Camping Off with Friends

By ten.tsacmoc@2ru1mi

Published on Apr 14, 2004



I walked up the single-track bike path that snaked along the water through camp. Two days ago I was worried about collecting firewood in the cold morning air. Now it was warm and sunny as if God walked into the room and flicked on the "Summer" switch. Not that I minded. If you ask me the temperature is perfect at somewhere between mid-seventies to eighty degrees - low humidity and that at 10 in the morning. Hiking shorts are all I have on. Before crawling out of my tent I tossed back a shot of tequila and a couple of beers. I'm on vacation with several hours to kill before my turn to do some biking. Ambling by the water's edge I watched the grains of sand get swept along the bottom of the stream. Their bouncing over rocks reminds me of astronauts bouncing on the moon.

I was probably 200 feet up stream from our campsite before coming close to the only remaining campers here. Through the trees ahead and to my right I could see what looked like a campsite for squatters who planned to be here awhile. The dark green tent looked to be an old WWII army tent. I knew this because my grandfather used to let us camp in one when at the lake. At six feet wide by 8 feet deep and over 6 feet tall adults can stand up straight inside these tents. A long cloths line strung from a tree to the tent's peak pole. Hanging on the line were Nike Dri-fit and micro-fiber t-shirts, padded spandex biking shorts, a couple pair of Calvin Klein boxer briefs still bright white and a couple pair of cut-off jean shorts that were well worn and faded. Seeing these clothes I adjusted myself and thought "not the clothes of squatters". Walking a little further brought me from a side view to seeing into the large open end of the tent. Standing in the middle of the tent between sleeping cots were two guys both wearing only boxer briefs and toweling off. One camper, dirty blonde straight hair and tan, snapped his towel at the other, who was taller, no tan, and dark haired. The snap popped against the calf of his leg, and a quick yelp rang out. I froze as all the blood started to rush south.

My ears were buzzing as I was taking all this in when I heard the sound of bikers coming fast down the trail. I had to either jump off to the left into the stream or dash to the right towards the clearing in front of the tent. I chose toward the tent moving into a spot that put a tree between me and the oncoming bikers. I knew the guys in the tent would see me and suddenly felt as if I was in someone's back yard peeping in their windows.

The bikers came down the hill and flew by. I turned back toward the tent. Both men were watching me as they took seats on their cots. I stepped away from the tree. Trying to be casual I tossed a low wave from the hip and said "hey". Quickly turning away I made tracks toward the bike path heading further up stream. One of the guys called out to me "Hey, are you one of the campers down stream?"

I turned, smiled and said "Yes. I'm here with 3 other bikers. I thought those guys might be 2 of my buddies." I took a few steps back toward the tent as I spoke so I didn't feel like I had to yell.

"My name is Danny, and this is Jimmy." It was the dark haired one talking from his cot which he was now lying on feet toward me and propped up on one elbow. They both were lying down on their cots, still only wearing boxer briefs and exuding a casual manner like this was their own private dorm room.

"I'm Andy, but my friends call me AB." I walked briskly up to their tent. Now I could see their faces and saw both have better than average good looks. Danny was more muscled, meaty, and seemed to radiate self-confidence. Jimmy had obviously worked at it, but is genetically leaner. I started wondering what they are thinking about me. Do I measure up?

"Why aren't you biking right now?" Danny asked.

"We have four riders and only two bikes. The other two of our bikes got mangled on the way up here. Rick, our driver, didn't tie them to the bike rack well enough. They came half off while driving on the highway." This was embarrassing!

Jimmy shot a look at Danny and made a painful face saying "Ouch!"

"And you still came up here with no bike?" Danny made it sound like I was crazy.

"Actually, the four of us are pretty close in size so we are sharing. Matt and Shane took off around 10 am. They are coming back to camp by 2 o'clock for Rick and me. I'm enjoying the forced R&R. I just through back a shot of tequila and a couple of beers and headed out for a walk. Why aren't you guys biking?"

"We did already from 6 to 10 this morning. No one is on the trails at that time, EVER!" Jimmy sounded very proud of this.

"We just got dried off from a swim in the stream. We're going to hang out in here and smoke a joint. Care to join us?" Danny is definitely the more laid back of the two. Jimmy looks a bit apprehensive at Danny's invite.

"Uh, I don't know. Are you sure?" I want to stay -- not just to get high -- I'm having fun already.

Danny pulls a bag out from under his pillow, sparks up a joint he pulled from inside and inhales deeply. After Jimmy's drag he hands it to me. Four passes later Danny puts out the butt and says "Why don't you take a load off?".

This should be interesting because I haven't been stoned since high school. I can't remember what it feels like to be high, but I remember liking it better after a few drinks. I take a spot on the floor between the two cots with my back to the tent entrance. Danny asks one question after the other while Jimmy listens. After a while I spin around to face out the tent and adopt the same pose they have lying on their cots - all three of us shirtless, them in their boxer-briefs and I in my hiking shorts. I see why they picked this location and arranged their tent to face the stream instead of the fire pit and site entrance. But, all I'm thinking about is how much I like this. My mind is starting to conjure fantasies and questions. I want to know why these guys are so welcoming to me. I wonder how they can be so comfortable. I like the three of us lying here with almost no clothes on. It's turning me on. I can't imagine they feel the same way, but desperately want them to.

We are watching the sunlight dance on the water. I can see where the stream bends north along the east edge of the camp before curving back east down where our camp site sits. Rick's off exploring. He didn't ask me to come...So? This is my way of doing alone time.

I let my head fall back, close my eyes and feel the buzz take hold. The warmth inside the tent is enveloping. Moments are passing... I don't have a clue how many... It doesn't matter... The space around me is all black? I can see him perfectly. He is standing over me. Feet planted on either side of my legs. His naked legs are smooth, not much hair. His muscles are all tight and hard - like a lean quarterback's. He is probably just shy of 6' tall. He is pushing out one knee then the other while shifting his weight from side to side creating an erotic rocking, swaying motion. An incredible surge of pleasure runs up my entire body. My sphincter starts twitching and throbbing - an unfamiliar sensation. Is it the pot?

I touch his muscular legs sliding my hands around his calves popping from behind his shinbones. My eyes run up his legs to see his cock is hard and standing straight out just above horizontal. Circumcised. Smooth balls clinging tight to the base of his cock. My stare turns him on even more. If there was any doubt to the reception of his actions they are gone. His hands, rubbing on the outside of each leg against his shifting thighs, move to take his cock in one hand and cup his balls with the other. His chest muscles pop out and his stomach is hard and flat, but now my eyes are back on his hard cock.

I'm suddenly very thirsty. Instantly he has moved so his cock is now at my lips! I'm on my back and propped up on my elbows. He's gone to his knees bringing it right to me! I take his cock in my mouth feeling the head and sensitive underside land on my tongue. It's already dropping precum into my dry mouth. I want the dribbling to be a steady stream!

My hands brush up his thighs as I feel his hands cup the back of my head. I'm ready to take it all in. My lips curl around his shaft so I can steady his cock while I begin to run circles around the head with my tongue. His cock is jumping and throbbing. I can feel the head getting bigger already. Very quiet but deep grunts come as he works his hips slightly forward and back. He wants to blow quickly.

Am I feeling light headed, dizzy? It's not a bad thing because I realize all the blood is going to my own cock. It's raging hard against my shorts. The sphincter twitching and throbbing is getting me even hotter. I think how close now my cock is to his bare ass. I want to be naked. I want his entire cock in my mouth and down my throat. I want his bare ass to come down on my raging hard-on. I want to fuck this guy like I want him to fuck me! I want him to cum! I want to cum! I unbutton and shuck my shorts. My left hand immediately curls around my cock while my right brushes up my thigh over my stomach and lands on my left nipple.

He leans over me planting his hands on the tent floor above my head. I'm flat on the tent floor now and his cock drives deeper into my mouth from his new position on his hands and knees. Slowly he moves it back and forth. The head is brushing against my tonsils before retreating back over my tongue. I open up my throat while trying to maintain lip and tongue pressure on the shaft. He pistons his hips forward this time sinking the entire length into me. His sent hits my nose for the first time. The smell is so sexy. It only exists here at the base of a man's cock and around his balls. It makes me so horny!

I'm pumping up and down on my cock shaft with the expertise that comes from more than a few years practice. The fingers of my right hand are brushing, pinching and massaging my left nipple. The pleasure in my cock and balls was like using a magnifying glass on a leaf in the sun. Searing!

He is moaning, pumping his cock in and out. I reach up with both hands, brush them across his stomach to his chest and start tweaking his nipples. He looks at my face and I look up to his. Our eyes meet. Instantly his hips piston several quick times, his entire cock swells. The head is so big now I can feel it expanding. His cum explodes down my throat. His entire body, every muscle is flexed and popping. He is humped over my head so tight to the point his hips can't piston any further.

I quickly start gliding my fingers over my cock's sensitive underside then to full-on jacking with my fist. His cock is still lingering in my mouth and that look in his beautiful eyes. I reach the point of no return when I realize we were into this together. Both of us. He wanted me as much as I wanted him. He wanted to be sucking me as I was sucking him. That did it. My cock head swells and my right hand brushes back over my erect nipples. Again his sent fills my nostrils and my cock erupts with such force the cum flies like Superman in ropes landing on his bare ass, back and between his legs all over my chest. One even splats on my Adams Apple while the rest dribbles falling to my stomach as I pumped the last good feeling out of what is the best orgasm of my life!

Slowly I woke up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Its pitch black, but I shoot a look over to Rick's sleeping bag anyway. Are his eyes closed? A wet dream?! But I don't have wet dreams! I feel the wetness below to convince me. Was it the dream of that hot camper's body, or seeing that the face attached to that body was Rick's?

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