Camp Greenfields

Published on Feb 9, 2022


Camp Greenfields - Chapter 1


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Now, on to the story!

Normally, this is where you would read some whining piece of shit complaining about having to go to summer camp… I don’t get it. Summer camp is A W E S O M E!

I have always loved going to camp. At first, my parents used to send me to some camp just outside of town with a kind of cabins. It was basically a huge sleepover party. I think I was about eight or nine. Okay, I’ll admit, I had the sniffles as mom closed the car door and drove away. But a game where you had to run around to collect things for an epic chocolate milk with marshmallows and everything soon made me forget.

I’m thirteen now. A proper teenager. I don’t go to silly ‘sleepover’ camps anymore. No, I get to do the real thing, and I don’t even have to be a scout! This is the second year I have gone to Camp Greenfields. We all get to stay in tents. You can bring your own, or use one of the Camp’s tents. I have been really lucky this year. My birthday was in April and I got the best tent ever from my grandparents! They always love hearing me go on and on about all the adventures I have on camp. Well, I don’t tell them ALL the adventures, but they do know I really love going.

So, I have this tent now that has three compartments. I have a front part, where I can leave my shoes and stuff. I can even set up a small chair in there. Then there is a sleeping cabin, and behind that, I have a separate space for storing bags and stuff. It should fit two people. That’s what it said on the packaging. But they have to be rather tiny people, I guess. It fits me comfortably though.

I got here a day early. My parents had called ahead and the camp leaders had told them that that would not be an issue, but I should not expect any special activities before the rest of the campers came in. That’s no problem for me, it gave me the chance to find the best place for my tent and set up early.

It was a bit weird. Camp Greenfields is a credit to its name, it has a few gorgeous green fields. Some slightly sloping against a hill and one at the bottom of the hill that is nice and flat with freshly trimmed grass. Only a minute’s walk from the shower and toilet building. All in all, I found a perfect spot for my tent.

Everyone who has ever gone camping will know that setting up a tent for the first time is never easy. It doesn’t make it much easier if you are not very tall, not even for a thirteen-year-old. I often get mistaken for eleven or twelve because I’m rather small. I’m a proper teen though, hit puberty and all. I have even already found some whispies and I can, you know, cum. Well, it gets wet, it doesn’t get all messy yet like some of my older friends told me about. But hey, I’m proud of it! And practice makes perfect, right?

Okay, I was telling you about the trouble I had setting up my tent. First, it was HOT. The sun was beaming down, and I felt like I was in a chicken rotisserie. I had already ditched my shirt, and I was actually working up a bit of a sweat. Secondly, all the poles in my tent seemed to be designed for people with arms much longer than me. I could get one end in a clip, but as soon as I moved to the other end, the first one would jump out on me. After to-ing and fro-ing for a while, one of the camp leaders came over.

“Hi, I’m David,” he introduced himself.

I looked at him and had to squeeze my eyes a bit shut because I was looking at him with the sun right behind him. He was one of the younger camp leaders, probably still in training. I’d guess he was around twenty, and he was dressed like a scout, without all the buttons and stuff. The handkerchief around his neck looked really nice on him, though. He was wearing shorts and I could see tiny dark hairs on his legs, going all the way up into the loose-fitting leg holes.

I quickly caught myself as I must have been staring. “Uhm, hi David, I’m Elliot,” I told him, “I’m here a day early.”

“That’s what I had heard. And I can see you have already found how difficult it is to set up a tent without any fellow campers to lend a hand,” David said, looking at the mess of tent poles and fabric were strewn around on the grass, “would you like me to give you a hand?”

As I was sitting down in the grass, I decided to take him up literally on his offer and stretched out my hand. I found David had very soft hands, but a strong grip. I was lifted off the ground quickly.

“I’d really appreciate that, I seem to be getting bested by my tent here,” I said, grinning.

“Well, I wasn’t going to say, but I’ve been watching you at it for like twenty minutes, and the other camp leaders were already discussing bets how long it would take you,” he said. 

Now that I was standing as well, I could see he had a really nice smile. Dimples. Dimples are a thing of mine. And blue eyes with dark blonde hair. 

I quickly grabbed a pole and explained what I thought needed to happen to get the tent together. We both studied the chart that explained in what order everything had to be setup. We were holding the map together, and I could feel his hand on mine at one point. Soft as they were, they were very hot, and it felt almost electrical to feel his hand on mine. He kept it there for a while as well, even though I was perfectly capable of holding a piece of paper myself. Not that I was complaining, I was already thinking of David as rather cute. For a twenty-year-old that is. I wasn’t too picky. 
Oh yes, in case you had not yet caught on, I am into guys. And boys. Not too much into girls. I have had a girlfriend for like two months. We kissed, we even fooled around a bit, but it wasn’t really my thing. When she moved away out of town because of her parents, I almost felt a bit ashamed that I felt it was an easy exit out of a kind of relationship thing that I wasn’t very comfortable with any more.

The frame was up in less than ten minutes, and the rest was basically draping the big tarp over the top and hooking up the inner tent parts on the corresponding loops. David crawled with me inside the tent for the last part, and I really enjoyed bumping in to him all the time. I was getting a bit uncomfortable though as I noticed my shorts started tenting as much as, well, my tent. I may know I like boys, but I am not ‘out’ to anyone, or trying to be in anyone’s face. To be honest, I think I’m a bit shy. However, not paying attention and being too focussed on getting the tent ready, I was on my back in the sleeping cabin, hooking up the last loops on the tent poles as David turned around and stuck his head into the sleeping section. Apparently, I was treating him to quite a show, as he couldn’t help but snicker a bit. I looked down at him and immediately noticed the rather obvious boner in my shorts. I quickly tried to cover myself with my hands, but obviously, the damage had already been done.

“No worries big guy,“ David laughed, “happens to us all.” He looked around the tent and noticed things were pretty much in order. “I guess you’re pretty much done, I’ll leave you to take care of, well, the rest.” 

I was afraid he was not talking about getting the tent ready any more. The big fat wink he gave me told me otherwise. I turned red like a beet. David was already pretty much out of the tent before I managed to get out a thank-you. David slapped the tent in acknowledgement and wandered off.

Trouble is, when you’re thirteen, hot, hormones raging and perhaps a bit frustrated, it only takes a mere suggestion and you literally NEED to wank. My bags were already in the tent. Not yet stowed where they should be, but close enough for me to quickly grab my spare roll of toiletpaper. I tore off a couple of sheets, way more than I’d probably need. I unbuckled my shorts, pushed them down and lay back in the sleeping cabin. The floor was hard and uncomfortable as I had not yet inflated my bed. No worries, when the mood hits you, the mood hits you!

I was already rock hard, 4 ½ inches according to my last measurement. I have an uncut dick. Which was a bit of an oddity as I had seen in the showers at school. But, it did make for an easy wank. I like lotion, but I didn’t really need it if I was in a hurry. And I was in a hurry. I took a good grip and immediately imagined what David’s soft hands would feel like. I started a slow jerk and I quickly felt the tingles gathering all over my body. After only stroking for a minute or so, I must have been really desperate, the tingles gathered and combined in my groin. The pressure was building and with a shudder and a gasp, I released 2 good drops of clear cum. I relaxed, my butt rested on the ground again and I the dampness on my stomach turning cold. I quickly wiped it away and was just about to pull up my shorts as I heard the zip of my tent open back up. Startled, I was just pulling up my own zipper as David’s head poked back in my tent. I’m not sure if he still saw a bit of my dick, or if I was quick enough.

David only needed a second to understand he had a very unfortunate timing. Or rather, you could also consider it a very fortunate timing. The tent had suddenly accumulated a very distinct sweaty odour and it seemed like young Elliot was the kind of boy that preferred to go commando in his shorts. He had glimpsed just a bit of dick getting tucked in behind a zipper.

“Oh, wow, sorry,” David excused himself, as he truly had not intended to catch Elliot in the act, “I was only kidding just now.”

Probably not the smartest thing David could have said, Elliot immediately understood that David knew full well what had just transpired. It was the second time in under half an hour that he turned beet red. “I was... I em... I needed to...” he tried, but he couldn’t think of a good excuse all of a sudden.

“Shit, mate, don’t worry.” David said quickly. “Oh, shit. No, forget that, we have just had an instruction that we need to keep in mind not to swear around campers. I’m sorry.” David got almost as flustered as Elliot. “It’s okay, it’s your tent, I should have knocked. If you needed to rub one out, that’s perfectly okay. Again, I’m sorry, I should have knocked. I’m still getting used to all of this.”

To Elliot’s amusement, David seemed to be getting more distraught than Elliot himself. Which actually calmed himself immediately. So what if David knew what he did. All his friends did it too. Well, some ‘claimed’ not to, but they were just full of it. Everybody did it. David probably did it too. “It’s okay, I guess.” Elliot said, “Good thing you didn’t come in a few minutes earlier”, he grinned.

“Oh god, no,” David exclaimed, “I’d be in so much trouble! I’m here as a trainee. Imagine getting caught in a tent with you wanking even before camp has actually started! I’d be fired before things actually started going!”

Elliot understood David’s worries now, he was afraid he’d tell on him not keeping the camper’s privacy in mind. He could see how that could get blown up to huge problems for David. He did not want David to worry like that, he was too nice a guy for that. “Don’t get yourself all worked up, I’m not going to tell anyone. Just, next time, knock, or ask or something.” He laughed, “or check if the tent is shaking.”

David visibly relaxed, he felt he was off the hook. “Okay, actually, I wanted to check if I had left my handkerchief in your tent. It’s gone.”

Elliot thought for a moment and looked around. First he noticed his wad of toilet paper still lying on the floor, awkward. But getting rid of it now would just call attention to it. David had not been in the back of the tent, so, if it was in here, it should be in the front part.

He helped David search, and below the bag that the tent had been in they found David’s handkerchief. With David on his knees right next to him, Elliot made a bold move. He took the handkerchief and tied it carefully around David’s neck. To get the knot in behind his neck, he basically had to hug David, and he was very aware that he was still not wearing his shirt. Except for his shorts, he was pretty much naked. He almost couldn’t believe it, but he felt himself getting hard, again! No, he was not going to give in again. It would just have to behave.

With the knot tied, he couldn’t resist, and he actually pulled David in for the last few centimetres into an actual hug. “Thank you”. He said.

David was caught off guard for a second, but then he leaned in and accepted the hug. “Not sure for what you’re thanking me, but you’re welcome, little guy!”

“Hey, you told me I’m a big guy earlier!” Elliot said, trying to sound offended.

Being reminded of the scene earlier, David couldn’t help but glance down. Seriously, the boy was hard, again!? “Em, okay, I see we’re still a big boy”. He laughed.

Elliot looked down. Shit, never mind, he was apparently still not the master of his own body. Thank you hormones!

Next: Chapter 2

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