Camp Experiment

By L.V.

Published on Mar 4, 2007


The usual disclaminers apply.

A note to the reader: There is unprotected sex in this story. Be advised that this isn't a promotional to unprotected sex. This is fiction. Always wear a condom.

Camp Experiment 5

........"That was awesome!" exclaimed Adrian, panting as he sucked in the air. He could smell the sweet hint of sex in it.

"Yeah, it was." stated Haden. Some of Adrian's cum was dripping from his lower lip.

"Yeah, but this can't be all." said Brady. He licked a lingering amount of Adrian's( or Haden's) cum from the corner of his mouth.

"What do you mean? We got each other off." Haden took a look at Adrian. "Well, he got himself off before we got here." He directed his eyes to Brady.

"Yeah, I know, but..." Brady trailed off. A smile lined his face and he looked directly at Haden's crotch as his smile widened.

"I get it." Haden brought up a smile of his own. He turned his gaze back to Adrian. "Do you want to?"

Adrian looked at his friend, then beamed with increased excitement. "In for a penny as they say."

Brady made the first move. He went behind Haden, gripped his ass cheeks. Haden stiffened at his touch. He reached back to him, and found his hardening cock brushing against the opening of his ass. Adrian took hold of Haden's cock, stroking it slowly. His own dick responded by raising to the night sky. As Adrian worked on Haden's front, Brady continued on his back. He took his cock in his hand, pulling back the foreskin; a dribble of pre-cum peeked from the piss slit, with part of it sliding back with the foreskin. He stroked it one more time before using it to part Haden's muscular cheeks. Haden released a deep sigh as his level of pleasure was being reached, with the help of his closest friends. Adrian leaned forward, stopping just inches from Haden's full lips. He lapped at them, attempting to open them. Haden took the hint. He opened his mouth, letting his tongue meet with Adrian's. Adrian finished his forward lean, embracing Haden with both his mouth and his free

hand; he kept hold of his rock hard dick, during the embrace.

Brady continued to open Haden's ass, until he reach the spot he was wanting to reach; Haden's virgin hole. Even through the passionate encounter he was having with Adrian, Haden noticed the play taking place at his aft section. He bended his strong physique slightly, allowing the continued connection with Adrian and giving access to Brady and his leaking cock.

Brady took the hint, guiding his stiffened penis to its needed duty. He closed his eyes, sighing from the sensations of not only the feeling of warm flesh snuggling against warm flesh, but also the thought of entering the ass of a guy that he had had quiet desires for. The event in the pond was just the beginning or rather the continuation of the experiment from the previous trip. The time, they would reach a culmination of the previous events. Brady started to shift his slender hips, guiding his cock on its trip through Haden's hole. Haden winced as his formerly unaltered and entry-free ass reluctantly parts as his friend continues to fuck him, uninterrupted.

Adrian continued his work on Haden's now leaking cock. He increased the strokes on both his cock and Haden's. Haden detached his tongue and lips from Adrian, leaving his cock as the only tether. Adrian moved from his lips to his neck, gently biting the flesh as he slid his tongue against it. Haden moaned, moving his hands to replace Adrian's around his cock; he took one hand away from it and wrapped it around Adrian's. It was Adrian's turn to release a moan. He kept his head and mouth connected to Haden's neck and released the moan. Brady joined him in pleasuring Haden's neck, each taking the opposite side. Brady, while pleasuring Haden's strong, thick neck, sped his cock's onslaught of his ass.

Haden began to respond. Moans started to increase in volume and an expression of utter pleasure lined his powerful features. Adrian moved away from Haden, still kneading his side of the neck as he moved behind Brady. Brady apparently didn't notice. He continued to fuck Haden's bum, increasing as his cock delved deeper into his friend's ass. He placed his hand onto his back, gently persuading Haden to bend forward. As his hind play partner leaned forward, Brady did also, driving his dick further into his friend. While in this position, a sensation made its presence known around Brady's butt. He felt the familiar specter of a foreign object entering the area that only recently was entered only by the talented tongue of Haden (who was now being ironically penetrated by Brady himself) and before that, Brady's fingers. Instead of resisting, Brady decided to allow this intrusion, much to the delight of Adrian.

With this allowance, Adrian took charge. He spat on his leaking cock, blending the freely flowing pre-cum with the saliva and proceeded to enter his friend's sweat-lubed sphincter. With a mutual gasp, Adrian continued to enter Brady's ass and Brady welcomed his friend's presence. A rhythm started. Adrian took hold of Brady by the hips and nearly slid his throbbing cock out of his ass, stopping at the gateway. He then, with amazing force, slammed back in, causing Brady to shudder with ecstatic delight. He gripped Haden's ass and followed the thrust from Adrian with a forceful one of his own into Haden. This was all that Haden's orgasmic buttons could handle.

As Brady pressed forward into his ass, Haden grasped his now aching cock . He closed his eyes, becoming overcame with pleasure. With one stroke of his dick, and mouth gaping open, he let loose a volley of cream that seemed to shoot two feet away from the sex-engulfed trio. Moans escaped from his open mouth as he continued to fire his cum from his cock. He frantically stroked his dick, trying, successfully, to release the lasting volleys of jizz from it.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed as the last rope of sperm left his aching cock. He kept his eyes closed as pressed his ass further in reverse, forcing Brady's dick into him. This action also allowed Adrian's cock to go deeper into Brady. He could feel Brady's anus clamp tighter around his shaft and it forced him to fuck him with more fervor and determination.

"Fuck me, Brady!" begged Haden. He reached back, trying to take hold of his friend's penetrated ass, attempting to press him further into his butt. "Don't stop!"

"Fuck me!!"

Brady must have thought the same thing because he sped up his thrusts and bent forward, making contact with Haden's sweaty, muscular back. He tenderly took Haden's right ear into his mouth and softly bit down on it as he continued his sexual assault of his friend's asshole. Adrian, not to be outdone, followed suit with his own thrusts in Brady's ass.

"Shit!", voiced Brady. No other words were needed. He gripped Haden's ass tightly and with one last, powerful thrust, his began to flood his friend's bum with cum. Brady continued to fuck the rest of his cum into Haden, even as Adrian started his own salvo of jizz. The three friends slowly dropped to the ground, beginning with Haden. Adrian finished the drop, still flooding Brady's tight ass with his cum. The guys rested in that spot in silence for what seemed like hours before Haden was the first to break it.

"I know this may sound a bit strange," he started, forcing a weak smile on his exhausted features. "but I really have to piss."

"That's not really strange." spoke Adrian. "I usually have to piss after cumming too."

Brady chuckled. "And I thought it was only me."

Adrian let out a soft chuckle then a sigh as he slowly pulled his cum-soaked cock out of Brady's hole. A trailing of cum followed his cock's travel away from it. Brady gasped a sigh of relief, mixed with disappointment. He pulled his cock out of Haden's bum. A similar trail followed his cock. The three remained on the ground for another row of minutes.

"Well, who's going to be first?" stated Adrian.

"I suppose it would be me." and with a weary grunt, Haden was the first to rise from their resting position. He walked over to a tree, pointed his softening cock to it and proceeded to let the pent-up fluid flow. As he pissed, he felt a hand caress his lower back; it was Brady. He took a similar position on the opposite side of the tree. With uncut cock in hand and a smile on his handsome features, he followed suit and peed on the tree. Adrian was the only one who didn't use a tree as a pissing post. He stood up and absently let his urine flow just inches from his feet. All three sighed with relief as they re-seeded the ground with their piss.

"So, what's next?" said Adrian as he let out the last drop of piss from his softened dick.

Brady was the first to come up with a suggestion. "Well," he started, wiggling his cock and stretching the foreskin as he finished his pissing. "we could plan the next camping trip. What do you two think about one in the winter?"

"Fine with me." said Haden. He scratched his balls as he walked over to Adrian. And with a surprise on both Adrian's and Brady's faces, Haden landed a kiss directly on Adrian's lips. He reiterated the action by placing a similar short peck on Brady. The two recipients beamed with showing teeth.

Brady reached over to Haden's crotch and playfully thumped his cock head. He didn't drop his smile, neither did Haden. "A winter experiment it is then." he looked over at Adrian who was scratching his balls. "If it's cool with you, Addy."

Adrian stepped forward and wrapped his arms around both his friends' necks.


The three laughed out loud and contemplated the next camp experiment.

THE END....maybe

Thank you to all read this, my first attempt in the erotic story field. I will be back with more. An again, thank you all and I hope you all enjoyed the story. Any comments or ideas for future stories send to



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