty who was leaving the room with a fresh beer.

The whole thing was becoming a blur. I sucked and sucked on Brad but the more he got into my blowjob the further he seemed from cumming. My hole was wet from Ty's load and I could feel Mark getting harder inside me while he punished my ass with his hand. I was moaning for all it was worth now, bucking my ass against Mark, getting better at matching his rhythms now that we've fucked for the second time. He leaned forward and put two balled up fists on either side of me. His massive chest was touching my lower back and I could feel sweat drip from his forehead onto my lower neck. I pulled off of Brad's dick but immediately went to lick and suck his balls, avoiding my sweet punishment for stopping. Bending over further also gave Mark deeper access to my ass and he took it. Brad leaned his head back and sighed.

"Yeah work those balls, bitch. Fucking suck them." Brad said. When he brought his head up, he was now eye to eye with Mark who continued humping me, doggy style. As I sucked on Brad's balls I looked up to see them smiling at each other.

"I'm close. Want to go together?" Mark asked, not slowing the pace of his pounding.

"For sure!" Brad said, grabbing my hair and moving my head back to deep throating his cock. He bucked his manhood into me and started counting down from 5. I could hear Mark laugh and join in.

"Three! Two! One!" The said in unison and then I felt them lunge their hips forward and at the same time explode. I was in ecstasy and full of cum. They each shot rope after rope of thick hot cum inside me. It was so sexy. I also shot a gigantic wad all over the sofa. As Mark and Brad softened inside me, I collapsed in a heap on Brads lap, still nursing his cock. Mark was still sawing in and out of me as he started laughing.

"Now THAT is what I call a VHB!" He said. Brad and Mark were both still catching their breath as their flaccid dicks slid out. I pushed myself off of Brad as he stood up. "I gotta run to weight training, catch ya later." With that, Brad was gone. Mark got up, and cleaned his cock off with some tissues from the coffee table and tossed the box to me.

"Thanks for the hard work." Mark said. "Two fucks in that ass in two days, I think I'm getting addicted."

I used a tissue to wipe my mouth off and said "It's yours when you want it. Tell Brad and Ty too."

"We know." Mark said, smiling. He left the room for me to compose myself. I just laid there smiling.

Next: Chapter 5

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