Camping with My Cowboy

By N. Ammons

Published on Oct 25, 2010




Hi, my name is Alex and I'm 14 years old. This story is an account of the past 48 hours and what started out as a terrifying experience, but soon became the most wonderful one of my life. I lay here in a hospital bed recovering from being trapped in a rundown cabin after an avalanche while on a camping holiday with my father. Let me recap on a few things before I get into what brought me to my current state.

This all begins a few years ago with my mom dying. She had apparently had great complications while carrying and giving birth to me, and had been diagnosed with a strange heart condition a few days after I was born. My dad, who up until the diagnosis, was very proud to have his 1st child be a boy that would carry on his family name, but quickly became resentful of me once he realized (made up his own mind) that I was the cause of my mother condition. Fast forward now 13 years, my mother has been doing very well and having little to no issues whatsoever, until she collapses at work one afternoon and is rushed to the ER. Her doctor informs my dad and grandparents that my mother's condition has been gradually getting worse over the years, but she had become accustomed to her symptoms and didn't let on that anything was wrong. The doc explained that mom would need a heart transplant soon in order to survive more than a few months. Good news came two weeks later when an organ donor was found. On the day of my 13th birthday my mom got her new heart....Man what a gift to know my mom was gonna be "all better" as my grandmother kept telling me. Sadly this was not to be when less than 3 weeks after the surgery, my mom's body rejected the new heart and she went into cardiac arrest and we lost her. After the funeral my grandfather came to me and explained that I would be spending a few days with he and my grandmother to give my dad "some time to heal" as he called it. Little did I know that a few days meant 6 months, that's right 6 months without seeing my dad and having to cope with losing my mom all on my own. I still remember the day he arrived at my grandparents house and how he barely looked at me and wouldn't hug me or even speak to me. Later that night, as I lay in my bed thought to be sleeping, I overheard a conversation between my dad and grandparents (his parents) in the library.

"Neither one of you understand what I'm going through"...I'd heard my Dad's voice begin....."if Vanessa had listened to me in the beginning, when she started having trouble with the pregnancy, and aborted it....she would still be here and we could have tried again and had another child or children who knows??....Now all that I have is the one being alive that caused her death"

"Shawn how can you be so cold hearted and cruel?? grandmother's voice had lost its usual sweetness and seemed both shocked and angered. "Vanessa loved Alex from the moment she took the test and found out she was pregnant, and you have the nerve to stand before your father and I and say those words!!!" .... "Don please talk to your son"

"Shawn" grandfather began ...."we all loved Vanessa very much, and your mother is right Alex was her life from day one." "You are my son and I love you more than life itself, but I will not allow you to abandon that boy because you cant man up and accept that he is part of her and part of you."

I felt tears welling up in my eyes as the room fell silent. Suddenly I heard my dad clear his throat and then burst into tears. He sobbed for a few moments and I heard the french doors to the patio open and shut. I looked out my bedroom window to see my grandfather lighting a cigarette, and I got up from my bed and tip toed to my door and peeked out the crack. My father, still sobbing, sat with his head in his hands and my grandmother stood behind him rubbing his back as she'd done to me the night mom died (she was always the comforting one in the family). Fearing being seen, I returned to my bed and cried myself to sleep.

The next morning I awoke to the smell of coffee and maple syrup, which meant only one thing......Ms Pauline, my grandparent's cook and maid, was making breakfast. I jumped outta bed and ran into my bathroom. After taking care of alittle morning "business" I got dressed and ran downstairs to the kitchen. Here I found my grandfather sitting at the table reading the paper and having what I'm sure was his 3rd or 4th cup off coffee of the morning.

"Well g'mornin handsome"....Ms Pauline had always told me I looked just like my mother and was equally as beautiful. I ran over and hugged her before heading over to the table where my grandfather waited for his morning hug. After I'd bear hugged him, I sat down and looked around the room.

"Where are Grams and Dad??".....I attempted to act as though I hadn't heard anything from the night before.

"They went out for a ride about 2 hours ago, so they should be back anytime now"...."Hey champ..." my grandfather had called me that all my life..."what do you say we go ahead and snag the 1st batch of waffles and bacon before they get back??"

We both smiled and looked over at Ms Pauline......"Alright now, I'll not be held responsible when Ms Cybil come in and find out y'all done ate up all the food without her and Mr Shawn being here".... Gramps and I both laughed ....."I'll take the blame for it Pauline"....Gramps was always one for jokes. Halfway through the 1st waffle I could hear boots on the hardwood floors in the hallway from the backdoor.

"Oh Pauline I could smell that heavenly scent all the way from the ......." Grams emerged from the hallway and immediately began one of her classic southern belle moments when she saw Gramps and I eating....."well look at these two scallywags stuffin their faces"....Gramps and I looked at each other and began eating as quickly as possible

"Ms Cybil I done told um both but they haint bout listened to me....Ms Pauline stood with her hands on her hips next to Grams. Just then my dad stepped into the room from behind my grandmother and looked over at me for the 1st time since he'd arrived. Syrup dripping from my chin and a milk mustache I guess he couldn't help but to laugh. Ms Pauline walked over and hugged him and sent them both over to the table where she sat down a fresh pot of coffee and two plates. Grams took her seat next to Gramps leaving the chair next to me open for dad. He sat down next to me and looked over and noticed that I still hadn't cleaned my face. He laughed again and took a napkin from under his silverware and wiped my face clean. I couldn't believe dad had not only looked at me and laughed, but now he was actually touching me. My grandparents just looked at each other and I happened to catch Grams give Gr amps that "I'll talk to you later about

this" look and they continued eating. Soon we'd all finished and were talking about the ride dad and Grams had just been on, and I felt a strange urge stir around in my pants. I knew what it meant and how I wanted to handle it.

"Hey Grams, do you think I could take 'Thunder" out a little while this morning?"....Thunder was my horse that Gr amps had given to me 3 years ago much against both mom and dad's wishes. Grams looked at me for a moment and then at my father...."Shawn what do you think?"...she asked my dad's approval. Dad sat and thought for a minute or so and then I made my next move.....

"I'll ask Jake to come along with me....I'm sure he wont mind"........this I said very anxiously. Jake was the foreman's son and he ran the stables for my grandparents. He was 18 years old a quite a site to behold. Standing 5'10...tan...musclar....sandy blond hair and stunning green eyes. Once I said his name my grandfather spoke up...."If Jake goes with you then you should be fine...that boy's the best rider I've seen on this ranch in a long time."...."Pauline, call down to the stables and have Jake come up to the house for a minute."

When Jake walked into the kitchen he was dressed in a flannel button down shirt and I could see the white tank top on underneath is and his tight blue jeans and boots. He removed his hat as he walked thru the door and smiled at me as our eyes met for a second. "You called boss man??"

"Mornin Jake....need a little favor from you this mornin if you dont mind...." ....Gramps always treated his ranch hands like nothing less then equal to him no matter what their job was.

"Whats that sir?? know that aint a job on this ranch I wouldn't do for you or the misses".....Jake was such a charmer as he brushed his perfect hair out of his face.

"Jake honey how about takin a couple of hours off from the stables this morning and going out riding with Alex for me....." my grandmother spoke so softly and sweetly that no one could even try to say no to her ....."My men and I have some business to attend to in town and I cant stand the thought of him taking that horse out on his own....not just yet"

Jake smiled and looked over at me for a brief second...."Anything for you Ms Cybil....Alex you go ahead and get ready to ride and I'll run back down to the stables and get the boys going on the morning rounds and then I'll get "Thunder" and "Hawk" ready:....Bout 20 minutes give you enough time??

"See you in 15 Jake"....I stated as I hurried off to my room

What my grandparents, nor anyone else for that matter knew was they had just given me exactly what I wanted. Jake and I had met last year when I stayed with my grandparents over the summer.

I was swimming at a small lake on the back edges of the ranch one summer afternoon and had decided since it was so private to remove my swim trucks and lay in the sun for a bit. I was awakened by a splash in the water and when I looked up there was Jake with his back to me slashing around in the water. I could tell that he hadn't noticed me there and i just rolled over onto my stomach and watched him for a bit. It wasnt until he emerged from the water that I realized he too was naked. He walked over to his horse "Hawk" and got a towel out of the saddlebag and dried his face and hair. Damn he was so beautiful and what a perfect ass so smooth and muscular just like the rest of him. Just then it happened I sneezed after a small gust of wind blew a weed into my face. Jake immediately turned and demanded I identify myself. I jumped up and wrapped the large towel around me and walked over to him and as soon as he saw me he knew who I was.

"Hey you're Alex right?"....he asked me this while he stood naked with a massive dick hanging between his legs.

"Yes I am but who are you?" ...I tired not to stare at his perfect body and attempted to make eye contact.

"Name's Jake bud...put er there"...he extended his hand and I shook it w/o even thinking. He explained who he was and asked if I minded the swimming company.

I immediately smiled and threw my towel down and jumped back into the water. Jake did the same and we swam for a while before returning to the shore. Jake and I lay less than 3 feet apart and he looked over and shocked the hell outta me

"So ah ...tell me Alex is the view better close up or on the other side over there??"

"Huh??"....I didn't catch his meaning at 1st.

"You know.... of like the view better up close or other there where you were earlier when you were watching me??"

I froze unable to even breathe and I looked over at him and attempted to speak..."I...I ...I wasn't.."

He stopped me, "Man its cool I knew you were watching....Why do you think I got out and gave you a better look?"....he smiled and rolled over on his side facing me and I couldn't help but to look at his perfect body again

I in turn rolled over and faced him and smiled...."Its much better up close Jake."

He reached over and put his hand on my side and pulled me up against him and looked into my eyes..."How about really close??"....I could feel his smooth muscular body up against mine and I popped a hard on in like 2 seconds. He smiled as he rubbed his own hard dick up against mine and leaned in to kiss me. Our lips met and his parted to allow his tongue to escape, so I followed his lead and opened my own mouth. Our tongues massaged each other and our hands caressed each others backs and asses, our legs in tangled. We each let out small moans of pleasure as I felt him role me back onto my back and him on top of me. His rough manly hand rubbed down my legs and before I knew it he had pulled my leg up to the point that it was wrapped around his waist and I could feel his hard dick (at least a good 8 inches) rubbing up against my crotch and then along the crack of my smooth teenage ass. He broke our passionate kiss and looked down into my eyes...

"So I take it you like what you've seen so far??".....he had a playful tone in his voice

"I like it very much and as hard as your dick is I'm guessing you like what you've seen as well".... me trying to be as playful

"Like it??....Man I saw you when you arrived with your Gr amps last week and I've been trying to catch glimpses of you since"....."When I saw you ride off on Thunder earlier this afternoon I rushed thru my chores so I could follow you"

He placed his hand against my cheek and looked into my eyes before beginning to kiss me again and I could feel him starting to hump his hard leaking dick against me. I responded with the same motions and before we could stop we were both cumming like crazy. As he started to shoot his load, Jake grabbed onto my hips and held his dick against my tight teenage hole and I could feel his cum streaming onto me over and over again. It sent me into my own massive orgasm and I came all over my own abdomen and his. Once the panting from both of us had subsided, Jake rolled off of me and turned me onto my side so that my back was up against him. He put his sexy tan muscular arms around me and we laid there for a while. Soon Jake sat up....

"Well I guess I should get you cleaned up so that we aren't missed too much..." With that statement Jake rolled me back on my back and crawled on top of me and proceeded to lick both my cum as well as his own from my body, and then picked me up into his arms and walked me into the cool water of the lake. We kissed and embraced for a few more moments and then walked back into the shore and he pulled me into his arms again and wrapped the towel around us both.

"I don't want to leave....I don't think I can make myself let go of you"....I looked up into his eyes and he down into mine...

Jake smiled and brushed my cheek again...."you'll be here all summer right??"......I nodded....."then we got plenty of time to enjoy each other time and time again"

"And did we ever make the most of that time Jake..." ....i said softly to myself as I pulled on my jeans and packed my riding bag with all the "right" items for my ride...

When I arrived at the stables, Jake was standing with my father and grandparents with both Thunder and Hawk saddled up and ready to go.

"Well look at my young cowboy"....Grams always liked to see me in my riding gear....."now we're going to be gone a few hours Alex, but you'll be in good hands with Jake I'm sure".....Grams had no idea how much I'd be in Jake's good hands.

As we watched them pull away in the jeep, Jake looked over at me and smiled....."You ready "Tiger"??

"More than ready"....and with a quick wink I jumped up on Thunder's back and took off. I could hear Jake and Hawk riding hard behind me trying to catch up and I stopped at the beginning of the riding path just outside the stable grounds and waited for them. Jake rode up next to me and smacked me on my ass as he met us.....

We both leaned in and kissed and he brushed my cheek as he always did...."How's my baby this morning??

"Much better now that I've got you all to myself".....I couldn't believe that this beautiful cowboy was talking like that to me.

"Alright now lets do this the right way if you don't mind sir".....with that said Jake reach over and pulled me off of Thunder and onto Hawk with him and tied Thunders reins to the handle. Jake wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close to him as we slowly trotted along the path to the lake, which Jake now called "our place". This had become the way Jake treated me since that 1st afternoon by the lake and I've never been so completely happy or in love as I was when I was in his arms.

"I've got a special morning planned in my head for us Jake"....I attempted to sound romantic

"Ok....and what does my baby have planned for for his favorite cowboy??"

"My only cowboy"....I responded with all seriousness...."and you'll see when we get to our place"

Jake held me tight to his body and whispered...."you're all I ever want in my life Alex" ....into my ear

I couldn't help but laugh to myself and think...."if you feel that way now handsome....just wait til you finally get to put that monster between your legs in my tight little hole today......You'll be mine forever.......

Well that's the end of part 1.....I know it was alittle drawn out but I was trying to set up the scenes for alot of other stuff that's gonna be happening in later parts.....If you want please email me with any comments @

Next: Chapter 2

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