Camp That Changed Everything

By Clifford Simpson

Published on Sep 4, 2001


Two months before the summer camp began, I got a phone call from Ian asking me to confirm that I wanted to work at the camp in the summer. "I was counting on it" I replied eagerly.

"Good, I just wanted to make sure because I want to put the paper work through this weekend. Ryan, we're going to have a blast, and I think I've got a really good staff this year -- a great bunch of guys -- and you already know some of them. Hey, when Grant heard you were working, he wanted to rejoin the staff after being gone for a couple of seasons. So, if the rest of us don't get along okay, I know the three of us will hit it off." Then we continued chit chat about summer, and what I was doing at college -- and on it went for about an hour. The conversation ended with him asking me if I had transportation, or if I wanted to drive up to the lake with him. He had to get there a couple of days early, but thought he could use my help in the setup -- and I'd make a little extra cash.

When I got off the phone, my dad was close by reading the paper, asking who that was. When I told him I'd be working at the camp with Ian that summer, he looked more than pleased. I started to walk away, but something struck me that I should ask him -- and get it out in the open.

"Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?" "Yeah sure....and I think I know what this is about." He got up and closed the sliding doors to the library. "Before you begin, I can probably answer all your questions with one word. Yes. Yes to everything." I wasn't surprised, especially after what I'd experienced at the camp and at the frat. I nodded my head in approval. "So, you two guys have been `close' since your college years?"

"Well, when I was there, things were a little more protected than they are now. It wasn't okay to be open about it. There was lots of stuff happening behind closed doors in the place, but guys had no problems walking around in the buff where the bedrooms are. And, the `other stuff' was happening, but the guys talked about it in code. Still, it was a very liberal frat, and over the years, it's been looked upon as the most liberal and most sought after frat to be part of.

"Dad, I think it's very cool. And liberally speaking, I think it's great that two guys can get that close as friends. It makes everything easier. No bullshit. No macho shit." We both stood up and hugged each other.

A few months later....

The phone rang. I answered. "Hey buddy, I'm in town and on the way to your house. Be out front with your stuff. I'll be there I about 20 minutes." He hung up, and I started putting my gear on the front lawn. The family came out for last minute bits of advice, when the camp-van screeched around the corner heading for destination -- Ryan! The van pulled to a halt, and Ian jumped out full of his van full of smiles. The two of us hugged for a little too long, but it felt so good. My family was all introduced and in minutes, I was off for a naked summer with Ian.

Our drive up was not quiet. There was lots to talk about, and the biggest news was that I was going to Ian's college, and assumed I would be able to room in his frat. "Fantastic -- was all he could say".

When we drove up the road to the camp, Ian told me that the maintenance staff weren't due to arrive until the next day, so we'd be all alone. "So Ry -- it's time to get naked". When we reached the gate, he hopped out of the car, and stripped off his shirt and shorts (he hadn't been wearing underwear) standing there in his hiking boots and socks. He urged me to do the same, and I eagerly followed suit. While I was changing, he was opening the gate when he motioned for me to drive the van in so he could close the gate behind me. I walked naked around the van, slipped into the driver's seat, and slowly moved the van passed the gate, then moved over to my side. Man, it was great sitting there with my bare ass cheeks resting on the van seat, watching Ian's nakedness as he slid onto the seat fully exposed.

I reached over and rubbed his hairy stomach, making sure I got some fingers into his bush. "Your body looks great Ian." "Yours too!" he replied. "This is going to be a great summer."

We drove in through the grounds, and up the hill to the staff cabins, quickly grabbing our things and finding a bed for the night. "So you know that you and I won't be rooming together dontcha? You're going to have your own cabin of guys to look after."

"I know. I'm looking forward to it actually. So what's up? What's next? What do you need me to do?" I asked like an eager employee.

"Well, first we have to go around and open up all the cabin doors and windows to air them out before the crew arrives to clean them all out, and I've got to open up the office and get everything organized. Oh yeah, by the way, Grant said he'd be arriving sometime this afternoon too. Thought we could kick back and suck down a few tonight!" Realizing the sudden pun, we broke into a good bout of laughter. "But, let's grab a bite to eat first."

He pulled a couple of sandwiches and pop out of the back of his trunk, and we grabbed a couple of wooden boxes and sat down to eat. Ian leaned back against the cabin spreading his legs wide and throwing his head back to enjoy the fresh air. While his eyes were closed,I needed to focus on his crotch. He really had a great-looking body - in my books anyway. I pulled my box up closer to him, laid down my sandwich, knelt on the ground, leaned down and put my lips to his penis.

"I wondered how long it would take you to find your way home" he said opening up his eyes and running his fingers through my hair.

"I really missed you, Ian" I said. "I missed our conversation, your friendship, our closeness and your cock".

"Ditto here man" he replied standing up. He pulled me up and we hugged each other tight. Chests, stomachs, cocks, and legs pressed tight together. "If there was ever a guy I thought was my soul mate, you'd be the one. You and I are your dad and Greg". He pushed me away for a moment. "Aren't we?" I pulled him close and we rocked each other for a bit. I looked down enjoying the scenery of two best friend's dicks caressing the others.

Suddenly there was a break in the silent pleasure. He stepped back, kissed me on the forehead and said, "let's go". We started our afternoon trek of opening all the wooden window coverings, and doors. Some of them took some time to loosen, but with the two of us working together, we made it work. After lots of walking, working and joking we agreed it was time for a dip in the lake to wash up and cool down and we ran down to the water, yanking off our boots and socks.

The water felt so refreshing as we enjoyed swimming, diving, jumping and floating in the tepid liquid. After about 20 minutes, we lay down on the grass at the shore line and promptly fell asleep. Somewhere in half consciousness, I thought I felt something on my shoulder. When I moved my hand to slap it, I felt the calf of a leg. Putting my hand just above my eyes to shield them from the sun, I looked up to see a man standing over me, straddling my body with both legs.

I couldn't see his face properly, but looking up in between his long lightly hairy legs, and up to see that familiar-looking cock hanging over that huge bag, I knew it was Grant. "Hey Ryan! How ya doin' man?" came that oh-so-familiar voice. I realized that Grant was one of those guys who just oozed sex. His speaking voice, his smile; the way he stood and walked and his body scent; I think every man and woman got turned on talking to him. He wasn't pretentious, or loud, but was warm and seductive. The kind of person you meet where you think he's been your best friend for life. Of course for me, my first meeting happened to be very intimate -- between his legs getting my first lesson in cock-sucking.

I grabbed on to one of his legs, and slapped it hard then grabbed on - "Grant, it's so good to see you. I missed getting to say goodbye a few months ago, but was glad when I heard you'd be working here this summer".

He turned and sat down beside me, so that his legs were spread in a sitting position with his crotch at eye level with me still lying down. He started to chat about his drive here, and what he'd been doing, but I stopped listening when I realized I really just wanted to play with his penis. I reached over and with my index finger, started to slowly outline his dick and sac. He stopped talking for a moment, looked down at what I was doing, smiled and continued talking. I realized that Ian was not around and must have left when I fell asleep. I listened to the rippling up on the sand; the birds chirping in the trees; Grant's rich voice; and my heart beating. I couldn't believe how much I wanted to suck him off. The intoxicating scent from between his legs was getting to me, and I needed to do it -- now.

"Grant"! I interrupted him. "I need to suck your cock. I want a mouthful of your semen." I couldn't believe I actually blurted our what I was thinking. He stopped talking, and chuckled a little.

"Then get your mouth over hear and start sucking!" I repositioned myself so I was on my stomach, while Grant opened his legs wide inviting me in. He leaned back on his elbows so he could watch one of his favorite sports. I crawled in, and swallowed his soft cock down to his bush immediately, and held my mouth there. I wanted him to harden up in my mouth, so I started to play with his bag which was hanging nice and low in this hot sunshine. I let his cock fall from my mouth to licks his balls for a bit, taking one at a time in my mouth and rolling it around to help get his dick nice and hard. When I let his balls drop back between his legs, I grabbed his cock to start licking the piss slit, while my other hand found my way in between his ass cheeks. He was hot and sweaty and it was easy to find his hairy hole tickling it a little with my fingers. I got my middle finger into his hole and started to insert it. Grant dropped his head back letting his blonde hair touch the sand, letting out groans of contentment.

His cock sprang to life and I devoured it, enjoying every inch. "Ryan, you've been practicing haven't you."

I lifted my head to look at him. "Not really. Nothing since I left the frat house. It's you actually. This cock of yours drives me crazy."

"Well, good! Suck on McDuff." He put his penis back in my mouth. With the heat, causing sweat and me chowing down on Grant, and finger-fucking his ass, I was in ecstasy. It was almost overwhelming. I lifted my head off of him, and removing my finger from his ass, I slipped it into my mouth as thought I was getting the last lick off a popsicle.

When he and I realized what I'd just done, we both started to laugh. "Well, how do I taste?" he snickered.

I licked my finger again. "Like you. Like your body smells." I lifted my finger up to his mouth, and surprisingly, he sucked it for a second.

"Hmm. You're right. Pretty damn good." I smiled and went back down to his huge hardon, putting just the head back in my mouth. I started to flick my tongue over his slit, which started to drive him crazy. He started to jerk his own cock, bringing his fist up to my lips on his upward strokes. I licked his cock and his fingers and suddenly without warning, he started to cum; a little in my mouth and some on his hand. His semen tasted as good as always, and I looked up to watch his face as his orgasm subsided. When I looked back down, his hand held tightly to his cock, both covered in his semen. He brought his fingers up to my mouth, and I sucked each one feeling the strength of his manly fingers. When I finished his fingers, his hands pushed me down on his crotch while he fell back flat on the grass. I cleaned up his penis and balls and anymore that had dripped its way into his crotch crevices.

"Whew" I let out in a high pitched voice. "This is great way to start the summer".

"You're telling me." Grant whispered. "Ryan, believe it or not, I haven't had a lot of guys or chicks suck me, but you are -- by far -- the best. You really love it don't you?"

I moved again so that I was resting my head on his thigh. "Well, your dick drives me crazy. There's something about you that makes my dick spring to life. I mean, I've only sucked two cocks -- yours and Ians, and it's different with both of you. Ian's a good close friend, and you're kind of like a great older brother who lets me play with his cock".

"Why, do you have an older brother who lets you play with his cock?" he asked in all seriousness.

"No. I said you feel like a brother to me; a fantasy brother. There's not a lot of brothers out there that would be like this. Granted, I've only known you for a week, but I feel like I've know you my whole're one of those kind of people."

" I know. I felt the same way about you too the first time we met. And actually, the first time wasn't between my legs, it was when we went skiing remember? You and I actually skied together a lot that day, and we ended up sitting beside each other at dinner. I knew I liked you right away."

"Are you telling me you're not like this with everybody you meet? I mean, whether they suck your cock or not" I asked.

"Well, I like people. (There was a poignant pause) Do you think I do this thing all the time? Sure there's stuff that goes on at the frat. Almost all the guys are comfortable being naked, and I think there are a few who love to watch. That's all cool. And I'd say at least half the guys have sucked a cock, or at least have theirs sucked by another guy in the frat, but mostly it's just a quick `get-off' thing., and it doesn't happen as often as you think. Mostly if we're horny and haven't scored with our girlfriends -- and once in awhile just for fun. The week you were there was just a lot of fun, and lesson time. You learned how to suck a cock -- really good!"

"Yeah, but look who I had as a model and teacher. One of the sexiest guys around, not to mention the most perfect dick I've ever seen."

"Sure, it always brings guys closer when one gets to play with a friend's dick, but that just seems part of life now. You've probably guessed that Ian and I have been good buddies for awhile. We've been pretty open with each other for many years, and when he told me about you, I thought it would be great to meet you."

"So, how come you never return the favor? How come you never suck back"? I asked him.

"Well, I did a few times when I was younger, but really didn't like it much. Some guys are okay with it, and others aren't. I'm one of the guys who isn't, but I love when a guy .... Or a girl does it with me. It's always different with a guy -- it almost always like playing. A guy has a dick and knows when to play hard or easy -- and it's fun. I don't know any guy who doesn't like getting sucked off. Sometimes chicks aren't into sucking, or at least not sucking me off, and I haven't dated any woman who cleans me up like you do".

He put his fingers back on my mouth and instead of licking them, I just took his hand and guided it down to my cock that was still rock hard. "The problem is, what does the guy do once he's finished sucking off a guy as beautiful as you. Maybe some guys aren't hard, but I'm ready to go nuts here".

He took my hard cock and started to jerk it, but stopped for a minute. "Listen, there's one thing I've been wanting to try and you might be the guy to do it with. Would you be interested in dryfucking me? I mean, not sticking your cock in my ass, but just laying it between my cheeks and getting off that way?"

"Wow that seems weird coming from you" I commented.

"Well, during the spring, Ian and I were getting into a heated discussion about politics, and when our minds were spent, and the argument turned silly, we turned physical. We play fought for a few minutes, but it ended with me on my belly, and Ian laying on my back. We continued reading our texts and talking, but Ian started to slowly grind his cock into my ass....we both had all of our clothes on. While we talked he kept grinding and I'm sure he came, but we didn't talk about it. Anyway, it felt good and I was wondering what it felt like naked. I don't want your dick IN my ass, just on it" -- he reiterated.

Did I need to be asked twice. Grant turned over and spread his legs a little, while I straddled him. I looked at his ass and my cock as they met for the first time. My dick was average size, with a nice hairy brown bush descending on to his blonde hairy crack. I settled in moving it around a little, getting comfortable until it seemed the two of us groaned at the same time.

"Holy shit, this feels good" I screamed and started to slowly massage his ass with my cock. "Oh man" he cried, "this is really relaxing -- like a pubic massage."

I love how it felt. My hairy legs resting on his; my hairy dick in his hairy crack; my head resting on his back. We were totally connecting. I raised up my upper body to look down watching me hotdogging his ass. I couldn't believe it was happening and was totally getting into it. I started to pump harder and faster while he lay there not responding but letting me do what I needed to do.

In a minute I was creaming in his ass crack, on his cheeks, and finally on his balls that were resting comfortably between his legs. I collapsed on him and we both groaned with sighs of satisfaction. I slid down his body and licked my semen off his bag. I reached under his body only to find he was rock hard once again. When he felt me touch him he giggled and lifted up his torso, letting me get a good grip on his cock. This time, I was in control and holding his hips up, I slid under his body -- face up, and slipped his cock back down my throat. He started to fuck my face nice and slow, bringing his cock all the way out of my mouth, and letting it slide all the way back in. I loved it and he loved it. We went on this way for about 20 minutes or so with him enjoying every lick and suck and nibble, and me enjoying the smell from his bag; the strength of his body laying against my face and his constant smile.

Finally, he started to grind his hips into my face quicker and quicker, and I prepared myself for a delicious load. "Are you ready"? he asked. "Take it deep would you?" He pushed down hard, and I felt his cock starting to pump out cum. It throbbed and jumped and drained down my throat. I focused on his pubes. I grabbed his ass, pulling him into me so my nose was buried in his hair. He lifted himself up pulling his penis from my throat and draped it on my face. I grabbed it and licked the semen off the tip.

He was delicious. I was content. He was content. We lay there for a minute before getting up silently, me watching his flaccid cock swing around; Him watching me watch his cock.

"I guess I should swim and get all of your cum out of my ass" he smiled. We ran into the water, smiling, not speaking but relishing in the great sex we'd just had.

"Hey, you guys okay down there"? we heard Ian yell from the top of the hill.

"Be up in a minute...and uh couldn't be better!" Grant yelled back.

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