Camp Site Butt Boy

By Succumballs / Michael Arno

Published on May 29, 2020


This story is pure fiction, and the contents should remain fiction. It contains sex acts between adults and boys. The author condemns unwilling abuse of children in every form. Do not read this if this subject matter upsets you. Just stop and go somewhere else. Comments at


Camp Site Butt Boy Part 12

It was lunchtimes when they got to the cabin again. After scrambled eggs and smoked salmon Benny wanted to go to the river again and find Jamie and his dad. "What's the hurry?" Jack pushed his boy's mouth to his limp cock head as he dried the dishes.

Benny sucked the soft prick head, then licked the sweaty testicles. "Nothing. You taste good, Daddy. I'm so glad you're my daddy now."

"You want to fuck your new friend, Jamie; again, or you want him to fuck you?" Jack wiped his hand dry. "Put a finger in my ass, Benny."

Benny stood straight and hugged his new daddy. "I like playing with you so much." He stroked the huge flaccid daddy cock, and now that the knew what Jack liked, he pushed his finger through the hard bubble cheeks and into the anus. "But there's so many naked guys there, it's fun watching everyone."

Jack arched back and let the boy finger his hole. "You like my ass, Benny?" He bent down and kissed his new son. "Because I'm going to have your tongue in there a lot."

"I like everything about you, Daddy. I love you so much." He bent over again and sucked the huge horse cock again as he pumped his daddy's anus.

"You love my dick most." Jack watched his son suck his prick head. "So get on your knees and do it right." When Benny obeyed Jack waited until his thick shaft was just stiff enough, then he pulled Benny's throat over it. "Yeah. That's it, you need more practice throating me."

Filled with so much love for Jack now Benny barely gagged. He held his father's ass cheeks and let the huge organ throb and grow in his throat, filling him with seven, eight, nine inches of growing love. Jack pulled and pushed the boy's lips over the last few inches of his cock root feeling the throat gulp for him.

"That's a good boy. Lucky you got such a big mouth. I know a guy who had all his teeth removed so he could suck cock without opening his mouth so wide."

Benny let the giant love meat slip out of him. "You want me to do that, Daddy? Have all my teeth out?" Benny kissed the cum slit that began to ooze its nectar.

"Absolutely not." He turned, pulled his cheeks apart and waited. Benny knew what to do and ate the salty crack of his new father's ass. "Ahh, you're getting good at that, Benny." he rubbed the boy's tongue over his anus. "Now go get a couple of beach towels while I put this stuff away, and put some shorts and flip flops on. You won't need more than that. You'll be naked as soon as we get to the river."

Jack put his gauze fuck shorts on, as he called them. Draw string shorts that stopped at the crotch, tight around the thigh so his huge testicles and giant cock shaft nestled in the thin fabric. Each testicle and the meaty prick head were clearly visible and looked even sexier than if he were naked.

He stopped at the beginning of the gay beach. "You can take your pants off now, Benny." Jack put them in his back pack and, after oiling Benny's ass crack and fingering his new boy, they walked hand in hand the whole length of the gravel waterfront so the men could admire Benny.

Both men and boys grinned at the tall, hung Adonis walking a young boy with a heavy cock. Many rubbed their cocks for them. Benny grinned at a boy about his age lying with a teen. "Wow, Daddy. Those two look kind of nice."

Jack tousled his son's blond hair. "You want to go over and suck them off?"

"If you want." Benny grinned up at his father.

"Not right now, baby. Let's go on." Where the river narrowed and the giant boulders started the cruising area began.

"It's fun watching all the naked men, huh, Daddy?" Benny looked up at his new father who stopped to watch a grey haired man with a beard lying on a towel getting sucked by a boy younger than Benny. Benny looked over. "You think that's his daddy?"

"More likely his grandfather. Come on." Jack led them up the trail past a teenager fucking on obese man lying over a fallen tree.

Behind the first waterfall a boy about Benny's age lay bent over, hugging a giant rock in the sun, his legs spread wide. Another boy behind him slow pumped his ass. In the heat his testicles swung gently. Jack watched Benny's cock twitch and begin to grow. "You like that, don't you, son?"

"You never called me your son before, Daddy." Benny grinned and stroked his father's giant penis. "I like belonging to you."

"You like watching them fuck, don't you? Want to be fucked by him too."

Suddenly embarrassed, Benny buried his face in Jack's rippled belly and held his cock. "Yes, but I like you best of all, Daddy." The seven year old hugged his new father. The fucker looked over when he heard their voices.

Now the boy getting fucked looked over. "What you wearing those pants for, mister?" He licked his lips at Jack's over full basket.

Jack grinned at the child and removed his shorts, letting his huge horse cock hang and the tennis balls swing.

"Whoah." The fucker said. "Looks like daddy's bigger than his boy.

The boy getting fucked grinned. "You want to fuck me when this guy is done?"

"Is he your brother?" Benny asked.

"No. Ah, I don't know his name." The fucked boy said. "I was just standing here waiting for someone to come along. Does one of you want to fuck me after?"

"Maybe later." Jack took Benny's hand again and walked them up the trail until he found a good place in dappled shade to lie down. Once on their towels he oiled Benny all over, enjoying his soft nine year old boy body. He spent a lot of time on the hairless cock and balls, and deep fingered the rosy anus.

Benny spread his legs as the thick middle finger massage his prostate. "You really like my butt, don't you, Daddy?"

Jack's hands slid over the entire soft, oiled boy body. "I like all of you, Benny." He sucked the hard, little boy nipples, the growing cock, the big, smooth testicles and finally the lovely pink anus. "I never had a son of my own, Benny. I'm going to like owning you, using you how I want."

Benny pulled his leg up, offering his ass hole to his father. "That's my favourite part, Daddy." Benny pushed his anus open.

"I'm glad, Benny. I'm going to love watching you get fucked." He pulled his boy on top of his chest and fingered the softening anus as Benny slid his stiffening cock shaft between their bellies. "You're my perfect little lover boy." They kissed as two middle fingers stretched the anal ring. "The son I always dreamed of."

"And you're my daddy now." He drooled into Jack's mouth.

Jack slid him off him. "Now you can do me." He closed his eyes as his new son squirted baby oil over his chest. The small, soft hands slid carefully over Jack's chest and ripples stomach. !Play with my nipples some. Ahh."

The tender, inexperienced boy mouth nibbled the strong man nipples. Then oil on the cock and balls, and the mouth on his prick head as his giant testicles were caressed and then kissed. "Ahh, Benny." Then Jack rolled onto his belly. "Do my back now."

Benny squirted oil into Jack's ass crack. "Your butt is so hard. I like that."

"Start with my feet, Benny. And do them like they were my cock." He giggled when he felt a mouth suck his big toe. "I didn't mean with your mouth, but if you like doing that, it feels good."

Licking or sucking any part of Jack's magical body thrilled Benny, and he felt himself get an erection. "I love you all over, Daddy."

Jack raised his other foot, and Benny sucked those toes too, and then massaged both feet until Jack spread his legs. "Now work your way up, Benny."

The child thought he meant with his mouth, and he licked up the salty legs until he got to the ass cheeks. "You have such a round hard ass, Daddy. I hope I get one too."

"You already have a bubble butt, Benny, so just do mine like I did yours." Jack expected baby oil to be massaged up his ass crack so he moaned when he felt his cheeks pulled open and Benny's mouth push to his ass pucker. "That's my good boy."

"I know you like my tongue in there, Daddy." Benny smeared his whole face through the anal groove, loving every bit of it. "And I want to make your butt happy like you do mine. You taste so good."

"Benny, yeah." As the boy rimmed him he dug a trench in the gravel for his own growing cock shaft.

As Jack got a good tonguing he heard noises and looked around at the two boys Benny had grinned at. One about twelve and his younger than Benny. They jacked nice seven, eight inch cocks and watched Benny eat his father's ass.

Jack rubbed his boy's face through his crack. "I hope my ass gives you a real good hard on, Benny."

"How did you know, Daddy?" Benny stopped eating Jack's ass and knelt between his father's legs. The two other boys could see his thick, eight and a half inch boy cock drip with love.

"Grease me all over and slide your cock up my ass." Jack arched his bubble butt.

"Really?" Benny had only ever fucked Jamie once and loved it. He oiled Jack all over, fascinated by every muscle. He panted with love for his Jack.

Jack felt the soft boy hands all over his back and ass cheeks as Benny caressed every part of him. "That's good, Benny. Makes me think you really do love me."

Benny laid over his daddy, his thick cock in the crack of the bubble ass. "I love you more than anything, Daddy."

Jack dug a deeper trench in the gravel for his huge horse cock. "Yeah, rub your hands all over me, Benny. Yeah, slide your body over mine like that. Oh yeah, like that. Now put that big fat boy cock up your daddy's ass."

Benny watched the other two boys as he slid his shaft through the oiled ass groove.

Jack arched back to meet the inexperienced fucker, reached back and aimed the boy cock at his pucker. "Go nice and slow, son. It's been a while since I've had a cock that thick in me." He felt his boy lay over him and push his prick head into his warm anus.

"Oh, Daddy." Benny panted with joy. "I love --. I love you."

"What a good boy. Fucking his daddy on al hot day in the mountains." Jack lay waiting for the whole boy cock to fill him.

"Da --, dee." Benny panted as his shaft slipped slowly into the warm wonder of his father's loose fuck chute. "Oh, Daddy. it's so good."

"Yeah. That's my baby." Jack grinned at the two boy s watching. "Come on. All the way now." As the whole eight inches slid up his ass Jack arched back onto wide spread knees and reached under to pull Benny's testicles to his own. "I love your big balls, Benny, and your thick cock. I won't need anyone else for a while with you around."

Benny reached under to stroke the almost foot long horse cock hardly able to move as his cock warmed inside his father.

"Oh, fuck, Billy." The older brother watching said. "I'm gonna come."

Benny grinned. "My daddy is wonderful." He slow pumped his new father.

Jack nicked the brothers over. "Well, don't waste that cum. Let my son suck you off. He needs all he can get." Then he felt Benny's thick prick head pump into his anus. "Thats right, Benny. Fuck me." Jack had never been fucked by a child before and felt a perverse and wonderful thrill that this thick eight and a half inch fuck shaft belonged to his new, adopted son.

Benny ground his whole shaft up his father's ass and laid over him, running his hand all over the smooth oiled sides of Jack's muscled body, his belly, nipples, everywhere. "Daddy." He closed his eyes and slow pumped the warm ass hole.

"Yeah, my boy likes his daddy's ass as much as his cock." Jack reached behind and pulled Benny's ass to him.

"No, I don't. I like your cock best."

"Well, let's roll onto our sides, and you can jack it." Jack rolled them, and the two brothers saw the giant horse cock spring out. "Hold my leg up, one of you, and watch my son pump my ass."

"Jesus. Look at that, Billy" The young teen stared at the giant cock and balls.

"You think you can get it up your ass, Bobby?" The younger, pre pubescent brother knelt and used both hands to stroke the gigantic oiled horse cock. "Wow, mister. That's the biggest cock I ever saw."

"Well then, suck it. I like a boy mouth on my cock." Jack pulled the boy's hair, and his prick head filled the mouth. When the boy sucked happily he moved his body closer so they could sixty-nine. "Yeah, nice cock, Billy. Almost a big as my son, Benny." Then he pulled the boy's rosy pink anus to his mouth, held the boy's head and throated him.

Billy's body jolted in rebellion as over eleven inches of meat invaded his small body. Jack eased his shaft out. "Not so good at that, are you?" He went back to eating the soft anus and let the boy drool over his prick head. "I might have to fuck your ass then."

"You're too big for me." Billy protested.

"Well, how about your brother then?" Jack grinned at the teen.

"How about me, Daddy." Benny slipped his cock out of his father's ass, rolled him onto his back and squatted over the giant meat post. He knelt and worked the giant horse shaft slowly up his warm anus. The love in his face was plain for all to see.

"Come here, butter butt." Jack pulled him to his lips, kissed him, then rolled him onto his back with his legs over his shoulders and slow pumped his ass.

The two brothers jacked off watching Jack and Benny until Bobby said, "I'm gonna come, Billy. You want to suck me off?"

"No, I already did Uncle Steve and daddy." The younger boy pouted.

"Bring that dick over here." Jack commanded. "And let me and my son suck you off."

The boy put his cock between their mouthes. Jack took hold of the shaft and sucked in the prick head, jacking the shaft at his lips. In a half minute the boy jerked and squirted a hefty boy load into the man mouth. Jack held the hairless, walnut testicles so the prick stayed in his mouth and let the warm sperm flow.

Bobby milked up his shaft until he was done, then slowly slid the sensitive glans out of the stranger's mouth. "Wow." He panted.

"Daddy." Benny felt cheated until Jack opened his lips and let the whole load drip into his son's mouth.

Jack laughed, slipped his cock out of Benny's anus and laid on his back sighing. Benny laid his head on Jack's belly and pulled the wonderful prick head to his mouth. "Thank you, Daddy."

"I wasn't going to keep it all for myself. You need the cum to grow big and strong."

"I'm big already."

"Bigger and stronger." Jack tousled his boy's hair and let his new son mouth worship him until he felt himself getting close. Then he propped himself up on his elbows and noticed a young men who had stopped to watch Benny suck the huge horse cock.

A tall, slim man, very hairy with long hair and beard, he stroked a long thin cock, rock hard and dripping. His golf ball testicles hung about eight inches down in the heat. "Get on your hands and knees, Benny, and throat my cock."

Once on his hand and knees between his father's legs Benny pushed the giant glans to the back of his throat. Jack nicked the stranger over, sat up and pulled his boy's ass cheeks apart. The pink, puffy anal flower throbbed with daddy love.

"I've got a surprise for you, Benny." Jack gently pumped his son's mouth

Benny expected an orgasm until he felt the long thin cock slid up his ass. His eyes popped open and glowed with love for his daddy before he turned to see the young blond man grab his hips and pump his ass. "Nice ass, kid." Then he looked at Jack. "I like them young too."

"Who is he, Daddy?" Benny slurped at his father's testicle.

"Don't know. Just somebody who wants your ass. And you need the cum."

"I pack a heavy load, mister." Blond man said.

"And my boy's going to love it, so take your time and build up a good one." He pulled his scrotum until his giant testicle slid out of Benny's mouth, pushed his half hard cock back in and watched blond guy slow pump his son's fuck hole. "You like that, Benny?"

Benny grinned. "You know I do, Daddy."

"That's a good boy." Jack laid back and let the two enjoy themselves.

"I seen your boy fucking your ass, mister." Blond guy said. "Why don't you get your legs up in the air and make him lucky Pierre, let him fuck and get fucked."

Jack grinned. "Come on, Benny. Get your dick up my ass."

"Daddy, there's some other guys watching us."

Jack grinned at his naive son. "Yeah, lover boy. Everyone will see my beautiful son fuck my ass. Come to daddy. Put your big fat cock into daddy's ass again." He raised his legs and pulled his boy's cock to his warm fuck pucker. The shaft slid in easily this time. "Ahhh, my Benny's got such a big fat cock. I'm going to love making you my fuck toy."

Benny dug in deep and kissed his father, letting blond guy pump his ass. Soon though, he began moving. Blond guy pulled back and let Benny work his ass and cock for a while. Then blond guy slammed Benny, pushing his cock deep into Jack's ass.

"I been watching you two for a while. Got me real hot, and I ain't had a pretty little boy ass in a long time. I'm gonna fucking come." He slammed Benny real hard. "Oh yeah. I'm gonna come real good boy. Right up your pretty little ass."

Jack and Benny kissed as the boy cock rocked inside the daddy anus. "You're learning how to kiss real good now, Benny. You know that."

"HIs balls aren't swinging anymore, Daddy. I bet he's gonna come real soon."

"Come on, Blondie. Squeeze those balls into my boy's fuck hole."

But Blondie wanted it to last. He pulled out and looked at the gaping pink hole that throbbed for cock. "Ain't you the prettiest little fuck hole." And he tongue fucked the open channel. "Tasty little fucker too. How long you been taking cock, boy?"

"Just a few days." Benny stopped pumping as his ass was tongued.

"Well, damn, you're a natural." Then he slid the long thin nine inches back up the warm boy hole.

And this time he got serious. His whole body fucked now. Every muscle was geared to pound the boy's ass. "Oh yeah. I'm gonna come, boy." The pounding got harder. The panting got faster. The anus heated up from the rapid fucking.

Benny held his father around the neck and sucked his tongue as Blondie went into a fuck frenzy. Hot and fast, and wild as hell. Even Jack felt the orgasm as Blondie shot off a stream of sperm deep into his boy's hole.

"Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I'm dumping up your ass, boy. You feel that?" Blondie pumped and slammed.

Benny felt the fuck hose shoot its semen, first the tickling over his anal pucker and then filling his bowel deep with warm cum. "Wow, Daddy." Benny panted.

"You like that, baby?" Jack licked his son's lips.

"It feels really good, Daddy."

Blondie slipped his cock gently out of the loose anus, made an O with his mouth and covered the fuck hole. "Better hold your ass closed, boy, or all my cum is going to leak out. I can taste it already." The tongue licked at the dripping ass hole, then sucked in a huge hairless testicle.

"Thanks for fucking my boy." Jack watched the blond eat his son's balls. "You're a nice young man. What's your name? I'm Jack. This is Benny."

"I'm Orval. But my friends call me Will, or Long Willie cuz of my dick, and I'm kind of tall too, for twenty."

"You like getting fucked, Willie?" Jack pushed Benny back a little to show off his giant erection.

"I sure do. I seen you fucking your boy. I'm sure I can take it if he can. I'd be real happy to try anyway."

"With me there isn't any trying." Jack grinned. "Once I start it goes in, howling or shaking or whatever you do."

"Damn, Jack. Then they'll call me horse fucked Willie." He pulled Benny back. "Get out of your daddy's ass, boy, and let me get a good look at that thing."

Both Benny and Willie mouth worshipped Jack's giant organ before Willie said, "Yeah. I come by some time. Where are you camped?"

"I own a cabin here. Called Treetops."

"I know that house. Real fine place. I checked it out through all the windows. Never broke in though, so don't worry about me." Will stood and panted. His spent cock hung a thick six inches now, the testicles even longer.

It was then that Jack noticed his handsome body. Lots of short blond hair in a fine pattern on his chest and belly, not too much around the cock. "Do you shave?" He asked.

"No. Nothing. Not even my beard."

"I can see that. It's too long, but you got beautiful long hair, on your head. I'd cut your beard some if you came by my place."

"Sure, if you want. I do whatever people like." Will grinned. His warm smile exposed even white teeth. "Been doing my daddy and grandpa all my life."

"Doing what?" Benny asked.

Will knelt again and put his sticky moustache and beard into Benny's ass crack again as the boy licked his father's cock. "You are the sweetest little boy. So smooth. I just love boys like that, just like my dad. He started on me when I was just a toddler, like his pa did to him. Said he just couldn't keep his mouth off smooth little balls and asses. Only you got huge balls for a little boy like you. You shave?"

"No." Benny held the face to his testicles. "But my daddy does. He likes his balls and ass smooth. Me too."

Will licked around Jack's crotch, then sucked a nipple. "Yeah, me too, I guess. But your daddy's got no hair on his chest. I'd look funny if I shaved all around my cock and balls, don't you think?"

"Plant that hairy ass on my face, and I'll let you know, Long Willie." Jack held up the eight inch hanging scrotum and golf balls as the hair surrounded pink pucker settled onto his lips. His tongue licked up the sweat before digging into the soft fuck chute.

"Damn, mister Jack. You sure know how to put some love into a man's hole. If I ain't just come I'd turn around and sit on that stallion meat of yours." Will slid his ass crack over the face until Jack pulled the testicles to his mouth and tried to swallow them.

"That's it. Eat my balls. And you, Benny. Suck my dick." He pulled the child's mouth over his half hard shaft until the nose pressed into his pubic hair, amazed the kid didn't gag at all. The he slowly stood feeling his shaft slide out the throat and his balls slip from the hot mouth.

"Now give me a kiss, Willie. Jack pulled the hairy lips to his.

"That's what I like to do too, Jackie. Suck the cum out of my moustache after giving a blow job."

"Come by anytime, Willie, and I'll be happy to fuck your ass. Give you a little trim too."

"Yes, Sir, mister Jack. I'll do that." He turned to go showing a lovely round ass.

"Sit on my cock, Benny."Jack slow pumped his boy. "Just think, angel, three days ago your little virgin ass was so tight I burned you so much. Now you're just another little fuck boy."

Benny grinned with pride. "I love my butt full now. Long Willie put lots of cum in me. I could feel it shot in."

"That's my son." Jack laid back and let the boy rock on his nearly foot long shaft, ironing out the folds and bends, getting his body accustomed to his horse meat. Jack raised up onto his elbows when he heard twigs crunch. The white haired man and the young child watched them. "Is he your grandson?" Jack licked his lips at the boy a few years younger than Benny.

"No. That was my grandson fucking your boy. This is Robbie, Willie's son. I get to take care of him today. I'm Adam."

"I'm Jack. This is Benny. That was Robbie sucking on your cock back at the water's edge, wasn't it?"

"Sure was. Like I said. I take care of him today." Adam stroked his shaft, then let it flop against heavy testicles. His great grandson immediately held the loving genitals.

"You start them real young, don't you?" Jack studied the lean mountain man. About sixty, trim athletic body, a cock about like Benny's only thinner, balls almost as big.

"Just like my daddy did me. I did my son, he did his boy, Long Willie does Robbie. It's our family way. Robbie gets three generations of Asmeyer cum."

As they spoke Robbie's eyes were glued to the back of Benny's ass, the huge cock meat buried in his love hole and the giant testicles resting on the towel between Jack's legs. Jack looked from Benny to Robbie, a few years younger, and then watched Adam pull the child's mouth over his prick head. The cock loving little angel sucked it dutifully.

Adam grinned at Jack. "He's just starting, but he already loves every inch he gets. Don't you, Robbie?" The boy nodded with a cheek full of great grandaddy prick meat. As Adam got hard he knelt next to Benny. "You like my cock, Benny?"

"It's almost like mine." The almost nine year old was proud his cock was bigger than the old man's. "Only hairy. My mama's boyfriend electrifies every hair that grows on my balls and belly to keep me looking like before I started coming. He likes little boys with no hair."

"And so do I. Our little Robbie's still too young to grow any hair, but he sure likes lying with men. He's lucky to have three generations to work him."

"I think Daddy likes him too." Benny grinned at his father.

Adam leaned in to Benny's cock. "With any luck your cock's still got some growing to do." He ran his finger along the sticky ass crack. "I wouldn't mind mixing some of my cum with my grandson's up your ass, if you want." He sucked in Benny's thick boy cock.

"I think Benny might like that." Jack lifted his son off his huge shaft and eased him back.

On all fours Benny watched his father nick Robbie to him as the great grandpa got behind him. He was filled with joy that the old man's shaft slid right up his ass without any pain. He pulled the hairy testicles to his own and grinned at his new father.

"Was my grandson, Long Willie, a good fuck, Benny?" The old man slowly deep pumped the cum filled bowel.

"He sure was. I got to be in the middle with Daddy. Never did that before."

"That's just how Willie was raised, between his daddy and me."

Benny watched Jack roll on his side and pull little Robbie to him where he oil the child all over. On their sides facing each other he raised the boy's leg and rubbed his genitals. The smooth skin like silk, the cock like Long Willie too big for such a small boy. He stretched the long scrotum to find the testicles not yet ready.

When he rubbed the anus little Robbie held his head and kissed him. "I really like that a lot, Jackie." He sucked Jack's tongue when the thick middle finger entered his love hole. "Makes me feel good."

"So does my Benny." Jack pumped the loose hole. "You've got the softest, sweetest little body I've ever wanted. You know how men want to love you sometimes." Jack kissed his little prey.

"Yes." Robbie stroked the giant oiled horse cock. "I just never saw one so big." He panted at the idea of loving with this wonderful man.

"Well, pretty little pink angel baby." He pulled Robbie anus to his prick head. "I'm going to put my cock right here and let you do whatever you want with it." He raised the boy's legs. When he smeared his apple huge prick over the pink flower Robbie grinned and guided the shaft to love hole.

The movement electrified him. He held the thick shaft with a tiny hand and slid the dripping glans over his ass pucker. Jack watched his spongy prick head slowly parted the soft anal lips. Like a well trained sex athlete little Robbie knew how to get a cock up his ass.

When their eyes met Robbie grinned. "Guys likes watching me put cocks up my butt hole."

"That's because you're so sweet. And you do it with love" Then he added, "Just like my son, Benny. Soft and gracefully." He pulled the empty scrotum to him.

That encouraged little Robbie. Jack watched his entire prick head slurp in and out of the little boy anus. The young body moved like a dancer. The pink daisy closed up and then throbbed over the huge prick meat. Over and over the anal lips sucked the horse cock's head. Benny and Adam watched too as the boy's anal lust grew.

"That's a real good boy, Robbie." Adam said as he pumped Benny. "Long Willie's boy got the ass fever just like his daddy."

Robbie's anal ring now swallowed the huge prick head easily. "This is when Adam gets impatient and just shoves his cock in me. I like you better, Jackie. You let me do it." The child danced and danced, his anus slowly opened over the giant head of the fuck shaft.

"Go as slow and as far as you want, baby angel." Jack watched his meaty cock tip go in and out of the tight boy hole. He stretched the limp boy cock six inches. "I bet you're going to be like you daddy, long and skinny." Then he pushed on either side of the cock root. Little cherry testicles slipped down into the scrotum.

"They go up and down a lot." Little Robbie loved Jack playing with them. "Daddy says to let them be where they want, but they always go back up when I'm putting a dick up my ass."

"They are the prettiest little pink cherries I ever saw." He gently stretched his fuck baby's little testicles. The scrotum slowly stretched six, seven inches.. "Just like your Daddy. You're going to have real low hangers. I bet my son, Benny, would like to suck on them."

"If he wants." Robbie lifted up Jack's giant avocados as his anal ring slowly sucked in the huge prick head. "You got the biggest balls I ever saw. Like your cock. I hope mine get big like yours."

"They will if you take lots of my cum up your ass." Jack stretched the scrotum up and watched his prick disappear into he boy's anus, surprised such a small boy could take his horse meat. "You've got the pinkest little fuck flower." He rubbed the pulpy boy penis and silken testicles. "Tight like my Benny was."

"I'm getting looser, Jackie. I can feel it already." Robbie wiggled his ass over the huge prick head.

"You sure are. Just like my Benny. Three days ago he hadn't had anybody up his sweet little ass, and now he just love me coming in him."

"I been doing it for a long time. As long as I can remember." He reached between his legs to feel the enormous organ he wanted in him. "But nobody's ever been this big. I like you."

Jack pulled his fuck toy closer and kissed him, rubbing his butt cheeks and soft chest. "That's it, Robbie. stroke my cock shaft, baby angel. I know you want it, just like my Benny. He's a good little fuck pussy now. Look how much he likes your great grandpa fucking his ass."

"I can to be a good little boy pussy too." Robbie wiggled another inch into his loosening anus as he stroked the immense and thrilling organ. "Wow, Jackie. It's going in." Robbie's whole body tingled as his anus stretched even looser. "You like loving me, Jackie?"

"With all my heart and cock." Jack saw the boy excitement and raised his little legs like putting on a diaper. Then he grabbed the child by the bend of his groin and pulled his little pink body closer. "Oh, angel baby." He watched another inch slide into the tight anus. "You look so sweet."

Robbie's eyes popped open when he knew Jack had taken control. "Ama, Ama." He panted. "I'm gonna be a --, ha--, ha --, pu --, puss --, pussy boy." He wiggled on the shaft as half the twelve inch organ was pushed into him.

"Oh, baby angel." He whispered to the panting fuck toy. His hand slid all over the soft boy flesh as he turned them to a spooning position. With one hand he turned the head and kissed Robbie. The other hand rubbed the soft hairless genitals as he pulled the hips back and forced his cock deeper, right to the colon bend.

"it won't go any deeper, Jackie. That's where they all stop." Robbie felt the familiar pain.

"Angel baby. Little boys like you are so supple. Nobody's done it right yet. Feel right here." He took Robbie's hand and pushed it deep into his lower belly. "You feel that? That's my cock head."

"Really?" Robbie trembled with excitement and pushed into his soft body to move the head around. "I can feel it moving."

"I knew you'd like that. All we've got to do is move it here." And before the boy knew what was happening Jack pushed the tiny hand hard, deeper and inward.

"Ahhhg." Robbie gasped as he felt the apple huge prick head move inside him. Then he felt Jack pull his hips until his round boy buttocks pressed into the man lover's groin. He reached between his legs to be sure the giant horse shaft was in him, then pulled the avocado heavy testicles to his own budding scrotum.

"That's my little angel baby fuck. Good boy, warm pussy. Hold my big nuts to yours." He rubbed the soft body all over. His cock was so deep he could fuck several inches without slipping past the bend in the colon, and he gave the youngster a good, deep, slow fuck until he noticed Benny looking a little jealous.

"Come on over here, Benny, and suck on Robbie's cock."

"It's not hardly hard, Daddy."

"Neither was yours at that age probably. Now come here and suck this boy like your daddy told you."

"Be a good boy, Benny." Adam push the child to his great grandson by the cock up his ass. "We like watching our boys on each other."

Benny kissed his father and then covered Robbie's cock and ball sack with his mouth. After a good sucking he moved his mouth to the younger boy's anus and licked his father shaft as it pumped in and out of baby angel's rosy anus. "This is my favourite part, Daddy." The boy licked all around the thick pumping cock shaft.

"Goddam, that is hot." Adam started ramming Benny's ass violently. "I'm gonna fucking feed your ass now, boy."

Benny looked up at his father amazed at the strength behind him. "Wow, Daddy." He steadied himself against the anal assault.

Jack pushed his son's face back into Robbie's crotch again. "Chew on his ball sack, Benny, and let the man satisfy himself up your ass or any other way he wants with you. That's your job now until you go off on your own."

"I want what you want, Daddy." Benny kissed his father's pubic area, held his giant testicles and chewed on Robbie's ball sack. He panted as his ass ring got hot from the slam fucking. He felt like crying out until Jack spoke.

"Come on, Grandpa. The boy can't take much more. It's only his third ass day."

"The magic words. Almost a virgin." Adam slammed another half minute and then both he and Benny gasped. The flood of semen came hard and deep. "Fucking pussy ass. Yeah." He slow pumped the loose anus as his balls emptied.

Benny felt the familiar tickle over his anus as sperm flowed through the tube on the underside of the cock shaft. Then he felt his bowel expand and fill with warm man love as Adam hosed cum into the warm fuck hole.

"Daddy." Benny looked up amazed at the feeling in his ass.

"Good boy." And Jack started pumping Robbie seriously. Benny watched his father use the boy like a jack off toy, pulling and pushing the small body as he deep rammed the anus with his meat trunk. Robbie flopped around half dazed trying to hold his ass on the bucking horse behind him.

"I'm going to give you most of it, Robbie, but my boy's got to have some too." Jack gaped the child anus, then slowly slid the whole foot long stump back into the boy, ironing out the fuck channel.

Robbie had never felt anything so amazing and held his own legs up while Jack bounced his ass cheeks over the fuck post. Benny held his mouth at the anus letting his father's shaft slide up and down over his lips. Every muscle of Jack's body worked to fuck the boy, sometimes slow, sometimes rapid hammering.

Benny could tell when his father was going to come. His gigantic testicles clung to the swollen base under his cock like huge fuel tanks ready to set off the rocket.

Jack edged a few times while his son licked his balls hot, and then he couldn't hold it. "I'm going to come, Benny. Get your mouth up to Robbie's ass hole." When he felt Benny's lips on his cock root he slammed the poor youngster.

Robbie grunted and moaned as the huge organ let loose up his ass. He felt the base swell even thicker and hot jolts of hot sperm shoot deep into his body. The pain were gone now, replaced by the wonderful glow of manpower. He was made for man love to fill him.

After five massive shots up Robbie's ass Benny's mouth was right there to take the shooting head when it appeared. Jack grabbed his hair and bobbed his head over the streaming cum slit until his son's mouth was full. Then he pushed his exploding cock back into his new fuck toy and pulled the now loose boy anus down to his tight nuts. As his stomach contracted the boy bobbed up and down in his lap.

"That's a good boy. I'm filling you with cum." Jack panted as his orgasm slackened from explosive shots to long streams and then heavy dribbling. Finally he laid back with Robbie's back on his belly, his cock still deep up the fuck hole.

Benny's mouth was right there, licking his daddy's giant testicles and the thick cock root, all around the younger boy's puffy anus, hoping for some cum to leak out. Jack rocked the boy's body by his ass cheeks, slowly letting out more and more of the twelve inch fuck post, feeling his son's lips and tongue slide up and down his shaft, around the loose anal ring, feeling his cock glide over the child's ass pucker. It felt looser now, and hot. He knew it was red from his ramming.

"Suck my nuts some more, Benny." As the warm mouth covered his scrotum he lowered Robbie back onto his cock. "You like that, Robbie?" He sighed. "My two angel babies making daddy happy."

"I never thought --. I never --, wow. That was more than anything ever. Can I have it --. Can you take it out now? I need to rest my butt."

"Sure, angel baby." Jack slid the boy off the horse shaft.

Robbie curled up with his head on Jack's broad muscled chest. Benny did the same on Jack's other side. And Jack held them both around the shoulder, his huge shaft poking off his hip.

"Damn." Adam smiled at the trio. "You want to keep Robbie for the day, Jack? His dad's gone into town to pick up a friend, and I saw another boy down at the beach whose ass I want to explore."

"Sure, Adam. My son and I are in the cabin called Treetop. We'll be around here, or there for the evening. Another friend might be visiting, but Robbie will be a nice addition." Then he kissed the young boy's head. "Ooowee, Robbie. We're going to get your ass good and loose if Ed comes up."

"See you later then." Adam climbed down the rock slope leaving his great grandson with the two.


Next: Chapter 13

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