Camp Site Butt Boy

By Succumballs / Michael Arno

Published on Aug 30, 2019


This story is pure fiction, and the contents should remain fiction. It contains sex acts between men and boys. Do not read it if this subject matter upsets you. Just stop and go somewhere else. Comments at


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Camp Site Butt Boys Part 9

Lisbeth never came for dinner. The two bikers picked up their camping buddies, softened her up with quaaludes, then spent the night stuffing every hole over and over. In the morning her jaw and ass were sore and she couldn't remember how many loads of cum she took. The bikers let a few other men who wandered fuck her too. Now Lisbeth waited, dripping cum, with a broken arm and leg, for her man, Raul.

Jack spent the morning at the table, with Benny between his legs sucking on the cock he loved more than anything, first on the phone with his law office, then typing up a document and took it to the ranger station to print out. Mel was in the kitchen in just a tee shirt. His nice fat cock flopped around as he made coffee.

"HI, Jack. Hi little Benny butt." He kissed Jack and fondled his basket. "I don't go out for a while in case you two need a little taking care of, big guy. You know I'm always ready for you. Both of you, I guess."

Jack stroked Mel's thick shaft, then handed it to Benny. "You want to suck on Mel for a little bit, Benny." He pushed a finger into the ranger's creamy anus. "I have to print something out, Mel, then we got to see his mom."

"Come here Benny butt. Big Mel wants to hold you a little." He stood the child on a chair and stripped him naked. "That's how I like Jack's little golden boy. I like your great big fat dick, Benny." His mouth covered the huge boy prick that swelled with love. "Aren't you the sweetest little thing. He picked him up. "Give Mel a nice wet kiss now."

Benny clamped arms and legs around the wonderful ranger like he did Jack, then grinned at the handsome man who smelled like horses. "Hi, Mel. You want to fuck me some more? It was fun yesterday." He tongue kissed Mel.

"Isn't he something." Jack was proud. "Took to cock like a duck to water. He's my very favourite."

"Damn, Benny. Kiss me some more." Mel's fingers slid over the smooth ass cheeks to the sticky anal flower. "Jackie's been in there already this morning, hasn't he, butter butt?" Mel's two middle fingers swirled around the loose anus flower. "Yeah, the sweetest little boy." The fingers slid easily in to the warm anus. "Ohh, yes. Jack os so good to you."

Benny grinned. "We woke up with hard ons, both of us." The boy rocked on the two fingers that explored and pulled his anal ring open. "And Jack says the more I put up my butt the easier it will get. It's easy already. I really like it now."

"It's all soft and gooey, and damn, I just love holding your butt." Mel's fingers played push-me pull-me deep in the boy hole. "Did you two come already?" Mell pulled the anal ring open. "I bet you didn't."

"No. It was just for play, Jackie said. But it was still fun." Benny rested his cheek on the hard muscled chest and whispered, "I like you doing my butt, Mel." The boy rolled his anus in circles.

"Well, you know what, butter butt." Mel kissed the little lover boy. "I woke up horny too and really want something meaty up my butt. So how about I suck on your big fat dick for a while, get you nice and hard, and then I get on the bed with my legs up, and you can crawl up to me and put that nice big boy cock up my ass. How about that?"

Benny was already getting hard with all the kissing and the ass play. "I fucked Jamie in the water yesterday. It was my first time." He shivered when four finger pulled his ass ring open. "I don't know what I like more. That's so good, Mel."

"Well, I bet you fucking my butt will be just as much fun as Jamie, so let's go into the bedroom and we can play with our ass holes as much as we want."

"OK." Benny grinned at the lover ranger.

Once on the bed Mel raised his legs. Benny looked at the beige ring rimmed with dark hair, and watched the pink centre throb with love for him. "Wow, Mel, I like your butt hole with hair around it. Jackie doesn't have any there. Can I like put my tongue inside like I do with Jackie. He liked that a lot."

"You sure can, lover boy." Mel pulled his cheeks apart. "Give me some ass kisses. It's one of my favourite things too." When the soft lips formed a circle and touched his anus he sighed, "Oh yeah, angel baby. Eat my ass."

Benny dug his face into the hairy crack. His tongue ran circles around the puffy centre before digging into the warm interior. "You smell good, Mel. Like horses."

"That's good. Get your tongue in real deep, Benny." Mel pulled his cheeks apart and pushed his pucker to a swelling ass flower. "That's it. Get your thumbs in there too. Pull my ass open. Oh, fuck, Benny. Just tongue me like that."

Benny tongue fucked the ranger until Mel moaned. Then he sucked in one salty testicle and fingered and anal pucker. "You like it as much as Jackie does." The boy licked his way up to Mel's dripping cum slit, grinning at the beautiful male genitals. "I love licking Jackie all over too." He milked the shaft and let the ball nectar flood over his tongue like honey.

"Oh, Benny. You are so good at that." Mel grabbed the child's head and pulled the throat over his almost eight inch shaft for a second. "Keep your finger up my ass."

Benny let the cock push down his throat. He knew he needed the practice. When he came off the thick shaft he admitted, "At the beach yesterday I was thinking it would be fun to suck on everybody like this."

"You just like cocks and balls."

"And butt flowers too." He crouched down and sucked Mel's anus again.

Mel pulled his ass open. "That's a good boy. Get your tongue way in there." After a good rimming he sighed, "Now crawl up here and kissed me again with all that butt juice on your mouth.

Benny slid up to his ranger lover. "I like your butt a lot, Mel."

"Well then get your big dick up it. I need a good fuck this morning, and you're my favourite butt boy right now." He aimed Benny's meaty prick head to his ass. When the boy cock touched the anal ring Mel's head fell back. "Ahh, Benny. Get that big cock up my ass."

The young boy would never forget the summer between first and second grade. He scooted closer and slid his fat eight inch shaft into the tan and lean ranger's buttery anus. "You're so warm, Mel."

"Oh, damn, your big feel good." The soft pucker swelled and throbbed over his cock root like a mouth kissing him.

"You feel good, too, Mel." Benny pumped deep and gentle. "I like being in your butt a lot more than Jamie. I think because you're big and strong like Jackie."

"Oh, Benny. I love your fat cock in there too." Mel rolled his ass over the thick shaft. "Now give me some fucking." The boy pumped. "Oh, yeah, just like that. Fuck, you're good."

The child fucked eight inches of thick boy cock into the warm man anus. "Wow, Mel. You like it as much as I do. It's fun with you." After a few minutes of bouncing in and out, both of them grinning at each other, they heard...

"You about ready, Benny? Time to go." Jack came to the bedroom door.

"Just jack me off, Benny. I'll come with your dick up my ass." Mel rocked on the pumping boy cock as Benny jacked his smooth thick cock. "Oh yeah, fuck me. I'm gonna come. Jack, I love your boy."

Mel grabbed his shaft and shot a rope of sperm that landed over his face and chest. Jack got to him in time to gulp down the rest of the shooting load. After milking him dry and licking up the cum on his face and chest he put the last mouthful into Benny's mouth. "You want to come now, Benny?"

"I don't have to now, Jackie, if we have to go."

"That's OK, guys. I just needed a dick up my ass. Thanks." Mel felt the boy's thick shaft slide out of his warm hole. "Oh, yeah. You got a good boy this time, Jackie. Be sure you keep him."

"It was fun, Mel." Benny bent down and sucked on the loose anus. "We can do it again." Then he looked at Jack. "Can't we, Jackie."

Jack kissed the ass gooey lips of his boy. "Any time, Benny. But we ought to go now." Jack milked the last of Mel's cum from the shaft and then licked the ass slick off Benny cock before they got dressed.

At Lisbeth's campsite Raul was already there. A medium height, hard muscled Chicano, he wore long nylon shorts and a tight red tee. Lisbeth wore just her cotton robe, which hung open letting the men see her tits and pubic hair.

"Just sign here, Lisbeth." Jack handed her the paper. "And date it." He stood close and brushed his muscled thigh against her shoulder.

"What is it?" She couldn't read legal stuff too well and wasn't interested. Her hand slid down his naked calf. "You smell good, Jack. Like ass fucking."

"It says I'm his father, and you're giving him to me now." He took her hand, put the pen in it and laid it on the page. Then he rubbed a nipple. "Be a good girl." He watched the boyfriend stare at his huge cock pushing against the thin pyjama shorts he always wore.

"I'm not sure, Jack." She thought of her son's big cock.

"Please, mama." Benny held Jack between the legs and fondled his testicles from behind.

Lisbeth watched the thick limp shaft slide across the cotton. Jack noticed Raul watching too. He spread his feet so Benny could better wiggle the long hanging testicles. His cock shaft hung and flopped heavy down the left leg of his shorts. He licked his lips at Raul and grabbed Lisbeth's tit, roughing up a nipple.

"Now don't get me all going like that, Jack." Her mouth was inches from the pulpy cock under the pyjamas that Benny wagged at her.

Jack pinched the nipple. "It also means I'm responsible for him so you don't have to spend any money on him anymore."

"Then sign it, Beth." Raul rattled the paper. "You don't want the little ass hole and neither do I."

Jack glared at the dark Chicano. "Don't call Benny that. He's a good boy."

Raul laughed. "A good boy fuck, you mean?" He watched the boy flop Jack's huge horse cock around.

"Sign the release, Lisbeth." He pulled her head back by the hair. "And I might feed you some meat again."

"You fuck my bitch already?" Raul scowled, jealous that he hadn't been there to see it, or take part.

"Just greased the rut a little." Jack grinned. "She can't take them so big. Not like Benny here."

"Just stop it. Both of you. It wasn't nothing, Raul." She fondled Raul's basket so he wouldn't get jealous. "You know I'll take your cum any time, anywhere. You're my man. You know how I need you."

"Then sign the paper." Raul pulled the women's robe open and slapped her nipples. "Sign it."

Lisbeth hung her head back, getting turned on by the tit slapping, then rubbed her cunt. "Fuck. You didn't see Benny's cock, Raul. I don't know now."

He slapped her tits red, which turned them both on. "Sign it if you want to keep my dick around."

She moaned for more rough stuff. "You didn't see his cock. It's big."

Raul leaned down and tweaked her clit. She wobbled in pain and spread her legs for more. "Oh, fuck. Benny's watching."

"I said, Sign it." He pinched her clit again. "Or you won't get what you want."

"Oh fuck." She pushed Raul hand into her vagina, groaned as he fisted her and then signed, put the pen down and rubbed his crotch. "Now look what you done. Come on, baby. You can have any hole you want."

Jack picked up his fuck boy who clamped arms and legs around his big muscle lover daddy. "Now you're mine, Benny, so say goodbye to your mama." He put the paper in his pocket.

"Bye, mama." He kissed his new daddy's lips. "I love you, Jackie."

"You love my big dick is all, butter butt."

Benny giggled. "That too. Can I call you Daddy now?"

"Of course, angel." Jack fondled the boy's ass.

Raul sidled up to Jack and whispered, "You're so big she couldn't take it?" He held Jack's thick muscled bicep. "You are a real big guy." He sucked his lower lip.

He rubbed the back of his hand over Raul's basket guessing his pulpy cock would be about as big as Benny. "Sounds like you want to find out."

"Three ways are usually me and two women." But under Jack's sexual charms Raul let the big muscle man fondle his cock. "It's been a long time since I --, fuck. You know, man stuff." He was getting hard thinking about his older brothers using his ass as a kid. He looked into Jack's sex filled eyes. "Oh, damn, man. You know how to --, make --, make a guy..." He breathed hard, whispered, "Big, huh." He felt Jack's stone hard thigh, frightened to move to his cock.

"It's not always been you and two women though, is it, Raul?" Jack adjusted the stiffening cock under Raul's pants, then moved his hand to the man's ass. When there was no resistance he pulled at a cheek. When he saw the helpless face he rubbed into the crack. "Nice round ass, Raul. Just how I like them."

"Is --. Really?" The victim's hand stroked his dominator's thigh. He couldn't go to the crotch. "It's been --, been a while." When Raul felt the fingers slide up and down his ass crack he looked at Jack, helpless. "Oh, fuck. I don't know. And my woman's watching." The finger had found the anus. "Wa --, wa --, watching what you're --." He closed his eyes. "Oh, fuck."

Jack tickled the man's hard bone where it stretched toward his hip. "Your cock seems to know more than you do, Raul." He stared at Raul and rubbed his cock head. When there was still no resistance he reach in and rubbed the underpants over the shaft. "Nice hard cock you got there."

"They made me do it. My brothers, and then my dad, cousins, uncles, all of them, they were on me all the time when I was a boy like Benny here. Their --, friends too."

Jack grinned. "I guess they knew how much you liked it."

Raul looked at Lisbeth. "Don't say that in front of my woman." When he felt the strong hand reach into the underpants and hold his naked cock he looked at Jack, electrified with desire, and melted. "I guess they did. Did know I liked it. But it's been a while." His whole body tingled. "Oh, man." He sighed. "She's watching you pull on my dick. it makes me ..., shit."

"Yeah." Jack milked the shaft and smeared the pre cum over the prick head. "Your big thick cock here wants some ass work." He pulled his hand out of the fly, letting the elastic band snap, and pushed down the back. "Suck in your belly." When Raul did the warm hand slid down the ass crack, and the middle finger found the sweaty pucker. "Oooo, Raul's ass is wet already."

Raul stood sweating with lust and let the huge muscle man finger his anus. "It's been a while since all that." He closed his eyes to savour the anal play. "So long I forgot. It feels good."

"Yeah?" Jack whispered like a secret lover. "It's been a while, and you miss it."

Raul then reached a trembling hand under Benny and felt the huge hanging meat shaft under the thin pyjama shorts. "I do sometimes. Miss it." He stroked the throbbing tumescent giant shaft as Jack fingered his tight anus.

Jack fingered the sweaty ass crack. "Ooo, such a long time. And such a nice, sweaty ass."

"Maybe too long. Yeah." He looked at Lisbeth who openly fingered her pussy at the two men getting it on. "Look at her, doing her pussy hula."

Jack giggled. "Like you doing your ass hula. You didn't know Lisbeth likes watching you with men. I bet she's going t like a watching you get fucked."

"No." Raul felt the fingers open him. "Oh, no. Oh, yeah."

"Get your pants down some, Raul."

"O --, OK." The man shivered and slid his pants over his round ass. Jack spat into his hand and smeared the fluid between the ass cheeks. Raul reacted as he always did. He turned sideways, offering his ass to his dominator. His bone stuck out, and he pulled a cheek away to let a finger push into his anal ring. "Been a while. Oh, you really know how to do that." He relaxed as the finger slowly made its way in and out of his anus. "Fuck. My ass can get me hot."

"Just thinking of a big cock up there." When Jack gently pumped the ass he felt anal ring open to him. "You're getting ready, aren't you, macho man?" A second finger easily slid into the soft anus.

"You like my ass?" Raul reached behind and pulled both cheeks apart, offering his hole to his exciting lover. "Yeah, you like my ass." He pushed back to feel the fingers go deeper. "My woman's watching. Watching you do my ass." He rocked his hips. "Oh, fuck, that's good. She's watching my cock drip."

You like her watching." Jack pumped deep into the soft anus. "Yo want her to see you take it up the ass like she does."

"You --, you. Damn good." Raul looked at Lisbeth, who rubbed her pussy watching her boyfriend get finger fucked. Then he stroked Jack's tumescent shaft in the pyjamas. "Fuck. That's big." Both hands held the growing dragon while his ass rocked on the fingers. "You're gonna make me take this thing up my ass."

"Maybe." Jack pumped calmly, softly. "If you're good."

"I'll be good." Raul jittered with ass lust, stroked the growing meat monster. "You're going to be so big."

"You'll get it in." Jack held his finger still to let Raul rock and roll his ass over it. "Did they used to call you Raula when you were a boy?"

"How'd you know that." Raul stood close, loving the finger fucking him, thrilled at the length of the thick, tumescent shaft he held. "Oh, yeah. I like your cock." He closed his eyes. "You make my ass want it."

"I know." Jack grinned, knowing Raul had been fucked regularly and liked it. "Little Raula's all grown up, but his little boy ass still needs some loving."

"It feels good." He rocked eagerly on the fingers, then pulled the front of Jack's pants down.

"Take it out, Raula." Raul did as he was told, and shivered as he stroked the smooth flesh of Jack's stiffening shaft. Jack hefted the boy higher. "Now get my pants off, and get on your knees."

"I haven't done that in a long time." Jack's cock now throbbed in his hand. "And my woman never seen me suck a dick. I don't know."

"Yes you do." Jack used the finger in the anus to pull Raul closer and kissed him.

Raul slid his hand down the silken smooth shaft, then hefted up the giant testicles. "You're a big man."

"I sure am."

"I bet --. Raul panted at his dominator.

"What do you bet, Raula?" Jack's finger tickled the anal ring, then swirled inside.

"I don't know what. You making me --." The finger pumped. "Oh, fuck." Both hands were on Jack's shaft now. "I know what you want, what you're going to make me do. I bet you are."

"I'm just standing here, Raula. You like being watched." Jack grinned. "You want to know how big my cock is." He pushed a sticky, ass slicked finger into his prey's mouth. "And you want to know if it will go up your ass." Raul sucked. "So get my pants down, get on your knees, and show us what your mouth can do."

When Raul's lower jaw wobbled Jack pulled him by the long shining black hair and kissed him again. A kiss that sent Raul tumbling back to his childhood. "You want my ass to love you. I know you do. Make me want you." He stared into beautiful green eyes that smouldered with sex, and then he looked down at the pulpy horse shaft. "Oh, yeah. Look at that thing. It wants me bad." Both hands stroked the growing horse cock.

"You think so, Raul?" Jack's finger pushed back into the anus. "I think you need it more." Three finger spread the anal ring.

"You making me need it." Raul leaned in for another kiss. "Gonna make me give it to you too." They breathed each other's breath. He stroked the thick shaft and rocked on the fingers pumping his anus. "Making my ass want you. You gonna let her see that."

Jack slipped out of Raul's anus leaving him trembling with a dripping erection. Then he stood Benny on the picnic table and stripped his boy naked. Then he licked his boy's genitals all over until he had a stiff erection. "Isn't he the sweetest thing. Look how big is cock is, Raul. Bigger than yours." His mouth was on the beautiful hard boy cock. "You want to suck some too, Raul?""

"You're making me." Raul fumbled getting Jack's pants to the knees, and then he knelt down to step him out of them. Everything shaved smooth like he'd been as a baby. He'd never seen such giant testicles roll in their long sack, heavy as avocados. The tumescent cock shaft hung heavy too, promising to grow to something amazing. The magnificent sex organ filled him with desire.

After sucking Benny Jack looked down at Raul who stared at his genitals, not moving, so he took his long shaft and touched the shining prick head to Raul's lips, pulling off a spider's web of pre cum. "You have such nice full lips, Raul. They're going to feel so good on my prick." He smeared pre cum over the thick lips. "Isn't that the sweetest taste?"

Raul looked from Lisbeth to the shining huge cock "Yeah." Raul whispered. "She's gonna watch me do you. Watch me suck you, on this great big beauty."

And Jack felt the warm mouth cover his prick head. "That's a good boy, Raula. You still remember how to make a man feel good, sucking on cock like a happy kid." Then to Benny. "Come here, baby."

The boy clung around his new daddy's torso again. When Raul looked up at Benny's naked ass Jack pulled the tender boy cheeks apart to expose a beautiful pink anus just being trained."Isn't that a pretty, rosy ass hole, Raul."

Raul panted. His nose was inches from the ass pucker, and the smell of young boy inflamed him. He covered Jack's prick head with his slimy hand and moved his tongue to the boy's soft anus. "Oh, yes." He whispers into the wet fuck hole. "You are pretty, Benny. I never ate a boy ass like this. Soft and smooth. Only men."

"Stand up, Raul, and put that big hard cock into my boy's ass. Benny says you never did it before, which I took to mean either one or both of you wanted to."

Raul stood and slid his throbbing, almost eight inch shaft way up into the boy's warm body. "You're tighter than your mama, Benny." He slow pumped the boy hole with tenderness.

"Of course he is." Jack bounced his boy on his mother's boyfriend's cock. "But he's mine now. You had your chance." Then he turned his attention to Benny. "You like that, Benny? I bet you've been thinking about that for a while, huh?"

Benny grinned and kissed his lover daddy who made his ass feel so good. "Only since I met you." He clung tightly to his new daddy as Raul pumped him full of love. "I only ever sucked him before. I didn't know about this. I like doing both now."

"I bet you're going to like fucking him too. As much as fucking Mel."

"I ain't letting that kid up my ass." Raul pulled his thick cock out of the boy's ass. "My woman's right here watching me."

"Get on your knees and suck my dick, Raula."

Raul looked at Lisbeth who pushed an empty beer bottle in and out of her pussy. "Yes, Sir." He knelt again and sucked in the huge prick head. "Damn." He'd never seen such a huge cock. "That' a real beauty, Jack. Make me hungry."

Jack set Benny on the ground and stroked his dripping boy shaft. "Look at this nice piece of boy, Raula." He pulled Benny close so their cocks touched. "Oh, yeah. You still like it." He pulled his prick head out of his cock sucker's mouth and gently pulled Raul to Benny. "Look at that cock. Bigger than yours. Be a good boy and suck it."

Raul looked up at Jack feeling like a little boy again. "What --. Are you going to make me..." Then he looked at the giant perfect cock, thick and smooth. He'd never seen such a big wonderful organ. "You making me."

"Of course I'm not, baby." He smeared Raul's lips with drool from his cum slit.

Without thinking the tongue came out and traced the ridge of Jack's spongy prick head. "You taste good, Jack. Like Daddy."

"Yeah. I know." He pulled Benny close. The boy's hard, thick cock dripped juice just inches from Raul's lips. "Look at that nice piece of meat, Raul. Isn't he a pretty boy. I bet you were just as pretty when you were little. And just as much fun." He and Benny watched the man bite his lip.

"I did--. It was... I mean --." He stroked his cock, looked from prick head to prick head, then at Lisbeth who fingered her anus.

"I know." Jack hypnotised him by milking both their cocks and smearing the juice over their cum slits. "She likes watching you, and you want to suck some more."

"My woman... watching." He looked at Lisbeth who had got her vibrator and was running it over her clit as she fingered her anus. "Damn, woman." He looked back at the two cocks, then up at Jack. "I know what you want."

"I think Lisbeth wants to see you do some stuff, Raul." Jack could tell he needed some help. He milked some cock drool onto Raul's lips again, and the tongue came out again and touched the cum slit to savour the nectar. "So be a good boy and get your mouth open."

"I never sucked on a dick with a woman watching." He lapped the cock drool off Jack's cum slit and watched Lisbeth finger herself. "Fuck." Soon his hand was milking Jack whose cock responded by growing hard and over ten inch, heavy and thick. "Oh, damn, I never saw something like that."

With the touch of Jack's hand on the back of his head, Raul's mouth covered the giant meaty prick head. "Oh yeah, That's a good boy." Then he looked at Benny's mother. "I'd love to see the dildo up your ass, Lisbeth. Hey. You want to see Raul suck Benny's cock?" He turned a little and pulled the man's mouth deeper over his cock.

"Oh, my goddam, yes." She moved the vibrating dildo to her anus and put most of her hand into her cunt. "Suck them together, Raul. That's what I like best. My Benny's got a real nice big cock, and Jack's a horse."

"She wants to see you suck on her son, Raul." Jack pulled his prick out of the sucking mouth. "So be a good boy now and suck it." He pushed the open mouth onto Benny. "That's it. Isn't that a nice fat dick?"

Raul held the cock together and stretched his lips over both heads. "Oh yeah. I ain't done this in a long time." When he couldn't get both giant meat heads in at the same time his mouth went from one to the other, lapping, licking, kissing, sucking.

"That's a real good boy, Rail." Jack grinned.

Raul watched Lisbeth. "I love cock drool. Always have. Just like my bitch. Damn look at her do her ass."

"I bet you got some good memories up your fuck hole, too, huh Raul?" Jack pulled him off his knees and bent him over. Raul sucked Benny's cock as spit was put into his ass crack and fingers slipped gently into his anus. "Ooo, ooo. Raul's got a nice tight ass." The fingers pumped. "Just like a little boy."

"Oh my fu -- ha, fu -- ha, fuck hole." Raul watched Lisbeth dildo fuck her ass as he sucked her son's cock. Panting he moaned, "I don't know, Jack. You're so big. That's a real big one, and it's been a while you know."

Jack pumped three finger into he tight anus. "Hey, Lisbeth. You want to see Benny fuck your boyfriend? Get him nice and loose for me?"

"Oh, my goddam. I'm gonna fucking come yes. Suck my pussy, Raul." Lisbeth lay back on the chaise and raised her legs. The black dildo vibrated up her ass as she fingered her pink slit.

Jack grabbed Raul by the hair, and with a finger up his ass guided his face to Lisbeth's snatch. As he ate his girlfriend and pumped the dildo up her ass he felt her young son's cock press against his anal ring. "Oh, yeah, bitch. I'm gonna get ass fucked just like you." He pulled her ass to the edge of the chaise, squatted and shoved his cock up her back door.

"Wow, mama. I never saw you do that before." Benny watched Raul ass fuck his mother. "I bet it's fun having two holes."

Jack finger fucked Benny's buttery anus and aimed his big fat boy cock at Raul's hole. "Get in there now, Benny. Mama wants to see you fuck him."

As Benny's fat prick head slowly pushed into the tight ass hole Raul moaned, "Oh shit, yeah. Oh, fuck my ass yeah. Ah-ha. Ahh, haa. Oh my fucking ass, yeah. Just like my uncle Jose. Nice and thick, boy. Damn, I was a pussy then." Raul pulled Lisbeth closer until his balls hung off the back of her ass.

"We'll make you one again, Raula." Jack pushed Benny farther up the boyfriend's ass. "You're man who needs his ass fucked."

"You OK with that, Lisbeth." Raul pumped his woman's ass, dazed on cock.

"Fuck yes, Raula. I don't give a shit what you do with your ass, so long you fuck me good." Lisbeth wiggled on the cock up her ass. "And you do know how to fuck me good."

Jack got in front of them and pushed Raul onto Lisbeth, then pulled his ass cheeks apart so Benny could dig deeper up his ass. As he did both Raul and Lisbeth sucked on his horse cock. Jack fed his prick head to one mouth and then the other. Then when Lisbeth had it in her mouth he throated her.

"Oh, fuck, look at the bitch. She's gonna make me come." Raul rode Benny's cock and rammed his woman's ass. "Oh yeah. I'm coming." And with one hard jolt he pumped sperm into Lisbeth's anus, slow rolling his ass on Benny and letting the cum flow. "Oh, fuck, bitch. You like that?" He fingered her cunt. "Damn, we both like it, a big dick up the ass. Ass fucked by your kid too."

Lisbeth slobbered, her legs in the air, riding the cock flooding her ass with cum until she came again. "Of, fuck, whatever." She shook all over. "Oh goddam my ass. We'll get a dildo for you too, baby. Don't stop pumping me yet."

Once they'd settled down Jack pulled Benny out of Raul's hole and pushed his giant prick head into the loosened anal pucker. Raul moaned. "Oh, fuck man. I just came, and you want to rip my ass up."

"Yeah." Jack whispered into his ear. "This is just so you know what Benny loves and takes like a champ. Why I love the boy and have to have him." He pulled Raul's head back by the long black hair and gently forced more and more cock into his ass, feeling the man shiver. "You're shaking, baby."

"Fuck, yes." He tried to push his ass hole open.

"You want me to stop?" Jack pushed deeper.

"No. Just --. Go slow back there."

"You're burning, huh Raula?"

"Yeah. It's been a while." He arched back to meet the pushing organ. The burning thrilled him, It always did. "Fuck. Got to take it, got to take it. Burning up my ass real good, Mr. Jack." He jerked his cock inside Lisbeth's ass.

Jack reached around and squeezed Raul's rock hard shaft root. "And you like it. Little Raul has always liked it."


"Pull your ass open for me, baby. Like you did for your daddy." Jack held Raul's cock and pulled his ass back. "Open little Raul's pucker."

"OK. Just don't tear me again, Daddy." He pushed and pushed until his anal pucker swelled around the cock root. The thickness thrilled him like nothing ever had. Everything but the cock in his ass went blurry like when he was a child. "I'll be better next time, Daddy. It'll be easier. Just don't hurt me."

"Don't you worry, Raula boy. I know how to open a tight ass." Slow pumping, deeper and deeper, Jack forced the anus open. "Just concentrate on the cock up your bitch's ass, and ride the stallion."

"I'm feeling my ass. It gets me hot." He panted and pumped Lisbeth. "Your big cock always gets me hot. You know I can't help it."

"I know when a man needs a cock up his ass, slow and deep." Jack worked his horse meat in and out. "You feel so good, Raula. Like little virgin Benny a few days ago. But we'll get you loose again so when Benny comes to see his mama you can go riding again. How about that?"

"Yes, Sir. You're the biggest daddy I ever had." He reached behind to feel the thickness of the shaft digging its way to his soul. "Making me boy pussy again. That thing gets me hot." He began rocking his ass as his eyes watered and his mouth drooled.

"That's a good boy, Raul. I guess I got another man ass to take care of. Should probably take you up to the rangers." Jack show pumped the loosening hole.

"You're bigger than Uncle Jose, even his black friend, Tyrone. You're gonna make me boy pussy again, Jack. I'm gonna need some more ass loving."

"Yeah." Jack held the rock hard root of Raul's cock still in Lisbeth's ass. "Nice. We're almost in there, little Raul."

Raul's finger didn't quite go around the base of Jack's shaft. "Fuck, man, three inches of shafting ass fire still to go."

"Yeah, three more inches of fire before the fury, or do you want me to take it out?" Deep and slow the horse cock worked with no intention of coming out.

Raul pulled Jack deeper. "Gets thicker at the end, don't it?"

"Sure does, boy. Can you feel your ass throbbing over me, wanting more."

"Yeah. He chewed on one of Lisbeth's nipples until she moaned in delicious pain. But she held his teeth to her tit. "I know, bitch. It hurts me too, but damn, I'm taking it. Hurts so good sometimes."

She moaned again. "Just keep pumping my ass, Raula." Lisbeth rubbed her clit. "Mama loves taking it up there."

"What a happy family. Come over here, Benny, and let your mama suck your cock."

"Look at you, Benny. I never knew you were such a big boy." The proud mother pulled her son's prick head to her lips. "Oh, yeah baby. You taste just like Raul after he's been up my ass." Then she pulled the soft boy ass cheeks and throated the eight inch shaft.

Benny held her head and face fucked his mother. "Wow, mama. I didn't know you liked doing that so much. You're better than Jamie." He slid his prick head out to her lips and let her nibble on his cum slit before pushing it down her throat again. Lisbeth took the cock over and over, holding her son's big hairless testicles and a finger hooked into his anus.

Jack felt the blockage in Raul's guts and massaged the shaft in his belly to push his prick head slipped past the bend, and his entire cock shoved up his fuck prey's fire filled ass. When he pushed the last millimetre into the tight anus he sighed, "Ahhh-ha. Raul, baby. My big nuts are hanging right on top of yours."

Raul reached between his legs, grabbed Jack's bull's balls and smeared them against his own. "Oh, big Daddy. My ass never been so full." He swelled his ass pucker over the last millimetre of cock shaft. "Oh, yeah. Big Daddy got his boy again. You know I'm good boy pussy, anywhere, anytime, like I always did for you, Daddy. Anyone else you want too."

"That's a good boy. Jack's going to make little Raul's ass hungry again. Just like he wants."

"Yes Sir, Mr. Jack." He craned his neck to look back at his dominator. He'd never had such a big, beautiful man in him before. The huge organ controlled him like no cock ever had. "You gonna fuck me crazy now, big Daddy? I don't know how much I can take." He rolled his ass. "But I want to." He held Jack's body to his. "You know I want to, big Daddy."

"I know you do. Little Raul wants my big cock so much." Jack pulled his head back by the hair and spat into the open mouth. "So let's see how much little Raul's ass pussy can take. Open your tight hole to big daddy Jack now." He kissed his ass boy and pumped. "Oh yeah, just like that. I can feel your pucker swelling. You remember how to use your ass."

"I do, big Daddy." Raul pulled his cheeks apart and arched back. "Oh, my fuck hole." The cock pushed hard into him. "You're my biggest, but pretty soon I'll take you so good." The anal stretching burned, branded him, made him belong. His whole body wanted to devour the giant horse cock. He envied Benny now. "I'll be good, big Daddy, just like Benny." He held his cheeks open, loving every pump he was given.

"My little ass jockey just got on his new stallion so let's go riding some, Raul boy."

"OK, big Daddy." Raul buried his face in Lisbeth's tits and felt the last three inches pump hard and fast. "Oh fuck my ass yes." He slobbered on his woman's big breasts. "Look at me Lisbeth. I'm getting ass fucked good." The ass fire became ass lust, and Raul reached behind to pull his ass wide open. "Oh, big Daddy, your boy feels good."

Jack lend over his ass prey. "Just like when you were little, huh, Raul. Big tight man wants his boy pussy back."

"Yeah." Raul held him tight. "Want --. Want to be good boy --. My daddy loved my boy pussy." He rolled his hips now, feeling the huge organ fill him. "Oh my fuck hole. He never made it feel like this, big Jack. You're gonna make my ass come looking for you. I push on to you anytime you want."

"You have been missing it." Jack dug deep.

"I never had anything so big, so good." He pulled his cheeks apart, offering his hole to his new dominator. The deep lunging meat filled him with years of missed lust. "Oh big Daddy. Is good. Big Jack. So big. I'm gonna need you."

"I know, baby. I can feel you shiver. You want me like the cock slave you were as a boy." Jack slammed deep.

"I do, big Daddy. I want you to love my ass like I love you in me. I be good."

The pumping shaft became a drum major that matched the ass throbbing. Jack brought Raul's anus, his whole body, into perfect harmony with the huge horse meat ramming him. "Oh, baby. We're getting kind of good together."

"I know. I never had anybody do me like this, big Daddy. You doing something to me, big Jackie. It ain't just size. You're putting real love in my ass."

He lay over his woman feeling his own cock fuck hard. He gnawed on her nipple. "Damn, don't bite it off, Raul baby." But she panted from lusty pain.

"Sorry, babe." Raul felt he could fuck her all day with more power in his cock than ever before. "I'm getting done so good." He reached between his legs and pulled Jack's giant testicles to his. "You gonna come, big Daddy? I want it bad."

"I knew you'd like it." Jack knew Raul was hooked. He leaned over him, melted his muscled torso onto his back and licked his neck as he deep fucked the lean Chicano. "Uh-huh. Big and hard and way up in there." He pumped slow and deep. "Oh, yeah. Little Raul waited way too long for this, haven't you?"

"Yes." He panted with ass lust. "You're turning me on again." He pumped Lisbeth's and sucked on Benny's cock. "Damn, big Daddy. You know you're making my ass feel good."

"Your ass is in love with my cock, Raul." He reached between their legs and held the warm fuzzy testicles. "Nice big balls. And I can feel your ass so hungry, just like when you are a little boy. You feel that?"

"Yes." He moaned into Lisbeth's tits." Fuck me, big Daddy." He sucked on Lisbeth's nipple like he did his mother when his father and brothers fucked his ass. "I'm a good boy."

"Benny and I might have to make regular visits to give your ass some loving. Would you like that, little Raul?" Jack treated him like a child now, kissed his neck, licked his ear, all the time plowing his fuck channel loose.

"Yes." Raul rocked and gyrated his ass to feel the giant shaft all over the inside of his body. "Oh, yes. Fuck me fuck me, yes. I'm good boy."

"That's right. And I'll be your big daddy." He pulled on Raul's testicles until he felt the man flinch.

"Oh, yes, yes, big daddy." Raul blabbered into Lisbeth's tits. "I been a good boy. Don't hurt me too much, Daddy." But the pain excited him. "You're burning my nuts. Oh, yeah, they burn."

"Suck on mama's tits, Raul.. Benny, bring your cock closer so Raul can suck it with your mama's nipple."

"Oh yeah." Raul immediately sucked in the big beautiful boy cock head, then in a daze want from nipple to prick. "You want to come in my mouth? And up my ass? You can if you want. You taste good, Benny. My ass is good now too. Big Daddy got me going real good."

Jack reached around and felt Raul's rock hard shaft still digging in Lisbeth's ass hole. "Damn, you both like it. You OK with you man getting fucked, Lisbeth?"

"Fuck me, yeah. I don't care." On the verge of another orgasm Lisbeth moaned, "Whatever, just fuck my hole. He can do what he wants with his own ass. Oh, goddam Raul. You gonna make me come again, just thinking of that big dick up your ass."

"But I think that's enough for now." Jack slowly slid more than ten inches of hot raw shaft out of Raul's softened anus. "Benny and I will go now. Leave you two to satisfy each other. I got my boy to take care of."

He picked up Benny who clung to him with arms and legs. Standing next to Raul he lifted Benny high and said, "Put my cock up my son's ass for me, Raul. See how easy it goes in."

Raul aimed the huge prick head at Benny's anal pucker and watched the boy slide down the love pole until he sat content on his lover daddy's shaft. "You happy now, Benny?"

"I love you so much, Daddy. Jackie's my daddy." The boy melted into his muscle man's chest. "I love you, I love you, I love you."

"You just love my cock up your ass." Jack pulled the cheeks apart and wiggled his shaft around the warm boy hole.

"That too, Daddy."

"Grab that beach towel and hold it around us because I'm going to carry you back to the cabin just like this, stuck on my dick, then I'm going to spend an hour or two loving you real good."

"You just love being in my butt."

"That too, Benny."

"Should we take some of my clothes and stuff, Daddy." The boy rocked on the love shaft he adored.

"You won't need much to wear. I like you naked, and we can come back for your stuff later."

"I like you naked too, Daddy." They kissed. "Kissing your butt hole was fun too."

"Oh, Benny. I'm going to love you so much." He licked his son's ear and whispered, "Might even love your big boy cock up my ass sine you like kissing it so much.. What do you think about that?"

"I'm going to love you too, Daddy. I'll put my tongue in your butt all the time if you want, Daddy."

"Oh, fuck, Benny. Let's got back to the cabin and fuck the shit out of you some."

Benny hugged his Daddy with all the love in him.


Next: Chapter 10

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