Camp Site Butt Boy

By Succumballs / Michael Arno

Published on Aug 1, 2019


This story is pure fiction, and the contents should remain fiction. It contains sex acts between men and boys. Do not read it if this subject matter upsets you. Just stop and go somewhere else. Comments at


Camp Site Butt Boy Part 8

In line at the market Jack held his new boy close. "Now tell me again, Benny. Your mama put down `father unknown' on your birth certificate?" His lawyer mind contemplated how to get the boy.

"Uh-huh. She said it was someone she slept with at a weekend party, but there were lots." Benny's arm was between Jack's legs from behind, his hand right up under the crotch where he knew his lover daddy liked it. When he fondled a giant testicles through the thin cotton shorts Jack tousled his hair.

"Such a good boy." He pulled Benny's face to his belly as the boy wobbled his balls. "Now let's go get your mama and make dinner at my cabin."

They found the campsite and Lisbeth lying on a chaise lounge, a cast on a leg and arm. "I fell off the goddam rock wall." She whined. "Now Raul has to take the bus here to get me and Benny because I can't drive, and he's madder than hell. He's going to have to take care of both of us for a while."

"Not Benny." Jack put his arm over the boy's shoulder. Benny's hand went between Jack's legs again and fondled the huge testicles. "He wants to stay with me. Says Raul doesn't like him, you don't want him. And I do."

"Well, who says I'm gonna let him go with you?" Lisbeth looked at the huge bulge of the hanging shaft in Jack's shorts and wondered what she could get out of him. "Is he sucking you off? He sucks Raul. I know he does. Don't you, you little cock sucker."

"So do you." Benny buried his face in Jack's belly. "Jackie." The boy whined. "Don't make me go with her."

"What's it to you if he is, Lisbeth?" Jack scratched the meat tube she stared at. "He's a good boy, and we like each other."

"Nothing. Fuck him if you want. I don't give a shit. I bet Raul has already."

"He has not." Benny protested, looked up at Jack wanting him more than ever. His hand openly fondled Jack' giant testicles now. "He never did, Jackie."

"It's all right, Benny." He leaned down and kissed his boy on the mouth. "Now open my zipper and show your mama what she's starting at so hard."

Benny grinned, got Jack's pants open and pulled out the huge fuck organ that hung like a limp horse cock until the boy wiggled it at his mother. "Look at that, mama. It gets really bigger too when it's hard." Benny was obviously proud if his fuck daddy.

Lisbeth stared, whispered, "Oh, my fuck." Her hand went between her legs. "Do you ever do --, do women, you know --, sometimes? Oh, fuck, I bet you're good at that."

Jack opened his pants' button. "Get my pants off, Benny. Got to give the girl some." The boy helped his lover daddy step out of the shorts and laid them on a chair. The giant testicles hung like ripe avocados until Benny caressed them with all the love in him.

Lisbeth gulped at the wonderful sight when Jack walked to her. "Oh, my goddam. Shit, Jack. I never saw --. Oh, my god. I'm not sure."

"Suck my dick, bitch, and I might fuck you." Twigs crunched as two men walked by and stopped. Jack grinned. "Just suck it. I like an audience." He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her face to his meat. "I said suck my dick. You deaf?"

Eyes riveted to the shaft Lisbeth didn't care who watched. Jack pushed the soft organ between her lips. "Oh, my goddam. I never had anything so big, so wonder --, ful. What a --, what a full --, mouth ful." She licked and kissed the huge organ like a hungry cock eater, pumping her pussy the whole time. Then she gagged herself on it.

"Damn, look at you go." Jack slapped her face with his prick head as she tried to gobble at it before taking the thick shaft in her good hand and sucking the meaty head. "You mama just loves sucking on my big thing, Benny. Look at her go."

"I know." Benny's hand went between Jack's legs from behind again and fondled the gigantic testicles he loved so much. "Raul lets me watch her suck him off when she doesn't know I'm looking."

"You shouldn't be watching, Benny. Go in the tent." Lisbeth stopped sucking.

"Just shut up and keep sucking, slut." He pulled her head close and gagged her. The two strangers who watched came closer. "Looks like those two guys might want their cocks sucked too, Lisbeth. And I like watching you."

Lisbeth looked over. One man had his cock out, a smooth seven inch chocolate brown beauty. "Oh, my goddam. Look at that cock." She fingered her pussy. "Look what you're making me do now." She was helpless to control her lust. "You're getting my pussy going."

"Shut up and suck." Jack forced his prick head to the back of her throat, then spat into his hand, put the slime in his ass crack. Benny moved his hand to the wet ass pucker and finger fucked his lover daddy like Jack liked. "That's a good boy. Get me going for your mama." He rolled his ass on his boy's fingers, then moved Benny's other hand to the root of his cock shaft. "Push my dick around your mother's mouth, Benny. Watch how much she likes it."

"Don't let him do that. He's my son. Stop it, Benny." But she couldn't take her mouth off the giant meat head so let her son slap her face with Jack's giant wonder cock before grabbing the shaft and sucking on the smooth meat head. Benny pushed the back of her head, forcing her to throat the tumescent monster.

"That's a good girl. Just swallow. I can tell you've done this before." Jack pulled slowly, then held her nose to his shaved pubic area and felt his shaft swell in her gulping throat. "Stand up here on the bench, Benny, and let me suck your cock while your mama's sucking on me."

Benny stripped and got on the table. Jack kissed the big fat almost eight inch boy cock that bounced hard and ready for him. Lisbeth came off his giant fuck monster in her throat gasping. As she cock worshipped the huge organ she bent her head and looked up at her son. "Goddam, damn, Benny, where'd you get that thing?"

Jack pushed a finger into Benny's ass as he sucked his little boy's beautiful dick. "Yeah. What a happy family." He laughed and gagged Lisbeth again. Then he pulled the finger out of Benny's hole for more spit. "You taste so good, Benny. I just love you so much."

"I love you, Jackie. More than anything." The boy grinned down at his lover daddy when Jack swirled his tongue around the boy's thick meat head and looked up at him. "I'm glad you like my cock, Jackie, like I like yours."

The two men watching came into the campsite. Lisbeth watched them stroke their cocks as she sucked Jack, one black and so smooth, the other white as snow with purple veins. She spread her legs to show them her wet cunt.

Once Jack was hard enough he pulled his cock out of her mouth. "Now stand up and bend over." He pulled her swimming robe open. He knew she was naked under it.

"I can only stand on one leg." She whined.

"Well, kneel on the chair with the other leg, and spread your pussy. Looks like you're going to get plenty of cock."

"My son is watching me." Lisbeth whined again.

"You worried about that? Get down here, Benny." When the boy stood next to him Jack pulled the mother's mouth to her son's erection. "Suck him, Lisbeth. He's bigger than that guy you're spreading your legs for."

Lisbeth looked up at her beautiful son. "I never --."

"I said - suck him." Jack pushed her face to her son's beautiful cock.

Lisbeth opened her mouth and tasted her own child's cock for the first time. "I think I know who your daddy is now, Benny. But I shouldn't --, oh my goddam. I shouldn't do --." She sucked in the boy's prick head. "Oh my goddam, girl." And she sucked her son.

Benny pulled her head closer and gagged her. "It's OK, mama. I like it."

"Of course you do. Everyone does." She gave in to her predicament and sucked her big, beautiful son. "At least everyone I ever met." She admired her son's thick long shaft as she kissed his prick.

"Now get up and bend over like I said." Jack interrupted the mother performing oral sex on her son.

Lisbeth's cunt was aching for cock. She stood, turned and bent over. Jack slid right up her in one smooth glide making her cry out. "Oh my goddam, that hurts." She whined when the last inch rammed into her.

"You want to start with something smaller?" Jack pulled the black man with the seven inch cock. "What's you name, kid?"

"Roland." The black man stroked Jack's giant organ that was only half buried in the sticky hole. "Wow, you got a real beauty there. That's a real fuck monument."

"You want some pussy, Roland?"

"Yes, Sir." He grinned and stood behind Lisbeth who immediately pulled the dripping cock head to her pussy lips. "Damn, your bitch is hot." Roland fucked the wet cunt. "You like watching your wife get fucked, huh mister?"

Jack grinned, spat into his hand and smeared the slime into Lisbeth's ass crack. Roland grinned back at him, then fingered the woman's ass hole. Lisbeth rolled her clit over the shaft fucking her pussy, and let the stranger open her ass.

"Oh, my goddam. You're not going to fuck my ass." Lisbeth always hated the first anal penetration of the day, but once loose she loved double fucking, and she rocked on the cock in her cunt and the finger in her ass. "You're not going to fuck my ass." She moaned when another finger pushed into her anus. "Oh, my fucking ass. You're not --." But she was moaning and rocking now. "-- going to fuck my ass. Oh goddam." She panted out of control now. "Going to fuck my ass."

"What this bitch want, mister?" Roland pumped the wet cunt as the other stranger came around to Lisbeth's mouth. "Suck on Bernie, bitch. We get you nice and full."

As the white cock was forced into her mouth Lisbeth babbled, "You're not going to fuck my ass. You not --." She babbled with the cock in her mouth. "Going to fuck my ass?" She sucked a while, then, "You going to fuck my ass. I know you are. But I can't. Oh, fuck. My son is watching me." She gulped as the white cock was forced down her throat.

"Shut the fuck up." Bernie throated her with a thick eight inch shaft.

Roland pulled out of the sticky hole and pushed his cock slowly into the tight anus. Her body jerked, her throat contracted over the shaft stuffing it, and she went limp like she always did, waiting for the fire to go out, waiting for the ass pleasure. Even ass pleasure could get her off.

After a nice long suck and ass fingering, and watching his mother get ass fucked, Benny held Jack's neck and lifted one leg. Jack smiled at his fuck boy. "You want my dick now, Benny?"

"Yes." The child glowed with love. "I like you in me."

"Well, come here then, my sweet butt. Jackie wants to make his baby lover happy too." He lifted his fuck boy by the ass cheeks. Benny held his lover daddy around the neck with one hand, the other aimed the giant meat shaft into his loose fucked hole. There was little burning now, and Benny clamped himself against his muscle daddy's chest. Jack set him on the table and slow pumped his warm ass hole. "My little Benny has such a sweet ass hole."

"Do you have to fuck mama for me to go with you?" He cuddled close, wiggled on the cock root.

"Don't know, angel. If I have to. Maybe tomorrow. She seems pretty full right now."

"Me too." Benny looked up at his lover daddy who filled him with joy. "I like feeling like this."

Jack's hands slid all over his boy's silken ass cheeks, legs, back. Their tongues slithered in each other's mouthes as Benny's ass was slow pumped. "I love fucking your ass so much I'm going to keep you nice and full." He licked Benny's neck. "Of cock, of cum."

Benny couldn't think of anything more wonderful and rolled his ass over his lover daddy's pumping shaft until he heard movement next to them.

Bernie had sat on a chaise, and Lisbeth was trying to straddle him. With a cast on her leg and arm it took her a minute to get his cock up her pussy. Then Roland pushed her forward onto Bernie and went back up her ass.

"Oh, my goddam, yes." Lisbeth rocked on the double fucking shafts pushing her fuck holes in all directions. "Oh fucking yes. I just love getting it like this."

"Let's give mama something to suck on, Benny." Jack rotated his fuck boy around on his shaft and held the boy's back to his chest.

Then he walked them over to Lisbeth who immediately sucked her son's dripping cock into her mouth. "Oh, yeah." She and Bernie both worked on the boy's thick cock. "Oh my goddam. It's ben a long time since I had all this at one time."

"Well, how about some more." Jack lifted his Benny off his shaft that bounced in Lisbeth and Bernie's face. Bernie grabbed the huge horse cock and forced it into Lisbeth's mouth who sucked the ass slick off the huge organ trying to get it all in her mouth as her ass and cunt were rammed.

"Fuck, bitch. You can't get enough." Bernie lifted her hips and power slammed her pussy.

"Use your tongue to get my cock back up Benny's ass, Lisbeth." Jack pulled out of her mouth.

Benny's huge ripe testicles hung over her nose as Lisbeth tongue fucked her son's red and raw anal pucker like Raul made her do regularly. "Look at you, Benny. Such a pretty ass hole, and nice big balls." She pushed Jack's giant meat head back into her son's waiting anus and sucked in his heavy, pink and hairless testicles. Then she slipped them out and licked her way up to his cock head. "Damn, Benny. You're as big as Raul."

"Fucking hell, bitch." Roland who was fucking her ass started pounding her hard and fast. "I'm gonna fucking come in your ass. Yeah." And he slammed her hard for another minute before ramming her full of cum. "Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Yeah, I'm coming, bitch." Roland panted and pumped Lisbeth's ass full until he started wobbling and pulled out to sit down. "Damn, that was a good one."

Jack grinned at Benny and raised his eyebrows, then raised the boy up and off his cock shaft and set him on the chair behind his mother. Lisbeth felt the cock brush her ass and pulled the head to her loose fucked ass, and for the first time Benny fucked his mother. Lisbeth got so hot knowing her son was pounding her she rubbed her clit harder and harder on Bernie's fuck organ.

Benny fucked harder and faster too. "I'm going to come, Jackie." He looked at his lover daddy. "Up mama's ass."

"Not there, Benny. I want to see you squirt in her mouth." Jack put his cock back into Benny's ass and walked him around to Lisbeth's face.

"Look at your cock, Benny." Lisbeth admired her son. "All shining, streaked with ass cum." And she gobbled on the prick head.

"Hold his cock and jack him off in your mouth, Lisbeth." Jack slipped his cock out of his boy's ass and stood him on a bench.

Lisbeth jacked her son hard and fast, sucking the prick head, wanting to suck out her reward. Just as Benny was about to come Jack shafted her ass with his horse cock. Lisbeth screamed in ass pain as Benny flooded sperm over her tongue into her moaning mouth.

"That's my Benny. Feed her good." Jack pounded her ass as he watched ropes of Benny's sperm fill his mother's mouth.

Once she had sucked her son dry Bernie pulled the boy's cock to his mouth. "Tighten your cunt, bitch. I'm gonna come." He sucked the boy as the mother rode him wild.

"Goddam my ass, Jack." Lisbeth jerked as the horse cock rammed her into orgasm. Just then Bernie shot up her cunt.

All three of them panted as Jack power fucked her wrecked ass. "Oh goddam, please come. You're tearing my fucking ass up." She knelt spread assed with a cock still pumping her cunt as her ass was horse shafted.

"That's a good girl." Jack rammed hard. "Won't be long now. Where do you want me to come. In here? In your cunt? Your mouth?" He was having a good time feeding this bitch more than she'd bargained for.

"Oh my goddam. Please come. Anywhere." Lisbeth's ass ached as she sucked her son and rocked on the cock in her pussy. "Oh, my goddam, oh my goddam ass."

Jack pulled out of her ass and stood next to Benny. "Watch me fill your mama's mouth with cum, Benny. It'll be a nice thing to remember. Suck my dick, Lis-bitch." He jacked his cock at the woman's open mouth. "Open wide now, and stick out your tongue."

When she did Jack whispered, "Oh, fuck yeah." And his huge cock shaft hosed her mouth with sperm. Jack held her hair to keep her mouth wide open. And he and Benny watched the thick prick head squirt and squirt, filling the mouth with white juice. "Yeah, just gulp it down. Good girl. That's it."

Lisbeth swallowed and swallowed as sperm kept shooting over her tongue. When Jack was pretty much done coming he pushed to the back of her throat. She knew what he wanted and drew a deep breath as the huge, meat shaft filled her mouth and slid down her throat.

"Wow, mama." Benny watched fascinated. "I never did that before."

With his whole ten inch shaft buried down Lisbeth's throat Jack held the mouth tight to his pubic bone and kissed his boy. "Now go put your dick back up mama's ass. Give her something to really remember this by."

Lisbeth saw stars as her son pushed his huge boy cock back up her ass. Then she pushed off the throating cock and panted as she licked and sucked Jack's giant meat miracle. "Oh my goddam, what a goddam cock." She blabbered and rocked on the two shaft in her fuck holes. Jack pulled Benny out of his mother's anus and fed her his ass slicked cock again. "Oh my goddam." She panted and sucked her son.

"Benny and I will come by tomorrow and say goodbye to you and your Raul. OK, Lisbeth?"

"I just might want to keep him now." Lisbeth licked her son's testicles.

Jack slid his horse shaft up the boy hole right to the root. "That's out of the question, Lisbeth. Look how good we fit together."

"I'll be deciding that, Jack." She stared at the giant shaft's root in her son.

Jack set Benny down, pulled Lisbeth off Bernie's cock, threw her over the picnic table and rammed her ass with cock. She cried out in pain as the last inch dug into her. "Your little Benny can take it, but you can't. That's why I'm taking him. I'll bring the papers for you to sign tomorrow." He pulled out of her ass. "Get dressed, Benny. We're going." Then to Lisbeth, "You can hobble over to my cabin for dinner about 7:00."


Next: Chapter 9

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