Camp Site Butt Boy

By Succumballs / Michael Arno

Published on Feb 12, 2019


This story is pure fiction, and the contents should remain fiction. It contains sex acts between men and boys. Do not read it if this subject matter upsets you. Just stop and go somewhere else. Comments at

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Camp Site Butt Buy Part 5

After clearing away the breakfast dishes Jack sat at the table next to Lisbeth. "The boy and I will be just fine, Lizbeth." He squeezed her thigh. She sat motionless, thrilled by the attractive man, so the hand went under her robe and stroked the flesh near her crotch.

"Please mama. Let me stay with Jack." Benny pleaded, watching his mama get Jack's attention.

"Well." Her legs spread without thinking. "If he wouldn't mind." The beguiling muscle man slipped his hand into her bikini and her cunt. "OH, my goodness, Jack. You are quite a man." She let herself be fingered.

"Well, I just thought we might all get to know each other a little better." He pulled his finger out and put it in her mouth. She sucked. "Now go off and have your fun with that mountain climbing man and let me and Benny get to know each other. He'll be fine with me."

"I'm sure he will." Lizbeth stood. "I should be finished about 2:00."

"Give Benny and me the day together. I'll bring the boy to you around dinnertime, between six and seven. What campsite are you in?"

"Number fourteen." Lizbeth adjusted her suit and robe, giving Jack a glimpse of her pussy.

"Well, see you then, sweetheart." Jack stood, turned her around to usher her to the door.

Lizbeth stood still, waiting for more. Jack slipped his hand into the back of her bikini and fingered her ass pucker. "Oh, my. I've never had anyone up there before, but I could try if --, oh my god." The finger pushed against her anus. "If you --. You want that, do you." Jack pumped her anus. "Oh, I could try..."

Jack pushed her off. "See you later, Lizbeth."

At the bottom of the steps she turned and said, "You be good now, Benny." She watched her son clutch Jack's waist and hold him between the legs, just like she wanted to as he embraced the child.

Once he'd closed the cabin door Jack slipped off his shorts. His huge, tumescent cock fascinated the boy as it swung toward him. "Finally got rid of that silly cow." He stripped the boy naked in the hall and picked him up. "Just how like my little ones." He fingered the boy's anus. "Let me grease your sweet little hole."

"I like you so much." Benny cuddled against the warm muscled body as oily fingers slithered around his ass pucker. "Did you put your finger in mama's butt too?" The child held tight as a finger slipped through his ass ring. "Oh, wow. That makes me feel funny good."

"I did, little baby butt flower." Jack felt him jerk as another finger entered his tight hole. "But I like yours so much better. I'm going to put so much more up here." He pumped with two fingers.

"Are you going to let her suck you too? She likes sucking on her boyfriend's pee pee. He lets me watch when she doesn't know I'm on the stairs. I've seen him squirt into her mouth. Are you going to do her like that?"

"No, I'm not. I just wanted her to think I might so she wouldn't think we're going to play like that. You understand?" The two fingers in the boy's anus pulled in opposite directions. "We're going to do so many fun things."

"It's fun already." Benny grinned as the finger explored his anal ring. "That feels funny. Funny good, good." He wiggled his butt and clutched the beautiful man. "I like being with you so much."

"And I like your ass hole, Benny." The two fingers pulled the ring open. "You are so relaxed I can get my finger way up in there. Feel that? Such a sweet butt flower. It's going to be easy to put the big thing in there."

"What thing?"

"My big fat cock." The boy squirmed against his chest. His cock got hard and slipped over the muscled stomach. "Oh, my baby wants some fun."

"We don't have to swim right now, do we?" The boy rubbed his stiffening cock against Jack's rippled belly as his ass was deep fingered. "You make my pee pee --."

"That's a cock, boy."

"You make my cock feel good when you do my butt like that." He began responding to the fingers, moving his anus in circles over them and melting into the strong man's body. I never knew my butt could feel so good.

"You're turning into my favourite little butt boy. I like your ass so much that I'm going to fuck it good and slow." He set the naked boy on the bed.

"What does that mean - fuck it?" Benny stared at the huge man dominated now by his half hard stiffening nine inch meat post. "Wow. I like looking at you, Jack. Can I hold your cock?"

Jack held his prick head to the boy's lips. "You can suck it, Benny, just like your mama does her friend." He put the boy's hand on his shaft. "That's it."

Benny explored the glans with his tongue. "Wow, you taste really good, salty. I like licking you."

"I said, Suck it. Get as much in your mouth as you can." He grabbed his shaft and pushed it to the back of the child's throat.

Benny gagged. "I'm sorry. My mama gags sometimes too."

"That's just fine, pumpkin butt." He knelt and kissed the beautiful child "But let's get you in a good position because I just love your sweet little body and I've got to fill it all the way."

He flopped the boy on his back, his head hanging over the bed. Then he squatted and smeared his prick head over the boy's lips, milked his shaft and fed it to the open mouth.

Benny lapped it up. "I like the way you taste, Jack." He licked the meaty glans and kissed the cum slit. "I like you so much."

"Well, pretty soon you won't taste a thing, Benny butt. I'm going down your throat and then I'm going up your ass. Open wide." He let the boy suck his prick as he jacked his shaft. "Yeah, just about hard enough to go down now. Take some real deep breaths, Benny, because in a second you're going to have to hold it a long time."

Benny grinned. "OK." He was told, thrilled that the huge cock head was sliding over his face. Then as he breathed in Jack held the back of the head and gently slid his entire thick shaft into the boy's throat. Jack watched the neck swell as his thick, nine inch shaft slid down. Benny lay passive like he'd seen his mama do when she took her boyfriend big black cock.

"Damn, this isn't your first time, is it, boy?" After a few deep strokes Jack slid out and rested his huge testicles on the boy's face. "How many cocks have you sucked like that?"

"None." The child licked the salty scrotum. "But I saw my mama do it before and Jethro taught her to just be still and take it." The scent between the ass cheeks filled Benny with desire. He pulled Jack's thighs closer. "I like smelling you, Jack. And your balls are so soft."

"Then I'll give you some of that too." After his testicles were licked he turned, spread his ass cheeks and planted his anus on the boy's mouth. His scrotum lay over the nose, his balls in the two eye sockets. "Get your tongue in there good and deep, Benny." He rocked his anus over the boy's mouth.

Benny reached around and held the huge cock root. "I like this too." He blabbered into he ass crack.

Ben turned again, leaned forward and sucked on the thick, seven inch rock hard boy cock. "Damn, you're a pretty boy. I'm gonna do your throat again." He slid his balls and shaft over the open mouth again.

Benny slurped on the meaty cock head. "I love being with you. I want to live with you." He panted until he saw stars, then he gently pulled Jack forward.

Jack grinned down at the tender young thing so eager to get throated, then he filled the small body with cock meat again until his testicles rested on the boy's face. Then he couldn't resist. He leaned down and sucked the beautiful boy cock as his own shaft plunged into his gut.

"If you lived with me, Benny, I'd do this to you every day. Me and some of my friends." Benny tried to nod his head, but it was held tight. Finally the shaft pumped slowly in and out, full length, bulging the thin neck as it filled the throat, and he could nod yes. "What a good sex toy."

Every time the cock head came into his mouth he gulped for air. When he had enough the shaft slid back down his throat.

Jack throat fucked the boy over and over. "Man, this is going to make fucking your ass real easy. Roll over." He flopped the boy onto his belly and dug his face into the smooth virgin ass crack.

"Oh, wow." Benny arched his back to meet the poking tongue. "You make me feel so good." Soon thumbs dug in, hooked the sphincter muscle and pulled the anal ring apart. "Are you going to fuck me now? Do my butt like you did my mouth?"

Jack laid over the small body that lovingly submitted to him. He greased the anal channel and then aimed his huge cock head at the soft hole, sliding the head along the ass crack. He caressed the entire boy body and licked Benny's neck. "I am, little one, and it's going to hurt, but once the pain is gone you will love me forever. I promise. Like I love your hole, you're going to love my cock."

"OK." Benny shivered with anticipation as the soft meat head slid over his anal ring. "You feel warm, and good on top of me. I love you already." The pliant child waited for the big organ. His ass quivered as the giant meat head slid over his anus. "It's so good with you."

Jack never aimed with his hands. They roamed over the soft body. With one perfectly directed jab his huge meaty cock head slipped into he loose anus. The child supplicant gasped, his body jerked and his ass muscle tightened with fire.

"It burns." He panted.

"I know." Jack slipped his cock out, knelt and pulled the boy's ass crack to his face. "I'm going to kiss it and make it better." He tongued open the anus again as he stroked the still hard boy cock. "You have such a nice ass hole. I want to fuck it so much."

"Me too." Benny felt his ass hole soften to the probing tongue. He loved Jack already and willed his hole open again to the licking tongue. "You make it feel so good. I want it so much."

"That's my boy." Jack laid him down again and slimed his prick head over the anal ring again. "Open up, my little fuck puppy. Kiss my cock with your ass hole." Benny tried. "Yeah, like that." When the ring softened Jack pushed back into the warm anus. "Oh, yes. Benny is so tight. Open up. You were a lot looser when my tongue was in there."

"It burns." He rocked his anal ring over the prick head's thick ridge. "I can feel that with my butt hole."

"I know. I can feel you too, burning for me. Your sweet ass is throbbing for my cock shaft. It burns so good I can hardly wait to get all the way in you."

Benny had never heard anyone talk like that. "Oh, fuck." He said for the first time in his life. He closed his eyes to better feel the giant shaft burn him open. He felt grown up now. "Oh, fuck. My ass hole burns."

"Burns good? Or burns bad?" Jack slipped his cock head out and pushed his two thumbs back in.

"Burns good." Benny wiggled on the fingers probing him, then sighed in joy as his ass was pulled back up to the face and tongued again. The feeling was bliss, and he reached behind to hold Jack's head to his crack. "I want you too, Jack. Oh fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. I love you doing, oh, yes, my ass."

"I think I will, little Benny." He rolled the boy over and put the legs over his shoulders. "It's time. I'm going to make you see stars. Fuck the daylight right out of you. Pull your ass hole open for me. I'm going to open a channel in you."

Benny reached under and obeyed, staring up into the glowing eyes of his dominator. When a finger push deep into his anus he gasped, "Oh, yes." He whimpered like a little puppy. "Oh, Jackie. Ohh ohh."

"You want more?" Jack swiped his meat head against the soft pucker.

The submissive boy shivered for more. "Yes." He reached to his anus. The cock he held was gigantic to him, but he slid the leaking prick head over his anal ring.

"Hold it right at your ass pucker." Jack put a gentle pressure on the tight anal ring. "Now kiss my cock with your ass lips. Use your butt hole like a mouth. Kiss me. Let me know how much you love it."

"I love it more than anything." Benny got impatient, swiping the glans all ever his tight hole. "I don't know how."

"Because you're too tight. Let go of my dick." When the child obeyed Jack aimed his huge meat head right at the hole and pushed gently. "You want it? You want me to fuck you?"

The child's stare was one of utter need. "Yes." He begged.

"Then suck it into your ass. Come get it. Show me you want to be my little fuck boy. Show me." Jack waited.

Benny slowly eased forward, rolling his ass over the leaking prick head. When Jack felt the pucker loosen he pushed the head into the anus again.

Benny closed his eyes. "I want to be your fuck boy."

"Yo do?"


"You feel that burning?" Benny nodded and panted. "I feel your ass hole pounding blood all around my big fat cock. It burns so fucking good."

"Yes, so fucking good." Benny eyes glazed over and he began to slobber. "It burns so fucking, so fucking, I'm getting so fucking --, cock up my ass."

Jack grinned at his new fuck boy. "Oh yeah." He couldn't wait to ram the tender boy hole. "You got the prick. Now you're going to get the rest."

The boy's strong dominator pumped slow strokes, deeper and deeper. His passive fuck boy panted and moaned. "I'm getting fucked fucked fucked."

"Yeah, and I'm going in now." Jack slowly slid his entire nine inch baseball bat through the throbbing anal pucker, poking and sliding around, boring a fuck channel deep into the soft body. When his huge testicles rested on the smooth ass back he sighed, "Yeah, oh fuck. I'm in your pussy ass now." And he kissed his little crumpled fuck toy. "You like that?"

Tears rolled down Benny's cheeks, but he nodded yes. He grasped his huge fuck dominator with both arms and legs, floating on the fire, panting for the cock in him. "Oh, Fuck." He whispered.

Jack licked the tears off his face, pumped slowly and regularly, the cock coming out no more than an inch. "Of course you want that cock up your ass. It'll feel so good in a minute." He moved in slow stroked. "You're my little boy. My favourite fuck boy has to love my cock in him." He kissed the trembling child.

Benny sucked his tongue. He'd had never felt so loved. He couldn't speak. He just lay there, passive, his ass ring pounding a fire through him that lit up his whole body. He loved Jack's drool in his mouth. "You make me feel --, oh fuck, on fire."

His anal ring throbbed like nothing he'd ever felt before. The hot shaft that he loved to look at, that had gone down his throat over and over now moved deep inside his body like it was looking for something. He wanted it to find what it was looking for. He wanted it to find happiness inside him like he felt. In the daze of fuck fire he wanted it always inside him.

When he forgot the pain he opened his eyes. Jack's tongue stuck out between his teeth. His eyes glowed with lust that Benny saw as deep love. He looked happy and grinned. "How's my boy? Feel better?"

"Yes. I like you inside me." The boy's eyes begged to be wanted. "I want you to like it too."

Jack studied the child, crumpled on his back, his anus splayed open by him and for him, his whole body offering itself to its dominator's huge cock. He was in his element and pumped his fuck toy full of lust and love. "I know. I know how much you love my cock, how much you want it." Jack whispered. "And I'm going to give it to you. I'm going to love fucking you."

"I love you too." Benny sucked on his fuck master's tongue.

And Jack began fucking longer, harder strokes. "Oh, yeah. I'm going to make your ass hole mine, Benny. Fuck you good. Oh, goddam yeah."

"Oh, goddam, yeah." Benny repeated. "Fuck me goddam good."

Jack grinned. "You've never talked like that before, have you?"

"No, but I like it." He pulled his ass cheeks apart. "I want you to fuck me goddam good because you want to."

"And you? What do you want?" The thick cock shaft swizzled around inside the soft warm body. "As if I didn't know."

"I want what you want, to belong to you. My mom doesn't really like me around. Her boyfriend likes me to watch her suck his cock, but otherwise he doesn't like me either. He never lets me suck him when she's nothing."

"Well, I will." There was something about this boy, something special. He was beautiful, and Jack wanted him to be happy. For the first time Jack wanted to please a fuck boy. "You're an angel. You know that, Benny?" He slid his long shaft out of the warm anus, hefted up the hips and sucked the anal ring. "Oh, yeah. Such a pretty pink ass."

"Oh, Jackie." Benny reaches down and held the sucking mouth to his hole. He'd never felt anything so wonderful. He wanted Jack to love fucking his ass. "I wish you were my daddy. Mom doesn't even know who he is. Not really. I just came along, she said, after a weekend of lots of guys."

"Little Benny likes his ass worked on." His tongue pumped the boy hole. He looked at the nice big testicles, almost as big as his own and on such a young boy. And the cock. It would grow too, already over seven inches. He knew he could fall for this boy. But what when he got older. He couldn't hunt for young boys all his life, and here was one so fuckable.

"Put your cock in me again, Jackie." The soft voice whispered like a real cock lover. "I love it when you're in me. I feel so --."

"What?" He lowered the hips and swiped his leaking glans over the soft anus. The boy waited so eagerly for his cock. "What do you feel, angel butt?"

"Like somebody likes me. Wants me even." Benny pulled his ripe anus apart.

Jack fingered the fuck hole and stroked the fat boy cock, so pleased with the perfect child. "Oh angel. I do want you. I like your beautiful ass so fucking much." He slid his nine inch fuck post back into his bright-eyed boy. Benny let out little whimpering noises. "You like that, puppy?"

Benny opened his eyes. "More than anything. Be my daddy."

"Well, I might just have to keep you. I wonder what your mama's going to say." Slow deep strokes sent the boy into ass heaven. He reached up. Jack bent over his new beauty and kissed him, rubbing his cock and balls.

"Don't make me come, Jackie. You feel so good in me now."

Jack grinned that the boy called him Jackie. "Why not? I may come myself in a minute." They'd been fucking for fifteen minutes now.

"Whenever you want."

Jack picked up his pace, pumping hard and deep. Both panted. Benny lay in the strong man's embrace, his anus pumped with cock power. A wave of male love washed over him like an unstoppable tide. He wanted Jack hard inside him, slamming cum into him. Jack licked the boy's neck, licked and pumped, harder, faster, sweating with a lust he hadn't felt in years.

"Oh, fuck, Angel butt. I'm going to come soon." He stroked his lover boy's cock as he rammed the ass raw. Over and over he slammed the boy hole. He felt the heat he worked up over the ass ring, felt his balls slam onto the warm ass back, felt the boy's anus melt into a soft ripe fuck hole.

"Oh, Jackie." Benny shivered with joy ad the shaft filled his ass with hot strength. "Jackie, I love you."

The ramming got stronger. "I know." Full cock strokes ravaged the gaping hole. "I love your ass too." Balls slapped, the anus got gooey hot the boy jerked with heat.

"Jackie, you're making me going to come. With my ass."

"That's my fuck boy." He slammed his cock in harder, faster.

"Oh, Jackie. My butt. I can't help it." And then the child let loose a stream of sperm that flooded his chest and belly.

"Damn." Jack panted at the pool of cum and then slammed deep and hard, over and over. Finally the orgasm rose in all its strength, filling the virgin ass with an explosion of male seed.

Benny opened his eyes at the hot eruption, like nothing he'd ever imagined. Warm, wonderful, loving. He pulled Jack's hips tight and blossomed his anal lips over the shaft as the shooting man rammed him. Then they stopped, time stopped, they panted into each other's mouthes, drooling, kissing, savouring the moment of sperm bliss.

"Wow." Jack finally whispered and began licking Benny's cum from his chest and face. "My little angel is a real cum fountain. I love the taste of little boy cum."

"Don't take it out, Jackie." Benny pleaded.

"Don't worry, Angel. I won't. I feel good in here." he pumped gently, then they rolled onto their sides.

Benny held the huge spent testicles in the scrotum that had loosened again, rolling them in his palm like good luck charms, rolling his anal ring over the good luck shaft that made him glow as ht slow pumped him.

Then he looked at Jack, his smile was full of love. "I never had anybody so nice before, Jackie." He whispered. "I love you more than anything." He pulled the testicles to his stuffed ass hole.

Jack tried to think if he had, then he said, "That's a good boy." He was thinking about keeping Benny. His ass was ready to be lived in now.

"I'll always be good, Jackie. I promise." He pulled the long scrotum and rubbed the shaved balls over his own testicles. "I wish I could get these inside me too." He wiggled on the hard shaft in his ass.

"Well, we'll try one day." Jack rolled his new toy onto his belly and dug his cock deep into the soft body. Benny pulled his ass cheeks apart, wanting as much cock as he could get in him. "That's a good boy. My little fuck melon." As he rocked his cock in and out he said, "You want to go up and see the ranger station, meet some rangers maybe, see some horses?"

"Yes." Benny sounded excited. "I like horses. I rode one once."

Jack rolled them onto their backs, swivelled Benny around. "Now bounce your ass on my cock. Ride me like you ride horses."

Benny grinned and leaned down for a kiss. "I never rode a horse like this." He rocked his anal ring up and down the long thick shaft.

Jack pulled the boy's lips to his and dug his shaft up into his ass. "Well, you're going to be riding this horse a lot, pumpkin butt. Now get off me." He pushed the boy up and off his shaft, turned him and planted his gaping anus on his mouth. "I'm going to drink my cum right out of your ass."

As he sucked the cum that leaked out of Benny's ass the boy bent down and sucked Jack clean, licking all the ass slick and dribble that dripped down the stiff shaft and onto the sticky testicles. He could have stayed all day with his face in Jack's genitals, he loved everything about the beautiful, wonderful, magical man. but Jack finally pulled him to another kiss.

As Benny licked all the ass slick from Jack's face he slid his loose anus over the cock shaft again. "I like you in there best, Jackie."

Jack closed his eyes and let the boy ride him again. "You are a good boy, Benny, but get off my cock, clean me up again and let's go see some rangers."

Benny jumped off the stiff shaft and licked it clean again, giving all his love to the beautiful cock, that was his now. When he tried to swallow it Jack held his head in a vice grips and forced his throat down over his shaft.

With no thought to the boy's comfort he pushed the head up and down, sighing, "Oh, yeah. We're going to feed you plenty, little Benny. Now come on. Get off my dick for now and jet's get up."


Next: Chapter 6

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