Camp Site Butt Boy

By Succumballs / Michael Arno

Published on Dec 30, 2018


This story is pure fiction, and the contents should remain fiction. It contains sex acts between men and boys. Do not read it if this subject matter upsets you. Just stop and go somewhere else. Comments at


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Camp Site Butt Buy Part 4

Jack woke late in the cabin he rented along the river near the camp grounds. As he made coffee he watched a woman with her son at the water. "Come on, sweetheart." She said. "Swimming is easy. I won't let anything bad happen to you."

The boy, a year or two younger than Jamie, stood facing the river. His round buttocks bulged out his red swim trunks. "What a delicious thing." Jack said to himself and slipped on a pair of shorts that he knew would show his thick cock once they got wet. Then he gulped his coffee and went to the shore.

Half in the water the mother stared up at the handsome bronzed blond muscle man. "Hi. I'm Jack. I've taken this cabin here."

"Hi. Lizbeth. This is Benny. He's afraid of water. I just want him to come in a little. It'll be hot today."

Jack ran his fingers through the silky curls of the boy's head and then sat down in the fine gravel. "Come here, Tiger." He pulled the boy to him and wrapped his arm around the thighs. "Are you afraid of the water?"

"Yes." Benny liked being held by the big man and smiled when the hand went between his legs up tight near the crotch.

Jack tickled the back of his testicles. "There's nothing in there that's going to hurt you."

"He can't swim." Liz called from the river where she sat shoulder deep watching the two grin at each other. She knew Benny missed having a man around the house.

Jack rubbed his nose across the smooth waist. "Well, I can teach you how to do that. Sit down right here, little Benjamin. I was a Navy Seal. Do you know what they are?" Jack put his arm around the boy's shoulder, holding him close and rubbing his chest.

The boy didn't know. "I know seals can swim. I saw them in the zoo once."

The mother was impressed with everything about Jack and watched Benny nestle against the warm muscled man, cozy in his embrace.

"And so can I, almost better than I can walk. You want me to teach you to swim?" He stretched out his arms and made figure eights with them. "Now you do that."

The boy imitated Jack. "Like that?" he giggled.

"Yeah, sort of. You push the water down with your hands to keep yourself up, in smooth gliding motions. Like this." He moved the boy's arm and slid his other hand up and down the child's soft back where the mother couldn't see. His hand went down to the waist and up again, and then under his swim suit and over the soft buttocks. "You feel that?"

"Yes." Benny obviously liked the physical contact of the big strong man. He had liked his mother's boyfriend until she made him leave.

"It's that smooth motion that's so good." Jack's hand slithered over the boy's buttocks. "Don't you think?"

When a finger pushed along his ass crack Benny looked up into warm glowing eyes and whispered, "Yea --, yeah." The same warm glow he'd seen in his mother's boyfriend's eyes when she caught them together.

"Oh, yeah." "You're so nice and soft. I like you, Benny. I hope you like me too." Jack removed his hand and licked his finger.

"I do. You make me feel funny."

"Really?" Jack slid his wet finger down the smooth hairless ass crack. "Good funny, or bad funny?"

"Good." Benny grinned up at the wonderful man whose hand held a butt cheek under his swim suit.

"You make me feel good funny too, Benny." When Lizbeth dove under the water Jack fondled Benny's crotch. "Such a meaty boy down here." He whispered. "I like that too."

"Mama says I'm not supposed to do that with other boys." Benny let himself be rubbed.

"Girls always say that to boys so they can't have any fun. That's why we don't tell them what we do. You know what I mean?" He put his arm over the boy's shoulder again. "If you want, I can teach you to swim. And lots of other stuff too."

"I'm scared." Benny opened his legs and leaned against the big man.

"Of what? The water?" Jack massaged the boy's genitals when he nodded yes. When Lizbeth started swimming Jack slid his hand up the inside of the child's thigh, under the swimsuit and gently held the soft boy penis. "Are you scared of this?"

Benny shivered. "No."

"Are you cold?" Jack continued rubbing the head of the thick boy meat.

"No. It just feels funny." Benny whispered.

"Good funny or bad funny?" The hunter cuddled the freshly dropped testicles. "Oh, nice big balls. That good funny too, I bet"

"Yes. I like it." Benny spread his legs wider. "But mama made her boyfriend go when he rubbed me there."

"We won't let her know because you're my favourite boy. Yeah." Jack's other hand went back into the soft ass crack. "Holding you makes me feel good funny too. Are you still scared?" The warm hand rubbed his cock head.

"No. I like you." Benny stared into the big blue eyes as one hand explored between his legs and the other pushed into his ass crack again. "I like how it feels."

§So do I." Snake charmer Jack smiled at his young innocent. "Your skin is so soft, Benny." He whispered as his hand slipped over the awakening boy cock. "Oh yeah. Such a sweet boy, with a nice big thingy I got in my hand. You like that. What I'm doing to you."

"Yes." Benny sat and stared at the big man who made him feel so good.

"Does anybody else play with you like this?" He stroked the cock.

"Not anymore. Mr. Andrew did until mama made him go." Benny closed his eyes. "But I like it. I do myself sometimes."

Jack squeezed the boy cock. "I bet that gets big and hard sometimes too, doesn't it?" Jack gently rubbed the prick head.

"Bigger than Mr. Andy. I like doing it too, even if I'm not supposed to."

"Me too, especially when somebody else does it to me. Makes me feel good. It's how I learned to swim, from a man who taught me lots of things." A finger pressed against the ass pucker.

"Will you teach me?" Benny looked into thrilling blue eyes. The big hand on his cock made him feel good.

"Of course I will." Jack dug under the growing cock to the hairless ball sack, filled with big ripe fruits, so ready. "I'm going to teach you lots of things."

"That tickles." Benny wiggled as Jack's finger pressed open the anus.

"Tickles good, huh?"

"Yes." The child laid his head on Jack's chest as his untouched anus was warmly massaged. "It tickles really good, Jack."

"I know it does." Jack opened his fly and put the boy's small hand on his meat piece. "I'm going to teach you so many things, little wiggle butt. Feel around down there between my legs. I like it as much as you do."

Benny was fascinated by the two giant testicles and a long meat tube. "Wow, you're really big."

"You like me being big?"

"Yes." The boy held the shaft inside the shorts.

"Well, I think you are just perfect like you are, Mr Wiggle Butt." Jack's finger massaged the soft anal pucker. Bend your knees and push up a little." When he did the finger pushed against the rosy, untrained boy hole. "Oh yes. Benny is such a good boy with the sweet little butt hole."

"Wha --, what are you doing?" No one had ever touched him there, and he shivered with wonder as a finger tip pressed into his anus.

"Just playing with your pretty hole, making it feel good. I want you to feel good all over." He pulled his finger out and slid it between the boy's lips. "Taste it." The boy obeyed, intrigued by the secret ritual. "That's a good boy. Yeah, suck it. Now lift up again." When he did the finger went straight to the anus again. "So sweet and soft. I like you so much." The finger pressed circles around the ass flower. "Especially right here."

Benny closed his eyes and wiggled. "I like when you do that to me, Jack."

"Oh, I know." The finger came out of the pants and went into the mouth again. "Leave some spit on it this time, Benny." The boy lifted up on his own when the finger went back to his anus. "Good boy. I love your little butt hole. It's the sweetest thing. Do you like my finger there?"

"Yes. Your pee pee is getting bigger. Is it because you like playing with my butt?"

"It sure is." The finger slithered over the virgin anal lips, then popped in.

Benny panted." That feels funny."

"Good funny." Jack's finger came out and ran circles around the love hole before pressing into the centre again.

"Ye --, yes." The boy's anus began to follow the magic finger.

"You like that? Me pushing in like this?" His finger want into the boy."

"I --, li -- like when you do tha --, that." He looked into eyes full of love. "I like it, Jack."

When Lizbeth came out of the water Benny buried his face in Jack's chest. "Are you all right, Benny?" She asked her son.

"He's just fine. I was telling him scary stories about swimming. Probably shouldn't have, but now he wants to be brave and go into the water now, don't you, Benny?"

When Benny nodded Jack asked, "Is it all right if I take him into the river. He'll be real safe with me."

"I guess so." Liz laid on a towel and watched them.

"Come here, big boy." Jack lifted up his new toy boy and held him to his chest. "Put your arms around my neck and your legs around my waist." When Benny grinned at the big muscle man Jack kissed his cheek and said to his mother, "He is the sweetest boy I ever met?" Then he carried him to the river.

As the water got up to Benny's waist he said, "You won't let go of me, will you?"

"Oh, honey butt. I'm going to keep you so close to me, and love every bit of you." He twirled the boy in circles in the slow moving, warm murky water, then held his shoulders. "Now, take a deep breath, hold your nose and let me dunk your head under."

"You won't let go?" Fear showed on the child's face.

"Never, honey butt. Now do what I said." He dunked the boy slowly under the water. When Benny came up he held tight around Jack's chest, grinning.

"I did it." He smiled and then waved at his mother. "I did it."

"And it wasn't so bad, was it?" Jack slipped his hands down the back side of the boy and pushed his trunks over the ass cheeks, then held him by the buttocks. When his finger tips tickled his ass pucker he asked, "You feel good again?"

"Yes." The boy relished the contact of Jack's body. "I like holding you best."

"I like holding you too, Benny, especially here." His fingers gently explored the virgin ass crack. "Yes, I do. You feel so good."

Benny rested a cheek on the broad muscled chest and melted into the gentle man. "I like it too." He held Jack feeling his anal bud slowly blossom. "Oh, Jack. I never did that before."

"But I can tell you like it." The fingers stretched the tight anus. "I can tell because your butt is getting so soft." he pulled the hole open a little. "You feel that?"

"Yes." Benny shivered again. "I like it a lot."

"You do. But you can't tell your mama you like me playing with you there."

"I know." The boy wiggled against the pressing fingers.

Jack grinned down at his new boy. "Undo my shorts and pull my cock up between us, boy."

With the hand away from the shore Benny pulled out Jack's stiffening nine and a half inch. "Wow, it's really big." The small hand felt it from tip to root.

"That's right. Hold my cock." Jack's hands pulled the cheeks apart before his middle finger slid deep up the hole. "You like that."

"It's really big." Benny did like it, Jack could tell.

"I meant this." His finger wiggled around the virgin anus.

"It feels funny. Good, good funny."

"It sure does. Little Benny's butt flower is getting nice and soft. I like that." With one hand he stroked the boy's stiff seven inch shaft as the other finger pushed around inside the virgin anus. "Oh yeah. You like my cock, and you know what it wants?"

"What?" Benny stroked the huge man glans.

Jack pushed two finger tips into the virgin ass. "It wants to go up in here. Feel all inside you. Make you feel good too."

"Will it fit?" Benny jerked as two fingers penetrated his ass for the first time. He rubbed the giant prick head, grinning at his new friend. "It's so big."

"I know, but you like it big, so I'll put it up your ass when you want, but now let's teach you how to swim. before I fuck your ass right here." He let the boy go.

In a panic Benny grabbed for Jack's neck. Jack held him above the water. Both their cocks went down like he wanted. "Don't be scared. Just kick your legs nice and slow front to back."

Then he held the boy under the belly so he was flat to the water." Now kick your legs and move your arms like I taught you." It was hard to concentrate with Jack's hand stroking the boy's cock, but a half hour later Benny was floating all by himself except for the hand on his cock. "I like you so much, Jack. It's fun with you."

"And you're not scared anymore?"

"Not with you." The boy stood shoulder deep, smiling, and waved to his mother. "I'm learning to swim, mama. Jack is so much fun."

When they came out of the water Lisbeth stared at Jack's huge limp fuck organ whose prick ridge showed through the pants. When their eyes caught he grinned and licked his lips at her tits. That should put her off the scent, he thought and sat next to her.

"Thank you so much, Jack. I just couldn't get him to trust me." She squeezed his thigh.

"No problem." He rubbed hers up near her snatch. "He's a wonderful boy." Then he made up a story. "Reminds me of my niece and nephew. I love kids. Had one of my own, but she died young, with her mother. I love them around the house."

"I'm so sorry."Lizbeth tried to smile.

"Let's not talk about it." Jack stood. "Benny said you wouldn't let him eat before going in the water, and he's hungry. You want to come in and let me make you all some breakfast?"

"Yes, please." Benny jumped into Jack's arms.

"I guess that means yes." Jack laughed at the boy, then, seeing hurt feelings picked him up and kissed his cheek turned him to the sink and fondled his ass again.

"I couldn't ask you to do that." Lisbeth's stood and put on a bath robe. Her eyes went to the heavy fuck organ hanging in his pants like a wet salami.

He squeezed it for her sake. "It'd be a pleasure. Come on in."

He set them at the breakfast table and then stripped out of his wet shorts in the hall, putting on fresh cotton with no underpants. "Come here, Benny. Let's get you out of those wet pants."

From his case he pulled shorts that split from back to front along the middle seam, held together by invisible velcro strips. Then he stripped off Benny's wet pants. "Put the kettle on, will you, Lizbeth?"

Hearing the woman obey he rubbed a soft towel all around Benny's genitals and into his ass crack. "Such a pretty boy. I just love you so much, Benny. I hope you like me too." He sucked the boy cock into his mouth as he fingered the tight anus. "Yes, I hope you like me too."

"That feels funny, Jack." Benny held the man's head.

"Good funny though." Jack licked the hairless testicles.

"Real good. Can I suck yous, too?"

"Not right now, little wiggle butt. What do you like for breakfast?"

"Waffles." The boy slipped on the pants Jack handed him.

"We don't have a waffle iron here, but I make the best pancakes in the world, with bacon and maple syrup and eggs if you want." He picked up the tender child and ripped open the back seam. As he fingered the fresh anus he carried him into he kitchen. The pants closed on their own when he set the boy down.

"Jack's going to make pancakes, Mama." The boy sat across from her.

"You don't have to go to all that trouble. Jack." Liz was hungry herself.

"It's no trouble. I love cooking, and I told you, I love kids."

"Are you going to teach me to swim some more, Jack?" Little Benny put his arms around Jack's waist and laid his head against his side.

Jack tousled his hair as he cracked eggs into a bowel. "If you want me to, and your mama says it's all right."

"But I signed up for rock climbing today; was going to take Benny with me. He's too young to do it, but he can watch."

"That's no fun. Can't I stay with Jack for the day?"

"I can't ask him to look after you all afternoon, Benny." Liz began eating her eggs and pancakes.

"You've dripped some egg yolk on your robe, Lizbeth." Jack stood close, his thick cock shaft against her shoulder as he wiped egg from the robe over her breast.

"That's fine, Jack." Lizbeth looked at the meaty organ that pushed and twitched against her shoulder. Her hand covered his. He immediately took it and moved it to his cock. "Oh, my goodness, Jack." Lizbeth felt the blood pulsing through the soft organ. "I don't know. I don't think I'm ready --."

"Well, that's just fine." He slipped his hand under her swimsuit to her nipple.

Lizbeth stood. "We should go."

"But I'd be happy to look after the boy while you're having your fun, Liz. We'll get to know each other a little better. I know the rangers here too. Maybe I could take Benny on a horseback ride."

"Well, if you want to, Benny." She looked from the gorgeous man to her son.

"Yes, please, mama." Benny held Jack's thigh tight near the crotch. "I promise I'll do whatever Jack says."

"That's a good boy." Jack tousled the boy's hair.


Next: Chapter 5

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