Camp Greenfields

Published on Apr 24, 2022


Camp Greenfields - Chapter 7


This is a fictional story, and it is to be treated as such. If it is not legal to read this where you live, please don't. Any resemblance to individuals or places is purely coincidental. Copyright 2022.

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The boys are getting a mandatory night in due to rain and have to keep themselves busy with games... and each other.

Now, on to the story!

Camp Greenfields - Chapter 7

As they walked back to their two tents, the boys noticed the first drops of rain. The cloud cover had darkened even more, and the evening appeared to have skipped dusk and gone straight into night mode.

When they arrived at their two tents, which were conveniently set up with the tent openings pointing towards each other, all three dove into their respective tents. Elliot in his large private tent, Tobias and Jack in their shared tent.

Elliot hung his camping light from a string on the tent's ceiling. Setting its brightness higher to shed a little more light. He was making some space because he and the boys had agreed to play some games in his tent together because he had plenty of space. That is, after he had cleaned up some of his current mess.

Stuffing clothes and other loose items into his bags and storing them to the side or in the back in his storage compartment, he was soon left with only his sleeping bag and a large open area where they could all sit and play a game.

When the zipper on his tent was pulled down, young Jack's head was the first to appear, entering the tent. His older brother Tobias, who appeared to be dragging half of their tent along with him, quickly followed him.

"Dude, I just cleared everything away!" Elliot exclaimed in an exasperated tone.

Tobias was laying everything he had brought with him on the cleared floor. He'd brought another sleeping bag to sit on, a tote bag with what appeared to be snacks, and another bag with what had to be the games.

Elliot had been preoccupied with getting all of the games out of the bag. "No wonder you guys have so little space left in your tent; you brought half your house!" he exclaimed, holding up a box containing an entire chess game.

"Yeah, well, we didn't want to get bored," explained Tobias. "I didn't expect us to find you and have so many, ehm, more interesting things to do," he chuckled.

"Touché," Elliot said.

"Touchy? Who's touchy?" Jack asked, confused. At the age of ten, he didn't know a single word of French.

"No, it's French. It's touché. It means Tobe here made a good point." Elliot explained. He loved that Jack did not yet know about little things like this.

"I'd rather have things touchy!" Jack harrumphed, leaned over, and poked Elliot in the ribs, by way of example.

"You little horn dog, you!" Elliot exclaimed as he set down the games and grabbed Jack. He then went ahead to give Jack the most vicious tickle attack he could muster.

"STOP! STOP! I'm going to pee myself!" Jack exclaimed, laughing.

Elliot quickly relented and let Jack go because he didn't want to have to sleep in a tent that smelled like piss. Jack shuffled away and tried to hide behind his older brother.

In the meantime, Tobias had taken over looking for a game to play, and was now holding up a box containing Chutes and Ladders. "Would anyone like to go down a chute?" he asked Elliot and his younger brother.

Jack peered around Tobias' back to see if it was safe and what Tobias was holding. He quickly came out of hiding when he saw it was Chutes and Ladders, one of his favorite games. "Yes!" he exclaimed.

Elliot hadn't played Chutes and Ladders in a long time. They never played a lot of board games at his house. He assumed it was more common in larger families, and as an only child with busy parents, he didn't get to play these games very often. He thought he'd last played it a couple of years ago at school, when they had an afternoon just playing games. According to what he remembered, he had found it to be a really fun game. You could win in an instant if you were really lucky, and lose your place just as quickly if you landed on a chute.

They cleared some space on the floor, grabbed a small bag of chips from the snacks bag, and quickly set up the game. The boys each chose a different colored pawn. Fortunately, instead of dice, the game came with a spinning disc. Dice would have undoubtedly gotten lost on the floor or in the sleeping bag with each throw.

They spun the wheel to see who got the highest score and got to go first. Luck was with the young tonight, and Jack was to start first. Apparently, luck really was on his side, as he landed on a ladder on his first throw, and he immediately had a huge head start. Loud whoops expressed Jack's delight at his good fortune.

As the game progressed, with each of the boys taking the lead in turns, only to fall back down a chute moments later, it became pitch black outside, with the only light coming from the small light in the tent's roof. Rain could be heard falling softly on the tent. It wasn't pouring outside, but you wouldn't want to be caught out there either.

The first packet of chips was quickly followed by another, and each of the boys also opened a can of soda. They could hear an attempt to knock on the tent as Jack was on the final stretch to winning the game.

"Who's there?" Elliot hollered.

"It's me, David," it came in reply.

Elliot motioned for Tobias to open the tent, and soon David's very wet head peered inside. "Good, I see you boys are having a good time," he said. "And dressed, for a change," he added, grinning at Elliot.

Elliot was met with puzzled looks from Tobias and Jack as a result of this. He couldn't go into it now, not with David present.

"Boys, I just wanted to let you know that the weather forecast for tomorrow is much better than what we're having now," David said, explaining why he was paying them a visit. "I'll be organizing a canoe trip, for whoever wants to come. You boys interested?" he asked.

All three of them nodded in agreement.

David became concerned at this point. "Ehm, Jack, isn't it?" he questioned the youngest, who nodded affirmatively once more. "Do you have all of your swimming diplomas? We'll be crossing deeper water as well. I'm afraid I won't be able to take you if you don't have your swimming certificates."

"Oh, I have them all!" Jack responded quickly. "Mummy always took me swimming, and I had lessons and everything." He added, looking very pleased with himself "I can even perform rescues! I'm taking lifeguard classes at the pool."

"So, we'll be in good hands, I take it," David said, looking equally impressed. He asked Tobias and Elliot if their swimming diplomas were up to date. Fortunately, they all were in order.

"That's great; I'll see you tomorrow. We'll have breakfast first. Make sure you grab a bag with your swimming gear and a t-shirt that can get wet when you leave your tents. After breakfast, we'll change in the locker rooms and then head straight to the canoes!" David went on to explain.

The three boys cheered, expecting a fun day of canoeing the next day. David quickly said goodbye, exited the tent, and Tobias zipped it shut again.

Tobias slowly turned and returned his attention to Elliot. "What was that about not being dressed?" he asked, grinning.

Jack was almost jumping up and down with excitement; he, too, desperately wanted to know. He hadn't missed the odd remark from their camp counselor!

Elliot considered for a moment. He didn't think he'd be able to tell the boys about everything that had happened. That would betray David's trust, and it could be dangerous for David if rumors began to circulate. But, he reasoned, telling a little about what had happened to him personally wouldn't put anyone in jeopardy, other than himself. And he trusted both boys completely by now.

"I, uh, got caught by David," Elliot admitted. He softly added, "twice," turning red admitting this as well.

'NO WAY!' Tobias and Jack both exclaimed simultaneously, as only brothers can. "Details, details!" Jack exclaimed.

Figuring the cat was out of the proverbial bag, Elliot started explaining. "Okay, the first time happened the day before you arrived. Remember, I was a day early?" he asked. Both boys nodded, remembering. "I had just finished putting up my tent, and David had helped me. It was hot, I'd tossed my shirt, and you know what happens when you're hot and bothered. I was sporting a huge boner and David noticed!"

Tobias cringed as he realized how awkward that must have been. Jack, on the other hand, didn't seem to see what the big deal was, with all of his latent nudist tendencies. Boners happened.

"Okay, you'd think that was bad enough," Elliot continued, "but it gets worse." Elliot paused for a moment before continuing. Telling other guys about him wanking still made him feel awkward. But, especially after their afternoon in the pool, his concerns seemed a little pointless at this stage.

"Go on," Jack pushed, "what happened!?"

Elliot sighed and gave in. "Wellll, I decided I'd take a moment and take care of my boner. You know, spank the monkey, stroke the chicken?" Elliot asked.

"What do monkeys have to do with jerking off?" Jack asked while bursting out in laughter.

Elliot, sensing an opportunity to divert attention, quickly began explaining the various slang terms for jerking off. But Tobias quickly realized that Elliot was in fact putting them on a side track.

"No way, mister, you were telling us about what had happened. Back to the story," he chastised Elliot.

Elliot threw back his head, knowing he'd have to tell them the whole story if he wanted to get off the hook. As he returned his gaze to Tobias and Jack, he noticed Tobias adjusting himself slightly in his pants; was he excited? He might have to try to use this awkward story-telling situation to his advantage, turning up the heat a little. Then, at the very least, some good might come out of it.

"Okay, you asked for it," he warned both boys. "So, here I was, alone, in my tent. This very tent," he said, indicating everything around them, "I was lying right there, bed not yet inflated. I dropped my pants and my huuuugeeee boner," he stretched this for all he could and indicated with his hands a boner at least four times as big as it was, "slapped up on my belly." Yes, he could now see both boys awkwardly shuffling where they were seated, legs crossed. Even Jack was adjusting something hard and pointed in his pants.

"I start stroking it, up and down, up and down," he explained, showing what he had been doing to himself. "It was a fantastic feeling. I was hot and doing it somewhere other than your bedroom or on the toilet adds something special."

Tobias was now nodding furiously, clutching his own boner tightly in his pants. He was well aware of how exciting a strange environment could be. He had also begun experimenting with jerking off in unusual places.

Elliot gleefully continued, aware of his obvious influence on both brothers. But it wasn't until he adjusted himself a little that he realized he was sporting some serious wood from all of this story telling himself, as well.

"So, I'm getting close, and I can't hear anything outside. To be honest, I wasn't paying much attention at this point; I just had to, you know, cum," at the end, he almost whispered, as if telling a secret.

"Fireworks!!" Jack exclaimed.

Elliot tousled Jack's hair, funny little guy. "Yeah, fireworks," he agreed. ""Okay, so, after my fourth of July," both boys laughed, and even Jack was visibly groping himself now, "I quickly had to clean up. Things had gotten rather messy."

Tobias had stretched out both of his legs, his pants tenting obscenely, his hand tightly wrapped around his tentpole.

"Next thing I know," Elliot continued, conspiratorially whispering first, then almost shouting, "David comes back and just opens my tent and barges in! There I am my pants down to my ankles and my cum barely wiped off my stomach!" He pretended to be wiping something off of his stomach again, touching his own boner on each downward stroke. He was as excited as the boys, he realized.

"Well, that was a huge shock, obviously!" Elliot exclaimed. "Not just for me though, you should have seen the look on David's face!" he was laughing now, remembering himself how very shocked David had looked and how profusely he had been apologizing. Swearing at the same time, and even apologizing for that. "Actually, he had just lost his handkerchief in my tent while he was helping me, and he came looking for it. Unfortunately for him, I came just a moment before!" Elliot laughed at his own pun, Tobias and Jack joining in.

For a brief moment, Tobias believed that was the end of the story. He let go of his boner, feeling both incredibly horny and a little sad that the story had already come to an end. He had not even realized he had been holding his boner. Which was strange because he was used to being extremely cautious, especially around his younger brother. Looking to his left, he noticed that the same younger brother was not hiding the fact, at all, that he was stroking his tiny erection. He was furiously stroking up and down with his hand in his pants. Then he remembered, hadn't Elliot just said: twice?

"So, ehm, that was the first time?" Tobias ventured cautiously, hoping against hope that there would be more to come.

Elliot did nothing more than nod his head. Tobias quickly mimicked his brother by shoving his hand back down his own pants. Both boys were now obviously playing with themselves, and Elliot loved what he was seeing. He wanted to join in, but he was afraid of losing track of the story he was telling if he did. So, he satisfied himself by looking at the two boys in front of him, and he went on with his story, trying to skip over the adventures he'd had that evening in the showers with David.

"The next time was actually on the morning of the day that you guys arrived. I had just woken up with a massive hard on!" Elliot told them.

Jasper looked a bit confused at this.

"A boner, doofus!" exclaimed his brother, still fervently moving his hand up and down in his pants.

Elliot was getting frustrated because there was a lot of action going on, but he couldn't see anything because both boys were still wearing their pants. He crossed his arms and declared, "That's it, I'm not telling you anything else!"

"Wait, what? Why!?" Tobias whimpered; he had felt himself edging closer and closer to a release, which had now been abruptly denied to him.

"Those come off if you want me to continue!" Elliot said, nodding at both boys' pants.

Both Jack and Tobias looked at each other's pants, seeing that they were both busy rubbing their dicks in their pants. After what appeared to be a telepathic moment, both boys simultaneously pulled down their pants and briefs. They were now sitting right next to each other, butts touching, wearing only their shirts and sweaters. It was a thrilling sight for Elliot. He uncrossed his arms and motioned for both boys to keep going.

"Okay, I'll tell you the rest. Well, I'd just had an incredible dream," for a brief moment, he wondered again if he should tell them what had really happened. But then, he thought he could tell everything that had happened, as if it had just been his dream! He decided to go for it, because just waking up and being caught with a boner was a bit of a quick end to the story, and both boys apparently needed a little more to get to where they were going.

"Don't tell anyone," he said quietly, "but I had a dream about David. I had a dream that we were both showering. Right here, at camp. It was just the two of us." Both boys vigorously nodded, clearly imagining this.

"I was actually dreaming that he had just caught me wanking in the shower, and he actually joined in!" Elliot told them.

"No way!?" Both boys exclaimed, panting heavily by now.

"Not only that, but David, in my dream of course, has an amazing body!" Elliot reminisced about that first night, which had not been a dream at all. "Down there, he's totally hairless. He has no chest hair either. He's exactly like us, but much bigger!" Elliot was pointing down and indicating a cock that must be huge! Okay, he might have been slightly exaggerating.

Jack was now just listening, eyes closed, pumping his spike up and down between his fingers. He was clearly engrossed in the story and his own new feelings.

As Elliot explained how David had touched his dick, Tobias and Elliot suddenly heard Jack grunt and slide down on his back. He was still clutching his young cock, which was now clearly throbbing madly between his little fingers. The boy couldn't yet cum, but he was clearly capable of one hell of an orgasm! Elliot was almost envious, remembering the days when he could go from one orgasm to the next without having to clean up after himself. Puberty had its benefits, but most of them came at a cost. A messy cost!

Tobias was still going strong, so Elliot continued, intending to give him an amazing fantasy-induced climax as well.

"As I said before, that was what I had been dreaming," Elliot explained, "but as you can imagine, I woke up with the worst case of morning wood in all of history. And, just so you know, I sleep in the nude."

Tobias nodded, his eyes now tightly closed as well. He knew about morning wood. He'd love to see Elliot's, he thought. His mind wandered to what that might look like, seeing his friend wake up, nude, sporting wood like crazy. It was almost too much for him...

Elliot threw both hands up in the air, recapturing Jack's attention, who was now sitting up again, one eye on his brother's antics. "Next thing I know, guess who barges right back into the tent!"

"No!!!" Jack exclaimed, figuring this could only be one person.

"Yes, our friendly neighborhood camp counselor turns up, unannounced, yet again!" Elliot agreed, just as loudly.

Tobias' mental image of Elliot being caught by David and trying to cover up that lovely cock finally pushed him over the edge. Grunting, he felt a rush of orgasm like he'd never felt before! His cock twitched furiously, and he became convinced that he was peeing himself. Shocked, he looked down and noticed that his hand was wet and that a small dark wet spot had appeared on the bottom half of his sweater. He had spunked! For the very first time! He would have stripped naked first if he had known he was going to do that! He couldn't care less right now. He was still basking in the blissful afterglow of his pubescent orgasm. His first true cum!

Elliot was surprised to see Jack draw his finger through the string of cum on Tobias' sweater; and lick it. "Salty!" Jack exclaimed happily.

"Dude, what are you doing!?" Tobias asked, looking up, just now seeing what Jack was doing.

"Checking what it taste's like, of course," Jack said, as if it was the most natural thing to do. "I didn't see you make any in the pool, so I couldn't try then."

It dawned on Elliot that this was the first time he'd seen Tobias squirt anything. He'd had a dry orgasm with their previous rump in the boys tent. Nothing had come out that afternoon in the pool either.

"Was that your first wet cum?" he inquired cautiously.

With a blissful smile still on his face, all Tobias could say was, "Oh yes! It was bloody fantastic!"

Elliot was astonished; Tobias had him beat in this department. He hadn't begun properly cumming until he was well into his twelfth year. And Tobias was still eleven years old. Okay, almost twelve, as Tobias kept proclaiming to everyone.

"Nice one dude!" Elliot applauded. "Wow, amazing that we were there to experience it with you!"

Jack was still licking his finger. "Nice!"

Elliot shook his head. He had a lot of fun messing around with these guys, but the idea of licking someone's cum still grossed him out a little. The world of porn on the internet made it appear to be a very normal thing... but that was still a bridge too far for his thirteen-year-old and inexperienced mind.

Both brothers had returned to normal breathing patterns, were sitting up again, and were now looking expectantly at Elliot.

"What?" Elliot asked, cautiously.

Tobias was grinning now, and he crossed his arms. "We're not telling... unless you drop those pants!"

What did his brother have in mind, Jack wondered as he looked at Tobias.

Elliot, still pumped from what he'd seen both brothers do and witnessing Tobias' first wet cum, was still raging hard in his own pants. It only took a few seconds for his pants to fly off, followed by his briefs and, after a brief thought, the rest of his clothes as well. He was now naked as a jay-bird. It was a little chilly already, but with the heat he was feeling right now, it didn't bother him.

"Now what?" he challenged Tobias.

Tobias, despite his youth, was not afraid to take on the challenge. With his most authoritative voice, he told Elliot to lie down on his stomach on his inflated bed.

Elliot quickly turned around and laid down on the bed, just as Tobias had instructed.

Meanwhile, Tobias shuffled over and sat himself across Elliot's legs, one knee on each side. He felt his sweater getting in the way as he leaned forward, so he quickly tossed it away. He was now naked, just like Elliot. He laid down on Elliot's back, his tiny dick nestled just below Elliot's butt crack, between his thighs. Tobias raised his hands and placed them on Elliot's neck muscles. He carefully began kneading them, trying to massage his friend's muscles.

Tobias' actions were now clear to Jack, and he wanted to join in on the fun. With a little less fat on him, he was already shivering with just his pants off, so he decided to keep his sweater on. He moved closer to Elliot's legs and began kneading the tense muscles in his calves.

Elliot was in heaven! Tobias's body was pressed against him, which was an insanely sensual sensation for him. He then felt his neck getting massaged. After a brief moment, he started to feel his lower legs being massaged as well; that had to be Jack. He sighed, contented. He had secretly hoped for something a little more exciting, but this felt just as wonderful.

As he felt his neck muscles relax, he felt Tobias lifting himself a little and progressing down on his back. In the meantime, Jack was slowly moving up on his calves. Jack's hands were obviously quite strong for someone his age!

He felt Tobias reach his gluteus maximus, his butt, he loved that word. The tension was being worked out there as well, and he could feel the fingers getting closer and closer to his puckered hole. Tobias would surely notice he was almost directly on his hole, right? He'd stop there?

He heard a slurping sound behind him. Next thing he knew, something cold and wet pressed against his hole, and then actually entered him! He had not seen that coming!

While his erection had gone down while he was getting more and more relaxed, it went up to full mast in seconds! This was something new! What was Tobe doing? He tried looking around.

"What!" was all he could say before Tobias shushed him and pushed his finger even deeper into him.

Jack was completely unaware of what his brother was doing, only seeing his brother's back and bottom as he worked on Elliot's legs, and Elliot was slowly getting finger fucked at that very moment. He just kept working up and down on Elliot's legs, blissfully unaware that the moaning sounds he was now hearing were the result of his own ministrations on Elliot's calves. He knew he was good at massages because he gave them to his mother a lot! She had shown him all the proper kneading techniques and locations. Clearly, Elliot was enjoying it as well.

Elliot tried to get up for a moment, but Tobias' other hand pushed him back down. His friend's finger struck something inside of him at that precise moment, sending electric shivers up his spine and straight down into his balls. He moaned loudly and relaxed back onto the inflated mattress.

Tobias was acting out a fantasy of his own. He was sitting on Elliot's legs, making certain he couldn't move. His own dick was as hard as a nail once more, almost poking up Elliot's butt crack. He could gently rub it between Elliot's thighs. He had wet his finger, making it nice and slick, and had entered the enticing pucker in front of him with determination. He'd had an unquenchable desire to stick his finger up Elliot's butt the moment he saw it!

He got into a rhythm of rocking up and down between Elliot's thighs while his finger moved in and out of his friend's butt. He could feel a cramp forming in his hand, but he didn't want to stop. This was bloody incredible.

Even Jack couldn't deny that something other than a massage was taking place. He became aware of his brother's rocking back and forth. As he sat back up, he looked around to see what his brother was up to, and he was astounded! He discovered his brother's finger buried as far as it could go into Elliot's hole, and his hard penis rubbing up and down between Elliot's legs.

He reached out, intrigued. First to Tobias's penis, touching it while it slid up and down. Next, he caressed Elliot's butt, close to where Tobe's finger was still lodged in his friend's now frenzied butthole. For a brief moment, Tobias removed his finger, and Jack saw an opportunity to seize control. He tried sticking his own finger in, but was surprised by the amount of resistance he received. His brother's finger had seemed to slide in and out effortlessly.

Elliot's moaning had changed to whimpers. Back there, something had changed, and it didn't feel good. Tobias noticed what was going on and realized Jack's dry finger was causing him to hurt Elliot. He grabbed Jack's hand, drew it to his mouth, and inserted Jack's still pointing finger into his mouth. Licking it, and carefully getting it wet with as much saliva as he could. Not giving a hoot about where that finger had been. He had quickly realized that anything sexy was inherently dirty. With Jack's finger now dripping wet, Tobias returned it to Elliot's bumhole. Jack pushed his finger in again, this time more cautiously. It slipped in easily, and he began doing what he had seen his brother do.

Tobias continued riding his dick up and down between Elliot's legs, now that he had both hands free. It felt just as incredible as when Elliot yanked him off. The fact that he didn't have to rely on the familiar feeling of his own hand really amplified everything. In the heat of the moment, he grabbed his younger brother's blonde hair and drew Jack's face up to his. He kissed him full on the lips, and after a little prodding, he felt his brother open his mouth slightly. Taking advantage of the situation, he pushed his tongue in slightly. He didn't want to frighten Jack.

Jack was not at all frightened. He enjoyed it when people played with his hair, and it felt great to feel his brother grab him by the hair. He didn't pull hard either; instead, he gently guided him. He knew Tobias wanted to kiss him, and he wanted nothing else right now. He let their lips meet and pondered where he was going from here. Feeling his brother move around a little, his mouth automatically opened up, and his own tongue made an almost electrical connection with his brother's. {This felt amazing!} Jack thought to himself. He fell in love with kissing as he continued to push his finger into Elliot!

Elliot craned his neck to see what was going on. He was curious as to what had just occurred on his butt; it felt really good again, but in a different way. He saw the most amazing thing he'd seen so far as he managed to turn his head just far enough. Jack and Tobias were fervently kissing each other, and as he looked down, he noticed Jack was now knuckle deep in pushing his magic button. And he was doing an amazing job, he hit it time and time again.

Suddenly, he felt his ass cheeks clamp around Jack's finger. He could feel his dick erupting spurt after spurt between his stomach and his mattress without even touching it. His whole body was trembling and vibrating, causing Tobias, on top of him, to reach a second climax as well. Something hot and wet landed on the top of his legs and quickly slid down between them. Oh yes, Tobe was now cumming properly, all right! {Bye-bye, mess-free orgasms}, he thought with a mischievous grin.

Tobias sagged back down on Elliot's back, ignoring the fact that he was now lying in his own wet mess, or that he had effectively clamped Jack's hand in place, finger still firmly embedded in Elliot's ass.

"Tobe!" Jack started whining, trying to wrench his hand free.

Tobias lifted himself slightly, and Jack's finger was released with a very funny plopping sound. Jack almost instinctively put his finger in his mouth, because it was hurting from being clamped, but he remembered just in time where his finger had been for the last few minutes. Jack was adventurous, but not stupid! He decided to exact revenge on his brother and wiped his finger, which wasn't even really filthy, on his brother's bare leg. Tobe literally couldn't give a shit. He was already sweaty, hot, and sticky. This wouldn't make much of a difference.

Elliot, on the other hand, was eager to be free of his position. Having someone lie on top of him took his breath away, and he desperately wanted to clean up the wet mess on his bed. After all, he'd have to sleep in it later. He was relieved that the inflatable mattress was made of rubber rather than fabric! He wasn't waiting for a crunchy hard spot in his mattress like he'd find after waking up from a wet dream. Tobias landed almost on top of Jack after Elliot shrugged him off his back. Both boys quickly untangled themselves. Elliot was now sitting up on his knees, wiping the mess from the mattress and his stomach with an old sock. And it was a big mess alright! He turned to face Tobias, who was still naked, with a glistening wet patch on his stomach just above his penis. He grabbed the boy and drew him closer, carefully cleaning every last bit with a clean bit of the same sock. "There, or you'll be smelling up your tent all night of cum!" he smacked Tobes' bare buttocks softly with his hand as he finished cleaning the last bit. "Put on your clothes, you're freezing!" he insisted. When he looked over at Jack, he noticed the younger boy was already shivering. "You, too!" he urged.

"Shouldn't you get dressed too?" Tobias wanted to know, pulling his sweater over his head.

Elliot looked at his watch; it was already past ten o'clock. He needed to get some sleep if they were going canoeing the next day. Both boys too, especially Jack, being the youngest. He'd never have enough energy if he didn't get some proper sleep.

"Nah, we should turn in, and, as I just told you, I prefer to sleep in the nude." Elliot answered.

"Can't we sleep here?" Jack asked carefully.

Elliot considered for a moment, but to be honest, he was a bit afraid that they would not get much sleep, seeing how they had kept going at each other all day.

He was saved by a huge yawn, after which he said, "I really need some beauty sleep, and you guys really need some good sleep as well. Let's not change things up tonight; maybe another night, okay?" Elliot suggested.

"Like a sleepover?" Jack asked, yawning a little now as well, like it happens when one person got things started.

"Yeah, like a sleepover," Elliot agreed. That'd be fun.

Jack was looking around for his pants and found them. He considered putting them on, but quickly realized he'd have to take them right off again when he got to his own tent. Being Jack, he decided to forego wearing pants entirely. He'd walk the few steps to their tent half naked. As if anyone would be out of their tents with the weather being the way it was.

They finished gathering the boys' belongings and decided to leave the large bag of games in Elliot's tent. It would free up some space in the boys' tent, and Elliot had plenty of room to tuck it away.

Jack opened the tent flap and began scrambling out, giving Tobias and Elliot a vision of a naked butthole wiggling out of the tent. They heard Jack stand up as he exited, followed by someone wolf-whistling outside.

When Jack's head reappeared in the tent, he exclaimed in horror, "Some girl just saw me naked!"

"Well, that's what you get for going naked all the time; go back into our tent, you're probably still mooning her right now!" Tobias responded, now slightly cranky. He figured that's what you got for not being a little more careful. It was Jack's own fault.

Jack vanished quickly, and they could now hear wolf-whistling coming from at least three different directions. The other tent's zipper was then pulled up, and the whistling ceased as Jack appeared to have vanished from view.

Tobias exited the tent as well, relieved that he was at least properly dressed. Elliot could hear a few disappointed 'awws' from outside the tent. The same people appeared to have hoped to see another naked boy.

Tobias now stuck his head back in the tent, "It's dry out. Well, it's not raining anymore, but the tents are soaking wet. There were a couple of girls outside some of the tents, throwing a glowing ball in the dark. And Jack's white butt must have glowed as much as that ball!" he said, giggling.

Elliot laughed at that, just Jack's luck!

All three boys were soon in their own tents. Outside, there was now nothing but silence, not even the sound of rain on the canvas of their tents. Perhaps just an occasional hoot from an owl chasing his nighttime prey.

With so many adventures and new experiences in one day, sleep came quickly for all three of them. And, to top it all off, they knew they'd be canoeing with David from Elliot's 'dream' the next day.

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