Camping in the Dales

By ku.oc.liamtoh@crayrots

Published on Oct 3, 2012


It wasn't supposed to take four years for part two to get written. Sorry if you've been waiting cock in hand all that time. It's here now though and hopefully worth the wait. For those who like a visual, part one has been given an animation makeover at www dot thegaycartoons dot com. It looks awesome, so check it out and support the artist.

Usual disclaimers apply. If you like it, enjoy and get off.

Camping in the Dales Part II

I woke up with a smile. It only took a few moments for the memory of last night to come flooding back and I remembered what Cal had said to me before we fell asleep about how he wanted me to fuck him today. I awoke with a huge hard on and figured now was as good a time as any to give him what he wanted. I rolled around to face him but he wasn't there. I sat up quickly but a quick scan of the tent showed no signs of him and his clothes were gone off the floor. He wouldn't have gone without me, surely? I even questioned whether or not I dreamt the whole thing. I shot out of the blow up bed and ran to unzip the door to the tent. The morning sun was bright and hurt my eyes. It took a while to adjust but in the haze I could make out the car parked over by some trees.

"Phew, at least he hasn't left me out here," I said aloud.

I glanced around but could see no sign of Cal anywhere. I began to make my way over to the river hoping that perhaps he was just fishing. It seemed strange to feel so worried. We never keep tabs on each other so him wandering off should have meant nothing but I was convinced that he had had regrets about last night and the last thing I wanted was to ruin a friendship that had lasted for so long.

I got to the river and there he was. A wave of relief washed over me as I realised that he was at least still here so if there were any issues then we could at least try to talk them through. As I moved towards him I noticed the muscles in his back. He was sat with his legs crossed upon a large rock beside the water wearing only a pair or black, knee length board shorts. He looked stunning, but despite all that happened last night it somehow felt wrong to be thinking of him like that. I was trying to be noisy as a made my way over to him. I didn't want him to think I was creeping or sneaking up on him but he never turned around or acknowledged that I might be behind him.

"Morning, bro!" I called out, a little surprised by the sound of my voice, as though I was delivering bad news. "You been up for long?"

He still didn't move or look around.

"No, not too long," he replied. Four words. That's all, but I could tell from his voice that something wasn't quite right.

"You mind if I sit?" I asked. He didn't answer but he didn't say no so I perched myself next to him on the rock. In my panic I hadn't put any clothes on and the rock was cold against the skin of my ass and balls. We sat in silence for a minute.

"Jay, I..." he began but trailed off.

"You don't have to say anything" I said, filling the silence. "It all got a bit wild last night. I get it. You're freaked out. I am too, I guess."

"No, it's not that. What happened last night was... It was great. I didn't expect it to be. I've never really thought about doing stuff like that before. I just, I dunno, I feel bad I guess.

He still hadn't so much as looked at me. I wanted to put my hand on his shoulder. Not as a lover but as a friend. I wanted to reassure him that things were cool but I wasn't sure of my boundaries and I definitely didn't want to overstep them.

"What do you feel bad about?" I asked.

"Because of how much I liked it. I fucking loved it, man. Being inside you. Feeling your cock in my mouth. Everything. It was awesome and intense and amazing. I dunno. We're cool. We'll always be cool, I just needed some time to take it in is all. I'm not 14 years old. This wasn't some experiment. I have no excuses other than I wanted it to happen, I guess. Have you..."

At this point he finally turned to stare at me.

"Fuck, Jay, don't you ever put clothes on?" He laughed as he said it, noticing my nakedness. I guess it broke the ice a bit. I tried to remain serious but I broke out laughing too.

"Cal, we've been best buds for as far back as my memory goes. That's the priority. If this is going to fuck things up then let's forget it happened and move on. If we can be cool about it though then why not? We both got off, it was hot. It doesn't need to be a big life changing drama. It just is."

"God Jay, you're such a philosipher." He said, laughing as he gave me a friendly punch in the arm. "Are we supposed to cry now? Or hug? Fall into each others arms and declare undying love? That's how these things go isn't it?"

"Wow, you got gay real quick!" I replied. His eyes widened at the sarcasm and he reached over, pushing me off the rock into the water but unlike yesterday he launched himself in alongside me. He kept ducking my head under everytime I tried to grab some air. Everytime I came up I could here him laughing and it drove me insane to think he was getting the better of me so I wrapped my legs around his waste and pulled him under with me. I could just about make him out under the water so I grabbed his face, planted a kiss on his lips and then swam away for the banking.

I was glad things were good between us. I wasn't sure how things were going to turn out when I saw him sat there on that rock but after a brief chat things seemed largely back to normal and I was happy with that. I plopped myself, still naked, down on the grass beside the water and watched as Cal continued to splash around. The sun was getting higher in the sky and it was already boiling. I didn't imagine we would be wearing much again today. Well, I hoped not anyway.

When Cal came out of the water I was in awe. His body looked amazing. His wet shorts clung to him and through the loose fabric you could see the outline of his cock and huge balls. Boy those balls were huge. It was like he had gone 21 years without ever emptying them. His sixpack, already drying in the heat of the sun, glistened with droplets of water and the sight was breathtaking. He caught me staring and gave me a grin.

"So is this how it is from now on? You constantly checking me out? I mean, I know I'm like some sort of sex god to you but come on, this is getting embarrassing!"

In all the years that Cal and I had known each other I had seen him naked probably around 275483 times. Between school, rugby and the gym we seemed to spend more time naked than we did clothed. I knew he had a great body, we both did and we both worked hard for them, but until yesterday I guess I'd never really taken any notice of it. He was just another guy in the changing rooms. Now though, now that I had had that moment of realisation had come I was afraid he might be right. I might never be able to stop checking him out.

Whilst my mind had wandered into thought I had completely missed the fact that Cal had removed his black board shorts and thrown them over a tree to dry. The only reason I noticed at all is because he stood right in front of me, blocking the sun and suddenly casting my face in shade.

"Hello! Earth to Jay!" I looked up and was faced with his cock. It filled my entire view about a foot in front of my face. Once again I found myself in awe of his big heavy balls and the dusting of dark fur that covered them. They hung low, lower than the 5 inches of his fat, flaccid dick. "This thing won't suck itself" he said, giving it a little shake. I could feel the blood start rushing to my cock as I reached my hand out and took his balls in my palm. His dick was growing now and rising up in front of my face, the swollen cockhead peeping out slightly from under his foreskin. As I held his balls I poked my tongue out and started to lick the end of his cock.

He moaned as my tongue hit the tip and thrust his hips forward, silently telling me to take more into my mouth. I did, but only a little. By now his dick had grown to it's full ten inches and it was so thick! I took the head into my mouth and swirled my tongue around it before moving slowly up and down, taking a little more into my mouth each time. I knew the chances of me taking it all were slim but I was going to give it a good shot. When I worked up enough saliva in my mouth I reached around and grabbed his ass cheeks, pulling him closer to me and deeper into my mouth, all the while still tugging on his hairy balls. I could taste his precum and I loved it. Not salty and not sweet, but definitely a taste I liked.

I was just getting up a good rhythm when he pulled out. He pushed me back onto the grass so that I was lying down, turned himself around and then squatted down on my chest, just like he had done yesterday when he was trying to steal my shorts and once again I was faced with his tight hole. It was all I could see. I swear, if this was a movie his ass would have filled the whole screen, that's how close to my face he was. I felt his lips wrap around my swollen shaft as I just stared. Just like yesterday there was the same musky, man smell. That smell of sweat and, well, man I guess. It was intoxicating.

I stared at his hole and the hairs that surrounded it. I've never been so turned on by an ass before, let alone a furry one. Yesterday when I was faced with it all I could do was stare and dream, but now things were different. I had my chance and I wasn't going to blow it. I took a second to prepare myself and then propelled myself forward, pushing my tongue out and onto his hole. He paused on my dick for a second, probably to take in what was happening, but when I didn't stop licking his rim he went back to swallowing my dick, this time humming and moaning around it as I penetrated his ass with my tongue.

I was using my hands to hold his cheeks apart and absolutely loving every minute of what was happening. Yesterday I was an average guy going camping in the dales and now I was naked on my back in tall grass eating out my best friends arsehole. The more I thought about it the more I could feel my cock begin to get sensitive. He was working wonders with his tongue and he wasn't neglecting his own dick either. The whole time we were lying there he was rubbing it along my chest. I was pretty sure that if he kept it up he would blow a load on my pecs but he wasn't going to get there before me.

I could feel it coming and I wasn't about to stop, though I did want to give him a heads up in case he didn't want to swallow. I tend to come a lot and he might not be cool with that. He must have known I was close because I was moaning around his hole and I started tapping him on the side to warn him, but he didn't give up. He sucked my prick until I was shooting reams of creamy spunk into his mouth. I heard him cough slightly as he gagged on it and when he finally pulled his head off and faced me I could see it on his chin and lips. I reached for his dick to help him with his load but he tapped my hand away. Once again he straddled my chest but this time he was facing me. I could feel his heavy nutsack resting on my pecs as he reached with his left hand, tucked it under my head and held it up at eye level with his prick. I was too far away to suck it but that wasn't what he was after. With my head still being held up he took his cock in his right hand and pumped it furiously. He was only at it for a few seconds before the first wave of jizz shot out from his piss slit and hit my face. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth and shot ofter shot, easily eight, came shooting from his dick, covering my face. It was one of the horniest experiences of my life.

After cleaning ourselves up we went about tidying the campsite up, making some dinner and making plans for the day. It was decided that we would leave the tent and car, grab some supplies and head up to one of the forested hills for a bit of a hike. We weren't in normal camping territory so we would have to find our own way and hope that we didn't get lost as there were no trails to follow unless we were heading back towards town, which we didn't want to do. We didn't plan to take much but because of the hot weather we decided to pread it into two backpacks so they were lighter and off we went. The sun was still beating down an immense heat so we wore only our boots and some shorts. Cal was in denim cutoffs that were so small it's a wonder they kept his dick confined and from the back you could see the bottom of his ass where they didn't quite cover it fully while I had on a pair of blue running shorts that were split up the side. I had to admit, we looked hot!

The walk was tiring and we didn't seem to be getting anywhere of particular interest so we stopped in amongst the forest for a drink and some snacks. We sat next to each other on the grassy floor and made small talk for a while and then out of nowhere Cal turned and kissed me. His tongue entered my mouth and he held me close, clutching my arms as he did. It was unexpected but I didn't fight it. My tongue found it's way into his mouth and that's how we stayed for what seemed like forever. It wasn't lustful or forced, just really nice. When he pulled away he just smiled and then stood up. I could see he was hard in his shorts and I was too.

"Come on," he said. "This hike is boring, let's head back to the tent." He reached out his hand, which I took, and then pulled me to my feet. I thought he would let go but he didn't, so that is how we stayed, walking through the forest holding hands.

When we got back to camp the sun was beginning to go down. We collected some firewood and gathered it together to make a small campfire. Cal took some sausages from the car and began to cook them in a small makeshift pan over the flames. He handed me a beer and we began talking and drinking while the sun disappeared and the moon came into sight.

"So, where does this leave us then?" Cal asked me out of nowhere. "Is this just a holiday fling?"

"Oh, god! You've turned into a woman!" I teased. "I suppose you want us to 'go steady?'" I gave finger quotes for the last part, laughing and mocking him slightly. He grinned but instead of the usual witty retort he just glanced down towards the fire.

"I mean it man. Maybe it's just the thrill of something new and exciting but when we get back home I'm not sure I want to give this up. I know, I know, I sound corny as hell, but fuck! I've never cum so hard or so much in my life. You've turned me on more in 2 days than any girl ever has."

I thought over what he was saying. The implications, the impact it could have on our friendship. He was right, though. It was amazing. I felt the same and I told him as much.

"I don't want to stop this when we get home. I'm not saying I want to go marching in the pride parade or call you my boyfriend or even tell anyone else, but I do want to keep fucking you." I said.

"Fucking me?" he replied. "You haven't got that far yet, sunshine!"

We laughed at that because we both knew that I would and we both knew that we wanted it to happen.

"And what about the girls?" I asked. "It's not exactly fair on them, is it?"

"I know, dude. I don't want to fuck around behind their backs. We can't tell them what's going on but we can't have both. I guess we have to decide which we want more? Cora is sweet, but she ain't the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. It's harsh, but I ain't too bothered about letting her go."

"What a charmer!" I mocked, but I knew what he meant. Both our girlfriends were handy, but not exactly keepers. "Fine, we'll end things with them and run away to the other side of the rainbow."

"I'm serious, Jay. I don't want to give this up. I don't want to rush down the aisle but I'd like to see if something comes of it."

I paused for a second for more contemplation.

"I would too." I confessed.

After that we were back to normal guy chat. Rugby, uni, work, the usual. We drank our way through about 12 beers and god knows how many sausages before the campfire started to die out but we were happy to sit and keep chatting under the stars. That is, until a huge clap of thunder roared accross the sky, opening up the heavens and bringing a massive downpour of rain. It must have had something to do with humidity because despite being past midnight it was still really warm, but we were cought unawares and within seconds we were both soaked and the hair on our head was dripping. We quickly threw things inside the car and ran into the tent and zipped it up.

We could hear the rain hitting the sides of the tent as we quickly stripped out of our shorts and began to dry off. Cal grabbed a towel from his bag and started drying my back. His movements slowed down as he started to kiss the back of my neck and behind my ear. I could feel his dick pressed against me, beginning to grow. I swung around and kissed him, holding his face and pressing our bodies together before pushing him down onto the airbed. This time it was my turn to straddle him. I held his hands above his head, kissing my way down his body, across his chest and nipples, down his abs and around his navel before reaching his dark patch of pubes. His long, fat cock was hard and pressed against my cheek. I kissed up the side of his shaft and popped the head into my mouth. I didn't leave it there for long though and instead started making my way back down, icking the underside of his cock, running my tongue over the veins until I reached his balls. His huge balls. Man, I think I was getting obsessed with them. They were amazing. I licked them while I slowly began jacking his dick with my hand. I could tell from the moans that he was enjoying it.

With my free hand I spat on the index finger and began rubbing his hole and slowly pushing in. I was determined to give him so much pleasure so I slowly began to finger his ass while still licking his balls and jacking his dick. He was thrusting his groin and moaning as I did and the more he moaned, the more I worked up the speed. When I thought he was used to it I pushed in a second finger and then a third. I didn't want to overdo it and cause him pain but with nothing but spit for lube I needed to loosen him up a bit.

When I thought he was going to get close to coming I stopped everything I was doing and moved myself up his body. My chest dragged along his cock as I did so until I reached his mouth. I kissed him deeply as I fumbled with my dick to get it into place. I pushed his legs upward and slowly started to ease myself into him. He flinched slightly and I knew I must be hurting him but I also knew he wouldn't give in until it was done and so he clenched his jaw and fought through it. After a minute or so he started to relax and so I began to pick up speed. His legs wrapped around my waist as I thrust in and out of him, harder and harder, faster and faster. His dick was sticll hard and pressed between us, but I wanted to give it some attention so I pulled out of him and got onto my knees. I kept him on his back though and lifted his legs up so that his feet were beside my face. I reached down again and guided my dick back inside my best friend, only this time he had access to his dick and started to wank himself off as I fucked him.

The view below me was unbearably hot and I was having trouble keeping my focus and the rhythm without blowing my load. I could feel the sweat on my forehead from the workout I was getting and the sight of Cal taking my big cock and jacking off his own was getting too much. He looked up at me and just said "do it" and I knew exactly what he wanted. I picked up the pace and thrust in and out of his tight hole with all the energy I could muster. I grabbed hold of his legs for leverage and jammed my prick into him as fast and hard as I could.

"I'm coming" we both shouted at the same time.

I felt his hole clench around my cock as I pumped my spunk into him. Jet after jet of my cum flooded his arse until I could feel it running out of the side and onto my balls, all the while he was shooting thick streams of cum from his big cockhead, shooting onto his face, neck and chest. By the time we had both finished coming I could barely move from the lack of energy I had left. I pushed his legs down and collapsed on top of him, my dick eventually softening inside him before falling out. For the second night in a row we fell asleep naked and embraced. I can't believe tomorrow will be the last day of the trip.

I love feedback and try to always reply so if you liked part two, or thought it was shit, let me know.

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