Campus Bottom

By William Williamson

Published on Oct 11, 2018



"Did I do ok?" I asked, suddenly self-conscious. Mark laughed a little bit as he put his shorts back on. He sauntered over to me, the picture of male confidence.

"You did amazing, buddy. So glad to have you in the house." he said as he scooped up my cum from my chest and started feeding it to me. I sucked his fingers clean.

My cum tasted sweet and salty as I savored the last little bit from Mark's thumb. I was still sucking as he tried to pull his hand away. I leaned up on my elbows to follow his arm back but eventually he pulled his finger out of my mouth.

"Alright, slut. You've had enough." He said, grinning. I had never been called a slut before, even though I considered myself one in my own thoughts. And the way Mark said it wasn't mean or rude. It was casual and plaintive. Like he was just stating a fact that we both new to be true. It wasn't insulting, somehow it actually turned me on more.

"I'm sorry, I guess I'm just insatiable." I said.

"You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. Now, clean yourself up and clean up the mess we made while I haul your shit to your room. Then I gotta get to writing a paper. There's a bathroom under the stairs with cleaning supplies and your room is straight back, off the kitchen. Remember, you live here. Don't be shy about grabbing food or drinks or exploring around the house. Besides, that's the easiest way to meet the guys." And with that Mark left me, messy and dripping, sitting on the table.

I took a minute to catch my breath and slid down to the floor. A little pool of Marks cum had formed where my ass had been. I could tell more of him would start dripping out of me soon, so I headed to the bathroom. I went back around the stairs in the front room while Mark disappeared with one of my crates into the back of the house. Sure enough, there was a doorway under the stairs that lead to a pretty sizable bathroom with a shower, fresh towels and a small under-sink cabinet that had everything I needed to get the front room spotless.

I quickly showered and wrapped myself in a towel, gathering the supplies I needed. I walked back to the front room, did a quick-but-thorough cleanup and threw my clothes back on. I was hoping the whole time that more of the athletes would show up while I was cleaning and I could get to 'know' them, too. But it was Friday night and the house seemed empty. Probably, too many parties to go to. When I went back to the entry way, my crates were all gone.

It was as good a sign as any that it was time to find my room. I walked down the front hall past the stairs and the bathroom and through a large doorway that led into a big, well appointed kitchen took up most of the back portion of the house. In the center of the kitchen was a large island with many barstools and some general scholastic "mess"; paper, mail and books scattered across one end. Past the island was a small doorway that was open. I walked over and peered inside to see a surprisingly spacious area with my crates stacked in one corner. There was a queen sized bed, a dresser and chair. In the back was a small closet with extra sheets and some towels. It was perfect and way bigger than my shared dorm. Plus, according to Coach, it was free. No more trips to the bursar's office to pay for a shitty dorm room I resented.

I hauled down the first crate from the pile and began to unpack. As I started to put stuff away I noticed a wrapped present on the dresser. It wasn't anything fancy, just some string around newspaper - but a really nice gesture for a house of macho bros. It had a card on the front that I opened first. It read "Hey Josh! Wanted to make you feel at home, so here's your welcoming package! Remember, this Sunday is a house meeting at 9pm. Be sure to be around so we can do formal introductions!" I smiled and opened the package.

Inside was a fitted, flat-brim hat with our school's sports logo on it, which I thought was really hot. It got even better when I picked it up and saw the second gift, my very first jock-strap. It was my size and it wasn't gay or fashionable. It was a generic, white, straight-guy-style jock-strap. Ass exposed and all. I immediately got the message. What a fucking cool group of dudes! I stripped naked and slid on the jock.

It fit perfectly. There was a mirror behind the door and I started modeling it for myself. Sticking my ass way out and arching my back. Pretending Adam was behind me and pulling my hair back as he was sinking into me. The thought made me moan. I was pretty impressed with how perky my ass looked in the jock and I knew it would help me fit in with the men of the house. I pulled the straps underneath my cheeks and let go a few times, watching the slight giggle of my ass in the mirror. The sound of the snap and the slight redness it caused made me look even sluttier then I currently felt. I loved it. Already I wanted another fuck in me.

I put on my sweat pants and a tank top and was about to explore the house when I glanced at my watch. Holy shit, it was almost midnight! Between the move and Mark and unpacking and looking at my ass in the mirror I had lost total track of time. I decided that exploring the house and the last of my unpacking could wait till after I caught some sleep, so I lied down on the bed, closed my eyes and passed out immediately.

I woke up at 8am on the dot, as warm morning sun filtered through the window in my room and made its way over to my bed. I felt well rested and comfortable. Plus it was Saturday! No classes for me and a whole day to explore the house. I looked at my phone and there was a text from a number I didn't have. It said: 'Hi Josh. Coach Lopez here. Just making sure you're settled in ok. If you need anything that my guys can't provide, you text me here ASAP. Have a great weekend!' I replied that everything was great and Mark was really welcoming and saved Coach's number in my phone. Just then I heard a pounding of feet coming down the stairs and walk toward the back of the house. There were muffled voices outside in the kitchen as I heard breakfast being made by two distinct voices. While they were at the stove I couldn't hear very well, but once they served themselves and sat at the end of the island I could clearly make out the conversation.

". . . which is why I told her we're done." said one voice.

"Yeah that sounds like a fucking nightmare, dude. I can't believe she did you like that" said the other.

"It was beyond frustrating. I'm not here for fucking games. Don't send me on 50 errands to get ready for a date night you insist we have, only to get too shitfaced at dinner and have me spend my Friday night babysitting your drunk ass. We didn't even make it to the concert." said the other.

"Unacceptable. I'm all about partying, but have some self control!"

"Yeah, and to top it all off I didn't get any pussy. Fuck!"

"Haha, yeah that's the fucking worst. Hey, any word on the VHB? Coach introduced us to an candidate early this week. Would solve a lot of problems if we had one of those again."

"Tell me about it."

As I listened in behind my door, my cock started hardening against my jock. It had all happened so fast, word must not have spread around that I was here yet. I had a cool opportunity to introduce myself and a better opportunity to get plowed by some jocks in the morning, which I loved. I almost always woke up horny as fuck. Not only that, but one of the two guys out there was a baseball player I'd met at the cafe! I wanted it to be Adam, but wasn't getting my hopes up.

As I listened, I caught myself in the mirror. I looked pretty frumpy in my tank top and sweat pants, but I couldn't help remembering how hot I looked last night in only my jock. Was I brave enough to act on it? After what happened with Mark, the welcoming present and how comfortable I already felt in my new role, I decided to take a chance. I stripped off everything but my jock and looked in the mirror again. I was as sexy as before except now, I had a serious case of bed-head. I couldn't go out looking like this but there was no bathroom attached to my room to clean up in. That's when I remembered the flat-brim! I grabbed the hat and put it on my head at a slight angle and returned to the mirror. Bubble butt? Check. Twink body? Check. Cute face? Check. The jock hat just completed the picture of an easy bottom who wanted to service men. I walked over the the dresser and pulled out some lube to pre-grease my hole, just in case. I was ready.

The voices outside my room had gotten quiet as the eating wrapped up but I could still hear them moving around. As soon as it sounded like they were done, I summoned my courage and slowly opened the door. I thought of a million things to say to make my first impression but the door took care of that for me, opening with a loud creak. Both men were still sitting on the island and looked up immediately, to see me standing in the door frame in just the jock and the hat.

There was a long silence. I recognized one of the players as Chase, the black haired baseball player Coach had introduced me to. He still looked sexy as hell with a lean body, medium facial hair and a square, strong jawline. He was in a tight-fitting athletic shirt, as if he was on his way to the gym. Beside him was a guy I had never seen before. He was also black haired, but shorter than Chase and infinitely more powerful. Where Chase was lanky and lithe, this other guy was thick and built. He was the kind of guy that looked like he wouldn't flinch if a car were speeding at him and if he got it, it would be the car that took the damage. It was obvious he was a wrestler. He wasn't wearing a shirt and every muscle in his chest, shoulders and arms look as if they had been individually made and fitted on him. I moved my gaze between the two several times. As they watched me they both slowly changed their expressions from surprise to a knowing smile. My plan was working perfectly.

"Hey, guys." I said casually, as if a mostly naked twink was a totally normal thing to show up in your house shortly after breakfast. "I'm just getting settled in my new room, but I overheard your conversation and I think I might be able to help." Both dudes looked at each other, and on cue deferred to each other. That broke the tension modestly and they laughed.

"Hey, man. You're the one who didn't get laid last night. Go first." Chase said to the wrestler, who blushed slightly, thanked him and started walking to me like I was a pile of free money. I turned to go back into my room and when my exposed ass came into view, I could hear Chase whistle a wolf call. When I looked over my shoulder all I saw was a shirtless wrestler closing my door so quickly, he was damn near slamming it. I had made it to the other end of the room and as the wrestler closed the distance between us, I climbed up onto my armchair, backwards. My knees were on the seat, my hands gripping the back, my uncovered ass up in the air, exposing my wet hole. I craned my head around just in time to see him tuck the elastic band of his track pants underneath his balls.

His pulsing cock found it's way to my warm ass in seconds. I thought he was going to cram it right in, but instead he started to tease me. He ran his hard rod up and down my crack. I reflexively pushed back on his member, hoping to hook it into me faster. No such luck. This wrestler had all the moves and I would get his dick only when he was ready to give it. I moaned. I looked back again, my cap partially blocking the sunlight streaming in through the window that looked out onto the back yard. The wrestler stared me down, bending his thick cock slightly so the tip started to press into my rosebud. I was sick with anticipation. He knew how to get a bottom worked up. He flattened his dick out again, resting it in my crack as he leaned forward and ran the palm of his hand up my arched back. I could feel his abs against me, each one individually defined. His strong hands were surprisingly soft. His body was radiating heat. Finally, he spoke.

"I need your ass so bad, you have no idea." he confessed in a deep, sultry voice.

"I know, dude. Use it." I said.

The wrestler needed no more prompting. With one hand on his cock and the other on my hip he guided his meat into me slowly but at a steady pace. He was incredibly thick and I caught my breath as the head popped in. I pushed out as hard as possible and adjusted quickly, as he sank all the way inside me. He finally bottomed out and and I exhaled. He was nice enough to give me a few moments to adjust, which was the last "nice" thing about this fuck. This man needed a pussy, and I was going to be that for him, better than any girl he'd yet fucked.

Just then he quickly pulled all the way out and, before I could complain about feeling empty, slammed all the way into me. I yelped. It was an embarrassing noise but I couldn't help it. I had never been slam fucked before, but had fantasized about it many times. Now here was this beefy bro, doing it without asking. I was over the moon. BAM, he did it again, causing me to make that noise. His moves were determined and calculated. BAM again, moving me and the chair forward. He stepped with it. BAM, each time the pain slightly gave way to pleasure. BAM each time the completed slam would echo through my body, prostate first. My legs were getting weak. BAM again he moved the chair and my body more fully into the corner of the room. There was no further back we could go. He had me pinned to the chair and the chair pinned to the wall. He grabbed my hips and one last time slammed ME into HIM. BAM! My hard cock was starting to drip precum into the jock.

"God damn that feels so fucking good!" I cried, with the wrestler fully buried in my sweet, tight asshole.

"You like that, slut?" he said, leaning into my ear.

"Fuck that ass dude, breed me." I shot back.

The wrestler pulled out and flipped me over. We shifted so that my legs were now on the big arms of the chair, my hips tucked forward as I arched my spine over the back. The wrestler moved further into the seat shooting his dick back into my ass. As he picked my legs up and put them over his shoulders, I could see the bedroom door swing open. Chase, who had clearly overheard my pleasure calls, was now watching and jerking himself off through his shorts. I started staring at him while the wrestler, who was already fucking me like I wasn't there, continued his assault on my hole.

The wrestler had shifted from slam fucking to rabbit fucking as he began to mercilessly piston in and out of me. I tried to maintain eye-contact with Chase but it was getting harder and harder as the wrestler got closer and closer to releasing inside of me. Every time I thought he had reached his fastest setting, he somehow managed to pickup even more speed. He was a madman, and was repeatedly hitting my button. I began panting and, as he increased speed, I began making these slight involuntary noises that kept pace with the movement in his hips.

"Yeah" he grunted. "Take that fucking dick, boy. I'm gonna fucking cum in you soon."

"Please." I begged in return.

"Fuck him, dude. Yeah!" I heard Chase cheer from across the room. "Open him up for me, lube him up with your cum, bro!"

"Here it comes" the wrestler announced to what seemed like the whole world.

And with an incredible roar he unloaded in me. He must have not cum for days because he shot, what felt like, a full pint into my asshole. As soon as he was done using me, he pulled out without warning. Before I could say anything he picked me up and tossed me on my bed. Tucking his junk back in his track pants, he turned on a dime and walked toward the door as a newly naked Chase made his way into the room. They high-fived as they passed each other.

"He's all yours" the wrestler said as he walked out of my room.

"Thanks, dude." Chase answered, as he rolled me onto my stomach. As he mounted my ass, he said "I've been waiting to fuck you since I first saw you, kid. Now that I know you've got my brother's load in you, it makes this even better."

With that, Chase slipped what had to be 10" inches of long hard cock into my freshly fucked chute. I gripped the sheets with my hands. Chase wasn't as thick as his brother but he was at least 2 inches longer. It was the perfect tradeoff. This was amazing, more than I could ever have hoped for. Back to back dickings by two cocky, straight brothers. I couldn't imagine how I got so lucky.

"Oh, yeah. My bro had a huge load didn't he. Yeah, I can feel it." Chase said, starting to saw in and out of my freshly used backside. "You're lubed up good. Fuck, I may not last long." He began thrusting in and out of my ass quicker. It felt so good to not stop after one fuck. I was hoping Chase had an equally big load. I could tell as he humped me that Chase and the wrestler were brothers by the rabbit fuck style they both had when they were fucking in earnest. Like his brother, Chase started to pickup speed as he got close. He stopped briefly to move his knees up by my ass, so he could lean forward and put his hand on the side of my head. He shifted his weight so he could push the side of my head into the mattress, using his hips so that the rest of his body wight plunged his nearly footlong cock all they way into me. As he held me down, he returned to the signature rabbit fucking.

"Yeah, that's a good slut. Fuck yeah. Take that dick. Take all that dick." he instructed as he continued to slam into me and I started yelping again. "Yeah, moan like a bitch. You love this dick, don't you slut? Don't you?"

"Fuck! Yes! I love it, harder!" I found myself shouting. Chase wasted no time and fucked me as hard as possible until his final, deepest trust where he, too, unloaded squirt after squirt after squirt of mancum. Unlike his brother, he stayed in me for a second after he came. When he got soft, his cock fell out of me and he jumped off the bed. He triumphantly slapped my ass, pretty hard. I wasn't about to complain.

"Good job." he said as he grabbed his clothes and started to walk out. "You're a great addition to the team." As he left, he didn't bother to shut my door. I could hear more people gathering in the kitchen. I looked at the clock and it wasn't even 9:00am. Sweet.

Next: Chapter 4

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