Camp Greenfields

Published on Feb 10, 2022


Camp Greenfields - 2


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Now, on to the story!

In the previous chapter, Elliot arrived to Camp Greenfields a day ahead of the other campers. While setting up his tent, he found he needed a hand, and camp leader David came to his rescue. Having worked up a bit of a sweat, it did not take much for Elliot to need some urgent relief. Just as he had finished jerking off and was pulling up his shorts, David had come back looking for his lost handkerchief. He caught Elliot pretty much pants down, causing quite an awkward moment for the two of them.

They talked it over and Elliot assured David he was not going to tell any of the other camp leaders what had happened, putting David’s worries at ease. They both searched for and found David’s handkerchief and had a bit of an intimate moment sharing a hug, before David left the tent.

Elliot continued putting his tent in order. Bags in the back compartment, and he inflated his big air mattress. It was pretty much a king-size mattress, but it fit just right in his two-person sleeping compartment. He would have so much room to move around. Which probably was a good thing, Elliot was a bit of active sleeper.

When everything was in place, it was late in the afternoon and the sun was starting to disappear behind the hills, bringing a bit of a chill into the air. He pulled on his shirt and wandered off to the communal area with the firepits, toilets and shower cabins.

Looking around, he could see six large firepits with grills over them. To the right he could see the camp leader's building and just across the field with the fireplaces were the toilets and the showers. The cooking area was clear of grass and was basically hard compacted clay. No risk of fire spreading. One of the firepits already had a fire going, and he saw David and some other camp leaders sitting on a couple of logs next to it.

“Elliot!” David waved him over, “come sit, we’re about to get dinner going.”

Elliot went over to David, pulled up a log and sat next to him. Happy to already have a familiar face amongst the strangers. Wait, the old guy, he had been here last year as well. He must be one of the regulars.

“Everyone, this is our early bird, Elliot,” David introduced him. Going from left to right David introduced the rest to him, “Elliot, this is Hugo, you may know him from last year. Then we have Jennifer, Scott and Blake. We five are the camp leaders this year. You may also see Mr. Green at some point, he is the owner and caretaker of the camp. But he won’t be in today or tomorrow.”

Elliot gave a bit of an awkward wave to everyone to say hi. He looked on the grill and saw some burgers grilling. His stomach was apparently very appreciative and let it be known with a loud rumble.

David looked in amazement at Elliot. “Hold your horses, dinner will be ready in ten minutes!”

Sheepishly, Elliot looked back at David, “Sorry, I skipped lunch I guess, working on the tent and all.”

“Oh yes, I can see how you would work up an appetite with that. You have been so busy!”, David laughed.

Elliot hit David on the shoulder with his fist. He knew full well that David was not referring just to setting up the tent. He sure seemed to like playing with fire. Two could play at that game.

“You just make sure you don’t lose any of them burgers, just like you lost your handkerchief in my tent!” Elliot stuck out his tongue at David with that.

Hugo laughed, and he sounded like Santa Claus had arrived in the wrong season. Now that Elliot thought of it, Hugo kind of reminded him of a big Santa Claus in a summer outfit. Sans the beard, though.

“So, I guess you two have already got acquainted. Good to see our latest hire is not afraid to do some work.” Hugo said. He stood up and wandered over to the grill. He flipped some burgers to ensure they would not burn. “Elliot, be a good boy, run inside and grab a bag of buns, will you?”, Hugo asked, pointing his thumb back to the camp leader's building.

Elliot got up and walked to the big building. It was made entirely out of logs and looked like a huge camping cabin. On the top floor, there was an open deck where the camp leaders could look out all over the camp, while still being sheltered from any rain by the roof. Just beyond the cabin there were a few large spruces and beyond that the actual forest started. The whole campsite was surrounded by forest. Last year, Elliot had learned that the campsite actually was established over a hundred years ago after a forest fire left this bit of wood completely clear of any trees. As the surrounding forest recovered, these fields had been kept clear of any sprouting trees and in time they had been turned into these beautiful green fields, right in the middle of the forest.

Having reached the building, Elliot pulled on the heavy wooden door and entered. He knew the storeroom was directly to his left, a few steps into the small hallway. The door was unlocked and he could see everything for dinner was already set ready to be brought out. He grabbed a bag of buns, and looking at the different condiments, he grabbed a bottle of ketchup as well. 

Trotting back out of the main doors, he could see Hugo was still flipping burgers and that someone, was getting plates out. Jennifer, was it?

With another loud rumble of his stomach, he sat back down on his log and handed the bag of buns to David. David quickly got a mess from a holster on his belt and opened the bag. He cut two of the buns open, handed one to Elliot, keeping one for himself, and passed along the bag with the remaining buns. Everyone took out a bun and cut it open. Looked like all the camp leaders had a knife, something the campers were not allowed.

Hugo lifted one of the large burgers from the grill and moved over to Elliot. “There you go, you little monster. That should stop those terrible sounds you seem to be making”, he said, dropping the big slab of meat on Elliot’s bun. 

Elliot squeezed some ketchup on it, and he immediately knew this was going to get messy. The burger hung over the sides of the bun on all ends. His hands were going to get greasy all right. Hunger soon removed any worries about dirty hands, and he took a huge bite. Burger grease, and some dabs of ketchup, were painted from ear to ear on his face. Heavenly!

As he was chewing down and really enjoying this excellent piece of meat, he saw one of the camp leaders getting up. That was… Scott, Elliot thought. Scott reached behind his log and grabbed a big camera. Wait, what? Before he knew it, Scott had turned around, pointed the camera and a big flash blinded Elliot. 

“Gotcha, first camp picture!”, Scott exclaimed, “I’m the camp photographer, and you should see your face! You look like someone painted a huge smiley face on you with grease.”

Scott turned the camera around and showed Elliot the photo on the small screen of the camera. Even on the small screen, there was no mistaking that Elliot’s face had an almost Joker like smile painted on it. He had to admit, it looked funny.

He shrugged, and with half his mouth still full he told Scott, “Mo point gettin cwean, will be mowe diwty”.

Scott looked askance at Elliot, who suddenly seems to be reverted to some kind of Neanderthal speech. Then it clicked, no point getting clean, will be more dirty. No arguing there, the burgers were huge! He put his camera down and started preparing his own.

After all of them had finished off their burgers, Elliot actually felt kind of full. One burger was pretty much an entire meal. No vegetable, but he knew that would be a different story once the other campers got in. Camp meals were always a lot of veggies, and for those who wished, some meat. Healthy food to maintain energy for lots of activities. Elliot touched his face and felt his fingers slide right over his cheeks. He was a right mess.

Suddenly, he felt David’s hand on his head, and his head was being turned towards David. In came one of David’s hands with a clean paper towel, and he got to work cleaning Elliot’s face like he was his mother. Down went one piece of paper, and another was already inbound for the other side of his face. Elliot felt David’s hands touching his face gently. Definitely not a mother’s touch, it was almost a caress. Somehow, his face must still not be clean, as David grabbed another piece of paper, and he sure took his time cleaning every nook and cranny on his face. The touch of David’s gentle hands were giving him another uncomfortable feeling downstairs, and he was hoping he would have enough control this time not to pop a boner amidst all the other camp leaders.

Finally, David appeared to be satisfied, and with a flick of Elliot’s nose, he let go. Elliot quickly turned back on his log and crossed his legs. He leaned forward as if to warm his hands on the fire, hiding his predicament from sight. Actually, it was getting really chilly out by now. The sun had set and it was getting darker. The light from the fire cast a cosy glow on the six campers and the buildings surrounding the firepits. This was the best time, Elliot thought. Twilight was such a magical time. Not yet quite dark, but everything ‘changed’. He was handed a drink, and he slurped it down. He realized that he had not yet gone to the toilets since he had arrived, and the drink pushed his bladder over the edge. He got up and walked over to the toilet building. He knew the way and as he walked in, the lights automatically switched on. That was new, last year he had struggled to find the light switch when he had to go in the dead of night.

The first stall was open and as he looked in he noticed everything looking freshly scrubbed. That wouldn’t last long, as soon as the expected sixty campers came in tomorrow. He relieved himself and washed his hands. For a moment a though crossed his mind where he wondered what would happen if David walked in right now. Would anything happen? Would he dare let things happen? He was sure there was some kind of tension in the air between them. Elliot actually waited for about a minute, but then thought it was rather silly. Of course nothing would happen, David would be way too scared to lose his job, or worse. He quickly left the building and returned to the fire.

Once he got there, only Scott and David were left. The fire had gone down quite a bit, and it was no longer as bright. As Elliot returned to his log, next to David, Scott got up and stretched.

“I’m turning in guys, tomorrow the monster arrive…”, Scott stumbled on the last bit, “Sorry Elliot, the guests arrive, and I will need all my energy to survive the next couple of weeks.”. He turned around and headed to the camp leader's building, only the campers used the tents.

It was just David and Elliot now, sitting next to each other.

“Shouldn’t you get some early sleep?”, Elliot asked, “You know, because of the monsters?”

David chortled, “You’re all monsters all right. Camp has not even started and I’m already finding I have my hands full with just you.”

Elliot was feeling mischievous, “I can hold my own handful perfectly well, thank you very much!”. He made the universal sign and motion of wanking. Was it the light of the fire, or did he actually see David blush?

“I’m sure you are, big boy.” David said, feeling a bit awkward with how open Elliot was with him. In training, they had been warned to keep a professional distance from the campers. Camp Greenfields offered camping opportunities to kids ranging from nine to seventeen, and a lot of attention had been given to how to deal with teenagers with raging hormones. David could not help how he felt though, Elliot was a cute kid, and he was not ‘that’ much older than him. At least, that is what it felt like to David. He was still getting used to the whole adulting thing. Finishing his studies, getting a job, finding a place for himself. The chance to become a camp leader at Camp Greenfields was almost like a bit of a holiday for him as well. He had always loved going camping himself, and for a few weeks, all he had to worry about was spreading his enthusiasm for everything that had to do with camping. That, and not getting caught looking too much at all the guys. He wasn’t sure about Elliot, his ‘spiderman-senses’ tingled, but he knew for sure he liked guys. He had hooked up with a few in college, but nothing had lasted. No one in his family, or his friends, knew. Elliot’s attitude seemed to trigger in him everything he had been taught to avoid. Teasing Elliot seemed such a natural thing to do. And it was not like Elliot was not giving as good as he got.

“You sure you cleaned up all right after this afternoon?”, David asked. “If I were you, I’d go grab a shower now that you’re still the only camper here. It will be busy tomorrow with all those kids sweaty from the car and bus rides over here.”

Elliot sniffed himself, trying to make it look like nothing was wrong with how he smelled. Actually, he found he stunk quite a bit. All kinds of different funky odours hit his nose. Sweat, smoke from the fire, something… musky. Okay, perhaps David had a point, but he wasn’t going to show. “Nothing wrong here, you must be smelling your own lip!” he quipped.

He did get up though and started moving to his tent. “I’m turning in as well, I’ll see you tomorrow!” he waved goodbye to David.

David got up as well, and he threw a bucket of sand over the fire, extinguishing most of it. “Good night Elliot!”

When Elliot was back in his tent, he found he had forgotten to leave his torch out of his bag. He struggled to find it in the dark, and when he found it he clicked it on in its dim setting. Just enough to see what he was doing in the tent. Shuffling around a bit, he could not help but notice he was indeed stinking up the place. Had David not pointed it out, he might not have noticed. His room at home was also rather smelly most of the time. At least, that’s what his mother kept going on about.

He lay down on the mattress and got out a comic book. He had brought a bunch of old and new ones to read while he was here. After absently flipping pages for about half an hour, Elliot sighed. He wasn’t going to relax with the tent getting more and more stinky. He shuffled himself to his bags and grabbed his towel and soap. Elliot had given in to the need to shower.

When he stuck his head out of the tent, it was actually really dark out. He grabbed his torch and headed back to the firepits and the shower building. He stubbed his toe on a root that stuck out of the ground, and by the time he got to the showers, he was almost hopping on one leg. He must have hit it rather hard.

There was nobody else in the building, all the camp leaders must be inside in their own lodge. Getting ready for bed, or drinking. Again, the lights turned on automatically, must be a new thing they installed in all the buildings this year. The showers were communal showers. Okay, there was a different section for boys and girls, of course. And before you got to the actual showers, there was first a kind of changing room. Big wooden doors gave entry to the girl’s section on the right, and the boy's section on the left. Stick figures, actual figures from sticks, indicated which section was for boys, or girls.

Elliot hopped through the left door and entered the changing room. Lights turned on, and he sat down on one of the benches. He was only wearing his flip-flops on his feet, and he pulled his foot up to investigate why his toe was hurting. It looked a bit blue and bruised already. He touched his big toe. Yes, that hurt! But the skin was not broken, and he could still bend it, reluctantly. He figured it was not broken.

Relieved, he got back to what he had come for. He tugged his shirt over his head and dropped his shorts. Still going commando, Elliot was ready for the showers in no time. He grabbed his bottle of soap and headed to the showers. David had been right, having the showers all for himself was a real blessing, he knew how crowded it got last year. Everyone always seemed to go to the showers at the same time. In the showers, there were six ceiling mounted shower heads. On the wall, you could turn on whichever shower head you intended to use. Elliot turned on the one way in the back, and he waited until he could see steam coming from the water. He went over to his shower and he felt the rush of hot water hitting his body. He loved hot showers. Like, really hot. Scalding hot. And, as an added benefit, he could see the shower section quickly steaming up. It was like his own private sauna! He heard the water rushing over his ears, and he could almost feel the grime and stink wash off his body. He moved his hands over his body and let them glide over the muscles that were getting more and more definition lately. He had found out just a little while ago that it felt amazing when he pinched his nipple just right. Not too hard, but a good tease gave him incredible tingles. He squeezed one and he felt his body respond. He moaned and felt an oncoming boner. Realizing he was not in the privacy of his own tent, he stopped and listened carefully to check if he was really alone. He could no longer see into the changing room because of all the steam, but he couldn’t hear a sound. He pinched his nipple again, and it had the desired effect. He felt his cock go from soft to a very enthusiastic semi. He pumped a bit of soap into his hand and he soaped up his dick. It only took a few strokes to go from semi to fully erect.

Again, Elliot listened, but he could not hear anything over the sound of his shower. Would he dare go all the way? His throbbing cock made the decision, and the lack of control over his hormones caused his hand to start moving up and down all by itself. Elliot gave himself over to his body and gave all his attention to pleasuring himself. One hand on his nipple and a soapy hand on his dick, he turned himself around under the hot spray of water. He was fully lost in all the different stimuli his body was getting. 

“That you Scott?” it suddenly sounded right behind him. Elliot felt like his heart was about to jump out of his chest. He had been almost on the edge of cumming, but getting startled like this brought him right back.

A dim figure appeared in the mist and resolved itself into a familiar face, David!

Elliot kept his back turned and his hand was actually still on his hard cock. He did not dare move. On the one hand, he was afraid he was about to get caught by David, again! And on the other hand, he was so close, that any movement on his cock might set him off and that would be even worse.

It was at that point that David noticed that the figure in the shower was much shorter than he had expected. He thought he had heard Scott mention going to the showers. But this was not Scott, or any of the other male camp leaders. Suddenly he realized he had done it again, he had walked in on an unsuspecting Elliot. To make matters worse, this time, he had walked in on him while being naked himself! He noticed Elliot not turning around, or giving any kind of response for that matter. “Elliot?”, he asked quietly.

Elliot could not really keep ignoring David behind him. He turned his head around a bit more and could now see that David was actually in the showers, and just as naked as he was. His eyes drifted down and noticed David was pretty much hairless like him. But him being an adult, that must probably mean he shaved down there. David was not really extremely big. He had a decent cock, but nothing like what Elliot had seen in porn movies online. Soft, it looked slightly larger than his own. Thinking of his own, he was reminded that he was still standing here, hand wrapped around his cock, fully hard and ready to blow. Looking at David’s cock, even more so, it was getting very difficult to stay in control. “Eh, hi, David, I was just, ehm..” he awkwardly said. This was giving such huge deja-vu vibes. Again, he was at a loss for words as David had caught him in the actual act this time. 

David, not knowing what Elliot had been doing and only seeing his back and a very wet, shiny, cute butt, stepped closer. “Yeah, it’s me. I thought you had already turned in and heard Scott saying he was going for a shower. The hot water is out in the lodge and the only hot showers are here right now.”

Another shower switched on, David must have flipped the handle through the mist. It was the shower right next to Elliot.

David stepped closer and Elliot tried keeping his back turned to him. Elliot felt blood rush to his face, through his body. His cock kept on throbbing, he was right there! He had to hold on and let go of his cock. Then he might be able to go soft unnoticed.

Not understanding Elliot’s predicament, he placed his hand on Elliot’s shoulder. He was worried he had yet again scared the boy. He wanted to make sure he was all right. “Elliot?” he asked.

Elliot felt David’s soft hand land on his shoulder, gripping his shoulder. It felt like his hand seared the skin on his shoulder and he felt his knees buckle, NO! A shudder went up from his toes, through his legs. He felt his buttocks clench, and he could actually feel his cock swell in his hand as his climax built, and he went over the edge. An earth-shattering orgasm wrecked his body and as he came in his hand, he shuddered and trembled. Not being able to keep his balance properly, he stumbled around a bit and turned slightly towards David.

David felt Elliot flinch, shudder. Had he scared him this much? Surely not… It was that moment that Elliot turned around a bit and David got a clear view of Elliot, hand clutched around a throbbing hard cock, knees trembling as wave after wave coursed through the boy's body. Elliot was cumming! And not a little, either!

Both Elliot and David were in shock. Elliot had tried so very hard to recover from getting caught, and David could not believe this was the second time in a day he caught Elliot in such an awkward manner. At the same time, though, David could not help but relish the sight in front of him. It was one of those sights that gets seared into memory for life. 

Elliot was probably the most shocked of the two. He could not believe what had happened. He had been so careful to check if he was alone. But wait, was it really being careful? Wanking, in a public shower? He must have been out of his mind! And he had been caught, red-handed! Not only had David seen him naked, that actually didn’t worry him that much. They were public showers, after all. He had showered here with all the other boys last year as well. But he had always managed NOT to get a hard on in the showers. And David had not only got a good view of his hard cock, it had been right while he was cumming as well! The horror! He wanted the floor to swallow him up, the world to disappear, time to move back. He could not be right here, right now! 

It had not happened in years, but tears welled up and Elliot could not help but get stuck between crying and feeling so terribly ashamed. He had gone limp in a record time, if that had only happened a minute earlier!

David saw that Elliot was in all sorts. The boy had gone from a look of shock, to a look of bliss and right back to shock, horror, shame and now crying. He did not know what to do. His hand was still on Elliot’s shoulder. He felt like letting go as if Elliot was suddenly a live wire, or to grab hold of Elliot and pull him in for a hug to comfort the little guy. It was all very confusing. What could he do? What was he allowed to do?

Seeing actual sobs of crying made David not care any more about what he was or was not allowed to do. He was a human being, and his young friend was in distress. He pulled Elliot in close for a hug. He gave it no mind that both him and Elliot were naked as the day they had been born. His arms went round Elliot’s shoulders. Elliot let his head fall against David’s chest and sobbed.

“Hush, little guy.” David said. “All’s well,” he continued, “I startled you, again. I’m sorry. You have nothing to be ashamed about.” He wondered what he could say to make things better. “If Scott had not been here, and I had had the showers to myself, I’d probably be doing the same thing.”

Actually, come to think of it, that was what he had had in mind. He had been hoping to have the showers to himself, but the large clouds of steam wafting into the change room had made it quite clear he had not been alone. Ditching that plan, he had still wanted a nice shower, so he had thought he’d join Scott. Calling out to him had been kind of a courtesy thing, he had not wanted to scare Scott. He had definitely not expected scaring the living daylights out of Elliot.

David’s warm embrace had an immediate calming effect on Elliot. His words took a moment longer to penetrate his shocked brain. David was not mad? Wait, David would have been doing the same thing? That almost made him switch right back to laughing. He was a roller-coaster tonight!

He felt a last sob going through his body and he suddenly relaxed into David’s embrace. His mind no longer in full panic mode, it started communicating with the rest of his body again, and he could not help but notice feeling David’s package pressing into him. Not uncomfortably, not at all. But at this moment, it could not really excite him either. It was a weird feeling tough, holding another guy like this, naked, pressed into each other. Becoming more and more self-aware, he realized that if he could feel David pressing into him, that must mean that David would be feeling him pressed against his leg. It should worry him, it didn’t. He held on a bit longer, he took a deep breath and stepped back.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to turn all baby on you,” Elliot said. He found he could not really care about David seeing him naked, either. It’s not like he could turn back the clock and make him having seen any less. Talk about ice-breakers. 

“That’s okay, “ David said, “I’m sure I would have had as big of a shock had I been your age and getting caught like that. Actually, I remember one time I was at it and I forgot to lock my bedroom door. My dad had his hands full as he came in. I came as well, and the tray he had been carrying went all over the floor from the shock of seeing me pumping one out. It scared the living daylights out of the both of us, but we had never come together so quickly in making up excuses to my mother, who wanted to know what all the ruckus was and who had died. We had a good laugh after, my dad was a good guy.”

“I would die if dad caught me at it!” Elliot shuddered, then he realized what he had heard, “Your dad, he… was… a great guy?”

“Yeah, he passed away two years ago. Heart attack. Nobody had seen it coming.” David said quietly.  Even after two years, the memory still hit him in the gut every time. 

Elliot felt sorry, he had not meant to put David in a funk. He had just brought him out of a major funk!

He wrapped his arms around David again, all he could think he could do was giving David another hug. David considered it for a moment, but he thought caution had been thrown out of the window anyway, and he just accepted the hug for what it was.

Next: Chapter 3

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