Camp That Changed Everything

By Clifford Simpson

Published on Aug 11, 2001



Part 2 continues with Lesson #3 still at the age of 18 engaging in sexual activity with men in their early twenties. Future episodes will follow the frat brothers through their lives as close friends. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

This day of skiing was incredible. The weather was perfect, and there was lots of snow on the hills making it great for the long runs. The trip up in the van seemed liked any other normal trip that a bunch of guys would be taking to the ski hills. It seemed almost surreal knowing what had just gone on the night before, but no one even talked about it. There was no sex play, and no male/male sex talk. We talked sports, women, politics and swapped skiing stories...and had a fantastic day.

Afterwards, we grabbed some KFC and ate it on the way home. I can honestly say I wasn't thinking much about the next lesson because I knew it would come and it would be part of the day. After a game of cards, Ian came over and tapped me on the shoulder saying, "Anytime you're ready. Grant's got a date with Christine later tonight so if you want him involved we should get started soon".

"Let me just finish this hand, and I'll be up in a minute". Within 10 minutes I had thrown in my hand and was ready for lesson number 3. I got a few guys wishing me luck, but nobody really said much. As I walked up the stairs I started wondering what would be in store for me. I walked into the room and no one was there, but I heard some pissing in the washroom and soon Ian walked out completely dressed and gave me a quick hug. "Are you ready man?" he asked matter-of-factly.

"Yeah -- I think so. I'm a little beat from the day, but I'm sure I'll be able to handle it". In a second, Grant gave a quick knock on the door and came in. He was wearing jeans, white sweat socks and bright yellow t-shirt.

"Hey guys! Ready for the next session teach....and student" he said tweaking my nose a little.

Ian started talking, and as he did, Grant slowly started to remove his clothing. "So tonight, we'll do a little sucking, along with a hand job. Hey Ryan, you did great last night when Grant fucked your face. It was fast and you took it all. I have to admit, it was really hot -- especially with this guy's dick" he said playfully punching Grant's shoulder.

Grant had now removed his jeans and underwear, but kept his socks on. Just being able to look at his nakedness again, I popped a boner almost immediately and suddenly I couldn't wait to get between his legs. Ian walked over and stood beside the two of us

"So, what do you do if your bosum buddy is REALLY horny and wants some help with a real quickie. It takes a little longer to suck a guy off, but if you jerk his dick and catch the semen in your mouth, it works great and only takes a couple of minutes".

Grant sat back on the chair, spread his legs wide, stretch his arms over his head and let out a huge yawn. Man he looked sexy.

Ian pushed me over to Grant and once again I got down on my knees and got close to his nice big bushy cock. "Fuck, I just love this thing" I said under my breath except he heard me.

"Ryan, I told you, it's yours this week anytime you want it. Seriously! Practice all you want."

"Okay guys. Ryan, what really gets you off when you're jerking off?"

"Ummmm, shit, I usually take quite awhile, but it feels good when I rub my balls, and um..I like to lightly rub my fingers over the hairs on my balls, and right underneath."

"Did you ever stick your finger in your rectum"? Ian asked. I shook my head no. "Well that's what we're going to take on tonight. Man there's nothing better than jerking off with a finger up your ass."

I looked up at Grant and while he was waving moving his legs in and out he gave it a thumbs up. Ian continued, "Some guys don't even like the idea of it, but once they try it, they know better. So whether they do it themselves, or get their buddy or chick to do it, it doesn't matter. It gets you off pretty quick. So why don't you head in there again and sniff around while I take a quick piss."

He got up and I moved in. However this time, Grant slouched down farther giving me access to his dick and his ass cheeks. Once again, I got my face into his bush but this time pressed my face and lips into his cock and bag. He lifted up both legs a little and gave a moan that showed he was obviously pleased. "Fuck Ian, I'm liking these classes better and better" he yelled towards the washroom.

Ian came back and saw me relishing in the scent of Grant's crotch. "Grant, I've got to admit, you have one of the most beautiful dicks I've ever seen".

"Thanks man" he said a little embarrassed.

" No really. It's nice and plump with a perfect size head. It just flows out of that beautiful bush ..and your hangs nice and low resting on the chair."

"And don't forget the taste, the feel and the smell, man" I chimed in. "That's incredible".

Ian started again. "Okay, before you jerk him off, I want your finger to do some exploring, but first I'm going to show you".

Grant spread his legs a little further and lifted up his bag. I could see his nice hairy ass and Ian's finger moving its way through the crevice that led to his asshole. I was a little nervous, but excited at the same time. Looking down I saw Ian's finger disappear slowly up into Grant's ass at which time he threw his arms in the air along with a very satisfying moan.

"Guys, this is making me incredibly horny" as his cock started to get good and hard.

Ian removed his finger from his ass and put it to my nose. "Smell it" he commanded.

"What!" I yelled. "No way".

"Just smell it a little. See if it turns you on, or if it's really as bad as you think it is".

I took a little breath and couldn't smell anything, so I took a bigger whiff of his finger, and still smelled nothing like I was expecting. I was expecting a shit smell, but it just like a musty odor. "I know Grant, so I know his asshole gets pretty wet when he's excited, but you might have to get a bunch of saliva on your finger before you try to stick it in a guy's ass. So, go for it. Try it out."

Grant opened up, and I decided my middle finger would work best so I followed his hairy trail up in between his cheeks and the finger just kind of slipped in. Now, I've masturbated a few women and it didn't feel at all like it. It felt great moving it right up into his ass, bringing it out and fucking it back in.

"So Ryan. Now what you have to do is get three things going at once. Get jerking his cock with one hand; get your finger up his ass, and keep your lips moving on the tip of his prick. That's the most sensitive area and it'll get a guy off in a second".

I looked up at Grant. "Ready for a quickie" I laughed. He grabbed my head and put it on his cock.

I positioned myself so that I was on my knees with my face first resting on that huge muscular thigh of his. This gave me a perfect few of his dick, nuts and ass crack. I almost came from looking. I started flicking my tongue over the tip of his cut cock making it spring to life pretty fast. With my left hand I grabbed the base of his cock pressing down deep into his bush and enjoying waving it around a bit. Then I did what I like to do to myself and just shake it really hard making it nice and stiff.

"Okay Ryan, don't take too long. Remember this is a guy who's just asked you to get him off quick. This is a quick lick, jerk and finger fuck."

I was enjoying my new experience with men and was probably still in awe of it all. But I listened to Ian and got down to business. I kept stroking his cock from top to bottom, and flicking my tongue over the head. Then I took my finger and slipped it into his ass. I felt like a machine but when I looked up at Grant, he was in ecstasy. He put his hand over mine asking me silently to stroke harder and faster by directing me with his own hand. I took his cue and squeezed harder and stroked faster, and drove my finger up his ass harder and faster.

Grant started writhing around on the chair, and in about a minute the first blast of his cum shot on my lips. He lifted his ass of the chair and drove his cock deep in my mouth making me choke on the sudden length I had to deal with. I grabbed the base to make it less invasive, and sucked out the remainder of his semen. When he was done, I just nursed his soft cock for a bit while he stroked my hair. When he came out of his orgasmic trance, he laugh/talked, "Fuck, fuck, fuck. You are one mean cocksucker, man. That was fantastic!"

All too soon, he said he had to go, and was up pulling on his underwear and jeans. He pulled me up off my knees and gave me a quick hug. "Good work, but I've got go. See you guys tomorrow." Then, he left.

I was so engrossed in doing Grant that I'd forgotten about my own hardon. Ian asked if I wanted a quickie like I'd just finished doing -- rather well I thought. I was a little unsure, but was still in a little bit of an afterglow so I didn't feel like objecting to anything.

I started undoing my belt buckle and removed my jeans and boxers letting my cock spring up and smack my stomach. It was one of those hard-ons that you knew if it got any harder it could break off. Ian told me to sit down on the chair, and kind of pushed me down. The second I landed, his mouth was on my penis bobbing up and down making it good and slick. His strong hand grabbed my shaft and he started to pump it fast. I knew I would cream any second, and as I closed my eyes becoming absorbed in the moment, Ian's finger entered my hole. I was so excited and hard and sweaty that the entry was easy, and was an incredible feeling. I lifted my ass of the chair in response to his entry, but fuck, it felt fantastic. Anyway, he started going at it with his strong hand keeping his mouth on the head of my dick his tongue swirling.

I looked down to watch my buddy's head and hand working it's magic. It had only been a couple of minutes, but I was ready to shoot. I grabbed his head and pushed it down, but he resisted, and instead used his fist to stop his mouth from completely engulfing my dick. He squeezed harder, and actually removed his mouth from the tip of my cock when I started to shoot. He shoved his finger as far up my rectum as he could, and held the base of my dick. The first couple of shots just flew in the air as I groaned and smiled, closing my eyes. Ian quickly caught the last few jets in his mouth and licked everything up.

I slumped back in the chair, and I felt him remove his finger from my hole while he fell back on the floor. We were silent for a few minutes when I burst out a "Fuck, thanks Ian; that was great".

"My pleasure, buddy. So do you want to go out and catch a flick somewhere"?

"Yeah, sure. I've just got to take a piss and...I hope you don't mind if I grab a quick bite from the fridge." He gave a quick salute indicating it was okay. While I stepped walked into the washroom to piss, he came in and joined me. My cock was still wet from his mouth, and he had to pull his out of his fly. I liked the look of it, and the sight of his black pubes sticking peeking out from the zipper.

"So Ian, just how often does this kind of stuff go on around here. I mean, this has got to be unusual for a frat house...isn't it or is it something that goes on everywhere"? We stood there with our flaccid dicks emptying piss into the toilet.

"You know what Ryan? I don't know how often it goes on, and I don't know about the other frats. I mean, I know guys walk around nude if they want, probably not as much as here, but guys know what we're like here. Actually we're the envy of a lot of the other frats. Ryan, this isn't a place for wile sex orgies. It's a place where a guys have one or two special friends they can count on for anything, but usually it's just one, and they end up being good friends for life. I'm sure you've seen the guys around here are pretty liberal in thought and lots of guys like the freedom around here. I know there are a couple of gay guys here, but the rest are straight or bi.

I'm not really sure how it started, but sometime quite a few years ago, someone decided it was okay for guys to help each other get off. I mean, we don't do it everyday like we're doing this week, but every once in awhile, and we're all cool with it. Now, if you're talking just about sex, there are guys here -- like Grant, who aren't interest in reciprocating in any way. But the returns you get in his friendship are phenomenal. And then there are guys like me who are okay to both give and receive. I'd say it's probably an even split. "So, what do you think the chances are of me joining this frat if I attend here next year"? I asked.

"Are you kidding man? All the guys here think you're great. I'm sure you'd be a shoe-in." he said matter-of-factly. He put one hand on my shoulder and shook my hand with the other. "You'd fit in perfectly around here".

We walked out of the john when I went downstairs to grab a quick snack from the kitchen. I still enjoyed the mixed scene of seeing some guys clothed, and other naked. It was the way it should be. Ian soon joined me handing me my jeans and socks and soon we were out the door for a social evening.

The next day, I slept in late but woke up to the sound of hammering. I got up for my morning piss, and wandered into the hallway following the loud banging sounds. It was Grant's room. I looked in the room to see him with a few nails hanging out of his mouth putting up a shelf. " `morning Ryan" he muffled. "Come on in".

I walked in yawning, stretching my arms and sat down on the edge of his bed. "Just building another shelf for my next load of books. Here, grab this piece and hold it would ya'." He knelt down and started to glue one end of the piece of wood, and suddenly I was involved in helping him finish his shelving unit. When it was finished he cleaned up all his carpentry shit and asked if I wanted a cup of coffee. I said sure, and he took his stuff to the workshop in the basement, returning with a steaming cup of brew. I lay back on his bed, and he grabbed a chair, moved it close to the bed and propped his feet up taking a bite of his toast.

"So Ryan, I hear your dad went to this college and was part of this frat?"

" did you know?"

He smirked, "Well, your dad's friend Greg is a family friend. Sometimes he and his wife are around for big family parties and we've swapped stories about this frat. He told me his best friend here was your dad and they've been close ever since. Small world isn't it?"

"I always thought my dad and Greg were unusually close. Now I understand! That's pretty cool actually. Those guys are tighter than any guys I know, but that's okay".

We were silent for a minute while I was picturing my dad and Greg doing it and started to giggle a little. "Just thinking about those two guys sucking dick. Unbelievable picture when it's your dad in the scene". I looked over and up Grant's jean clad legs, focusing in on his crotch.

"You interested in another practice round" he asked. "If you're up for it, I am" I replied, but I want to take my time this morning I said. "Not a problem for me. Its kind of a laid back morning".

He stood up and started to remove his jeans taking his time this time, teasing my eyes, first down to his pubes, then revealing the top of his cock followed by all of it. I eagerly sat up on the bed while he walked over to me putting his hands on his hips. I loved the way his dick moved around while he walked.

"Hey Ryan, haven't showered yet this morning, but I'm sure you won't mind." He lifted up his penis and put it against my face. I pressed my lips into his bag and he pulled my head into his crotch. His smell was that of sweat and cum and I was happy to be taking it in. `Just suck it would you' he pleaded. He grabbed his cock and slapped it against my face while it got hard, and I sucked one hairy nut in my mouth at a time breathing in deeply.

When he was totally hard, he grabbed my head and aimed his penis into my mouth, resting it on my lips. "See if you can take it all, Ryan, right down to my pubes". He held the base of his dick while he fed it to me inch by inch. "Take a deep breath and you'll be able to take it". I opened up my throat, breathed in and took him -- all of him. Then he held my head still while he started a nice slow face fuck, taking his dick all the way out, and all the way back down. I love it when his bush tickled my nose. It was great being able to suck this jock stud's dick. He started increasing his pace smiling and biting his lip. I reached back and grabbed his hairy ass cheeks pulling him into me. His ass was pretty firm and I loved holding onto it while he started fucking my face like a wild cowboy. He was really turned on this morning.

I massaged his ass cheeks, and realized how turned on I was with Grant's cock inside of me. I grabbed the base of his dick and started jerking it while I sucked him, but this time, I wanted to see him shoot his seed. Just when he was ready and took it out of my mouth and let him shoot on my face, then shoved it back in my mouth to finish him off. When he was done, he scooped up the semen on my face with his finger and put it in my mouth along with his cock. Fuck, his finger tasted great and just made everything more personal. Then he took his semi-hard penis and scooped up the rest of his sperm off my face and fed it to me until my face and his cock were clean.

"Ryan, you and I are going to be lifelong friends, I can feel it". I grabbed his ass and pulled him into me again savoring the last droplet of cum on the tip of his low hanging cock. While I was still cleaning him up with my tongue, he was already asking me what my plans were for the day. We decided we'd hang out together but thought we should check with Ian first. Ian thought it would be great for the two of us to get to know each other better and it would give him a chance to get caught up on his personal stuff.

And so, Grant and I spent the day checking out the sights in the city, eating at a couple of restaurants and getting to know each other better. He was only a couple of years older than me, but he was beginning to feel like a big brother, or at least what I thought a big brother could be like. I wondered how the week would end up.


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Next: Chapter 3

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