Camp Site Butt Boy

By Succumballs / Michael Arno

Published on Mar 25, 2021


This story is pure fiction, and the contents should remain fiction. It contains sex acts between adults and boys. The author condemns unwilling abuse of children in every form. Do not read this if this subject matter upsets you. Just stop and go somewhere else. Comments at


After fucking and sucking and a swim to clean off Jack led his new son and the new slightly younger little fuck boy, Robbie, back to his cabin. When they got to the end of the gay beach and dressed Jack realised that Robbie's great grandpa, Adam, had walked off without leaving the boy any clothes. When he wrapped the beach towel around little Robbie the boy had trouble walking in it.

"OK. Come here." He squatted so Robbie could get on his back.

"That's not fair, Daddy." Benny stopped walking. "He's just doing that so you'll carry him."

Jack turned and squatted, proud that his boy looked like a million dollars in his thin silk boxer shorts that hung a little loose on the boy's narrower hips. The tip of his fat prick head showed down the left leg. Jack took hold of his boy's meaty organ. "Kiss me and tell he what's wrong, angel?"

"You never carry me like that." Benny embraced his new father's bare cheat and tongue kissed him.

"Oh, my sweet little butt boy." He squatted again. "Get down, Robbie." And to his son, "Now take off my underpants and give them to Robbie, and you get on my back but just for half way. Then I'l carry Robbie." Benny stripped and took the towel from Robbie. "No you don't. You ride me bare back and buck naked so everyone can see you, bubble butt. You never know who might want to fuck your pretty ass. I bet you turn into a butt slut too."

"What's that?" Benny clutched his daddy with his legs and held him around the neck. Jack reached behind and fondled his ass cheeks. "I love you, Daddy."

"It's when you want to get fucked all the time. Come on now, Robbie. Don't lag behind."

"But look, Jack. Look, Benny." Rob pointed to a campsite in thick trees.

Two men stood stark naked except for their heavy black boots. The blond boy about twelve or fourteen tried to light a barbecue with a Bic lighter what was almost empty. The big black man, about thirty, fingered the stooped over blond ass as he stroked a half hard nine inch cock. "Well, isn't that a pretty sight." Jack verged off the main path toward them.

The black man turned toward the voice. "You wouldn't have a match, would you, buddy?"

Jack grinned at the black man's marathon body. "Like my cock and your boy's ass?"

"I meant a lighter." Then he saw the boy on Jack's back was naked. And then he saw the giant piece of meat in Jack's come fuck me shorts. "But maybe that too. This is my fuck boy, Rusty." He slapped the youth's ass. :I'm Tyrone. You can call me Ty, or big nigger dick if you want some." He stroked his thick cock. "Damn mister, I wouldn't mind seeing what's in those pants you got on." Ty stroked himself full length. "I'm good nigger ass, too, if you got what I think you got."

"I'm Jack. This is my boy, Benny, on my back, and your dick is almost hard enough to go up his ass." Jack turned. "Benny, get your ass a little lower." When Rusty saw what was going on Jack commanded, "You stay bent over right there, blondie."

"Yes, Sir." Rusty stayed bent over, rubbing his ass and waiting.

Benny loosened his legs and slid down his father until he felt Tyron's prick tough his anus. "This is fun, Daddy. Is that enough, Tyrone?"

Ty stuck a finger into the boy hole to feel how loose it was, and then he pulled apart the silken white cheeks until the rosy pink anus slipped over the plum purple prick head. "Yeah, you like big nigger dick, huh, Benny." He pulled Benny's hands to his neck and supported him by holding his thighs, sliding the soft white ass cheeks right down to his cock root.

"Is it all right if Tyrone fucks me, Daddy?" Benny wiggled on the nine inch shaft filling his ass with love.

"Of course it is. I wouldn't have offered your ass otherwise." He turned and kissed his new son, then bent down and sucked his stiffening cock. "Look at that, Tyrone. He's as big as you are. Thicker even." He sucked Benny's cock. "I just love my boy."

Benny could tell his daddy was proud of him and pulled the throat over his cock as Jack dug a finger deep into the black ass hole behind.
"What about me?" Robbie stood alone.

"You can go see what Rusty tastes like." He pushed the child to the bent over teen. Robbie immediately buried his face in the hairy blond ass crack.

"He tastes just like my daddy, and grandpa. Like everybody." Robbie spread the fuzz covered white cheeks and tongued the anus open. "Do you like that, Rusty?"

Rusty braced himself on a folding chair. "I'm gonna need some dick in there real soon, mister. I mean mister boy." He looked at Jack knowing he was the boss. "What you say your name was again?"

"Bring my boy over here, Tyrone." Jack saw Benny's mouth hang open as Tyrone walked them over. His cock stuck so deep up the white boy's ass that the black balls seemed to hang off Benny. "Look at my boy's cock, Rusty. As big as your black fuck daddy's." He aimed his son's prick head into the hairy hole.

Tyrone pushed forward until the whole boy cock was deep in the warm fuck hole. "How you doing, Rusty?"

"I'm doing just fine, Tyrone. You know that." The teen wiggled his ass.

Benny's feet didn't touch the ground so he held on to Rusty's shoulders as Tyrone ram fucked his loose ass. Jack sat Robbie in the chair that Rusty braced himself against and pulled the teen's mouth to the half hard boy cock.

"Suck his dick, pussy." Rusty had been fucked as a toddler but never made it with a kid and looked away. "I said, suck that dick, you fuck trash."

The more Rusty sucked the more amazed he was that little Robbie's cock grew almost as big as Benny's, like his black fuck daddy's. He began eating it like it was candy. Little Robbie had never had his cock sucked so good and bobbed the teen's head to throating, over and over. Rusty took it easily. Having both his holes used all his life had just made him hot for cock.

He thought he would come with his ass and throat being pounded so pushed Robbie out until he licked just the prick head. "I'm gonna come, Tyrone, and you said you'd come up my ass. You said so, Tyrone. Come on."

Tyrone was fucking Benny like a wind man about to come. "Fuck, I got to unload in my fuck boy. I promised him." He pulled back. Benny's cock came out of the blond teen anus, and Tyrone slid out of Benny and set him down. Then he rammed Rusty's ass so hard it made the teen grunt.

"OK, cum dumpster. I'm gonna give you my nigger juice It's starting to make you go tan." He slammed the teen so hard the boy could hardly keep his mouth on Robbie's cock.

"Oh goddam, Tyrone. Don't work so hard." Rusty looked like he might faint.

"Your white boy ass wants his nigger real bad." Jack grinned at the two.

"Fuck yes. I fuck his white slut ass every day. He'll do anything for my nigger dick, just like your boys with you, I bet."

Jack and the boys watched Tyrone slap Rusty's ass until it turned bright pink as he slam fucked his fuck hole. "I'm gonna come, white boy. Upload a whole program of nigger hormones into blondie's system. You want it?"

Rusty could hardly talk. He could hardly stand as his ass was slam fucked. He could barely wag his hole over the shaft pumping him. And then, BAM. Tyrone shot his ass fuck full of cum. The orgasm was animalistic in its fierceness, then Tyrone slowed to a long slow pumping. "That's my boy, good white trash Rusty."

Once he fucked his ass enough he plopped down into a chair next to Robbie, panting, and pulled his fuck boy to his cock. "Suck my dick, Rusty."

"Do I have to?" The teen looked at the others, all strong and healthy. He felt embarrassed and wobbled, squeezing his ass cheeks to keep the cum in.

"You look at my dick, Rusty. Not at them." Then to the others. "He is, you know? White trash. I found him living in a dumpster, eating out of it too. Took him to a doctor. Got all the bugs out of him. Got him strong."

"I think he's sexy." Benny said to his father.

"That's why I keep him around. He's real sexy, and strong. Just dumb as shit, but that's not his fault. His mama was on drugs and alcohol before she squatted him out in a bar toilet."

"I ain't so dumb, Tyrone." The teen wiped his eyes.

Tyrone spat. "If you want me to keep on feeding you, your mouth will show my dick some loving, you pussy shit. Now get over here and lick my dick."

"Don't be so hard on the boy, Tyrone. Stand up and let me look at you, Rusty." When the teen stood Jack grinned. "Damn, you're a good looking son of a bitch. Got a lot of muscle on you, too."

"Son of a whore." Tyrone said. "I work him hard to keep him fit. Manual labor is about all he can do."

"Come here and let me look at your cock." When the teen approached Jack reached out. He knew cocks and knew this one would be a good thick, eight inch beauty. "Nice heavy balls too. I like that in a boy."

"Well, you can have him if you want." Tyrone stroked his sticky cock. "He's just a stray dog. Does what he's told. All you got to do is feed him. I fucked him enough and got some new boys coming up later this evening. He won't be in the way, but like I said, you want him, take him."

Jack pulled the teen by the balls. Rusty stood passive as the big muscle man sucked his cock. "Can I do that too, Daddy?" Benny jumped out of his father's lap and squatted.

"Of course you can, Pony." He pushed his boy's mouth to the swelling shaft, then he looked up at the boy who held his lower lip between his teeth. His eyes were soft and full of hope. "How old are you?"

"Thirteen, almost. But I'm big, and strong. I do all the heavy work, and cooking and cleaning. I'll do whatever you say. I --, I don't know what else to do." He looked down at the child sucking his thick cock and grinned. Jack could see he was proud of his meat. "He seems to like it. I mean --. I don't know what."

"Turn around and let me see you ass. " When Rusty turned Jack slid his hand over the hard round buttocks, lightly covered with a blond fuzz. Then he slid his fingers into the crack and right into the fuck hole. "You like that?" Three fingers explored his anal ring.

"Yes, Sir. I think you know that already. I been done all my life. Like it now." With Benny's mouth still on his cock he shivered. "You and your boy got something real special, Mr. Jack."

"Get between Tyrone's legs and lick off his cock like he told you too."

"Yes, Sir, Mr. Jack."

"it's just Jack."

"Yes, Sir." Rusty knelt before the huge thick black cock that had made him its slave. It glistened with ass slick and cum like a jewel. "I do what I'm told. You know that." And he licked the jet black testicles of ass drippings, then slid his lips over the spent cock shaft that he had sucked off so many times.

By now Jack sat in a folding lounge chair with Robbie and Benny's mouthes sharing his cock shaft. He stroked the children's heads as they had their fun.

He thought of Benny's balls, just dropped a few months earlier and already the size of large eggs. He was going to be a big boy. Jack liked that and reached down to fondle them. Little Robbie was younger. His daddy said he could push the little cherries down into the sack and suck them, but they stayed up inside still waiting to grow. Jack thought he needed more cum in him to get him going.

He let the boys stroke his cock hard and studied Rusty. The smoothest, most beautiful milky skin he'd ever seen stretched over muscles like a real athlete. He watched white boy between Tyrone's legs paying homage to the big black cock.

Then Rusty looked over and bit his lip. He envied the two children working on Jack's eleven and a half inch beauty, two inches longer than Tyrone and two inches thicker. He wanted to be with the two little boys between his legs.

Jack put a stop to his longing by saying, "Get over here, Tyrone, and get that round black ass on my dick."

When Tyrone looked over his eyes widened. He'd never seen a cock the big, even on a black man. "I just come, Jack. I feel like a rest with my boy here." He ran his fingers through Rusty's soft hair and gagged him with pulpy meat.

"I wasn't asking, nigger. I said, Get over here and get your black ass on my cock." Jack stared at him until he saw submission come over the handsome black man. They both knew Tyrone treated his white boy like a master, but he really wanted to serve a bigger cock.

Tyrone panted as the huge fuck post waved his way. "I wasn't thinking --."

"I didn't tell you to think. I told you to get your ass over here."

Tyrone looked down at the giant white organ that gave him the shivers. "I wasn't thinking you'd want my black ass right now, Jack."

"It's Mister Jack to you. And I take what I want when I want. Look at the two new boys I picked up in the last few days. Might let you fuck them some more, too, but for now, get over here and spread those cheeks and get that nigger fuck hole on my cock."

Tyrone pushed Rusty mouth off his balls and stood. "Yes, Sir, Mr. Jack." He walked over to the sitting man, turned, bent over and spread his cheeks.

Jack looked at the pink fuck hole surrounded by a ring of beige and then black flesh. "Ooo." Look at that pretty pink target. You like sucking ass, Robbie. Get your tongue in there and leave lots of spit on it."

Robbie first kissed Jack's prick head, turned on his knees and admired the pink starburst before digging his tongue into the salty crack. "You smell like spit, Tyrone." The boy knew his ass holes.

"Rusty was eating me earlier." Tyrone rubbed the child's face through his crack. "Yeah, you like it too. Good boy."

"Put some spit on my dick, Benny." He pulled is son's mouth over his prick head.

Benny worshipped his father. His mouth drooled all over the giant shaft. He only ever saw his cock this hard and big when he was fucking someone, and he wanted it so much up his own ass.

"Back up now, Tyrone, and sit in my lap." He grinned at his boy. "You can hold my shaft, Benny."

That was the command Tyrone dreaded, but he stepped back.

"What do I do, Jack?" Robbie asked.

"You can go eat Rusty's ass hole."

Tyrone shivered when he felt the apple huge prick head tough his anus. Jack felt the young man's helpless ass lust. "Go slow, Tyrone."

"I'll do my best, Mr. Jack." He spread his anus over the tip.

"You'll do what you're told, nigger."
"Yes, Master, I will. Just please don't rip up my nigger ass." He pushed back until the whole meat head was in his anus. "Oh my goddam." He panted. "Oh my fucking nigger ass.'

Jack felt the familiar throbbing of ass fire just behind his prick ridge and knew Tyrone was at his limit. "Don't you worry, Tyrone. We'll take the time we need to get your ass in shape. Stretch your fuck chute real good until you come begging for horse meat."

"Yes, Master. I will. I will. Once I get you up my ass I will beg." He pushed a full inch deeper and shivered with ass fire. "Oh, my fucking hole. I'm burning good. I will beg, will lick your ass, your toes, lick your dog even like my Rusty does to get my dick."

Jack knew his cock shaft was smooth and even. Once Tyrone had two inches past the prick in his ass Jack knew he wouldn't tear him. He pulled the fuck hole gently down. "Stop whining, nigger."

"Yes, Master." Angels filled his vision as his belly was pushed and pulled to ease the prick head past the bend, and then whoosh. He was sitting in Jack's lap, his ass burning hotter on the thick cock root."Oh my goddam." He melted back onto the strong muscle man up his ass. "You got yourself a faithful ass nigger now, Master Jack."

Before he got too comfortable Jack pushed him off his shaft. "Give me your number, Tyrone and I'll call you if my friend, Ed, come up later. He's as hung as I am, and I want to see him fuck your ass."

"Yes, Sir." Tyrone knelt and licked up and down the shaft, amazed it had been up his ass.

Jack stood. His cock wouldn't go into his pants so squatted with it hanging out. "Come on, Benny. Get on my back."

"It's my turn." Robbie said

"OK. Come on then. Give Benny your pants. We're going to the cabin." Then he looked at the teen. "You are one handsome young boy, Rusty. You're coming with us. Grab your stuff."

"I ain't got much, Mr --. I mean, Jack." He ran to the tent and came back with a pillow case full o hand me downs. Then he knelt and sucked in Jack's eight inch pulpy horse shaft. "I'll be good, Jack. I promise."

"Stand up here and give me a kiss." When Jack's hands went to the ass crack again Rusty kissed like a real lover. Benny's mouth was between them sucking both cock together. They stayed that way for a minute licking each other's lips. "You're a good kisser, too, Rusty. I think I'll keep you too. We're getting quite a family here, Benny."

Rusty knelt and licked Jack's huge shaft with Benny. Then they kissed. "It'll be fun, Rusty. You'll see. I love daddy a lot. And his cock. And yours. Oh, and your ass too. It was fun fucking you. You want to do it again?"

"Let's go, boys." As they walked off Jack stopped. "You might want to put some pants on, Rusty, even though I like seeing you naked."

"Oh, OK. I guess so."

As Jack walked them down the trail they passed a man and woman who noticed first that Jack's huge cock still hung out of his shorts, then that Robbie was naked. "Pardon me, Sir." The woman stared at the biggest cock she'd ever seen and tried to pull her short tennis skirt lower.

"Oh, sorry. Forgot about that." Jack flipped the soft organ into his pants with a tug on his waistband. As he straightened up his hand flipped her skirt. "You're not wearing underpants, and you shave your pussy."

The woman held her skirt down. "At least I'm not naked like your boy is." She seemed both upset and thrilled at the same time.

"He sure is. His shorts washed down the river, and no one could find them, so I thought it would be better if I carried him so no one see what a big cock he has." He set Robbie down and turned him toward the woman. "Se what I mean. Robbie's got a nice big boy cock, don't you think?"

"I --, I see." She stared at the sweet boy with a cock as big as her husband's. "Yes, a nice boy." She fidgeted with a breast as her husband moved closer to both Jack and his wife.

"Nice big boy." The man seconded.

"But he's not my boy. This one is. Come here, Benny. I"m Jack, by the way." Jack squatted, pulled Benny forward, slid down his pants and scooped his genitals into his hand. Like a proud father he weighed the heavy testicles and turned the cock from side to side. "Isn't he just the sweetest thing you ever saw. He's going to be just like his daddy, too. I could eat him up right now."

When Jack stood and hefted his basket the man adjusted his growing cock. "Yes, he certainly is a sweet boy." But the man stared at Jack's crotch. The prick head rested almost at the hip bone, and the testicles were like tennis balls. "I sure hope he'll be like his father."

"And just look at this ass." Jack turned Benny around and rubbed both round ass cheeks before sliding his fingers through the crack. "Yeah, my Benny is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me. Aren't you, Benny?"

Benny grinned. "I love my daddy more than anything in the world. We have so much fun together." He reached his lips up as he held Jack between the legs.

Jack leaned down and kissed the boy's mouth. The couple could see it was a deep tongue kiss. When the boy rubbed his father's genitals Jack added. "I have a hard time getting him away from his mother. She likes him, too."

Jack and the boys watched the husband push his growing cock down the loose leg of his Bermuda shorts, then reach under the back of his wife's tennis skirt. By the way she stiffened and then gasped Jack knew he was fingering her anus.

"Not now, Randal." But she was a helpless ass slut and spread her legs, grinning at the blond thirteen year old who seemed to understand her.

"Fuck, Beth. That's why you got no panties on. So we can do an impromptu thing in front of strangers?" The handsome green eyed, caramel haired man wet his finger in her pussy and then slid it up her ass.

"There are children." But she arched her ass back to the fuck finger. "Oh, Randal. Don't... stop." When Jack laughed her resolve vanished. "My husband can't control. I --, I --, can't help -- Oh, fuck, he's in my ass." She panted now and rubbed his shorts. "He knows what gets me going."

"It's OK." Benny encouraged them by undoing his father's shorts and pulling out his cock and tennis balls. "We were just fucking with a black guy." He grinned as Beth admired his daddy's huge cock. "See what I mean. Daddy is the best daddy ever. And we're bringing Rusty home too. He's got a real nice cock."

Randal unzipped, pulled out his hard on and wet it in his wife's cunt, then began forcing it up her ass. "Oh, goddam, Randal. Go slow." She leaned forward and pulled her ass cheeks apart. "My husband likes... Well, you must know." She panted. "A wife can't deny her husband, and he likes my ass."

Jack pulled her drooling mouth to his limp cock. "Here, this will take your mind off your ass pain."

She sucked like a hungry slut. "You been up somebody's ass."

"And you know that taste. Get me hard and I'll go up your cunt."

She doubled her sucking efforts as her husband pumped her ass hole. In a minute Jack had a raging bull shaft. He liked women slobbering on him and stood her straight to push his cock up her cunt. As the two men fucked, Beth had a violent orgasm. When she stopped Jack bent her over again. "Lick my dick off, bitch."

"Oh goddam yes, Sir. Just look at this man, Randal." She panted over Jack's cock as her husband slow pumped her loose ass. Just as she finished licking Jack clean her husband slammed a load of cum into her. "Oh, Randal." She panted over Jack's shrinking shaft. "Look at this man."

"Wasn't the sweet." Jack pushed the cocksucker off his shaft, popped the button on Randal's pants and went for this anus. "You're pretty dry for Mr. Ever-ready." He spat into his hand and fingered the tight anus. "Thought you'd be slicked up since the wife is." He shoved his thick middle finger right up the fuck hole.

Randal held his wife's hips and swizzled his cock in her ass. Then he stroked Jack's immense horse cock. "It's been a while since I had any real action back there. I was kind of the runt of the fraternity, but I could rekindle some ass fire for the right guy."

He completely forgot he was in his wife's ass until he slipped out. He held Jack's giant testicles and cock. "Suck my cock, bitch."

Beth knelt to keep Randal's cum from dripping out of her ass and sucked her husband clean. Then she sucked both cocks together as Jack finger fucked the maybe twenty-five, thirty year old. Randal was still rock hard but was no bigger that Jack hanging pulpy limp. He pulled is fingers out of the tight anus and pushed them into the man's mouth.

Randal not only sucked them, he held them deep in his mouth, and Jack he knew he'd be good ass. Rusty stood silently watching, his bone aching in his pants, and he whimpered, "You gonna make me stand here and just watch, Mr. Jack. I'll do whatever you say, but man... Can I at least get my cock out? It's kind of aching in my pants. You know?"

You want to fuck this ass? Then do it." Jack kissed the almost teenager. Such a loving, gentle boy, he thought. "And don't wait so long before you say something next time, Rusty. "I might have forgot you for a minute, but I want you to be happy. You're one of my boys now, if you want that."

"Course I do." Rusty wiped his eyes when Jack tugged the worn jeans that opened practically by themselves, and he pulled out a thick and throbbing eight inch boy cock. So wonderful he bent down and sucked it. When he stood again Rusty kissed him again, this time a lover's kiss, warm, tender and so caring. Jack stood in his embrace feeling real devotion like he felt when Benny held him. "Thank you for taking me, Jack. I wasn't so happy with Tyrone."

Jack stroked the steely shaft. "Go fuck his ass, baby. I know you want to, and I'd love to see you do it." Jack grinned as the almost thirteen year old bent the older man over and fucked him slow but deep. Jack couldn't resist and pushed two fingers into Rusty's fuck hole.

"You're gonna make me forget I'm in this guy's ass hole if you keep doing me like that, Jack."

Jack pushed the fingers into Rusty's mouth, then sucked them himself. They both grinned before Jack hoisted Robbie onto his back again, adjusted his cock in his pants and tied them. "Come on, you guys." And he started down the path.

"You gonna just leave me here, Jack." Rusty got scared and pulled right out of the stranger's ass. They all saw his cock deflate immediately.

Jack went back and pulled Randal's mouth to the young teen's cock. "Sorry, Rusty. I didn't mean to rush you. I thought you'd find us. You just ask for Jack's cabin if you get lost. Every ranger in the park know it. There's only three of them left in this wilderness now."

"OK." The boy still looked anxious.

When Jack took hold of the cock Randal let it out of his mouth, and Jack kissed him again. "I said not to worry, Rusty. Benny and I will take care of you until you're ready to go out on your own. You're such a sweet, good looking boy with a real nice cock, huh, Benny?"

Benny knelt, took the cock out of his daddy's hand and sucked it. "Uh-huh." His small hand hung on the full scrotum. "Nice big balls too, Daddy."

"He'll be part of the family now. Do you know what that means, Benny?"

"Does it mean we can fuck whenever we want?" Benny's fingers moved to Rusty's sticky anus.

Rusty shivered with anal excitement just like Beth had. When he saw Jack notice he tried to excuse himself. "It's how I grew up, Jack. I can't help it."

"And I wouldn't have your fuzzy fuck flower any other way. It's how I'm training Benny, and he's doing real good. Now let's get you back to the cabin and get some more cum up your ass before you faint from semen withdrawals."

"What's that?" Rusty asked confused.

"Never mind. It was sort of a joke. Come on."

Randal felt a pang of jealousy watching Rusty follow the three. "Would it be alright if me and Beth came by some time, Jack? We can bring food and booze."

"Come by anytime you want your ass fucked, Randy. All the rangers know where Jack's cabin is. We can always find someone to fuck your bitch too. And bring whatever you want, just as long as you bring your ass." Jack yelled back to the man and his wife.

As they passed two boys maybe eighteen, twenty, Jack said, "There's a hot bitch right up the path who likes getting double fucked if you're in the mood."

"Where?" The bigger boy asked excited.

"Just keep walking. You'll find them. They're Randal and Beth. She's got a load of cum in her ass already. Her husband hasn't been fucked since college, so... whatever."

Next: Chapter 14

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