Camp Greenfields

Published on Mar 6, 2022


Camp Greenfields - 5



This is a fictional story and it is to be treated as such. If it is not legal to read this where you live, please don't. Any resemblance to individuals or places is purely coincidental. Copyright 2022.

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- Chapter 5 -

Elliot awoke to the sound of two sharp whistles. At least no one was trying to rock his world like David had this morning. Two whistles signaled the beginning of the evening meal. How long had he been snoozing? He was very confused.

He could hear the camp becoming more active outside his tent. People began to walk around. He also heard Jack and Tobias rummaging through their tent. He'd have to keep that in mind because sound traveled easily between the tents. He heard the zipper of the boy's tent open, followed by a soft knock on the front of his tent.

"Elliot, you up?" Jack inquired in a high-pitched, boyish voice.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a second," Elliot replied, "let me get a sweater on."

He rummaged through his luggage and unearthed a nice, comfortable sweater. He considered changing into pants, but decided that a sweater would suffice. He quickly drew it over his head and exited his tent.

Blinking against the still-bright sun, he noticed that Jack and Tobias had also changed into slacks and a sweatshirt. It was reassuring to see the boys could take care of themselves in the evenings, especially since they were so close to the lake.

Jack looked at Elliot, "Those were the dinner whistles, right?" he asked.

"Good memory, Jack," Elliot said, "let's go grab some grub!"

The three boys joined the bustle of kids making their way to the main building. Everyone was attempting to get in at the same moment, so there was a bit of a tangle at the entrance to the building. Hugo was directing everyone inside to the same table they had used earlier in the day. Surprisingly, it appeared everybody was automatically finding the same table arrangements as before. Elliot observed that some of the children who had captured his attention at his table were seated in the same spot.

Within minutes, the last kids entered the hall and were quickly seated. Elliot sniffed deeply, he could smell something roasted and his tummy was becoming restless and noisy again.

David, sitting next to Elliot again, noticed. "Keep quiet, you monster!" he joked.

Tobias looked askance at Elliot, he was not getting the joke.

"I, ehm...," Elliot began, "tend to get a bit noisy when hungry. Last night, my stomach wouldn't stop grumbling, and I kind of got the nickname 'Monster'," he explained.

As he said that, his stomach growled as if he was holding a dragon in there. Tobias laughed.

"I can see why! You sound like Smaug!" he laughed.

Elliot, a big fantasy fan, immediately caught the Tolkien reference. Smaug indeed! "I'll burn you to a crisp, if you're not careful!" and he pretended to breathe fire at Tobias.

Elliot, as well as the other kids in the hall, were quickly drawn in by a few taps on the microphone. Hugo had returned to the stage.

"Listen up, campers," he started, "tonight, we'll be serving roasted sausages, hamburgers and pork loins! For the vegetarians amongst you, we also have a great assortment of roasted vegetables. So, there should be something for everyone."

Hugo took a look around the room and waited for everyone to settle down. "We'll also light the fire pits after dinner. You are welcome to join us there tonight, if you wish to get to know each other better. Although it is not a required activity, we highly encourage you to participate. It's a great opportunity to meet your neighbors or some of the children with whom you may be participating in activities."

A cheer went up, most kids had not expected that there would be campfire time on the first night already.

Hugo went on, "The first camp activities will take place tomorrow. There will be several options from which to choose. I recommend that you all think about what you want to do as tomorrow's activity, tonight. Make some friends who might be interested in participating in that activity."

Hugo held up his hand and first indicated a one with a raised index finger, "You can choose from a bush craft cooking workshop, with camp leader Scott!"

He held up another finger, "Or, you can select to go on a trek to the forest with camp leader Jennifer. You may even cross the yellow line!"

A third finger joined, "Third, you can join me and David for a couple of games of volleyball on the sports field." Having explained the activities, he pointed at camp leader Blake, the only camp leader who was not organizing an activity. "Blake will remain here at camp, in case any one of you have issues. He will also be in charge of first aid. If you have an accident, tell the leader who is in charge of your activity. If he directs you to first aid, go to the camp leader's building, where you will find Blake."

He pointed his finger at all the tables in turn now, "Let's make sure Blake will be bored out of his head by the end of the day!"

Hugo now spread his arms wide in a welcoming gesture, "Let's eat! Table five goes first tonight!"

That meant the table with Elliot, Jack and Tobias would be last this time. They had been first this morning, so it was kind of fair. Elliot's roaring stomach was of a very different opinion, though, eliciting some giggles and laughter from Jack, Tobias and a couple of other kids at the table.

They passed the time by getting to know the other kids at the table, and David was relieved to see that everyone was getting along. He was getting a lot of help from Elliot, and he was thinking that it wouldn't surprise him if Elliot himself became a camp leader in the future. He appeared to be a natural at it.

There was just one more table to go before it would be their turn. David looked down his table and noticed a camper was missing. He nudged Elliot on the arm and asked, "Do you know where the kid at the end of the table has gone?"

Elliot hung himself halfway across the table so he could see what David was pointing to. He knew which kid David was referring to; it was another young boy. Black hair with a darkish hue. If he wasn't mistaken, he wore a red shirt tonight. But he had no idea where he was.

"Don't know," Elliot said to David, "but I could look if he's in the toilets?" Elliot suggested.

"Oh, if you could, thank you!" David said. He did not want to leave the table in case he would not be back in time to make sure everyone got their plates in a somewhat organized matter.

Elliot got up, and Tobias and Jack automatically seemed to follow. They were pretty much a band of three by now. Elliot shrugged, he rather liked it and did not mind the company.

The three of them went out, the sun had already dipped below the top of the hills. Elliot knew from previous experience that the early twilight gloom would last for quite some time. They dashed over to the restroom building and entered.

Inside, they knew they only needed to check the boy's side. David would have certainly asked one of the girls if any of the girl campers had gone missing. They entered by pushing open the door with the stick-figure boy on it. There was a row of urinals, and at the end, they noticed the missing kid, his pants halfway down his bare buttocks. He was obviously preoccupied with something, and he hadn't noticed the door behind him open.

Elliot called out to him, and the boy was clearly startled. He let go of his pants, which dropped around his ankles as he turned around. Sometimes the stories you heard about kids with a darker color turned out to be quite true. The boy must be around Jack's age, so quite young, but he was sporting a dick pretty much the size of Elliot's. All three boys stared bug-eyed at the kid, who scrambled to get his pants back up to cover himself up.

"Sorry," Elliot said, not feeling very sorry at all, "we were sent to see what was keeping you, we're about to get dinner".

The kid had regained control of his pants and quickly hoisted up his underwear. His pants, on the other hand, were a different matter altogether; his zipper had become stuck, and that was what he had been struggling with.

"I can't... get... the... zipper...," he gasped, trying to get his zipper up.

Elliot walked up to the kid, "Can I... help you?" he asked?

The black haired boy looked at Elliot, considered, and shrugged.

Elliot felt a bit awkward, fiddling with the front of the boy's pants. He could clearly feel something bulging in there. Not that the kid was getting an erection, he was just very big. "I'm Elliot, by the way," he introduced himself. "I thought it might be polite to at least introduce myself, since I'm pretty much feeling you up in the toilets," he giggled at that.

Fortunately, the boy could see the humor in his situation as well. "I'm Chris," he said, "and the flipping zipper got caught again!"

So, this was not the first time something like this had occurred. Elliot pulled the zipper all the way down, revealing a pair of Batman underwear. He noticed one of the zipper teeth was deformed. He moved the zipper over it carefully, wiggled it a little, and it went straight back up. He stood up and took the time to close Chris's button as well.

"Now, I do hope you were finished with your business, or you'll have to drop those pants again," Elliot said, "and I'm not sure if Jack and Tobias could take the shock of your monster again. It might hurt their sensitive little souls." No point in denying what they all had seen, and Chris must know himself, he was rather on the large side compared to kids his age.

Chris sighed as he did so. He'd heard it numerous times after gym class at school. "I'm sorry about that. You got me by surprise. I'm usually more careful because I'm constantly teased because I'm really big."

Elliot threw his arm around Chris and started guiding him out of the toilets, "No worries big guy, just good genes. That's all."

Elliot noticed Jack and Tobias turning around, and he could hear Jack whispering something to Tobias, but he couldn't hear what they said to each other. He'd ask later if he didn't forget. For the time being, his inner Smaug declared that it was time for dinner once again. They hurried out of the restrooms, and when they returned, their table had just gotten up to get trays and dinner. The four boys joined the line and were relieved to see that there was still plenty of food available. Elliot, Jack, and Tobias all requested burgers, and Elliot even got an extra sausage. Chris ended up choosing the vegetarian menu and piled his plate high with grilled vegetables, fries, and a bowl of apple sauce.

Chris returned to his own seat at the table after saying his goodbyes to the boys. Elliot, Tobias, and Jack made their way back to David.

"I see you found the lost sheep," David said as he pointed to Chris.

Elliot just managed to stop himself from stuffing his face with a huge burger bite in time. "He got stuck in the toilets," Elliot explained.

"Wardrobe malfunction," Tobias added.

David appeared confused, so Jack added, "His zipper had gotten stuck. Elliot fixed it."

After a moment of thought Jack gestured for David to lean in closer, and he whispered to him, "His name is Chris, and he's huuuuggee!" he glanced down, "You know, there!"

David nearly choked on his sausage as he processed that information and formed a mental picture.

Elliot looked at Jack and said admonishingly, "Jack, stop telling on people. You've already told on your brother today and now you're sharing private stuff on poor Chris as well. It's not nice."

Jack looked very contrite, "I'm sorry," he whispered.

David was catching his breath again. He did not know what the boys had meant about telling on Tobias, but he had to agree with Elliot on Chris. The kid needed to know what he could and could not share with other people, "Quite right, Elliot." Elliot beamed at the unexpected praise.

By now, Elliot had stuffed a pretty good chunk of burger in his mouth, "mow, gwet on eathing!" he said, his mouth very full.

"And you need to learn not to talk with your mouth full, Elliot, " David said, "there's pickle going everywhere!"

Elliot looked around and discovered that David had not exaggerated; he could see bits of pickle and other things stuck to the side of his soda glass.

"Sowwy!" he replied, before realizing he shouldn't be talking with his mouth full, even to apologize. David merely shook his head.

The rest of dinner went by without incident. They all enjoyed it, and Tobias even returned for a bowl of applesauce. When David looked around the table, he saw empty plates and happy faces all around.

"Good, no dishes for anyone tonight, I see we have all finished our plates!" David said. "Please, feel free to return your trays. Rest of the evening is for yourselves, camp fires will be lit half an hour after every one is finished here."

The boys put away their trays. They filed out of the building, waving goodbye to Chris, who was still talking to some other kids.

Outside, most of the kids were making their way back to their tents, unwilling wait without the comfort of the fires. Elliot examined his wristwatch, a survival watch with a built-in compass. He figured it would only take fifteen minutes to light the campfires, and he didn't want to return to the tents for such a brief time.

Looking over to the campfires, he noticed the one with the guitar standing next to it. He'd taken a few lessons and knew a few basic camp songs. He dragged Jack and Tobias to the logs that encircled the campfire. While sitting by the fire, you could sit on or against those. He took up the guitar and began strumming the strings. Thank goodness, it was in tune; he had no idea how to tune the guitar by ear. He did it on his phone at home.

"You know any camp songs? " Jack asked.

Elliot strummed the guitar once more and paused for a moment. He sat down, placed the guitar on his lap, and began the first chords of 'Stand by me,' a song he really liked which wasn't too difficult to play.

To his surprise, Jack immediately jumped in and began singing the lyrics to 'Stand by me' in his boyish, high pitched voice. It only took a few moments for people to notice, and despite the fact that the camp fire was not lit, people sat on the logs around the fire pit to listen to Elliot play the guitar and Jack sing.

Elliot was playing one of Jack's favorite songs on the guitar, which made him very happy. He knew this one by heart. He sang in the school choir, and they frequently performed this song. He began by closing his eyes and concentrating solely on Elliot's guitar playing. In his mind, he felt surrounded by his entire school choir, giving him the confidence he needed to be truly heard. He kept singing, and to his surprise, he heard more voices as he sang the second chorus. When he opened his eyes, he saw a large group of girls, and even some boys, gathered around their fire pit. Some of the kids joined in on the chorus, happily singing along with the well-known 'Stand by me' lines.

Jack kept singing as he noticed one of the camp leaders, Blake, at their fire pit, attempting to light the stack of wood. Theirs was the only fire pit that had a crowd gathered around it.

After a while, Jack heard Elliot start to finish the song. He sang the chorus one more time before concluding the song with Elliot.

When Jack looked at Elliot, he noticed that the older boy was beaming at him. He wondered why, when someone played a song around the campfire, wasn't this the idea?

"I hope you don't mind, I love that song," Jack said. "We sing it a lot at school."

Elliot couldn't believe his ears when he heard this kid sing. His singing was fabulous! "You are welcome to sing along at any time!" Jack was ecstatic. "Oh man! That really was incredible!"

He paused for a moment, wondering if Jack knew any more songs. He was also a big fan of sea shanties, so he decided to try a song that was currently trending on YouTube and TikTok, and he began the first notes of the Wellerman song.

Jack's ears perked up; his choir didn't sing this one, but he had practiced it in front of the mirror numerous times at home. The Wellerman could be sung along with a very entertaining dance. He jumped in after standing up from the log. "There once was a ship that put to sea, and the name of the ship was the Billy o' Tea."

The first time the chorus came around he was still singing alone, but as he continued the song, a lot of the other kids fell in as well on the second chorus, and even more on the next few.

"'Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguing' is done, we'll take our leave and go,'" The kids were singing, and the light of the campfire was now really adding to the atmosphere.

Elliot was surprised to see all the kids around their campfire, listening to their music, as he finished the song. He'd been so preoccupied with playing the guitar and listening to Jack that he'd lost all sense of his surroundings.

Just as he was about to begin another song, a guy appeared behind him and grabbed the guitar from his hands. Elliot's hold on the guitar slipped as he became twisted around, and he was on the verge of falling off the log.

A big guy, about fifteen, he guessed, stood there. He held the guitar by the neck and clearly did not know how to properly handle a guitar. He was wearing a bandana around his head with skull markings on it; it reminded him of something, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"We don't need any of your pansie songs," the guy said, pointing to Jack with his free hand.

Elliot was taken aback; what had evoked such a violent response?

He noticed Jack's surprise as he looked at the teen.

"You're the guy with the pirate's flag," Jack remembered.

"That's right, we're the pirates!" the guy exclaimed. He took a menacing step closer to Jack and yelled, "Arrrrr!!!"

Jack took a step back, his back to the campfire. Tobias rose and joined his brother.

"You're on our shitlist, dweeb," the guy went on. "No one messes with the pirate flag!"

He turned around and gave the guitar to some random girl who was also sitting by the fire, instead of returning it to Elliot. "Here, you play something pretty," he said as he walked away.

Everyone around the campfire was stunned and silent. Tobias looked around, but there were no camp leaders nearby who could have witnessed what had happened. In addition, he had no idea who the dude was or what his name was.

The blonde girl stood up and handed Elliot the guitar. "What a jerk that guy is. "I really enjoyed your playing." "And you have an amazing voice!" she said to Jack. "Don't let bullies like him stop you," she said. "Could you please sing some more?"

Tobias had wrapped an arm around Jack, who was still shaken. Jack stood up and began singing defiantly. Elliot tried hard but couldn't recognize the lyrics or the tune, but Jack soldiered on and sang the entire song unaccompanied.

"'Yo ho ho and a bottle of mead
I've got a secret, I hate the sea
I eat all my lemons, I'm fit as can be
But out on the ocean you won't find me
Can't make me walk the plank with my feet here on the land
The greatest treasure of them all is the use of both my hands
You're stuck eating hardtack
While I'm here eating veal
I'm a pillar of virtue
And you just pillage and steal
Sure you get the glory
Sure you get the fame
You set your own hours and you have a funny name
Why did I even put accordions in this song?
Ah screw it, sign me up, I've been a pirate all along'"

It was an anti-pirate song he had learned from YouTube, and it seemed like a brilliant song for the moment. Though, secretly, he was relieved that the bully guy wasn't there to hear him.

Everyone at the campfire was clapping along as he finished the song, and they all cheered for him at the end. It meant a lot to Jack to know that the other kids weren't like that bully.

Jack sat down, stating that he was done singing for now. Elliot put the guitar away, and no one else was picking it up. He guessed that not many kids knew how to play an instrument. The campfire was now nice and warm, and it was getting dark outside. You couldn't see much beyond their fire.

Hugo appeared and handed over sticks and a large bag of marshmallows. Everyone was soon turning a marshmallow in the fire, attempting to get that perfect crisp without burning it.

As it grew colder, the boys sat closer together on the log, sharing a bit of body heat as well as the heat from the fire. They talked about everything, including school, sports, and where Jack had learned to sing. Elliot soon discovered that Tobias had not inherited the singing gene. Tobias tried to sing a note, and it sounded false enough to shatter glass. Tobias was really good at sports it turned out, he was a swimmer, and he had won various medals already.

As the logs in the fire began to collapse in on each other, the boys noticed their eyelids becoming heavier and heavier. Jack, as the youngest, was the most exhausted. He'd had an exhilarating day. He was wedged in between Jack and Elliot. His eyes were becoming droopier, and his head nodded down every now and then. He didn't know when, but his head had dropped down and to the left, landing against Elliot, and he hadn't come up anymore.

Elliot looked to his right and noticed Jack dozing off against him. He thought it was cute that the kid was so relaxed that he had fallen asleep against him. He was an only child, but he imagined what it must be like to be a big brother now. At the very least, a little. He wrapped his arm around Jack's shoulder and held him in place. His hand brushed against Tobias' shoulder, who could only smile when he saw what was going on.

"He's out like a light," said Tobias. "It'll be difficult to get him to the tent tonight."

Elliot took a look at Jack and thought about how he could help the little guy. Maybe he could get him on his back. Then he could hitch a ride back to the tent.

Elliot and Tobias talked for a little longer; Tobias was not as easily tired as his younger brother. They got to know each other better as the evening progressed. Tobias had never had a girlfriend, Elliot discovered. Even though he had, he knew it wasn't his thing, so he decided not to bring it up. He wasn't ready to tell his new friend he was gay because he'd had enough of a close encounter with David, but he also didn't want to give any false impressions. If Elliot had a personal gripe, it was lying or liars. He had never lied, as far as he knew. He might choose not to tell something, but that was something else, he reasoned. However, knowing Tobias had never had a girlfriend made Elliot wonder for a moment. Why? The guy was friendly and obviously knew how to make friends.

After a while, the camp leaders began going from fire to fire, asking everyone to finish their conversations and make their way to the tents; it was time to call it a night. Elliot checked his watch and saw that it was already past eleven o'clock. It would have been way past his bedtime at home. Elliot took a look at Jack, who appeared to be fast asleep. He shifted his weight on the log so that Jack was now resting against his back. Tobias immediately understood Elliot's intention and wrapped Jack's arms around Elliot's neck.

Elliot drew Jack's arms in front of him and began to stand. He took on Jack's light weight, and as Jack's rear end lifted from the log, he swung his legs around Elliot and grabbed on tight. Jack was now attached to Elliot's back like a little monkey. Jack was still sound asleep, and Elliot could feel him breathing slowly in and out. Tobias stood up and the three of them returned to their tents. Elliot relied on Tobias to shine a light on the path so he could see where he was going, as he now had his hands full.

As they approached their tents, Tobias dashed ahead and unzipped their outer tent, followed by the inside tent's zipper.

Elliot had to pause for a second to consider how he was going to get Jack into the tent from behind him. Tobias shuffled in first, turned around, and poked his arms out of the tent.

Tobias peered out the tent and saw Elliot standing outside with Jack on his back; he extended his arms out, indicating to Elliot that he should hand Jack over to Tobias so that he could drag him into the tent. Elliot must have understood what was intended because he loosened his grip on Jack, shifted him to his front, and then delicately deposited him into Tobias' waiting arms. Tobias grabbed Jack by the armpits and brought him into the tent, where he lay on the opened sleeping bag. It appeared that a cannon could be fired without waking Jack.

Tobias watched Elliot climbing halfway into the tent, attempting to assist Tobias in getting Jack to bed. The two boys were peering down at Jack, who couldn't be shuffled into his sleeping bag completely dressed. Tobias began tugging on Jack's jumper, while Elliot untied his shoes and socks. When Tobias removed Jack's jumper, the shirt he was wearing underneath came off with it. Jack was now down to his undies, which did not appear to be really comfortable to them.

"Do you think he'd mind?" Elliot asked quietly.

"Mind what? Sleeping in his pants, or us getting them off?" Tobias asked.

Elliot reflected, he disliked sleeping with clothes on, and this morning he'd gotten a clear indication that Jack didn't like wearing too many clothes too. "I suppose we should get them off," he replied.

Tobias nodded, as if he, too, was thinking the same thing. His parents would normally put his younger brother to bed at home. They'd also undress him. As his older brother, he supposed it was now up to him. He knelt down and began undoing the button and zipper. It took some effort to undo a button on someone else. It finally gave way, and he was able to slip his pants down. Elliot, who was at Jack's feet, dragged the pants completely off. Jack was now only wearing his white underwear. Despite the fact that it was dark and there was only a small bit of light coming from the lantern that Tobias had turned on, Jack looked utterly angelic lying there.

Before Elliot knew what was happening, Tobias had taken hold of Jack's underwear and had dragged those down as well, leaving him virtually naked, underwear around his feet, where only Elliot could reach. He gasped, which did not go unnoticed with Tobias.

"You've seen him naked this morning, too, silly," Tobias pointed out.

Elliot gulped, "Yeah, but that was not this much up close." He was sitting in reaching distance of Jack. He stuck out his hand and could not help but caress the younger boys leg. It was so very silky smooth. His touch was light, and he could feel the tiniest hairs on Jack's leg rise up in goosebumps. He had become fully immersed in the moment and had momentarily forgotten about Tobias. He moved Jacks underwear out of the way and slid his hand back up Jack's leg, stopping just shy of the teeny tiny nutsack. Even though Jack was asleep, some part of what was happing must be seeping through, as his small cocklet started rising up in a couple of shudders, sticking straight up now.

Suddenly, there was another hand on Elliot's; Tobias had reached out and put his hand over Elliot's. Elliot was brought back to reality as a result of this, and he realized what he had been doing. He stammered, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It's okay," Tobias said quietly to Elliot, "I've done it before."

"What do you mean?" Elliot asked, returning Tobias' gaze.

"He's always out like a light, and sometimes he sleeps in my room. But when he's scared, or if there's a thunderstorm, he'll come sleep in my bed." Tobias explained, "I've felt what he feels like as well. He wouldn't know, he's always out like a light."

This was quite a revelation for Elliot, he had not thought Tobias would do something like that. But looking at the angelic boy under his hand, it was not very difficult to understand why. Jack had continued on to different dreams and was now limp again. Jack drew up his legs and looked like he was getting cold.

"Let's get him into his sleeping bag," Elliot suggested.

They pushed and shoved Jack to his side of the tent and got him into his sleeping bag. Elliot was disappointed to see the boy disappear beneath the covers; what a sight!

Elliot was now seated almost entirely inside the boys' tent. Tobias sighed and yawned. "I guess you're pretty tired as well," Elliot said to Tobias.

"Sure am," Tobias replied, "we were up super early this morning." He took a look around and decided to remove his own sweater from over his head. He, too, was getting ready for bed, and he didn't care if Elliot saw anything. He'd bonded quickly with the guy, and all the talking they'd done around the campfire had made him feel like he knew everything there was to know. Though there seemed to be something that the older boy was trying to conceal that he could not put his finger on. He continued unbuttoning his pants.

Elliot sat there and watched the older brother starting to undress as well. He loved what he was seeing, but it was putting him in a bit of a predicament, he had started boning up and had to adjust himself carefully. Good thing there was very little light in the tent.

Tobias shrugged off his pants and took along his own undies in one go. His socks and shoes were already outside the inner tent. He was now sitting cross-legged in the tent, across from Elliot. He was waiting to see how the older boy reacted. But other than him shifting around where he was sitting, and getting a very solid stare, nothing much else happened. The stare was becoming a little too long for him, and he noticed Elliot wasn't looking him in the eyes. "Eyes are up here, idiot," he snapped his fingers. Tobias burst out laughing. He was beginning to wonder if he might know what Elliot was hiding. Thinking back on how he had caressed Jack's leg just a moment ago, and not freaking out at all when he had told Elliot about him having done the same. 'OMG, he's gay as well!' shot through Tobias' head.

Tobias had never had a girlfriend for a reason. He enjoyed girls, and some of his closest friends were girls. And that was the problem; they were never anything other than friends to him. He had no desire to try to make anything else or more out of it. Not that he ever had a boyfriend either, he was just ten after all. But he knew that if he ever had a special someone, it would most likely be another boy. They just made the best friends! You could wrestle them, and they just understood you when you were talking with them. Kind of like with Elliot. Thinking about boyfriend material, and then about Elliot, was causing him to feel a bit flushed. He felt he was going to get a boner, but covering up right now would draw just as much attention to it, as not covering up. Plus, with what he had just realized, he figured Elliot would probably not mind anyway. Perhaps he'd even give himself away if he saw yet another boner in under five minutes. 'Would he be able to resist, if he was really gay, and perhaps, into him?' Tobias relaxed.

Elliot was starting to feel overdressed. He'd just finished undressing Jack and was now sitting across from Tobias on his inflated mattress, fully clothed, while Tobias was no longer wearing anything. Elliot realized he was doing a truly awful job of hiding his feelings for the boys when Tobias snapped his fingers. He looked up at Tobias and they looked each other in the eyes. He noticed Tobias appeared startled for a brief moment, but a few seconds later, all he could see was a smile on Tobias' face. His eyes dropped down again, and this time he saw that Tobias was beginning to sport some serious wood, and not doing anything to hide it. He saw Tobias shrug his shoulders.

"It happens," Tobias just said, winking.

Elliot was just at a loss for what to do with himself. He was torn between wanting to get out of the tent and into the cold air to cool off. At the same time, he wanted to reach over, push Tobias back against the mattress, and wrap his arms around him.

He flushed even more when he realized he wasn't running out of the tent. Tobias stretched out his arms and touched the top of the tent. Elliot could see some serious muscle definition forming on his stomach, which he attributed to all of the swimming. The beginning erection was now a bona-fide boner, standing proudly erect, foreskin pulled halfway down the knob. He gulped again and could not take his eyes off of it.

Tobias noticed Elliot was once again fixated with his own favorite toy. Would he be able to persuade Elliot go a step further? He stretched out, pretending to yawn for a long time. Because of all the swimming he did, he knew he had a pretty good physique. One of the older girls he spent a lot of time with had even told him he had a great body, for his age. That had made him both proud, and a little self-conscious. Elliot did appear to be mesmerized, transfixed. He ended his stretch and, not entirely by chance, let his hand fall on Elliot's knee.

Elliot saw Tobias' hand come down slowly and touch his bare knee as if in slow motion. Had he not chosen to continue wearing his shorts for the evening, nothing might have happened. But the touch of Tobias' hand on his bare knee, fingers slipping just slightly into the opening of his shorts, jolted him out of his trance. Common sense seemed to have vanished, and before he knew it, he had one arm around Tobias' bare back, the other in the boy's hair, and he was falling down with him on the air mattress. The fact that he was right next to Jack did not even cross his mind anymore. He just 'had' to touch this amazing boy. He did halt for just a moment, he had to be sure he was not crossing any lines with Tobias, but he found no resistance. Instead, he felt Tobias pressing his body against his own, trying hard to get as close as possible. The boy's boner was pressing against his stomach trough his sweater. Too much clothing!

Elliot quickly removed his own sweater, and he was now chest to chest with Tobias. Electricity seemed to spark where their skin touched. This felt incredible. It wasn't even close to how he had felt the night before in the showers with David. His hand reached down, and before he could get to his own shorts, he felt his hand brush against Tobias' hard dick. It wasn't very big, which wasn't very unexpected on a boy that was nearly twelve. He had only recently begun to experience a significant growth spurt himself. But it was still an amazing thing to feel. He slid his fingers over it, and Tobias gasped in his ear. Tobias' fingers moved down his back, tracing over his back muscles. They came to a halt at the waistband of his shorts. Elliot let go of Tobias' dick and pulled his own shorts down. He pushed them off with his legs, and he was now naked, lying on his side against a squirming Tobias. Their bodies made contact, and he could feel his own larger dick rubbing against Tobias'; the sensation was simply amazing. This was way better than jerking off, and he wasn't even using his hands. He was just rubbing himself against another boy.

Tobias felt Elliot's hand on his dick for the first time, and he immediately saw stars. He almost had an instant dry orgasm, but he was able to resist. He moved his hand over Elliot's back, enjoying the sensation of the developed muscles beneath his hands. When he had touched Jack, everything was just soft and silky. He had liked that too, but this feeling of strength under his fingertips was even more amazing. Fortunately, Elliot was not that much taller than him. He might be older, just over a year, but they weren't that far apart in build. He felt Elliot shrug his own shorts off and for the first time he felt another dick against his own body. Okay, a year did seem to make some difference, Elliot felt quite a bit larger than himself. But right now, he was not worried about comparing sizes. He loved what he was feeling. He gently pressed against Elliot and felt something slippery on his dick. He reached down to feel if he had somehow wet himself, but found it had not been him, but Elliot. It was also something else, he had not felt this before. It was wet and slick. He slipped his hand around Elliot's dick and he could just close his hand around it. He loved the slippery stuff now as he found he could now easily move his hand up and down Elliot's shaft, who arched his back as a result of the sudden and intense feeling.

Elliot, never one to be left behind, quickly reached over and took Tobias between his fingers. Even though the boy wasn't very big, he was hard as a nail and he found he could easily masturbate him. It felt strange to be doing this to someone else in this way. He quickened his pace as he discovered he was reaching new heights in record time. He turned his head a little and was now facing Tobias; it was difficult to focus on the boy's face because they were so close. He closed his eyes and moved his head in, his lips finding the soft warm lips they sought. They writhed and kissed. Before Elliot knew it, Tobias was the first to reach a sudden climax. He felt the boy tense and shudder in his arms. Tobias' hand clenched tightly around Elliot's cock, which was just too much for him. His balls tightened, climbed up, and then... fireworks. Tobias had not released his grip during his own climax, and the tight clamp around Elliot's cock made his orgasm extremely intense and long lasting. He still couldn't produce copious amounts of cum, for which he was insanely grateful at the moment, as it would have been a bloody mess otherwise, but it felt like he had spewed liters of the stuff.

Both boys lay next to each other on the mattress, catching their breaths as they came down from their respective highs.

"That," Tobias exclaimed, "was the best!"

Elliot was relieved to learn that his unexpected attack had not pushed the boy too far. In fact, he seemed to have enjoyed it a lot. "So, I take it you didn't mind?" he asked.

"No way," Tobias said, "I only realized just now how you might actually like it. I had no idea you would like it this much though!"

Elliot exhaled a sigh. Keeping secrets was apparently proving difficult in this camp. So he decided to follow his instincts and come clean, telling the truth. "You know, I think I'm gay," he admitted to Tobias.

Tobias rolled onto his side, looked at Elliot, and kissed him gently on the cheek. "And perhaps a little dimwitted," he added, causing Elliot's brows to raise, "I am as well." Tobias said it quietly; he'd never said it out loud to anyone before, not even to his younger brother.

Elliot cracked a grin. Just his luck, one of the first friends he made at camp turns out to be gay as well. Why couldn't this happen to him at home, but only here at camp? He'd been hoping to meet someone like Tobias. Okay, maybe he expected his ideal boyfriend material to be closer to his own age. But, when you thought about it, just over a year isn't that much of a difference at all, as he quickly calculated. His parents were eight years apart in age, but he reasoned that it didn't matter as much when you got older. Tobias was probably only one class behind him in school.

He noticed a cold, wet patch forming on his skin and realized he needed to clean it up. He looked around for his shorts, but all he could find were Tobias' underwear. He grabbed them and lifted them into the air. "Do you mind?" he asked, pointing to the mess. Elliot continued cleaning himself and the stuff that had landed on Tobias, as Tobias shook his head.

He sat back up, more or less clean. He turned to face the sleeping Jack, who had rolled over and now had his back to them. He realized he was naked in the tent of the two brothers, and despite having just spent a very intimate moment with Tobias, he began to feel very exposed. Tobias truly appeared tired, satisfied, and deliciously exposed on his open sleeping bag. For a brief moment, Elliot considered staying in the tent and seeing if they could squeeze the three of them inside. But he was afraid of what would happen when Jack awoke in the morning. He was not ready to be found out like that with the kid's older brother.

"I'm sorry Tobe, I think I gotta go," he said.

Tobias was sorry; he wished he could have kept Elliot a little longer. Having the opportunity to hold another boy in his arms had been eye-opening. But he was also extremely tired, and he struggled to keep his eyes open. He only managed to mumble, "Good night," before falling asleep.

Elliot gathered his belongings, but he felt a little silly getting dressed for the two steps it would take him to get to his tent. He took a moment to wrap the sleeping bag around Tobias. He then looked outside, realizing the boys' tent had remained open all this time. It was cloudy, and very dark, he would risk it. He quickly grabbed his belongings, shuffled out of the tent, and closed both zippers.

Without fully standing up, trying to stay at least a tiny bit hidden between the tents, he moved over to his own tent and quickly entered. When he turned on his tent light, he noticed how empty and cold it was. Especially since it was much larger than the tent he had just traipsed though. He didn't put on any other clothes because he preferred sleeping naked. He hurriedly crawled into his own sleeping bag, closed it, and listened to the sounds of a mostly silent camp. Every now and then, he could hear just a bit of noise coming from different directions. He dozed off softly as well, his mind wandering to his most recent memory of Tobias, Jack, and their tent.

Next: Chapter 6

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