Camp That Changed Everything

By Clifford Simpson

Published on Aug 23, 2001


This is a continuation of Part 1 and 2. This is a short one, but Part 4 will take place back at the summer camp.


I had thoroughly enjoyed the day with Grant, sometimes driving and sometimes walking around this new city. Being with him was great, but as the day went on, I found myself missing Ian, wondering what he was doing. Grant was a great guy, lots of fun, and I had sure had a good time for those two days, getting great cock-sucking lessons.

When we got back to the house, Grant told me he had a good time but was off to another engagement but he was going to rush in to have a quick piss. He parked out front, and he ran to the front door, let himself in, but pushed by me to get up to the washroom. As I was taking off my coat to hang it up, I looked around the room at about 9 guys just hanging out. Two guys were sitting naked at the card table, but everyone else was dressed, watching TV, or reading. I knew right then, that I couldn't find a more comfortable place to live in, if I was accepted at this college. There was no reason why I wouldn't be as my marks were certainly high enough. I smiled to myself, and trotted up the stairs to check in on Ian.

When I opened the door to our room, I looked in calling "Ian". But there was no answer, but there was a note on the bed. "Ryan, weren't sure when you were coming back. Went out to a flick with a couple of the guys".

I lay back on the bed, to read the note again, and the next thing I know, I hear Ian's voice and feel his hand trying to wake me up. "Hey Ryan. Come on man. Wake up. Get undressed. I want to go to bed."

I was completely out of it. The combination of really active days, and another whirlwind day with Grant I was exhausted. I opened my eyes to see Ian's beautiful smile asking me how the day was. I started muttering things that didn't make sense while I watched him undress, feeling drunk with fatigue. He stood naked in front of me, and started to get a little ticked that I wasn't getting into bed.

I was in that state of mind where one is half conscious and I really didn't care. It seemed all I could focus on was his penis dangling in front of me. I reached out to grab it in a playful way, and he snapped at me. "Ryan, come on. I'm exhausted and want to get to bed".

He leaned in and started pulling off my sweater and shirt, getting angry that the shirt wouldn't slip off without undoing the buttons. When he bent forward to undo the buttons, and gently cupped his bag and started moving it up and down and around. He had no reaction. Then he pushed me back on the bed, undid my belt and yanked off my pants and socks. I was acting like a helpless kid, but I didn't care. It was part of the game. Like magic, he whipped the duvet cover out from under me, hopped into bed, and threw it back over the both of us. I giggled, rolled over and in the most childish voice I could find, squeaked "good night" in his ear. He jabbed me with his elbow, and I laughed again falling into a deep sleep.

The next morning I woke up earlier than usual. The morning sun was just making its way through the window, and I looked over to see Ian still sleeping soundly. He was a great guy, and I really loved being with him. I got up quietly to go to the washroom for my morning piss. Just as I was shaking off my last few drops, Ian appeared, joining me over the toilet bowl. He started to piss, and I watched, saying nothing and walked back to the bed together crawling in under the duvet.

Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door. It swung open, and Gerry yelled in, "Hey guys, new snow last night..we're heading out to the slopes again if you want to join us...leaving in about ½ an hour".

I looked over at Ian, stuck my tongue out and pressed my head into the pillow. "I think I just want to stay here" I said. "Me too" he answered "Way too tired". Our eyes closed again, and soon we were off to the Land of Nod, waking up later in the morning.

When I opened my eyes, Ian was lying there reading a Michael Crichton book, while I tried to regain focus. "Hey buddy...'mornin" he said moving his leg over, butting it up against mine. He kept it there and it felt comfortable. "So, one more day Ry", he said softly.

"I know. I'm really going to miss you" I replied warmly.

"You know, I've been thinking. Would you be at all interested in working with me at the camp this summer? You've been there. You know the routine and the incredible freedom -- and it's an 8 week job that pays well, plus food and accommodation are free...does that interest you?

"Are you nuts? I yelled. I'd love that! Getting to be with you all summer, plus the program is great...lots of sports, freedom...oh yeah...count me in".

"Not to mention the side benefits" he said reaching over and patting my penis. I reached over and returned the favor.

"Are you telling me that this stuff goes on over there too?" I was really interested now.

"Well, you know it's just like here except we have to keep it a little quiet because of the kids around. But the instructors and counselors know the routine, and we're careful. I'll tell you, it was difficult the summer that you were there when that counselor didn't show up. I mean it was cool being with all you guys, but there were days I was aching for a good blow job"

"Why didn't you ask me" I wondered.

"Hey, you were 16 and I didn't know you well yet...but I kind of thought you were interested. Why do you think I stood beside your bed every night? I was just giving you a good closeup of my family jewels" he laughed.

"Yeah, but now things are different aren't they". I dove down under the covers and sucked his soft penis into my mouth. I sucked in everything -- his pubes, his balls and his dick. He arched his back and offered me everything in his crotch, and I took it. Grabbing his hairy and firm ass cheeks, I held his crotch to my nose and mouth, not wanting to let go.

He relaxed back on the bed and spread his legs wide while I licked and sucked his penis, bag, inside his thighs, his pubes and belly button. His cock was growing full force, and while I licked, I stroked him waiting for him to be at full mast. Ian's voice changed, as he gasped out loud "Holy fuck".

"Ian, I don't know if I'm gay or straight or bi, but whatever it is, I am loving sucking cock...and especially being down here in your crotch. I never thought I'd ever have a friend where we could share our cocks".

"He put his hand on my head and guided me up and down his cock, sometimes lifting his ass of the bed and forcing more down my throat. The smell of his crotch was driving me crazy and I felt I just couldn't get enough. I started going nuts slurping and bobbing and massaging his ass when suddenly, and too soon, he started to cum in my mouth. I didn't want it to end, but I knew there'd be more times to do this. I grabbed his ass, and pulled him into my face. His cock reached down my throat the entire length until I had Ian's pubes as my new moustache. I wouldn't let go, and he kept bucking and creaming in my mouth. Even when he stopped, I tickled his piss slit with my tongue, then, kissing and licking his softening cock, I let him back down on the bed.

For the first time in the last 5 minutes, I noticed me. My cock wasn't hard but I felt like I had cum and sure enough, there was a nice pool of semen at the end of the bed were my cock had been thrusting into the duvet.

"Fuck, Ryan...this is going to be a great friendship". I stayed on the bed watching Ian get ready for the day, enjoying our nakedness and our freedom. It would be sad to leave him and Grant, but I will admit, I was getting excited thinking about how great the summer would be!

Next: Chapter 4

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