Camp Tales- On the Trail 1/1

By Kyle Adams

Published on Jul 15, 2001



Camp Tales: On The Trail (t/t, oral, anal, rom)

NOTE: This story contains graphic scenes of sex between consenting teenagers. If it is illegal for you to be reading this where you live, either move or bugger off. The names of characters in this story have been changed, due to the events being based (loosely) on actual experiences of the author. Have fun, and remember, safe sex is good sex (as if there's any other kind).


My third summer at camp, we had an Australian exchange student as a canoeing instructor. His name was Jon, and he was the very definition of "hot stuff". We were of approximate height and build, I'm an inch taller at 5'9" and a little broader through the shoulders. The guy didn't have an ounce of fat on him, and he was very nicely muscled. Lean in figure, he had the kind of build that could only be described as taut. He was tanned pretty nicely, and had dark brown hair and big beautiful brown eyes. I'm a leg guy, and he had killer legs from years as a runner and soccer player. Basically he was a walking wet dream for me, and I thanked god every night that we were assigned to share a tent.

Jon and I became fast friends. As soon as we met at Orientation, we just clicked. It was indescribable. We had a lot in common; we were both into music, he played the drums and I played the guitar, but our main bond was athletic. We were both soccer nuts, even though he called it "football" in that cute accent of his. To keep himself in shape (and a lovely shape he was) for the soccer season back home, he ran the perimeter loop (which is about 5 miles long and over some hilly terrain) every morning before breakfast.

A few months before camp, I had an injury that sidelined me for the season and kept me off the varsity squad the next year. I broke 4 bones in my right foot, dislocated my right ankle, and popped out my kneecap on the same leg. By the time camp rolled around, though, I was off the crutches and able to walk and run short distances again. Jon made it his personal mission to get my out-of-shape ass running the Loop with him.

Every morning around sunrise we'd run. It hurt like hell the first few weeks. I just couldn't do all of it, I had to turn around and take a shortcut back to camp. One morning I decided things would be different. I was going to do that trail or die trying. I woke up to Jon standing over me with a wicked grin on his face.

"Come on, you lazy American, get your ass out of bed!"

"Goddam ozzies, can't let a guy sleep in, can ya," I shot back and threw my pillow at him, which he ducked and hit me with.

"Nope, now get up!"

Grumbling, I got out of bed, went to piss, and got dressed to go run. Usually, we both wore just a jock strap, a pair of soccer shorts and running shoes, but it was a chilly morning, so I pulled on a tank top. Watching Jon dress always got me hard, thank goodness I could blame it on "Morning Wood Syndrome."

"You ready yet? My sister is quicker than you getting dressed."

"Aye, but your sister doesn't wear as much, either."

"Oh, you're gonna regret that one later, Ozzie."

"If you can catch me, Yank!" (He knows being called a yank royally pisses me off, I grew up in the south.)

With that, he took off, and left me in the campsite. I tore off, finally catching up with him at the lake. It was a beautiful Virginia summer morning, about 80 degrees and not too humid. We made good time getting to the lake, which is the quarter mark for the trail. As usual, by that time my leg started to twinge, but I was determined not to say anything.

By the time we got to the 3 mile mark, Jon had noticed something was wrong. He looked at me with concern in those beautiful brown eyes of his (okay, so I'm an eye person, too).

"You alright, Adam? You look a little pale, and you're limping."

"Yeah, I'll be okay, let's just keep going."

"If you say so, mate."

When we hit the ravine at 4 miles, that marked my limit that summer, the farthest I'd gone. Making it down the right side was easy, it was a pretty gentle slope. It was the other side that got me. I was almost out when my right calf decided to be cute and cramp up.

"Shit!" I yelled as my leg went out from under me and I slid back down into the ravine.


Jon came running up, and jumped down back into the ravine. "Bloody hell, what happened?"

"I dunno, my right leg cramped up just as I was making it out, and I slipped and fell."

"Let's see how bad off you are, there. Can you walk?"

I tested my leg, which couldn't move. I shook my head. "No luck."

"Damn, here, let me help you over to that tree, you can sit down and take weight off it."

He grabbed my hands and slung my arm around his wiry shoulders, helping me up. There was something about his touch that comforted me, like here was someone who really cared. He set me down under the tree, and I collapsed with a moan and started to massage the cramped leg.

"Let me do that, you just relax, mate," he said to me in a soothing tone of voice.

I nodded, and his nimble fingers went to work on my leg, working out the knots. This was very arousing for me, he was kneeled over my leg, hot breath on the inside of my upper thigh. I must have moaned, because he looked up at me and saw the lump in my shorts and the not-so-thinly veiled arousal on my rather flushed face.

Upon seeing my condition, he grinned at me, and went back to work on my leg. His hands started to rub a little higher, eventually slipping under my shorts and brushing my hard-on.

"Looks like you need help with something other than your leg, mate," he whispered in my ear.

I had trouble finding my voice, and replied somewhat thickly "I think I need all the help I can get."

"You're in luck, I know just what the doctor ordered."

With that, he slid his hands up my sides and under my tank, sliding it off over my head. Placing his hands on my quivering shoulders, he straddled me and pushed me flat on my back. Laying over me, our hard crotches grinding into each other, he brushed his lips over mine, his big brown eyes a question.

I replied by opening my mouth and letting him in. It was amazing, his tongue was all over my mouth, probing its depths. I swear he had it down my throat at one point, the details are a bit hazy, though. Finally, we came up for air, gasping.

"That was fucking incredible," I panted.

He gave me a wicked look and said "Then you're going to love this."

He pulled my shorts off, my jock strap clad 7.5 inch hard-on exposed to the cool morning air. He ran his hands down my chest, massaging the muscles there as he kissed his way down to my crotch. In one savage motion, he ripped the jock off with his teeth., exposing my raging cock to his ministrations. I don't consider my cock long, but it's one of the thickest I've seen, at 5 inches around.

His eyes widened a little, he'd obviously never seen me hard before. Soft, yes, all the time, but never like this. It stood straight up, hard as a rock, with a drop of precum at the head. Jon licked his lips at the sight of it, almost subconsciously.

He started with my nipples, which drives me wild. Biting at first, then twisting and pulling with his strong fingers, he went to town on them. After a few seconds of sucking my nipples, one after the other, he flexed his jaw and went down on me.

I was in heaven. I threw back my head and moaned as his tongue went to work on my cock. It felt like a million tongues were running under the crown of my cut head. Swirling his tongue around the head and teasing my slit, he started to bob his head up and down, sucking for all his worth. I caught a bit of tooth once, and jumped.

I placed my hands on the back of his head, to guide him up and down. Finally, I hit the back of his mouth, and he gagged. I let go and he came up to catch his breath.


"Think so, let me just catch my breath."

After a second or two, though, he was right back on me, going to work on my cock. I put my hands on the back of his neck to guide him again. This time, when I hit the back of his throat, he swallowed me and buried my cock in his throat. Seeing his throat bulging with my cock was it, I couldn't take any more. I grabbed his head and started fucking his throat, pulling him down onto me. After three or four pumps, I exploded, sending load after load straight down his throat. He took all of it, massaging me with his tongue.

"Jon, that was incredible, you're amazing."

He looked at me with those eyes, now full of lust. "Adam, you don't know how long I've wanted to do that. Ever since the first time I laid eyes on you at orientation, I knew I was in love with you. Your smile, those nice green eyes of yours, your personality, and last but definitely not least, that fabulous body of yours. Sharing a tent with you, watching you in the showers, it's been sheer hell for me, I had to have you now."

I pulled Jon into my arms and gave him the most passionate kiss of my 16 year old life.

"Jon, I've kinda had a crush on you all summer, too. I think you're incredible, sexy, and one of the nicest, caring, compassionate people I've ever met. I love you too."

We sat there for a while, basking in the glow of new-found love, just holding each other. I idly started rubbing his leg when my arm brushed up against his very hard erection. 'I ought to do something about that,' I thought. I pulled his shorts and jock off, exposing his crotch.

His cock is dimensionally opposite of mine. He's long (9.5"), slim, and uncut, whereas I'm shorter, thicker, and cut. But, I'm a fan of long thin ones, so this was an added bonus to the beautiful package that was Jon.

I started to jack him off with my right hand, while fondling his muscular butt with the other. He leaned back into my chest and kinda sighed and moaned at the same time. I trailed my left hand to his balls, rolling his almost hairless sac around in my hand while pumping his cock harder with my right.

By now, precum was coming out of his cock in a steady dribble, slicking up my hand. I began to squeeze and pump him in an irregular pattern, keeping him on his toes. This elicited all kinds of moans from his beautiful mouth.

"You like that?" I whispered in his ear.

"Oh god, mate, do I ever," he breathed raggedly.

Taking that as my cue, I slid out from under him and laid him on his back on the leafy forest floor. I took him in my mouth, and proceeded to give him the best blowjob I could. I took all of him in one plunge, burying his long cock down my throat. He started to moan like an Irish washerwoman when I began massaging him with my throat muscles.

"Oh, oh my, oh my god yes!," he kept moaning over and over. He brought his legs up and wrapped them around my back, pulling his crotch into my face, thrusting himself down my throat. His moans turned into wails when I started to play my hands around his asshole, pushing and wiggling my thumb around his tight little pucker.

He was hunching back on it, like he was trying to push my thumb up his ass. I pushed my thumb in to the hilt, eliciting long groan from him as I started to play with his prostate. I fucked him with my thumb until, with a bloodcurdling scream, he shot down my throat. Load after load of cum coursed down my throat in a steady trickle as he semi-violently fucked my face to climax.

After a few seconds for recovery, he pulled out of my mouth. I laid beside him, still halfway across his body with my legs inside his.

"Was that good?" I inquired with a grin.

"Hell yes!" he gasped back.

What came next, though, was a surprise.

"Adam, I want you to take me, be my first."

"First what?" My brain wasn't functioning properly at this point.

"Adam, you silly dunce, I want you to take my virginity."

"Jon, I don't kn-"

"Yes you do. I'm aware of the risks, but I want you to be my first, I love you like no other. Take me."

Who was I to argue with that? I kissed him, and told him "Alright, but if we're going to do this, you need to get ready."

With that, I turned around so my dick was in his face, and my face was between his thighs. He knew the slicker I was, the easier it'd go on him, so he proceeded to slobber all over me while I started licking his tight puckered hole. Of course, he started moaning, he's quite a loud fuck. He also started writhing, I don't think he'd ever had that much sensory input down there before. I pinned his hip bones to the ground, and went back to tonguing him.

Each time I'd try to push my tongue into that tight rosebud of his, he'd tense up. So I got two fingers wet, and rubbed them around his sphincter trying to relax him. It was no use, he was wound tighter than a clock spring. That's when I started pushing one of my fingers into him, making him jump. I went gently into him, loosening him up.

Soon after, I inserted my middle finger and started playing around, scissoring them apart to stretch him further. He was making little mewling noises, almost whimpering in ecstasy. I put my fingers together and started twisting and wiggling them around, plunging them in and out of his loosening hole.

After a minute or so of this, I judged him ready. I pulled my fingers out, and jammed as much of my tongue in his hole as I could.

"Holy shit!" he screamed around my cock as I started wiggling my tongue around as much as I could, slicing it in and out of his sopping hole. This tongue fucking was going to get him off too quick, so I pulled out and asked him if he was ready.

"I was wondering the same thing about you, mate. Just take me, make me yours."

What right-minded 16 year old male can argue with that? In less than two seconds, I was between his raised legs, with them on my shoulders and my cock in position at his hole.

"When I start to push, push out like you're taking a shit, okay?"

He nodded, and began to moan as I started to push at his still tight virgin hole. He was so tight, even with me putting almost all my weight on my cock and him pushing out, I couldn't get in. So I decided to try a trick I read in a porn story once. I leaned down and nibbled on his earlobe while prodding his hole in an irregular pattern. When he relaxed a little, I bit his earlobe hard and lunged at the same time.

His eyes flew open and he screamed bloody murder as my head forced its way into his no longer virgin anus. I stopped and started to apologize to the sobbing boy under me.

"Oh god, Jon, I'm so sorry. Jon, love, that was the only way I could get in. You're simply too tight for me. I'm sorry that it hurts, but I'm not going any further until you tell me you're ready, okay?"

He nodded and said "just--just let me get used to you, I had no idea it hurt this bad."

"Well, the first time always hurts the worst. It'll never be that bad again, love, I promise."

I stroked his hair for a while, and stared into those big brown eyes of his. Slowly, the pain in them turned into something else, akin to lust.

"Adam, I think I'm ready. Make me yours."

I bent down and started kissing him, while slowly inching my way into his incredibly tight ass. It felt like my dick was in a hot wet vise grip and was being crushed. He was so tight it almost hurt to fuck him. Almost.

Inch by inch, I pushed into him, until I hit something that made him gasp.

"Are you alright, do you want me to stop?"

"Yeah, just a bit. You're bigger than I thought."

So we lay there for a few minutes, me buried halfway up his ass and staring into those deep brown eyes of his. After an eternity (to me), he nodded for me to continue. I reached down and started playing with his nipples as I sank into him. He threw back his head and moaned deeply into my mouth. Finally I hit bottom and felt his balls dig into my abdomen.

"That's it, babe, you took all of it."

"Aye, feels like there's a fucking cricket bat up there. I like it, I feel so full."

"Heh, you're going to love this, then," I said as I pulled out to my head and in one fluid motion plunged back into him.

"Unhhh..." he trailed off into a grunt as I hit bottom again.

With that, I started to thrust my dick into and out of his tight ass, savoring the feel of it as it tensed up every time I pulled one of his nipples or plunged my tongue down his throat. I wasn't going to last much longer, he was simply too tight. I started slamming into him, his breath and mine coming in ragged gasps with every thrust. I trailed one hand down his glistening six-pack to his dick, which is again standing on end and oozing precum. It felt like a steel rod poking me in the stomach. I jacked him off in time with my thrusts, faster and faster. Our sweaty bodies sliding against each other and our ragged groans and moans made for an interesting counterpoint to the noises of the forest.

Jon started gasping with each stroke, getting higher and higher pitched until finally he screamed "Oh god, Adam!" and ropes of cum shot out of his dick all over our sweaty bodies. His already tight ass went into spasms, sending me over the edge. I pulled all the way out and in one powerful thrust buried myself deep in him as I could and filled his ass with cum.

Thank god we were on the other side of camp, because the sound of our double orgasm had to be heard all the way to town. I know I'm a loud fuck, but Jon has me beat any three days of the week and twice on Sunday.

Exhausted, we lay there on the forest floor, naked and dripping with cum and sweat. Jon's ass pushed my softening dick out, and I got up. Looking down at him, I said in my best Aussie accent, "You're a mess, mate."

He cracked up as I helped him to his feet and went over to the stream to wash off.

"My god, we must look like hell," I commented, pointing to his still bleeding ear.

"Aye, but I'll bet your leg is better."

"That it is. You ready to get back? We're going to be late."

"After the reaming you gave me, I think I'll walk this one."

"Good idea, you might have trouble sitting down at breakfast," I replied with a wink.

"You're really full of yourself, you know that, Yankee?"

"No, mate, that was you flat on your back five minutes ago."

"I'm gonna get you for that, when you least expect it."

"Promises, promises," I said, walking over to where our clothes were.

I tossed him his jock and shorts, and he laughed as we got dressed and made our way to the camp showers.

'This summer just keeps getting better and better,' I thought to myself, watching his cute ass as he walked in front of me.

THE END, Copyright 2001

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