Camp Pripstein, age 15, 1972

By Maury's Friend

Published on May 25, 2004



Pripstein's is a traditional summer camp situated in St. Adolphe d'Howard in the beautiful Laurentian mountains, about 60 miles north of Montreal, Canada. The camp was founded over 60 years ago by Chaim & Pearl Pripstein.

My parents thought three weeks in the mountains, with about 150 other boys, some younger and some older, would be a good way for me to spend my 15th summer - probably my last without a summer job. Fortunately, Maury, from my school and my homeroom, was also going.

He rode to the camp with my parents and me, and we thought the place looked a little shabby when we arrived. "It's not supposed to be new," said my dad. "it's a camp! It's surely better than the one I went to."

Maury and I were in cabin 10, a square wooden shack, midway between the dining hall and the beach, and across from the bathhouse. There were five bunk beds, shelves for our clothes, a separate room for Mark, the counselor, and screens all around. Some awnings could be lowered if if got cool, but there was no heat.

After putting our stuff up, all the parents and campers met in the dining hall with the directors, and everyone ate fried chicken and spaghetti (which proved to be the best meal of the three weeks). By the time the parents left, it was getting dark, and time for the camp bonfire. I sat by Maury and three others from cabin 10, learned some camp songs, and heard the camp rules - including one requiring daily showers or swimming.

First thing Monday morning was the swimming test. If you couldn't swim from the shore to the second raft, you were required to stay for the swimming class.

I was a good swimmer, as was Maury, so we got to choose two morning activities for the first week: roller-hockey and introduction to diving. Roller-hockey was in the covered arena, and the first hour was devoted to passing out the skates, sticks, and pads, and going over the rules. I was made team captain, and picked 10 of the biggest guys for my team - the City Slickers. A quick skate proved I was a good captain.

Then I headed back to cabin 10 to get my suit for the diving class, but Mark was there and told me the diving class, and all camp swimming, was bare naked, and always had been. What a shock. Three others from cabin 10 were there, and they had been at Camp Pripstein before and knew the rule, and their comments eased my mind a little as we headed towards the diving class.

We saw the non-swimmers, and their instructors, wearing suits, and my cabin-mates made comments about the babies wearing suits - supposedly since they might be helped and touched by the instructors.

At the diving pier, about 15 boys assembled nervously, but clothes started coming off when Rick, the instructor, walked up and said "let's get started, boys, get dressed." Rick kept a towel wrapped around himself, but we all hung our shorts and T-shirts in the rack. I was the last to let my briefs fall to the ground, and I kept one hand covering my package, while looking wide-eyed at 14 boys' fannies walking down the pier. I had seen boys in my school's showers, especially before and after swim class, but on the pier there was no corner and no locker door to provide cover.

I lined up beside Maury, and he told me he'd never been skinny dipping outside before, and I saw he had his hand well-placed too. I guess a few other rookies were also hiding their dicks, but most of the group was already laughing and looking.

Rick started us off with simple dives off the pier. Dive in on this side, and crawl out on the neighboring pier. Maury and I were first, and after crawling out I could see five kids still on the pier, and thought their dicks were about the size of mine, but pretty hairy. I had a chance to look at Maury as he crawled out, and he had a big one, cut, but not too hairy. My dick was about the size of everyone's, but my blond pubes hardly showed up. After three rounds of back and forth, every dick was shrunk-up by the chilly water, making the hairy boys look even hairier.

We moved to the low board, and were told by Rick to just bounce three times, clasp our hands over our head, and dive. There was nothing like a few bounces to get our dicks and balls swinging, and everybody seemed to be getting eyeballs full. There's no way your hand can cover your package on the diving board.

Rick stopped a few guys on the board for special suggestions, and I saw that Eric, a kid from Montreal, had the biggest of the dicks in the class. I wondered what his balls looked like when they weren't so shrunken.

Rick let us have a free swim for the last ten minutes, and then ended the session with a "do your best dive" and a candy bar prize for the most improved. While 14 watched, each boy had to do his best off the board. Rick picked Bert, the youngest in the class and the smallest dick by far.

We had nearly a half-hour to dry off, get dressed, and get to our cabin before lunch, but Maury and I didn't hang around long.

After lunch, we had an hour rest before open swimming, and two guys in the cabin were bitching about having to swim naked. They were amazed that even the diving class was naked, and wondered if we would smash our balls diving off the high board.

"Happens all the time, and then the camp nurse comes and kisses em to make em well", joked two of the camp veterans. "Last year, two guys left early after their balls were torn off diving," said another. "I'm thinking about faking an injury, if this year's nurse is better looking."

Mark came out of his room about 2:00, wearing a towel, and told us to get ready, get naked, and get a towel for swimming.

Maury and I stood together as we stripped, facing away from the others, and carefully wrapped our towels. When we looked around, the two other new guys were well wrapped too, but everyone else just had towels thrown over their shoulders. Mark seemed to smile, when Bert said "it's a tradition, here, that we walk to the lake naked, led by the biggest dick." They all wanted to see who had the biggest dick, and they quickly stripped off towels. Little Nate was shocked to be naked in the cabin, especially since he pretty much had a full boner, but he was going to lead cabin 10 to the lake today. "I'll bet his little shrunked weiner won't be leading us back," said a disappointed Bert. ------------ I'd never seen 150 naked boys before, but the sight was there on the beach on a sunny Monday afternoon at Camp Prip.

I noticed a few who wanted to stay covered in the water, but most of the boys were enjoying the water, the diving tower, the tubes, and their friends. I hung with Maury for a while, keeping our dicks underwater, but soon we saw that nobody was looking - they were too busy having fun. "Let's practice our dives," I said, and he joined me in putting our dicks on display for 148 boys and being ignored by 148 boys.

Mark and some other counselors served as lifeguards, walking around on the piers wrapped in their towels.

The 90 minutes flew by at the beach, and we headed back to the cabin when the counselors blew whistles, with Maury and I wrapped up and well ahead of our cabin mates. Maury and I had now spent nearly three hours together naked, and he made no effort to cover his package as we got into our camp shorts and T-shirt.

He had lots of dark brown hair on his head, and a large crop of pubes too. His dick was cut, as were most Canadians I had seen at the beach, and when his balls weren't in the cold water, they sagged close to the end of his five-inch softee.

When my dick is not chilled, it's about four long, surrounded by balls I'd call medium at best, and a fair amount of light brown, nearly blond, pubes. At it's hardened best, I can put my hand around almost six inches, which is pretty good compared to some other 15-year-olds. ------------------

One of my afternoon sessions first week was canoeing, and little Nate was the only kid I knew. He was a first-time camper, too, and only 13. He had an older brother in another cabin.

The first two sessions of canoeing were strictly inside the ropes, but after we demonstrated teamwork, turns, and recovering from capsizing on Wednesday, Nate and I could go anywhere within sight of the canoe pier. When we got into our canoe Thursday, Nate said let's go out to the island - and off we paddled.

We landed on the island's sandy beach, and saw that no others had come that far. Nate had never said a word about sex or dicks or girls while we were alone paddling, but suddenly he popped out "Do you jerk off, Cliff? I don't know how."

This was a question I'd never heard before. I learned from my neighbor when I was 13, during an afternoon in his treehouse. He was only six months older than me, but his dark pubes made my blondies look bad . I had enjoyed a few jerk off sessions with him later in the treehouse, before it blew down in a storm.

"You're supposed to learn from your brother, aren't you," I asked.

"We're not really close. He's older and has a girl friend," said Nate. "It's embarassing to ask you."

I pointed to a log up in the woods, and headed up there. I lowered my shorts and tighty-whities as I sat down on the log, and Nate sat beside me, leaving his clothes on the ground. Both of us were already boned up, and his five incher was almost surrounded by brown curls.

"This is it," I said, as I started stroking. "Try it."

A grim came over his face, and he asked "how long `til it squirts?"

"Won't be long the first time. It'll feel like you are going to pee, but when you cum your whole bod gets the feeling," I told him.

He never said another word, but three shots of that beautiful white stuff soon squirted onto the sand.

"Can I touch yours?" he asked, and I scooted closer. Soon he was stroking mine full speed. I told him to hold on, and I slipped to the ground. He knelt between my legs, and kept his right hand stroking.

"What's a blow job?" was his next question.

"I've never done one," I replied, "but I've seen a magazine picture and I've heard guys talk. You just lick the dick, put in your mouth, and move your head up and down. There's really no blowing, just sucking."

He started licking around my dick's head, and soon swallowed as much as he could. "Keep your lips over your teeth, for God's sake," I warned him.

Blow jobs, I learned, are even more fun than hand jobs.

"Will you do me?" Nate asked.

"Sure," I replied, "I'll show you how to 69. Lay down too, with your dick by my mouth."

It didn't take long for my mouth to get his dick hard again, and I was surprised when he made it Nate 2, me 0. His second squirting left him too tired to continue sucking me, so I finished myself off, laying beside him with his eyes locked on my dick.

"Let's paddle back naked," he said. -----------------

I don't think anyone in our cabin except Mark had been in the showers all week, but Friday after dinner Mark said "It's time for a soap-down. Grap your soap and a towel. Leave your clothes here. We're going to the beach."

Soon all 10 of us were in the water, as dark approached, with Mark watching from the pier - still wrapped in his towel. He explained that each guy would walk up on the beach, grab his soap, and soap up everywhere. "Everywhere," he repeated. After Mark checked for soap suds "everywhere", it could be rinsed off. "You're going to have to have a buddy soap up your back, too."

Mark's inspections were tough, and several were told to soap up more when he looked them over. Two of the older guys, Phil and Ricky, started joking and asking Nate, Maury, and I to help them soap up their dicks. Last year, one said, the rookies were required to wash our dicks, so they coud see what real men look like. I think Nate and I would have liked to help them and get a handful of their dicks and balls, maybe even a mouthful, but i wasn't going to happen on the beach in front of Mark and the whole cabin.

Soon Phil and Ricky were together, standing knee-deep in the water, soaping up each other's dicks, and jerking each other off as the soap suds flew.

I felt Nate's soapy hand on my dick, and I edged over to Maury and started soaping him. Quickly we were a three-sided soapy circle-jerk.

Another boy had joined Phil and Ricky's party, and the other two from the cabin had paired up too.

"This happens everytime we have a soap-down," laughed Mark.

He laughed too soon, though. When the leaders, Phil and Ricky, had finished with their soapy duties, they whispered "let's get Mark." He was trapped on the pier, and not hard to capture. This would be our first chance to see his dick, and we wondered what his college senior dick looked like.

They led him to the shore, and two guys unwrapped his towel. Phil and Ricky pulled him into the water, and told us to get ready for another soap-down.

Mark really wasn't fighting much, realizing that he was out-numbered ten to one, and they laid him on the beach. "OK, guys, we'll soap up his little weeney, and you guys soap up everyplace else. He can't be rinsed until everywhere, and I mean everywhere, is soaped."

As Phil and Ricky worked on it, Mark's dick was responding, and I watched it carefully as I soaped his legs. His college degree had included a seven-inch hotdog.

"Let's give Nate the honors," said Phil. Maybe our littlest can learn something from the biggest."

I know Nate wanted to stroke that giant one, but he acted very shy until he got started stroking. Soon his other hand was fondling Mark's balls and crack, and his own boner was proof he enjoyed it.

After Nate proved that the college-boy come cum llike crazy, all of us rinsed off in the lake water, and started towards the cabin. "We're going to do this every night," said Mark. ---------------- The next summer both Maury and I were asked to be counselors, but when we arrived in early June we learned that the camp had gone co-ed: 75 boys and 75 girls.

The new rules ended skinny dipping, and the owner made one thing very clear: "No soap-downs this summer."

After the fourth day, Maury and I got away from our cabin and our boys for a two-man midnight soap-down. The next week, we got three more counselors and another tradition lived on at Camp Prip.

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