Camp Site Butt Boy

By Succumballs / Michael Arno

Published on Oct 10, 2018


This story is pure fiction, and the contents should remain fiction. It contains sex acts between men and boys. Do not read it if this subject matter upsets you. Just stop and go somewhere else. Comments at

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Camp Site Butt Buy Part 1

Jack watched the lonely looking boy at the end of a picnic bench near the campground lake. He wore blue bathing trunks with a good lump in the front, drank chocolate milk. When they caught eyes both grinned, and Jack rubbed his basket.

The boy grinned at his crotch. Nine, ten, maybe twelve, slender hairless body, wavy dark hair. "Just my type." He said to himself and pushed the prick head he'd been rubbing for the boy out under his cut off jeans. When the boy licked his lips Jack walked over.

The table was empty, Jack could have sat anywhere, but he plonked down so close to the boy that their legs touched. The boy pulled his away. "You here alone?" Jack pulled the boy's thigh so they touched again, then popped open the buttons of his jeans. "What's your name?"

"Yes. No. I mean we're camping just up the river for two weeks. My parents went to town shopping. I'm Jamie." The boy looked up at the Nordic muscle man whose smile bewitched him, then down into his crotch, to the succulent tube of meat that squeezed up out of the jeans like rising dough.

Jack put his arm over the boy's shoulder. "How much time you got?"

Jamie let himself be pulled against the warm hard man. "All afternoon."

"That's good." Jack turned to the young beauty, dug his other hand inside the swim suit and fondled the boy's cock before gauging the apricot sized testicles. "Nice body. Smooth and warm too." His voice like magic, his breath hot.

"Wha --, wha--, are you doing? The boy panted. No one had ever touched him there before. He hardly ever touched himself. He knew it was wrong.

"I bet you're gong to have a nice big cock when it's hard." He leaned down and licked Jamie's neck. "I think I like you already."

"Do you?" Jamie looked up into sparkling blue eyes that glowed for him and let his legs fall open. When he looked down at the exposed patch of short cut blond pubic hair he felt one hand untie the string at front and the other slide inside the back of his swim suit. "What are you doing?" He looked from the man's cock root into his eyes again. Eyes filled with desire, for him. A man so wonderful, so strong, wanting him so much. Why?

"Just checking --." A finger slid to the anus.

"For what?" Jamie trembled, one hand stroked his cock, the other touched his ass hole. "Oh, wo --, wow."

"To see if your ass is greased up." A finger found the anus and gently massaged it.

"It's not." Jamie inhaled quickly when the finger pressed against his pucker but made no move to stop the strange exploration. "It's --. Oh, why, what are you doing? That's --. We shouldn't do this."

"But I saw you looking at my prick head." The hand withdrew. Jack sucked his finger and returned the wetness to the boy's anus.

"I was not." Jamie squirmed when the finger found his hole and began to slime around it. "Oh. Please, why? Why are you doing that."

"Do you want me to stop?" When Jack withdrew his finger the boy seemed to sink a little. He sucked it again and pushed it back to the soft anus. "It feels so good though."

"I just saw it for a second." Jamie closed his eyes. "Your cock. Your prick. It looked big." He concentrated on the finger that swirled so carefully around his ass hole. "I didn't mean to."

"Yes, you did." Jack pulled the boy's lips to his. When they kissed he put the ass finger into their mouthes, then spat and returned it to Jamie's anus. "You were looking at my basket so I pushed my dick out so you could watch me rub it. And you did." Jack rubbed the boy's cock head that now oozed pre cum. "It felt good. Just like this."

"I did. I did watch you." Jamie felt the finger press against his ass pucker. He had never touched his ass hole except to wipe it, and the new sensation aroused him. "What are you --, why are you --?" He stared bug eyed when Jack's finger entered his virgin anus. "Oh. Oh wow. Wa --, wa--, ahh."

"Yeah. You're pretty wow, too." Jack's other hand stroked the boy's throbbing erection. "Pull my cock out." He lifted up.

Jamie freed a thick, smooth eight inch and growing man cock. With his hand around the shaft he looked down. It was so beautiful he gasped, "Wow, Mr. --."

"I'm Jack, and you like my cock. I knew you would. I figured a boy like you would have a greased ass."

"Why?" Jamie slid his hand over the wonder smooth shaft, transfixed by its strength. He knew he shouldn't hold it, but he couldn't let go.

Jack's finger slid out of the tight anus and poked into Jamie's mouth. The boy sucked it. "Good boy. Leave a lot of spit on it, and slide your ass back a little."

"OK." Jamie slid his ass off the bench, and the finger went up him again. In that second Jack pushed the swim suit to the boy's knees, and then off his feet. "I shouldn't --, I should have my suit on. Someone might come." He lay his head on the table and let the stranger stroke his cock and finger his ass.

"I want you naked." The finger pushed up into his bowel, stretching his anal ring.

"OK." Jamie's whole attention was on the finger inside him. He'd never felt anything so exciting.

I want to be inside your beautiful naked body." Hot breath on the boy's neck. "Deep inside your ass."

"OK." The finger in his ass excited him.

"It's getting softer. Your ass is getting looser. You like it now." The boy nodded. "Do people tell you that all the time? That you're beautiful." Another finger began pushing into him. "Oh, yeah. Such a pretty boy, with such a beautiful ass hole."

"No one ever has." Jamie felt the finger work its way into his body. "I don't have a lot of friends." He looked down at the beautiful huge cock in his hand. His fingers didn't span its girth. He suddenly loved it more than anything. "Can we be friends?" He looked into those glowing eyes again as two fingers worked his anal ring looser.

"Oh, we already are, Jamie." Jack's fingers pulled the anal ring in all directions, softening, loosening. "You like that. Me playing with your fuck hole. that's what friends do."

"It feels funny." Jamie looked down and stroked Jack's thick horse cock. "Wow, it's so big, and, and, I like it."

"It feels good. You playing with it." Jack pumped the anal channel. "I'm gonna have to put it up your ass soon."

"OK." Jamie thought of nothing but the wonderful shaft he held and the fingers playing with his ass hole.

"That's my boy. I'm going to tell you every time I fuck you. I'm going to tell you how beautiful you are." Jack stood and got behind the naked boy, then pulled him to standing, facing the path along the river. With the bench between them he pulled the tender white ass back to his cock head.

When the peach shaped glans touched his anus Jamie gasped. "It's so big."

"Yeah. That's why you like it so much. Why it's gonna burn going in at first." Jack pushed the tip of his cock head into the tight meat flower. Jamie trembled. "Be brave. It'll burn, then it'll feel good. I promise."

"OK." Jamie looked around frightened someone might see them, then moaned when the prick head popped in. Underneath the soft head the thick shaft began it burning entry. "I don't know if I can."

"You have to now." Jack stroked the stiff seven inch boy cock. "See. Your cock wants it. And I need to be your friend, Jamie."

"OK." Just then a family of five walked by along the river. Jamie pushed Jack back, but was held tight around the waist. "They'll see us." Jamie gasped.

"Yeah." Jack laughed. "So hold your trunks in front of you." As he did Jack held the boy tight, pushing more shaft up the burning anus. Jamie trembled, trying to look as if nothing was happening to him. "It burns, doesn't it, pumpkin ass?"

"Yes." Jamie held the table with one hand to steady himself.

Jack bent down and licked his neck. "They think we love each other, so they won't bother us."

"Do we?" Jamie wanted Jack to be his friend.

"Depends on you. I already love your ass." Jack tweaked the boy's nipples. "Did that hurt?"

"Yes." The boy let his hands fall away, willingly exposing his chest to his lover.

"And you forgot your ass pain for a minute, didn't you?"

"Yes." Jamie wanted to cry but didn't know why. The pain, the happiness, this stranger holding him, people seeing them together. "Jack?"

"What?" The big norseman pumped the tight anus gently and licked the boy's neck again.

"Nothing." He rolled his head back onto Jack's shoulder. "I just --. Oh, Jack. I want you inside me, but it burns so much."

"Oh, pumpkin butt. I know it hurts at first, but I can't resist you. I want to be your friend."

"If you want to." Jamie arched his ass back to his lover. He wanted him now, no matter what the pain. "I want you too."

"That's my angel." Jack slid deeper into the tight anus, running his hands all over the soft white body. "Pull your ass cheeks apart for me, my pretty little butt fuck."

The burning in his anus was replaced by a pain deep in his gut as the cock shaft pushed up into him, but all Jamie felt was triumph when the stubbly pubic hair of his tormentor rubbed his ass back. He sank back onto Jack and his huge cock.

"Oh, Jack. Oh, yes." He reached behind and held his ass master tight to him. "Let's just stay like this for a minute. OK? It burns so much."

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I love my little fuck boy ass." But Jack couldn't stop. He began pumping the tight anal channel, gently in and out as he stroked the steel strong boy cock."Oh, yeah, Jamie. I like your cock as much as your ass. I'm gonna like sucking off my little butt boy afterwards." He jacked the boy's thick cock.

Despite the burning in his ass Jamie's body began responding to the piston pumping his fuck hole. He reached behind and held Jack's neck, arched his ass to meet the throbbing meat post. Then he pushed Jack's hand off his prick head. "Ja --. Jack. Don't make me co --, come, come yet."

"That's a good ass boy." The rough nordic hands roamed all over the soft white, hairless boy flesh, his chest, belly, thighs, ass cheeks. "I knew it. I knew when I saw you staring at my cock you wanted it." He pulled the head around and kissed his prey. "You like me up your ass, Jamie." The pumping became more vigorous. "I can feel you do."

The boy's breath came in short pants now. His body slithered like the soft white snake it was. As his anus grew accustomed to the thick shaft stretching it open and filling him with wonderful hardness he rolled his hips. "Jack. Oh, Jack. I feel you way in --, inside. I feel, feel you. So good inside."

"That's my pretty pussy boy. Get your legs on the other side of the bench so we're both on the same side." Jack helped him get over the seat, then he led him to the end of the table, spread the boy's beach towel on it and pushed his chest down. "Now pull your ass cheeks apart for me."

"Yes, Sir." Jamie spoke as if to his father, laid over the table and turned his head sideways, reached behind and pulled his ass apart. As he stared down at the river he felt proud, both conquered and victorious. The pumping cock warmed him now, filled him with love. People walked by. He wanted to wave so they could see him.

See him what? With a man's cock up his ass, for pleasure. Being needed, loved by this big wonderful man. He'd never dreamt of a man fucking his ass, and now he couldn't think of anything more wonderful. "Ja --. Oh, Jack." He whispered and rolled his anus over the throbbing shaft that pumped him.

Jack shoved in up to the cock root, laid over the boy and pulled the child's balls down until the scrotum stung. Jamie shivered. "That's my pussy boy. You like my cock now."

"Yes." Jamie held his burning balls.

"That takes your mind off your burning ass, huh?" He fucked a few times deep and hard onto the warm boy hole.

"It doesn't hurt hardly anymore."

"That's my boy. I'll do you a lot if you want. Be real good friends." Jack slow pounded his ass prey.

"I'm glad you like me. I want to be friends with you." Jamie's vision blurred as tears filled his eyes. "I like you being inside me. I never knew anything could be so good."

"Such a sweet butt. Come with me. I got to take you where I can really fuck your pretty ass." He picked up the child's towel and swim suit.

"Shouldn't I put those on?" Jamie stood with a thick seven and a half inch boy cock sticking straight up.

"No. I want you pussy ass naked." He walked off swinging a thicker, two inch longer shaft. His toy boy followed eagerly. In the woods they came upon a ranger on a maroon horse. "Hey, Mel. How you doing?"

The ranger saw his old fuck buddy walking with his half hard horse cock hanging out and a slender boy hiding behind him. "Just fine, Jack. What you got there?"

"Just some kid I'm gonna fuck the shit out of." He pulled Jamie to his side.

Mel studied the naked beauty with his roaring erection. "Damn, Jack. You sure do know how to pick them."

"Yeah. He's an eager one." He pushed the boy's head to his ass slicked cock. "Suck my dick, Jamie." The boy looked at the sticky organ, the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, and then sucked the head to the back of his throat. "That's a good boy. We're going to need lots of spit."

Mel reached behind to his pack. "You might need some of this." He tossed his friend a small plastic bottle of baby oil.

Jack drizzled a stream on his cock root, then put Jamie's hand on it. "Get me nice and greased up, Jamie.

"Yes, Sir." Once Jack was roaring hard he pulled the boy in front of him, bent his knees and slid his oiled shaft up the fuck channel. "Ja --. Jack. Oh, my. Right here?"

"Isn't he sweet, Mel?" Jack pumped gently. "Shy little thing too."

"Bring him by when you're done, and I'll take sloppy seconds." Mel calmed his horse who smelled sex. "I ain't come in days."

"Don't know about that, Mel." Jack's hand roamed over the soft boy body as he fucked his ass. "It's Jamie's first time. He might be sore with me going nuts in there."

Mel dismounted and popped his pants open. "Damn. You two got me going. Let me have him for just a minute, Jack. I won't take long." He pulled out a cock almost as big and just as beautiful as Jack's.

Jamie stared at the wonderful organ, his whole world changing at that moment. "Oh, wow." He whispered and watched the uniformed ranger oil his cock until it glistened like his black boots.

When Mel was ready Jack said, "Got to give you up for a minute, sweet Jamie butt." He slipped out of Jamie's ass and turned the child around.

"OK." Jamie held his ass cheeks apart and felt the smooth hardness of man meat slide into him. "Oh, wow." Then he felt the rough uniform press against his ass and back as Mel held him tight and dug deep into his soul. He felt wanted again. Needed. And looked up at Jack with eyes full of love.

"Such a sweet boy. Suck my dick." He pulled Jamie's mouth to his cock shaft.

Jamie tasted his own anus again, breathing in the scent of man love as Mel slammed his ass. He was needed, wanted finally by someone. He felt proud again, like he'd just won a race or something. He tried to show his love by kissing, sucking, licking Jack's beautiful cock as Mel pounded him.

And then he felt the wonderful orgasm. Mel's shaft swelled, pumped deep and stopped. Jamie's anal ring felt the tickle as sperm shot through the cock shaft and flooded into his bowel. More deep pumps as the ranger rammed cum into his ass. He spat out the cock in his mouth and panted into the short cut pubic hair, holding his lover to steady himself. His lover. Which lover? It didn't matter now. He loved both cocks, and stood feeling his victory, the cock of the rugged Ranger shooting cum, love into him.

When Mel was done coming he pulled out of the boy's tight ass. "Thanks, kid. I needed that. Come by the station anytime. Me and my buddy got no regular pussy, and you're a nice one."

"OK, if Jack doesn't need me." He looked up at the man who changed his life, whom he loved best of anyone.

"Just so long as I get you when I want, pumpkin butt." He turned the boy around and slid his shaft into the loose anus again. "You dumped a good load in there, Mel. I can feel the difference."

Jamie melted his cum filled anus over the man love inside him. "You feel good, Jack."

"Then come on, pussy butt." Jack slid his shaft out of the sticky ass and pushed his naked fuck boy down the trail. "We got some business to attend to." In a clearing he laid the towel down, put the boy on his back and stripped off his clothes. Jamie stared seeing Jack naked for the first time. "What?" He asked stroking his horse cock.

"Nothing." Jamie smiled at the muscular man with the horse cock, the man who wanted him, needed him even.

Jack straddled the boy's head. "Suck my balls."

Jamie breathed in the wonderful scent of man, sucked in one testicle, then the other. He couldn't get them both in at once, they were so big, until Jack forced the other in. "Bite down a little. " When his ball sucker did he pulled up, stretching his scrotum. "Yeah. I love you eating my nuts. Get them nice and warm." Once they were hot stretched he pulled them out and rubbed his ass crack over the boy's face, pushing the nose into his hole. "Such a good boy."

The scent of man hole thrilled Jamie who pulled the hairy anus over his mouth. "This is what you want." He pushed his tongue into the hot pucker.

"Such a good boy. Eat my ass." Jack pulled his cheeks apart and smeared his ass hole all over the boy's face. "Get you nice and tasty." Once his ass was eaten out, tongue fucked, licked and kissed he turned around. "Now I'm gonna fuck you real good, baby."

"OK." Jamie raised his legs and was surprised when his hips were raised and Jack sucked his anus. "Jack. Oh, Jack. I love you so much. I never knew how much I could love someone."

"I can taste Mel's cum in you, pumpkin butt. You're sweet. Sweet and beautiful. And I love my little boy's ass too. So much that I'm gonna fuck the daylights out of you."

"OK." Jamie held the mouth to his anus.

"That's my pretty boy." Jack took a few more slurps of the pink butt flower, then slung the leg over his shoulders and slid his horse cock into the loose and sticky anus. "Does your butt feel better now, Jamie?"

Jamie lay crumpled under the strong cock master, pushing his loose anus over the huge meat pole. "I love you, Jack. More than anybody. You make me feel good."

"Then I might have to do you every day." He jammed his cock until the boy cringed in pain. "Don't you worry. We'll get your insides ironed out real good. You'll be taking me easy in a week."

"OK." Jamie massaged his guts and licked his lips. "It's good already."

Jack leaned into his crumpled up fuck toy and kissed him, sloshing this cock around in Mel's cum. Jamie had never been kissed on the mouth before and sucked the tongue that pushed between his lips.

"Damn, Jamie." Jack poked his prick head all around the boy's bowel. "You are the sweetest, prettiest little cum bucket I ever had." He rammed long deep stroked in and out, from prick head to cock root, watching the boy's reaction.

Jamie lay open mouthed and open assed, delirious with pleasure, aware only of the cock pumping inside him. When he opened his eyes and saw Jack looking at him he grinned. "You like being in my butt with your cock, don't you, Jack?"

"I sure do, pumpkin." He pulled his cock completely out and sucked the gaping hole taking in some of Mel's cum. Then he rammed the boy again and dribbled the cum into his mouth. "You like that, Jamie?"

"That's Mel's sperm. I like you putting it in my mouth. Are you going to put yours in my butt too?"

"I might have to come in your ass every day you're here. What would you say to that?" Jako slammed him hard.

"OK. it feels good now."

"Well let's get on with it then. I got to come now, and I'm gonna --. Damn, I'm gonna fuck your ass good. Make you my pussy boy." And the fucking started in earnest, the rutting animal in Jack too over. "Pull your as cheeks apart. Give me that fuck hole little boy."

"Oh, yes. Jack." Jamie reached past his legs and pulled his ass open, offering himself to the nordic god who slobbered into his mouth and slammed against his ass. He panted as the giant ramming shaft heated his anus with wonder. "Oh, Jack. I feel --, I feel so good. My butt hole. Oh."

Jamie squirmed on all directions, feeling the horse power loving him, wanting him. Jack became like a wild animal, drooling and pounding his ass prey. His cock rammed the boy across the leafy forest floor. Jamie saw stars when he closed his eyes just to feel the shaft heating up his insides.

"Oh, fuck." Jack pumps harder and faster. His slapping bull's balls tightened up against his cock root. "Oh, yeah. Oh yeah. I'm gonna come in your ass. Jamie. I'm gonna fucking come." Jack slammed the boy breathless.

Jamie hardly knew what was happening. With Mel he was so concentrated on sucking Jack's big fat cock he wasn't so aware of getting fucked. But now his whole soul was centered on the cock loving him, wanting him.

He knew exactly when Jack was about to come. His lover's breathing got harder, the fuck strokes got longer and ended in a jolt. He sucked the spit out of Jack's mouth feeling the man take his pleasure in him. And then it happened. Jack slammed his ass, then stopped. Slam. Stop Slam. "Ahhh, fuck, Jamie." Streaming cum gushed into his sperm sloppy anus.

"Ja --, Ja --, Jack." The boy jerked wildly, out of control. Both man and boy felt the cum shoot up to their chins. It sprayed over Jamie's neck and chest. The boy shot a load like never before, spontaneously, without touching himself. For little Jamie it was a spiritual moment. He thought maybe his mother was right, that god came in mysterious ways to show his love. He'd never experienced anything so wonderful and rocked his ass on the cock still pounding him.

His anus clutched and released with his orgasm. The giant man pumped and panted. Both could feel the semen flow into his ass. Then Jack noticed the boy had come. When his shooting slowed to a steady dribble he bent down and licked the boy clean of his sperm, then deposited it into his mouth.

"That's your cum now, Jamie."

They kissed tenderly as Jack pumped easily, then rolled over and pulled his fuck boy on top of him. "Don't take it out yet." Jamie pleaded.

"Such a sweet boy." Jack held the tenter ass cheeks and dug up into the young child. "Suck my dick with your ass. Show big Jack you want his cock." He pushed the anus down to his cock root and then pulled the cheeks up to his prick head.

Jamie got the hang of it right away. He let his hot, sticky hole slide loosely down the thick meat shaft, and then he clenched the steel rod with his ass pucker as he raised up to the prick head. Soon his body danced on the smooth horse shaft. His anal lips slipped over and kissed the meaty cock head. "Like this?" They watched each other enjoy the afterglow of a good hot fuck.

"Just like that, pussy baby. We might have to do this again." He stroked the boy's thick cock. "I sure do like you, Jamie. You're the prettiest butt I fucked all summer. With such a big cock too."

"When can we do it again?" With an ass full of cum and hard cock Jamie curled down onto the muscled chest of the man he loved most in all the world. Like a cub being held to its mother's breast Jamie let himself be caressed. For the first time in his life hands roamed lovingly over his soft body. "Jack, you feel so good."

"So do you, Jamie. So do you." He squeezed his hand between them and fondled the fat boy cock.

"Do I?" Jamie looked into the wonderful blue eyes.

"You're the softest, sweetest little thing I ever met, and with an ass full of cum, well, I like that a lot."

"Me too."

"Kiss me, little angel."

Jamie reached behind and grasped the huge horse cock that had scared him so much. "It feels good now. And I like it being so big."

"Well, then I'll have to fuck yo again tomorrow. You'll be a little sore, but that's no big deal." He pulled the boy's anal ring wider open with two fingers alongside his cock. "Oh, yes. I know I'll fuck you tomorrow."


"If you like it so much take it out of your ass and suck it some. Get me all cleaned up."

Jamie smiled at his hero, slid his ass off the huge meat post and knelt next to his wonderful new friend who grabbed his shaft and slapped the prick head against the his lips. Jamie licked the cum slit that still oozed sweet cream, and then sucked in the huge prick head.

Jack lay back watching the boy worship him. "That's what your ass tasted like, Jamie."

"It tastes good. I like sucking you a lot."

"That's a good boy. Lick up all the sticky bits. Get me nice and clean so I can get dressed." He fingered the boy's anus. "And keep all that cum in your ass until tomorrow when you got to go. It'll make you grow big and strong."

"It will? OK." Jamie licked over the testicles where cum had dripped down. "I like your big balls too."

"Well, you might as well do it all then." Jack lifted his legs and pushed the boy's head into his ass crack and immediately felt the tongue push into his ass hole. "That's a real good boy. Eat my ass for a while."

Jamie obeyed with joy until Jack looked at his watch. "We got to stop now, baby. I got to go to town and meet someone."

"When will I see you again?" Jamie's voice sounded sad.

Jack kissed him on the mouth again. "Tomorrow, sweet butt. I can't give your ass up so easy. Now put your pants on and show me where your campsite is."

On the way down the mountain Jack asked, "You're such a pretty boy, how come your daddy don't fuck you?"

"I don't know. He's having trouble with my mom though. They talk about him leaving. I hope he doesn't. I like him better. Mom's kind of mean."

"Well, maybe you got to work on your daddy. Get him to like you more so if they split up he'll want you to go with him."

"How?" Jamie held Jack's hand.

"I don't know. Get cozy with him, like you are with me. Let him know you like him. If he's as pretty as you, I bet he'd be fun to get naked with."

"You think?" A whole new world was slowly opening to Jamie.

"Be worth a try. You're still young. He wouldn't get mad at you if he's not interested. Just a boy wanting to love his father."

Jamie's parents were at their campsite already, and both mother and father stared at the big blond norse god when Jamie led him to their table. "This is Jack, Daddy. We met at the river."

"I took the boy on a little hike." Jack said. "Hope you don't mind."

Both parents could see how happy Jamie was. "No, of course not." Cab Luster smiled at Jack who exuded such sexual lust that he turned toward his son. "I'm glad you had a fun afternoon, Jamie."

"It was the best afternoon ever, Daddy." Jamie's grin unsettled his father.



Next: Chapter 2

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