Camping with My Cowboy

By N. Ammons

Published on Apr 1, 2011




Note from the Author: Wow I just wanted to thank everyone that has emailed me since I wrote part one of this story. All your comments and requests for more about these two boys, and the family has been overwhelmingly sweet. I hope to continue this story to its completion and then branch off more from it. Please continue to read and enjoy........


PART II of ...."Camping with my Cowboy"

As I road along the path feeling Jake's strong arms around me, I thought back to my secret ride yesterday. Unknown to anyone except me and "Thunder", I came out to the lake yesterday afternoon while dad and Gramps were out and Gramms was napping on the veranda and set up the perfect spot for Jake and I to spend some time together today. I had left blankets, a tent, and some other items that would allow us to have the privacy I'd planned and hopped for.

Suddenly my trance was broken with "Hawk" stumbled a bit and I heard a noise from beneath us. It was a snake and the evil thing was striking at "Thunder's" feet. I immediately jumped from Jake's arms and back onto my horse's back and stopped him in his tracks.

"Alex freeze!!!....Don"t let him move!!!" Jake yelled to me as I heard the shot ring out from his gun.

It took a moment to settle "Thunder" down and "Hawk" seemed alittle uneased as well. Jake dismounted, tied "Hawk" to a tree branch and walked over to me. At this point I had dismounted and was attempted to console "Thunder" as much as I possibly could.

"Shhh boy...steady now....I'm right here" I spoke in a soft even tone hoping to sooth his nerves.

"Give him to me" Jake took the reins from me and tied "Thunder" to the same tree where "Hawk" was and turned to me..."They can calm each other down" he said as he walked over to me and pulled me into his arms.

"Baby are you ok??" he asked with a great deal of concern in his voice

"I think so Jake....I'm sorry if I frightened you, but it all happened so fast.....I mean I heard the sound, and then saw the things head striking at "Thunder's" feet and all I could think to do was jump on and get him away from danger."

"Yea but in doing that, you put something very important to me in danger too.....YOU!!" Jake almost seemed emotional

"Look I know you hate it when I smoke, but after that I need a cigarette....I'm sorry baby but my nerves are shot at the thoughts of you getting hurt by that snake or "Thunder" could have gotten out of control and.....and...."

I stopped Jake by placing my finger on his lips and kissed him softly...."How could I refuse those eyes and that heart.....not to mention that huge bulge in your pants and your killer ass"......that was all it took to make Jake laugh and he lit his smoke. He was right I didn't like that he smoked from time to time but damn he looked sexy as hell when he did. There he stood leaning on an oak tree his shirt unbuttoned showing off his muscular chest and his legs cocked up on the tree. I watched him finish the cigarette and then we walked over to the horses. Thankfully they had both settled down and seemed to be quite calm now. Jake turned and lifted me up onto "Hawk" and handed me "Thunder's" reins before mounting up himself. He gently placed his arm back around me and nudged the horse to start walking.


"So what Shawn and I have come to decide is that it would be best for him to sell the house and move onto the ranch with us Don" Cybill explained the conversations that took place on the early morning ride with Shawn to her husband.

"Shawn are you sue you want to do this??.....I would love nothing more than to have both my son and grandson under my roof with me and your mother, but I want you to be certain and to talk to Alex as well. This is as much his decision as it is your son." Don spoke both concerned as well as sternly.

"Dad I know that I have behaved foolishly as of late and I know all too well that I didn't do right by my son when Vanessa died, but I know this beyond all else....I love my son very much and I know he's truly happy here, just as I was at his age. I also remember how much Vanessa loved this place both as a child growing up here and as an adult after we'd married....We'd even talked about it a couple of times and planned to talk with you and mom about it when the time came, but it just never came once she got sick that last time"....Shawn's voice broke for a moment

"Shawn"...Cybill spoke in her normal soft tone..."I agree with your father in that you should talk it over with Alex before making up your mind and hear him out IF he has any objections"

"You're both right, tonight when we've finished dinner I'll ask Alex if he and I can have a man to man talk about everything." Shawn seemed to feel at ease with his decision.

"What's that??"....Jake pointed to the supplies I'd left yesterday by the trees

"Well...I kinda planned all this out yesterday afternoon and snuck out here while you in the lower pastures"....I looked at him and smiled

"You little sneak.....Ima have to keep an eye on you I see" Jake laughed as he dismounted and pulled me into his arms off of "Hawk's" back

We set up the tent and pulled the blankets out of the bag I had them in and placed them on the tent floor. Jake stopped and walked over to secure the horses, and I jumped into the tent and immediately stripped and laid down on the blankets. I could hear his footsteps and he came back to the tent.

"Baby where are you??...What are you up to in there??

In my sexiest voice possible I responded "Come in and see for yourself cowboy."

Jake opened the flap of the tent and stepped inside placing his hand on his hat to keep it from falling off. When he lifted his head and saw me laying there on my stomach atop the blankets smiling at him with my smooth teenage boy ass in plain view, he stopped and smiled and just stared at me. Finally when I couldn't stand the waiting anymore...

"Why are you looking at me like that??" I asked seeming to ignorant to the purpose of his gaze

Jake cleared his throat and knelled down next to me and ran his hand down my back and caressed my smooth ass..."You know what seeing you naked does to me Alex....I'll I want to do is kiss and touch you from head to toe as soon as I catch a glimpse of you."

"By all means handsome....don't let me stop you." as I said this I reached up and pulled on his belt and pulled him down onto the blankets with me. I proceeded to undress my beautiful cowboy until he was wearing nothing but silver necklace and his black boxer briefs. I stopped there and crawled on top of him and began kissing his soft lips gently at first and then allowed more and more passion to come thru me. I also began grinding my hips and ass against his rock hard dick thru his underwear. We both moaned in pleasure as I continued this until Jake stopped me....

"Baby you're killing me ......Every time we're together is like heaven to me, but lately all I can think about it taking that final step and making you mine totally mine" Jake's breath was heavy and his eyes full of both passion and lust.

I returned this look to him as I leaned down and whispered into his ear..."Then take that last part of me that you want to desperately and make it yours just like the rest of me."

Jake pulled me into a eye to eye gaze ...."Are you sure you're ready for that??...Baby I don't want to make you feel pressured or push you into anything you're not prepared for"...his voice was soft and caring.

Without a single word, I kissed him again and then reached over to my bag in the corner of the tent and pulled out a bottle of lube that I'd brought with me. Jake saw what I was holding and nearly fainted but smiled at the same time. I reached down and pulled his now very tented and snug boxer briefs off releasing his very thick 8" plus dick and watching the tip shine from the precum that had already leaked out from our foreplay. I squeezed out the lube into the palm of my hand and applied it to his beautiful dick and then to my own waiting hole. Jake watched in amazement and with great anticipation as I positioned myself on top of him with the massive head of his dick pressing against my tight little hole.

"Are you ready??" I asked looking down into his beautiful lust filled green eyes

"You have no idea how ready I am Alex"

With that said I moved my hips back and guided his dick head into my hole. I had expected pain and pressure beyond all imagining, but felt neither. His dick slide into me with little to no effort at all, and soon I could feel the soft pubic hairs around his massive dick tickling my smooth ass cheeks. Slowly I began to move as tho I knew exactly what I was doing, which couldn't have been further from the truth. With the exception of my own finger(s) nothing had ever been inside me. I looked back down into Jake's eyes and was overjoyed to see a look of total ecstasy as I rode his throbbing dick.

"How does it feel handsome??" I asked waiting to hear the response from my beautiful cowboy as i continued to squeeze his dick with my young ass muscles.

"If i wasn't in love with you before, I certain am now baby.....I never dreamed you would feel so good riding me like this....You've already got me so close to cumming that I can barely contain myself" Jake's voice was soft and loving

"Don't stop Jake....give it all to me.....make me yours.....cum inside me and breed me"

These words seemed to send Jake over the edge and before he could speak or warn me his dick exploded inside my tight ass shooting stream after stream of his wonderful man juice inside me. The pulsing feeling sent me into my own orgasm and I shot a load the likes I had never seen into his stomach and chest. When the panting and heart pounding had subsided, Jake rolled us over and gently pulled out of me, and just as he had our first time by the lake he cleaned me off my licking my dick free of my own cum and then lifted me into his arms and walked out of the tent and into the warm waters of the lake.

Jake held me in his arms and looked down into my eyes......"I meant what I said Alexander....I am head over heels in love with you...I hope that is not too much for you to deal with right now, but I had to tell you before it drove me insane"

"Jacob I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you and to hear you say those words to me does things that I cant even begin to explain"

We walked back into the tent and laid down in each others arms and dozed off hearing the summer winds blowing gently outside. When we woke, Jake and I packed up the stuff and took down the tent and placed it all back in the tree where I'd hidden it before. And after a few more kisses and "I Love You's" we mounted up the horses and raced back to the ranch.

"Here they come now" I heard Gramms' voice "and look at my grandson ride that stallion"

I just smiled as I thought to myself "This ain't the only stallion I've rode today"....Jake seemed to be thinking something along those same lines because he looked over at me and blushed.

I saw my dad lean in and say something to gramms but she just shrugged her shoulders and then they walked over to Jake and I.

"So boys how'd the riding go??" Gramms had her usual pleasant tone.

"Oh Gramms I had a blast riding Jake...I mean with Jake" Jake and I both snickered at my slip of tongue.

"Hope he wasn't too much of a handful for ya Jake"....Gramms placed her hand on Jake's knee and petted "Hawk's" neck.

"Not at all Ms Cybill....In fact I'll take Alex out anytime he wants til you guys are comfortable with him riding alone...As long as its ok with you and the boss man that is" Jake was turning on his usual charm and my gramms bought it hook line and sinker.

Through all this i noticed that my dad seemed to be looking very strangely at Jake as tho he knew him or something, but I just disregarded it when he came over and jumped up onto "Thunder's" back with me and told me to lead the horse into his pen and show him some of what I'd learned.

Gramps sent the driver on ahead with the town car and the four of us planned to walk up to the house. Gramms gave Jake a kiss on the forehead and thanked him again and Gramps and Dad both shook his hand. As we started to walk away....

"You guys go ahead I'll catch up....I gotta tell "Thunder" goodbye one more time"

"OK darlin but don't be long its dinner time and Pauline is cooking up a storm I'm sure" Gramms called out to me as I ran into the stables.

Jake was sitting in the office behind the desk when I walked in and our eyes met and we both knew we were in love. I walked over and kissed him again and gave his crotch a gentle squeeze before running off to meet up with the others.

Well that's the end of the this part. I hope it gets the same responses that the prior one did....

Again please feel free to email me any comments...

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