Camping with James

By Terry Green

Published on Aug 25, 2023


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The crisp autumn air was appreciated, along with the views of trees and mountains from our campsite. Out in a remote spot of West Virginia, the Appalachians had plenty of history and lore. Thinking of Native Americans thousands of years ago, or early colonists not much far back, the isolation from the city was a welcome reprieve. David Thoreau probably wrote about being found by being lost in nature. The leaf color changing due to chlorophyll levels, never ceased to amaze me. All of the oranges, reds, and yellows could be seen as a stunning combination that took one's breath away. The winds were moving the tent doors a bit, although James and I purposefully had left them that way.

When you have a camping site, it's best to ventilate your tent, and keep it at its proper setting with cooling temperatures. Obviously if in the winter or swarming summer days you don't do this. Yet in the low 70's it was pleasant, and my roommate and I were happy to be out here. Both of us worked in real estate, which could be described as a lifestyle, rather than a form of employment. Both he and I were in our mid 20's, and burning the candle at both ends. Sixteen to twenty hour days were the norm. Both James and I could drink espresso and fall asleep. Yet this week trip had been a wonderful way to relax.

My roommate and I had been lovers for the last year, and it was healthy that our families accepted us as is. Also our respective employers were respectful. There was no doubt we were effective, because at both firms we were #1 by large margins. Of course a few clients treated us less than exemplary, but this was rarely the case, as most families whether buying or selling were wonderful. Those spreadsheets and data crunching were elsewhere, as James was a fabulous cook. We had already started drinking red wine, and being in the nude outdoors with him, was a liberating experience. He looked so cute. Then again he always did. Smiling I thought of the night I met him.

The house music was cranking loud. That nightclub was packed. A full house for certain. Being a tall white guy at 6'5 I was hard to miss, and this gave the lover of my dreams an opportunity. As usual I was drinking, sniffing occasional lines, and getting the vibe of the music where it belonged. Yet the lights from the ceiling were moving with the jams, and this short dark black man appeared out of nowhere. He was approaching me, and I have to admit there was this force field of attraction that created an almost invisible paralysis. When you grab a bass by it's lower lip it freezes due to nerve endings, and this is the closest to describe our initial meeting.

Music wasn't on despite the lights changing colors and spots. His smile. That walk and his charm factor had me frozen and unable to resist. What a absolutely sexy guy he was. Just the way I liked men too, short and petite, with blonde dreadlocks that made him look even sexier than mere words can describe. "Want to dance with me baby?" It was my voice. Somehow this just happened, and before I knew it, James was grinding into me. All was a blur but it was a pleasant one, and soon we were dating. Quite often since we lived close to one another, we'd meet up at Claire's coffee in the evenings. Then we'd walk around the city, hold hands, and before we knew it we were committed to each other. A flower had turned into a fully bloomed rose, and eventually I had him move in with me. We really jelled well, and we're lucky enough to be friends with our gay neighbors. It is so healthy to be with your people, and in an environment that's nurturing.

Weeks had gone by. Rarely did we see each other. It was absolutely frustrating. Yes we still would kiss each other and hug, but much of our intimacy was falling asleep together. His office and mine were running full tilt, as homes were selling within an hour or two on average. Yes we did have good staffs, but contract law keeps you up, wondering did you dot every I and cross every T. Another irritation was when financing fell through. The Fair Housing Act was well intended, and we understood its implications for people to own a home. Yet this added additional frustrations, and James and I would commiserate on how still minority ownership was too low. All deserved the same opportunities.

Now he was out the door, or I was across town getting another house added to the market lists. The good thing is we knew that we would soon have a vacation, but we had almost become traditional roommates. Our conversations we're exhausted. Sometimes one of us would fall asleep. On one occasion we were kissing and going to make love, but that chemical in our brains forced us to crash. Perhaps melatonin? Either way we were working too many hours, and this camping trip had brought back sparks and our lovely connection. As we were in our spot completely naked, I knew after dinner things would get heated. He looked so sexy in the late afternoon, as the sun makes it's inevitable westward trajectory due to the earths rotation around our nearest star.

Seven or eight minutes, the heat and light show up here, and I hoped one night to cuddle with James under the cosmos. Here it would be so clear, that we could almost touch the planets, stars, or the Tesla satellites at low level orbit. He was so cute, and I kissed him. "When is dinner going to be ready?" "Soon love." I actually planned on having him for dessert, so I whispered that in his ear. His eyes got big, and that gorgeous heart stopping smile appeared. We were together in our element, out in the woods, surrounded by wildlife instead of people. I saw him start to get the stove ready, and he put on his pink low cut briefs and that tight white shirt on. With his smooth dark skin, I had to check his backside out in that color, as it always made me randy when he wore this. It was purposeful, and I would have my way.

Finally dinner was ready. He cooked chicken noodle soup, with steamed zucchini. It was so tasty. Who knows why regular food cooked outside is so much better. Yet his recipe with the added spice, was I knew due to his family being from New Orleans originally. He was the best chef I ever knew, and I already was waiting for gumbo and jambalaya in the ensuing days. We sat in our comfortable chairs with the pop up tables. It was so romantic to eat together. The view was spectacular, and we held hands for awhile as the sun sank below the mountain ridges that went on for miles.

Lanterns on, our campsite was well illuminated. James made hot tea for us, and I agreed with him, that the green antioxidants were healthy. He always made an Asian style of this in the evening, so that we could relax and discuss our days. As we were sipping it cautiously due to the heat, I saw the look at my cock and felt the instantaneous response. Hardening quickly it was obviously that moment, that was going to happen. Yesterday we had arrived, but now with everything set up, including the large air mattress, it was that time. Grabbing his hands I got him out of his chair. Taking his shirt off I kissed him, massaging his bulge that got even bigger than my eight inches instantly. He was moaning and I loved our kisses, along with him feeling up my hard penis. Oh those hands of his were magic, and my sensitive balls were a weakness he exploited.

Soon we were both nude in the light. There wasn't full illumination, but looking into his dark eyes, his hands playing with my blonde hair it was a signal of things to come. Our lips locked. Soon our tongues danced like a synchronized swimming team. Our saliva and temperatures were moving up, and as I made sure our sex organs rubbed together, he had his hands on my balls underneath to more than get my attention. Smiling and kissing, I said "naughty, naughty," grabbing his ass in my strong hands. His high pitch moan said all I needed to understand on a visceral level. He was ready and so was I, because while our usual venue was the bedroom, I unilaterally decided on the empty picnic table.

In the middle of nowhere, darkness and sounds of nature, I put him on the table. Lying down prone I kissed him vigorously, and made sure to feel his cock up as I also tongued his neck. My figure 8's there again led to a pleasant squeal. An invitation to go further, and soon both of us were on the table naked, with my lips exploring his loins. Kissing him all over, his nipples were hardening as well, I made sure my saliva visited his sex with abundance. Up and down I went bobbing up and down on his huge smooth penis, and that scent and his sweat made me even more rabid for his radiance. Sucking his balls, I loved their taste and how they felt. I had complete control of him. He was under my spell as I went down on him completely, practically choking on his staff that was oozing precum to my awakened taste buds.

He was whining with that happy noise. His chest was going up and down in the twilight, as I turned him over to finger and lick his ass with reckless abandon. Oh yes he purred like a kitten. My tongue in and out darting. His nerve endings were being given a surprise tune up, as eventually his hole would be mine completely. Warming him up I used lube and inserted my middle finger in him. Tongue and finger motions drove him crazy out here too, and as the sounds of nature continued, I went with my primal instincts to get him excited as much as I possibly could.

The heat was abating from the daylight disappearing, but it returned in a new form, as he moaned and soon found a way to kiss me. His lips and mine, our tongues lashing, he grabbed my cock and balls. I could see his eyes and dark features taking in my white cock in his lips. This was a sight that always got me horny. Ebony and ivory together, as humans we had an ideal connection of love and sensuality. The understanding we shared was surreal, and now I was under his barrage. Unable to do anything but howl, I was feeling baptized as his lips and saliva got my cock soaking wet. His taking my balls all in was an ether like narcosis I didn't want to leave. Just keep things as is, although I knew before soon, to keep my penis hard and cum time expanded, it was the moment to take him. This could only last so long, and I kept telling him "thank you baby let's make love." He pretended not to hear me, because while we enjoyed each others DNA down our throats, it was time to explode in his ass.

As we transitioned, he put his legs up, and was on the edge of the table. Oh his fingers on my balls was a dream come true as my erect penis and his insides were lubed. He knew and anticipated what was inevitable. We both were so keyed up, that this was going to be sinking in him deep and fast. His voice got higher as I was now inside of him. Felt so damn good and oh my. Squeezing down on my hardness, his wet right rear was my door to contentment. I loved grabbing his legs on my shoulders, as he had a sensitive spot behind his ankles. Kissing what parts of his feet I could, I used my hips to deliver him my huge hard erect sex organ to absolutely guarantee he knew I was inside of him. He was loving it as the smile, the sounds, and his balls going up towards his cock were clear indications that this was bliss.

Eventually he kept smiling looking to the side, but then said "Terry love I want to ride you." I was happy as my favorite position. His cock would be in my abdomen as my hard one was in him, and our kissing was an electrical spark that can't be described in words. Voltage is as close as possible. We both were connected and feeling this closeness. His pheromones and mine mixed into the woods and further downwind, as we were so similar to the animals who surrounded us in the mountains. He soon was going to be that steaming teapot. It was soon to happen, so I plunged my penis in him completely. He cried out in happiness, and as i manipulated his balls with my palms he came all over me. His yelling echoed for miles as the thrusts I gave him hit that g spot completely.

He felt tighter than ever before, and as he pulled his cum off of me, we used it to snowball each other. This made me even hornier. He knew how to get my rocks off as his cum in our mouths was delicious, and each thrust I tasted this and looked into his eyes. They got bigger as I was now inside him as far as I could do. Like a stuffed Turkey no more room. His curved insides were at capacity, and he was sweating profusely as well. We were in unison locked in passion. Finally the surge came and my back tightened with my heart rate increased. I was now having my toes curl on the ground, as I shot my humungous load inside my lover. Oh it was that grand finale firework as the force of my sperm was fast and huge. I had bred my lover. Making him a campfire as my cum leaked out of him, we sat by it and kissed happily.

We both needed this so much. The crackling of the fire with its orange, yellows, and red flames was like us. Drinking red wine together cuddling, this was what we both had needed. Our relationship was solidifying, and this reprieve from our respective careers, was quality time all should take when possible. He and I smiled a lot, kissing and holding each other. Sometime as the fire dwindled we looked at the stars, falling asleep in each other's arms. This was as good as it could be. The stars and fire were a canvas for our loving connection.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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