Camp Staff: Lenz and I

By Cj B

Published on Aug 8, 2001



This is an imaginary story:

Lenz and I were never really close, but we talked every once in a while. It was Friday night, the last night of the 5th week of camp, only one more week left to go and then we'd all be done. By now everyone was getting pretty exhausted and it seemed as though people were putting their work off tell later and later. Today I had finished all my work by 10 so I went to bed early. I was just falling asleep when I heard someone open my tent door.

"Chris." Someone whispered.

"Yeah?" I said in a droggy voice.

"Just checking to see if you were asleep yet."

"No, I just got in tonight, finished early, so I figured I'd hit the sack early." I could see an outline of him in the tent door yet. He was about 7 feet tall, and muscular. He was so hot, I had spent many nights in bed thinking about him as I jacked off. He has a boxy face, but I liked it. Earlier that summer I had walked into the shower room while he was in there and got a glimpse of him in the nude. I thought I would lose it right there. He saw me and my boner, but never said anything about it.

"Ahh, well that's cool," he said, "You mind if I use your computer?" My computer was the only one in tent city and everyone's reports were due Saturday morning. Most people came in during the day when I wasn't around and used it, but tonight Lenz had apparently put it off.

"Sure go right ahead." I said. He went over and sat in front of the computer, I had a great view of him. As the monitor brightened up the tent I could see that he was sitting there in his boxers. I sprung an instant hard on. I laid there for a bit watching him type up his reports, just enjoying the view. I fell asleep shortly after he got there though. I awoke to him poking at me.

"Hey, Chris..."


"Were you asleep."


"Oh sorry, I was just telling you that I was done with your computer." I looked over at the clock, it was 12:30. He'd been there for 2 and a half hours. It usually only took about half an hour to reports.

"What took you so long to get your reports done?"

"Oh." He laughed, he had a great laugh and the cutest dimples when he smiled. He sat down on the bed across from me. Since it was my 3rd year on staff, I didn't have to have a tent mate, so I had the whole tent to myself. "Well lets just say I found some stuff on your computer that I enjoyed some." When he said that I realized I had left my account logged in, and that he had access to my porn stash. Which wasn't that hard to find since there was a link to it on the desktop that said "Porn." I knew instantly that he had found it, and thought to myself shit. I'm going to be killed now. But for some reason, I just had to push him to find out what he had really found.

"Like what'd you find?"

"About 117 pictures." I knew then that he had found my porn stash. I'm anal when it comes to file names so I name everything that doesn't have a distinct purpose with a number. In my porn stash, there's 117 of them.

"Oh." I said in a pretty worried voice now.

"Don't worry," he said, then he leaned in close and whispered, "I'm the same way, and I've known about you all summer."

"Oh." I said, I was really surprised by this. I never would have though he was the gay one on staff, I figured there was at least one other one, but never him. I had wished for this day all summer. But I never thought it would ever come true. He got up and sat next to me on my bed. I was hard as a rock by now, and I could see that he was too. He put his hand on my chest and slowly massaged it. I just looked up at him in awe. Here was that hottest guy on camp staff sitting next to me in my bed, rubbing my chest. My boner just kept getting harder and harder.

"So how far have you been before?"

"I've never had another guy touch me before. I've never had a boy friend before. Besides me, and now you, no one even knows I'm gay."

"Oh, so this would be your first...." He kissed me on the lips. It was the greatest feeling ever. His lips were so soft, and I could taste the salty sweat on him from the days hard work. He sat up and looked at me delighted. I sat up and kissed him again. At that moment, I was so happy.

"Yeah." I said. "So how far have you gone?"

"I've gone all the way."

"Oh so I have a master to teach me?" He gave me an evil look and then kissed me again. This time his tongue entered my mouth. We kissed for a while, and then he backed away..

"You've never kissed before?"

"Nope" I said in a worried voice, thinking I had totally fucked things up.

"Well you'll learn." He stood up and walked out the door, I thought that was the end of what was going to happen that night. But to my surprise he just walked around to the back of the tent and started closing the flaps. "Probably shouldn't let people see what's going on in here. We might get kicked out"

"Yeah, good idea." He walked all the way around the tent, tightly securing all the flaps, when he got back around to the front, he came in and then reached out and tied the front flaps closed. He turned on the over head light. Which added a nice touch to the room, I had replaced the normal bulb with a black light, because when people came in late at night to use my computer the black light wouldn't wake me up like the regular one would. Now I had a perfect view of him standing there in the black light. He was wearing black silk boxers and I could see a large bulge in the front. He came over to the bed and pulled the sheets back off of me and put them on the bed next to us. Then he climbed in and wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped my arms around him.

We were facing each other and I could feel his boner in my thigh. It had to have been 8 inches long. We laid there kissing each other for what seemed like hours, rubbing each others bodies, and just feeling each other. It was so great to have such a beautiful guy next to me in my bed. I rolled him over onto his back and laid next to him, kissing his cheeks and massaging his nipples and smooth stomach. After a while I reached down and felt his boner though his boxers. It was thick and felt so great in my hands, I knew then that I had to taste it yet tonight. I just had too. I started to play with it some and just feel it though his boxers. He reached down and felt mine too. By now I was so excited and I about came with just his touch. But I held it back, and he started to play with me too. We laid there playing with each other through our boxers for a while, and just talking about things.

After a while he sat up and laid me on my back. And reached down and grabbed the elastic of my boxers and with one swift motion had them off me. My cock stood at attention waiting for him to play with it more. Then he got on all fours and placed his boxer covered dick over my head. I reached up and grabbed the band to his silk boxers and pulled them down. His cock popped out and there it was, right in front of my face. I wanted to have it so badly. All of a sudden I felt his cold wet tongue on my chest. I let out a little "Ack." of surprise. He just giggled at me and went on. Licking every inch of my chest. After he was done, he laid next to me and I got up rolled over on top of him and kissed him on the mouth. Then I slowly moved down licking his chest and playing with his nipples. Slowly I was working my way towards his fruit, something I had wanted ever since I saw him in the shower way back the first week of camp. I finally reached it and licked all the way around the base. I took his balls into my mouth and sucked on them some and he let out a pleasurable sigh. I let them go and licked the entire length of his dick. It tasted so good, and it felt great in my mouth. By now he had pre-cum all over his dick, I took some of it into my mouth and moved up and kissed him.

I slowly worked my way back down, teasing him every minute I could. When I got back to his belly button, I sucked on it and licked it. Teasing him even more because his cock was so close, but yet, it was so far. I moved down and took his head into my mouth, the taste was so great. I took my tongue and played with his slit some and rolled it around the edge of his dick. He was moaning pretty loudly now, so I let him go and got up out of the bed.

"Where do you think you're going. You have to finish the job you started."

"Oh don't worry about that, It'll get done." I went over to my dresser and pulled out a sock. I rolled it up and put it in my mouth. Then I walked back over to the bed and got on top of him.

"What do you think you're...." I put my mouth over his and pushed the sock into his mouth.

"There that otta keep you quiet." He let out a now silent giggle. And gave me the sweetest look. I went back to his cock and started sucking on it. I could feel him starting to tense up already, but I didn't want him to cum yet. So I started to move up and down slowly. Once I got used to the feeling of having his huge cock inside my mouth I thought I'd try deep throating it. I moved so my but was above his head, almost into a 69 position. He took his hands and started to stroke my cock and rub my ass, it felt so good. I took his cock in my mouth again, and this time he let out a loud moan, he was enjoying it which made me feel so much better about what I was doing. I had never done anything before and didn't know if I was doing it right. I started working his dick again, only this time, each down stroke I worked his dick farther back into my mouth. Soon I had his whole cock in my mouth and it felt so good. I sucked on it some more and by now he was really tense. I knew he was going to shoot anytime now. So I let it go and moved back to his side, I took his cock in my hand and started stroking it up and down, slowly at first, but then I started going faster and faster. I took my other hand and started playing with his balls, that made him tense up even more. It wasn't long before he shot his hot load all over his chest and stomach, some even hit me in the face, but it was great. I climbed up on top of him and took the sock out of his mouth and he reached up and licked all his cum off my face. Then I went down, licking all his hot cum off his chest as I moved my way down to his dick. By the time I got to his cock, it was already soft, but that didn't matter, I took it in my mouth and sucked on it some more to get every last drop out.

After that I came back to his face and licked all the sweat off him. Then I kissed him, one long deep kiss. "That was really great, must be beginners luck."

"Thanks, I really enjoyed it."

"Well lets see how well you enjoy this." With that he got up and laid me down on my stomach. I knew what he was going to do, but I wasn't expecting it at all. He put his face against the back of my neck and licked me all the way down to my but crack. He stopped there and moved down to my legs and from there worked his way back up. He licked every inch of my back and my but that way. The warmth of his tongue on my back felt so great. Once he had got every inch of my back he took my legs and spread them apart. This is what I had been waiting for. He went down and slowly started licking my but hole. I was in heaven. With every lick he penetrated deeper and deeper into my body with his tongue. Soon he got up and flipped me onto my back and started licking my cock, all up and down it. I don't really remember everything that happened after that, it was so pleasurable and I was just in heaven. After he had finished me off we jus laid there in each others arms for the rest of the night.

I remember waking up the next morning to Pete's voice outside my tent. "LUCKY!! GET OUT OF BED YOU MISSED FLAGS!" I jumped up and quickly threw my boxers on and poked my head out of the tent door hoping that I didn't have evidence from the night before on my face.

"Sorry Pete, my alarm clock must not have gone off."

"Have you seen Lenz, he missed flags this morning too?"

"Nope haven't seen him." I lied through my teeth, he was still sleeping in bed. He must be a hard sleeper.

"Well if you see him tell him he better be to his area on time, or else."

"Alright." With that I came back into my tent and stripped my boxers off. That had just bought us another hour before we had to be anywhere. I climbed back into my bed on top of Lenz and moved down to his semi-hard dick. I took it in my mouth and started to suck on it. With that he opened his eyes.

"Morning Cutie." I said.

"Morning. You better plan on finishing what you started." He said jokingly.

"I will, but we missed flags this morning."

"Oh well. Last night was worth it."

"Yeah." And with that I moved into the 69 position and he took my cock into his mouth and we sucked each other off. That was more then enough breakfast to me.

We went to the Staff Lounge that morning holding hands and we took a shower together. Nothing happened in there, but I got a lot better view of him in the lights of the bathroom then I had in the black light of my tent the night before. What a great body he had. I knew that the next week would be very fun for the both of us, and that we'd probably miss flags a few more times. But I didn't care. I had found someone to have some fun with.

Any comments or suggestions send e-mail to:

I plan on continuing this series so any input would be nice, Thanks Cj B.

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