
Published on Apr 29, 1993




We're both around 15 or 16, out on a camping trip. We've turned in for the night. It's hot, so we lay on top of our sleeping bags, our white briefs glowing faintly in the light of the campfire shining though the tent-flap. As I watch my buddy sleep, I hear his breathing become deeper and less regular. I can't look away from his crotch as the shaft of his cock begins to move, the head slowly creeping over toward his hip. I watch as his face turns to the side, his eyes squeezed shut more tightly. His breathing is much heavier now. I watch as the elastic waist of his briefs begins to pull away from his belly, lifted by the force of his straining hard-on. There is a wet spot the size of a quarter in the white fabric stretched taut over his swollen cock-head. His hips begin to move, now small random motions rubbing his butt left and right, now sudden spasmodic jerks an inch into the air, only to fall back slowly. His hands are grasping the fabric on either side, clenching and relaxing. I n otice tiny beads of sweat appearing all over the smooth hairless skin of his muscular chest and his wash-board stomach. The peach-fuzz on his upper lip glistens with moisture. The motion of his hips is more insistent, now. They thrust into the air, hanging there for seconds at a time, as his body quivers. Suddenly his breathing changes to deep coughing gasps, and his hips surge a foot into the air, and with a guttural moan his orgasm begins. I watch as the head of his cock s wells visibly beneath the glowing cotton, and then throbs once, twice, again and again, as the wet spot suddenly enlarges hugely, while his hips shake in rhythm with the spasms of his cock. I stare as the pressure forces his cock-head to pop free of its confinement, jutting an inch past the waistband, and then a silver band of jism arches up through the air to splash somewhere near his collar-bone. And another hits his left pec. And more lands on his shoulder. Another spurt fills his n avel. As the spasms subside, his hips slowly lower themselves, as gleaming liquid continues to ooze from his cock-head. I watch as it gradually pulls back beneath the waist-band of his briefs. His breathing slowly returns to normal, and then his eyes open...

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