Campus Bottom

By William Williamson

Published on Oct 9, 2018



When we were done White Polo handed me a business card that said "Derek Lopez, Assistant Coach". I looked at the card and back up at him in awe.

"My office, 5:00, Friday if you want the job." And with that, he walked out of the hall. I stood there dazed. I was an amazing night and I couldn't wait for what was next. The only thing I knew was that I wouldn't miss that meeting for the world.

Thursday drug by like an eternity. Classes were a chore and my mind was so distracted. All I could think about was how good Derek's dick made me feel and how nobody had ever been that deep inside me before. I knew I needed dick like that on a regular basis or I'd never make it through the rest of the semester, much less graduate. I didn't know what he had in store for me but if it meant he was going to fuck my sweet young ass again, I was all for it. By evening, my mind had started to settle and I went by the cafeteria to get a drink and do some studying. I was sitting in the back of Smith Hall, when I saw Derek again. He was walking with some of the baseball players and they were laughing and talking. I almost knocked over my tea, I was trying so hard to act casual. I was a mess.

Just as I got my composure I realized they were leaving through the door I was sitting right next to. I was hoping to watch them from afar but now Derek and a group of 3 guys who looked like younger, fitter versions of Derek were going to pass right by me. I tried to avert my eyes, I didn't want to seem desperate or give away any secrets about Derek he'd rather not have his team know. I wanted to be discreet for both our sakes. But as Derek got close, he slowed then stopped right next to my table. The team slowed behind him, all of them within earshot.

"Hey" Derek said to me with a knowing smirk "I'm sorry, I don't think we were ever formally introduced. I'm Coach Lopez. What was your name again?"

I looked up from my English Lit notes and smiled back.

"I'm Josh."

"Well nice to formally meet you, Josh." he said as he turned around and started pointing to the athletes standing behind him in skin tight pants. "These knuckleheads are Adam, Chase and Brad - Centerfield, 2nd Base and 3rd base respectively." Each of the men behind him gave a friendly head bob but didn't say much. Coach Lopez continued, "Guys, Josh is the one I was telling you about. He's thinking about taking the open job in the house." And with that, all three of the handsome men behind Coach Lopez lit up with smiles.

"Oh nice!" said Brad "We haven't found someone right for that job in 6 months or more!"

"More like 2 full semesters!" Chase jumped in.

"Easy guys, Josh hasn't accepted yet. We have a meeting tomorrow afternoon to talk about the details." Coach Lopez said, gripping my shoulder with his big, strong hand. "But his initial interviews went very very well. I certainly hope he says yes."

"He certainly looks like he's a good candidate" said Adam, cocking his head and looking me up and down. Before now, I had been obsessed with Coach Lopez but, as Adam started inspecting me like the Terminator looking for new clothes, I was quickly forgetting about Coach. Adam was a little taller, with more of a taper from his pecs to his waist. It looked like he worked out at least 2 times a day, every day. His blonde hair was short and wavy and his white skin was tanned from hours spent on the field. He had less muscle bulk than Coach but twice the definition which you could see through his skin-tight uniform. He was half smiling, showing off his perfect teeth and thick, full lips. He was still wearing his jock too, so I couldn't exactly tell how hung he was but the jock itself was big enough to smuggle sausages. He looked like sex on a platter and it took everything in my power not to blurt out something like 'fuck me right now'!

"Alright, guys. Keep moving. Ya'll have studying to do and a long practice in the morning. Josh, I hope to see you in my office tomorrow at 5:00, sharp." I snapped out of my haze and instinctively said "Yes, sir. You'll see me there." The four of them smiled as Coach squeezed my shoulder harder, let go and all four walked out. My heart was beating so hard I could feel my body shake.

'This is the one I was telling you about.' Holy shit! Did coach tell his entire baseball team that he bred me in the back of a club last night? Or did he just tell those three? How did they know about this "job" and why were they so excited for me to say yes? The whole thing was beyond exciting and now my cock was beating in my pants as fast as my heart. I could no longer focus on studying, so as soon as they were out of sight I crammed my books and notes into my bag, ran to the bathroom, locked myself in a stall and in 3 pumps blew a gigantic load all over my hand and cock. I just sat there on the toilet panting and wondering what in the world this job was and how I ended up so lucky.

That night, I could barely sleep and the next day I checked the clock so many times I must've looked like a crazy person. The passage of time was slow but eventually 2:00 became 3:00 and 3:00 became 4:00 and by 4:45 I found myself walking into the Sports Complex, the school's new multimillion dollar hub for all our athletic programs. The building was huge with equipment and training areas for Football, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, Weight Lifting, Running, Gymnastics, you name it! The building was so big, you could probably host half of the summer olympics there. I used the directory to find Coach Lopez's office, which was on the back of the 3rd floor. At 5:00 sharp, I walked up to his door. I wanted it to be clear that I follow instructions. As I approached the glass window of the office, Coach Lopez saw me and smiled, motioning for me to come inside.

As I entered, I shut the door behind me, hoping that this was the start of 'round two'. Coach Lopez motioned to one of the two leather chairs in front of his desk and told me to have a seat. He didn't get up. This definitely felt like a job interview and my hopes of getting dicked started to fade. Now, I felt like a kid. The seat was huge and obviously made for the burly sportsmen that usually sat there. I felt a little intimidated, but I wasn't going to be deterred. I came here to listen to a job offer that hopefully included getting stuffed by the assistant baseball coach. For a moment we just looked at each other, but Coach broke the silence first.

"I want you to know, I think you're a very good candidate for this job."

"Thanks," I said "but what…exactly is this job?"

"We'll get to that in just a second. First I want to say, this job isn't for everyone. It takes a very skilled and professional person to fit into this role. The day to day is exciting but exhausting and you're on call 24 hours. Second, I want to tell you that the job comes with lots and lots of perks. It opens up doors you can't even imagine and is truly the opportunity of a lifetime. And finally, and this is crucially important, if I tell you what the job is you must decide tonight - right now - if you want to take it or not. If you don't, no sweat. I already know you are a very discreet person I am confident this conversation, like our first meeting, will remain confidential. But if you say yes, everything will change for you immediately. If all of this seems too risky to get into, you're also welcome to leave right now. No harm, no foul. But those are the terms for this conversation. Do you understand?"

The whole time Coach talked I stared directly into his eyes. I was hypnotized by his authority. And I wasn't stupid, whatever this was - it was going to be awesome. And besides, I'd spent my whole life being a shy wallflower. Spending time not asking for what I really wanted because I was worried what people might think of me. It was time to put that aside and take a real chance. Whatever the job was, I just had to know. I nodded at Coach slowly and said "So…what's the job, then?" Coach started smiling.

"As you know, this school is deeply committed to our athletic programs. Every year we give out 20 Bains-Barnard scholarships to the highest-performing athletes on any of our teams. They go through a rigorous screening process and as they qualify they are given a free ride including books, meals and housing. For these athletes we really try and provide for all of their needs so they can focus on bringing the championship trophies home. But there are other needs these players have that can cause a lot of distractions. Ultimately, every man needs release which is why we encourage our players to date but, relationships can be a lot to handle between practices and studies and games. Plus, we can't house players individually, so our Varsity Scholarship House is a two-player-per-bedroom setup. Not a lot of privacy. So in the past few years, we've made…other arrangements."

"How so?"

There was a long pause. Coach seemed to be studying me one last time. Eventually he took a deep breath and continued.

"We've moved some scholarship money around to accommodate for a Varsity House Boy position. Someone to live with the players and provide a hand, mouth or ass when these men need release. Someone they can have on call for those moments that every man has. We can't expect our players to perform in peak physical shape if we aren't taking care of their sexual health too. Of course the Varsity House Boy (we call him VHB) gets free room and board and a small stipend on top of all the sex he could ever desire."

My jaw almost hit the floor. I thought I was coming to this office to get a towel boy job or encouragement to be a cheerleader. Possibly get the added perk of having the assistant coach tap my ass here and there. This was more than I ever dreamed! To live in the varsity athletics house was already a huge fantasy but to live there with the specific purpose of getting fucked by all the players? Holy shit. I must be dreaming.

"But, are all the players gay?" I asked.

"This isn't a gay or straight thing. It's about brotherhood and sexual release. All the boys in the house are comfortable with this setup. Some are gay, some are bi, many are straight. But all of them are accepting and all of them need to get off. You're filling a very necessary role for our players, they don't have to go out and get in trouble when they feel hot and bothered. They don't have to drink and start stuff with other men, getting all territorial. Instead, they can share you with no strings attached. And you obviously know what you are doing, and like being shared. If you take the job, you'll form relationships with these men that will last a lifetime. You'll truly be a member of the team, so to speak. If you say yes, we'll start a crew tonight, moving your stuff out of the dorm and into the Varsity Scholarship House. You'll get your own small room, but that's just for studying and sleeping. Typically, the boy who takes this role finds himself passing out in whichever room he was last getting fucked in. And they guys are really great. Like I said, it's thorough screening program to get in. So, Josh, what do you say?"

I was stunned. I sat there silently for a moment as the Coach looked at me. Eventually, I regained my composure and found my voice.

"I accept with pleasure!" I almost screamed and with that Coach picked up the phone and called Campus Facilities to arrange for my move.

It was a whirlwind afternoon. Before I could get back to my dorm, I was already getting a call from Campus Facilities that they were waiting at the loading dock of my building to help start my move. I met the crew and lead them up to my room. It was weird packing up all the stuff I had just unpacked but as it was the second week of school, I hadn't acquired too much more stuff than I'd already come with. The movers finished quickly and my stuff was in crates in under an hour. Soon we were pulling up in front of an old victorian house, a block and a half off campus. It was old and had a wrap-around porch but was well maintained and appointed. The movers had clearly been here before and took my stuff directly inside, setting it down just to the left of the door, wishing me well and leaving. And that's how I found myself alone, in the big front room of the Varsity Scholarship house with 5 crates of my stuff and a huge smile on my face. The room was decorated floor to ceiling with pennants and team pictures. In front of me was a huge staircase and to my left was an open living-room area with a gigantic couch, flat-screen TV and bar that seemed to continue on into a kitchen area. To my right was another, more formal room that looked like it was setup for meetings. The house was huge. The only problem was, nobody seemed to be around. I wanted to unpack but I didn't even know where my stuff was supposed to go. I guessed that I could have just picked an open room but I was so excited about the opportunity that I didn't want to break any unknown rules and lose the job before I even started. Just then, I heard a door close upstairs and down the central staircase came a pale, redheaded adonis wearing only black mesh basketball shorts that framed the 'V' in his abs perfectly.

As he bounced down the stairs I watched his impressive cock swing out against the fabric. He was smiling and the slight dusting of freckles on his face made him look impossibly attractive. His hairless chest glistened in the late evening heat and his nipples were erect. I followed the contour of every well-defined muscle as he walked right up to me and said "You must be the new VHB!"

Coach was right, the players seem to be onboard. I stuck out my hand.

"Yep, that's me I guess. I'm Josh!"

"Hi Josh, I'm Mark. Nice to meet you, I guess." Mark said, winking and smiling broadly.

As we shook hands, the feeling was charged. If this was the welcoming committee, I couldn't wait to meet the rest of the house. I wondered how hard I would have to work to get Mark to slip me his cock.

"Sorry to make you wait. I was finishing a call for my Bio group project and couldn't hang up immediately, but I did hear you come in!"

"Really," I said "It's not a problem. I just didn't want to wander around and get into anything I wasn't supposed to, so I just kicked it until you showed up."

Mark laughed.

"This is your house now, bro. You can go anywhere you want. Trust me, you'll relax into the vibe soon enough."

"Thanks, dude!" I was genuinely surprised to see how welcomed I was in such a testosterone driven world.

"So, do you want the tour or are you hungry or do you want a drink or…" he paused, waiting for me to respond.

"I mean, all of that sounds nice but…" I paused. On one hand I didn't want to seem too forward, I was still learning the limitations of all this. On the other hand, I had been craving dick for two days now and as exciting as this job was, Coach did not fuck me in his office like I had been hoping. After all, this is a job - right? Offering my hole to this fit auburn god was part of the expectations. Before I could figure out how to finish my sentence, Mark jumped in.

"But, what? Everything ok?"

"Yeah, it's just…" I was at a loss again. I wasn't yet a total slut so the words didn't come as easily to me. But, there was a tangible shift in mood from Mark. Like a good Alpha, he took the hints I was dropping everywhere and moved to within an inch of my body. The pretense was over. I could feel heat radiating off of his chest. I could smell his body oder, sweet and masculine and intense. He reached up with his right hand and grabbed my wrist, aggressively moving my hand to the front of his thin shorts. I squeezed and felt it double in size, instantly. Mark leaned into my neck. I could feel his hot breath on me. I was wild with lust.

"You need this jock dick in you now, don't you boy?" he asked. It was less of a question and more of a command.

"Yeah." I said, squeezing harder. I could feel my asshole tingling. Mark was now raging hard in his shorts. His cobra was awake and ready to strike.

"Coach really does know how to find the best ones." Mark said as he pushed me back into the more formal room on the right.

As we made it into the room, Mark dropped his shorts and sat down in a large leather chair. He reached into the drawer of the adjoining table and produced a bottle of Swiss Navy lube. I took off my shirt and started to drop my pants as Mark slowly stroked lube onto his cock. It was about 7" and incredibly thick. Looking at the whole thing made my mouth water, but I knew this wasn't about foreplay. This was about filling my ass up and providing release for Mark. Not wasting any time, I crawled up on Marks lap and slowly started to sit down on his cock. I faced him so I could watch the expression on his face as I rode him.

Slowly, I sank down on his member. Bit by bit. Teasing him, and savoring the feeling of this built, ginger, jock-cock sinking into my warm, tight ass. After what felt like an eternity of pleasure, I finally bottomed out. I realized I had my eyes closed and open them to see a sneering Mark looking back up at me. He ran his hands up my abs and chest and back down again to my hips. Before I could even start riding him, Mark lifted me up by my waist and, just before his dick popped out of me, he lowered me back down. My weight was nothing to this hardened athlete, who easily lifted me like a pocket pussy. The flex in his shoulders and arms was so sexy. And he just kept going. He had stamina for days. Lifting and lowering over and over. My cock was hard as steel but this fuck wasn't mine. It was all him. I was in his control. Slowly, he sped up speed.

"You like it when I use your ass?" he snarled.

"Fuck yeah dude, it's yours." I shot back, gasping for air.

Mark picked up the pace with every repetition. Eventually he was throwing me up and slamming me down against his thick cock as hard and as fast as he could. A light glisten of sweat appeared on his forehead. He was truly using my slutty ass and I loved it. I was getting lost in the fuck, my eyes losing focus. Without warning, Mark stood up. He was strong and still inside of me, holding me against him. He took two steps over to the large table in the center of the room and laid me down on my back. He shoved my legs up on his shoulder and turned into a machine. It was like I wasn't even there. He began pounding me as hard and as fast as any man every had. It was ecstasy. I was moaning and my tongue was hanging out of my mouth. I didn't care. I wanted every inch. Every thrust. Mark was on automatic. I was his fucktoy and he was going to use me. This went on for another 5 minutes or so before Mark came slightly back down to earth to say "Ready to take my nut, dude."

"FUCK. YES." I yelled. "Give it to me, bro! Fill me up!"

And with that Mark exploded into my ass. I could feel at least 6 hard ropes of cum fire deep into me, Mark grunting like an animal with each one. I looked down at my cock and at some point I had cum all over my chest. I didn't even notice. I laid there, not wanting to break him from his reverie, as he caught his breath. My ass was his to use. When he came down from his orgasm, he was still hard as stone. He used my ass a little longer, sawing back and forth until he lost his erection. Eventually, he slid out of me. Then he patted me on the hip and turned around to grab his shorts. I leaned up a on my elbows, still on the table. I could feel his ocean of cum start to slowly leak out of me.

"Did I do ok?" I asked, suddenly self-conscious. Mark laughed a little bit as he put his shorts back on. He sauntered over to me, the picture of male confidence.

"You did amazing, buddy. So glad to have you in the house." he said as he scooped up my cum from my chest and started feeding it to me. I sucked his fingers clean.

Next: Chapter 3

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